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Standard Edition

Archetypes Thresholds
Archetype Title & Page Number Threshold Title & Page Number

Advocate Geist 71 The Torn Geist 91

Bonepicker Geist 72
The Silent Geist 95
Celebrant Geist 73
The Prey Geist 99
Gatekeeper Geist 74
Mourner Geist 75
The Stricken Geist 103

Necromancer Geist 76 The Forgotten Geist 107

Pilgram Geist 77
Reaper Geist 77

Virtues Vices
Virtue Title & Page Number Vice Title & Page Number

Charity World of Darkness 101 Envy World of Darkness 103

Faith World of Darkness 101 Gluttony World of Darkness 104

Fortitude World of Darkness 102 Greed World of Darkness 104

Hope World of Darkness 102 Lust World of Darkness 104

Justice World of Darkness 102 Pride World of Darkness 104

Prudence World of Darkness 103 Sloth World of Darkness 105

Temperance World of Darkness 103 Wrath World of Darkness 105

Attribute Title & Page Number Attribute Title & Page Number

Composure World of Darkness 50 Resolve World of Darkness 46

Dexterity World of Darkness 48 Strength World of Darkness 47

Intelligence World of Darkness 43 Stamina World of Darkness 48

Manipulation World of Darkness 50 Wits World of Darkness 45

Presence World of Darkness 49

Skill Title & Page Number Skill Title & Page Number

Academics World of Darkness 55 Larceny World of Darkness 59

Animal Ken World of Darkness 78 Medicine World of Darkness 60

Athletics World of Darkness 64 Occult World of Darkness 62

Brawl World of Darkness 68 Persuasion World of Darkness 82

Computer World of Darkness 56 Politics World of Darkness 62

Crafts World of Darkness 57 Science World of Darkness 63

Drive World of Darkness 69 Socialize World of Darkness 85

Empathy World of Darkness 79 Stealth World of Darkness 75

Expression World of Darkness 80 Streetwise World of Darkness 86

Firearms World of Darkness 72 Subterfuge World of Darkness 87

Intimidation World of Darkness 80 Survival World of Darkness 76

Investigation World of Darkness 74 Weaponry World of Darkness 77

Flaw Title & Page Number Flaw Title & Page Number

Addiction World of Darkness 218 Hard of Hearing World of Darkness 219

Aloof World of Darkness 219 Lame World of Darkness 219
Amnesia World of Darkness 218 Mute World of Darkness 219
Behavior Blind World of Darkness 219 Nightmares Lost 193, Book of the Dead 159
Coward World of Darkness 219 Notoriety World of Darkness 219
Crippled World of Darkness 219 One Arm World of Darkness 219
Deformity World of Darkness 219 One Eye World of Darkness 219
Dishonorably Discharged Dogs of War 40 Poor Sight World of Darkness 219
Dwarf World of Darkness 219 Racist/Sexist World of Darkness 219
Embarrassing Secret World of Darkness 219 Shadow Addiction Book of Spirits 111
Empowered Bane Geist 188 Shadow Aversion Book of Spirits 111
Essence Vessel Book of Spirits 111 Speech Impediment World of Darkness 219
Forgetful World of Darkness 219 Weakened Attribute Geist 188

