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org Volume 47 • Number 3 • November/December 2020


Turning postpartum positive

Celebrating 50 years
Empowering our daughters
Building Christ-centered families, one family at a time™


Previous year responses from ALL our engaged couples across the world


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Before: ± 20% After: ± 69%


Before: After: ± 99%

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FAMILY FOUNDATIONS November/December 2020

In This
Between their three children,
Marian (5), Evelyn (3), and Joanna
(1), Seth and Elizabeth Timpe
have experienced almost every
kind of baby feeding scenario,
and so have learned firsthand
exactly how interconnected it is
with the return to fertility. While
they know the difficulties of the
postpartum time, they look at
it as a time rife for potential
growth in their marriage.

8 Cultivating confidence:
Turning postpartum positive
A combination of trusted information and the
support of others can make all the difference
in helping the postpartum transition to be a
positive one.

15 Live the Love: Accompanying

couples during the postpartum
CCL’s pilot program for postpartum couples has included online support groups,
4 The View from Here personal consulting and online community, and has gone so well we
by Ann Gundlach are looking to roll it out further.
5 Into the Garden
by Katie Zulanas
18 CCL’s 50th anniversary: A look back
DEPARTMENTS In this year of celebrating CCL’s 50th year in ministry, we start with a
look back at the many milestones and growth the League realized in
6 Witness Talk its first 50 years.
16 Mission
20 Giving young girls a better
After loving the wedding fertility foundation
photos she took for them,
Seth and Elizabeth Timpe Many NFP mothers know that introducing their daughters to
suggested Alzbeta Volk for fertility awareness as a teen can help cultivate appreciation and
our feature photo session, and even awe for God’s design of their bodies and his plan for their
we’re glad they did! Check
out Alzbeta Volk Photography
sexuality. Still, it can be difficult or awkward. Now, we have a
in Lakewood, Colo., for any program to help.
family photography needs.

The View from Here

Walking a mile
I think we all know how helpful it is Personal connections and meeting
to know someone who has walked a couples where they are can be even
mile in our shoes. more important to gently guide them
I remember how genuinely toward the growth in their marriage
helpful it was to go La Leche League that will allow the practice of NFP
meetings as a new nursing mother. to be a source of grace rather than
Mind you, I wasn’t having any frustration.
particular trouble with nursing, but In this issue you will read about
just getting together with a group of two Live the Love projects developed
both new and experienced to guide NFP users through some-
breastfeeding women times difficult situations: the post-
was incredibly sup- partum transition and teaching our
portive to me. Besides daughters about the beauty
the camaraderie, I of their fertility. One
soaked up their sto- aspect of the postpartum
ries and experiences, project put mothers into
tucking away tidbits online groups that met
of wisdom in case I for several weeks with
ever needed it. And a CCL teacher/mod-
just knowing I had erator to discuss different
somewhere to take my aspects of the transition
questions if I ran into and how to manage trouble
trouble brought down spots. The moderator is there
the anxiety levels. to provide information, but it’s
A more serious need for ac- the conversation and sharing
companiment came in later years among the women that is most Family Foundations
with a mental health diagnosis in beneficial. And for those whose post- Volume 47, Number 3 • November/December 2020

one of our sons. Greg and I literally partum needs center mainly around PUBLISHED BY
felt lost until we found help through charting, we have launched targeted The Couple to Couple League International Inc.
NAMI (National Alliance on Mental postpartum consulting to bring more

Illness) groups. We point to finding dedicated, one-on-one help if needed. EDITOR

those groups as a turning point in The debut of a Mother/Daugh- Ann Gundlach •

helping us feel more capable to navi- ter online area is the result of hear- PRODUCTION and DESIGN
gate the challenges we had. ing for years from our NFP students: b graphic design •
As CCL celebrates its 50th year “Why didn’t anyone teach me this Family Foundations is published six times per year.
of ministry, we are excited to move when I was younger?!” But this isn’t The print edition is sent as a benefit to all U.S.
into the next 50 years with goals that the easiest thing to talk about, so we members who contribute at least $65/year. Print
subscriptions (without membership) are available
center on supporting NFP couples have compiled videos and resources for $39. Single copies available for $6.00 each plus
in more varied ways. CCL has always for moms and daughters to explore, shipping. Quantity discounts and bulk subscriptions
are available. For information call 800-745-8252 or
offered accompaniment, but today’s and created a community area for email
technology and the growing interest moms to share or ask questions of
Submitted materials become the property of CCL
in fertility awareness have opened each other. and will not be returned. CCL is granted the right to
up wonderful opportunities. Infor- Walking a mile with someone use the materials for any purpose and in any manner.
mation is often not enough when makes the journey a lot easier for • 5440 Moeller Ave., Suite 149 •
bumps in the road are encountered. them than letting them walk it alone. Norwood, OH 45212 • 800-745-8252

