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Maco, Davao De Oro


S.Y. 2021-2022
Name: Score:

Direction: Read and analyze each item carefully. Choose the correct answer and
write it on a clean sheet of paper.


_____1. Because of its high pitch range, the banduria usually plays the melody. What
musical element does the banduria show in this situation?
A. melody
B. meter
C. mood
D. timbre
_____2. The guitar guides the rondalla in terms of rhythm or beat. In this situation,
what musical element does not belong to the group?
A. melody
B. meter
C. mood
D. tempo
_____3. The Rondalla Ensemble was brought to the Philippines by the Spaniards.
What is a Rondalla Ensemble?
A. Rondalla, in the Philippines, refers to any group of stringed instruments
that are played using the plectrum or pick.
B. Rondalla is an instrumental music which is composed of string instruments.
C. The instruments in rondalla are banduria, laud, octavina, guitar and baho
de arko.
D. All of the above
_____4. “Ili-Ili Tulog Anay” is an example of a lullaby folk song. Which of the
following best describe a lullaby song?
A. humorous songs or welcoming songs
B. love songs used for harana
C. narrative song or songs that tell a story
D. songs for rocking the baby to sleep
_____ 5. Which of the following is an epic poetry sang only in four major instances –
rice harvests, weddings, funerals and wakes?
A. Bua
B. Hudhud
C. Ibaloi Badiw
D. Owiwi
_____6. How is Salidumay described?
A. It serves as an indicator of rejection and acceptance towards the man
courting/wooing a woman.
B. It is the oldest traditional Cordilleran way of storytelling.
C. It tells about the use of herbal and natural medicines.
D. It is about planting and harvesting of crops.
_____7. How is gangsa toppaya performed?
A. Gongs are played with drums stick.
B. Gongs are played with the palm.
C. Gongs are struck with a wooden mallet.
D. Players/musicians are on standing position.
_____8. Why is Tultul always chanted at night?
A. Because of strong connection between night and the sacred world
B. Because the natives love to go out at night
C. Because this song requires bright light.
D. Because there is a big celebration tomorrow.
_____9. Which of the following musical characteristics of El Galina Capituda is not
A. “El Galina Capituda” is a Folk song.
B. “El Galina Capituda” is from Zamboanga.
C. “El Galina Capituda” is about a smart hen.
D. None of the above.
_____10. When Barrio children play and sing along El Galina Capituda, they use
these improvised instruments EXCEPT ONE?
A. Body parts
B. Found materials
C. Scrap metals
D. Xylophone
_____11. What the key signature of “El Galina Capituda”?
A. Ab
B. Bb
C. Eb
D. F
_____12. The Ati-atihan Festival shows many character traits of the people of Kalibo.
Which of the following is not a character trait of the festival?
A. creative
B. friendly
C. religious
D. self centered
_____13. Based on the history of the Kadayawan festival, which type of festival does
it belong?
A. Ethnic
B. Modern
C. Religious
D. Secular
_____14. Which of the following opportunities is not being offered by the Kadayawan
A. business and trade
B. cultural exposure
C. mining
D. recreation
_____15. Why does the Kulintang ensemble is used in Kadayawan Festival?
A. Because this ensemble has a unique ringing sound.
B. Because it requires skillful instrument players.
C. Because its sound can be easily heard by the dancers.
D. Because it has the identity of Mindanao.


______1. Tattoo art is considered one of the folk arts in Mountain Province. Which of
the following DOES NOT speak true about it?
A. It indicates heroism, status in the community, and bravery.
B. It signifies a rite of passage from youth to adult life.
C. It is part of clothing and considered a decoration.
D. It is worn by men only.
______2. What do you call the head gear that Ivatan women in Batanes wear in
order to protect from the heat of the sun and during rainy season?
A. Bakwat
B. Puni
C. Singkaban
D. Vakul
_____3. Angono is known for their Higantes Festival which features higantes, a big
papier mache of human figures which traces back to colonial times. What was then
the purpose of such celebration?
A. To air the sentiments about the Spanish hacienderos
B. To celebrate life
C. To get rid of bad spirits
D. To give thanks for the bountiful harvest
_____4. Paete in Laguna is dubbed as the Wood Carving Capital of the Philippines.
What are the dominant motifs that they usually use?
A. Animal Prints
B. Floral and full of curves and hooks
C. Human bodies
D. Linear and Geometric
_____5. Patadyong is a wrap-around piece of cloth worn by women in Iloilo. The
following describes its characteristics EXCEPT;
A. Linear
B. Floral
C. Geometric
D. Both A and C
_____6. Pagrarara it banig or mat weaving is a popular art and craft in Aklan. What
does it usually depict?
A. Act of Service
B. Meditation
C. Religious gathering
D. Social Interaction
_____7. Kenneth Cobonpue is one of the famous artists who use rattan and other
experimental materials in making unique and highly stylized furniture and fixture.
Where does he come from?
A. Bohol
B. Cebu
C. Leyte
D. Samar
______8. Okkir or Okkil is a geometric and flowing design and is the distinguishing
marks of the Maranao Arts and Muslim-influenced artworks in southern Philippines
and even in Southeast Asia. Which does it derive from?
A. Animal print patterns
B. Floral patterns
C. Leaf and vine patterns
D. Sea waves patterns
______9. T’nalak is a hand-woven cloth of the T’boli of South Cotabato. What fiber is
it made from?
A. Abaca
B. Bamboo
C. Banana
D. Pineapple
______10. Which of the following colors are being used in traditional Bukidnon
A. Black, Blue, and Red
B. Red, White, and Black
C. White, Yellow, and Blue
D. Yellow, Red, and Black
______11. Which of the following speaks true about weaving in Davao in the past?
A. It is a sacred activity.
B. Male members of the community are forbidden in the weaving are.
C. The spirits are guiding and inspiring the weavers.
D. All of these
______12. What do you call the traditional drama that depicts the life, passion, and
death of Jesu Christ?
A. Cenaculo
B. Moro-moro
C. Sancruzan
D. Zarzuela
______13. Which conflict between groups of people does the traditional drama Moro-
moro depict?
A. Christians and Lumads
B. Christians and Moslems
C. Lumads and Moslems
D. Moslems and Spaniards
______14. What festival do Cebuanos celebrate in honor of Senior Sto. Niño?
A. Ati-atihan
B. Panagbenga
C. Pahiyas
D. Sinulog
______15. Which of the following festivals is geared towards cultural preservation
and tourism?
A. Kadayawan
B. Pahiyas
C. Sinulog
D. Turumba
_____1. It is a collection of sports events that involves running, throwing and
A. Archery
B. Athletics
C. Gymnastics
D. Swimming
_____2. In1951, the first ASEAN Games was held in:
A. Amsterdam, The Netherlands
B. Bangkok, Thailand
C. Los Angeles, California
D. New Delhi, India
_____3. This event is participated by four runners. Each runner covers 400 meters.
A. 4 x 100
B. 4 x 200
C. 4 x 400
D. 4 x 800
_____4. An individual or team racing sport that requires the use of one’s entire body
to move through water.
A. Athletics
B. Gymnastics
C. Running
D. Swimming
_____5. It is done by doing gradual stretching activities from upper to lower
A. Endurance exercise
B. Flexibility exercise
C. Strength exercise
D. Warm-Up exercise
_____6. The exercise that specifically prepare the muscles for active contraction is
called _______________?
A. Dynamic stretching
B. Endurance exercise
C. Static stretching
D. Strength exercises
_____7. The following are examples of dynamic stretching, EXCEPT:
A. Calf
B. Front swings
C. March and Reach
D. Plank walk-out
_____8. This refers to an apparatus used in rhythmic gymnastics made of either
rubber or synthetic material?
A. Ball
B. Club
C. Hoop
D. Ribbon
_____9. It is a sport that uses apparatus such as rope, hoop, clubs and ribbon.
A. Aerobic gymnastics
B. Artisitc gymnastics
C. Gymastics
D. Rhythmic gymnastics
____10. It is the original name of badminton?
A. Battledore
B. Paddle
C. Poona
D. Shuttlecock
____11. The name “Ping-Pong” was invented by the English firm ____________.
A. American Association
B. Jacksons and Sons
C. J. Jacques and Sons
D. Johnson’s and Company
____12. many points should a player reach in order to win a set?
A. 9
B. 10
C. 11
D. 12
____13. What is the height of the table used in the game Table Tennis?
A. 72
B. 76
C. 80
D. 86
____14. Who introduced the Table Tennis game in Vienna and Budapest?
A. Dr. Jacobi
B. Edward Shires
C. J. Jacques
D. Parker Brothers
____15. Table Tennis became an Olympic sport in _________, with singles and
doubles competitions for men and women.
A. 1974
B. 1976
C. 1980
D. 1988