Derangement Title & Page Number Derangement Title & Page Number

Anxiety (severe) World of Darkness 98 Megalomania (severe) World of Darkness 97

Aphasia (severe; extreme) The Blood 108 Melancholia (severe) World of Darkness 97
Avoidance (mild) World of Darkness 100 Multiple Personality (severe; extreme) World of Darkness 99
Cataplexy (severe) Asylum 49 Narcissism (mild) World of Darkness 97
Denial (severe) Asylum 50 Obsessive Compulsion (severe) World of Darkness 98
Depression (mild) World of Darkness 97 Paranoia (severe) World of Darkness 98
Fetishism (mild) Asylum 49 Phobia (mild) World of Darkness 97
Fixation (mild) World of Darkness 97 Post‐Traumatic Stress Disorder (severe) Ancient Mysteries 69
Fugue (severe; extreme) World of Darkness 100 Repression (mild) Asylum 49
Hysteria (severe) World of Darkness 97 Schizophrenia (severe; extreme) World of Darkness 99
Inferiority Complex (mild) World of Darkness 97 Supernatural Fascination (mild) Asylum 50
Insomnia (mild) Asylum 49 Suspicion (mild) World of Darkness 98
Irrationality (mild) World of Darkness 99 Vocalization (mild) World of Darkness 98
Irrational Defiance (severe) Ventrue 108 Waking Nightmare (severe) Ancient Mysteries 69
Masochism (severe) Asylum 49 Zealotry (severe) Asylum 50
Merit (value) Title & Page Number Fighting Style: Police Tactics ● to ●●● 13th Precinct 81
Merit (value) Title & Page Number
A Little Knowledge ● Asylum 50; Reliquary 84
Allies ● to ●●●●● World of Darkness 114, Book of the Dead 90 Fighting Style: Qinna ● to ●●●●● Armory Reloaded 88
Ambidextrous ●●● World of Darkness 110 Fighting Style: Shurikenjutsu ● to ●●●● Armory Reloaded 104
Anonymity ●● to ●●●● Blood of the Wolf 46 Fighting Style: Sniping ● to ●●●●● Armory 212
Armored Fighting ●● or ●●●● Armory Reloaded 84 Fighting Style: Sojutsu/Jukendo ● to ●●●● Armory Reloaded 67
Athletics Dodge ● Dogs of War 38 Fighting Style: Spetsnaz Knife Fighting ● to ●●●● Armory 213
Barfly ● World of Darkness 114 Fighting Style: Staff Fighting ● to ●●● Armory 213
Barrister ●●●● Book of the Dead 91 Fighting Style: Sword and Shield ● to ●●●●● Armory Reloaded 92
Beacon of Life ●●● Book of the Dead 91 Fighting Style: Two Weapons ● to ●●●●● World of Darkness 112
Brawling Dodge ● World of Darkness 110 Flesh Fair ● to ●●● Geist 185
Bureaucratic Navigator ●● Asylum 51 Fleet of Foot ● to ●●● World of Darkness 112
Ceremonies ●+ Geist 87 Fresh Start ● World of Darkness 112
Codex ●●● or ●●●●● Geist 191 Gatekeeper ●●●● Book of the Dead 51
Combat Awareness ●● Dogs of War 109 Giant ●●●● World of Darkness 112
Combatant ●● Armory Reloaded 181 Good Time Management ●● Asylum 50; Reliquary 84
Common Sense ●●●● World of Darkness 108 Ground and Pound ●● Armory Reloaded 98
Contacts ● to ●●●●● World of Darkness 114, Book of the Dead 90 Gunslinger ●●● World of Darkness 112
Cursed Item ● to ●●●●● Book of Spirits 108 Haunt Special Geist 87
Danger Sense ●● World of Darkness 108 Factor: Fluidity ● to ●●●●● Geist 88
Dead Reckoning ● Book of the Dead 91 Factor: Residue ● to ●●●●● Geist 87
Death Rite ● to ●●●●● Geist 187 Factor: Utility ● to ●●●●● Geist 87
Death‐Touched ●● or ●●●● Book of the Dead 93 Heavy Hands ●●● Armory Reloaded 98
Deathsoul Initiation ●●● to ●●●●● Geist 185 Holistic Awareness ●●● World of Darkness 109
Decorated ● Dogs of War 39 Hollow Soul ●● Book of Spirits 109
