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For: NEBOSH International General Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety


For: NEBOSH International General Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety
NEBOSH International Certificate in Construction Health and Safety
NEBOSH International Certificate in Fire Safety and Risk Management

Open Book Examination


Available for 24 hours

Learner name RANDHIR KUMAR

NEBOSH learner 00672495
Learning Partner name 1486 - AVT ACADEMY

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Answer sheet IG1_IGC1-0020-ENG-OBE-V1 Dec22 © NEBOSH 2022 page 1 of 8

Task 1: Fire arrangements

Question 1 (a)
According to the scenario, the organization want that the workers must get the
knowledge about fire procedures and site rules. The team leader insists that if the
workers will know about risks and do the job as instructed there will not happen
any risks. The positive thoughts of the fire arrangements are alarm recognition,
fire drill practice, avoid overloading circuits, keep storage areas, work areas,
pathways, corridors, substations, and boiler rooms clear of rubbish, immediately
report hazards to superiors, ensure hazardous materials are properly stored and
protected, Establish and maintain communication link with DFSCD. These
systems reduce damage to the building, expensive equipment, documents, and
inventory. Fire suppression systems, smoke detectors, and sprinkler systems are
all types of fire protection systems that help with fire detection and protecting
building occupants and equipment. Preventing fires from occurring is as important
as having properly working fire safety systems to deal with a fire incident. All
warehouse managers and team leaders have received first aid training. Presence
of the fire extinguishers at the warehouse. Fire notices at various points around
the warehouse.

Question 1 (b)
According to the scenario, In the health and safety documentation of MSL
company the HSM shows the fire procedure and goods-outwards warehouse risk
assessment and also shown the risk assessment and guidance for workers.
Preventing fires from occurring is as important as having properly working fire
safety systems to deal with a fire incident. The first step in fire prevention is to
assess the risks and record them in a risk register. This requires reviewing and
assessing the means by which a fire might start and spread, the potential
consequences and the available approaches to mitigate the risk. This includes
assessing day-to-day operations, risks associated with periodic building and
maintenance work and those arising from installing new equipment, or adopting
new or changing technologies.

The first step in fire prevention is to assess the risks and record them in a risk
register. This requires reviewing and assessing the means by which a fire might
start and spread, the potential consequences and the available approaches to
mitigate the risk. Enforce good housekeeping practices; this includes
implementing routines for the regular removal and disposal of waste.

The worker must Issue and control work permits and associated procedures.
They want to Instruct and supervise contractors and subcontractors carrying out
construction and maintenance operations within the building. Avoid conditions
leading to gas and dust explosion hazards. Maintain integration with other
systems. Process shutdown and shutting down of non-essential equipment,
stopping machines and processes and isolating power supplies if appropriate.

Question 1 (c)
A fire drill is a practice run-through of the action you need to take in the event of a
fire. In the scenario, the MD explained about the fire drill practice, but the MD
believes that the fire drills disturb the workplace. It's vital that everyone in the

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building knows and understands the evacuation plan, so in the event of a real
emergency, they know which staircase to take, where the fire exits are located,
where the assembly point is and most importantly. Safety drills play an important
role in all learning institutions. The more familiar worker is with fire drill
procedures, the higher the chance that worker remain safe and well during an
emergency. Regular fire drills will help to underpin the correct procedures,
removing panic and uncertainty for all concerned. The success of a fire drill
depends on how well you prepare for it. Steps will differ depending on the scale,
layout and the complexity of your premises. A fire drill is where you and your
team practice the action to take in the event of a fire. Fire drills are an important
part of fire safety training for your workplace. With regular fire drills, your team
should know exactly what to do if there's a fire - and be able to get to a place of

Task 2: Managing risks for those working from home

Question 2
Based on the scenario, the team leader providing an induction training to the
workers. In that training the induction will cover site rules and fire arrangements.
All warehouse managers and team leaders have received first-aid training. The
induction is common for all new workers. The team leader insists that if the
workers do the job as instructed that there will be not any risks.

The HSM shows the risk assessment and guidance for working from home
workers. While a remote work lifestyle can be desirable, there are several
possible dangers that need to be considered. Home working is the ability to carry
out work tasks from home and can take many forms. This could include workers
who divide their time between home and the workplace, mobile workers who work
from home as an administrative base, workers performing overtime. There's no
question that remote work is going to be part of our lives for good.

