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Transcultural Final NCLEX Questions

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A nurse is assessing a 30-year old Chinese American client, what
A. Nonverbal behaviors of the client
should the nurse be particularly aware of? (Select all that apply)
C. Encouraging the client to verbalize their psychological problems
A. Nonverbal behaviors of the client.
B. How the family is interacting with the client.
Rationale: Monitor the nonverbal behaviors of the client and en-
C. Encouraging the client to verbalize their psychological prob-
courage the client to verbalize their psychological problems as
they may be less likely to verbalize these on their own.
D. The length of their hair.
According to the article on Communication and the older Chinese
Americans that we discussed earlier, which of the following is a
true implication for nursing care of a nurse caring for an older B. The nurse should address both spoken and written healthcare
Chinese American client? communication needs of the client.

A. The nurse should speak loudly and animatedly toward the Rationale: AEB the article previously discussed, we learned that
client. when communicating with elderly Chinese Americans, it is im-
B. The nurse should address both spoken and written healthcare portant for the nurse to provide written and spoken means of
communication needs of the client. communication to the patient to most positively effect their health
C. The nurse should address the client only when the client has status and level of care
first spoken to the nurse.
D. The nurse should avoid all eye-contact with the client.
What is an important question that the nurse can ask a Chinese
c. "Are you comfortable communicating in this setting?"
American client during their admission to the hospital?
Rationale: Chinese Americans may be less likely to communicate
a. "Where is your family?"
feelings of discomfort so it is important to address the client's per-
b. "What are you wearing?"
sonal space and recognize the need to adjust this space according
c. "Are you comfortable communicating in this setting?"
to the client's voiced feelings and observed nonverbal behaviors.
d. "How did you get here?"
A Chinese American client is experiencing a fever. The nurse
recognizes that the client is likely to self-treat the disorder, using
which method?
C. Foods considered to be yin
A. Prayer
B. Magnetic therapy
C. Foods considered to be yin
D. Foods considered to be yang
In what probable way should a nurse expect a Chinese American
client to view mental illness?

A. Mental illness is related to uncontrolled behaviors that bring

A. Mental illness is related to uncontrolled behaviors that bring
shame to the family.
shame to the family.
B. Mental illness is a curse from God related to immoral behaviors.
C. Mental illness is cured by home remedies based on supersti-
D. Mental illness is cured by "hot and cold" herbal remedies.
Alternative modes of healing for Chinese Americans may include?
(Select all that apply.)
A. Acupuncture
A. Acupuncture
C. Herbal Medicines
B. Opioids
D. Moxibustion
C. Herbal Medicines
D. Moxibustion
Which of these are most valued in the Chinese American culture?

A. Family A. Family
B. Pets C. Traditions
C. Traditions D. Male children
D. Male children
E. Female children
How do Chinese Americans perceive time?

A. Past
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B. Present
C. Future D. Dynamic wheel
D. Dynamic wheel
True or false: Chinese American infants are more prone to jaun-
A nurse is caring for a Navajo client that is hospitalized for high
blood pressure. The nurse comes in to the room and finds corn-
meal sprinkled around the bedside. What should the nurse do?
B. Realize that sprinkling cornmeal around the bedside is a cura-
A. Become disturbed and insist that it be removed
tive ritualistic ceremony for the Navajo people.
B. Realize that sprinkling cornmeal around the bedside is a cura-
tive ritualistic ceremony for the Navajo people.
C. Sweep up the cornmeal before the patient realizes it is gone.
D. Approach the client and ask them to not be so messy.
-A Navajo mother has just delivered her baby in the hospital. She
requests to have the umbilical cord after the birth. What is the
proper reasoning behind why the mother wants to keep the cord?

A. Navajo people are known to bury umbilical cords near an object A. Navajo people are known to bury umbilical cords near an object
or place that symbolizes what the parents want for the child's or place that symbolizes what the parents want for the child's
future. future.
B. Navajo women place umbilical cords in a box as a keepsake.
C. The Navajo people give the umbilical cord to their medicine men
as part of a religious ceremony.
D. Navajo people like to discard of umbilical cords themselves.
-When communicating with a Navajo it is important for a nurse to
provide culturally competent care. Which are aspects of care that
a nurse should take into consideration when caring for a Navajo?
(SELECT ALL THAT APPLY) A. A Navajo may not want to touch a dead person because of the
taboo associated with death.
A. A Navajo may not want to touch a dead person because of the B. Future rapport with the Navajo is based on the initial encounter
taboo associated with death. with them.
B. Future rapport with the Navajo is based on the initial encounter D. A Navajo translator should be knowledgeable in medical termi-
with them. nology and be aware of the Navajo lifestyle
C. Eye contact is seen as a sign of respect with the Navajos.
D. A Navajo translator should be knowledgeable in medical termi-
nology and be aware of the Navajo lifestyle.
Navajo Americans have a higher incidence of the following illness-

All are correct :)
Heart disease
A diet high in which of these foods will help lower incidence of
diabetes and heart disease in Native Americans?