Difficult to Ride ●●●● Book of Spirits 108 Ingratiating Wanderer ●● Midnight Roads 58
Direction Sense ● World of Darkness 110 Inspiring ●●●● World of Darkness 115
Disarm ●● World of Darkness 110 Iron Stamina ● to ●●● World of Darkness 113
Driver’s Charm ● to ●●●●● Midnight Roads 56 Iron Stomach ●● World of Darkness 113
Driving Style: High Performance Driving ● to ●●●● Midnight Roads 56 Krewe Fate ● to ●●●●● Geist 184
Easy Ride ●● Book of Spirits 108 Krewe Status ● to ●●●●● Geist 188
Eidetic Memory ●● World of Darkness 108 Language ● to ●●● World of Darkness 109
Emotional Detachment ● Asylum 50 Locus Drinker ●●● Book of Spirits 109
Encyclopedic Knowledge ●●●● World of Darkness 109 Luxury ●● or ●●●● Seers of the Throne 52
EOD ●● Armory 208 Mechanical Memento ●●● Book of the Dead 157
Fame ● to ●●●●● World of Darkness 115 Meditative Mind ● World of Darkness 109
Fast Reflexes ● or ●● World of Darkness 110 Memento ●+ Geist 89
Fighting Finesse ●● World of Darkness 110 Mentor ● to ●●●●● World of Darkness 115; Geist 191
Fighting Style: Aikido ● to ●●●●● Armory Reloaded 71 Mythic Aspect ●●●● Geist 185, 189
Fighting Style: Archery ● to ●●●● Armory 208 Mythic Avatar ●●●●● Geist 186
Fighting Style: Berserker ● to ●●●●● Armory Reloaded 113 Mythic Factors ● to ●●●●● Geist 189
Fighting Style: Boxing ● to ●●●●● World of Darkness 110 Mythologist ●●● Book of the Dead 91
Aggressive and Evasive Striking Armory Reloaded 65 Multi‐Lingual ● to ●●●●● Reliquary 85
Fighting Style: Chain Weapons ● to ●●●● Armory 209 Natural Immunity ● World of Darkness 113
Flexible Weapons Armory Reloaded 65 New Identity ●, ●● or ●●●● Lost 98
Fighting Style: Combat Art ● to ●●●●● Armory Reloaded 117 Outdoorsman ●● Midnight Roads 59
Fighting Style: Combat Marksmanship ● to ●●●●● Armory 210 Parkour ● to ●●●●● Tribes of the Moon 98
Fighting Style: Fencing ● to ●●●● Armory 210 Pleasing Aura ●●● Book of Spirits 109
Aggressive Light Sword Armory Reloaded 66 Quick Draw ● World of Darkness 113
Fighting Style: Filipino Martial Arts ● to ●●●● Armory 211 Quick Healer ●●●● World of Darkness 113
Stick Fighting Armory Reloaded 66 Residual Spirit Energy ●● Book of Spirits 110
Fighting Style: Grappling ● to ●●●● Armory Reloaded 67 Resources ● to ●●●●● World of Darkness 115
Fighting Style: Iaido ● to ●●●●● Armory Reloaded 76 Retainer ● to ●●●●● World of Darkness 116, Book of the Dead 91
Fighting Style: Improvised Weaponry ● to ●●● Midnight Roads 57 Revenance ●●●●● Geist 189
Fighting Style: Judo ● to ●●●●● Armory Reloaded 107 Saintly ●●● Book of Spirits 110
Fighting Style: Krav Maga ● to ●●●●● Armory Reloaded 79 Sending Forth the Aspect ●●●●● Geist 187
Fighting Style: Kung Fu ● to ●●●●● World of Darkness 111 Shadow Contacts ●●● to ●●●●● Book of Spirits 110
Aggressive and Evasive Striking Armory Reloaded 65 Shadowless Chambers ● to ●●●●● Book of Spirits 110
Aggressive and Evasive Striking Armory Reloaded 65 Shield‐Bearer ● War Against the Pure 89
Fighting Style: Langschwert ● to ●●●●● Armory Reloaded 83 Small Unit Tactics ●●● Dogs of War 39
Fighting Style: MAC ● to ●●●●● Dogs of War 38 Spelunker ● to ●●●● Book of the Dead 92
Fighting Style: Muay Thai ● to ●●●●● Armory Reloaded 110 Spirit Ear ●● to ●●●● Book of Spirits 111
Spirit Tongue ●●● Book of Spirits 90 Tolerance for Biology ● Asylum 51
Merit (value) Title & Page Number Merit (value) Title & Page Number

