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The web should be fast.

Executive Summary

Performance Report for:

Report generated: Mon, Oct 23, 2023 11:58 PM -0700
Test Server Location: Vancouver, Canada
Using: Chrome (Desktop), Lighthouse 11.0.0

Performance Structure L. Contentful Paint T. Blocking Time C. Layout Shift

82% 96% 771ms 393ms 0

Top Issues

Med-Low Serve static assets with an efficient cache policy Potential savings of 296KB

Med-Low Use a Content Delivery Network (CDN) 11 resources found

Low Reduce JavaScript execution time TBT 1.1s spent executing JavaScript

Low Avoid an excessive DOM size TBT 769 elements

Low Avoid long main-thread tasks TBT 10 long tasks found

Page Details
How does this affect me?
2.9s Today's web user expects a fast and seamless website experience. Delivering
Fully Loaded Time that fast experience can result in increased visits, conversions and overall

Total Page Size - 1.93MB As if you didn't need more incentive, Google has announced that they are
using page speed in their ranking algorithm.
JS IMG Other Font HTML
1.32MB 219KB 176KB 117KB
About GTmetrix
GTmetrix is developed by the good folks at
Total Page Requests - 146 Carbon60, a Canadian hosting company with
over 27 years experience in web technology.
IMG JS Other Font
50.7% 21.9% 19.2% 4.1%

HTML JS CSS IMG Video Font Other

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Page scores




Oct 23 11:54PM Oct 23 11:54PM Oct 23 11:55PM Oct 23 11:55PM Oct 23 11:56PM Oct 23 11:56PM Oct 23 11:57PM Oct 23 11:57PM Oct 23 11:58PM

GTmetrix Grade Performance Score Structure Score

Page metrics




0.0s 0.0
Oct 23 11:54PM Oct 23 11:54PM Oct 23 11:55PM Oct 23 11:55PM Oct 23 11:56PM Oct 23 11:56PM Oct 23 11:57PM Oct 23 11:57PM Oct 23 11:58PM

Time to First Byte First Contentful Paint Largest Contentful Paint Onload Time Time to Interactive
Fully Loaded Total Blocking Time Speed Index Cumulative Layout Shift

Page sizes and request counts





488KB 120

Oct 23 11:54PM Oct 23 11:54PM Oct 23 11:55PM Oct 23 11:55PM Oct 23 11:56PM Oct 23 11:56PM Oct 23 11:57PM Oct 23 11:57PM Oct 23 11:58PM

HTML Size Total Page Size Requests

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Waterfall Chart
The waterfall chart displays the loading behaviour of your site in your selected browser. It can be used to discover simple issues such as 404's or more complex
issues such as external resources blocking page rendering.