A. Foods high in fiber, such as fruits and vegetables.

B. Cheap, processed, snack foods and meals that do not require A. Foods high in fiber, such as fruits and vegetables.
much effort to prepare.
C. Any foods as long as there is high alcohol consumption with
D. Traditionally prepared foods like frybread.
What can a nurse do to encourage compliance in their patients
who are Navajo American? SELECT ALL THAT APPLY
A. Make accommodations for family members to stay overnight.
A. Make accommodations for family members to stay overnight. B. Include the family in patient discharge teaching.
B. Include the family in patient discharge teaching.
C. Disregard traditional Navajo medical practices, only using
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Western medicine.
D. Remind the patient about upcoming appointments and to com-
D. Remind the patient about upcoming appointments and to com-
ply with long-term drug therapies.
ply with long-term drug therapies.
What type of food would an East Indian Hindu American NOT eat?

A. Rice
D. Chicken
B. Beans
C. Bread
D. Chicken
Which of the following is the most important for the nurse to
understand about East Indian Hindu americans?

A. Right hand is used for eating, left hand is used for personal
A. Right hand is used for eating, left hand is used for personal
B. Left hand is used for eating, right hand is used for personal
C. Either hand can be used for eating
D. A person must use chopsticks and not eat finger food
The spokesman for the family to healthcare providers is

A. Son B. Husband
B. Husband
C. Grandfather
D. Wife
A nurse walks into a patient's room and observes a couple com-
municating. The husband is making direct eye contact with his
wife. The wife would?
D. Keep eyes lowered, as a sign of respect
A. Make direct eye contact also
B. Walk out of the room
C. Become very verbal with the husband
D. Keep eyes lowered, as a sign of respect
What do most East Indian Hindu Americans view as disrespectful
in the eyes of the gods?

A. Eating meat B. Public display of affection

B. Public display of affection
C. Dancing
D. Men talking loud
Often nicknamed the "3 troubles": pitta, ____, &____

A. Earth: bones & muscle B. Water: phlegm/kapha

B. Water: phlegm/kapha D. Wind: vayu
C. Space: hollow organs
D. Wind: vayu
When giving a bath what is considered acceptable?

A. adding cold water to hot water

C. Adding hot water to cold water
B. bathing after breakfast
C. adding hot water to cold water
D. not bathing at all
When a loved one dies what does grieving look like? (SELECT
A. wailing
A. wailing B. chanting
B. chanting D. fainting
C. showing no emotions
D. fainting

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A nurse needs to interview an East Indian patient who only speaks
Hindi. How should the nurse interview the client?

A. Get a professional translator who speaks English and Hindi A. Get a professional translator who speaks English and Hindi
B. Ask a family member to translate.
C. Use the computer to translate
D. Don't worry about the family will figure it out.
1) In a hospital waiting room, you notice two Afghan American
women talking loudly to one another. As a culturally competent
nurse, you understand that the women are...
C. Conveying their affection for one another.
A. Trying to speak over their husbands.
B. Arguing with one another.
C. Conveying their affection for one another.
D. Trying to stand out from the crowd.
Your Afghan American patient is crying in her hospital bed. As a
culturally competent nurse, you know the most appropriate action
is to...
A. Give your patient a hug. D. Sit beside your patient.
B. Call an interpreter to help you figure out why she is crying.
C. Sit beside your patient and hold her hand.
D. Sit beside your patient.
Your 28 year old female Afghan American patient just showed up
to her appointment with her husband and five young children. The
most appropriate action is...
B. Ask the parents first, then offer the children coloring activities
A. Ask her husband to wait in the lobby with the children.
and/or toys to keep them occupied during the exam.
B. Ask the parents first, then offer the children coloring activities
and/or toys to keep them occupied during the exam.
C. Tell her not to bring her children to her next appointment.
D. Give the children a snack of pork rinds and apple juice.
Afghan Americans are known to be past, present, and future
time oriented. Which is an example of a present oriented Afghan

A. An Afghan American seen in social interaction activities. A. An Afghan American seen in social interaction activities.
B. An Afghan American worried about holding up traditions.
C. An Afghan American who is a really hard worker.
D. An Afghan American who is worried about their child's educa-
An Afghan American patient walks into the hospital and is admit-
ted with uncontrolled diabetes. As a culturally aware nurse, you
should know that...

