How To Log NestJS Applications in A Distributed System With Loki Stack - Part 2 - by Itchimonji - CP Massive Programming - Jan, 2023 - Medium

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How To Log NestJS Applications in a Distributed

System with Loki Stack — Part 2

Collecting Logs with fluentbit and showing them in Grafana

In one of my latest articles I explained the importance of Centralized Logging. I

demonstrated how you can realize custom logging in a NestJs application
using winston and described the main role of fluentbit and Loki.

How To Log NestJS Applications in a Distributed System — Part 1:

Let us take a look into winston logging, integrate it in a NestJS application
and create centralized logging with Loki…
In this article I want to show you how you can collect custom and stdout logs, push them
into a Loki database, and visualize them in Grafana.

Creating a Kubernetes Cluster for Local Use

To become more experienced with Kubernetes and improve our workflow, installing a local
Kubernetes environment is key. For this I use kind in most cases. Check out one of my
articles to become familiar with kind.

4 Ways to Create a Kubernetes Cluster for Local Use

Four different tools for creating a Kubernetes cluster locally

To configure a local Kubernertes cluster with one control-plane and two worker-nodes we
can use the following configuration file:

# kind.config.yaml

kind: Cluster
name: nestjs-logging

- role: control-plane
- role: worker
- role: worker

Now we can start the Kubernetes cluster through kind with the following command:
kind create cluster --config=kind.config.yaml

After initialization of the cluster, the .kubeconfig will automatically be appended to the
profile directory, so we can simply run kubectl commands like kubectl get pods -A .

Pods after creating a K8s cluster with kind

After we are done with our work we can delete the cluster with the following command:

kind delete cluster --name nestjs-logging

This will be the basis for this article. We have to make sure that Docker and kind are
installed, as well as kubectl CLI and Helm.

Collecting stdout logs with Loki Stack in Kubernetes

Collecting stdout logs is very simple with Loki-Stack and Helm, because the helm chart is
preconfigured. So, fluentbit, Loki, Prometheus, and Grafana are already connected out of
the box.
loki-stack 2.8.9 · grafana/grafana
Loki: like Prometheus, but for logs.

After we have created a local Kubernetes cluster with kind, we can deploy the Loki
Stack on it using the following command:

helm upgrade --install loki grafana/loki-stack \

--set fluent-bit.enabled=true,promtail.enabled=false,grafana.enabled=true,prometheus.e

After a few seconds we can see running pods in the default namespace with kubectl get

pods :

Loki Stack Pods

To access the Grafana UI, run the following command in order to forward Grafana’s default
port 80 to port 3000 for local use:

kubectl port-forward service/loki-grafana 3000:80

Now we can hit http://localhost:3000/login in our browser to access Grafana.

To get the admin password for the login page, we need to run the following command:
kubectl get secret loki-grafana -o jsonpath="{.data.admin-password}" | base64 --decode

Now we can enter admin as username and the password from the command line.

After we navigated to the datasource page we can see

that Loki and Prometheus datasources are preconfigured:

Grafana Datasources

Now, we have the possibility to import different Grafana dashboards for Loki.

Loki Dashboard | Grafana Labs

Loki dashboard with quick search and timeline.

After importing we see stdout logs in the dashboard:

Stdout Logs

To delete all of the created dependencies we can run the following command. For the
custom-log approach below, we will build a separate helm chart.

helm uninstall loki

Collecting custom logs with Loki Stack in Kubernetes with a Sidecar

The other way is using a sidecar pattern and running a log-forwarding container next to the
application container within the same pod. We need to use this pattern
because winston writes its logs to the filesystem. Also, sidecars extend the functionality of
a main container without changing it. In our case the application logs will be transferred to
the Loki database via a fluentbit sidecar container.

The logs of the main container are shared with the sidecar container via an emptyDir

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
# ...
- name: main-container
# ...
- name: log-volume
mountPath: /usr/app/logs
- name: sidecar-container
# ...
- name: log-volume
mountPath: /usr/app/logs
# ...
- name: log-volume
emptyDir: { }

After we have created a local Kubernetes cluster with kind (see above), we can use a custom
helm chart to deploy the Loki Stack and two NestJS microservices that generate some
custom logs. The deployment can be found here:

nestjs-logging-tracing/deployment at main · Itchimonji/nestjs-logging-

You can't perform that action at this time. You signed in with another tab or
window. You signed out in another tab or…

To install this chart we need to run the following command:

helm upgrade --install loki loki

Now many different pods get spawned:

Pods shown with K9s

The connection between these microservices are shown in this architecture overview:
System architecture