______1. What stage of psychosocial development where you are in a state of

personal relationships, developing closeness, and committing relationships
with other people?
A. Adolescence
B. Childhood
C. Infancy
D. Old Age
______2. When seeking social support to cope with problems which of the following
NOT help?
A. Ask advice from a responsible adult
B. Stay alone inside the room
C. Talk to a friend who can help
D. Talk to someone to know more about the problem.
______3. What will you do when you make a mistake?
A. Admit your mistake
B. Cover it up
C. Hope that no one will find out
D. Pretend nothing happened
_____4. These are hormones that creates moodiness among adolescents.
A. Adrenaline and hypothalamus
B. Estrogen and progesterone
C. Parathyroid and pancreas
D. Pituitary gland and thymus
_____5. Which is NOT healthful to do?
A. Eat breakfast that is high in fiber
B. Eat fruits and vegetables regularly
C. Increase consumption of fatty foods
D. Limit sugar and salt intake
_____6. Why do adolescents require more energy and fruits?
A. Their bodies are preparing for pubertal changes
B. Their bodies are undergoing several physical changes
C. They engage more in active physical activities
D. they need to achieve full growth potential
_____7. Which micronutrient deficiency is caused by low hemoglobin count?
A. Binge eating
B. Iodine deficiency disorder
C. Iron deficiency Anemia
D. Vitamin A deficiency
_____8. What mineral from the body is lost by excessive perspiration during
strenuous physical activity?
A. Calcium
B. Potassium
C. Water
D. Zinc
_____9. One way to improve your mental Health is through ____________.
A. Reading of books
B. Religious Activities
C. Sports
D. Volunteer Work
_____10. This refer to the end of physical being of a person that is caused by illness,
aging or accident?
A. Death
B. Dying
C. Grief
D. Stress
______11. A kind of stress that refers to the positive and healthy response of the
body from a stressor?
A. Denial
B. Distress
C. Eustress
D. Grief
_____12. What government agency is responsible for the equitable, sustainable and
quality health for Filipinos?
B. DepEd
_____13. Which is an example of non-communicable disease?
B. Cancer
C. Chicken pox
D. Tuberculosis
_____14. Which is NOT a causative factor of non-communicable diseases?
A. Environmental Hazards
B. Poor Diet
C. Stress
D. Virus
_____15. Why do we need to correct myths and misconception about non-
communicable diseases?
A. Following myths and misconceptions can endanger our health
B. We don’t want to be labeled as backward or uneducated
C. We need to change our beliefs to keep pace with the changing times.
D. Our medical practitioners will get mad if we don’t follow their advice.


1. D 1. D EDUCATION 1. A
2. A 2. D 1. B 2. B
3. D 3. A 2. D 3. A
4. D 4. B 3. C 4. B
5. B 5. B 4. D 5. C
6. A 6. D 5. B 6. D
7. B 7. B 6. A 7. C
8. A 8. C 7. A 8. B
9. D 9. A 8. A 9. A
10. D 10. B 9. D 10. A
11. C 11. D 10. C 11. C
12. D 12. A 11. C 12. B
13. D 13. B 12. C 13. B
14. C 14. D 13. B 14. A
15. D 15. A 14. B 15. A
15. D
Maco, Davao De Oro


S.Y. 2021-2022
Name: Score:

Direction: Read and analyze each item carefully. Choose the correct answer and
write it on a clean sheet of paper.


