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31Qw/exp-NCLEX Questions for Leadership and Management

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1. The nurse manager has asked Answer:

that all staff nurses develop 2. If the nurses learn about and use rel-
effective leadership competen- evant leadership and management theo-
cies. How should the staff nurs- ries and styles this is possible.
es interpret this request?
1. This is an unrealistic expecta- 1: A nurse does not need to have a formal
tion, because only managers are management position with a manage-
leaders. ment title to be a leader; if nurses demon-
2. If the nurses learn about strate leadership competencies, they are
and use relevant leadership and considered nurse leaders.
management theories and styles 2: In today's health care environment,
this is possible. nurses must have knowledge of rele-
3. In order to become leaders, the vant leadership and management the-
staff nurses will have to empha- ories and styles. This knowledge helps
size control, competition, and nurses emerge as leaders. Nurses are
getting the job done. also leaders of their own nursing prac-
4. Unless the staff nurses pos- tices.
sess the traits of a natural born 3: Control, competition, and getting the
leader, this is an unrealistic ex- job done are past theories and styles and
pectation. are not as useful in today's environment.
4: Leadership is a skill that can be

2. Peter Drucker's view of man- Answer:

agement stimulated the shift to- 4. Staff nurses provide input into planning
ward the realization of the im- and changes for their own unit.
portance of participatory organi-
zations. Which option provides a Rationale:
scenario that is an example of a 1: In participatory organizations, the con-
participatory organization? trol of the organization is decentralized
1. The control of the organiza- and many decisions are made by those
tion is centralized, and decisions "on the front lines" of the organization.
are made by upper-level man- 2: The theory is that the staff should be
agement. nurtured to promote greater leadership
2. Staff nurses are expected to competency.
provide support and nurturing 3: According to Drucker, when staff par-
for management's decisions. ticipate in the core functions of manage-
3. The organization's approach ment, the organization is more effective.
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to leadership is autocratic and 4: According to Drucker, when staff par-
bureaucratic. ticipate in the core functions of manage-
4. Staff nurses provide input into ment such as planning and changes for
planning and changes for their their own units, the organization is more
own unit. effective.

3. Which behavior demonstrates Answer:

the nurse's competency as an 3. The nurse supports team members.
emotionally intelligent leader?
1. The nurse is proficient in tech- Rationale:
nical skills. 1: While technical skill is important for all
2. The nurse relies on policies, nurses, it is not a hallmark of a competent
not options. leader.
3. The nurse supports team 2: Chaos theory states that solutions are
members. not always clear and policies might not
4. Productivity is not a major always be applied easily; other options
concern. might need to be considered.
3: In Emotional Intelligent theory, team
members support each other and feel
supported by the team leader.
4: This statement reflects the country club
leadership style.

4. Describe the primary focus of a Answer:

manager in a knowledge work 1. Developing the most effective teams.
1. Developing the most effective Rationale:
teams. 1: The most important focus of this man-
2. Taking risks. ager is on developing and supporting ef-
3. Routine work. fective teams, utilizing the knowledge of
4. Understanding the history of many.
the organization. 2: Risk taking is a part of knowledge work,
but is not the most important of this man-
ager's tasks.
3: Knowledge work is a combination of
routine and non-routine work, so the man-
ager will have focus on the routine. This is
not the manager's most important focus.
4: Understanding the history of the orga-

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nization is important as it will help the
manager work within the organization, but
it is not the most important focus.

5. A very young nurse has been Answer:

promoted to nurse manager of 2. Give assignments clearly, taking staff
an inpatient surgical unit. The expertise into consideration.
nurse is concerned that older
nurses may not respect the man- Rationale:
ager's authority because of the 1: Critical thinking is important for every
age difference. How can this RN, not just a manager 2: Giving clear as-
nurse manager best exercise au- signments is a characteristic of authority.
thority? The young nurse who takes staff exper-
1. Use critical thinking to solve tise into consideration when making as-
problems on the unit. signments is likely to be more successful
2. Give assignments clearly, tak- in leading the group.
ing staff expertise into consider- 3: Nurse managers do work in complex
ation. health care environments but must cre-
3. Understand complex health ate an appropriate organizational envi-
care environments. ronment as a way of exercising authority.
4. Maintain an autocratic ap- 4: In autocratic leadership, one person
proach to influence results. has all of the power. This is not a good
approach for a younger leader to adopt
when working with a group of older, more
experienced nurses.

6. What statement, made in the Answer:

morning shift report, would help 3. "I'm sorry, but I do not have a nurse to
an effective manager develop spare today to help on your unit. I cannot
trust on the nursing unit? make a change now, but we should talk
1. "I know I told you that you further about schedules and needs."
could have the weekend off, but
I really need you to work." Rationale:
2. "The others work many extra 1: To develop trust, managers who make
shifts, why can't you?" promises to staff must keep the promise.
3. "I'm sorry, but I do not have 2: This statement implies that the staff
a nurse to spare today to help nurse is not a team player. It also sets up
on your unit. I cannot make one nurse against the remainder of the
a change now, but we should staff. Effective managers must be fair and

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talk further about schedules and supportive with all staff.
needs." 3: This manager is standing up for staff by
4. "I can't believe you need help not allowing another unit to take a nurse
with such a simple task. Didn't today.
you learn that in school?" 4: This statement is belittling to the staff
nurse. This attitude does not demonstrate
trust that staff performances will be effec-

7. The nurse has just been pro- Answer:

moted to unit manager. Which 1. "If you make a mistake with your staff,
advice, offered by a senior unit admit it, apologize, and correct the error
manager, will help this nurse be- if possible."
come inspirational and motiva-
tional in this new role? Rationale:
1. "If you make a mistake with 1: Managers need to be honest and forth-
your staff, admit it, apologize, coming with staff, which includes taking
and correct the error if possi- responsibility for one's own actions and
ble." errors. This also provides a positive role
2. "Don't be too soft on the staff. model for the staff.
If they make a mistake, be certain 2: When errors occur, the manager should
to reprimand them immediately." use the opportunity for improvement, not
3. "Give your best nurses extra punishment.
attention and rewards for their 3: When staff feel some staff are given ex-
help." tra credit, staff will feel uncomfortable with
4. "Never get into a disagree- the manager and resentment will build.
ment with a staff member." 4: Staff need to feel that they can share
their feedback, positive or negative, and
not feel threatened when they disagree
with the manager.

8. The nurse wishes to improve Answer:

personal Emotional Intelligence 1. Self-confidence.
(EI) in hopes of a promotion to 4. Empathy.
nurse manager. Which skills are 5. Ability to initiate change.
important for this nurse to im-
prove? Select all that apply. Rationale:
1. Self-confidence. 1: EI competencies are self-confidence,
2. Knowledge base of nursing. empathy, change catalyst, and visionary

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3. Proficiency in technical skills. leadership.
4. Empathy. 2: While this is an important aspect of pro-
5. Ability to initiate change. fessional nursing, it is not a competency
of EI.
3: While this is an important aspect of pro-
fessional nursing, it is not a competency
of EI.
4: EI competencies are self-confidence,
empathy, change catalyst, and visionary
5: EI competencies are self-confidence,
empathy, change catalyst, and visionary

9. Compare and contrast manag- Answer:

er roles and leadership roles by 3. Control the environment.
choosing the options that are 5. Focus on efficiency.
more aligned with the manager
role. Select all that apply. Rationale:
1. Focus is change. 1: The manager accepts the status quo,
2. Have the ability to influence while the leader challenges it.
others. 2: The manager controls people, while the
3. Control the environment. leader influences
4. Focus is on people. 3: The manager controls the environment,
5. Focus on efficiency. patient care, and the staff that deliver that
4: The leader focuses on people while the
manager focuses on systems and struc-
5: Managers focus on efficiency, while
leaders focus on effectiveness.

10. Typically the nurse manager of a Answer:

unit uses a participatory style of 2. Autocratic.
leadership. Today a patient suf- 4. Directive.
fered a cardiac arrest; the man- 5. Authoritarian.
ager took over the patient's care,
issuing orders, and expecting Rationale:
staff to obey them immediately. 1: This style is focused on organizational

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Which type of leadership did this rules and policies.
manager exhibit today? Select 2: Autocratic, directive, and authoritarian
all that apply. are all terms used to describe leadership
1. Bureaucratic. in which the leader makes the decisions
2. Autocratic. for the group, issues direct orders, and
3. Permissive. expects staff to immediately obey. This is
4. Directive. an appropriate leadership style in emer-
5. Authoritarian. gencies such as a cardiac arrest.
3: This is a "hands-off" approach.
4: Autocratic, directive, and authoritarian
are all terms used to describe leadership
in which the leader makes the decisions
for the group, issues direct orders, and
expects staff to immediately obey. This is
an appropriate leadership style in emer-
gencies such as a cardiac arrest.
5: Autocratic, directive, and authoritarian
are all terms used to describe leadership
in which the leader makes the decisions
for the group, issues direct orders, and
expects staff to immediately obey. This is
an appropriate leadership style in emer-
gencies such as a cardiac arrest.

11. There have been several patient Answer:

complaints that the staff mem- 3. Laissez-faire.
bers of the unit are disorganized
and that "no one seems to know Rationale:
what to do or when to do it." 1: Autocratic and authoritarian leaders
The staff members concur that make decisions for the group and assume
they don't have a real sense of di- people are incapable of making indepen-
rection and guidance from their dent decisions. While this is not always
leader. Which type of leadership a good leadership style, it is unlikely the
is this unit experiencing? complaints in this scenario would occur.
1. Autocratic. 2: Bureaucratic leaders depend upon pol-
2. Bureaucratic. icy and rules. This is not always a good
3. Laissez-faire. style of leadership, but it is unlikely the
4. Authoritarian. complaints in this scenario would occur.
3: This style of leadership can be so de-
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tached that there is no direction or real
leadership. This will often be reflected in
the work of the staff and the perceptions
of the patients.
4: Autocratic and authoritarian leaders
make decisions for the group and assume
people are incapable of making indepen-
dent decisions. While this is not always
a good leadership style, it is likely the
complaints in this scenario would occur.

12. The nursing student clinical Answer:

group is attending the first clin- 1. Total patient care model.
ical session of the semester.
What nursing care delivery mod- Rationale 1: Typically, student nurses fol-
el can these students most usu- low the total patient care model and pro-
ally expect to follow? vide all of the care for a patient while
1. Total patient care model. in the clinical area. This model may be
2. Functional nursing model. altered slightly to accommodate the stu-
3. Primary nursing model. dent's progress in the nursing program or
4. Care management model. the policies of the facility. For example,
the nursing student may provide all care
except giving IV meds.
Rationale 2: Functional nursing is a
task-oriented approach where staff mem-
bers are assigned to provide a specific
task, such as wound care.
Rationale 3: In primary nursing, the RN
assumes 24-hour responsibility for plan-
ning, directing, and evaluating the pa-
tient's care, from admission to discharge.
Rationale 4: The care management mod-
el, which is similar to case management,
focuses on the needs of the integrated
delivery system.

13. This morning, the RN is as- Answer:

signed to administer medica- 2. Functional nursing model.
tions to all of the patients on

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the medical-surgical unit. From Rationale 1: The staff working for an or-
this assignment, the RN knows ganization that uses the total patient care
that this organization adheres to model are assigned to provide all of the
which type of patient care deliv- care for a patient while in the clinical area.
ery model? Rationale 2: Functional nursing is a
1. Total patient care model. task-oriented approach where staff mem-
2. Functional nursing model. bers are assigned to provide a specific
3. Primary nursing model. task, such as passing out medications for
4. Care management model. the unit.
Rationale 3: IN primary nursing, the RN
assumes 24-hour responsibility for plan-
ning, directing, and evaluating the pa-
tient's care, from admission to discharge.
Rationale 4: The care management mod-
el, which is similar to case management,
focuses on the needs of the integrated
delivery system.

14. What is a disadvantage of using Answer:

the team approach for care deliv- 1. The team leader might not have the
ery? necessary leadership skills required to
1. The team leader might not successfully lead the team.
have the necessary leadership
skills required to successfully Rationale 1: Using the team approach
lead the team. requires that the team leader have the
2. There is a risk that care will be necessary leadership skills to coordinate
fragmented. and delegate patient care.
3. This approach often leads to Rationale 2: The team approach helps
greater staff dissatisfaction, with keep care from becoming fragmented.
staff members feeling they are Rationale 3: In this approach, each team
just grinding out tasks. member can contribute his or her own
4. This approach may lead to special expertise or skill in caring for the
decreased collaboration and re- patient.
dundancy in patient care. Rationale 4: There is generally a greater
amount of collaboration and less redun-
dancy or care.

15. The nurse is interviewing for a Answer:

position in a newly opened hos- 2. Conversation with a staff nurse reveals

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pital. Which observation would that the nurse feels empowered in making
best indicate to this nurse patient care decisions.
that the organization follows a
shared governance model? Rationale 1: This documents that the hos-
1. Among the documents pro- pital follows the classical theory of organi-
vided by the human resources zation.
department is an organizational Rationale 2: Shared governance increas-
chart of the nursing department, es each nurse's influence over the orga-
indicating that the director is the nization, empowering staff.
highest-ranking member. Rationale 3: This is a classical organiza-
2. Conversation with a staff tional model.
nurse reveals that the nurse Rationale 4: Although the shared gov-
feels empowered in making pa- ernance model does provide some au-
tient care decisions. tonomy, there is also an understanding
3. The mission statement of the that staff are expected to collaborate and
hospital describes centralized function cooperatively with both manage-
power. ment and colleagues.
4. A staff nurse mentions that
each individual staff member
has complete autonomy.

16. Which factor would least likely Answer:

be included in the analysis of an 4. The turnover rate of nursing personnel
organization? in a given unit.
1. Whether the organization's
mission and vision match staff Rationale 1: The vision and mission state-
performance. ments are the driving forces behind all
2. Results from a staff opinion decision, and provide critical information
survey regarding the organiza- about the organization's values and phi-
tion's decision-making process- losophy.
es. Rationale 2: It is important to analyze
3. How the organization's com- how staff members believe decisions are
munication patterns have affect- made.
ed the change process. Rationale 3: It is essential to analyze com-
4. The turnover rate of nursing munication patterns because communi-
personnel in a given unit. cation runs an organizations and its ability
to function effectively.
Rationale 4: Organizational analysis does
take staffing issues into consideration.
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However, of the options provided, the
turnover rate of a particular unit is least
likely to be considered. Analysis would
likely be focused on the turnover rate in
the entire organization.

17. The patient who had a Answer:

colonoscopy one hour ago sud- 1. Autonomy.
denly experiences bright red 2. Responsibility.
rectal bleeding, becomes di- 4. Accountability.
aphoretic, and is short of breath.
The nurse decides to implement Rationale 1: Autonomy in clinical decision
standing emergency orders and making occurs whenever a nurse makes
initiates oxygen per mask and an independent judgment about the pres-
increases the patient's IV rate ence of a clinical issue and then provides
while a colleague contacts the the resolution. This nurse identified that
patient's physician. Which criti- the patient was experiencing distress and
cal element of nursing is this made the clinical judgment to use emer-
nurse demonstrating? gency orders. The nurse could have also
Standard Text: Select all that ap- made a clinical judgment not to use them.
ply. Rationale 2: This nurse was entrusted
1. Autonomy. with a particular function, in this case,
2. Responsibility. caring for a post-op patient.
3. Delegation. Rationale 3: There is no indication that
4. Accountability. the nurse delegated care of this patient to
5. Relevance. anyone.
Rationale 4: Accountability is the accep-
tance of responsibility of the outcomes of
Rationale 5: This term is not one of the
critical elements of nursing.

18. What is the oldest of the nursing Answer:

care models? 1. Total patient care.
1. Total patient care.
2. Functional nursing. Rationale 1: This is the oldest of the mod-
3. Team nursing. els. Nurses have provided this type of
4. Primary nursing. care for generations.
Rationale 2: This model is not as old as

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total patient care.
Rationale 3: This model is not as old as
total patient care.
Rationale 4: This model is not as old as
total patient care.

19. Which options are included in Answer:

the six dimensions of shared 2. Access to information about the orga-
governance? nization.
Standard Text: Select all that ap- 4. Ability to set goals and negotiate con-
ply. flict.
1. Informal authority base. 5. Control over professional practice.
2. Access to information about
the organization. Rationale 1: Shared governance requires
3. Delegation of care to others. formal authority granted by the organiza-
4. Ability to set goals and nego- tion.
tiate conflict. Rationale 2: This is a part of shared gov-
5. Control over professional ernance.
practice. Rationale 3: This is not a part of shared
governance though it occurs in a shared
governance organization.
Rationale 4: This is a part of shared gov-
Rationale 5: This is a part of shared gov-

20. What are the responsibilities Answer:

of the nurse manager in most 1. Staffing.
shared governance models? 3. Program evaluation.
Standard Text: Select all that ap- 4. Allocation of resources.
ply. 5. Long-range planning.
1. Staffing.
2. Direct patient care. Rationale 1: This is a responsibility of
3. Program evaluation. the nurse manager in most shared gover-
4. Allocation of resources. nance models.
5. Long-range planning. Rationale 2: In most shared governance
models, the nurse manager is not respon-
sible for providing direct patient care.
Rationale 3: This is a responsibility of

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the nurse manager in most shared gover-
nance models.
Rationale 4: This is a responsibility of
the nurse manager in most shared gover-
nance models.
Rationale 5: This is a responsibility of
the nurse manager in most shared gover-
nance models.

21. The nurse manager is making Answer:

patient assignments for the shift. 3. Patient needs.
What should be the primary
guiding factor in these assign- Rationale 1: This is an important determi-
ments? nant of staff assignments, but is not the
1. Number of staff available. most important factor.
2. Skill mix of the staff. Rationale 2: This is an important determi-
3. Patient needs. nant of staff assignments, but is not the
4. Physical layout of the unit. most important factor.
Rationale 3: The most important factor in
any decision made by any health care
provider should be patient needs.
Rationale 4: This is an important determi-
nant of staff assignments, but is not the
most important factor.

22. What is the primary focus of dis- Answer:

ease management programs? 3. The whole patient.
1. Curing the disease.
2. Reducing the need for medica- Rationale 1: This can be a focus, depend-
tions. ing upon the disease, but is not the prima-
3. The whole patient. ry focus.
4. Learning more about the dis- Rationale 2: This can be a focus, depend-
ease. ing upon the disease, but is not the prima-
ry focus.
Rationale 3: The primary focus is caring
for the whole patient.
Rationale 4: This can be a focus, but is not
the primary focus.