Scribd: Ebooks, Audiobooks & More - Read Free for 30 Days

/ 200 scribd.com 98KB 26ms
osano.js?language=en 200 cmp.osano.com 76.5KB 57ms
source_sans_pro_regular… 200 s-f.scribdassets.com 15.6KB 18ms
source_sans_pro_600.lati… 200 s-f.scribdassets.com 15.5KB 19ms
icons.d2ecf18b.woff2 200 s-f.scribdassets.com 25.8KB 19ms
104.a9e801b4813f31bba4… 200 s-f.scribdassets.com 8.30KB 19ms
1698068598?v=1 200 imgv2-1-f.scribdasse… 16.1KB 172ms
1698033647?v=1 200 imgv2-2-f.scribdasse… 13.7KB 196ms
1698022293?v=1 200 imgv2-2-f.scribdasse… 10.8KB 195ms
1698002684?v=1 200 imgv2-2-f.scribdasse… 8.52KB 197ms
1696119002?v=1 200 imgv2-1-f.scribdasse… 5.54KB 179ms
1697023423?v=1 200 imgv2-2-f.scribdasse… 21.5KB 196ms
1691508133?v=1 200 imgv2-1-f.scribdasse… 18.1KB 183ms
1698086979?v=1 200 imgv2-1-f.scribdasse… 7.30KB 183ms
1697130166?v=1 200 imgv2-1-f.scribdasse… 9.62KB 186ms
1697034931?v=1 200 imgv2-1-f.scribdasse… 12.1KB 183ms
1689268891?v=1 200 imgv2-1-f.scribdasse… 8.46KB 183ms
1697752701?v=1 200 imgv2-1-f.scribdasse… 26.1KB 185ms
exposed_to_client.js 200 scribd.com 986B 111ms
310.04f9f9.js 200 s-f.scribdassets.com 517KB 40ms
app.16e16e.js 200 s-f.scribdassets.com 19.9KB 20ms
gtm.js?id=GTM-KXQQWDG 200 googletagmanager.c… 95.6KB 88ms
hero-XL_1248-en-1x.2d9f… 200 s-f.scribdassets.com 54.3KB 11ms
source_serif_pro_bold.lat… 200 s-f.scribdassets.com 20.5KB 54ms
source_serif_pro_semibo… 200 s-f.scribdassets.com 20.5KB 54ms
source_serif_pro_regular.… 200 s-f.scribdassets.com 19.5KB 54ms
/ 200 cmp.osano.com 1.33KB 50ms
POST csrf_token 200 scribd.com 1.11KB 93ms
POST csrf_token 200 scribd.com 1.11KB 84ms
bundle.min.js 200 browser.sentry-cdn.c… 18.4KB 21ms
24721610109.js 200 cdn.optimizely.com 82.3KB 66ms
analytics.js 200 google-analytics.com 20.5KB 46ms
74.36de36.js 200 s-f.scribdassets.com 162KB 17ms
personalization 200 scribd.com 1.05KB 349ms
ytc.js 200 s.yimg.com 6.70KB 54ms
web_surveys.js 200 survey.survicate.com 2.69KB 69ms
POST 991817613?em=tv.1… 200 google.com 0 96ms
POST 991817613?em=tv.1… 204 google.com 174B 122ms
/ 200 cmp.osano.com 0 4ms
a-05td.min.js 200 b-code.liadm.com 15.3KB 60ms
POST record 204 consent.api.osano.com 437B 311ms
OPTIONS record 200 consent.api.osano.com 0 165ms
rewriteframes.min.js 200 browser.sentry-cdn.c… 1.11KB 2ms
10143699.json 200 s.yimg.com 2B 37ms
fonts.css 200 surveys-static.survic… 1.90KB 22ms
POST envelope?sentry_k… 200 sentry.io 2B 98ms
d89a8e6a-7818-406f-8239-… 200 d2hrivdxn8ekm8.clo… 6.79KB 79ms
events.js?sdkid=C8LT361… 200 analytics.tiktok.com 1.67KB 174ms
js?id=G-8KZ8BV0P5W&l=… 200 googletagmanager.c… 94.1KB 48ms
js?id=G-Z4ZC50DED6&l=… 200 googletagmanager.c… 94.6KB 22ms
fbevents.js 200 connect.facebook.net 52.3KB 360ms
pixel.js 200 redditstatic.com 7.24KB 44ms
991817613?random=1698… 200 googleads.g.doublec… 1.30KB 143ms