Although workers often complain about an inability to get away from work these
days due to the prevalence of smartphones and employers using email outside of
working hours, this problem is even more profound for remote workers who quite
literally are just steps from their office at any given moment. Remote work can
often be a cause of anxiety.

Task 3: Suitability of the generic risk assessment / risk assessments

Question 3
Based on the scenario, the team leader providing an induction training to the
workers and also shows the risk assessment and guidance for the workers and
working from home workers. The first step in fire prevention is to assess the risks
and record them in a risk register. This requires reviewing and assessing the
means by which a fire might start and spread, the potential consequences and the
available approaches to mitigate the risk.

It’s important to note the difference between hazards and risks. A hazard is
anything that can cause harm, including work accidents, emergency situations,
toxic chemicals, employee conflicts, stress, and more. A risk, on the other hand,

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is the chance that a hazard will cause harm. The goal of a risk assessment will
vary across industries, but overall, the goal is to help organizations prepare for
and combat risk.

Businesses should perform a risk assessment before introducing new processes

or activities, before introducing changes to existing processes or activities (such
as changing machinery), or when the company identifies a new hazard. The steps
used in risk assessment form an integral part of your organization’s health and
safety management plan and ensure that your organization is prepared to handle
any risk.

Before you start the risk management process, you should determine the scope
of the assessment, necessary resources, stakeholders involved, and laws and
regulations. During the risk assessment process, employers review and evaluate
their organizations to identify processes and situations that may cause harm,
particularly to people.

Task 4: Monitoring and measuring (audits)

Question 4 (a) (i)

Based on the scenario, six months ago the HSM carried out an audit. The director
also not interested to check that because they were convinced by the HSM.
Although, the HSM had previously carried out inspections. The complete
assertion is if one or more valid transactions are not recorded in the system, then
identifying what can go wrong allows the auditor to understand control objectives,
to ensure that all valid transactions are recorded. The HSM admitted that the
significant finding of the audit report is that the risks were many but were not
assessed and therefore the potential is still present if nothing will be revised and

Question 4 (a) (ii)

Based on the scenario, the HSM analysed about documentation such as risk
assessments, then spoke to workers and recorded their feedback. Risk based is
the most common approach. He carried out audit six months ago and the Director
seem to think it was a good idea and showed some interest to review the finding.
It was a good idea to carry out an audit so as to know type of risk expected at the
workplace. He analysed risks and try to develop a risk based performance audit
for workers.

Question 4 (b)
According to the scenario, the director is an important part of an audit team but he
was not interested in the plan and scope after being convinced by HSM that they
know they were doing. After seeing the significant finding of the audit report. The
Director were not interested and said they were too busy. The
response represents management's plan for correcting or improving the finding
situation or conforming to the underlying requirements. But the Directors are
reluctant in the aspect of audit and implementation of the findings but they are
only much more interested in making as much money as possible.

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Task 5: Adequate first-aid provision

Question 5

In MSL, there has been an accident where a worker was hit by a reversing truck.
This is not the only accident that happened there. The MD told the accident were
held by the workers, this is worker error. They also want to produce a report
demonstrating that the management of health and safety at MSL has nothing to
do with the accidents.

For an emergency situation, the workers cannot get the first-aid quickly because,
the first-aid kit located near to a desk at one end of the warehouse. First aid
provision must be 'adequate and appropriate in the circumstances'. This means
that the management must provide sufficient first aid equipment (first aid kit),
facilities and personnel at all times.

In assessing first-aid needs, the company consider,

 the nature of work the worker do

 workplace hazards and risks
 the nature and size of your workforce
 the work patterns of your workers
 holiday and other absences of those who will be first-aiders and appointed
 your organization's history of accidents
 the needs of travelling, remote and lone workers
 the distribution of your workforce
 the remoteness of any of your sites from emergency medical services
 whether your employees work on shared or multi-occupancy sites
 first-aid provision for non-employees

The minimum requirement in terms of personnel is to appoint a person to take

charge of first-aid arrangements. The roles of this appointed person include
looking after the first-aid equipment and facilities and calling the emergency
services when required. The organization should consider ways to manage
mental ill health in their workplace which are appropriate for their business, such
as providing information or training for managers and employees, employing
occupational health professionals, appointing mental health trained first aiders
and implementing employee support programmes.

Task 6: Health and safety management roles and responsibilities

Question 6
In scenario, the MSL organization did not implementing the health and safety
management's roles and responsibilities for workers. Although safety
management is responsible for the health and safety of workers, it is the sole
responsibility of the workers themselves to stay safe.