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23. The nurse who works for an Answer:
insurance company has been 1. High cost problems.
asked to develop an initial set of 2. Those with high numbers of hospital-
disease management programs. izations.
What factors should this nurse 3. Those with high risk for complications.
consider when choosing the dis- 4. Long-term problems.
eases? Select all that apply. 5. Those with a longer length of stay when
1. High cost problems. hospitalization is required.
2. Those with high numbers of
hospitalizations. Rationale 1: High cost, high volume, high
3. Those with high risk for com- risk diseases are typically considered for
plications. management programs.
4. Long-term problems. Rationale 2: High cost, high volume, high
5. Those with a longer length of risk diseases are typically considered for
stay when hospitalization is re- management programs.
quired. Rationale 3: High cost, high volume, high
risk diseases are typically considered for
management programs.
Rationale 4: Long-term problems incur
high costs.
Rationale 5: Longer length of stay in-
creases costs.

24. Which description of a clinical Answer:

pathway provided by a nursing 4. Clinical pathways guide the patient and
student would indicate the best interprofessional team in managing pa-
understanding of the concept? tient care and recovery within a designat-
1. Clinical pathways are tools to ed time frame.
measure patient outcomes.
2. Clinical pathways are the Rationale 1: This statement only de-
same as nursing care plans. scribes a portion of the use of clinical
3. Clinical pathways are devel- pathways.
oped to use in acute care set- Rationale 2: While the clinical pathway
tings and guide the nursing care does include nursing care, they are inter-
of patients as they are admitted, professsional.
treated, and discharged. Rationale 3: This option does not take
4. Clinical pathways guide the into account the interprofessional nature
patient and interprofessional of clinical pathways, nor does it take into
team in managing patient care account the fact that they are used in
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and recovery within a designat- areas other than acute care.
ed time frame. Rationale 4: This statement is the clearest
and most complete description of a clini-
cal pathway.

25. The staff nurse has been asked Answer:

to work on a committee whose 1. To provide quality health care with the
task is to develop clinical path- efficient use of resources while controlling
ways for the facility. What is the costs.
purpose of these pathways?
1. To provide quality health care Rationale 1: Clinical pathways were de-
with the efficient use of re- veloped in response to the need to identi-
sources while controlling costs. fy quality, cost-effective health care within
2. To provide practice guidelines a specific time frame.
for the general treatment of a Rationale 2: Clinical pathways are specif-
specific diagnosis. ic and unique to the health care agency or
3. To reduce patient length of managed care organization in which they
stay. are used.
4. To justify alternative treatment Rationale 3: One of the purposes for de-
methods. veloping clinical pathways is to reduce
the cost of health care. This can occur
as a result of reduced length of stay, but
reducing length of stay is not the primary
Rationale 4: Clinical pathways often are
used to demonstrate compliance with
standards of care, accreditation, and reg-
ulatory requirements.

26. The health care providers in an Answer:

organization have chosen not to 1. Clinical pathways development and im-
adopt the use of clinical path- plementation takes time and can be cost-
ways. What are reasons to justify ly.
this decision? Select all that ap- 2. The pathway content has to be evaluat-
ply. ed each time it is used.
1. Clinical pathways develop- 3. Some believe that clinical pathways re-
ment and implementation takes sult in excessive paperwork and redun-
time and can be costly. dant documentation.
2. The pathway content has to be 4. There is fear that pathways will be used

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evaluated each time it is used. in evaluating staff performance.
3. Some believe that clinical
pathways result in excessive pa- Rationale 1: These pathways are devel-
perwork and redundant docu- oped for each facility and can be costly to
mentation. develop and implement.
4. There is fear that pathways will Rationale 2: Since the content contains
be used in evaluating staff per- the general care of the patient with a
formance. specific disease, the content must be re-
5. The use of clinical pathways viewed and individualized to each patient
has not been proven to make a each time it is used.
difference in patient care. Rationale 3: New forms and paperwork
often cause health care providers to be
concerned about new methods of provid-
ing care.
Rationale 4: Some health care providers
fear the interprofessional aspects of
these tools. Others resent the require-
ment to follow the instructions of the criti-
cal pathway and fear they will be criticized
if their general care does not match that
required by the critical pathway.
Rationale 5: These pathways do change
patient care and can support interprofes-
sional care.

27. Which statement is true regard- Answer:

ing implementation of clinical 3. Using pathways is the best way to as-
pathways? sess length of stay (LOS).
1. Pathways replace physician
orders. Rationale 1: Pathways do not replace
2. Pathways cannot be used for physician orders.
patients with more than one ill- Rationale 2: Pathways can be used for
ness or condition. patients with more than one illness or
3. Using pathways is the best condition by developing co-paths.
way to assess length of stay Rationale 3: Using pathways is the best
(LOS). way to assess the LOS, and their use
4. Disclaimers may be used with helps to determine the best expected
clinical pathways to convey that LOS.
treatment is standardized. Rationale 4: Disclaimers are a way to indi-
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cate that care will be provided to meet the
individual needs of the patient, which may
require variance from a clinical pathway.

28. Differentiate between disease Answer:

management programs and clin- 1. The major goal is to prepare the pa-
ical guidelines by choosing the tient to understand the disease and to in-
option that describes disease crease self-management of the disease.
management programs.
1. The major goal is to prepare Rationale 1: The purpose of disease man-
the patient to understand the dis- agement programs is to provide patients
ease and to increase self-man- with education and preventive care that
agement of the disease. improves quality of life.
2. They establish standards that Rationale 2: This is true of clinical guide-
focus on health maintenance. lines.
3. They have been adopted to Rationale 3: This is true of clinical guide-
control costs. lines.
4. They are also called medical Rationale 4: This is true of clinical guide-
review criteria. lines.

29. The Governing Board of the hos- Answer:

pital has completed an assess- 3. There is evidence that the values of the
ment of the organization's cul- organization and the health professionals
ture. Which findings would lead working there are similar.
the Board to determine that the 5. New people who come into the organi-
culture is healthy? zation learn about the culture by connect-
Standard Text: Select all that ap- ing behaviors and consequences.
1. There is wide variation in the Rationale 1: Separate approaches to ex-
expectations of individual em- pectations, caring, and values among de-
ployees and departments. partments would not be present.
2. The decisions made about Rationale 2: The decisions should be pa-
care are staff-centered. tient-centered.
3. There is evidence that the Rationale 3: A hallmark of a healthy or-
values of the organization and ganization is a close match of values be-
the health professionals working tween the organization and its health pro-
there are similar. fessionals.
4. The organization is designed Rationale 4: The organization should be
to serve its health professionals. designed to serve the patients.

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5. New people who come into Rationale 5: This is the way new people
the organization learn about the learn the values of the organization.
culture by connecting behaviors
and consequences.

30. The staff nurse has been asked Answer:

to assume leadership of a work 1. Keep promises that are made.
team. Which strategies should 2. Give honest feedback.
this nurse use to increase the 4. Reward followers.
team members' trust? Select all
that apply. Rationale 1: If the leader does not keep
1. Keep promises that are made. promises, trust is lost.
2. Give honest feedback. Rationale 2: Feedback should be honest
3. Create a logical excuse for not and formulated to help the follower do a
keeping promises made. better job.
4. Reward followers. Rationale 3: The leader can explain why
5. Ask followers to defer feed- a promise was not kept, but should not
back until the end of the project. "create" excuses.
Rationale 4: Followers appreciate re-
wards when they are earned.
Rationale 5: Followers should be encour-
aged to provide feedback to the leader
throughout the project.
31. The manager has asked the staff Answer:
to participate in the selection of 3. Empowerment of staff.
new intravenous pumps for the
unit. The manger has provided a Rationale 1: This manager has used ex-
list of choices and budget guide- pert opinion, not expert power.
lines. This is an example of use Rationale 2: Legitimate power is the type
of which management strategy? of power that is "awarded" with a position.
1. Use of expert power. Rationale 3: This action enables others to
2. Use of legitimate power. act and provides others with the oppor-
3. Empowerment of staff. tunity to participate and influence deci-
4. Management persuasiveness. sions.
Rationale 4: The manger would have
used persuasiveness to convince the staff
to adopt a particular kind of pump that the
manager chose.

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1. an accurate assessment drives the rest of the steps a. planning

of the nursing process. which management function
drives effective management?
a. planning
b. directing
c. organizing
d. controlling

2. which is most basic for a nurse to have when working a. strong interper-
a management position? sonal communica-
a. strong interpersonal communication skills tion skills
b. awareness of when to be confrontational
c. knowledge of the role of a change agent
d. recognition by peers as a leader

3. a unit manager mentors a new unit manager as part d. expert

of orientation to the position. what type of power is
being used by the unit manager mentor?
a. influence
b. coercive
c. referent
d. expert

4. a nurse manager considers that there are "five rights d. supervision

of delegation". which is a right of delegation in addi-
tion to right task, right person, right communication,
and right time?
a. place
b. route
c. feedback
d. supervision

5. which should the manager do first to overcome resis- a. ensure that the
tance to change? planned change is
a. ensure that the planned change is within the current within the current
beliefs and values of the group beliefs and values
b. provide incentives to encourage commitment of of the group
participants to the change
c. implement change by employing small steps rather
1 / 10
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than large steps
d. use influence power to ensure that goals of change
are met

6. when considering the autocratic leadership style, an d. consultative

"autocratic" leader is to an "authoritarian" leader as a
"democratic" leader is to which type of leader?
a. directive
b. permissive
c. oppressive
d. consulatative

7. which nursing-care delivery model is based on case d. primary nursing

a. client classification system
b. diagnosis related groups
c. critical pathways
d. primary nursing

8. which statement is most significant in relation to the b. risks and bene-

concept of change theory in the health care environ- fits of change must
ment? be weighed
a. stages of change are predictable
b. risks and benefits of change must be weighed
c. activities that are new result in positive outcomes
d. changes that are large are easier to adapt to than
multiple smaller changes

9. several nurses complain to the nurse manager that on b. talk with the
of the nursing assistants constantly takes extensive nursing assistant
lunch breaks. which should the nurse manager do? to explore the rea-
a. convene a group meeting of all the nursing assis- sons for the be-
tants to review their responsibilities related to time havior and review
management expectations
b. talk with the nursing assistant to explore the rea-
sons for the behavior and review expectations
c. arrange a meeting with the nurses so that they can
confront the nursing assistant as a group
d. document the nursing assistant's behavior and
place it in the aide's personnel file
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10. which should the nurse do to ensure efficiency when c. organize care
managing a daily assignment? around legally re-
a. give care to a client in isolation first quired activities
b. plan activities to promote nursing convenience
c. organize care around legally required activities
d. perform routine bed baths between breakfast and

11. a supervisor communicates expectations about a task b. directing

to be completed and then delegates the task. which
management function is being implemented by the
a. planning
b. directing
c. organizing
d. controlling

12. a first year nursing student in the clinical area is given c. assume ac-
an appropriate client assignment by the instructor. countability for the
which should the student nurse do? tasks that are as-
a. complete the care indicated on the client's plan of signed by the in-
care structor
b. accept the role of leader of the client's health care
c. assume accountability for the tasks that are as-
signed by the instructor
d. help other students to complete their assigned
tasks whenever necessary

13. which statement is significant in relation to the con- b. change gener-

cept of change theory in the health care environment? ates anxiety by
a. barriers to change can be overcome by embracing moving away from
new ideas uncritically the comfortable
b. change generates anxiety by moving away from the
c. behaviors are easy to change when change is sup-
d. change is effective when spontaneous

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14. which is the major task of a nurse manager? a. accomplishing
a. accomplishing an objective an objective
b. empowering others
c. problem solving
d. planning

15. a staff nurse must solve a complex problem. which is c. unit's nurse
the nurse's most effective resource? manager
a. organizational chart of the institution
b. nursing procedure manual
c. unit's nurse manager
d. nursing supervisor

16. when delegating a specific procedure to a client care c. explore why the
aide, the aide refuses to perform the procedure. which client care aide re-
should the nurse do first? fused to perform
a. assign the procedure to another client care aide the procedure
b. explain that it is part of the client care aide's job
c. explore why the client care aide refused to perform
the procedure
d. send the client care aide to the procedure manual
to review the procedure

17. which is the first thing the nurse should do when a. review the job
planning to apply for a new position within an agency? description
a. review the job description
b. provide at least several positive references
c. identify if power is associated with the position
d. locate the position on the agency's table of organi-

18. which is the most important reason why a nursing a. be capable

assistant must fully understand how to implement a of completing the
delegated procedure? procedure safely
a. be capable of completing the procedure safely
b. be proficient enough to perform the procedure
c. have the knowledge to explain the procedure to a
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d. have to correct information when teaching the pro-
cedure to another nursing assistant

19. a nursing team leader delegates a would irrigation to a b. have the lpn
licensed practical nurse (lpn). it has been a long time demonstrate how
since the lpn performed this procedure. which should to perform the pro-
the nursing team leader do to ensure client safety? cedure
a. verbally describe how to perform the procedure to
the lpn
b. have the lpn demonstrate how to perform the pro-
c. assign another lpn to assist with the procedure
d. delegate the procedure to another lpn

20. a nurse manager is informed that a large number of b. authoritarian

clients will be admitted in response to a terrorist at-
tack. which type of leadership style is appropriate to
use in this situation?
a. collaborative
b. authoritarian
c. laissez-faire
d. democratic

21. a nurse manager is experiencing staff resistance a. identify the rea-

when implementing change. which is the most impor- son for the resis-
tant action by the nurse manager to overcome resis- tance
tance to change?
a. identify the reason for the resistance
b. restate the purpose of the change concisely
c. modify the goals to appeal to more key people
d. emphasize the positive consequences of the
planned change

22. which is the major focus of leadership? a. inspiring people

a. inspiring people
b. initiating change
c. controlling others
d. producing a product

23. d. responsibility
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which factor associated with a manager differentiates
the role of a manager from a leader?
a. vision
b. charisma
c. confidence
d. responsibility

24. which situation is reflective of the saying "a stitch in b. collecting equip-
time saves nine"? ment for a proce-
a. obtaining the vital signs of clients on the unit during dure before enter-
a specified time frame ing the room
b. collecting equipment for a procedure before enter-
ing the room
c. delegating some interventions to the licensed prac-
tical nurse
d. documenting the nursing care given every few

25. a registered nurse delegates a procedure to a licensed c. improve produc-

practical nurse. which is the purpose for delegating tivity
the procedure to the licensed practical nurse?
a. create change
b. establish a network
c. improve productivity
d. transfer accountability

26. a nurse manager plans to provide feedback to a sub- c. identify the un-
ordinate who needs a change in behavior. which is the acceptable behav-
first intervention by the nurse manager? ior
a. be assertive
b. explore alternatives
c. identify the unacceptable behavior
d. document the content of the counseling session

27. which is the main reason a nurse manager achieves a c. facilitate cooper-
consensus when making a decision within a group? ative effort toward
a. explore possible alternative solutions goal achievement
b. demonstrate that staff members are flexible
c. facilitate cooperative effort toward goal achieve-
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d. ensure the use of effective autocratic decision mak-

28. a nurse manager evaluates the performance of a sub- d. controlling

ordinate. which management function is being imple-
mented by the nurse manager?
a. planning
b. directing
c. organizing
d. controlling

29. which of the following is related to systems theory? d. cyclical process

a. end result
b. linear format
c. trial and error
d. cyclical process

30. which activity does a nurse manager engage in that c. engaging in on-
values the importance of positive role modeling? (se- going quality im-
lect all that apply). provement activi-
a. counseling subordinates who fail to meet expecta- ties
tions e. following the
b. holding team meetings to review rules of the agency policies of the
c. engaging in ongoing quality improvement activities agency
d. reviewing job descriptions with employees
e. following the policies of the agency

31. which premise is basic to the motivation climate of the a. employees will
theory y management style associated with human exercise self direc-
relations oriented management? (select all that apply) tion when commit-
a. employees will exercise self direction when commit- ted to organiza-
ted to organizational goals tional goals
b. employees pursue security above other elements c. employees gen-
related to work erally will accept
c. employees generally will accept and even request and even request
responsibility responsibility
d. employees must be pressured with discipline to
achieve goals
e. employees seek direction whenever possible

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32. lewin's planned change theory progresses through b. "this is a
phases. place these statements by the nurse manger new venture that
in order as change moves through the process. should be exciting"
a. "let's implement a pilot project next week" a. "let's implement
b. "this is a new venture that should be exciting" a pilot project next
c. "i know it may be difficult, but you are doing a great week"
job" c. "i know it may
be difficult, but you
are doing a great

33. which action is an example of a nurse working inde- a. giving a bed

pendently? (select all that apply) bath to a client
a. giving a bed bath to a client who is experiencing who is experienc-
profuse diaphoresis ing profuse di-
b. assigning another nurse to administer intravenous aphoresis
medications b. assigning anoth-
c. assessing a client's wound for signs of an infection er nurse to admin-
d. elevating a client's arm after an IV site infiltrates ister intravenous
e. obtaining a client's vital signs medications
c. assessing a
client's wound for
signs of an infec-
d. elevating a
client's arm after
an IV site infiltrates
e. obtaining a
client's vital signs

34. a nurse who is a member of a quality improvement b. medication er-

committee reviews a chart detailing trends of 4 prob- rors
lem categories identified in incident reports over a
3 month period of time. corrective action plans were
implemented to address each problem category. after
analyzing the chart documenting tends over the suc-
cessive months of march, april, and may, which prob-
lem category demonstrated the most improvement?
a. falls

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b. medication errors
c. violations of confidentiality
d. violations in standards of practice

35. a client is to be discharged from the hospital. which b. obtaining the

discharge task can be delegated to a nursing assis- client's tempera-
tant? (select all that apply) ture, pulse, and
a. teaching the client how to measure weight using a respiratory rate
standing scale
b. obtaining the client's temperature, pulse, and respi-
ratory rate
c. determining if the client knows how to measure fluid
d. demonstrating to the client how to safely use a
e. reviewing foods that are high in vitamin c

36. place the following steps of the decision-making c. identify the prob-
process in the order in which they should be imple- lem
mented by a nurse. b. gather relevant
a. identify possible solutions to the problem information
b. gather relevant information a. identify possi-
c. identify the problem ble solutions to the
d. evaluate the result problem
e. test a solution e. test a solution
d. evaluate the re-