______1. Which of the following is the characteristic of Javanese Gamelan?

A. Used for sacred music
B. Consist of metallophone and mostly gongs
C. Used for court music
D. Sounds are very bright and brilliant
______2. Which of the following is the characteristic of folk song?
A. The category is extremely diverse
B. It is performed in honor of the gods and scholars
C. It is performed in religious rituals or at funerals
D. It was performed as chamber music for the king
______3. Why are the Mahori instruments historically small?
A. Because it is traditionally played by young men
B. Because it is traditionally played by children
C. Because it Is traditionally played by elders
D. Because it is traditionally played by women
______4. Which ensemble is referred to in the given description?
i. Used for court
ii. Percussion dominated
iii. Style of playing gives solemn character
A. Indonesian gamelan
B. Balinese gamelan
C. Javanese gamelan
D. Gerong
______5. Which of the following East Asian countries has a musical characteristic
that uses bright rhythms and melodies, offers a more energetic and capricious
contrast to the nation’s collection of classical music works?
A. China
B. Japan
C. Korea
D. Singapore

______6. Which of the following musical elements are present in East Asian Music?
I. The rhythm is off beat.
II. The melody is pentatonic.
III. The vocal timbre is nasal and throaty.
IV. The texture is monophony and homophony.
B. I, II, IV
______7. Mr. Sobee is going to perform a traditional Korean music called ‘Pansori’. It
means ___________ .
A. Mr. Sobee should sing one melody at a time with no underlying
B. Mr. Sobee should sing a slow vocal meditative pace and string
music like shamisen.
C. Mr. Sobee should sing a long vocal and percussive music played
by vocal singer and skilled drummer.
D. Mr. Sobee should sing the melodies with long, sustained, very slow
and punctuated aerophone instrument.
______8. Mr. Abel is going to play a bright and happy Japanese instrumental music.
What type of musical scale will he apply?
A. Ionic scale
B. In-sen scale
C. Pentatonic scale
D. Yo-sen scale
______9. Which of the following statements about the Korean instrument ‘Piri’ is
A. Korean double reed instrument used in folk music.
B. Korean double reed instrument used in classical music.
C. Korean double reed instrument used in in both folk and classical
D. Korean double reed instrument used in special holidays in Korea.
______10. Why is the instrument ‘Biwa’ a chosen instrument of education in
Japanese Shinto?
A. It is often used in narrative and storytelling.
B. It is often used in Japanese musical teaching.
C. It is often used in Japanese traditional music teaching.
D. It is often used in Japanese local opera

Questions number 11-12 refer to figure below.

______11. Based on the western musical scale, which tone is equivalent to zhi in
Chinese five tonal scale?
A. Do
B. La
C. Mi
D. Sol
______12. Which of the following is equivalent to the fifth note of Western musical
A. Do
B. La
C. Mi
D. So

______13. Which of the following describes the classification of musical instruments

from India, “vitat”?
A. blown air instruments
B. bowed stringed instruments
C. membranous percussive instruments
D. non-membranous percussive instruments
______14. Which of the following best describes Kabuki?
A. It is combined mainly with martial arts and karate.
B. It is means sing, dance, and act.
C. It uses puppets cast to shadows.
D. It uses heavy make-up
______15. What is the major function of the Gamelan orchestra?
A. Accompany stage action during the performance.
B. Accompany ritualistic prayers before the play.
C. Accompany the singers during the performance.
D. Accompany stylistic dance presentations.

______1. What Malay word does the Indonesian-Malay word “batik” believe to be
related to?
A. Itak
B. Itik
C. Kitik
D. Titik

______2. What do you call the traditional check scarves made of cotton worn almost
universally by Cambodians?
A. Krama
B. Scarf
C. Sihn
D. Shantung taffeta

______3. What fabric is common to Indonesia, Malaysia, and Singapore which

means point, dot or drop?
A. Batik
B. Ebony satin
C. Golden threads
D. Uneven twill silks

______4. Songkok is a cap widely worn in Southeast Asian countries. In Malaysia,

which religion is songkok associated?
A. Buddhism
B. Islam
C. Hinduism
D. Roman Catholic

______5. Which of the following does the Chinese use as subjects or themes in
A. Flowers and birds
B. orchids
C. Portraits
D. Scenes from everyday life

_____6. Xie He, a writer, art historian and critic in 5th century China, established the
Six Principles of Chinese Painting which give suggestion on how to make a painting
interesting and realistic. Which of the following is not included in the list?
A. Leave spaces for the eyes to rest.
B. Listen to the sound of nature.
C. Observe rhythm and movements.
D. Use brush in calligraphy

______7. Woodblock printing is a technique for printing text, images or patterns used
widely throughout East Asia. It used to be method of printing on textiles but
eventually became a method for printing on paper. Where does it originate?
A. China
B. Japan
C. Korea
D. Mongolia

______8. Kumadori makeup is a type of Kabuki makeup of Japan which applied to

villains and heroes in theater. It is composed of very dramatic lines and shapes using
colors that represent certain qualities. What quality is being represented by the color
A. depression or sadness
B. nobility
C. passion or anger
D. youth

______9. What do you call the art of making designs or patterns on the walls or the
floor of the Indian subcontinent houses which uses finely ground white powder along
with different colors?
A. Diwali
B. Rangoli
C. Shirdaks
D. Tush Kyiz

_____10. Which country is known for making printed table cloth, curtains, bed
spreads and shawls?
A. Kazakhstan
B. Pakistan
C. Tajikistan
D. Uzbekistan
______11. What do you a homespun silk used for beautiful dresses worn by
Turkmen women?
A. Diyas
B. keteni
C. Shirdaks
D. Tush Kyiz

______12. Tush kyiz are large elaborately embroidered wall hangings which are
traditionally made in Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan by elder women. To what specific
celebration do they use these?
A. to celebrate festivity
B. to commemorate the marriage of a son or daughter
C. to remember the death of a loved one
D. to ward of bad spirits

_______13. Peking Opera is a traditional theater art form which combines music,
vocal performance, pantomime, dance, and acrobatics. What is the highest aim of
performers in Peking Opera?
A. to entertain people
B. to celebrate victory in war
C. to display beautiful costumes
D. to put beauty into every motion