Analyze your site at https://gtmetrix.com Page 3 of 7

A3071581-5350-42cd-80b… 200 utt.impactcdn.com 13.6KB 94ms
ping.min.js 200 cdn.pdst.fm 5.64KB 76ms
uwt.js 200 static.ads-twitter.com 15.0KB 140ms
bat.js 200 bat.bing.com 12.7KB 115ms
j?dtstmp=1698130687595… 302 rp.liadm.com 0 263ms
scribd.ico?6da15e761?v=5 200 s-f.scribdassets.com 7.53KB 7ms
tracker-latest.min.js 200 d2hrivdxn8ekm8.clo… 9.02KB 8ms
rp.gif?ts=1698130687775… 200 alb.reddit.com 42B 21ms
OPTIONS pdst-events-pro… 200 us-central1-adaptive… 22B 102ms
POST pdst-events-prod-si… 200 us-central1-adaptive… 22B 240ms
991817613?random=1698… 200 google.com 42B 56ms
991817613?random=1698… 200 google.ca 42B 54ms
adsct?bci=3&eci=2&even… 200 t.co 43B 154ms
adsct?bci=3&eci=2&even… 200 analytics.twitter.com 43B 136ms
j?se=e30&aid=a-05td&tna… 200 rp.liadm.com 13B 81ms
5a28e627?data=dmVyc2lv… 200 dvqigh9b7wa32.clou… 43B 52ms
5a28e627?data=aXB2Nj10… 200 d330aiyvva2oww.clo… 43B 38ms
5a28e627?data=dmVyc2lv… 200 d1lu3pmaz2ilpx.clou… 43B 51ms
15260218.js 204 bat.bing.com 116B 15ms
0?ti=15260218&tm=gtm00… 204 bat.bing.com 360B 51ms
287045611447707?v=2.9.1… 200 connect.facebook.net 35.8KB 85ms
a-05td?duid=4b59e25de3… 200 i.liadm.com 1.17KB 345ms
pixie.js 200 acdn.adnxs.com 3.84KB 27ms
d89a8e6a-7818-406f-8239-… 200 d2hrivdxn8ekm8.clo… 9.33KB 10ms
pixie?e=PageView&pi=e1… 200 ib.adnxs.com 42B 115ms
tr?id=287045611447707&… 200 facebook.com 185B 229ms
main.MTEyYzFhMzhjMQ.js 200 analytics.tiktok.com 100KB 71ms
nsjs?adv=cl16621528661… 302 action.dstillery.com 0 357ms
identify_6291e.js 200 analytics.tiktok.com 35.0KB 15ms
POST pangle_pixel 200 analytics.pangle-ads… 909B 123ms
POST pixel 200 analytics.tiktok.com 652B 382ms
nsjs?adv=cl16621528661… 200 action.media6degree… 587B 142ms
POST act 200 analytics.tiktok.com 650B 106ms
sync?c=0aa2530f29e4f4a… (incompletelive.rezync.com 0 >534ms
53233?bidder_id=183658… (incompleted.turn.com 0 >534ms
generic?ttd_pid=liveinten… (incompletematch.adsrvr.org 0 >534ms
live_intent_sync?na_exid… (incompletex.dlx.addthis.com 0 >534ms
sync?c=0aa2530f29e4f4a… 302 live.rezync.com 763B 55ms
53233?bidder_id=183658… 302 d.turn.com 0 93ms
generic?ttd_pid=liveinten… 302 match.adsrvr.org 219B 45ms
live_intent_sync?na_exid… 302 x.dlx.addthis.com 0 89ms
cm?pub=39342&in=1&us… 302 p.rfihub.com 763B 54ms
sync?ssp=liveintent&use… (incompletex.bidswitch.net 0 >533ms
usersync.aspx?r=77&p=3… (incompletedis.criteo.com 0 >533ms
getuid?https://i.liadm.co… (incompleteib.adnxs.com 0 >533ms
sync?ssp=liveintent&use… 302 x.bidswitch.net 0 52ms
usersync.aspx?r=77&p=3… 200 dis.criteo.com 86B 206ms
getuid?https://i.liadm.co… 307 ib.adnxs.com 0 117ms
53233?bidder_id=183658… 302 i.liadm.com 0 93ms
generic?ttd_pid=liveinten… 302 match.adsrvr.org 219B 41ms
sync?ssp=liveintent&use… 302 x.bidswitch.net 0 47ms
live_intent_sync?na_exid… 302 x.dlx.addthis.com 0 84ms
bounce?%2Fgetuid%3Fht… 307 ib.adnxs.com 0 112ms
generic?ttd_pid=liveinten… 302 match.adsrvr.org 215B 11ms
35759?bidder_id=44489&… 302 i.liadm.com 215B 11ms
sync?ssp=liveintent&use… 302 x.bidswitch.net 0 12ms
store?id=&ext1=liveintent… 302 match.deepintent.com 0 12ms
cm?pub=39342&in=1&us… 302 p.rfihub.com 0 228ms
pixel?c=bd8618c307ae98… 302 live.rezync.com 0 228ms
35759?bidder_id=44489&… 303 i.liadm.com 0 79ms
35759?bidder_id=44489&… 303 i6.liadm.com 0 79ms
store?id=&ext1=liveintent… 303 match.deepintent.com 0 238ms