A. The patient should have controlled this issue. B. The patient may have not known he had diabetes, so the nurse
B. The patient may have not known he had diabetes, so the nurse should ask and advocate for the patient and their new diagnosis.
should ask and advocate for the patient and their new diagnosis.
C. Categorize this illness as supernatural jinns.
D. This illness is common in Afghan Americans since their diet is
poor and consists of food with high sugar portions.
The following are examples of supernatural illness in and Afghan
American culture... (Select all that apply)
A. Jinns (attacked by a spirit or ghost)
A. Jinns (attacked by a spirit or ghost)
B. Epilepsy
B. Epilepsy
D. Evil eye (nazar)
C. Illness because it is the Will of God
D. Evil eye (nazar)
E. Illness that arises after not being clean.
Of the following which is true about the nursing care of a Korean
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a. Korean Americans do not speak English, therefore you will

always need a translator
b. Korean Americans do not mind crowds or physical touch d. It is important to have proper posture and attentive listening
c. When presenting yourself in conversation with a Korean Amer- skills
ican you should speak slow and loudly.
d. It is important to have proper posture and attentive listening
You are a nurse in the emergency department and your Korean
American patient has been given several options pertaining to the
advancement of care, as a nurse you know that it is important to:

a. Educate the patient on their condition and their treatment op-

tions and allow them to have a quiet alone space to meditate and
c. Educate patient and family on treatment options and understand
decide on further treatment
that the patient's superior may be the one to make the decision
b. Allow the patient to communicate with family and collectively
decide what is best
c. Educate patient and family on treatment options and understand
that the patient's superior may be the one to make the decision
d. Allow the physician to answer any questions and collect the
patient's preference for advancing care
When interacting with a Korean American it might be useful to
understand that:

a. Korean Americans may stand closer than what is comfortable

in lines at the supermarket
a. Korean Americans may stand closer than what is comfortable
b. Korean Americans avoid eye contact during conversation to
in lines at the supermarket
show that they are shy and might not respond as a sign of respect
c. When sitting next a Korean American you should cross your legs
at the knee with the sole of your foot exposed
d. Koreans are present oriented, so they might be late to dinner
When considering the dietary restrictions for many Korean-Amer-
icans, which of the following should the nurse exclude?

a. Chicken c. Yogurt
b. Gluten
c. Yogurt
d. Peanuts
When assessing a Korean American the nurse understands that
one of the biggest challenges to health care for these individuals
b. Lack of health care insurance
a. Resentment toward healthcare workers
b. Lack of health care insurance
c. Proximity to hospitals and clinics
d. Present-oriented lifestyle
When planning appointments the nurse understands that many
Korean Americans have:

a.An internal locus of control, and will most likely show up for
d. A future-oriented lifestyle, and will most likely be on time for their
b.A present-oriented lifestyle, and will often be late for appoint-
c. A polychromic lifestyle, and will most likely be distracted during
d. A future-oriented lifestyle, and will most likely be on time for their

When giving care to an African American patient, which of the

following is important to keep in mind when performing interven-
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A. Polychronic A. Polychronic - pts may need to multitask and have multiple

B. Monochronic events occuring in the space
C. Polymorphic
D. Monomorphic
What is lacking for the African American patient which keeps him
from seeking immediate help from a physician? (select all that
B. Socioeconomic status
C. Racism
A. transportation
D. Fear
B. Socioeconomic status
C. Racism
D. Fear
Which of the following is a statement that an African American
striving to be the "perfect patient" might say?

a. Can I have some more medication d. My pain is a 0/10 today

b. I need help getting to the bathroom
c. I noticed the IV wiring is kinked
d. My pain is a 0/10 today
You are taking care of an African American female who recently
had a CVA, leaving her unable to talk. As you attempt to give her
medications with her milk on her tray, she resists. After explain-
ing the importance of taking her medications, and on time, your
client reluctantly takes the medications with milk. Later she has a
large diarrhea stool. What biological variation should have been
A. Lactose intolerance is high among African Americans
considered with this patient?