_______14. In Kabuki theater art, props often have symbolic meanings. What does a
fan symbolize?
A. Bird
B. Insects
C. Rain
D. Wind

_______15. What stories do Indonesian shadow puppet theater shows draw from?

A. Biag Ni Lam-ang
B. Nagarakretagama
C. Ramayana and Mahabharata
D. The Tale of the Heike

______1. Which of the following refers to the ability of the heart (cardio), and
circulatory system (vascular) to supply oxygen to muscles for an extended period of
A. Cardio-vascular Endurance
B. Muscular Endurance
C. Muscular Strength
D. Physical fitness
______2. What do you call the movement that causes your body to use energy?
A. metabolism
B. physical activity
C. physical fitness
D. sedentary lifestyle
______3. What component of Frequency Intensity Time Type (FITT) principle does
the amount of time you have in your exercises?
A. frequency
B. intensity
C. time
D. type of exercise
______4. Which of the following is considered a skill-related fitness component?
A. agility
B. body composition
C. flexibility
D. muscular strength
______5. Which skill-related component is used to assess one’s ability to maintain
A. Agility
B. Balance
C. Coordination
D. Reaction Time
______6. What is referred to as the ability of your body systems to work together
efficiently, to allow you to be healthy and perform activities of daily living?
A. cardio-vascular endurance
B. muscular-endurance
C. muscular strength
D. physical fitness
______7. Which of the following components promote total health and prevent the
beginning of diseases and problems associated with physical activities?
A. Body composition
B. Health-related components
C. Physical Fitness component
D. Skill-related component
_____8. Which is NOT a skill-related fitness component?
A. coordination
B. flexibility
C. power
D. reaction time
_____9. What do you call a violation made in a basketball game?
A. foul
B. illegal
C. legal
D. strike
_____10. What year was basketball invented?
A. 1851
B. 1891
C. 1911
D. 1976
_____11. What pass gives the best control and therefore is the most accurate?
A. chest pass
B. cross court
C. lob pass
D. one handed
_____12. Which player is usually the best dribbler of the basketball team?
A. center
B. point guard
C. power guard
D. small forward
_____13. How many points is a basket worth if shot from inside of the 3-point line?
A. four
B. one
C. three
D. two
_____14. Who was the inventor of Basketball?
A. Bill Russel
B. James Naismith
C. Michael Jordan
D. William Morgan
_____15. Which type of foul occurs when defenders make illegal contact with their
A. Defensive Foul
B. Offensive Foul
C. Personal Foul
D. Technical Foul


_____ 1. What term defines a man, or a woman based on biological characteristics?

A. Androgyny
B. Gender
C. Sex
D. Sexuality
_____ 2. What do you call the sets of activities that society considers as appropriate
for men and women?
A. Gender equality
B. Gender identify
C. Gender role
D. Gender sensitivity
_____ 3. Which characterize a gold decision?
A. Easy to make
B. Made after a thoughtful consideration of consequences
C. Makes your friends happy
D. One that your teacher told you to make
_____ 4. Why is it important to understand human sexuality?
A. It will help us build a better relationship with ourselves and others
B. There is a specific age por developing one’s sexuality
C. We name similar sexuality issues
D. We will all be mature adults.
____5. It is the foundation of society which is primarily responsible for shaping the
lives of its members?
A. Family
B. Infatuation
C. Engagement
D. Marriage
____ 6. A lifelong commitment between a man and a woman entered in accordance
with the law for the establishment of conjugal and family life.
A. Attraction
B. Courtship
C. Engagement
D. Marriage
_____ 7. It is defined as the ability of the parents to respect and do the needs and
aspirations of the family and children?
A. Family
B. Marriage
C. Parenthood
D. Responsible parenthood
_____ 8. Why do couples want to have children?
A. Allow the couple to continue their growing relationship.
B. Children are considered wealth relationship.
C. Religious institution requires it.
D. Society expects couples to have offspring.

______9. Which of the following is the best definition of a communicable disease?

A. An illness that is caused by viruses only
B. An illness that can be ignored
C. An illness that cannot be prevented
D. An illness that can be transferred from one infected being to another.
_____10. Illness occurs in different stages, All of the following are stages of illness
Except the:
A. Incubation stage
B. Convalescence stage
C. Prodromal stage
D. Acceptance stage
_____11. Which of the following is not a pathogen?
A. Allergy
B. Bacteria
C. Fungus
D. Virus
_____12. What infectious diseases that can be transferred from one-person to
another through sexual contact?
A. Avian Flu
B. Malaria
C. Pneumonia
_____13. What term is used to describe any drugs that a non-drug user might try out.
A. Gateway Drugs
B. Narcotics
C. Illegal Drugs
D. Marijuana
_____14. Which of the following is NOT a reason why people smoke?
A. Adult smoking
B. Coping with stress
C. Peer pressure
D. Serves as medicine
_____15. What specific condition is characterized when a person needs more
alcohol to feel its original effect?
A. Brain damage
B. Cancer
C. Dependence
D. Tolerance


1. C 1. D EDUCATION 1. C
2. A 2. A 1. A 2. C
3. D 3. A 2. B 3. B
4. B 4. B 3. C 4. A
5. C 5. A 4. A 5. A
6. C 6. B 5. B 6. D
7. C 7. A 6. D 7. D
8. D 8. B 7. B 8. A
9. C 9. B 8. B 9. D
10. A 10. D 9. A 10. D
11. D 11. B 10. C 11. A
12. D 12. B 11. A 12. D
13. B 13. D 12. C 13. A
14. B 14. D 13. C 14. D
15. A 15. C 14. B 15. D
15. A
Maco, Davao De Oro


S.Y. 2021-2022
Name: Score:

Direction: Read and analyze each item carefully. Choose the correct answer and
write it on a clean sheet of paper.