FAMILY FOUNDATIONS November/December 2020

Into the Garden

CCL’s postpartum transition


It is quiet in the garden these days

outside our office window at the
Holy Spirit Center. Seemingly little
is happening there; however, just like
at CCL, the groundwork for growth is
being established. It is, in fact, a very
busy time for us!
I had our editor, Ann Gundlach,
laughing when I remarked that it felt
like CCL was in a postpartum phase.
That sounds strange, but she got it!
This is a time of tremendous growth
and promise at CCL — we are birth-
ing some new, different and exciting
initiatives — but it is indeed similar
to a postpartum time where we still
have to keep the household going. (Genesis 1:11), we feel like we are on awareness, we have an unprecedent-
Just like new moms and dads must a journey of discovery as our Live the ed opportunity to tap into this CCL
still get meals on the table, get laun- Love initiatives show the promise of legacy to support their journey and
dry done and care for the older chil- bearing fruit. to join with partners to ensure our
dren while nurturing their new, little While the CCL staff is very busy testimony to the truth has a visible
and precious creation, we are having supporting our wonderful teachers place in marketplace. Your finan-
and students in regularly scheduled cial contribution, if you are able to
I am humbly asking you for your classes, we are also nurturing pilot help, will keep our classes going and
support for the CCL mission at this programs like our “Mother/Daugh- the marriages they impact growing!
most critical time. Your financial ter Area,” “Virtual Spanish Class” Please prayerfully consider our end-
contribution, if you are able to help, and “Postpartum Group” as we move of-year giving appeals.
will keep our classes going and the toward an online university for ongo- During a Christmas pageant, now
marriages they impact growing! ing learning and growth. These little years ago, our son’s kindergarten
sprouts in our garden fill us with joy class sang about baby Jesus coming
Please prayerfully consider our
and wonder. like a violet in the snow. That song of
end-of-year giving appeals. However, like every postpartum the tender, precious and miraculous
to balance keeping our mainstay and parent learns, it is a time when you gift of the Christ Child has always
primary mission going strong — ex- really need to humbly ask (and ac- stayed in my heart. I am sure Mary
cellent STM education grounded in cept!) help. Accordingly, I am humbly and Joseph, being human, experi-
Theology of the Body — while at the asking you for your support for the enced wonder and awe at the birth
same time nurturing and getting to CCL mission at this most critical of their child, but probably had a
know the new avenues we are taking. time. Your willingness to pray, teach, few hectic moments, too, as parents
It’s wonderful! And challenging! promote and financially sacrifice in the postpartum time. Knowing
Reflecting on the original gar- has built a tremendous well-spring that they love and understand us, we
den, “Then God said, Let the earth of knowledge and experience to entrust the Couple to Couple League,
bring forth vegetation: every kind of draw from in the past 50 years. As our donors, volunteers and students
plant that bears seed and every kind millions of women (and men) are to the Holy Family’s care and ask for
of fruit tree that bears fruit with now learning of the truth and beauty God’s quiet lullaby of joy and peace to
its seed in it. And so it happened” of Humanae Vitae through fertility fill all of our hearts this season.

WITNESS TALK Teaching Couples

During postpartum Bradley

time, NFP has

‘I questioned our use of NFP’ given us insight

into our mar-
riage that I feel
like we otherwise
Teaching Couple Bradley and Heather Slaymaker, of Atkinson, would not have had; it has opened
Neb., share this witness with their students. doors to discussions about each
other’s needs. Practicing NFP gives
me a chance to be more involved
Heather I grew up knowing cals in my body and that NFP was and more understanding of what it
about NFP and had parents who in union with the Church’s teach- means to have a strong marriage. NFP
openly practiced it and introduced ings; that was very important to helps me not look at Heather as an
it to me, so when we were prepar- me. I didn’t want any of the dam- item of sexual pleasure, but instead
ing to get married, I knew it was ages that contraception puts on a helps me see her body as part of the
something I wanted to practice. I relationship or any barrier between beauty of her fertility. I like how we
knew I didn’t want to put chemi- us in our covenant with God. can look at her chart and interpret

FAMILY FOUNDATIONS November/December 2020

it together and see that fertility isn’t Bradley When we say practicing ing her infertile time when we would
just her problem but rather a beau- NFP hasn’t been easy, this is the truth. normally be able to come together,
tiful gift we figure out together. There have been times of long periods and then she would be home during
of abstinence, especially postpar- her fertile times when we needed to
Heather Practicing NFP hasn’t tum as Heather’s fertility returned abstain. These times were hard, but
always been easy. When we first again, it allowed us to connect other
started out, we hoped to wait a We’re glad that NFP has helped ways and we grew in virtue. Now dur-
couple of years to start our family, spur more open discussions ing the fertile times when we aren’t
but God knew better and we were about what we each need and being called to be sexually intimate,
blessed with a surprise pregnancy expect out of our marriage. we are better at finding other ways
just a couple of months after being to show love and intimacy, whether
married. At first, I was mad and felt to normal. When we were blessed is doing the laundry or dishes so the
like NFP had failed us, but then the with our unexpected first pregnancy other doesn’t have to, giving a nice
situation opened us up to deeper as a newlywed couple with no kids foot massage, or just sitting quietly on
communication. and lots of alone
time, we had the
Bradley It was a great reminder time and opportu-
that God is part of the family pro- nity to be intimate
cess, and that every time we unite in almost whenever
intimacy, even in the infertile times, we wanted to be.
our love is ordered to life because we Obviously, things
are respecting God’s design. It also changed drastically
led us to prayerfully discern God’s call after Taylor was
in our lives and that our family spac- born. It became
ing needs to be in accordance with much harder to find
His will and not just our desires. We time to work on our
realized that God had a plan and that own relationship,
by being open to his plan through and we suddenly
NFP, he gave us a blessing far greater went from never
and better-timed than we could have having to wait to be
planned on our own. intimate to months of waiting due to the couch together. There are times
abnormal mucus patches and lack of when we both have to, as it’s been
confidence in interpreting signs. said, choose to love each other in
Heather There have been mo- During this time, we knew we ways other than sexually. We’re glad
ments of great joy in our practice had to work on other parts of our that NFP has helped spur more open
of NFP but also times of pain and relationship like communication and discussions about what we each need
clarity. We have been blessed with prayer. During the most difficult parts and expect out of our marriage.
five pregnancies and four beautiful of that time, I questioned our use of
living children. When we lost our NFP, so we talked to other couples Heather Marriage is a great gift
third child to a miscarriage, I was for support, prayed about it, read to from God and NFP has been a major
heartbroken, but NFP helped us learn more about God’s plan for sex part of our growth and maturity as
greatly even in this, especially as and why it was so important. We individuals and as a couple. Though
we worked through the grief and entered back into regular cycles it hasn’t always been easy, the diffi-
used a time of adjustment to navi- stronger and more understand- cult times have been just as benefi-
gate through some health issues. I ing of our roles in our marriage. cial, and in the end, more rewarding
followed some suggestions from the NFP has also helped us during a for us. We aren’t perfect, and NFP is
book, Fertility, Cycles & Nutrition time of serious reason to postpone a not meant just for perfect couples,
by Marilyn Shannon, and since then pregnancy. When our third child, Gi- but for couples who want to follow
we have been blessed with two more anna, was diagnosed with cancer, we God’s perfect plan!
beautiful children. I am so grateful knew that it was not a time to grow We are always in need of more volunteers to
to have been able to treat the issues our family. Heather was sometimes help introduce NFP to others! Learn more at
naturally and safely. gone with Gianna for treatments dur-

