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Y1 Y1^2 Y2 Y2^2
1 53 2809 51 2601
2 55 3025 52 2704
3 56 3136 53 2809
4 64 4096 54 2916
5 66 4356 55 3025
6 66 4356 55 3025
7 67 4489 56 3136
8 69 4761 56 3136
9 70 4900 57 3249
10 70 4900 58 3364
11 71 5041 59 3481
12 72 5184 61 3721
13 73 5329 62 3844
14 74 5476 62 3844
15 75 5625 63 3969
16 75 5625 63 3969
17 76 5776 63 3969
18 77 5929 64 4096
19 78 6084 65 4225
20 78 6084 66 4356
21 78 6084 66 4356
22 78 6084 66 4356
23 79 6241 68 4624 kelas
24 79 6241 71 5041 kontrol
25 81 6561 72 5184 dan eksperimen
26 86 7396 81 6561
27 86 7396 83 6889
28 86 7396
29 86 7396
30 87 7569
jumlah 2211 165345 1682 106450
n 30 27
mean 73,7 62,2963
෍ 𝑦2
2394,3 1667,62963
db 55
Se 2,279710877
to 5,00225876
t tab 2
r^2 0,417027512
selisih (Y1 bar-Y2 bar) Se to t tab keputusan

11,4037037 2,279711 5,002259 2 H0 ditolak

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