______1. Baroque music is known for its grandiose and elaborate ornamentation.
Which of the following Baroque Music forms was developed mainly through imitative
A. Concerto Grosso
B. Fugue
C. Chorale
D. Oratorio
______2. There are five main sections of the Mass. Which of the following is the only
section of Mass with Greek text?
A. Agnus Dei
B. Credo
C. Gloria
D. Kyrie
______3. A musical composition that resembles a harmonized version of hymnal
tunes of the Protestant Church.
A. Chorale
B. Concerto
C. Fugue
D. Oratorio
______4. A large scale musical composition for orchestra and voices that
incorporates narratives on religious themes.
A. Chorale
B. Concerto
C. Fugue
D. Oratorio
______5. A form of orchestral music that employs a solo instrument accompanied by
an orchestra.
A. Chorale
B. Concerto
C. Fugue
D. Oratorio
______6. A contrapuntal piece, developed mainly by imitative counterpoint with a
main theme called subject.
A. Chorale
B. Concerto
C. Fugue
D. Oratorio
_____ 7. He was named “Father of the Symphony” because of his over 100
symphonies and developed into long forms for large orchestra
A. Franz Joseph Hadyn
B. Hildegard Von Bingen
C. Ludwig Van Beethoven
D. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
_____ 8. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of music in the Classical
A. A style of broken accompaniment called Alberti Bass was practiced
B. Harmony and texture is homophonic in general
C. Sonata, Concerto and Symphony were the vocal forms developed
D. There is an extensive use of crescendo and diminuendo
______9. It pertains to arts particularly in Italy such as sculptures, painting, music,
architecture and
literature. The most common subject of this period is Human Philosophy.
A. Baroque Period
B. Medieval Period
C. Renaissance Period
D. Romantic Period
_____10. Exposition is written in C# minor, which gives the composition of what
A. Darker atmosphere with a mysterious character
B. Darker atmosphere with a restless character
C. Darker atmosphere with a secretive character
D. Darker character with an agitated character
_____11. The piece changes its tempo in every theme. What are the kinds of tempo
being used?
A. Allegro agitato, largo, Moderato, Presto
B. Allegro agitato, Largo pesante, Moderato cantabile, Prestissimo
C. Allegro agitato, Largo Pesante, Moderato Cantabile, Prestississimo
D. Allegro agitato, Largo Pesante, Moderato Cantabile, Presto
_____12. The middle section of the piece is in Db Major. How many flats does Db
major key have?
A. 5 flat, Bb-Eb-Ab-Db-Cb
B. 5 flat, Bb-Eb-Ab-Db
C. 5 flat, Bb-Eb-Ab-Db-Fb
D. 5 flat, Bb-Eb-Ab-Db-Cbb
_____13. What does the term “Nationalism” mean?
A. Being patriotic
B. Having a strong feeling for one’s nation
C. Pride for another country or culture
D. Pride in one’s own composition

_____14. Which of the following statements is TRUE about the music in the
Romantic Era?
A. Composers only stuck to a small range of notes
B. Piano music was simple and easy to play
C. The music was expressive and dramatic
D. The music was very rigid and structured
______15. Which of these is NOT a characteristic of the Romantic period?
A. A freedom in writing and designing an intense personal expression of self-
B. Has a rich variety of piece types
C. Has a shape and unity of the theme
D. The textures are more expressive


_____1. Which of the following DOES NOT describe Egyptian paintings?

A. It emphasizes the importance of life after death and the preservation of the
knowledge of the past.
B. Most paintings were highly stylize, symbolic, and shows flowers and
C. The main colors used were red, black, blue , gold and green.
D. The purpose of Egyptian paintings is to make the deceased afterlife place
_____2. What do you call the method of Greek painting water-based pigments on a
freshly applied plaster usually on a wall surfaces?
A. Encaustic
B. Fresco
C. Mosaic
D. Oil
_____3. Which of the following is an example of Roman architecture?
A. Cathedral of Chartres
B. Hagia Sophia
C. The Colosseum
D. The Parthenon
_____4. What type of architectural design that included two new devices which are
pointed arch that enabled builders to construct much higher ceiling vaults and stone
vaulting borne on a network of stone ribs supported by piers and clustered pillars?
A. Byzantine Architecture
B. Gothic Architecture
C. Roman Architecture
D. Romanesque Architecture
_____5. St. Peter’s Basilica is considered as the greatest cathedral building of the
Renaissance Period. Where is it located?
A. France
B. Greece
C. Germany
D. Rome
_____6. Who is the painter behind the most the most famous and most parodied
portrait, Mona Lisa?
A. Donato di Niccolo di Betto Bardi
B. Leonardo di ser Piero Da Vinci
C. Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni
D. Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino
_____7. The term Baroque was derived from the Portuguese word “barocco”. What
does it mean?
A. animated movement of lines and surfaces
B. exaggerated motion
C. irregularly shaped pearl or stone
D. rebirth
_____8. Who was the greatest Baroque sculptor and architect as seen in his design
of the Piazza San Pietro in front of the Basilica?
A. Gian Lorenzo Bernini
B. Michelangelo Merisi or Amerighi da Caravaggio
C. Peter Paul Rubens
D. Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn
______9. What do you call the Western movement in decorative and visual arts
which also applies to literature, theater, music, and architecture that were influenced
by the classical art and culture of Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome?
A. Classicism
B. Neoclassicism
C. Modernism
D. Romanticism
_____10. The White House and the United States Capitol are two well-known
American civic buildings designed by Robert Adam. What type of types of
Neoclassical Architecture did he use?
A. Beaux-Arts style
B. Classical Block Style
C. Palladian Style
D. Temple Style
_____11. Which of the following is one of the characteristics of romanticism?
A. classic geo-structure
B. emotional extremes
C. formal composition
D. portrayal of Roman history
_____12. Who was the painter behind the famous painting Spoliarium who also
became one of the first recognized Philippine artists?
A. Félix Resurrección Hidalgo Y Padilla
B. Fernando Cueto Amorsolo
C. Guillermo Estrella Tolentino
D. Juan Luna Y Novicio

_____13. What period is marked by the use of technology in current Broadways or

commercial plays?
A. Baroque Theater
B. Greek Theater
C. Renaissance Theater
D. Roman Theater
_____14. Which of the following is a play by Victor Marie Hugo?
A. Les Misérables
B. Miss Saigon
C. Phantom of the Opera
D. Romeo and Juliet
_____15. Which of the describes the Neoclassical period in theater?
A. It was characterized by grandiosity and the sceneries were highly elaborate.
B. Stages were restyled with dramatic arches to highlight the scenes.
C. The main concepts of the plays were to entertain and to teach lessons.
D. All of these