C u lt i vat i n g c o n f i d e n c e

FAMILY FOUNDATIONS November/December 2020

by Grace Emily Stark


by the numbers

Seth and Elizabeth Timpe have experienced the 3,791,712 4–6 weeks postpartum
postpartum transition with nearly every kind of baby Number of babies born in 2019 Average time before
feeding, and they were all tricky — even frustrating — due
to continuously changing mucus. The Denver area couple,
2,581,992 lochia disappears
Number of vaginal deliveries Return to fertility
both 31 and parents of three daughters, have seen first-
hand how much the different types of baby feeding have 1,208,176 Varies
impacted Elizabeth’s return of fertility. Elizabeth also Number of Cesarean deliveries
does not have a thyroid gland, and her thyroid medication
tends to throw yet another wrench into the mix.
They have had all the makings of postpartum night- Baby feeding
mares, and while not denying the difficulties they’ve Among infants born in 2015:
endured, this CCL Teaching Couple say the key for them • 4 out of 5 (83.2 percent) started out brea
has been learning to be intentional about their relation- • While nearly 6 in 10 (57.6 percent) infants
are still breastfeeding
ships with each other and with God while their family at 6 months of age, only 1 in 4 are breastfee
ding exclusively.
size has grown. • Only one-third (35.9 percent) of infants were
breast­feeding at
“With all of the continually changing mucus I had,” 12 months.
Elizabeth says, “we were looking at about five or six [Data from the CDC’s 2018 Breastfeeding Repor
t Card]
months of abstinence each time because I never got to
establish a BIP (basic infertile pattern). But it really
brought us together as a couple.” her,” Elizabeth says, “and then I needed to pump — my
fertility returned before five months postpartum.”
BABY FEEDING AND FERTILITY With second daughter, Evelyn, breastfeeding went
Between their three children, Marian (5), Evelyn better, and Elizabeth’s return to fertility was closer to the
(3), and Joanna (1), the Timpes have experienced almost six-month mark.
every kind of baby feeding scenario, and so have learned “But then our third daughter, Joanna, wasn’t growing
firsthand exactly how interconnected baby feeding is well despite being breastfed, so we needed to supplement
with the return to fertility. with formula,” Elizabeth explains. “I didn’t start giving
“We went into the postpartum transition with our her formula until she was four months old, but as soon as
first daughter, Marian, wanting to exclusively breastfeed I did my fertility came back within two weeks.”

“Times of abstinence obviously wear on both of us” There is no denying it: Postpartum NFP is often chal-
she says, “but our mutual discernment led us to decide lenging.
that after each of our three children, we wanted a little But what if we stood all of the difficulties of the post-
more space before the next one.” partum time on their heads, and instead looked at this
transition as a time rife for potential growth?
TOWARD A BETTER SELLING POINT While we focus a lot on physical growth during preg-
For those of us looking to win converts to the fertil- nancy, postpartum can be a time of immense growth in
ity awareness methods (FAM) / natural family planning our relationships with God, ourselves, and our spouses —
(NFP) movement, the postpartum period can be a bit of if we tend the soil as we should. We still need to be honest
a sticking point. If we’re being honest with with ourselves and
ourselves (and others), the unpredictability Postpartum can be a time of immense others about the strug-
of postpartum fertility charting can make gles of the postpartum
for a pretty tough sell opposite the high growth in our relationships with God, transition, but we need
reliability of the culture’s favorite post- ourselves, and our spouses — if we tend to encourage ourselves
partum family planning methods (e.g., the the soil as we should. to look to the fruit that
so-called “mini-Pill” and the copper or is possible on the other
hormonal IUDs). side of it all, too.
Even with all of the benefits of NFP, it’s the transi- Happily, CCL has experienced through its Post-
tional moments in fertility (like postpartum and peri- partum Class that more knowledge often equates to
menopause) that have the potential to break a couples’ more confidence for couples navigating the postpartum
commitment to fertility awareness, especially when transition. And even though we have all heard the “horror
nearly every healthcare professional they encounter stories” of unpredictable postpartum fertility, not every
while postpartum gives them some version of a pat on the postpartum transition for every couple is so rife with dif-
head, and a “See you again in nine months!” when they ficulty — we promise!
discover an intention to forego traditional birth control. No matter a couples’ postpartum experience, when

FAMILY FOUNDATIONS November/December 2020

they are provided with the right information about why

the signs of fertility change the way they do during this WHEN TO GET HELP
potentially tricky transition, it can help couples approach Dangerous postpartum conditions
it with better confidence and perspective.
Postpartum mental health issues, postpartum hemorrhage,
A POSTPARTUM PRIMER and signs of infection
On that note, a “primer” of the postpartum transition
is in order. Some of the leading causes of the U.S. maternal
According to the CCL Transitions Guide, “Postpar- deaths (or near-death) during the postpartum period
tum is the term used to explain that a mother has recently are severe bleeding, high blood pressure and in-
given birth and has not yet returned to her pre-pregnancy fection, which are most common in the week after
state. During this time, a mother will experience a variety delivery. Weakened heart muscle (also known as car-
of physical, psychological, physiological and perhaps diomyopathy) is the leading cause of maternal death 1
even spiritual changes as she transitions from nurturing week to 1 year after delivery.
her baby in utero to nurturing him or her after birth.” Heart disease and stroke are also a concern dur-
So what exactly is going on during the postpartum ing both pregnancy and postpartum, and postpartum
transition, anyway? Quite a bit, as it turns out — and depression and anxiety (and extremely rarely, postpar-
there are transitions within the postpartum period itself. tum psychosis) are also risks to be aware of during the
postpartum period. For some women suffering from
THE FIRST FEW WEEKS postpartum depression, progesterone can be an effec-
After the woman delivers her baby, she soon delivers tive alternative to antidepressants; NaPro Technology
something else: the placenta. The placenta is a remark- physicians are especially versed in this protocol.
able feat of nature, as it is actually a temporary organ Now, before we get too bogged down in the
(wrap your brain around that one for a moment!). The doom-and-gloom, it’s time for the good news: Maternal
placenta is responsible for supplying food and oxygen mortality is relatively rare in the United States, and it
to the baby, as well as removing waste from him or her, is estimated that the vast majority of the roughly 700
through the umbilical cord. pregnancy or childbirth-related deaths that occur each
The placenta is also responsible for a significant year are actually preventable.
amount of the hormone production that keeps the What that means is fore-
pregnancy going — namely, that of progesterone and warned is forearmed: Knowing
estrogen. (That is why some women who require pro- about the warning signs of
gesterone support during early pregnancy may be able these conditions can literally
to wean off of it once they reach the second trimester, be life-saving. This is an op-
when the placenta has sufficiently matured to take over portunity for husbands to step
hormone production.) So it should come as no surprise up in the care of their wives;
that once a woman delivers her baby and the placenta, to advocate for their health
her hormone levels plummet. and wellbeing, and to seek
It is actually this drop in estrogen and progesterone help for their wives if
that signals a woman’s body to begin producing breast- any of the warning
milk for her newborn child, and the pituitary gland begins signs of the most
to produce higher levels of the “milk-making hormone,” common post-
prolactin, in response. As the baby begins to suckle at the partum issues
breast, prolactin levels rise even higher. or complica-
The effect on a woman’s cycle of the high levels of tions arise.
prolactin is to suppress the production of luteinizing hor-
mone (LH), which keeps her from ovulating and menstru-
ating. Depending on the frequency and type of feeding, as
well as the woman herself, a woman may not experience a
return to fertility for several months postpartum. Con-
versely, the less suckling at the breast (as with pumping
or formula feeding), the more likely a woman is to see a
return to fertility more quickly after birth.


