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1 Discovery of
by Adriana , Zulaikha , Anis Nadzirah ,
Damia Insyiraah
history of radioactivity

Wilhelm Conrad

Antoine Henri Marie & Pierre

Bacquerel Curie
history of radioactivity

In 1895, Wilhelm Conrad

Roentgen, a German physicit,
discovered X-ray.
He had unintentionally taken
an X-ray photograph of his
wife’s hand.
This succes led Wilhelm Conrad
Roentgen to receive the first
Nobel Prize in Physics in 1901
Wilhelm Conrad
for the discovery of X-ray.
history of radioactivity

In 1896, antoine henri becquerel, a french

Physicist, became the first person to
successfully discover radioactivity.
He found a radioactive compound, uranium
and unintentionally produced rays that can
blacken a photographic Plate even in the
The rays were detected based on the
ionising Property.
due to this, antoine henri becquerel
received the nobel prize in Physics in 1903
for the discovery of radioactivity. Antoine Henri
history of radioactivity

at the end Of 1897, marie and

Pierre curie, a married couple
from poland, successfully detected
radioactive radiation through its
ionising power and not through
the Photographic effect.
beginning With uranium ore
which is known as Pitchblende,
they successfully extracted two
radioactive elements, polonium
and radium.
Marie & Pierre

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