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The roles and responsibilities:

 Ensure workers are using proper safety protection for their job tasks
 Provide training to employees
 Assist with incident investigations
 Monitor safety performance in workers
 Assist with safety audits
 Support workers with any health and safety matters
 Enforce safety regulations

The management want to, Set goals and objectives for the health and safety
program, they want to aiming to improve workplace safety for workers, Advise top
management in health and safety matters, provide training and assist line
managers, supervisors, and workers, Ensure the business complies with all
health and safety legislation, want to Maintain safety documents and write safety
reports for the improvement of the program, Ensure proper documentation of
accident investigations, Provide appropriate equipment and training concerning
First Aid, Facilitate hazard identification and risk analysis in the workplace,
Evaluate the effectiveness of the health and safety program, Communicate the
health and safety program expectations to everybody involved within the

They will keep open communication between workers and management in the
improvement of the health and safety program. Conduct frequency inspection,
test and survey to know the weak points areas that needs to be rectified for active

Task 7: Financial arguments to improve health and safety

Question 7
The arguments for health and safety have never been more apparent. Society
has growing expectations regarding good standards of health and safety.
Organizations must ensure that their activities do not harm their employees,
contractors, visitors, or the public. They are morally, legally and financially obliged
to do so.

Accidents and ill health at work are extremely expensive and represent a huge,
often hidden, source of loss. Costs can be both direct and indirect. These
financial losses might be covered by insurance or might be uninsured. Either way,
affected employers will end up paying the full costs over time.

The financial reasons for maintaining good standards of health and safety are, to
maximize profits, to minimize costs. Repairing of the damages will also need to be
covered after the incident at the organization premises. Loss of expertise,
resulting increase in insurance premiums, Loss of goodwill with clients and staff,
resulting in fewer sales and difficulties retaining and recruiting workers, Increase
in staff turnover, Decrease in morale, resulting in lower production and quality
which are difficult to quantify.

Workplaces that do not take the impact of the work environment on the health of

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their employees seriously risk a drastic level of absences and sick leave.
Comprehensive hygiene rules, ergonomic working conditions, and other health
and safety practices help the workforce stay healthy, meaning you don’t have to
pay as much for members of the team who aren’t present. A high rate of
accidents and illnesses can get in the way of worker retention efforts. If the
worker notices risks that aren’t being addressed, they may be likely to attempt to
find better working conditions elsewhere. As a result, you may have to pay the
costs of advertising, recruitment and training which are all a significant financial
and time cost

Task 8: Human factors

Question 8
According to the scenario, the organization didn't do anything for the worker who
had an accident. Poor reporting procedures and therefore exposing workers to
significant risk example audits are not performed and lastly was done six months
ago. In the accident investigations the details of accidents and incidents are not
recorded properly. The directors are not ready to plan and scope and they are not
hearing about anything that they are too busy in making money.

The negative factors of the organization that might cause the safety culture within
an organization to decline include lack of effective communications, the
perception of a growing blame culture, lack of leadership and commitment at
senior level, lack of monitoring or a failure to implement remedial action, lack of
consultation. Those things are affecting the workers' health and mental condition.

The organization is showing Lower priority to health and safety than other
business issues, frequent changes in organization or poorly communicated
changes make uncertainty. As a first pass organization could make use of the
questions in the Human Factors Toolkit with their employees.
Remember that any set of measurements is only a starting point. It is important to
take action on the findings of any measurement and to feedback the findings to
your employees. Organisations have found it beneficial to repeat measurements
to track progress.

Organisations have had very positive results from focusing on specific issues
such as safety leadership, competence or procedures.
Many organisations use third parties to help measure and change their culture. It
is important to retain ownership of the process and work in partnership, and
acquire the knowledge and skills to continue the work independently.
One common mistake is to focus on the staff levels below the manager who
initiates the work. Senior managers should be prepared to have their own
perceptions and behaviors examined and challenged.

Your total
2858 words
word count*
* please note that this form already has 310 words (excluding text boxes and footers),
which you can deduct from your total amount if you are using your word processor’s word
count function.

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Documents and sources For example: course notes, HSE UK, RRC Text book.
of information you used
in your examination

End of examination

Now follow the instructions on submitting your answers in the NEBOSH Open Book
Examinations: Technical Learner Guide. All Open Book Examination guidance documents
can be found on the NEBOSH website:

Answer sheet IG1_IGC1-0020-ENG-OBE-V1 Dec22 © NEBOSH 2022 page 8 of 8

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