Staff ● to ●●●●● Ghouls 74 Toxin Resistance ●● World of Darkness 113

Status ● to ●●●●● World of Darkness 116 Trained Observer ● or ●●● Dogs of War 38
Steady Driver ● Midnight Roads 59 Tunnel Rat ● to ●●● World of Darkness Chicago 54
Striking Looks ●● or ●●●● World of Darkness 117 Unseen Sense ●●● World of Darkness 109
Strong Back ● World of Darkness 113 Unseen Sense (Spirits) ● to ●●●● Book of Spirits 111
Strong Lungs ●●● World of Darkness 113 Weapon at Hand, The ●● Armory Reloaded 79
Student of the Blade ● Armory Reloaded 66 Weapon to Empty Hands ●● Armory Reloaded 66
Stunt Driver ●●● World of Darkness 113 Weaponry Dodge ● World of Darkness 114
Sworn Officer ● to ●●●● 13th Precinct 81 Well‐Traveled ● to ●●●●● Reliquary 85
Technophile ● to ●● Armory 208 Wheelman ●● Midnight Roads 59

Other Traits
Trait Title & Page Number Trait Title & Page Number

Experience Psyche Geist 79

Health World of Darkness 90 Size World of Darkness 94

Initiative World of Darkness 91 Speed World of Darkness 95

Krewe Experience Geist 184 Synergy Geist 83

Morality World of Darkness 91 Willpower World of Darkness 95

Plasm Geist 81

System Title & Page Number System Title & Page Number

Abmortals Geist 54, 247 Makeshift Stakes Armory 45

Art of Necromancy, The Geist 174 Manifestations Geist 110
Autochthonous Depths, The Book of the Dead, 98 Mementos Geist 192
Ceremonies Geist 150 Melee Weapons World of Darkness 170, Armory 16
Combat Hacks Armory Reloaded 150 Objects World of Darkness 135
Contracts Lost 124 Off‐Roading Armory 136
Curses Dancers in the Dusk 72 Radiation Poisoning Armory 122
Damage World of Darkness 171 Ranged Weapons World of Darkness 169, Armory 48
Degeneration World of Darkness 91 Sacrosanct Geist 54, 246
Equipment World of Darkness 139, Armory 162 Scalding and Burning Armory 42
Flinging Things Armory 89 Security and Traps Armory 179
Geists Geist 19 Sin‐Eating Geist 43
Ghosts Geist 52, 232 Tactical and Heavy Weaponry Armory 100
Graveyards Book of the Dead 51 Thresholds Geist 23
Healing World of Darkness 90 Underworld, The Geist 256
Kerberoi Geist 55, 250 Unfettered Geists Geist 238
Keys Book of the Dead 49 Vacant, The Geist 243
Krewes Geist 26 Vehicles Armory 132
Founding a Krewe Geist 179 Vice and the Underworld Book of the Dead 124
Krewe Benefits Geist 182, 184‐190 Wretched, The Geist 241
Level & Ceremony Title & Page Number Level & Ceremony Title & Page Number

● Ceremonies
Funery Tools Book of the Dead 73
Lemure’s Lure Geist 159
Cigarette Dawn Book of the Dead 70
Loosen the Coil Geist 160
Final Vision Geist 151
Moment of Absolution Book of the Dead 73
Finding Geist 151
Plumbing the Depths Geist 161
Krewe Binding Geist 152
Quicken the Dead Geist 161
One Last Song Book of the Dead 71
Reading the Echoes Geist 163
Pass On Geist 152
Warding Circle Geist 163
Reverse Bargain Geist 243
Speaker of the Dead Geist 153 ●●●● Ceremonies