_____1. Which of the following terms describes the ability of a muscle or group of
muscles to exert force for extended periods?
A. Cardiovascular Endurance
B. Flexibility
C. Muscular Endurance
D. Muscular Strength
_____2. What is the difference between health and skill related components of
A. Health related has something to do with muscles
B. Health related is the efficiency of the body and skill related is the
performance in physical activities relating to skills
C. Health related is to do with movement and skill related is sport
D. Skill related is only to do with sport.
_____3. Which of the following is NOT a component of physical fitness?
A. Body Mass Index
B. Cardiovascular Endurance
C. Flexibility
D. Muscular Strength
_____4. Speed can apply to:
A. Arms
B. Body
C. Body and mind
D. Legs
_____5. Where is the largest and often injured tendon in the body?
A. Ankle
B. Back
C. Neck
D. Shoulder
_____6. What does R.I.C.E treatment means?
A. Reinforcement, Ice, Cut, Elevation
B. Rest, Ibuprofen, Crutches, Exercises
C. Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation
D. Rest, Ice, Crutches, Elevation
_____7. What system in sports is used to maintain order and fairness in
implementing rules?
A. Sports Officiating
B. Sports Psychology
C. Sports Science
D. Sports Youth
_____8. If a serve ball hits the top of the net and subsequently goes over on to the
opponent’s court, it is a ______________.
A. Ball in play
B. Ball on the net
C. Replay
D. Service Fault
_____9. Which of the following social dances originated from Cuba?
A. Boogie
B. Cha-cha-cha
C. Slow Waltz
D. Tango
_____10. When was Cha-cha-cha first introduced to the United States?
A. 1934
B. 1944
C. 1954
D. 1964
_____11. What is the step pattern of Cha-cha-cha?
A. Close, step, close, step, step
B. Step, close, step,, step, close
C. Step, step, close, step, close
D. Step, step, step, close, step
_____12. What is the common injury when you danced cha-cha-cha?
A. burns
B. concussion
C. shin splints
D. sprain
_____13. Who imported the dance cha-cha-cha to the continent of Europe?
A. Patrick Lavelle
B. Pierre Lavelle
C. Roderick Lavelle
D. Rudxyl Lavelle

_____14. What is the proper counting of Cha-cha-cha?

A. and 1, 2, 3, 4
B. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 1
C. 1 and 2, 3, 4 and
D. 1 and 2, 3 and 4
_____15. What is the name of the Cuban composer and violinist who introduced the
music of Cha-cha-cha?
A. Enrique Jorrin
B. Enrique Lorvine
C. Enrique Oirisha
D. Enrique Santeria


______1. It is the defined as the art and science of maintaining, protecting and
improving the health of all members of the community through organized and
sustained community efforts?
A. Community Health
B. Environmental Health
C. Emotional Health
D. Family Health
______2. It is an approach or program launched by the DOH to promote community
health with the partnership of community, barangay, government, and non-
government organization.
A. Child Health Care
B. Control of Communicable Diseases
C. Maternal Health
D. Primary Heath Care
______3. It is the alteration of the physical, chemical, biological, or radiological
properties of water body resulting in the impairment of its purity and quality?
A. Deforestation
B. B. Illegal mining
C. Soil erosion
D. Water pollution
______4. It is characterized as the destruction of big areas of our forest.
A. Deforestation
B. Flash floods
C. Pollution
D. Soil erosion
_____5. What classification of drugs does cigarettes and alcohol belong?
A. Depressant drugs
B. Gateway drugs
C. Inhalants
D. Narcotics
_____6. This refers to substances or chemicals which when taken into the body have
psychological, emotional, and behavioral effect on a person?
A. Cosmetics
B. Drugs
C. Goodies
D. Nutrition
_____7. Which of the following is an example of depressant drug?
A. Cannabis
B. Codeine
C. Heroin
D. Tranquilizer
_____8. Which of the following is the main objective of First Aid?
A. To bridge the gap between the victim and the physician
B. To end the services of the physician
C. To intensify suffering
D. To prolong life
_____9. What sterile cloth is used to cover a wound?
A. Bandage
B. Cold compress
C. Dressing
D. Hot compress
_____10. The following statements are the acts in taking vital signs of the patient
A. Recording body temperature of the victim
B. Recording blood pressure of the victim
C. Recording heart and respiratory rate of the victim.
D. Recording personal affairs of the victim

_____11. It is an action done to open a victim’s airway by tilting their head back,
pinching the nose and breathing into the victim’s mouth?
A. Bandaging
B. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation
C. Dressing
D. Direct Pressure
_____12. What is the first aid treatment for sprain and strain?
A. Apply ice pack every 30 minutes
B. Give heat packs for 15 minutes
C. Massage and exercise
D. Rest, apply ice, Compression and elevate the injured part
_____13. Which is a risk factor for suicide attempt?
A. Effective clinical care
B. Good problem-solving skills
C. History of trauma and abuse
D. Strong connection to family
_____14. What form of violence is used for political goals which includes putting the
public or great number of people in fear?
A. Bullying
B. Kidnapping
C. Suicide
D. Terrorism
_____15. Which of the following are not intentional injury?
A. Fraternity Hazing
B. Suicide attempt
C. Suicide Bombing
D. Vehicular Accident


1. B 1. B EDUCATION 1. A
2. A 2. B 1. C 2. D
3. A 3. C 2. B 3. D
4. D 4. B 3. A 4. A
5. B 5. D 4. C 5. B
6. C 6. B 5. A 6. B
7. A 7. C 6. C 7. D
8. A 8. A 7. C 8. D
9. C 9. B 8. C 9. C
10. A 10. C 9. B 10. D
11. A 11. B 10. C 11. C
12. D 12. D 11. D 12. D
13. A 13. A 12. D 13. C
14. C 14. A 13. B 14. D
15. C 15. D 14. B 15. D
15. A
Maco, Davao De Oro


S.Y. 2021-2022
Name: Score:

Direction: Read and analyze each item carefully. Choose the correct answer and
write it on a clean sheet of paper.