37. a nurse and a nursing assistant are working together a. taking vital signs
on a surgical unit. which activity should the nurse of clients who are
assign to the nursing assistant? (select all that apply) stable
a. taking vital signs of clients who are stable b. delivering meal
b. delivering meal trays to clients who are in isolation trays to clients who
c. explaining to a client how to use an incentive are in isolation
spirometer d. changing the
d. changing the linens on beds that are occupied by linens on beds that
clients who are on bedrest are occupied by
e. emptying a urine collection bag that is attached to clients who are on
continuous bladder irrigation bedrest

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e. emptying a urine
collection bag that
is attached to con-
tinuous bladder ir-

38. the department of outpatient services of an agency is b. the nurse in

converting from paper charting to electronic charting. charge has a neg-
the nurse in charge of one of the clinics is responsible ative attitude to-
for implementing the change on the unit. identify the ward the change
most significant barrier to change based on the state-
ments by upper level managers, the nurse in charge ,
and staff nurses.
a. the upper level managers have given an ultimatum
about the change
b. the nurse in charge has a negative attitude toward
the change
c. a staff nurse does not know how to use a computer
d. a staff nurse is anxious about the change

39. the nursing team consists of a nurse in charge, a b. providing dis-

registered nurse, and a nursing assistant. which task charge teaching
should be delegated to the registered nurse rather
than the nursing assistant? (select all that apply).
a. obtaining routine vital signs
b. providing discharge teaching
c. ambulating a stable client in the hall
d. administering a cleansing enema to a client
e. transporting a client to another location for an x-ray

40. based on kurt lewin's change theory, in which stage b. moving

does change take place?
a. unfreezing
b. moving
c. refreezing

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an accurate assessment drives the rest of the steps of the nursing
process. which management function drives effective manage-
a. planning a. planning
b. directing
c. organizing
d. controlling
which is most basic for a nurse to have when working a manage-
ment position?
a. strong interpersonal communication skills
a. strong interpersonal communication skills
b. awareness of when to be confrontational
c. knowledge of the role of a change agent
d. recognition by peers as a leader
a unit manager mentors a new unit manager as part of orientation
to the position. what type of power is being used by the unit
manager mentor?
a. influence d. expert
b. coercive
c. referent
d. expert
a nurse manager considers that there are "five rights of delega-
tion". which is a right of delegation in addition to right task, right
person, right communication, and right time?
a. place d. supervision
b. route
c. feedback
d. supervision
which should the manager do first to overcome resistance to
a. ensure that the planned change is within the current beliefs and
values of the group
a. ensure that the planned change is within the current beliefs and
b. provide incentives to encourage commitment of participants to
values of the group
the change
c. implement change by employing small steps rather than large
d. use influence power to ensure that goals of change are met
when considering the autocratic leadership style, an "autocratic"
leader is to an "authoritarian" leader as a "democratic" leader is
to which type of leader?
a. directive d. consultative
b. permissive
c. oppressive
d. consulatative
which nursing-care delivery model is based on case manage-
a. client classification system
d. primary nursing
b. diagnosis related groups
c. critical pathways
d. primary nursing
which statement is most significant in relation to the concept of
change theory in the health care environment?
a. stages of change are predictable
b. risks and benefits of change must be weighed b. risks and benefits of change must be weighed
c. activities that are new result in positive outcomes
d. changes that are large are easier to adapt to than multiple
smaller changes

several nurses complain to the nurse manager that on of the

nursing assistants constantly takes extensive lunch breaks. which
should the nurse manager do?
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a. convene a group meeting of all the nursing assistants to review
their responsibilities related to time management
b. talk with the nursing assistant to explore the reasons for the
behavior and review expectations b. talk with the nursing assistant to explore the reasons for the
c. arrange a meeting with the nurses so that they can confront the behavior and review expectations
nursing assistant as a group
d. document the nursing assistant's behavior and place it in the
aide's personnel file
which should the nurse do to ensure efficiency when managing a
daily assignment?
a. give care to a client in isolation first
c. organize care around legally required activities
b. plan activities to promote nursing convenience
c. organize care around legally required activities
d. perform routine bed baths between breakfast and lunch
a supervisor communicates expectations about a task to be com-
pleted and then delegates the task. which management function
is being implemented by the supervisor?
a. planning b. directing
b. directing
c. organizing
d. controlling
a first year nursing student in the clinical area is given an appropri-
ate client assignment by the instructor. which should the student
nurse do?
a. complete the care indicated on the client's plan of care
c. assume accountability for the tasks that are assigned by the
b. accept the role of leader of the client's health care team
c. assume accountability for the tasks that are assigned by the
d. help other students to complete their assigned tasks whenever
which statement is significant in relation to the concept of change
theory in the health care environment?
a. barriers to change can be overcome by embracing new ideas
uncritically b. change generates anxiety by moving away from the comfortable
b. change generates anxiety by moving away from the comfortable
c. behaviors are easy to change when change is supported
d. change is effective when spontaneous
which is the major task of a nurse manager?
a. accomplishing an objective
b. empowering others a. accomplishing an objective
c. problem solving
d. planning
a staff nurse must solve a complex problem. which is the nurse's
most effective resource?
a. organizational chart of the institution
c. unit's nurse manager
b. nursing procedure manual
c. unit's nurse manager
d. nursing supervisor
when delegating a specific procedure to a client care aide, the
aide refuses to perform the procedure. which should the nurse do
a. assign the procedure to another client care aide
c. explore why the client care aide refused to perform the proce-
b. explain that it is part of the client care aide's job description
c. explore why the client care aide refused to perform the proce-
d. send the client care aide to the procedure manual to review the

which is the first thing the nurse should do when planning to apply
for a new position within an agency?

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a. review the job description
b. provide at least several positive references
a. review the job description
c. identify if power is associated with the position
d. locate the position on the agency's table of organization
which is the most important reason why a nursing assistant must
fully understand how to implement a delegated procedure?
a. be capable of completing the procedure safely
b. be proficient enough to perform the procedure quickly a. be capable of completing the procedure safely
c. have the knowledge to explain the procedure to a client
d. have to correct information when teaching the procedure to
another nursing assistant
a nursing team leader delegates a would irrigation to a licensed
practical nurse (lpn). it has been a long time since the lpn per-
formed this procedure. which should the nursing team leader do
to ensure client safety?
b. have the lpn demonstrate how to perform the procedure
a. verbally describe how to perform the procedure to the lpn
b. have the lpn demonstrate how to perform the procedure
c. assign another lpn to assist with the procedure
d. delegate the procedure to another lpn
a nurse manager is informed that a large number of clients will be
admitted in response to a terrorist attack. which type of leadership
style is appropriate to use in this situation?
a. collaborative b. authoritarian
b. authoritarian
c. laissez-faire
d. democratic
a nurse manager is experiencing staff resistance when imple-
menting change. which is the most important action by the nurse
manager to overcome resistance to change?
a. identify the reason for the resistance a. identify the reason for the resistance
b. restate the purpose of the change concisely
c. modify the goals to appeal to more key people
d. emphasize the positive consequences of the planned change
which is the major focus of leadership?
a. inspiring people
b. initiating change a. inspiring people
c. controlling others
d. producing a product
which factor associated with a manager differentiates the role of
a manager from a leader?
a. vision
d. responsibility
b. charisma
c. confidence
d. responsibility
which situation is reflective of the saying "a stitch in time saves
a. obtaining the vital signs of clients on the unit during a specified
time frame b. collecting equipment for a procedure before entering the room
b. collecting equipment for a procedure before entering the room
c. delegating some interventions to the licensed practical nurse
d. documenting the nursing care given every few hours
a registered nurse delegates a procedure to a licensed practical
nurse. which is the purpose for delegating the procedure to the
licensed practical nurse?
a. create change c. improve productivity
b. establish a network
c. improve productivity
d. transfer accountability

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a nurse manager plans to provide feedback to a subordinate who
needs a change in behavior. which is the first intervention by the
nurse manager?
a. be assertive c. identify the unacceptable behavior
b. explore alternatives
c. identify the unacceptable behavior
d. document the content of the counseling session
which is the main reason a nurse manager achieves a consensus
when making a decision within a group?
a. explore possible alternative solutions
c. facilitate cooperative effort toward goal achievement
b. demonstrate that staff members are flexible
c. facilitate cooperative effort toward goal achievement
d. ensure the use of effective autocratic decision making
a nurse manager evaluates the performance of a subordinate.
which management function is being implemented by the nurse
a. planning d. controlling
b. directing
c. organizing
d. controlling
which of the following is related to systems theory?
a. end result
b. linear format d. cyclical process
c. trial and error
d. cyclical process
which activity does a nurse manager engage in that values the
importance of positive role modeling? (select all that apply).
a. counseling subordinates who fail to meet expectations
c. engaging in ongoing quality improvement activities
b. holding team meetings to review rules of the agency
e. following the policies of the agency
c. engaging in ongoing quality improvement activities
d. reviewing job descriptions with employees
e. following the policies of the agency
which premise is basic to the motivation climate of the theory
y management style associated with human relations oriented
management? (select all that apply)
a. employees will exercise self direction when committed to orga-
a. employees will exercise self direction when committed to orga-
nizational goals
nizational goals
b. employees pursue security above other elements related to
c. employees generally will accept and even request responsibility
c. employees generally will accept and even request responsibility
d. employees must be pressured with discipline to achieve goals
e. employees seek direction whenever possible
lewin's planned change theory progresses through phases. place
these statements by the nurse manger in order as change moves
b. "this is a new venture that should be exciting"
through the process.
a. "let's implement a pilot project next week"
a. "let's implement a pilot project next week"
c. "i know it may be difficult, but you are doing a great job"
b. "this is a new venture that should be exciting"
c. "i know it may be difficult, but you are doing a great job"
which action is an example of a nurse working independently?
(select all that apply) a. giving a bed bath to a client who is experiencing profuse di-
a. giving a bed bath to a client who is experiencing profuse aphoresis
diaphoresis b. assigning another nurse to administer intravenous medications
b. assigning another nurse to administer intravenous medications c. assessing a client's wound for signs of an infection
c. assessing a client's wound for signs of an infection d. elevating a client's arm after an IV site infiltrates
d. elevating a client's arm after an IV site infiltrates e. obtaining a client's vital signs
e. obtaining a client's vital signs

a nurse who is a member of a quality improvement committee

reviews a chart detailing trends of 4 problem categories identified
in incident reports over a 3 month period of time. corrective ac-

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tion plans were implemented to address each problem category.
after analyzing the chart documenting tends over the successive
months of march, april, and may, which problem category demon-
strated the most improvement?
b. medication errors
a. falls
b. medication errors
c. violations of confidentiality
d. violations in standards of practice
a client is to be discharged from the hospital. which discharge task
can be delegated to a nursing assistant? (select all that apply)
a. teaching the client how to measure weight using a standing
b. obtaining the client's temperature, pulse, and respiratory rate
b. obtaining the client's temperature, pulse, and respiratory rate
c. determining if the client knows how to measure fluid intake
d. demonstrating to the client how to safely use a walker
e. reviewing foods that are high in vitamin c
place the following steps of the decision-making process in the
order in which they should be implemented by a nurse. c. identify the problem
a. identify possible solutions to the problem b. gather relevant information
b. gather relevant information a. identify possible solutions to the problem
c. identify the problem e. test a solution
d. evaluate the result d. evaluate the result
e. test a solution
a nurse and a nursing assistant are working together on a surgical
unit. which activity should the nurse assign to the nursing assis-
tant? (select all that apply) a. taking vital signs of clients who are stable
a. taking vital signs of clients who are stable b. delivering meal trays to clients who are in isolation
b. delivering meal trays to clients who are in isolation d. changing the linens on beds that are occupied by clients who
c. explaining to a client how to use an incentive spirometer are on bedrest
d. changing the linens on beds that are occupied by clients who e. emptying a urine collection bag that is attached to continuous
are on bedrest bladder irrigation
e. emptying a urine collection bag that is attached to continuous
bladder irrigation
the department of outpatient services of an agency is converting
from paper charting to electronic charting. the nurse in charge of
one of the clinics is responsible for implementing the change on
the unit. identify the most significant barrier to change based on
the statements by upper level managers, the nurse in charge , and
staff nurses. b. the nurse in charge has a negative attitude toward the change
a. the upper level managers have given an ultimatum about the
b. the nurse in charge has a negative attitude toward the change
c. a staff nurse does not know how to use a computer
d. a staff nurse is anxious about the change
the nursing team consists of a nurse in charge, a registered nurse,
and a nursing assistant. which task should be delegated to the
registered nurse rather than the nursing assistant? (select all that
a. obtaining routine vital signs b. providing discharge teaching
b. providing discharge teaching
c. ambulating a stable client in the hall
d. administering a cleansing enema to a client
e. transporting a client to another location for an x-ray examination
based on kurt lewin's change theory, in which stage does change
take place?
a. unfreezing b. moving
b. moving
c. refreezing

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What statement is true regarding leadership?
a)It is an analysis of the situation
b) It is closely related to evaluation C
c) it involves choosing between courses of action
d) it is dependent upon finding the cause of the problem
What is the best definition of decision making?
a) the planning process of management
B) the evaluation phase of the executive role C
c) one step in problem solving process
d) required to justify the need for scarce items
Which statement is true regarding critical thinking?
a) it is a simple approach to decision making
b) it is narrower in scope than decision making C
c) it requires reasoning and creative analysis
d) it is a synonym for the problem- solving process
What is heuristics?
A) discrete, unconscious process to allow individuals to solve
problems quickly
B) Set of rules to encourage learner to discover solutions for A
C) Formal process and structure in the decision making process
D) Trial and error method
Which statement demonstrates a characteristic of critical thinker?
Select all that apply
a) "Since that didn't work effectively, let's try something else?
A, B, C
b) "The solution has to be something that the patient is willing to
do?c) "I'll talk to the patient's PCP about the problem"
d) "Maybe there is no solution."
1. Which represents the management functions that are incorpo-
rated into the management process?
A) Planning, directing, organizing, staffing, and evaluating
B) Planning, organizing, staffing, directing, and controlling
C) Organizing, planning, staffing, directing, and evaluating
D) Organizing, staffing, planning, implementing, and controlling
4.) What does the Hawthorne effect implied about people?
A) Human beings under investigation will respond to the fact that
they are being studied
B) Production will increase or decrease as light in a factory is A
increased or decreased
C) Membership in small groups forms social control
D) People are inherently good and will seek out work
5.) Managing conflict among staff members would occur in which
part of the management process?
A) Planning
B) Organizing
C) Directing
D) Evaluating
6. What is the idea that workers should be hired, trained, and
promoted based on their competence and abilities related to?
A) Part of the management functions identified by Fayol
B) The result of the human relations studies
C) The outcome of studies done by Mayo at the Hawthorne Works
D) One of the four overriding principles of scientific management
8. Which leadership style maintains strong control over the work
group and uses coercion to motivate others?
A) Authoritarian
B) Democratic
C) Laissez-faire
D) A contingency approach
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9. Which statement about situational or contingency leadership
theory is correct?
A) High relationship behavior is much more essential to a good
manager than high task behavior
B) This leadership model is effective in bureaucratic organizations
because it is task focused
C) Management should be consistent in different situations so
workers understand what is expected of them
D) The leadership style chosen by a manager should reflect the
task/relationship behavior of those being managed
10. Which statement depicts leadership?
A) A leadership position is assigned
B) A leadership position carries a legitimate source of power
C) Members of a group will follow a person in a leadership position
only by choice
D) Leadership requires meeting organizational goals
14. What type of leader is the person who is committed, has a
vision, and is able to empower others with this vision?
A) Transactional
B) Transformational
C) Interactional
D) Bureaucratic
20. What type of manager is concerned with the day-to-day oper-
A) Transactional
B) Transformational
C) Interactional
D) Bureaucratic
21. What is the typical focus of managers? Select all that apply.
A) Establishing a legitimate source of power
B) Delegating responsibilities to staff members A, B, C
C) Formulate the budget to achieve the stated goals
D) Direct attention to the management of unwilling subordinates
22. Which activity is associated with a leadership role? Select all
that apply.
A) Mentoring two new managers
B) Establishing goals for the coming year A, B, C, D
C) Advocating for employee regarding personal policies
D) Providing a motivational speech at the new employee orienta-
25. Which function of the management process involves the per-
formance evaluation of staff?
A) Planning
B) Organizing
C) Staffing
D) Controlling
Which statement regarding the characteristics of a good leader is
A) They are totally trustworthy
B) They may have character flaws
C) They are by nature good intentioned
D) Charisma is their strongest attribute

Which statement best describes ethics?