●● Ceremonies
Bind Anchor Geist 164
Danse Macabre Book of the Dead 74
Distant Vision Geist 153
Ghost Drinker Book of the Dead 75
Distant Voices Geist 154
Ghostly Guardian Geist 164
Faces in the Smoke Book of the Dead 71
Mending the Mortal Coil Geist 165
Lifting the Scales Geist 154
Warding the Household Geist 165
Listening to the Spectral Howl Geist 155
Message from Beyond Book of the Dead 72 ●●●●● Ceremonies
Mortis Mask Geist 155 Crash the Gates Book of the Dead 75
Plasmic Manifestation Geist 156 Create Deathly Passage Geist 166
Spectral Photography Geist 157 Dumb Supper Geist 166
●●● Ceremonies
Fetter’s Binding Geist 167
Sepulchral Gateway Geist 167
Dead Voices on Air Geist 157
Spectral Captivity Geist 168
Dedicate Charm Geist 158
UnBinding Geist 244
Devil’s Bargain, The The House Always Wins 4
Wings of the Moth Geist 169
Finding the Crossroads Geist 159

N = requires plasm ‘ = requires willpower
Manifestation & Key Title & Page Number Manifestation & Key Title & Page Number

Boneyard, the N Geist 112, 114 Curse, the N Geist 112, 125
Cold Wind Geist 112, 115 Cold Wind Geist 112, 126
Grave‐Dirt Geist 112, 115 Grave‐Dirt Geist 112, 126
Industrial Geist 112, 117 Industrial Geist 112, 127
Passion Geist 112, 118 Passion Geist 112, 127
Phantasmal Geist 112, 118 Phantasmal Geist 112, 127
Primeval Geist 112, 119 Primeval Geist 112, 128
Pyre‐Flame Geist 112, 116 Pyre‐Flame Geist 112, 126
Stigmata Geist 112, 119 Stigmata Geist 112, 129
Stillness Geist 112, 120 Stillness Geist 112, 129
Stygian Book of the Dead 77 Stygian Book of the Dead 78
Tear‐Stained Geist 112, 117 Tear‐Stained Geist 112, 126

Caul, the N Geist 112, 121 Marionette, the N Geist 112, 130
Cold Wind Geist 112, 121 Cold Wind Geist 113, 130
Grave‐Dirt Geist 112, 121 Grave‐Dirt Geist 113, 130
Industrial Geist 112, 122 Industrial Geist 113, 132
Passion Geist 112, 122 Passion Geist 113, 133
Phantasmal Geist 112, 123 Phantasmal Geist 113, 134
Primeval Geist 112, 124 Primeval Geist 113, 134
Pyre‐Flame Geist 112, 122 Pyre‐Flame Geist 113, 130
Stigmata Geist 112, 124 Stigmata Geist 113, 135
Stillness Geist 112, 125 Stillness Geist 113, 136
Stygian Book of the Dead 78 Stygian Book of the Dead 79
Tear‐Stained Geist 112, 122 Tear‐Stained Geist 113, 130
Manifestation & Key Title & Page Number Manifestation & Key Title & Page Number

Oracle, the N Geist 113, 137 Rage, the N Geist 113, 142
Cold Wind Geist 113, 137 Cold Wind Geist 113, 143
Grave‐Dirt Geist 113, 137 Grave‐Dirt Geist 113, 143
Industrial Geist 113, 139 Industrial Geist 113, 143
Passion Geist 113, 140 Passion Geist 113, 143
Phantasmal Geist 113, 140 Phantasmal Geist 113, 144
Primeval Geist 113, 141 Primeval Geist 113, 144
Pyre‐Flame Geist 113, 137 Pyre‐Flame Geist 113, 143
Stigmata Geist 113, 141 Stigmata Geist 113, 145
Stillness Geist 113, 142 Stillness Geist 113, 145
Stygian Book of the Dead 80 Stygian Book of the Dead 80
Tear‐Stained Geist 113, 137 Tear‐Stained Geist 113, 143