That is why a woman who is breastfeeding exclusive- you do experience mucus, also get back into the habit of
ly and on-demand can expect her cycle — and therefore taking your basal body temperature. Note that medi-
her fertility — to be suppressed for quite some time. In cal providers typically recommend at least four to six
fact, this is actually the premise behind the Lactational weeks of abstinence after giving birth, as the woman
Amenorrhea Method (LAM) of natural family planning. heals from delivery.


According to the World Alliance for Breastfeeding If a woman continues to breastfeed exclusively (and,
Action (WABA), a woman can rely on the LAM for family in particular, if she is following the rules of LAM), she
planning if: can expect that her return to fertility will be delayed for
1) Her menstrual period has not returned since delivery at least the first six months postpartum. However, if the
(note that lochia, which is bleeding or spotting during rules of LAM are not strictly followed, a woman must
the first 56 days, is not considered menstrual bleed- be on the lookout for a return of fertility signs — and the
ing — more on this later); and if potential to get pregnant.
2) She is breastfeeding her baby
on demand, both day and night
and not feeding other foods or
liquids regularly (note that oc-
casional tastes of foods or other
liquids are permitted, but they
should never replace a feeding
at the breast); and if
3) Her baby is less than six
months old.
“When all three of these condi-
tions exist,” says WABA, “a woman
has less than a two percent chance
of becoming pregnant. However, the
woman is encouraged to begin using
a complementary family planning
method when any of the three condi-
tions changes.”


For three to six weeks after
delivery (whether vaginal or C-
section), the woman will experience
bleeding and discharge known as
lochia. This is the body’s way of
shedding all of the accumulated
blood and tissue inside the uterus
that helped sustain the baby during
pregnancy. In the first few weeks, the
lochia will go from thick and dark
red to thinner and brown. After about two weeks postpar- Some of the signs she may notice indicate a “gearing
tum, as the uterine lining continues to heal, lochia will up” of fertility: as estrogen rises and the ovaries become
thicken and become yellow or white in appearance. stimulated, cervical mucus will be produced — often in
Once lochia begins to lessen, you should start “patches” of days at a time. But as estrogen levels drop,
observing and charting any mucus you may see, includ- and ovulation does not occur, cervical mucus may change
ing writing short descriptions of the mucus rather than to a less fertile form, or completely dry up. This pattern
just assigning it a letter. This is key to helping establish of patches may continue for some time, especially with
any basic infertile pattern (BIP) that may develop. If continued breastfeeding.

FAMILY FOUNDATIONS November/December 2020


This up-and-down pattern as fertility tries to return
can lead to prolonged periods of abstinence, which can
understandably lead to a lot of frustration for couples Confusing postpartum mucus signs
— especially if they are seeking to postpone pregnancy
for the time being. Identifying a BIP is key, which is Continuously changing mucus patterns,
where reaching out to an instructor (or someone at or continuous mucus
CCL Central) is vital; sometimes it takes a fresh pair of
educated eyes to see patterns that you might not have
A continuously changing mucus
noticed yourself! pattern (or never-
ending continuous mucus) can be
Taking your temperature is also especially important immensely frus-
trating for couples to navigate. Just
at this time. A lot of couples worry about the reliability of how fertile are
you during this time, anyway ? The
the woman’s basal body temperatures (BBT) at this time, difficult answer
is: we can’t be sure. But that doe
given frequent night wakings with a new baby. But the sn’t mean all hope
is lost or that you’ll never be able
good news is that this sign is fairly resilient. Even just a to have sex again.
Now is the time to reach out to you
four-hour stretch of sleep (ideally within an hour of the r teaching couple
for help in interpreting your charts.
same amount of time, each time) is enough to get an ac- If they are un-
available, someone at the CCL Cen
curate BBT reading that you should be able to catch your tral team can help.
But you cannot get help if you do
thermal shift — and the shift (as opposed to individual not reach out.
In fact , this is an important them
daily temps) is the most important thing to catch, anyway! e that emerges
in all things during the postpartum
time: sometimes
it is God’s way of teaching us that
CONTINUED BREASTFEEDING ourselves, and we must cultivate
we cannot do it all
Most women who practice continued breastfeed- the habits of humil-
ity and gratitude in asking others
ing after introducing solids will experience the full for help.
return of their fertility (or at least signs of its impend-
ing return) by the one-year postpartum mark. Some
women may not see a full return to fertility until
their baby completely weans. The full return to fertil- the Timpes love to cook and bake together, and dur-
ity can be a welcome change for couples, as it brings ing the postpartum time, they do even more of that.
more reliable patterns in mucus, allowing for more Seth notes that there is also a great deal of value in
predictable times of fertility and infertility (and there- cultivating things to do at home, in particular. It can
fore lessening those long periods of abstinence). be hard to get out with little ones at home, and often,
the only time that is available to a couple is after kids
“One thing we always tell couples in our classes, are in bed. So things that you can do together at home
are especially important for maintaining your inter-
is that chastity is part of marriage, not just your actions as a couple during the postpartum times.
engagement. Even when you’re married, there are
times when you have to turn on your ‘chastity button;’ DAD IS IMPORTANT, TOO
Another key part of making the postpartum time
there are times when there will be abstinence.” “work,” is for the dad to be involved as much as possible.
“Seth does things like playing with the older girls
WITNESS TO FRUITFUL GROWTH while I’m nursing, or cleaning bottles and pumping
During this up-to-a-year or more timeframe, how can stuff and taking on other household chores that I
couples experience more growth in their relationship — would normally do, all so that I can focus on caring for
like the Timpes — rather than frustration and stress? the baby,” says Elizabeth. “He always tells me, ‘we are
“One thing we always tell couples in our classes,” says in this together.’”
Elizabeth, “is that chastity is part of marriage, not just “For me,” says Seth, “It’s about asking myself, ‘What
your engagement. Even when you’re married, there are can I do to support Elizabeth?’”
times when you have to turn on your ‘chastity button;’ They admit the book, Then Comes Baby by Lisa and
there are times when there will be abstinence.” Gregory Popcak, has influenced how they partner togeth-
This is where cultivating hobbies together even er to raise their children, especially in those early days
prior to having a baby is so important. For example, with a newborn.