A. Lactose intolerance is high among African Americans

B. Hypertension is high among African Americans
C. Tuberculosis is high among African Americans
D. Dietary variations may cause diarrhea in African Americans
Which health disease is NOT high in the African American popu-

A. Diabetes C. Osteoporosis
B. Sickle cell anemia
C. Osteoporosis
D. Hypertension
DeShawn is a 4 week old African American male who came in
with flat, blueish-grey like spots on his back. What would be an
appropriate reaction?

A. Tell the mom she is an unfit mother and take the baby away
D. Understand that they are Mongolian spots and are common in
B. Call child protective services so they can take the baby away
the African American population
C. Look the other way and sympathize with the mom because you
understand infants are a handful and it is only a couple bruises
after all
D. Understand that they are Mongolian spots and are common in
the African American population
What languages do the Amish commonly use? (select all that
A. English A. English
B. Spanish C. Pennsylvania Dutch
C. Pennsylvania Dutch D. German
D. German
E. French
TRUE or FALSE: During Church The men and women sit on
opposite sides of the church while children sit with the men
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Why do the Amish not like higher education?

A. They do not have enough teachers

B. Fear of children leaving the church and joining the outside world
B. Fear of children leaving the church and joining the outside world
C. Too many chores to do
D. They are not smart enough
Which of the following is not true in relation to the Amish and
environmental control?

A. The Amish have an external locus of control B. The Amish have an internal locus of control
B. The Amish have an internal locus of control
C. The Amish believe that everything is God's will
D. The Amish view their bodies as temples of God
Which of these statements is true regarding the Amish and Nutri-

A. The men help the wives prepare meals D. They have large family gardens consisting of fruits and vegeta-
B. They do not eat at public restaurants bles
C. Their diet consists largely of red meats
D. They have large family gardens consisting of fruits and vegeta-
The term Gelassenheit is an important part of Amish life. What
does it mean?

A. Submission to the will of God A. Submission to the will of God

B. Submission to the word of God
C. Praying to God
D. Obeying God
TRUE OR FALSE: blood transfusion, organ donation, cardiac
bypass surgery, and organ transplants are banned in the Amish False
A nurse is caring for an 90 year old Amish man. What would you
expect the family to do?

A. read to the patient C. sing to the patient

B. request a roommate for the patient
C. sing to the patient
D. ask for pain meds for the patient
A nurse is educating a nursing student about diseases that the
Amish population are susceptible to. The nurse mentions all these
diseases EXCEPT:
D. hypothyroidism
A. Type 2 DM
B. maple syrup urine disease
C. Hypertension
D. hypothyroidism
In what situation do you think an Amish person would refuse
medical intervention?

A. heart transplant A. heart transplant

B. kidney transplant
C. blood donation
D. child birth

Which of the following are true about Appalachian communica-

tion? (Select all that apply) A). Speak English
C). Straightforward with life
A). Speak English D). Will avoid confrontation by telling nurse what he/she wants to
B). Consider eye contact to be a sign of respect and should always hear
be used
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C). Straightforward with life
D). Will avoid confrontation by telling nurse what he/she wants to
All of the following statements about space are correct EXCEPT:

A). High importance of personal space

B). When a person is ill, the personal space remains and they want
B). When a person is ill, the personal space remains and they want
complete isolation
complete isolation
C). Close family involvement when someone is ill
D). Appreciative of privacy
What are ways a nurse can improve communication with an Ap-
palachian patient? (Select all that apply)
A). Direct approach with the patient
A). Direct approach with the patient B). Make the time to listen
B). Make the time to listen D). Be straightforward and give the facts to the patient
C). Only consider the patient's views, not family's opinion
D). Be straightforward and give the facts to the patient
The Appalachian people have a lower health status than the US
average. Which of the following are factors that contribute to their
low status? (Select all that apply)
A. Low-paying jobs
A. Low-paying jobs B. Environmental toxins
B. Environmental toxins C. Lack of employment
C. Lack of employment
D. High availability of health screenings
E. Desire for preventative measures
67% of rural areas in Appalachia are federally designated as
shortage areas. Lack of all of the following except contribute to
this shortage?

A. Transportation D. Food
B. Insurance
C. Telephones
D. Food
E. Available resources
True or False: Lay practitioners or "granny women" are commonly
used among the Appalachian community.
A doctor's appointment is made for an Appalachian American,
when should the nurse expect the patient to arrive?

A. 15 minutes early C. 15 minutes late

B. On time
C. 15 minutes late
D. Never
An Appalachian American patient is 30 minutes late to an appoint-
ment with a doctor, as a nurse, what should the appropriate action

A. Ask the patient to reschedule to a later date. B. Still see the patient being sure to not turn them away.
B. Still see the patient being sure to not turn them away.
C. Turn the patient away stating that the doctor does not have
enough time to see them.
D. Recommend the patient to be on time for the next visit.