So, our frontend and backend service write logs to /usr/apps/logs in the filesystem. The
task of our sidecar is to take these logs and send them on. For this we use a
simple fluentbit container:

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
# ...
- name: main-container-with-winston
# ...
- name: log-volume
mountPath: /usr/app/logs
# ...
- name: fluentbit
image: "fluent/fluent-bit:2.0.8-debug"
- name: metrics
containerPort: 2020
protocol: TCP
- name: FLUENT_UID
value: "0"
- name: config-volume
mountPath: /fluent-bit/etc/
- name: log-volume
mountPath: /usr/app/logs
- name: log-volume
emptyDir: { }
- name: config-volume
name: fluentbit-sidecar

Like a fluenbit DaemonSet the container needs a configuration that is mounted via
a ConfigMap:

# sidecar.configmap.yaml

kind: ConfigMap
apiVersion: v1
name: fluentbit-sidecar
fluent-bit.conf: |
HTTP_Server On
Flush 1
Daemon Off
Log_Level warn
Parsers_File parsers.conf

Name tail
Path /usr/app/logs/*.log
multiline.parser docker, cri
Tag custom.*
Mem_Buf_Limit 300MB
Skip_Long_Lines On

Name parser
Parser docker
Match custom.*
Key_Name log
Reserve_Data On
Preserve_Key On

Name modify
Match *

Name loki
Match *
Host loki.default.svc.cluster.local
Port 3100
tenant_id ""
Labels job=fluent-bit

parsers.conf: |
Name docker
Format json
Time_Key time
Time_Format %d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S %z
Decode_Field_As escaped_utf8 log do_next
Decode_Field_As json log

As we can see, the fluentbit container observes Paths usr/app/logs/*.log .

Very import is changing the [Output.Host] to the host of our needs. In this case the host
represents the Kubernetes Service of Loki with Port 3100.

We can further customize the output plugin by following the official documentation:
Edit description

We could add more labels or label_keys. Or we could add an additional filter to add custom
labels or service names:

Name modify
Match *
Add service_name database-service

After all pods are initialized we can portforward the Grafana container and login with the
username admin after we get the credentials via the next command:

# Portforward
kubectl port-forward service/loki-grafana 3000:80
# Get admin password
kubectl get secret loki-grafana -o jsonpath="{.data.admin-password}" | base64 --decode
# Open Grafana-UI
open http://localhost:3000/login

In Grafana we can navigate to the Explore panel and add our fluentbit output
job {job=”fluent-bit”}:
Explore panel

After entering the query {job=”fluent-bit”} and hitting Run Query button we can see the
custom logs generated by the NestJs applications:

Custom logs in the Explore tab

We can also generate some error logs with the frontend and backend app. For this we need
to portfoward the port to get access via localhost:

# portforward
kubectl port-forward service/loki-frontend-service 8080:80
# Open UI
open http://localhost:8080

This application gets some information about Star Wars from the backend app. To cause
some errors we need to hit the Cause an error button:

After refreshing the query in Grafana, we can see the error logs:
Note, however, that we are in the Explore section of Grafana — this is not a manifested

Creating a Grafana Dashboard for Custom Logs from Loki

As shown above, we can tag the logs with a specific label in fluentbit using Labels

job=fluent-bit .

Name loki
Match *
Host loki.default.svc.cluster.local
Port 3100
tenant_id ""
Labels job=fluent-bit

These Labels are our variables for a custom Grafana dashboard. For this we need to go
to Create -> Dashboard in Grafana:
Next, we press Add a new panel, select Loki as data source, and enter the Log browser
metric {job=”fluent-bit”}:

Setting up a dashboard for custom logs

After Apply we have a custom log dashboard:

Final custom log dashboard

This is a very simple guide to create a dashboard. There are more possibilities to add some
nice graphics and so on.

Logging has a central role for distributed systems and in case of system failures we want to
have an overview to see which applications generate certain messages.

Fluentbit, Loki, and Grafana help us to generate this approach. With fluentbit we have
the possibility to customize our logs via the output plugin. We can add
additional labels and tags.

But consider that audit logs can be very noisy and it can be very expensive to log all actions.
For this we can generate custom logs that are collected via a sidecar to fine-tune this
approach for our environment.

Thanks for reading! Follow me on Medium, or Twitter, or Instagram, or subscribe

here on Medium to read more about DevOps, Agile & Development Principles, Angular,
and other useful stuff. Happy Coding! :)

Github Repository
GitHub - Itchimonji/nestjs-logging-tracing: Example project to show logging
and tracing in a…
An example how to log and trace transactions in a microservice environment build
with nestjs applications An example…

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