A) How our lives and relationships are led in our reality
B) How people make decisions they see as legally and morally
C) The conflict, power, and interdependency associated with the
way we live

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D) What our conduct and actions should be regarding what is right
and good
What is an ethical dilemma?
A) A problem that can be solved using empirical data
B) A situation that has clearly delineated facts for decision making
C) A problem that when handled effectively has a mutually D
agreed-upon solution
D) A situation that requires choosing between two or more unde-
sirable alternatives
Which statement regarding the MORAL decision-making model is
A) It is a problem-solving model
B) It does not include an evaluation step
C) The identification and analysis of multiple alternatives for action
is required
D) The decision is arrived upon with only the involvement of the
decision maker
What is the role of the American Nurses Association Code of
Ethics and InterpretiveStatements?
A) Outlines minimum levels of ethical behavior that nurses must
B) Functions as a guide to the highest standards of ethical practice
for nurses
C) Is a legally binding document that directs a nurse's ethical and
moral behavior
D) Mandates the ethical behavior prerequisite for maintaining a
nursing licensure
What does the morale principle of autonomy govern?
A) A person's right to make his or her own decision
B) The obligation to do good and prevent harm A
C) Doing what is right and fair
D) Truth telling
Collecting data about the ethical problem and identifying who
should be involved in thedecision-making process is accom-
plished in which phase of the MORAL decisionmakingmodel?
A) Massage the dilemma A
B) Outline options
C) Review criteria and resolve
D) Affirm position and act
Which statement is correct regarding the distinction between legal
and ethicalobligations in decision making?
A) Ethical controls are clearer and philosophically impartial
B) Ethical controls are much clearer and individualized
C) Legal controls are clearer and philosophically impartial
D) Legal controls are much less clear and individualized

Using both a systematic approach and proven ethical tools and

technology allows managers to make better decisions and in-
creases the probability that they will feel confident about the
decisions they have made. Leadership roles and management
functions are involved in management ethics. What is an example
of a leadership role?
A) Uses a systematic approach to problem solving and decision
making when faced with management problems with ethical ram-
B) Identifies outcomes in ethical decision making that should
always be sought or avoided
C) Uses established ethical frameworks to clarify values and
D) Role models ethical decision making, which is congruent with

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the American Nurses Association Code of Ethics and Interpretive
Statements and Professional standard
Using both a systematic approach and proven ethical tools and
technology allowsmanagers to make better decisions and in-
creases the probability that they will feelconfident about the de-
cisions they have made. Leadership roles and managementfunc-
tions are involved in management ethics. What is an example of
a managementfunction?
A) Is self-aware regarding own values and basic beliefs about the
rights, duties, andgoals of human beings
B) Accepts that some ambiguity and uncertainty must be a part
of all ethical decisionmaking
C) Accepts that negative outcomes occur in ethical decision mak-
ing despite highqualityproblem solving and decision making
D) Identifies outcomes in ethical decision making that should
always be sought oravoided
There are many terms used to describe moral issues faced by
nurses, including moraluncertainty, moral conflict, moral distress,
moral outrage, and ethical dilemmas. Whichstatement describes
how moral uncertainty occurs?
A) Occurs when an individual is unsure which moral principles
or values apply andmay even include uncertainty as to what the
moral problem is
B) Occurs when the individual knows the right thing to do but
organizationalconstraints make it difficult to take the right course
of action
C) Occurs when an individual witnesses the immoral act of anoth-
er but feelspowerless to stop it
D) Occurs when being forced to choose between two or more
undesirable alternatives
Which term is used to identify a person's feelings of powerless-
ness to stop unethicalbehavior in another person or institution?
A) Moral conflict
B) Moral outrage
C) Ethical relativism
D) Ethical universalism
Which statement concerning autonomy and the employee is true?
Select all that apply.
A) It is a form of personal liberty
B) Its legal equivalent is self determination A, B, C, D
C) It is based on a person's right to make a choice
D) It is supported by the process of progressive employee disci-
The manager in the coronary care unit believes that the most
important ethical considerations in performance evaluations are
that they include the employee's good qualities and that they give
positive direction for professional growth. This belief is an example
of: D
a. Justice.
b. Fidelity.
c. Beneficence.
d. Nonmaleficence.

A staff nurse in the area that you manage has excelled in the
delivery of patient education. You are considering implementing
a new job description that would broaden her opportunity to teach
patients and orient new staff members to the value of patient ed-
ucation. The ethical principle that you are most directly reinforcing
a. Justice.
b. Fidelity.
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c. Paternalism.
d. Respect for others.
A nurse on your inpatient psychiatric unit is found to have made
sexually explicit remarks toward a patient with a previous history
of sexual abuse. The patient sues, claiming malpractice. Which of
the following conditions may not apply in this situation?
a. Injury
b. Causation
c. Breach of duty
d. Breach of duty of care owed
The parents of a toddler who dies after being brought to the ER
launch a lawsuit, claiming that the failure of nurses to pursue
concerns related to their son's deteriorating condition contributed
to his death. The senior nurse executive is named in the suit:
a. As a global respondent.
b. Under the doctrine of respondeat superior.
c. As a frivolous action.
d. Under the element of causation.
A member of a patient's family calls the nurse manager of the
palliative care unit to express concern that a member of the family,
who died on the weekend, had requested analgesics from the
RNs on duty. An RN came with the analgesic nearly 45 minutes
later, just after the patient had died. The manager is aware that
the unit was especially busy that weekend because many patients
were seriously ill, staff had called in ill, and the staffing manager
was unable to completely replace staff who were absent. The B
manager is deeply troubled that the family member had to die in
pain because it violates what she knows should have been done.
This manager is experiencing:
a. Compromised agency.
b. Moral distress.
c. Moral sensitivity.
d. Moral dilemma.
Which statement regarding the responsibility of a manager in
advocacy is accurate?
A) Advocacy is a management function and not a leadership role
B) Managers advocate only as needed to meet organizational
C) Managers should advocate for patients as well as subordinates
D) Professional advocacy is not a primary concern for most man-
Which leadership role is associated with advocacy?
A) Create a climate where advocacy and its associated risk-taking
are valued
B) Give subordinates and patients adequate information to make
informed decisions A
C) Ensure that rights and values of patients supersede those of
the health-careproviders
D) Seek appropriate consultation when advocacy results in in-
trapersonal orinterpersonal conflict
Which management function is associated with advocacy?
A) Awareness of current legislative efforts affecting nursing prac-
tice andorganizational and unit management
B) Role modeling proactive involvement in health-care policy
through both formaland informal interactions with the media and
legislative representatives
C) Participation in professional nursing organizations and other
groups that seek toadvance the profession of nursing
D) Assertively advocating on behalf of patients and subordinates
when anintermediary is necessary

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Which strategy demonstrates an understanding of the manage-
ment's role as advocate fortheir subordinates? Select all that
A) Staff representatives on all unit committees
A, B, C, D
B) Monthly ìbrown bag lunchesî with the staff
C) Requests revising criteria for granting a ìleave of absenceî
D) Working with primary care providers to expand standing nurs-
ing orders
How is the leadership role and management function associated
with operational andstrategic planning?
A) Articulating the unit philosophy in writing
B) Assessing unit resources available for planning D
C) Developing unit policies and procedures that operationalized
unit objectives
D) Encouraging subordinates to be involved in policy formation
What is a characteristic of strategic planning? Select all that apply.
A) Requires managerial expertise in health-care economics
B) Should reflect political issues related to health care All
C) Human resource expertise is required
D) Should be based on a planning theory
One of the most commonly used tools in health-care organizations
is SWOT analysis.What is the definition for S?
A) Internal attributes that help an organization achieve its objec-
B) Internal attributes that challenge an organization in achieving
its objectives
C) External conditions that promote achievement of organization-
al objectives
D) External conditions that challenge or threaten the achievement
of organizationalobjectives
One of the most commonly used tools in health-care organizations
is SWOT analysis.What is the definition for opportunities?
A) Internal attributes that help an organization achieve its objec-
B) Internal attributes that challenge an organization in achieving
its objectives
C) External conditions that promote achievement of organization-
al objectives
D) External conditions that challenge or threaten the achievement
of organizationalobjectives
Distributing flyers that charge arbitrary action on the part of an
employer in an effort to garner interest in employee unionization
would be a part of what phase of planned change?
A. Unfreezing A
B. Movement
C. Refreezing
D. Resistance
Which action represents a management function in planned
A. Inspiring group members to be involved in planned change.
B. Visionary forecasting
C. Role modeling high level interpersonal communication skills D
in providing support for individuals undergoing rapid or difficult
D. Recognizing the need for planned change and identifying the
options and resources available to implement change.
Which statement is true concerning the refreezing phase of the
change process? Select all that apply.
A. The focus of this phase is to integrate the change into the status
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B. Stabilization of change requires a 6- to 9 month period of time
C. If refreezing is incomplete, prechange behavior will be resumed
A, C, D
D. The change agent must remain involved until the refreeze stage
is complete
10. Which technique will help the manager prioritize?
A) Doing "trivial" items first to get them out of the way
B) Putting some items in the "don't do" category B
C) "Breaking of" overwhelming tasks
D) "Delegating" the most important things to someone else
12. Which activity is associated with a leadership role in time
A) Assisting followers in working cooperatively to maximize time
B) Prioritizing day-to-day planning to meet short-term and
long-term unit goals
C) Building time for time management planning into the work
D) Utilizing technology to facilitate timely communication and
18. What category of prioritizing will an item that will take care of
itself be placed?
A) Squeaky wheel
B) Don't do
C) Do later
D) Do now
19. What do the "do now" requests reflect?
A) A unit's day-to-day operational needs
B) Issues related to short-term goals A
C) Large, time-consuming tasks
D) Problems that cannot be delegated
20. In prioritizing all the "do now" items, the manager may find
preparing a written list helpful. What is important to remember
about the written list? 1. It is a plan 2. It is a product 3. It is a
planning tool 4. It is the final goal to be accomplished
A) 1, 2
B) 1, 3
C) 2, 3
D) 3, 4
3. Which activity is a responsibility of the unit manager regarding
fiscal planning?
A) To assume responsibility for achieving budgetary planning
B) To monitor and evaluate all aspects of the unit's budget control B
C) To streamline the number of subordinates involved in the bud-
getary process
D) To control unpredictable census variations that may undermine
the personnelbudget
4. Which is a leadership role in fiscal planning?
A) Coordinating the monitoring aspects of budget control
B) Accurately assessing personnel needs using agreed-on stan-
dards or an establishedpatient classification system
C) Assessing the internal and external environment of the organi- D
zation in forecastingto identify driving forces and barriers to fiscal
D) Being visionary in identifying short- and long-term unit fiscal

5. What type of budget requires rejustification for yearly fiscal

needs? C
A) Incremental budgeting

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B) Perpetual budgeting
C) Zero-based budgeting
D) Managed care
6. Equipment depreciation, the number and type of supplies
needed by patients, andovertime that occurs in response to an
emergency are all examples of what type ofexpenses?
A) Controllable D
B) Fixed
C) Capital budget
D) Noncontrollable
9. Determine the nursing care hours per patient day (NCH/PPD)
if the following staffingexisted for a 24-hour period (unit census
= 10):12 midnight to 12 noon, 1 registered nurse, 1 licensed
vocational nurse12 noon to 12 midnight, 1 registered nurse, 1
licensed vocational nurse, 1 unit clerk (8hours only) A
A) 5.6 NCH/PPD
B) 4.8 NCH/PPD
C) 5.0 NCH/PPD
D) 6.2 NCH/PPD
10. The measurement of NCH/PPD will provide what information?
A) The acuity level of the patients on a particular unit in a 24-hour
time span
B) The total number of hours worked by nursing personnel on a
particular unit in a24-hour time span divided by the patient census B
C) The specific amount of money spent on staffing during a
24-hour period
D) The quality of nursing care that was provided on a particular
unit in a 24-hourtime span
13. What is capitation?
A) A reimbursement schema whereby health-care organizations
receive apredetermined amount (based on a patient's diagnosis
for services provided)
B) The limited availability of services to patients in managed care
C) The use of a ìgatekeeperî to ensure appropriate utilization of
D) A predetermined, negotiated payment to providers, per patient,
regardless ofwhether services are used
15. Which statement best describes critical pathways?
A) They determine justifiable differences among clients
B) They decrease the amount of paperwork required for reim-
bursement D
C) They reduce administrative costs
D) They provide a means of standardizing care for clients with
similar diagnoses
20. What changed the structure of Medicare payments from a ret-
rospectively adjusted costreimbursement system to a prospective,
risk-based one?
A) Zero-based budgets B
B) Diagnostic-related groupings
C) Prospective payment system
D) Incremental budgets
Which reason qualifies as organization justification for a career
development program?
A. employee attrition can be reduced
C, D
B. personnel can be used more effectively
C. employees can increase earning power.
D. employment benefits are increased

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What is a management function associated with career develop-
a. is self aware of personal values influencing career development.
b. encourages employees to take responsibility for their own ca- D
reer planning.
c. identifies, encourages, and develops future leaders
d. works cooperatively to arrange intra-organizational transfers

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2. If the nurses learn about and use relevant leadership and
The nurse manager has asked that all staff nurses develop ef-
management theories and styles this is possible.
fective leadership competencies. How should the staff nurses
interpret this request?
1: A nurse does not need to have a formal management position
1. This is an unrealistic expectation, because only managers are
with a management title to be a leader; if nurses demonstrate
leadership competencies, they are considered nurse leaders.
2. If the nurses learn about and use relevant leadership and
2: In today's health care environment, nurses must have knowl-
management theories and styles this is possible.
edge of relevant leadership and management theories and styles.
3. In order to become leaders, the staff nurses will have to em-
This knowledge helps nurses emerge as leaders. Nurses are also
phasize control, competition, and getting the job done.
leaders of their own nursing practices.
4. Unless the staff nurses possess the traits of a natural born
3: Control, competition, and getting the job done are past theories
leader, this is an unrealistic expectation.
and styles and are not as useful in today's environment.
4: Leadership is a skill that can be learned.
4. Staff nurses provide input into planning and changes for their
Peter Drucker's view of management stimulated the shift toward
own unit.
the realization of the importance of participatory organizations.
Which option provides a scenario that is an example of a partici-
patory organization?
1: In participatory organizations, the control of the organization is
1. The control of the organization is centralized, and decisions are
decentralized and many decisions are made by those "on the front
made by upper-level management.
lines" of the organization.
2. Staff nurses are expected to provide support and nurturing for
2: The theory is that the staff should be nurtured to promote greater
management's decisions.
leadership competency.
3. The organization's approach to leadership is autocratic and
3: According to Drucker, when staff participate in the core func-
tions of management, the organization is more effective.
4. Staff nurses provide input into planning and changes for their
4: According to Drucker, when staff participate in the core func-
own unit.
tions of management such as planning and changes for their own
units, the organization is more effective.
3. The nurse supports team members.

Which behavior demonstrates the nurse's competency as an Rationale:

emotionally intelligent leader? 1: While technical skill is important for all nurses, it is not a hallmark
1. The nurse is proficient in technical skills. of a competent leader.
2. The nurse relies on policies, not options. 2: Chaos theory states that solutions are not always clear and
3. The nurse supports team members. policies might not always be applied easily; other options might
4. Productivity is not a major concern. need to be considered.
3: In Emotional Intelligent theory, team members support each
other and feel supported by the team leader.
4: This statement reflects the country club leadership style.
1. Developing the most effective teams.

Describe the primary focus of a manager in a knowledge work 1: The most important focus of this manager is on developing and
environment. supporting effective teams, utilizing the knowledge of many.
1. Developing the most effective teams. 2: Risk taking is a part of knowledge work, but is not the most
2. Taking risks. important of this manager's tasks.
3. Routine work. 3: Knowledge work is a combination of routine and non-routine
4. Understanding the history of the organization. work, so the manager will have focus on the routine. This is not
the manager's most important focus.
4: Understanding the history of the organization is important as it
will help the manager work within the organization, but it is not the
most important focus.
2. Give assignments clearly, taking staff expertise into considera-
A very young nurse has been promoted to nurse manager of an
inpatient surgical unit. The nurse is concerned that older nurses
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1: Critical thinking is important for every RN, not just a manager
2: Giving clear assignments is a characteristic of authority. The
may not respect the manager's authority because of the age young nurse who takes staff expertise into consideration when
difference. How can this nurse manager best exercise authority? making assignments is likely to be more successful in leading the
1. Use critical thinking to solve problems on the unit. group.
2. Give assignments clearly, taking staff expertise into consider- 3: Nurse managers do work in complex health care environments
ation. but must create an appropriate organizational environment as a
3. Understand complex health care environments. way of exercising authority.
4. Maintain an autocratic approach to influence results. 4: In autocratic leadership, one person has all of the power. This is
not a good approach for a younger leader to adopt when working
with a group of older, more experienced nurses.
3. "I'm sorry, but I do not have a nurse to spare today to help on
your unit. I cannot make a change now, but we should talk further
What statement, made in the morning shift report, would help an
about schedules and needs."
effective manager develop trust on the nursing unit?
1. "I know I told you that you could have the weekend off, but I
really need you to work."
1: To develop trust, managers who make promises to staff must
2. "The others work many extra shifts, why can't you?"
keep the promise.
3. "I'm sorry, but I do not have a nurse to spare today to help on
2: This statement implies that the staff nurse is not a team player. It
your unit. I cannot make a change now, but we should talk further
also sets up one nurse against the remainder of the staff. Effective
about schedules and needs."
managers must be fair and supportive with all staff.
4. "I can't believe you need help with such a simple task. Didn't you
3: This manager is standing up for staff by not allowing another
learn that in school?"
unit to take a nurse today.
4: This statement is belittling to the staff nurse. This attitude does
not demonstrate trust that staff performances will be effective.
1. "If you make a mistake with your staff, admit it, apologize, and
correct the error if possible."
The nurse has just been promoted to unit manager. Which advice,
offered by a senior unit manager, will help this nurse become
inspirational and motivational in this new role?
1: Managers need to be honest and forthcoming with staff, which
1. "If you make a mistake with your staff, admit it, apologize, and
includes taking responsibility for one's own actions and errors. This
correct the error if possible."
also provides a positive role model for the staff.
2. "Don't be too soft on the staff. If they make a mistake, be certain
2: When errors occur, the manager should use the opportunity for
to reprimand them immediately."
improvement, not punishment.
3. "Give your best nurses extra attention and rewards for their
3: When staff feel some staff are given extra credit, staff will feel
uncomfortable with the manager and resentment will build.
4. "Never get into a disagreement with a staff member."
4: Staff need to feel that they can share their feedback, positive
or negative, and not feel threatened when they disagree with the
1. Self-confidence.
4. Empathy.
5. Ability to initiate change.
The nurse wishes to improve personal Emotional Intelligence
(EI) in hopes of a promotion to nurse manager. Which skills are Rationale:
important for this nurse to improve? Select all that apply. 1: EI competencies are self-confidence, empathy, change catalyst,
1. Self-confidence. and visionary leadership.
2. Knowledge base of nursing. 2: While this is an important aspect of professional nursing, it is not
3. Proficiency in technical skills. a competency of EI.
4. Empathy. 3: While this is an important aspect of professional nursing, it is not
5. Ability to initiate change. a competency of EI.
4: EI competencies are self-confidence, empathy, change catalyst,
and visionary leadership.
5: EI competencies are self-confidence, empathy, change catalyst,
and visionary leadership.

3. Control the environment.
5. Focus on efficiency.

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Compare and contrast manager roles and leadership roles by 1: The manager accepts the status quo, while the leader chal-
choosing the options that are more aligned with the manager role. lenges it.
Select all that apply. 2: The manager controls people, while the leader influences
1. Focus is change. 3: The manager controls the environment, patient care, and the
2. Have the ability to influence others. staff that deliver that care.
3. Control the environment. 4: The leader focuses on people while the manager focuses on
4. Focus is on people. systems and structure.
5. Focus on efficiency. 5: Managers focus on efficiency, while leaders focus on effective-
2. Autocratic.
4. Directive.
5. Authoritarian.