“It stresses that dad takes care of the mom, so mom “Elizabeth will be honest with me, and say ‘I’m not
can take care of the baby. And sometimes as women, we feeling it right now, but I think you can help me get there’,”
think we need to do it all, that we don’t need the help, but Seth says. “And being able to talk about these things —
we really need to let our husbands take care of us at this having it not be awkward — is one of the great beauties
time,” says Elizabeth. of NFP. I also know that if I am romantic and love her as I
She also notes that even though she stays home with should, if I do something for her, that she doesn’t neces-
the kids, they still take shifts at night with a newborn sarily owe me anything in return.”
“because we both have a job to do tomorrow!” “I worry that it’s when couples don’t have these
“And no matter the age of the baby,” adds Seth, “prior important conversations that we see the fruit of it in
to COVID, I would always try to make sure Elizabeth things like divorce,” says Elizabeth. “We know ourselves
made it to her mom’s group for their monthly night out. that guilt or resentment can really build without that
This means making sure that the baby can do the bedtime open communication.”
routine with either of us. It means a little more work “And often,” adds Seth, “those feelings happen be-
upfront, but it’s important so that I can give Elizabeth a cause of a miscommunication. Sometimes you’re not
little more freedom.” really at odds at all — you might even be feeling the same
way — but if you don’t communicate and have a conversa-
MARITAL INTIMACY AND COMMUNICATION tion about it, you’ll never know.”
The Timpes also credit the increased communica- When fertility does return, and the long periods of
tion in general with NFP as helping them weather the abstinence are finally over, Elizabeth and Seth note that
“the connection is so much deeper when
we are finally able to come back to it.
That spiritual and mental connection is
just so much deeper, and we appreciate it
‘and rejoice’ as St. Paul says.”

Seth and Elizabeth recommend go-
ing into the postpartum transition with
reasonable expectations. This is one big
reason to take CCL’s Postpartum Class
while still pregnant, they say. “Look at
us! We had three different scenarios.”

Go into the postpartum transition with

reasonable expectations. This is one
big reason to take CCL’s Postpartum
Class while still pregnant.
They recommend going into it clear-
eyed, with the recognition that things
can (and often do) change.
In fact, Seth says, “There’s really
no point in having expectations! Every
experience is so different. We’ve learned
that with our kids, plus with how differ-
ent their personalities are, each postpar-
tum transition is different, too.”
postpartum abstinence. Especially since the low estrogen Elizabeth adds that another important point is not
levels mean that the woman’s libido is also often low dur- to expect anything about your own postpartum experi-
ing this time, they know it can take a little more work for ence based on someone else’s experience. “I see so many
her to get in the mood, but that Seth can do a lot to help. Cultivating confidence continues on page 22

FAMILY FOUNDATIONS November/December 2020

Postpartum Support Groups

The support groups meet weekly for five to six
weeks to learn more about the postpartum transi-
tion, receive guidance and resources, and learn
from each other’s experiences and support. CCL
hopes to have new groups starting up routinely,
perhaps based on due dates. These groups are for
women who have already taken CCL’s Main Class
and the Postpartum Class, and they meet in an on-
line forum guided by a mentor/moderator (who is
a CCL teacher with a lot of experience and interest
in helping women through this transition). There
is also hope in the future to have some recorded
content be a part of the postpartum community
groups, for those who are unable to make the
scheduled meeting times.
The goal of the meetings, says Melissa, is “to
offer inspiration and practical support. And it’s not
all from the moderator! The women in the group
support one another as well.”
The meetings are loosely structured and deal
with important topics like self-care, breastfeed-
ing, nutrition and marital intimacy. “During the
self-care meeting,” says Melissa, “we talked a lot
about Theology of the Body, and how practicing
self-care as a mom is not only necessary, but good.”
In addition to talking about these issues during the
meeting, the moderator also offers resources and
support materials. For example, Melissa says, “In
the breastfeeding class, we shared our own experi-
ences and support with breastfeeding, but I also
connected women with lactation consultants for