What should a nurse consider about the family structure of an Ap-

palachian American when providing care? (Select all that apply)

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A. Large numbers of family members will be present with patient.
B. Need to consult mother in regard to health care decisions.
C. Ask any family members to leave room because of patients A. Large numbers of family members will be present with patient.
need for personal space while ill. E. Incorporate family members in health education
D. Provide lots of natural lighting to lift mood.
E. Incorporate family members in health education
There is a Mexican American client that is being admitted to the
hospital and the nurse on duty has to perform the admission
assessment. However, the client is unable to understand English
well. Which of the following should the nurse do in order to get
past the language barrier?
B. Get an approved interpreter.
A. Try to continue and communicate with the patient.
B. Get an approved interpreter.
C. Have another nurse help that knows some Spanish.
D. Have a family member translate.
A Mexican American client had a baby earlier this morning. The
nurse enters the room to congratulate the mother and admire the
baby. How should the nurse do so in order to remain culturally
C. Be sure to touch the baby while admiring the baby.
A. Just admire the baby but be sure not to touch the baby.
B. Only the parents are allowed to look at or touch the baby.
C. Be sure to touch the baby while admiring the baby.
D. The nurse should bless the baby before touching it.
The nurse is preparing a plan of care for an elderly Mexican
American patient that is in poor health. Which of the following
would be most appropriate?
D. Involve the family as much as possible in patient care.
A. Arrange home hospice care for the patient.
B. Recommend placing the patient in the nursing home.
C. Plan for a long term stay in the hospital.
D. Involve the family as much as possible in patient care.
Which is not a type of Jewish religion?

A. Orthodox
C. Deconstructivist
B. Conservative
C. Deconstructivist
D. Reform
A female Jewish American patient comes to the hospital because
of her heart failure. The patient requests a female nurse, but there
are not any available female nurses. What should the nurse do?
C. Explain to her that you respect her beliefs, but a female nurse
A. Ignore them and give her a male nurse.
is not available.
B. Tell her that she will not be able to be cared for at that hospital.
C. Explain to her that you respect her beliefs, but a female nurse
is not available.
D. Tell a female nurse she has no option but to care for this patient.
A nurse is caring for a Jewish American patient. The patient has
a lot of family members in the room. What is the best way for the
nurse to teach her patient about her condition?

A. Tell the family to leave so that she can clearly explain the
D. Ask the family to quiet down, but include the entire family in the
situation to the patient.
patient teaching.
B. Shout the information so that the patient can hear over her
family members' voices.
C. Come back later.
D. Ask the family to quiet down, but include the entire family in the
patient teaching.

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A nurse is preparing to deliver a food tray to client whose religion
is Jewish. The nurse checks the food on the tray and notes that the
client has received roast beef dinner with whole milk as beverage.
Which action will the nurse take?

A. deliver the food tray to the client

A nurse is preparing to deliver a food tray to client whose religion
is Jewish. The nurse checks the food on the tray and notes that the B. call the dietary department and ask for new meal tray
client has received roast beef dinner with whole milk as beverage.
Which action will the nurse take?

A. deliver the food tray to the client

B. call the dietary department and ask for new meal tray
C. replace the whole milk with fat-free milk
D. ask the dietary department to replace the roast beef with pork
A 52-year old Jewish lady had a right total knee arthroplasty
this morning a Catholic hospital. Crying hysterically, she rates
her pain a 9 out of 10 every hour on the hour despite receiving
Hydrocodone Q4. The nurse becomes suspicious of potential drug
seeking behavior, how does the nurse handle the situation?

a. Withhold Hydrocodone at next dose so the patient won't be- d. Acknowledge that the Jewish culture is emotional when ex-
come addicted pressing pain
b. Be aware when a person of the Jewish culture is ill they regress
to childish behaviors
c. Explain to the patient that she is an adult, therefore she needs
to act like one
d. Acknowledge that the Jewish culture is emotional when ex-
pressing pain
At an assisted living community of Jewish clients, the public health
nurse teaches about diseases and disorders they're at higher risk
of developing; SELECT ALL THAT APPLY.
A. Hypercholesterolemia
a. Hypercholesterolemia c. Coronary disease
b. Grave's disease d. Colorectal cancer
c. Coronary disease
d. Colorectal cancer
e. Hemophilia

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