1: This style is focused on organizational rules and policies.
Typically the nurse manager of a unit uses a participatory style of
2: Autocratic, directive, and authoritarian are all terms used to
leadership. Today a patient suffered a cardiac arrest; the manager
describe leadership in which the leader makes the decisions for
took over the patient's care, issuing orders, and expecting staff to
the group, issues direct orders, and expects staff to immediately
obey them immediately. Which type of leadership did this manager
obey. This is an appropriate leadership style in emergencies such
exhibit today? Select all that apply.
as a cardiac arrest.
1. Bureaucratic.
3: This is a "hands-off" approach.
2. Autocratic.
4: Autocratic, directive, and authoritarian are all terms used to
3. Permissive.
describe leadership in which the leader makes the decisions for
4. Directive.
the group, issues direct orders, and expects staff to immediately
5. Authoritarian.
obey. This is an appropriate leadership style in emergencies such
as a cardiac arrest.
5: Autocratic, directive, and authoritarian are all terms used to
describe leadership in which the leader makes the decisions for
the group, issues direct orders, and expects staff to immediately
obey. This is an appropriate leadership style in emergencies such
as a cardiac arrest.
3. Laissez-faire.

1: Autocratic and authoritarian leaders make decisions for the
There have been several patient complaints that the staff mem-
group and assume people are incapable of making independent
bers of the unit are disorganized and that "no one seems to know
decisions. While this is not always a good leadership style, it is
what to do or when to do it." The staff members concur that they
unlikely the complaints in this scenario would occur.
don't have a real sense of direction and guidance from their leader.
2: Bureaucratic leaders depend upon policy and rules. This is not
Which type of leadership is this unit experiencing?
always a good style of leadership, but it is unlikely the complaints
1. Autocratic.
in this scenario would occur.
2. Bureaucratic.
3: This style of leadership can be so detached that there is no
3. Laissez-faire.
direction or real leadership. This will often be reflected in the work
4. Authoritarian.
of the staff and the perceptions of the patients.
4: Autocratic and authoritarian leaders make decisions for the
group and assume people are incapable of making independent
decisions. While this is not always a good leadership style, it is
likely the complaints in this scenario would occur.
1. Total patient care model.

The nursing student clinical group is attending the first clinical Rationale 1: Typically, student nurses follow the total patient care
session of the semester. What nursing care delivery model can model and provide all of the care for a patient while in the clinical
these students most usually expect to follow? area. This model may be altered slightly to accommodate the
1. Total patient care model. student's progress in the nursing program or the policies of the
2. Functional nursing model. facility. For example, the nursing student may provide all care
except giving IV meds.
Rationale 2: Functional nursing is a task-oriented approach where
staff members are assigned to provide a specific task, such as
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wound care.
Rationale 3: In primary nursing, the RN assumes 24-hour respon-
sibility for planning, directing, and evaluating the patient's care,
3. Primary nursing model.
from admission to discharge.
4. Care management model.
Rationale 4: The care management model, which is similar to
case management, focuses on the needs of the integrated delivery
2. Functional nursing model.

Rationale 1: The staff working for an organization that uses the

This morning, the RN is assigned to administer medications to all
total patient care model are assigned to provide all of the care for
of the patients on the medical-surgical unit. From this assignment,
a patient while in the clinical area.
the RN knows that this organization adheres to which type of
Rationale 2: Functional nursing is a task-oriented approach where
patient care delivery model?
staff members are assigned to provide a specific task, such as
1. Total patient care model.
passing out medications for the unit.
2. Functional nursing model.
Rationale 3: IN primary nursing, the RN assumes 24-hour respon-
3. Primary nursing model.
sibility for planning, directing, and evaluating the patient's care,
4. Care management model.
from admission to discharge.
Rationale 4: The care management model, which is similar to
case management, focuses on the needs of the integrated delivery
1. The team leader might not have the necessary leadership skills
What is a disadvantage of using the team approach for care required to successfully lead the team.
1. The team leader might not have the necessary leadership skills Rationale 1: Using the team approach requires that the team
required to successfully lead the team. leader have the necessary leadership skills to coordinate and
2. There is a risk that care will be fragmented. delegate patient care.
3. This approach often leads to greater staff dissatisfaction, with Rationale 2: The team approach helps keep care from becoming
staff members feeling they are just grinding out tasks. fragmented.
4. This approach may lead to decreased collaboration and redun- Rationale 3: In this approach, each team member can contribute
dancy in patient care. his or her own special expertise or skill in caring for the patient.
Rationale 4: There is generally a greater amount of collaboration
and less redundancy or care.
The nurse is interviewing for a position in a newly opened hospital.
2. Conversation with a staff nurse reveals that the nurse feels
Which observation would best indicate to this nurse that the
empowered in making patient care decisions.
organization follows a shared governance model?
1. Among the documents provided by the human resources de-
Rationale 1: This documents that the hospital follows the classical
partment is an organizational chart of the nursing department,
theory of organization.
indicating that the director is the highest-ranking member.
Rationale 2: Shared governance increases each nurse's influence
2. Conversation with a staff nurse reveals that the nurse feels
over the organization, empowering staff.
empowered in making patient care decisions.
Rationale 3: This is a classical organizational model.
3. The mission statement of the hospital describes centralized
Rationale 4: Although the shared governance model does pro-
vide some autonomy, there is also an understanding that staff
4. A staff nurse mentions that each individual staff member has
are expected to collaborate and function cooperatively with both
complete autonomy.
management and colleagues.

4. The turnover rate of nursing personnel in a given unit.
Which factor would least likely be included in the analysis of an
organization? Rationale 1: The vision and mission statements are the driving
1. Whether the organization's mission and vision match staff per- forces behind all decision, and provide critical information about
formance. the organization's values and philosophy.
2. Results from a staff opinion survey regarding the organization's Rationale 2: It is important to analyze how staff members believe
decision-making processes. decisions are made.
3. How the organization's communication patterns have affected Rationale 3: It is essential to analyze communication patterns
the change process. because communication runs an organizations and its ability to
4. The turnover rate of nursing personnel in a given unit. function effectively.
Rationale 4: Organizational analysis does take staffing issues into
consideration. However, of the options provided, the turnover rate
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of a particular unit is least likely to be considered. Analysis would
likely be focused on the turnover rate in the entire organization.
1. Autonomy.
2. Responsibility.
The patient who had a colonoscopy one hour ago suddenly ex- 4. Accountability.
periences bright red rectal bleeding, becomes diaphoretic, and is
short of breath. The nurse decides to implement standing emer- Rationale 1: Autonomy in clinical decision making occurs when-
gency orders and initiates oxygen per mask and increases the ever a nurse makes an independent judgment about the presence
patient's IV rate while a colleague contacts the patient's physician. of a clinical issue and then provides the resolution. This nurse
Which critical element of nursing is this nurse demonstrating? identified that the patient was experiencing distress and made the
Standard Text: Select all that apply. clinical judgment to use emergency orders. The nurse could have
1. Autonomy. also made a clinical judgment not to use them.
2. Responsibility. Rationale 2: This nurse was entrusted with a particular function,
3. Delegation. in this case, caring for a post-op patient.
4. Accountability. Rationale 3: There is no indication that the nurse delegated care
5. Relevance. of this patient to anyone.
Rationale 4: Accountability is the acceptance of responsibility of
the outcomes of care.
Rationale 5: This term is not one of the critical elements of nursing.
1. Total patient care.
What is the oldest of the nursing care models?
1. Total patient care.
Rationale 1: This is the oldest of the models. Nurses have provided
2. Functional nursing.
this type of care for generations.
3. Team nursing.
Rationale 2: This model is not as old as total patient care.
4. Primary nursing.
Rationale 3: This model is not as old as total patient care.
Rationale 4: This model is not as old as total patient care.
2. Access to information about the organization.
Which options are included in the six dimensions of shared gov- 4. Ability to set goals and negotiate conflict.
ernance? 5. Control over professional practice.
Standard Text: Select all that apply.
1. Informal authority base. Rationale 1: Shared governance requires formal authority granted
2. Access to information about the organization. by the organization.
3. Delegation of care to others. Rationale 2: This is a part of shared governance.
4. Ability to set goals and negotiate conflict. Rationale 3: This is not a part of shared governance though it
5. Control over professional practice. occurs in a shared governance organization.
Rationale 4: This is a part of shared governance.
Rationale 5: This is a part of shared governance.
1. Staffing.
3. Program evaluation.
4. Allocation of resources.
What are the responsibilities of the nurse manager in most shared 5. Long-range planning.
governance models?
Standard Text: Select all that apply. Rationale 1: This is a responsibility of the nurse manager in most
1. Staffing. shared governance models.
2. Direct patient care. Rationale 2: In most shared governance models, the nurse man-
3. Program evaluation. ager is not responsible for providing direct patient care.
4. Allocation of resources. Rationale 3: This is a responsibility of the nurse manager in most
5. Long-range planning. shared governance models.
Rationale 4: This is a responsibility of the nurse manager in most
shared governance models.
Rationale 5: This is a responsibility of the nurse manager in most
shared governance models.
3. Patient needs.
The nurse manager is making patient assignments for the shift.
What should be the primary guiding factor in these assignments?
Rationale 1: This is an important determinant of staff assignments,
but is not the most important factor.
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Rationale 2: This is an important determinant of staff assignments,
1. Number of staff available. but is not the most important factor.
2. Skill mix of the staff. Rationale 3: The most important factor in any decision made by
3. Patient needs. any health care provider should be patient needs.
4. Physical layout of the unit. Rationale 4: This is an important determinant of staff assignments,
but is not the most important factor.
3. The whole patient.
What is the primary focus of disease management programs?
1. Curing the disease. Rationale 1: This can be a focus, depending upon the disease, but
2. Reducing the need for medications. is not the primary focus.
3. The whole patient. Rationale 2: This can be a focus, depending upon the disease, but
4. Learning more about the disease. is not the primary focus.
Rationale 3: The primary focus is caring for the whole patient.
Rationale 4: This can be a focus, but is not the primary focus.
1. High cost problems.
2. Those with high numbers of hospitalizations.
The nurse who works for an insurance company has been asked 3. Those with high risk for complications.
to develop an initial set of disease management programs. What 4. Long-term problems.
factors should this nurse consider when choosing the diseases? 5. Those with a longer length of stay when hospitalization is
Select all that apply. required.
1. High cost problems.
2. Those with high numbers of hospitalizations. Rationale 1: High cost, high volume, high risk diseases are typi-
3. Those with high risk for complications. cally considered for management programs.
4. Long-term problems. Rationale 2: High cost, high volume, high risk diseases are typi-
5. Those with a longer length of stay when hospitalization is cally considered for management programs.
required. Rationale 3: High cost, high volume, high risk diseases are typi-
cally considered for management programs.
Rationale 4: Long-term problems incur high costs.
Rationale 5: Longer length of stay increases costs.
4. Clinical pathways guide the patient and interprofessional team
Which description of a clinical pathway provided by a nursing in managing patient care and recovery within a designated time
student would indicate the best understanding of the concept? frame.
1. Clinical pathways are tools to measure patient outcomes.
2. Clinical pathways are the same as nursing care plans. Rationale 1: This statement only describes a portion of the use of
3. Clinical pathways are developed to use in acute care settings clinical pathways.
and guide the nursing care of patients as they are admitted, Rationale 2: While the clinical pathway does include nursing care,
treated, and discharged. they are interprofesssional.
4. Clinical pathways guide the patient and interprofessional team Rationale 3: This option does not take into account the interpro-
in managing patient care and recovery within a designated time fessional nature of clinical pathways, nor does it take into account
frame. the fact that they are used in areas other than acute care.
Rationale 4: This statement is the clearest and most complete
description of a clinical pathway.

1. To provide quality health care with the efficient use of resources
while controlling costs.
The staff nurse has been asked to work on a committee whose
task is to develop clinical pathways for the facility. What is the Rationale 1: Clinical pathways were developed in response to the
purpose of these pathways? need to identify quality, cost-effective health care within a specific
1. To provide quality health care with the efficient use of resources time frame.
while controlling costs. Rationale 2: Clinical pathways are specific and unique to the
2. To provide practice guidelines for the general treatment of a health care agency or managed care organization in which they
specific diagnosis. are used.
3. To reduce patient length of stay. Rationale 3: One of the purposes for developing clinical pathways
4. To justify alternative treatment methods. is to reduce the cost of health care. This can occur as a result
of reduced length of stay, but reducing length of stay is not the
primary goal.
Rationale 4: Clinical pathways often are used to demonstrate

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compliance with standards of care, accreditation, and regulatory
1. Clinical pathways development and implementation takes time
and can be costly.
2. The pathway content has to be evaluated each time it is used.
3. Some believe that clinical pathways result in excessive paper-
work and redundant documentation.
The health care providers in an organization have chosen not to
4. There is fear that pathways will be used in evaluating staff
adopt the use of clinical pathways. What are reasons to justify this
decision? Select all that apply.
1. Clinical pathways development and implementation takes time
Rationale 1: These pathways are developed for each facility and
and can be costly.
can be costly to develop and implement.
2. The pathway content has to be evaluated each time it is used.
Rationale 2: Since the content contains the general care of the
3. Some believe that clinical pathways result in excessive paper-
patient with a specific disease, the content must be reviewed and
work and redundant documentation.
individualized to each patient each time it is used.
4. There is fear that pathways will be used in evaluating staff
Rationale 3: New forms and paperwork often cause health care
providers to be concerned about new methods of providing care.
5. The use of clinical pathways has not been proven to make a
Rationale 4: Some health care providers fear the interprofessional
difference in patient care.
aspects of these tools. Others resent the requirement to follow the
instructions of the critical pathway and fear they will be criticized
if their general care does not match that required by the critical
Rationale 5: These pathways do change patient care and can
support interprofessional care.
3. Using pathways is the best way to assess length of stay (LOS).
Which statement is true regarding implementation of clinical path-
Rationale 1: Pathways do not replace physician orders.
1. Pathways replace physician orders.
Rationale 2: Pathways can be used for patients with more than one
2. Pathways cannot be used for patients with more than one illness
illness or condition by developing co-paths.
or condition.
Rationale 3: Using pathways is the best way to assess the LOS,
3. Using pathways is the best way to assess length of stay (LOS).
and their use helps to determine the best expected LOS.
4. Disclaimers may be used with clinical pathways to convey that
Rationale 4: Disclaimers are a way to indicate that care will be
treatment is standardized.
provided to meet the individual needs of the patient, which may
require variance from a clinical pathway.
Differentiate between disease management programs and clinical 1. The major goal is to prepare the patient to understand the
guidelines by choosing the option that describes disease man- disease and to increase self-management of the disease.
agement programs.
1. The major goal is to prepare the patient to understand the Rationale 1: The purpose of disease management programs is to
disease and to increase self-management of the disease. provide patients with education and preventive care that improves
2. They establish standards that focus on health maintenance. quality of life.
3. They have been adopted to control costs. Rationale 2: This is true of clinical guidelines.
4. They are also called medical review criteria. Rationale 3: This is true of clinical guidelines.
Rationale 4: This is true of clinical guidelines.
3. There is evidence that the values of the organization and the
The Governing Board of the hospital has completed an assess-
health professionals working there are similar.
ment of the organization's culture. Which findings would lead the
5. New people who come into the organization learn about the
Board to determine that the culture is healthy?
culture by connecting behaviors and consequences.
Standard Text: Select all that apply.
1. There is wide variation in the expectations of individual employ-
Rationale 1: Separate approaches to expectations, caring, and
ees and departments.
values among departments would not be present.
2. The decisions made about care are staff-centered.
Rationale 2: The decisions should be patient-centered.
3. There is evidence that the values of the organization and the
Rationale 3: A hallmark of a healthy organization is a close match
health professionals working there are similar.
of values between the organization and its health professionals.
4. The organization is designed to serve its health professionals.
Rationale 4: The organization should be designed to serve the
5. New people who come into the organization learn about the
culture by connecting behaviors and consequences.
Rationale 5: This is the way new people learn the values of the

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1. Keep promises that are made.
2. Give honest feedback.
The staff nurse has been asked to assume leadership of a work
4. Reward followers.
team. Which strategies should this nurse use to increase the team
members' trust? Select all that apply.
Rationale 1: If the leader does not keep promises, trust is lost.
1. Keep promises that are made.
Rationale 2: Feedback should be honest and formulated to help
2. Give honest feedback.
the follower do a better job.
3. Create a logical excuse for not keeping promises made.
Rationale 3: The leader can explain why a promise was not kept,
4. Reward followers.
but should not "create" excuses.
5. Ask followers to defer feedback until the end of the project.
Rationale 4: Followers appreciate rewards when they are earned.
Rationale 5: Followers should be encouraged to provide feedback
to the leader throughout the project.
3. Empowerment of staff.
The manager has asked the staff to participate in the selection of
new intravenous pumps for the unit. The manger has provided a Rationale 1: This manager has used expert opinion, not expert
list of choices and budget guidelines. This is an example of use of power.
which management strategy? Rationale 2: Legitimate power is the type of power that is "award-
1. Use of expert power. ed" with a position.
2. Use of legitimate power. Rationale 3: This action enables others to act and provides others
3. Empowerment of staff. with the opportunity to participate and influence decisions.
4. Management persuasiveness. Rationale 4: The manger would have used persuasiveness to
convince the staff to adopt a particular kind of pump that the
manager chose.

Chapter 12: Leadership and Management
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The nurse knows while leadership behaviors and management
A manager may not possess leadership traits, and a leader may
skills often complement each other they differ in which way?
lack management skills. Management is the process of coordinat-
ing others and directing them toward a common goal. Leadership
a. Managers focus on relationships.
focuses on relationships, using interpersonal skills to persuade
b. A manager may not possess leadership traits.
others to work toward a common goal. Leaders are visionaries
c. Leadership focuses on coordinating and directing others.
who set the overall direction for a group or organization.
d. A manager is a visionary who sets the direction for a group.
OBJ: 12.1 (ed 2)

Leaders have the ability influence and motivate others while main-
The nurse correctly defines leadership when making which state- taining relationships to accomplish a goal. Management is the
ment? process of coordinating others and directing them toward a com-
mon goal. Management is focused on the task at hand. A manager
a. "Leadership is coordinating others toward a common goal." holds a formal position of authority in an organization; that position
b. "Leadership is the ability to influence others." includes accountability and responsibility for accomplishing the
c. "Leadership focuses on the task at hand." tasks within the work environment. Managers demonstrate ac-
d. "Leadership is based in formal authority." countability when they are answerable for their own actions and
the actions of those under their direction.