Live the Love:

virtual consultations.” Often, the meetings focused
on practical aspects of everyday life for moms, such as
tips for how to get dinner on the table at night, and how
to pick nutritious foods (often using Fertility, Cycles &
Accompanying couples during Nutrition as a guide).
The marital intimacy meeting also focused on the
the postpartum transition realities of how sex changes after a baby. “We talked a lot
about how our time is no longer our own,” says Melissa,
“and the need to ‘think outside your box’ when it comes
CCL knows the great need for cultivating better com- to where and when you can be intimate — especially
munity and accompaniment for couples — especially when there’s a baby asleep in your bedroom at night.
when navigating the postpartum transition. That’s why Sometimes couples are surprised when they realize that
over the past several months CCL has been piloting vir- they don’t need permission to change these things!”
tual postpartum consulting and support groups. These Melissa also notes that Theology of the Body is an
programs are part of CCL’s Live the Love initiative, and especially important topic when it comes to marital
the pilots have gone over incredibly well, with hopes of intimacy after a baby, relying especially St. John Paul
rolling out these opportunities for more participants II’s Love and Responsibility. “We talk a lot about the
and volunteers very soon. Family Foundations spoke arousal curves of men and women that JPII discusses,
with CCL Teachers Melissa Gorley and Stacey Nagle, and how he points out the virtue in men learning to
who have spearheaded these efforts. Postpartum transition continues on page 22


because of our own shepherds who

have been sending us cards and
prayers and our own Magi offering
us gifts and bringing us dinners.
Nine months ago, I began work-
ing at CCL. Perfect timing since my
wife got pregnant in January. Work-
ing for CCL has run parallel with my
own experience as an expectant and
now postpartum father. In October,
CCL started its 50th year, and in my
time here we have been preparing
to breathe new life into the next 50
years. Our ideas and projects have
been growing, and a few of those
ideas are just now being born. I’ll
spare you the labor pains only to tell
you that we are now in the postpar-
tum phase in the development of
CCL’s future. Like my wife and me,
the staff and stakeholders at CCL are

CCL’s own shepherds

excited at the prospects that this new
life will bring. The “Mother/Daugh-
ter Area,” the virtual Spanish Class

and Magi by Patrick Smith

and the “Postpartum Place” are in-
fants, barely older than my own son,
yet they are already stirring excite-
“Patrick, I think my water broke.” their valuable gifts, and I’m sure ment and anticipation. Our online
It was September 20 and my Mary and Joseph used them to take university for continued learning
very pregnant wife and I were get- care of the baby Jesus. But what did and growth is soon to be born. Now
ting ready for bed. We changed our the poor shepherds have to offer? we are looking for some shepherds
sleep plans, I threw our bags into Well, they had their praise to offer. and Magi.
the car and checked to make sure I’m not saying that my wife and I
So much life is springing forth from
the car seat was there, and we were are Mary and Joseph, and our son is
off to the hospital. certainly not Jesus, but, like the Holy
CCL, and, like my wife and myself, CCL
The ER confirmed that this Family, we’ve had our share of Magi continues to need prayers and support.
was the real deal, and so began a and shepherds. So much life is springing forth
slow labor of almost 24 hours, not In that first moment after birth, from CCL, and, like my wife and my-
counting the three hours of active my wife and I were in the post- self, CCL continues to need prayers
pushing, breathing and more push- partum phase. From the euphoric and support. We know we have the
ing. On September 22 at 12:58 a.m. awe at the new life sitting in the talent and perseverance, and now
our son, David Matthew Gleason car seat on our way home, to the CCL needs your help. We ask you to
Smith, was born. adrenaline-fueled third and fourth be our shepherds and Magi, offering
Now as we approach the Christ- winds we caught when we got home, what you can to ensure the growth of
mas season, I can’t help but think of to the minute-to-minute changes of the new life in our ministry. Please
the Nativity. Joseph, I can relate to. fatigue, grace, anxiety, rest, feeding, prayerfully and purposefully con-
But I want to consider the shepherds panic, planning, unplanning, and sider ways in which you can support
and Magi for a moment. These men diapers…we have been utterly con- this new life at CCL.
wanted to give. They wanted to be a sumed. But we’re incredibly blessed Patrick Smith is the associate director of
part of this new life. The Magi had by this new life and partly that is membership for CCL.

thermometers to advance CCL’s
classes in the dioceses of Kumbo and
Bamenda in Cameroon. As you may
imagine, the extraordinary demand
for thermometers worldwide and
complications due to social unrest
in Cameroon delayed our plans
to complete this project. We have
finally received the thermometers
earmarked for Cameroon and will
be sending them very soon. With
the unstable conditions there, we
need to make sure they arrive
safely to those couples who need
them; I will share more details as
things unfold. Thank you for all

Wow! A positive ending

your support on this initiative.
A pilot program is currently
underway here in the U.S. to help

to 2020 by Erick Carerro

Spanish-speaking couples who just
welcomed a new baby. This post-
partum pilot will help us to find the
While 2020 has earned quite the over their country. A similar effort best combination of instruction,
reputation for shutting things down, has been in the works for several practice and consulting for these
surprisingly as it winds down it is months for Colombia. We are truly families. The integration of the
bringing many exciting opportunities excited to finalize the details and CycleProGo app (Spanish version) is
for the League to fulfill its mission to launch the new Liga de Pareja a part of this experience. I look for-
reach couples with NFP instruction Pareja–Colombia site before the ward to letting you know when the
in English, Spanish…and Polish! end of this year. final version will be ready to deploy
In October we finalized an Many of you contributed to to more Hispanic communities.
agreement with Liga Małżeństwo our Thermometers for Africa initia- Erick Carerro is the Director of International
Małżeństwu (CCL-Poland) to update tive. This was an effort to provide Programs and Strategy
their Student Guide and teacher
training program and create a Polish
version of the Art of Natural Family
Planning Transitions Student Guide.
This is a significant milestone that
will benefit many couples, not only in We’ve moved!
Poland, but around the world, includ-
ing Polish families in the United Please use our new address:
States. CCL classes in Polish have 5440 Moeller Avenue, Suite 149
been offered for many years in some
Cincinnati, OH 45212
dioceses around the Great Lakes.
Last month we also opened a new
virtual portal for Liga de Pareja a
Pareja–Argentina (CCL–Argentina!). Please remember CCL in your
The Argentine teaching couples now end-of-year giving.
have access to most of our teaching Mail gifts to our new address
resources, consulting support and or visit
NFP promotion to serve dioceses all


First 50

A look back
October 2020 began CCL’s 50th year of ministering to 1971
• CCL founded by
engaged and married couples with our unique mis- John & Sheila Kippley
sion to help couples live out their marital sexuality in
line with God’s beautiful plan for married love. Along
the way we have developed programs and products to
meet the needs of the time, all grounded in excellent 1973
• Preliminary Art of NFP
instruction in the Sympto-Thermal Method of NFP, (mimeographed)
delivered couple to couple, in the context of traditional
Christian sexuality. Enjoy this look at the many high-
lights and blessings, all made possible through the 1974
support of untold volunteers and donors. • Teaching Couple
10 certified
• 2,000th taught