_____1. Which texture of music gives a pattern of regular or irregular pulses occur of
strong and weak melodic and harmonic beats?
A. Harmony
B. Melody
C. Movement
D. Rhythm
_____2. Which movement of music that depicts the particular emotions, responses of
objects, and events arouse in the artist?
A. Expressionism
B. Impressionism
C. Modern-nationalism
D. Neo-classical
_____3. Which movement of music seeks to return in aesthetic precepts associated
with the broadly defined concept?
A. Avant-garde
B. Expressionism
C. Impressionism
D. Neo-classicism
_____4. Which one of the musical compositions of Sergie Prokofeiff is intended only
for children?
A. Peter and Wolf
B. Romeo and Juliet
C. Song of the Bagpipe
D. War and Peace
_____5. The following statements describe Spiritual Music except________.
A. It is also known as “Negro Spiritual”
B. It is a way of imparting Christian Values
C. It is a way of venting the hardships of slaves.
D. Its melodies are expressive and soulful.

_____6. Which of the following statements best describes Indigenous Latin-American

Music? This is the influence of Latin American Music wherein natives used local
drum and percussion instruments being used for religious worships and ceremonies.
A. It has rich and varied rhythmic patterns produced by drums
B. It is the result of the massive fusion of African culture.
C. Songs celebrate themes like harvest, planting season and any other
occasions of the year.
D. They used local drum and percussion instruments being used for religious
worships and ceremonies
_____7. Its style was said to be a modification of the “marching mode.”
A. Bebop
B. Big Band
C. Jazz Rock
D. Ragtime
_____8. It is a musical style of modern jazz which is characterized by a fast tempo.
A. Bebop
B. Big Band
C. Jazz Rock
D. Ragtime
_____9. What is the specific genre of Frog I More Rag?
A. Alternative
B. Ballad
C. Jazz
D. Standard
____10. How did colonization affect the music of the Philippines?
A. The Spaniards taught the Filipinos how to compose soulful music.
B. The Filipino composers went to western countries and learned their
musical style.
C. The Filipino composers were able emergence of a new kind of sound that
delivered soulful Filipino lyrics in the medium of Western rock.
D. All of the above.
____11. What is the range of the pitch of the piece in “Kay Ganda ng Ating Musika”?
A. high in pitch
B. low in pitch
C. moderately high
D. moderately low
____12. Which of the following best describes the form of “Kay Ganda ng Ating
A. AB form
B. ABA form
C. ABB form
D. ABC form
____13. How were the performers/actors seen on a theatrical play?
A. Performers are just there.
B. Performers compete with each other.
C. Performers were all portraying the roles.
D. Performers were working individually on stage without noticing others
____14. What should NOT be the correct behavior of an audience?
A. Applause only after a performance.
B. Starts and finishes the performance.
C. Use cellphone while the performance is going on.
D. Wears proper and decent attire.
____15. A director is the one who _____.
A. Gives direction of the entire production.
B. Plays the musical score of the theater play
C. Prepares the props and costumes of the performers.
D. Writes the script of the musical play.


______1. The following statements speak true about impressionism EXCEPT:

A. It often placed pure unmixed colors side by side, rather than blended
smoothly or shaded.
B. It presented ordinary people seemingly caught off-guard doing everyday
C. It experimented with unusual visual angles, sizes of objects that
appeared out of proportion, off-center placement, and empty spaces on
the canvas.
D. The painting conventions and techniques were very much concerned
with line, form, and composition.
_____2. Who was the post-impressionist painter behind the paintings Wheat Field
with Cypresses, Bedroom at Arles, and Starry Night?
A. Auguste Renoir
B. Claude Monet
C. Paul Cézanne
D. Vincent van Gogh
_____3. What do you call the movement in which the artists used their works to
protest against the injustices, inequalities, immorality, and ugliness of the human
A. Dadaism
B. Fauvism
C. Social realism
D. Surrealism
_____4. What movement was brought about by The New York School which made
use of commonplace, trivial, even nonsensical objects?
A. Conceptual art
B. Neodadaism and pop art
C. Op art
D. The new realism
_____5. Which of the following is the computer-generated and or manipulated form
of art?
A. Computer art
B. Digital art
C. Technology-based art
D. Visual art
_____6. What year did computer/digital arts begin?
A. Early 1940’s
B. Early 1920’s
C. Early 1950’s
D. Early 1960’s
_____7. Which of the following phone applications allows the user to share images
with others; snap a photo, choose from among the available filters, and share via
Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, and more in a fast and fun way?
A. Instagram
B. Pixlr
C. Photo Grid
D. Snapseed
______8. Which is a downloadable application for android phones that allows you to
make collages out of images from your photo gallery?
A. Doodle Booth
B. Flipagram
C. Photo Grid
D. Pixlr
______9. Who is the Filipino industrial designer known for his/her unique designs
integrating natural materials through innovative hand-made production processes?
A. Dita Sandico-Ong
B. Josie Natori
C. Kenneth Cobonpue
D. Rajo Laurel

_____10. Who was the film director behind the 2004 film Magnifico which won for
him/her the Best Director distinction at the 2003 FAMAS Awards and garnered other
local and international film awards?
A. Brillante Mendoza
B. Cathy Garcia-Molina
C. Laurice Guillen
D. Maryo J. delos Reyes

_____11. Which of the following is a non-fiction film genre which are made using
real-life footage as well as file materials, in many cases to present an issue?
A. Biographical films
B. Documentary films
C. Science Fiction films
D. Thrillers

_____12. Who is an award-winning travel photographer who has won two Pacific
Asia Tourism Association (PATA) Gold awards, an ASEAN Tourism Association
award, and first place in the 2011 National Geographic Photo Contest and whose
highly acclaimed work has been published in five travel photography books?
A. Ezra Acayan
B. George Tapan
C. John K. Chua
D. Manny Librodo

_____13. Who is a multi-awarded theater actress and singer who began her career
as a child lead in productions of Repertory Philippines and from there, she went on to
become an international stage superstar in the lead role of Kim in Miss Saigon—
putting the Philippines on the world map in terms of theater talent?
A. Joanna Ampil
B. Karylle
C. Lea Salonga
D. Rachel Ann Go