OBJ: 12.1 (ed 2)

The nurse is acting as a leader in the role of charge nurse ANS: A
and notes that the unlicensed assistive personnel (UAP) on the
floor are stressed related to their increased workload. The nurse Situational theories suggest that leaders change their approach
changes the original planned approach based on the presenting depending on the situation. Transactional leaders use reward and
situation. Which theory of leadership is the nurse implementing punishment to gain the cooperation of followers. Transformational
with this action? leaders use methods that inspire people to follow their lead. Trans-
formational leaders work toward transforming an organization with
a. Situational the help of others. The authoritarian or autocratic leader exercises
b. Transactional strong control over subordinates.
c. Transformational
d. Autocratic OBJ: 12.2 (ed 2)
The unit charge nurse uses reward and punishment to gain the
Transactional leaders use reward and punishment to gain the
cooperation of the nurses assigned to the unit. What type of leader
cooperation of followers. Transformational leaders use methods
is this charge nurse?
that inspire people to follow their lead. Transformational leaders
work toward transforming an organization with the help of others.
a. Transformation
The authoritarian or autocratic leader exercises strong control over
b. Autocratic
subordinates. Situational theories suggest that leaders change
c. Transactional
their approach depending on the situation.
d. Situational
OBJ: 12.2 (ed 2)

The nurse manager of a unit is sharing the most recent results of Transformational leaders use methods that inspire people to follow
a patient satisfaction survey to motivate staff. This approach is a their lead. Transformational leaders work toward transforming an
characteristic of what type of nursing leader? organization with the help of others sharing survey results may
work to inspire staff. Transactional leaders use reward and pun-
a. Transformational ishment to gain the cooperation of followers. The authoritarian
b. Transactional or autocratic leader exercises strong control over subordinates.
c. Situational Situational theories suggest that leaders change their approach
d. Autocratic depending on the situation.

OBJ: 12.2 (ed 2)


The participative or democratic leader believes that employees are

motivated by internal means and want to participate in decision
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making. The primary function of the leader in this situation is to
foster communication and develop relationships with followers.
The nurse manager is considered a "great communicator." She
The authoritarian or autocratic leader exercises strong control over
can be found on the unit talking with staff, keeping them informed
subordinates. Like the autocratic leader, the bureaucratic leader
and asking their opinions. She believes that nurses are motivated
assumes that employees are motivated by external forces. This
by internal means and that they want to participate in making
type of leader relies on policies and procedures to direct goals and
decisions about the unit although the final decision always rests
work processes. The nurse using bureaucratic leadership tends
with her. The nurses recognize that this nurse manager is what
to relate impersonally to staff and exercises power on the basis
type of leader?
of established rules. Like the democratic leader, the permissive or
laissez-faire leader thinks that employees are motivated by their
a. Autocratic
own desire to do well. The laissez-faire leader provides little or no
b. Democratic
direction to followers, who develop their own goals and make their
c. Bureaucratic
own decisions.
d. Laissez-faire
OBJ: 12.2 (ed 2)

The authoritarian or autocratic leader exercises strong control over

subordinates. In this scenario, the nurse takes charge and gives
directions that others will follow. The participative or democratic
Upon entering a patient's room, the nurse notes that the patient leader believes that employees are motivated by internal means
is unresponsive. The nurse takes control and begins to direct and want to participate in decision making. The primary function of
other members of the health care team during this crisis. The the leader in this situation is to foster communication and develop
nurse is demonstrating characteristics of which type of nursing relationships with followers. Like the democratic leader, the per-
leadership? missive or laissez-faire leader thinks that employees are motivated
by their own desire to do well. The laissez-faire leader provides
a. Autocratic little or no direction to followers, who develop their own goals and
b. Democratic make their own. Like the autocratic leader, the bureaucratic leader
c. Laissez-faire assumes that employees are motivated by external forces. This
d. Bureaucratic type of leader relies on policies and procedures to direct goals and
work processes. The nurse using bureaucratic leadership tends to
relate impersonally to staff and exercises power on the basis of
established rules.

OBJ: 12.2 (ed 2)


Although autocratic leadership is a strict form of leadership, it is

useful in crisis situations. A nurse may act as an autocratic leader
when taking charge after a patient is found unresponsive. In this
situation, it is helpful to have a leader who takes control and directs
other members of the health care team. Democratic leaders may
see themselves as equals with other team members and may con-
A patient is found unresponsive and pulseless. The nurse begins
sult with other nurses, exhibiting a democratic form of leadership.
cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and calls for help. When
This style of leadership can be used in unit council meetings where
help arrives, the nurse should take on which role?
nurses collaborate to identify solutions to common problems. A
nurse in a leadership position who uses the laissez-faire style of
a. Autocratic leader
leadership assigns patient care and expects all team members
b. Democratic leader
to set goals for the day and manage their time to complete the
c. Laissez-faire leader
assignment. Successful implementation of this leadership style in
d. Bureaucratic leader
nursing requires a highly efficient and reliable staff, such as seen
in some specialized OR nursing teams with a history of working
together on a set type of cases. The bureaucratic leader relies on
policies and procedures to direct goals and work processes. The
nurse using bureaucratic leadership tends to relate impersonally
to staff and exercises power on the basis of established rules.

OBJ: 12.2 (ed 2)

2 / 12
Chapter 12: Leadership and Management
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Like the democratic leader, the permissive or laissez-faire leader

thinks that employees are motivated by their own desire to do well.
The laissez-faire leader provides little or no direction to followers,
The nurse has made patient care assignments and expects all who develop their own goals and make their own decisions. The
team members to set their own goals for the day and manage their authoritarian or autocratic leader exercises strong control over
time to meet their goals. The nurse is implementing what style of subordinates. The participative or democratic leader believes that
leadership? employees are motivated by internal means and want to partic-
ipate in decision making. The primary function of the leader in
a. Autocratic this situation is to foster communication and develop relationships
b. Democratic with followers. Like the autocratic leader, the bureaucratic leader
c. Bureaucratic assumes that employees are motivated by external forces. This
d. Laissez-faire type of leader relies on policies and procedures to direct goals and
work processes. The nurse using bureaucratic leadership tends to
relate impersonally to staff and exercises power on the basis of on
established rules.

OBJ: 12.2 (ed 2)


Like the autocratic leader, the bureaucratic leader assumes that

employees are motivated by external forces. This type of leader re-
The nurse manager of the emergency room believes that effi-
lies on policies and procedures to direct goals and work process-
ciency is the expected standard for the department and believes
es. The nurse using bureaucratic leadership tends to relate im-
that efficiency lies in following established rules, policies, and
personally to staff and exercises power on the basis of established
guidelines. The only way to change procedures is to changes
rules. The permissive or laissez-faire leader thinks that employees
rules, policies, and guidelines. To run the emergency room with
are motivated by their own desire to do well. The laissez-faire
this philosophy, the nurse manager must take on which role?
leader provides little or no direction to followers, who develop their
own goals and make their own. The participative or democratic
a. Laissez-faire leader
leader believes that employees are motivated by internal means
b. Democratic leader
and want to participate in decision making. The primary function of
c. Bureaucratic leader
the leader in this situation is to foster communication and develop
d. Autocratic leader
relationships with followers. The authoritarian or autocratic leader
exercises strong control over subordinates.

OBJ: 12.2 (ed 2)


Magnanimity means giving credit where credit is due. Good lead-

ers reflect the work and success of accomplishing a goal by
crediting those who helped reach it. Dedication is the ability to
The manager of the intensive care unit is accepting an award
spend the time necessary to accomplish a task. Effective leaders
for excellence and efficiency in the provision of patient care. The
persist in working toward accomplishment of a goal even when
manager accepts the award for the unit and cites the contributions
doing so is difficult. Openness refers to the leader's ability to
of the staff since, without their expertise and dedication, the award
listen to other points of view without prejudging or discouraging
may not have been achieved. The staff nurse recognizes the nurse
them. An effective leader considers others' opinions with an open
manager is demonstrating which quality?
mind because a wider variety of solutions to problems is offered.
Openness by the nurse leader encourages creative solutions by
a. Dedication
providing an environment in which people feel comfortable "think-
b. Openness
ing outside the box." Creativity is the ability to think differently. A
c. Magnanimity
creative leader examines all possible solutions to a problem even
d. Creativity
if at first glance they appear to be unrealistic or outside the norm.
This ability allows the nurse leader to inspire followers to consider
broader visions and goals.

OBJ: 12.3 (ed 2)

The nurse leader is conducting a staff meeting. During the meet-
Openness refers to the leader's ability to listen to other points of
ing, staff members have verbalized dissatisfaction with the staffing
view without prejudging or discouraging them. An effective leader
considers others' opinions with an open mind because a wider
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Chapter 12: Leadership and Management
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variety of solutions to problems is offered. Openness by the nurse
leader encourages creative solutions by providing an environment
pattern created by the nurse leader. The nurse listens intently as
in which people feel comfortable "thinking outside the box." In-
the staff come up with other options. The staff members recognize
tegrity is the quality of having clear ethical principles and aligning
that the nurse leader is demonstrating which quality?
one's actions with the stated values. Dedication is the ability to
spend the time necessary to accomplish a task. Magnanimity
a. Openness
means giving credit where credit is due. Good leaders reflect the
b. Integrity
work and success of accomplishing a goal by crediting those who
c. Dedication
helped reach it.
d. Magnanimity
OBJ: 12.3 (ed 2)
The nurse is acting in the planning function as a manager. The
nurse knows which stage should be completed first? The planning function of a manager is comparable to the assess-
ment, diagnosis, and planning portions of the nursing process. It
a. Set the plan. includes four stages: (1) setting goals, (2) assessing the current
b. Assess the situation and future trends. situation and future trends, (3) setting the plan, and (4) converting
c. Convert plan into action statement. the plan into an action statement.
d. Set the goals.
OBJ: 12.3 (ed 2)
According to Fayol, controlling is a function of management. The
nurse understands controlling compares to what phase of the
The act of controlling involves comparing expected results of
nursing process?
the planned work with the actual results. In the nursing process,
evaluation is comparable to controlling. The planning function of a
a. Evaluation
manager is comparable to the assessment, diagnosis, and plan-
b. Diagnosis
ning portions of the nursing process.
c. Assessment
d. Implementation
OBJ: 12.3 (ed 2)
The nurse leader recognizes that to deliver quality care, focus
It is important for nurse leaders to be focused on the patients rather
needs to be placed on which participant?
than themselves to deliver good patient-focused care. Nurses
must desire to improve the status quo to provide higher levels of
a. Patient
quality in the care delivered. These qualities are also discussed in
b. Self
other works concerning effective managers (Delgado & Mitchell,
c. Other staff members
2016; Feather, Ebright, & Bakas, 2015).
d. Health care provider
OBJ: 12.3 (ed 2)

For patient care to be completed in a safe and timely manner, it

is sometimes necessary for the nurse to delegate tasks to other
health care providers. The National Council of State Boards of
When explaining delegation to student nurses, what statement by Nursing (NCSBN) offers support in this process. In their joint state-
the nurse educator aligns to the ANA regarding delegation? ment (ANA and NCSBN, 2005), the ANA describes delegation as
the transfer of responsibility, and the NCSBN calls it a transfer of
a. A transfer of authority to a less-qualified individual authority. This transfer gives a competent individual the authority to
b. The nurse transferring accountability to the delegate perform a selected nursing task in a selected situation. The nurse
c. The transfer of tasks by the nurse while retaining accountability retains accountability for the delegation. Any significant findings
d. Transferring responsibility for assessments and planning during the care such as alterations in skin integrity, shortness of
breath, or changes in a patient's condition should be reported
to the nurse. The nurse is then responsible for assessing the
alterations and addressing them in the plan of care.

OBJ: 12.5 (ed 2)

The nurse manager would counsel the staff nurse for delegating
which task to the UAP? The RN must remember to delegate tasks that do not require
nursing judgment. Interpretation of abnormal vital signs requires
assessment skills possessed by the RN only. Only tasks that
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Chapter 12: Leadership and Management
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are routine and do not require variation from a standardized
a. Personal hygiene
procedure, such as providing hygiene, assisting with eating, and
b. Assistance with eating breakfast
toileting, should be delegated.
c. Assistance with toileting
d. Interpretation of abnormal vital signs
OBJ: 12.5 (ed 2)

The person to whom the assignment was delegated cannot dele-

Which delegation of tasks would require the nurse manager to gate that assignment to someone else. If the person cannot carry
intervene? out the assignment, the individual needs to notify the delegating
RN so that the task may be reassigned or completed by the RN.
a. The UAP re-delegates vital signs to the student nurse. The RN must remember to delegate tasks that do not require
b. The RN delegates assistance with bathing to the student nurse. nursing judgment. Only tasks that are routine such as bathing,
c. The RN delegates monitoring of intake and output to the UAP. monitoring intake and output, and assisting with mobility, and do
d. The RN delegates assistance with mobility to the UAP. not require variation from a standardized procedure should be

OBJ: 12.5 (ed 2)


Trait theories assume that leaders are born with the personality
The nurse recognizes which leadership theory that assumes that
traits necessary for leadership, which few people are thought to
leaders are born with certain leadership skill that few people
possess. Behavioral theories assume that leaders learn certain
behaviors. These theories focus on what leaders do, rather than
on what characteristics they innately possess. Situational theo-
a. Trait theory
ries suggest that leaders change their approach depending on
b. Behavioral theory
the situation. Transformational leaders use methods that inspire
c. Situational theory
people to follow their lead. Transformational leaders work toward
d. Transformational theory
transforming an organization with the help of others.

OBJ: 12.3 (ed 2)


A nurse does not have to be a manager to be a leader. Even

at the bedside, nurses use leadership skills, although possibly in
different ways than a nurse manager. The patient care provider
The nurse who plans, organizes, delivers, and evaluates nursing must be able to plan, organize, deliver, and evaluate nursing care
care for patients is functioning in what role? for patients. An advocate is someone who supports and promotes
the interests of others. The RN acts as a patient advocate during
a. Patient care provider treatment. Although many health care organizations have case
b. Patient advocate managers to aid in moving the patient through the health care
c. Case manager system, the bedside nurse also acts as a case manager. One
d. Clinical nurse leader important way a nurse can do this is by beginning discharge
planning on admission. The clinical nurse leader (CNL) has a mas-
ter's degree and certification from the American Association of
Colleges of Nursing (AACN) Commission on Nurse Certification.

OBJ: 12.4 (ed 2)

ANS: A, C, D

The nurse recognizes which skills that are needed to be an effec- An effective manager must have business skills and a business
tive manager? (Select all that apply.) sense. Part of quality care is ensuring that the care the patient
receives is cost effective. The nurse manager must understand
a. Understand the concepts of budgeting. concepts of budgeting, staffing, marketing, and information man-
b. Run a unit efficiently without regard to cost. agement. An understanding of human resource management is
c. Be able to staff the unit effectively. equally important. The skillful nurse manager understands the way
d. Be adept at information management. these elements interact and their influence in achieving expected
e. Achieve desired outcomes in any way possible. outcomes in an economically responsible manner.

OBJ: 12.4 (ed 2)

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Chapter 12: Leadership and Management
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ANS: A, B, E
When assigning tasks to other health care providers, the nurse
understands that each task must be delegated using which guide-
Through quality improvement, the nurse appreciates the value of
lines? (Select all that apply.)
what each team member can do to improve patient care. When
delegating to other health care providers, the nurse understands
a. The task must be within the scope of the person to whom it is
that the task must be within the scope and abilities of the person
being delegated.
to whom it is being delegated. The nurse must know if the task
b. The task is one that can be delegated to other health care
is something that can be delegated. The RN is responsible for
assessment of patients even if certain tasks are delegated to
c. The task can be delegated whenever assessments are required.
others. The person to whom the assignment was delegated cannot
d. The task may be re-delegated by the person to whom it was first
delegate that assignment to someone else. Adequate resources
must be made available to the delegatee to complete the task.
e. The task may require the nurse to procure resources to com-
plete the task.
OBJ: 12.5 (ed 2)
ANS: A, D, E

Nurses must have knowledge of the nurse practice act in the state
where they are licensed. Each state's nurse practice act defines
The nurse has a question regarding scope of practice and dele- the RN scope of practice and discusses appropriate delegation. A
gation. Where should the nurse seek clarification? (Select all that second resource in delegation is the use of the organization's pol-
apply.) icy and procedure manual. Employers must have job descriptions
for each job class that outline the responsibilities and limitations
a. The state's nurse practice act of each position. The National Council of State Boards of Nursing
b. Theory X management (NCSBN) website and journal articles are other resources for
c. Nurse's Code of Ethics understanding delegation. Nurses are expected to follow personal
d. The NCSBN website and professional ethics, as outlined in the American Nurses As-
e. NCSBN journal articles sociation (ANA) Code of Ethics for Nurses to maintain integrity.
Theory X—style managers believe that the average person dis-
likes work and will avoid it if given the opportunity to do so.

OBJ: 12.5 (ed 2)

ANS: C, D, E

Mintzberg described management in terms of behaviors. Under-

The nurse identifies what decisional roles that are included in lying his descriptions were two assumptions: much of a manager's
Mintzburg's description of management in terms of behavior? time is spent in human relations, and managers are more reactive
(Select all that apply.) than proactive. These assumptions provided the basis for three
categories of behaviors: interpersonal roles, informational roles,
a. Figurehead and decisional roles. Mintzberg described three interpersonal
b. Spokesperson roles: figurehead, leader, and liaison. The three informational roles
c. Entrepreneur he described are monitor, disseminator, and spokesperson. The
d. Resource allocator third category of Mintzberg's behavioral roles comprises the four
e. Negotiator decisional roles: entrepreneur, disturbance handler, resource al-
locator, and negotiator.

OBJ: 12.4 (ed 2)

The terms leadership and management are often used inter-
changeably. Although these concepts are related, they are dif-
A manager may not possess leadership traits, and a leader may
ferent in definition and in practice. Leadership behaviors and
lack management skills. Management is the process of coordinat-
management skills complement each other. However,
ing others and directing them toward a common goal. Leadership
focuses on relationships, or using interpersonal skills to persuade
a. managers focus on relationships.
others to work toward a common goal. Leaders are visionaries
b. a manager may not possess leadership traits.
who set the overall direction for a group or organization.
c. leadership focuses on coordinating and directing others.
d. a manager is a visionary who sets the direction for a group.
OBJ: 12.1 (ed 1)

The nurse correctly defines leadership when stating:
Leaders have the ability to influence and motivate others while
maintaining relationships to accomplish a goal. Management is
the process of coordinating others and directing them toward
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Chapter 12: Leadership and Management
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a common goal. Management is focused on the task at hand.
A manager holds a formal position of authority in an organiza-
a. "Leadership is coordinating others toward a common goal." tion; that position includes accountability and responsibility for
b. "Leadership is the ability to influence others." accomplishing the tasks within the work environment. Managers
c. "Leadership focuses on the task at hand." demonstrate accountability when they are answerable for their
d. "Leadership is based in formal authority." own actions and the actions of those under their direction.