• Art of NFP, 1st ed
• 3,000th taught

1979 1978 1977

• Art of NFP, 2nd ed • NCCB recognizes CCL • Teaching Couple
• 1st International as valid NFP provider #
100 certified
Teaching Couple in conformity with
1982 (Belgium) Catholic Teachings
• 10,000th taught
• Teaching Couple • 1st CCL Convention
500 certified
• 50,000th taught

• Art of NFP, 3rd ed 1991 1993
• Promoter program • Fertility Cycles • Teaching Couple
established 1986 & Nutrition #
1000 certified
• Home Study course published • 100,000th taught
• Teaching Couples in
Mexico & Colombia

FAMILY FOUNDATIONS November/December 2020

2018 2019 2020

• Shorter, Lighter and Pain-free • Fertility, Cycles • Mother/Daughter
Periods published & Nutrition 5th program launched
2017 • 50th Anniversary of Humanae edition published • Expanded postpartum
• CCL Facebook Vitae convention • launched support launched
group launched • CCL2025 plans announced • Conoce tu Fertility launched • Begin CCL’s Jubilee year

• Your Love Story 2015 2013
published • New logo & branding • CycleProGo® Mobile 2012
• Self-paced Online App launched • Virtual teaching
Course debuted • Updated Transition Classes formalized & expanded
& books launched • Polish Postpartum
• Launched redesigned Class launched

2009 2010 • ANFP Polish Course
• Postpartum & Premenopause • ANFP Spanish launched
Classes with books launched Course launched • Teacher Training
2008 streamlined &
• ANFP Course launched • Fertility, Cycles & Nutrition, • Teaching Couple
4th ed published improved
2000 certified
• CyclePRO® desktop • ANFP 2nd ed
charting software • 200,000th taught
launched • Online Class Registration
• Art of Breastfeeding system launched

• Web-based Teacher 2006 2002
Training launched • Is NFP Good? & • Spanish Basic 2001
• Eyes Wide Open The Human published • Teaching Couple
published Body… published #
1500 certified
• 150,000th taught

1994 1997 • El Arte published
• Marriage is For Keeps • CCL Website
• Clergy & Physician
published • Hispanic development Seminars began
1996 created
• Art of NFP, 4th ed


gently pointed them toward God’s

plan for openness to life. I was asked
more than once if I was sick when

Giving young girls

they had joined our bed and saw me
taking my morning temperature. I
just said, no, I did this because it

a better fertility
helped me to know if God had sent us
a new baby. Their eyes always lit up
at the thought! Children know inher-

ently that life is a gift.

by Ann Gundlach Reclaiming these beautiful truths

As children get older and are
impacted by the culture (even as we
Many parents, and I was one of them, ing to our children about their bodies. try to minimize that influence), the
dread having to have “the talk” as For instance, one thing we agreed natural acceptance of new life and
their child approaches puberty. We on was to use accurate terminology the specialness of being a boy or a girl
aren’t quite sure what or how much when talking to them about their can fade. Thinking particularly about
to say, and we fear what questions we body parts. We didn’t realize at that young girls, consider what messages
may get. time when they were toddlers and they receive from all around them
Looking back, though, I know preschoolers that this was laying the today: That their menstrual cycles
that practicing fertility awareness groundwork for being able to talk are a hassle or worse; that their
helped my husband and me grow to them more easily about intimate femininity needs to be controlled to
comfortable talking about intimate things as they got older. have empowered lives; that girls need
issues ourselves. This did help us Being open with them also medications in order to get through
down the road when we began talk- brought some tender moments that their periods.
When they get older, the prevail-
ing message is that motherhood is
likely to be an impediment to a career,
and this has led to U.S. women
delaying motherhood. According to
the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention, women are now more
likely to have their first child in their
early 30s than they are to begin their
family in their 20s.
And yet the experience of NFP
couples is that sharing with our
daughters about fertility aware-
ness as a teen does help cultivate
appreciation and even awe for
God’s design of their bodies
and his plan for their sexuality.
It helps points them toward
hope…hope for blessings
like marriage and children.
It honors their femininity.
That is the much
better, much more
positive and hopeful
message that our
daughters deserve!

FAMILY FOUNDATIONS November/December 2020

CCL begins outreach for teens our own new program for moms and they have been given in being female,
To better support young girls, daughters,” said CCL Executive Di- and moms are presented with several
CCL has launched programming to rector Katie Zulanas. “We have been suggested tracks based on the age of
help mothers more easily introduce working on this for many months and their daughter.
fertility awareness information to
their daughters. We were excited to
We are happy to offer the
kick this off by co-sponsoring a vir-
tual event on September 24 produced Mother/Daughter
by our partner, Natural Womanhood.
Nearly 1,000 women tuned in
online to a presentation headlined by to our CCL members
former CCL promoter and fertility
at an introductory
educator Emily Sederstrand. Speak-
ing from her experiences of working 50% discount!
with teens, Emily shared both the Use code CCLMom50 at checkout.
importance of empowering teenage Valid through 12/31/20.

