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Choose the correct options:

Q1. The method by which heat is transferred by mass movement of liquid and gas itself is called:

i) Conduction ii) Convection iii) Radiation

Q2. Heat energy travelling in the form of electromagnetic waves is called:

i) Conduction ii) Convection iii) Radiation

Q3. Ventilation in rooms is due to:

i) Conduction ii) Convection iii) Radiation

Q4. Stainless steel heating containers are usually provided with copper bottoms. It is because:

i) Copper makes the container strong ii) Such containers look good
iii) Copper is better conductor of heat than steel iv) Copper is easier to clean

Very Short answer question:

Q5. Which thermometer is to be used for measuring the temperature of boiling water and why?

Laboratory thermometer is used to measure the temperature of boiling water. It has a

temperature range from -100C to 1100C, whereas clinical thermometer has temperature range
from 350C to 420C.

Q6. Two thin blankets are usually warmer than one thick blanket.

i) The statement given above is true or false?


ii) Give reason to support your answer.

This is because, the air trapped in between the layers of blankets acts as insulator and does not
let the body heat escape. Thus, keeping you warm.

Q7. A firefighting suit is bright and shiny; Give reason.

This is because bright colours absorb less amount of heat and the shiny surface reflect the heat.

Short answer question:

Q8. Two objects at the same temperature, one is smaller than the other, are placed together. In which direction
will the heat be transferred? Give reason.
The heat will be transferred from higher temperature to lower temperature irrespective of the
size of the object.

Q9. Convert the following as directed:

i) 1520F into Celsius

152 – 32 = 120
120 X
𝟗 = 66.60C
ii) 230C into Fahrenheit

23 X = 41.4
41.4 + 32 = 73.40F

Long answer questions:

Q10. Direction of air plays major role in maintaining a moderate temperature in places near the sea. Sand heats
up much faster than the water bodies during day time and cools down much faster during the night.

i) Draw a neat and well labelled diagram of Sea breeze and Land Breeze. With the help of arrows
show the direction of air during day time and night time.

ii) Write any two differences between sea breeze and land breeze?


It flows during day time. It flows during night time.

The wind blowing from sea towards the land The wind blowing from land towards the sea
is Sea breeze. is Land breeze.

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