OBJ: 12.1 (ed 1)

The nurse is acting as a leader in the role of charge nurse
and notes that the unlicensed assistive personnel (UAP) on the
Situational theories suggest that leaders change their approach
floor are stressed related to their increased workload. The nurse
depending on the situation. Transactional leaders use reward and
changes the original planned approach based on the presenting
punishment to gain the cooperation of followers. Transformational
situation. What theory of leadership is being implemented?
leaders use methods that inspire people to follow their lead. Trans-
formational leaders work toward transforming an organization with
a. Situational
the help of others. The authoritarian or autocratic leader exercises
b. Transactional
strong control over subordinates.
c. Transformational
d. Autocratic
OBJ: 12.2 (ed 1)
The unit charge nurse uses reward and punishment to gain the
Transactional leaders use reward and punishment to gain the
cooperation of the nurses assigned to the unit. What type of leader
cooperation of followers. Transformational leaders use methods
is this charge nurse?
that inspire people to follow their lead. Transformational leaders
work toward transforming an organization with the help of others.
a. Transformation
The authoritarian or autocratic leader exercises strong control over
b. Autocratic
subordinates. Situational theories suggest that leaders change
c. Transactional
their approach depending on the situation.
d. Situational
OBJ: 12.2 (ed 1)
The nurse manager of a unit is sharing the most recent results of
Transformational leaders use methods that inspire people to follow
a patient satisfaction survey to motivate staff. This nurse manager
their lead. Transformational leaders work toward transforming an
is a _________________leader.
organization with the help of others. Transactional leaders use
reward and punishment to gain the cooperation of followers. The
a. Transformational
authoritarian or autocratic leader exercises strong control over
b. Transactional
subordinates. Situational theories suggest that leaders change
c. Situational
their approach depending on the situation.
d. Autocratic
OBJ: 12.2 (ed 1)

The participative or democratic leader believes that employees are

motivated by internal means and want to participate in decision
The nurse manager is considered a "great communicator." She making. The primary function of the leader in this situation is to
can be found on the unit talking with staff, keeping them informed foster communication and develop relationships with followers.
and asking their opinions. She believes that her nurses are mo- The authoritarian or autocratic leader exercises strong control over
tivated by internal means and that they want to participate in subordinates. Like the autocratic leader, the bureaucratic leader
making decisions about the unit although the final decision always assumes that employees are motivated by external forces. This
rests with her. This nurse manager is what type of leader? type of leader relies on policies and procedures to direct goals and
work processes. The nurse using bureaucratic leadership tends
a. Autocratic to relate impersonally to staff and exercises power on the basis
b. Democratic of established rules. Like the democratic leader, the permissive or
c. Bureaucratic laissez-faire leader thinks that employees are motivated by their
d. Laissez-faire own desire to do well. The laissez-faire leader provides little or no
direction to followers, who develop their own goals and make their
own decisions.

OBJ: 12.2 (ed 1)

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The authoritarian or autocratic leader exercises strong control

over subordinates. The participative or democratic leader believes
that employees are motivated by internal means and want to
Upon entering a patient's room, the nurse notes that the patient is participate in decision making. The primary function of the leader
unresponsive. The nurse takes control and begins to direct other in this situation is to foster communication and develop relation-
members of the health care team during this crisis. This style of ships with followers. Like the democratic leader, the permissive
leadership is: or laissez-faire leader thinks that employees are motivated by
their own desire to do well. The laissez-faire leader provides little
a. autocratic. or no direction to followers, who develop their own goals and
b. democratic. make their own. Like the autocratic leader, the bureaucratic leader
c. laissez-faire. assumes that employees are motivated by external forces. This
d. bureaucratic. type of leader relies on policies and procedures to direct goals and
work processes. The nurse using bureaucratic leadership tends to
relate impersonally to staff and exercises power on the basis of
established rules.

OBJ: 12.2 (ed 1)


Although autocratic leadership is a strict form of leadership, it

is useful in crisis situations. A nurse may act as an autocratic
leader when taking charge after a patient is found unresponsive.
In this situation, it is helpful to have a leader who takes control
and directs other members of the health care team. Democratic
leaders may see themselves as equals with other team members
A patient is found unresponsive and pulseless. The nurse begins and may consult with other nurses, exhibiting a democratic form
cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and calls for help. When of leadership. This style of leadership can be used in unit council
help arrives, the nurse should take on the role of: meetings where nurses collaborate together to identify solutions to
common problems. A nurse in a leadership position who uses the
a. autocratic leader. laissez-faire style of leadership assigns patient care and expects
b. democratic leader. all team members to set goals for the day and manage their time
c. laissez-faire leader. to complete the assignment. Successful implementation of this
d. bureaucratic leader. leadership style in nursing requires a highly efficient and reliable
staff, such as seen in some specialized OR nursing teams with a
history of working together on a set type of cases. The bureau-
cratic leader relies on policies and procedures to direct goals and
work processes. The nurse using bureaucratic leadership tends
to relate impersonally to staff and exercises power on the basis of
established rules.

OBJ: 12.2 (ed 1)


Like the democratic leader, the permissive or laissez-faire leader

thinks that employees are motivated by their own desire to do
well. The laissez-faire leader provides little or no direction to fol-
The nurse has made patient care assignments and expects all lowers, who develop their own goals and make their own. The
team members to set their own goals for the day and manage their authoritarian or autocratic leader exercises strong control over
time to meet their goals. The nurse is implementing what style of subordinates. The participative or democratic leader believes that
leadership? employees are motivated by internal means and want to partic-
ipate in decision making. The primary function of the leader in
a. Autocratic this situation is to foster communication and develop relationships
b. Democratic with followers. Like the autocratic leader, the bureaucratic leader
c. Bureaucratic assumes that employees are motivated by external forces. This
d. Laissez-faire type of leader relies on policies and procedures to direct goals and
work processes. The nurse using bureaucratic leadership tends to
relate impersonally to staff and exercises power on the basis of
established rules.

OBJ: 12.2 (ed 1)

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Like the autocratic leader, the bureaucratic leader assumes that

employees are motivated by external forces. This type of leader re-
The nurse manager of the emergency room believes that effi-
lies on policies and procedures to direct goals and work process-
ciency is the expected standard for her department. She also
es. The nurse using bureaucratic leadership tends to relate im-
believes that efficiency lies in following established rules, policies,
personally to staff and exercises power on the basis of established
and guidelines. The only way to change procedures is to changes
rules. The permissive or laissez-faire leader thinks that employees
rules, policies, and guidelines. In order to run the emergency room
are motivated by their own desire to do well. The laissez-faire
with this philosophy, the nurse manager must take on the role of:
leader provides little or no direction to followers, who develop their
own goals and make their own. The participative or democratic
a. laissez-faire leader.
leader believes that employees are motivated by internal means
b. democratic leader.
and want to participate in decision making. The primary function of
c. bureaucratic leader.
the leader in this situation is to foster communication and develop
d. autocratic leader.
relationships with followers. The authoritarian or autocratic leader
exercises strong control over subordinates.

OBJ: 12.2 (ed 1)


Magnanimity means giving credit where credit is due. Good lead-

ers reflect the work and success of accomplishing a goal by
crediting those who helped reach it. Dedication is the ability to
The manager of the intensive care unit is accepting an award
spend the time necessary to accomplish a task. Effective leaders
for excellence and efficiency in the provision of patient care. The
persist in working toward accomplishment of a goal even when
manager accepts the award for the unit and cites the contributions
doing so is difficult. Openness refers to the leader's ability to
of her staff since, without their expertise and dedication, the award
listen to other points of view without prejudging or discouraging
may not have been achieved. The manager is demonstrating the
them. An effective leader considers others' opinions with an open
quality of:
mind because a wider variety of solutions to problems is offered.
Openness by the nurse leader encourages creative solutions by
a. dedication.
providing an environment in which people feel comfortable "think-
b. openness.
ing outside the box." Creativity is the ability to think differently. A
c. magnanimity.
creative leader examines all possible solutions to a problem even
d. creativity.
if at first glance they appear to be unrealistic or outside the norm.
This ability allows the nurse leader to inspire followers to consider
broader visions and goals.

OBJ: 12.3 (ed 1)


Openness refers to the leader's ability to listen to other points of

The nurse leader is conducting a staff meeting. During the meet- view without prejudging or discouraging them. An effective leader
ing, staff members have verbalized dissatisfaction with the staffing considers others' opinions with an open mind because a wider
pattern created by the nurse leader. The nurse listens intently variety of solutions to problems is offered. Openness by the nurse
as the staff come up with other options. The nurse leader is leader encourages creative solutions by providing an environment
demonstrating: in which people feel comfortable "thinking outside the box." In-
tegrity is the quality of having clear ethical principles and aligning
a. openness. one's actions with the stated values. Dedication is the ability to
b. integrity. spend the time necessary to accomplish a task. Magnanimity
c. dedication. means giving credit where credit is due. Good leaders reflect the
d. magnanimity. work and success of accomplishing a goal by crediting those who
helped reach it.

OBJ: 12.3 (ed 1)

The nurse is acting in the planning function as a manager. Which ANS: D

of the following stages should be completed first?
The planning function of a manager is comparable to the assess-
a. Set the plan ment, diagnosis, and planning portions of the nursing process. It
b. Assess the situation and future trends includes four stages: (1) Setting goals, (2) assessing the current
c. Convert plan into action statement situation and future trends, (3) setting the plan, and (4) converting
d. Set the goals the plan into an action statement.

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OBJ: 12.3 (ed 1)

According to Fayol, controlling is a function of management. Con-
trolling compares to what phase of the nursing process? The act of controlling involves comparing expected results of
the planned work with the actual results. In the nursing process,
a. Evaluation evaluation is comparable to controlling. The planning function of a
b. Diagnosis manager is comparable to the assessment, diagnosis, and plan-
c. Assessment ning portions of the nursing process.
d. Implementation
OBJ: 12.3 (ed 1)
Hiscock and Shuldham state that, in order to deliver quality care,
it is important for nurse leaders to be focused on the: Hiscock and Shuldham state that it is important for nurse leaders
to be focused on the patients rather than themselves to deliver
a. patient. quality, patient-focused care. The patient is the center and purpose
b. self. of the process. All others (self, staff, physician) exist to provide
c. staff. service to the patient.
d. physician.
OBJ: 12.3 (ed 1)

Communication is the foundation of nursing practice. Commu-

Communication skills are most essential for the nurse: nication skills are essential for the work of the nurse manager
and every nurse. By developing excellent communication skills,
a. when they become nurse managers. the nurse can obtain information, relay a plan, delegate, and
b. except when delegation is required. evaluate a plan of care. The nurse develops relationships—with
c. to decrease nurse-family interaction. patients, families, co-workers, and other health care professionals
d. to obtain information from patients. and managers—that are necessary for functioning in the work

OBJ: 12.3 (ed 1)


For patient care to be completed in a safe and timely manner, it

is sometimes necessary for the nurse to delegate tasks to other
health care providers. The National Council of State Boards of
For patient care to be completed in a safe and timely manner, it
Nursing (NCSBN) offers support in this process. In their joint state-
is sometimes necessary for the nurse to delegate tasks to other
ment (ANA and NCSBN, 2005), the ANA describes delegation as
health care providers. The ANA describes delegation as:
the transfer of responsibility, and the NCSBN calls it a transfer of
authority. This transfer gives a competent individual the authority to
a. a transfer of authority to a less-qualified individual.
perform a selected nursing task in a selected situation. The nurse
b. the nurse transferring accountability to the delegate.
retains accountability for the delegation. Any significant findings
c. the transfer of tasks by the nurse while retaining accountability.
during the care such as alterations in skin integrity, shortness of
d. transferring responsibility for assessments and planning.
breath, or changes in a patient's condition should be reported
to the nurse. The nurse is then responsible for assessing the
alterations and addressing them in the plan of care.

OBJ: 12.5 (ed 1)


Which of the following was delegated inappropriately? The RN must remember to delegate tasks that do not require
nursing judgment. Interpretation of abnormal vital signs requires
a. Personal hygiene by the UAP assessment skills possessed by the RN only. Only tasks that
b. Assistance with eating breakfast by the UAP are routine and do not require variation from a standardized
c. Assistance with toileting by the UAP procedure, such as providing hygiene, assisting with eating, and
d. Interpretation of abnormal vital signs by the UAP toileting, should be delegated.

OBJ: 12.5 (ed 1)

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The person to whom the assignment was delegated cannot dele-

gate that assignment to someone else. If the person cannot carry
Which of the following has been done improperly?
out the assignment, the individual needs to notify the delegating
RN so that the task may be reassigned or completed by the RN.
a. The UAP re-delegates vital signs to the student nurse.
The RN must remember to delegate tasks that do not require
b. The RN delegates assistance with bathing to the student nurse.
nursing judgment. Only tasks that are routine such as bathing,
c. The RN delegates monitoring of intake and output to the UAP.
monitoring intake and output, and assisting with mobility, and do
d. The RN delegates assistance with mobility to the UAP.
not require variation from a standardized procedure should be

OBJ: 12.5 (ed 1)


Trait theories assume that leaders are born with the personality
The leadership theory that assumes that leaders are born with traits necessary for leadership, which few people are thought to
certain leadership skill that few people possess is known as: possess. Behavioral theories assume that leaders learn certain
behaviors. These theories focus on what leaders do, rather than
a. trait theory. on what characteristics they innately possess. Situational theo-
b. behavioral theory. ries suggest that leaders change their approach depending on
c. situational theory. the situation. Transformational leaders use methods that inspire
d. transformational theory. people to follow their lead. Transformational leaders work toward
transforming an organization with the help of others.

OBJ: 12.3 (ed 1)


A nurse does not have to be a manager to be a leader. Even

at the bedside, nurses use leadership skills, although possibly in
A nurse does not have to be a manager to be a leader. Even different ways than a nurse manager. The patient care provider
at the bedside, nurses use leadership skills, although possibly must be able to plan, organize, deliver, and evaluate nursing care
in different ways than a nurse manager. The nurse who plans, for patients. An advocate is someone who supports and promotes
organizes, delivers, and evaluates nursing care for patients is the interests of others. The RN acts as a patient advocate during
functioning as a: the course of treatment. Although many health care organiza-
tions have case managers to aid in moving the patient through
a. patient care provider. the health care system, the bedside nurse also acts as a case
b. patient advocate. manager. One important way a nurse can do this is by beginning
c. case manager. discharge planning on admission. The clinical nurse leader (CNL)
d. clinical nurse leader. has a master's degree and certification from the American As-
sociation of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) Commission on Nurse

OBJ: 12.4 (ed 1)

ANS: A, C, D

An effective manager must have business skills and a business

An effective manager must: (Select all that apply.)
sense. Part of quality care is ensuring that the care the patient
receives is cost effective. The nurse manager must understand
a. understand the concepts of budgeting.
concepts of budgeting, staffing, marketing, and information man-
b. run a unit efficiently without regard to cost.
agement. An understanding of human resource management is
c. be able to staff the unit effectively.
equally important. The skillful nurse manager understands the way
d. be adept at information management.
these elements interact and their influence in achieving expected
e. achieve desired outcomes in any way possible.
outcomes in an economically responsible manner.

OBJ: 12.4 (ed 1)

ANS: A, B, E
When delegating to other health care providers, the nurse under-
stands that the task: (Select all that apply.)
Through quality improvement, the nurse appreciates the value of
what each team member can do to improve patient care. When
a. must be within the scope of the person to whom it is being
delegating to other health care providers, the nurse understands
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that the task must be within the scope and abilities of the person
delegated. to whom it is being delegated. The nurse must know if the task
b. is one that can be delegated to other health care providers. is something that can be delegated. The RN is responsible for
c. can be delegated whenever assessments are required. assessment of patients even if certain tasks are delegated to
d. may be re-delegated by the person to whom it was first dele- others. The person to whom the assignment was delegated cannot
gated. delegate that assignment to someone else. Adequate resources
e. may require the nurse to procure resources to complete the must be made available to the delegatee to complete the task
OBJ: 12.5 (ed 1)
ANS: A, D, E

Nurses must have knowledge of the nurse practice act in the state
where they are licensed. Each state's nurse practice act defines
The nurse has a question regarding scope of practice and dele- the RN scope of practice and discusses appropriate delegation. A
gation. Where should the nurse seek clarification? (Select all that second resource in delegation is the use of the organization's pol-
apply.) icy and procedure manual. Employers must have job descriptions
for each job class that outline the responsibilities and limitations
a. The state's Nurse Practice Act of each position. The National Council of State Boards of Nursing
b. Theory X management (NCSBN) website and journal articles are other resources for
c. Nurse's Code of Ethics understanding delegation. Nurses are expected to follow personal
d. The NCSBN website and professional ethics, as outlined in the American Nurses As-
e. NCSBN journal articles sociation (ANA) Code of Ethics for Nurses to maintain integrity.
Theory X-style managers believe that the average person dislikes
work and will avoid it if given the opportunity to do so.

OBJ: 12.5 (ed 1)

ANS: C, D, E

Mintzberg described management in terms of behaviors. Under-

lying his descriptions were two assumptions: much of a manager's
Mintzberg described management in terms of behaviors.
time is spent in human relations, and managers are more reactive
Mintzberg's decisional roles include: (Select all that apply.)
than proactive. These assumptions provided the basis for three
categories of behaviors: interpersonal roles, informational roles,
a. figurehead.
and decisional roles. Mintzberg described three interpersonal
b. spokesperson.
roles: figurehead, leader, and liaison. The three informational roles
c. entrepreneur.
he described are monitor, disseminator, and spokesperson. The
d. resource allocator.
third category of Mintzberg's behavioral roles comprises the four
e. negotiator.
decisional roles: entrepreneur, disturbance handler, resource al-
locator, and negotiator.