girls to know their bodies, and some

strategies that she has found helpful. Visit
As a leader in promoting fertility to share this with your daughter
awareness, Natural Womanhood’s for $25 (retail price $50).
president Gerard Mignon has recog-
nized the pressing need to introduce
this to young women at earlier ages, were delighted that Gerard wanted “Any one of our NFP teachers
and was excited to use this event to to support our own efforts to educate can tell you that one of the most
connect parents with helpful infor- teen girls.” frequent comments they get from
mation and resources. This is the first program their students is, ‘Why didn’t anyone
“I consider the education of teen- launched under the Live the Love teach me this when I was younger?!”
agers critical in order to bring about brand, and is designed to facilitate Zulanas said. “And with so many
the change of culture we need,” he conversations between mothers couples not coming into NFP classes
said, “and the success of this webinar and daughters. This helps ensure until their late 20s, that leaves a gap
on this issue shows a huge interest.” young girls receive trusted, accurate of far too many years when women
Feedback was overwhelmingly information grounded in the truths are just too easily shuffled onto the
positive, with many viewers eager of God’s beautiful plan for femininity birth control pill.”
to share the recording with others. from within their own family, from CCL is excited about bringing
Some, like Helena Zamora, watched those who love them the most and beautiful, gentle and trusted educa-
with their daughters. know them best. tion to girls about their amazing
“Thank you so much for this The Mother/Daughter Area is an fertility cycle before they get caught
event! The information and resourc- online space featuring educational up in the assembly line toward birth
es provided are extremely help- content, resources and commu- control found at too many physi-
ful,” she said. “I had my 17-year-old nity connections, the centerpiece of cian’s offices. They will receive a
daughter sit in on this with me, and it which is a series of short video les- basic understanding of their fertility
was definitely a conversation starter. sons: “Fertility 101: Basic facts every hormones, effective self-help and
I was able to share my charting with young woman should know.” natural remedies for cycle discom-
her again. She was able to ask ques- Ideally to be watched together, forts, how to know what should be
tions and get clarification on the ba- daughters will be introduced to brought to a doctor’s attention, and
sic charting she has done and things fertility awareness in talks from a most importantly, how to advocate
she’s noticed.” CCL teacher, a nurse practitioner for themselves as they work with
and an OB/GYN. For moms there is healthcare professionals to support
CCL’s mother/daughter area bonus content and a community area a healthy life.
“Coordinating with Natural to support each other. The entire
Womanhood on their webinar pre- program is designed to help young You are invited to visit
sented a great opportunity to tease girls discover and treasure the gift to learn more.


Cultivating confidence continued from page 14 Postpartum transition continued from page 15
postpartum charts,” says Elizabeth, “and everyone is become masters of their own arousal curve.” (On that
just so different. You really can’t predict for women note, when asked if there is a corresponding men’s
when they will be fertile again, so it is really important group for discussing the postpartum transition, Me-
to not compare other peoples’ postpartum experiences lissa says they are gauging interest in that — so please
to your own.” reach out to CCL if you feel called to this ministry!)


When asked for their best advice for couples If a woman needs more individualized NFP in-
struggling during the postpartum transition, Seth struction or attention to her charts, she can also have
immediately recommends talking together as a a 20-minute consultation with a CCL teacher well-
couple, and getting help. “Get help versed in this transition — another ini-
from a teaching couple, a mentor, tiative in the Live the Love campaign.
a priest, anyone you trust so that CCL knows NFP needs change in the
you don’t feel like you’re doing it postpartum time.
all on your own.” We also have new help for postpar-
He also says to take the time to tum women with a constantly chang-
devote toward your marriage and ing mucus pattern. Some in this situa-
your relationship, after all, he says, tion have found the Marquette Method
“It’s what your family is founded to be helpful in providing some much-
on!” Take time for a date night, needed objectivity with this, and then
afternoon, or morning — whatever return to CCL’s Sympto-Thermal
you need to do. Method (STM) once their cycles have
“That’s advice we give couples re-normalized. Rosemary Mackenzie
regardless of where they are in is a CCL teacher who is cross-trained
their marriage,” says Seth. “It’s in both CCL’s STM as well as the Mar-
easy to accept that babies get to quette Method, and helps couples fig-
take over your life,” says Elizabeth, ure out how to integrate the ClearBlue
“but they shouldn’t! You can’t be a Fertility Monitor during the postpar-
good parent if you don’t have those tum time. This is an excellent partner-
foundations laid with your spouse.” ship that indicates CCL’s willingness
Elizabeth also adds the impor- to meet couples where they are, and to
tance of having a prayer life and making sure that each help them continue to grow in faith and love with one
of you has some dedicated prayer time. “Keep laying another during this transitional period.
that spiritual foundation however you can.”
She also recommends simplifying your life as much Postpartum Digital Platform
as possible, especially during the early months, and not CCL plans to continue growing their postpartum
to be afraid to change your schedule, if needed, to do less. community and resources, and is working toward
“You have to get better not just at asking for help, creating a digital platform — the Postpartum Place —
but at accepting help,” Elizabeth says. “If someone where couples can access all of these resources at any
wants to start a meal train for you, let them! Let people time and be connected to consultants for more individ-
bless you, and when you are in a position to do so, bless ualized instruction. The goal is for the support groups,
someone else who needs it, too.” resource platform and consulting to eventually be
Elizabeth also highly recommends cultivating your available to anyone, regardless of their method of NFP.
community of other “mom friends.” With all of these new resources on the horizon,
“Go to your church’s mom’s group,” she says, “or CCL hopes to make couples feel confident and support-
start one yourself! My sister laughed at us when we ed throughout the postpartum transition. In educating
took out an ad in the bulletin at our parish advertis- couples, helping them form meaningful communities
ing our couples’ groups. She said, ‘You’re advertising with others, and providing additional resources and
for friends!’ But that is where we have found some of instruction when NFP can be its most difficult, CCL
our closest friends, the ones we can call on to help us hopes to cultivate the soil for the incredible growth of
through anything, including postpartum.” the postpartum time to come to fruition.

Since 1990, Fertility, Cycles & Nutrition
has promoted healthy nutrition and lifestyle
choices for women. The completely updated &
revised 5th Edition continues this mission with:

• An updated “12 rules for better nutrition” • Advice on boosting your ability to digest food
• Steps you can take to increase your energy • Tips on homesteading & growing your own food
• The latest research on preventing endometriosis
• New information on male infertility

“One of my favorite resources is Marilyn Shannon’s

Fertility, Cycles & Nutrition because it is so pertinent to
women’s health from a medical perspective. I particularly
like the fact that Marilyn first emphasizes good nutrition,
before she targets particular problems such as painful
cycles, PMS, polycystic ovary syndrome, infertility, thyroid
or any of a number of other issues. It is amazing for me to
see the number of problems that simply resolve with good
nutrition and a healthy lifestyle.”
— Marie A. Anderson, M.D., FACOG
Tepeyac OB/GYN Center

Available in the CCL store
CCL has

Please use our new address:

5440 Moeller Avenue
Suite 149 i s cri sis!
ug h t h
Cincinnati, OH 45212
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