Pit, the N Book of the Dead 82 Shroud, the N Geist 113, 146
Cold Wind Book of the Dead 82, 83 Cold Wind Geist 113, 146
Grave‐Dirt Book of the Dead 82, 83 Grave‐Dirt Geist 113, 146
Industrial Book of the Dead 82, 84 Industrial Geist 113, 147
Passion Book of the Dead 82, 85 Passion Geist 113, 148
Phantasmal Book of the Dead 82, 86 Phantasmal Geist 113, 149
Primeval Book of the Dead 82, 86 Primeval Geist 113, 149
Pyre‐Flame Book of the Dead 82, 84 Pyre‐Flame Geist 113, 147
Stigmata Book of the Dead 82, 88 Stigmata Geist 113, 149
Stillness Book of the Dead 82, 88 Stillness Geist 113, 150
Stygian Book of the Dead 82, 89 Stygian Book of the Dead 81
Tear‐Stained Book of the Dead 82, 84 Tear‐Stained Geist 113, 147

Level & Memento Title & Page Number Level & Memento Title & Page Number

● Charm
Mirror Mirror Geist 203
Notebook, the Geist 203
Casket Jacket Geist 195
Projector, the Geist 204
Cat’s Eye Marble Geist 196
Screaming Mace Geist 204
Charm Tats Geist 196
Screwdriver, the Geist 204
Corpse Teeth Geist 196
Thirty‐Thirty, the Geist 205
Crown of Thorns Book of the Dead 126
Crucifix Geist Quickstart 50 ●●●● Deathmask
Dead Man’s Wallet Geist 196 Beaked Mask of Bile and Blood, the Geist 206
Dreamcatcher Geist Quickstart 50 Coral Mask, the Geist 206
Forgotten Key Ring Geist Quickstart 50 Gold Teeth Geist 206
One‐Way Ticket Geist 197 Gravedigger’s Shovel Geist 207
Sugar Skulls Geist 197 Perfect Fifth, the Geist 208
Vanity’s Vanity Geist 198 Swallow‐in‐Glass Geist 208
●●●●● Memorabilia
Vanquished Timepiece Geist 198
●● Vanitas Bournemouth Heart, the Geist 209
Battlefield Diorama Geist 199 Derringer, the Geist 210
Crime Scene Collage Geist 199 Kennedy’s Final Ride Geist 210
Dead Jazz Geist 200 McCall’s Necktie Geist 210
Germ Closet, the Geist 200 Presley in Repose Geist 211
Lament, the Geist 200 Pulverized Porcelain of Pol Pot Geist 211
Offering Table, the Geist 200 Starlet’s Ring, the Geist 211
Roadkill Taxidermy Geist 200 Vidocq’s Lens Geist 211
Weeping Wall, The Geist Quickstart 50
Stranger Things Besides
●●● Fetter Key, the Book of the Dead 94
Collar, the Geist 202 Photographs, the Book of the Dead 94
Girl’s Marionette, the Geist 203
Creation Dots Sin-Eater Template XP Costs
Trait Dots Trait Dots Trait Cost

Attributes Archetype Pick one Attribute new dots x 5

Primary 5 Threshold Pick one Skill new dots x 3
Secondary 4 Keys 2 (1 from within Threshold) Skill Specialty 3
Tertiary 3 Manifestations 3 New Key 10
Skills Psyche 1 Manifestation new dots x 6
Primary 11 Plasm ½ pool (rounded up) Merit new dots x 2
Secondary 7 Synergy Convert 1 = 1 from Morality Psyche new dots x 8
Tertiary 4 Synergy new dots x 3
Merits 7 Willpower 8
Morality 7

Edited by Jessica Orsini

Camarilla # US2006037576
Revised 04 January 2010

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