OBJ: 12.4 (ed 1)

12 / 12
Nursing Leadership and Management NCLEX Questions
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A registered nurse reviews a plan of care developed by a nursing
student for a client with depression and notes a nursing diagnosis
of impaired nutrition: less than body requirements. The registered
nurse asks the student to revise the plan if which incorrect inter-
vention is documented?
- The client should be asked which foods or drinks she likes, and
consultation with a dietitian also may be done. The client is more
a) offer small, high-calorie, high protein snacks frequently
likely to eat if the client has selected the foods and is given foods
throughout the day and evening
that she likes. Options A, B, and C are appropriate interventions
b) offer high protein, high-calorie fluids frequently throughout the
for the client with depression with this nursing diagnosis.
day and evening
c) remain with the client during meals
d) complete the food menu for the client during the depressed
- When caring for a paranoid client, the nurse must avoid any
A registered nurse reviews a plan of care developed by a nursing physical contact and should not touch the client. The nurse should
student for client with paranoia and notes a nursing diagnosis of ask the client's permission if touch is necessary because touch
Disturbed thought process. The registered nurse asks the nursing may be interpreted as a physical or sexual assault. The nurse
student to revise the plan if which incorrect intervention is docu- would use simple and clear language when speaking to the client
mented? to prevent misinterpretation and to clarify the nurse's intent and
actions. A warm approach is avoided because it can be frightening
a) sit with the client and hold the client's hand to a person who needs emotional distance. A matter-of-fact con-
b) avoid a warm approach when working with the client sistency is nonthreatening. Any anger and hostile verbal attacks
c) use simple and clear language when speaking to the client need to be diffused with a nondefensive stand. The anger that a
d) diffuse angry and hostile verbal attacks with a nondefensive paranoid client expresses is often displaced, and when the staff
stand becomes defensive, anger of both the client and staff escalates. A
nondefensive and nonjudgmental attitude provides an attitude in
which feelings can be explored more easily.
A registered nurse is discussing the characteristics of anorexia
nervosa with a nursing student. The registered nurse determines
that the nursing student needs to further research this disorder if
the student states that which of the following is a characteristic of
- As anorexia nervosa develops, personal relationships tend to
anorexia nervosa?
become more superficial and distant. Social contacts are avoided
because of the fear of being invited to eat and being discovered.
a) personal relationships tend to become more superficial and
The client is preoccupied with food and meal planning (especially
for others), personal caloric intake throughout the day, and meth-
b) social contacts are avoided because of the fear of being invited
ods to avoid eating. Anorexic persons are likely to become very
to eat and being discovered
emaciated and will not maintain their near-normal body weight.
c) the client is being preoccupied with food and meal planning,
especially for others
d) the client will usually keep her weight near normal
An experienced emergency department nurse observes a new
nurse employed in the emergency department obtain the equip-
ment needed to draw a blood sample for a blood alcohol level on a B
client. The experienced emergency department nurse intervenes - Isopropyl alcohol or any antiseptic solution containing alcohol
if the new nurse plans to use which item? must not be used as a skin preparation before a blood alcohol
specimen is drawn. These agents may falsely elevate the blood
a) tourniquet alcohol level and render the test invalid. Option A, C and D identify
b) alcohol swabs items needed to obtain the blood specimen.
c) a blood-draw needle
d) a blood tube

A nurse administers digoxin (Lanoxin) 0.25 mg instead of the C

prescribed order of 0.125 mg. The nurse discovers the error while - The incident report is confidential and privileged information. It
charting the medication. The nurse completes an incident report should not be copied or placed in the chart or have any reference
and notifies the physician of the incident. The nurse takes which made to it in the client's record. It is the physician's responsibility
additional action? to sign the incident report before it is sent to the risk-management
department. A copy should not be made or sent to the physician's
a) gives the client a copy of the incident report office. The incident report is not a substitute for a complete entry in
b) makes a copy of the incident report and sends it to the the client's record concerning the incident. A copy of the incident
physician's office report is not given to the client; however, the client should be

Nursing Leadership and Management NCLEX Questions
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c) documents the incident in the client's record informed of the error, and this is usually done by the client's
d) places the incident report in the client's record physician.
A registered nurse is supervising a new nursing graduate who
is performing an irrigation on an assigned client with a buildup
- Irrigation solutions that are not close to the client's body tem-
of cerumen in the left ear. Which of the following observations
perature can be uncomfortable and may cause injury, nausea,
if made by the registered nurse would indicate that the nursing
and vertigo. The client is positioned so that the ear to be irrigated
graduate is performing the procedure correctly?
is facing downward because this allows gravity to assist in the
removal of the cerumen and solution. Following the irrigation,
a) the client is positioned with the ear to be irrigated facing upward
the client is to lie on the affected side for a period to finish the
b) the irrigating solution is warmed to 100F
drainage of the irrigating solution. A slow, steady stream of solution
c) a direct and slow steady stream of irrigation solution is directed
should be directed toward the upper wall of the ear canal and not
toward the eardrum
toward the tympanic membrane. Too much force could cause the
d) the client is positioned with the affected ear up following the
tympanic membrane to rupture.
A nurse is performing a sterile wound irrigation on an assigned
client. A nursing assistant enters the client's room and tells the
nurse that a physician has telephoned and requests to speak to
- Because wound irrigation is a sterile procedure and a risk for
the nurse. The appropriate nursing action is which of the following?
infection exists with an open wound, it is most appropriate to
ask the nursing assistant to obtain a telephone number from the
a) finish the wound irrigation while the physician waits on the
physician so that the call can be returned. It is not appropriate to
ask a physician to wait while a procedure is being completed. It
b) cover the client and answer the telephone call
is best to return the call. Option D is not a responsibility of the
c) ask the nursing assistant to obtain a telephone number from the
nursing assistant.
physician so that the call can be returned after the wound irrigation
d) ask the nursing assistant to take a message
A case manager is reviewing the records of the clients in the
nursing unit. Which of the following documentation, if noted in a
- Variances are actual deviations or detours from the critical
client's record, would the nurse indicate as a positive variance?
path. Variances are either positive or negative and avoidable or
unavoidable, and may be caused by a variety of things. A positive
a) a client in skeletal traction has a temperature of 98.6F and the
variance occurs when the client has achieved maximum benefits
pin sites are clean and dry
and is discharged earlier than anticipated on her critical path.
b) a postoperative client is performing coughing and deep-breath-
Option 4 is the only option that specifically identifies a positive
ing exercises every hour
variance. Options A, B, and C demonstrate progression on a criti-
c) a client with congestive heart failure has clear breath sounds
cal path, but they are not specifically associated with the definition
d) a client with pneumonia is discharged to home 1 day earlier
of a positive variance.
than expected
A nurse is a member of a community task force on violence.
The task force recognizes that it has insufficient data to make
decisions about specific interventions. Using the nursing process,
the first activity that the nurse would suggest to the task force is
- An assessment activity is always the first step in the nursing
process. Option C addresses assessment of community percep-
a) call other communities similar in size to determine what they
tions. Option A is a part of analysis from a variety of assessment
data, but is not specific to the subject of the question. Options B
b) develop a general educational program related to violence
and D are implementation measures.
c) conduct a community survey to assess community perceptions
regarding violence
d) develop a pamphlet on violence to be distributed to the com-
A community health nurse has been assigned to be the leader of
a task force to identify interventions for teenagers from a local
community who are abusing drugs. At the first meeting of the
task force, the members express concern that more informa- A
tion is needed to determine appropriate measures for the target - Option A is the only option that addresses the subject of the
teenagers. The nurse would direct the group effectively by sug- question and will identify the additional information required by
gesting which of the following? the task force. Options B, C, and D do not provide the additional
information required in order for the task force to proceed with the
a) preparing a survey that can be distributed to community mem- necessary task of the group.
bers to determine their understanding of the drug abuse problem
b) initiating a drug abuse program in all of the schools
c) seeking out the teenage drug abusers and referring them to
Nursing Leadership and Management NCLEX Questions
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drug abuse centers
d) preparing posters that can be distributed to the schools
1. A registered nurse is discussing treatment for a client who is
hospitalized with acute systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) with
a nursing student assigned to the client. The registered nurse
realized that the nursing student needs to research information
- Manifestations of acute SLE may include fever, muscu-
about the disease if the student states that which of the following
loskeletal aches and pains, butterfly rash on the face, pleur-
is a clinical manifestation of SLE?
al effusion, basilar pneumonia, generalized lymphadenopathy,
pericarditis, tachycardia, hepatosplenomegaly, nephritis, delirium,
a) fever
convulsions, psychosis, and coma.
b) bradycardia
c) butterfly rash on the face
d) muscular aches and pains
A nurse administers a fatal dose if a cardiac medication to a client.
During the subsequent investigation, it was determined that the
nurse did not check the client's vital signs before administering the
medication. This failure to complete an appropriate assessment is
addressed under which function on the Nurse Practice Act?
In the situation described in the question, acceptable standards of
care were not met (the nurse failed to adequately assess the client
a) defining the specific educational requirements for licensure
before administering a medication). Option D refers specifically
b) describing the scope of practice of licensed and unlicensed
to the situation described. Options A, B, and C do not relate to
care providers
standards of care.
c) recommending disciplinary action for nurses who violate the
d) identifying the process for disciplinary action if standards of
care are not met
A registered nurse is observing a nursing student prepare a client D
for a renal angiography. The registered nurse would intervene if - Renal angiography involves injection of a contrast medium.
the nursing student: Therefore, the procedure is invasive, and an informed consent for
the diagnostic procedure needs to be signed. A local anesthetic
a) checked circulation to the client's legs may be used at the needle insertion site, but an anesthesia con-
b) checked for client's allergies sent form is not necessary. The nurse checks for client allergies to
c) ensured that an informed consent for the diagnostic procedure determine whether the client has an allergy to the contrast medi-
was signed um. A baseline assessment of circulation to the legs is important to
d) ensured that an anesthesia consent was signed assist in monitoring for complications in the postprocedure period.
A nursing student is assigned to care for a child who has been
placed in Crutchfield tongs to stabilize a fracture in the cervical
- The purpose of Crutchfield tongs is to stabilize fractures or
area. The registered nurse reviews the plan of care developed
displaced vertebrae in the cervical and thoracic areas. Tongs are
by the student and discusses revising the plan if which incorrect
inserted on the sides of the scalp through drill holes. Traction pull
intervention is documented?
is always along the axis of the spine. The nurse should check the
tongs at least every 8 hours and as needed (PRN) for displace-
a) logroll the child when positioning
ment and looseness. The child can be repositioned by logrolling or
b) check the tongs every 24 hours for displacement and loose-
turned as a unit. Neurological status should be checked frequently
because spinal cord injury frequently accompanies a cervical
c) monitor neurological status
injury. Pin care is done every shift.
d) perform pin care every shift
A nurse is performing an admission assessment on a client ad-
mitted to the hospital with a diagnosis of fever of unknown origin.
The nurse performs interventions based on the nurse practice act A
when the nurse: - Recording assessment data reflects the requirement of the
nurse practice act to maintain adequate records. Verbal informa-
a) enters the information on the client's record tion and notes on worksheets are not part of the client's permanent
b) writes the information on a worksheet record.
c) informs the supervisor of the client's vital signs
d) tells another nurse that the client has a high fever

A nurse educator at the local community hospital is conducting C

an orientation session for nurses that are newly employed at the - Floating is an acceptable legal practice used by hospitals to
hospital. The nurse educator informs the new nurses that the solve their understaffing problems. Legally a nurse cannot refuse
policy of the hospital requires that nurses "float" to other nursing to float unless union contract guarantees that nurses can only
departments when client census is high on other units. The nurse work in a specified area or the nurse can prove the lack of knowl-
Nursing Leadership and Management NCLEX Questions
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educator advises the new nurses that if this situation arises and if
edge for the performance of assigned tasks. When encountered
the nurse is unfamiliar with the unit in which the nurse must "float"
with this situation, nurses should report to the unit and identify
tasks that can be safely performed. The nursing supervisor and the
nurse educator may need to become involved in the situation at
a) refuse to float
some point if the nurse requires assistance or education regarding
b) call the nurse educator
a new skill, but the action that the nurse must take is identified in
c) report to the unit and identify tasks that can be safely performed
option C.
d) call the nursing supervisor
A staff nurse makes negative comments about a unit manager's
leadership style, and the unit manager overhears the staff nurse.
Which action by the unit manager would be appropriate? C
- Encouraging the staff nurse to discuss the comments will assist
a) tell the staff nurse to stop making the comments in identifying the concerns in a democratic way. Options A and D
b) propose a tentative solution regarding the comments, and are autocratic. Option B does not provide the opportunity for the
discuss it with the staff nurse staff nurse to directly share concerns.
c) encourage the staff nurse to discuss the comments
d) persuade the staff nurse to stop being so critical
A registered nurse is reviewing a plan of care developed by a nurs-
ing student for a client scheduled for keratoplasty. The registered D
nurse tells the nursing student that which intervention written in - Keratoplasty is done by removing damaged corneal tissue
the plan needs to be deleted because it is incorrect? and replacing it with corneal tissue from a human donor (live
or cadaver). Preoperative preparation of the recipient's eye may
a) obtain a specimen for culture and sensitivity of the eye with a include obtaining a culture and sensitivity with conjunctival swabs,
conjunctival swab instilling antibiotic ophthalmic medication, and cutting the eye-
b) instill antibiotic ophthalmic medication as prescribed lashes. Some ophthalmologists order a medication such as 2% pi-
c) cut the client's eyelashes locarpine to constrict the pupil (not dilate the pupil) before surgery.
d) administer medications that will dilate the pupil
A registered nurse is discussing the clinical manifestations of
Meniere's disease with a nursing student. The registered nurse
determines that the nursing student needs to further research
this disorder if the student states that which of the following is a
- The three characteristic symptoms of Ménière's disease are
manifestation of Meniere's disease?
tinnitus, sensorineural hearing loss on the involved side, and
severe vertigo accompanied by nausea and vomiting. Option C is
a) tinnitus
not associated with Ménière's disease.
b) sensorineural hearing loss on the involved side
c) conductive hearing loss on the involved side
d) vertigo accompanied by nausea and vomiting
A registered nurse reviews a plan of care developed by a nursing C
student for a client who will be returning from the operating room - Following mastoidectomy, the nurse should monitor vital signs
following a mastoidectomy. The registered nurse informs the stu- and inspect the dressing for drainage or bleeding. The nurse
dent that which intervention is incorrect? should monitor for signs of facial nerve injury to cranial nerve
VII. The nurse should also monitor the client for pain, dizziness,
a) monitor the client for pain, dizziness, or nausea or nausea. The head of the bed should be elevated, and the
b) keep the head of the bed elevated client should lie on the unaffected side. The client will probably
c) instruct the client to lie on the affected side have sutures, an outer ear packing, and a bulky dressing that is
d) monitor for signs of injury to cranial nerve VII removed on approximately the sixth postoperative day
A community health nurse is working with a group of clients at
risk for hypertension. In implementing interventions by levels of
prevention, which of the following would be a primary prevention
intervention that the nurse would use with this group?
- Primary prevention interventions are those measures that keep
a) Encouraging the clients to attend hypertension screening
illness, injury, or potential problems from occurring; therefore,
option C is correct. Options A,B, and D are secondary prevention
b) encouraging clients to visit their physician regularly
measures that seek to detect existing health problems or trends.
c) providing information regarding the decreased use of salt in the
d) conducting a community-wide screening to detect individuals
with hypertension

A clinical nurse educator is conducting an educational session for

new nursing graduates and is discussing standards of care. The
Nursing Leadership and Management NCLEX Questions
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nurse educator determines that a graduate understands the pur-
pose of standards of care when the graduate states that standards
of care:
- The purpose of standards of care is to provide a broad direction
for the overall practice of nursing that applies to all nursing situ-
a) identify methods of treatment based on the most current
ations, across specialty areas, across the country. Standards of
care include providing competent levels of care based on current
b) provide excellent care based on current medical research
practice. Options A, B, and D do not specifically describe stan-
c) include providing competent levels of care based on current
dards of care. Option A is specific to technology. Option B address-
es medical research. Option D addresses specialty guidelines.
d) include providing care based on specialty guidelines for the
client's condition
A registered nurse (RN) is observing a new licensed practical
nurse (LPN) suctioning a client who has a diagnosis of acquired
- The RN is responsible for supervising procedures performed
immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). The RN would determine
by a new LPN to ensure that client safety is maintained and
that the LPN was performing the procedure safely if the RN ob-
that policies and procedural guidelines are adhered to. Standard
served that the LPN was wearing which of the following protective
precautions include use of gloves whenever there is actual or
potential contact with blood or body fluids. During suctioning the
nurse wears gloves, a mask, and protective eyewear or a face
a) gloves, mask, and protective eyewear
shield. Impervious gowns are worn in those instances when it is
b) gloves, gown, and mask
anticipated that there will be contact with a large amount of body
c) gown, mask, and protective eyewear
fluid or blood.
d) gloves, gown, and protective eyewear
A registered nurse (RN) is observing a nursing assistant ambu-
lating a client with right-sided weakness. The RN would determine
- When walking with clients, the nurse should stand on the affected
that the nursing assistant was performing the procedure safely if
side and grasp the security belt in the midspine area of the small
the nurse observed the nursing assistant:
of the client's back. The nurse should position the free hand at the
shoulder area so that the client can be pulled toward the nurse
a) standing behind the client
in the event that there is a forward fall. The client is instructed to
b) standing in front of the client
look up and outward rather than at the feet. Options A,B, and C
c) standing on the left side of the client
are incorrect.
d) standing on the right side of the client
A registered nurse (RN) is observing a new licensed practical
- The RN is responsible for supervising certain procedures per-
nurse (LPN) administer a deep intramuscular injection in the
formed by an LPN to ensure that client safety is maintained. The
dorsogluteal site of a client. The RN determines that the LPN is
dorsogluteal site or gluteus medius muscle is the desired site for
performing the procedure correctly if the LPN:
deep intramuscular injections. A prone toe-in position will promote
internal rotation of the hips, which will relax the muscle and make
a) administers the injection 2 inches below the acromial process
the injection less painful. Option D is incorrect and will not relax
b) administers the injection in the thigh
the muscle. Option A describes the administration of an injection
c) positions the client in a prone toe-in position
into the deltoid muscle. Option B describes an injection into the
d) positions the client in a Sims' position
vastus lateralis or rectus femoris muscle.


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