_____14. If a play includes a dance, who is included in the production team?

A. Choreographer
B. Director
C. Technical Director
D. Production Manager

_____15. What do you call the story that is acted on stage by actors portraying the
characters with dialogs and actions and sometimes through song/dance?
A. Ballet
B. Movie
C. Musical Play
D. Theater


_____1. What is a must to do in order to reduce risk and prevent any injury in
A. Jogging
B. Jumping in place
C. Sprinting
D. Warm-up
_____2. It is a skill that a basketball player must possess so that he can easily
change from one direction to another while playing.
A. Agility
B. Balance
C. Body Coordination
D. Flexibility

_____3. Which of the following soccer equipment is used to protect the legs of the
A. Knee cover
B. Knee pad
C. Knee guard
D. Shin guard
_____4. While jogging, you accidentally fell down and got sprain. What should you
do first?
A. Apply cold compress
B. Go to the doctor immediately
C. Lie down
D. Take ibuprofen
_____5. Walking, running and Zumba exercises will give you the following benefits,
A. It boosts your heart health
B. It burns calories
C. It helps you de-stress
D. It makes you moody
_____6. Which of the following will not improve your personal fitness program?
A. Engaging in high-impact, weight bearing activities
B. Excercising at moderate intensities
C. Making your program convenient
D. Starting slowly
_____7. Contemporary dance is much popular in ____________.
A. Africa and South America
B. Asia and Europe
C. Australia and North America
D. Europe and USA
_____8. Who is the founder of Zumba dance?
A. Alberto Perez
B. Clive Campbell
C. Gret Palucca
D. Mary Wigman
_____9. The following are benefits of dance exercises, except:
A. It enhances coordination
B. It improves cardiovascular fitness
C. It makes you run fast
D. It makes you sociable
____10. Which of the following is the best reason why people are doing dance
A. It’s costly
B. It’s free
C. It’s fun
D. It’s indoor or outdoor exercise
____11. At least how many minutes should you spend in dancing as a daily
A. 5 minutes
B. 20 minutes
C. 30 minutes
D. 45 minutes
____12. You are invited to talk to an audience to discuss on fitness and wellness.
What would be the focus of your talk?
A. Environment where the family lives
B. Health background of the family
C. Lifestyle and behavior of the family
D. Nutrition and physical activity of the family
_____13. In what year was Zumba founded?
A. 1995
B. 1998
C. 2000
D. 2005

_____14. Which of the statements shows that dance is an art?

A. It gives you contentment
B. It gives you freedom to express your emotion
C. It helps you physically fit
D. It makes you feel happy
_____15. A dance form that ranges from yelling to intense physical activity for sports
team motivation.
A. Ballet
B. Cheerleading
C. Contemporary dance
D. Hip-Hop


_____1. What do you call a state of well-being of a person who uses information,
products and services that have direct effect on one’s health?
A. Consumer Health
B. Consumer Rights
C. Health Services
D. Health Products
_____2. What do you call the data and facts about health products and services that
you get from media and people, including professionals and agencies?
A. Health database method
B. Health Information
C. Regulations
D. Resources
_____3. Which institution has the foremost responsibility of protecting the consumers
and upholding their rights?
A. Church
B. Community
C. Family
D. Government
____4. What are substances, materials, or equipment’s prepared and used for the
maintenance of health?
A. Apparatuses
B. Copper Bracelets
C. Herbal drinks
D. Health products
_____5. Which policy covers the quality and safety of different products like food,
drugs, cosmetic and devices?
A. Consumer Act
B. National Blood Services Act
C. Reproductive Health Act
D. Traditional and Alternative Medicine Act
_____6. It is defined as the state of physical, mental, and social well-being in matters
relating to the reproductive system at all stages of life?
A. Consumer Health
B. Mental Health
C. Physical Health
D. Reproductive Health
_____7. Which of the following is NOT an example of cybercrime?
A. Child pornography
B. Cyber sex
C. Cyberstalking
D. Vandalism
____8. This policy provides for the regulation of narcotics and other related
substances being sold and imported in the country?
A. Comprehensive Dangerous Drug Act
B. Cybercrime Prevention Act
C. National Environmental Awareness and Educational Act
D. Philippine AIDS Prevention and Control Act
_____9. Which of these international Organizations is the chief body responsible for
providing leadership on global health and support to countries around the world?
A. International Committee of the Red Cross
B. United Nations Health and Life Insurance
C. World Bank
D. World Health Organization
_____10. It is a communicable disease caused by plasmodium parasites transmitted
through mosquito bites.
B. Cancer
C. Influenza
D. Malaria
_____11. What millennium development goal addresses equal representation of men
and women?
A. Achieve Universal Primary Education
B. Global Partnership for Development
C. Promote Gender Equality and Empower Women
D. Reduce Child Mortality
_____12. The following are ways to reduce child mortality; EXCEPT?
A. Assuring the survival and better health of the mother
B. Better nutrition program for infants, children, and mother
C. Immunization program
D. Teenage pregnancies
_____13. What occupation or profession requires special training?
A. Career
B. Health Assessment
C. Health Career Planning
D. Health Orientation
____ 14. In this step, you need to evaluate and narrow down your options through
listing the pros and cons.
A. Career exploration
B. Decision making
C. Plan of action
D. Self- assessment
_____15. An Allied health profession that identifies and rehabilitates hearing
impairments and related disorders?
A. Acupuncturist
B. Audiologist
C. Chiropractor
D. Dietitian


1. D 1. D EDUCATION 1. A
2. A 2. D 1. D 2. B
3. D 3. C 2. A 3. D
4. A 4. B 3. D 4. D
5. D 5. C 4. A 5. A
6. D 6. D 5. D 6. D
7. D 7. A 6. A
7. D
8. A 8. C 7. D
8. A
9. C 9. C 8. A
10. C 10. D 9. C 9. D
11. C 11. B 10. C 10. D
12. C 12. B 11. B 11. C
13. C 13. C 12. C 12. D
14. C 14. A 13. B 13. A
15. A 15. D 14. B 14. B
15. B 15. B

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