Analyze your site at https://gtmetrix.com Page 4 of 7

sync?expires=720&dsp_i… 303 x.bidswitch.net 0 237ms
live_intent_sync?na_exid… 200 x.dlx.addthis.com 43B 55ms
53233?bidder_id=183658… 303 i.liadm.com 0 123ms
bct?pid=bcccb40a-06d2-4… 303 mid.rkdms.com 0 123ms
bounce?%2Fgetuid%3Fht… 302 ib.adnxs.com 0 36ms
81081?bidder_id=91218&… 302 i.liadm.com 0 36ms
35759?bidder_id=44489&… 200 i6.liadm.com 739B 323ms
81081?bidder_id=91218&… 303 i.liadm.com 0 143ms
bct?pid=bcccb40a-06d2-4… 303 mid.rkdms.com 0 143ms
bct?pid=bcccb40a-06d2-4… 302 mid.rkdms.com 0 105ms
19948?bidder_id=178256… 302 i.liadm.com 0 104ms
pixel?c=bd8618c307ae98… 302 live.rezync.com 447B 17ms
501709.gif?partner_uid=2… 302 idsync.rlcdn.com 447B 17ms
bct?pid=bcccb40a-06d2-4… 302 mid.rkdms.com 0 49ms
19948?bidder_id=178256… 302 i.liadm.com 0 48ms
501709.gif?partner_uid=2… 307 idsync.rlcdn.com 0 82ms
1000.gif?memo=CM3PHh… 307 idsync.rlcdn.com 0 81ms
sync?expires=720&dsp_i… 302 x.bidswitch.net 0 12ms
52164?bidder_id=5298&li… 302 i.liadm.com 0 11ms
52164?bidder_id=5298&li… 200 i.liadm.com 902B 80ms
19948?bidder_id=178256… 303 i.liadm.com 0 80ms
sync?dsp_id=42&user_id= 303 x.bidswitch.net 0 80ms
19948?bidder_id=178256… 303 i.liadm.com 0 80ms
sync?dsp_id=42&user_id= 303 x.bidswitch.net 0 80ms
1000.gif?memo=CM3PHh… 307 idsync.rlcdn.com 0 52ms
pixel?google_nid=epsilon… 307 cm.g.doubleclick.net 0 52ms
sync?dsp_id=42&user_id= 200 x.bidswitch.net 278B 14ms
sync?dsp_id=42&user_id= 200 x.bidswitch.net 278B 12ms
pixel?google_nid=epsilon… 302 cm.g.doubleclick.net 289B 45ms
362358.gif?google_gid=C… 302 idsync.rlcdn.com 289B 45ms
362358.gif?google_gid=C… 200 idsync.rlcdn.com 102B 53ms
146 Requests 1.93MB (5.79MB Uncompressed) 2.9s (Onload 1.3s)

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0.4s 0.7s 1.1s 1.5s 1.8s 2.2s 2.6s 2.9s

TTFB: 23ms Largest Contentful Paint: 771ms Onload Time: 1.3s Time to Interactive: 2.2s
Redirect: 0ms
Connect: 21ms Fully Loaded Time: 2.9s
Backend: 2ms

First Contentful Paint: 346ms

Performance Metrics
Good - Nothing to Good - Nothing to
First Contentful Paint do here Time to Interactive do here

How quickly content like text or images are painted onto How long it takes for your page to become fully
your page. A good user experience is 0.9s or less. 345ms interactive. A good user experience is 2.5s or less. 2.2s

Good - Nothing to Much longer than

Speed Index do here Total Blocking Time recommended

How quickly the contents of your page are visibly How much time is blocked by scripts during your page
populated. A good user experience is 1.3s or less. 722ms loading process. A good user experience is 150ms or

Good - Nothing to Good - Nothing to

Largest Contentful Paint do here Cumulative Layout Shift do here

How long it takes for the largest element of content (e.g. How much your page's layout shifts as it loads. A good
a hero image) to be painted on your page. A good user
experience is 1.2s or less.
771ms user experience is a score of 0.1 or less. 0

Browser Timings

Redirect 0ms Connect 21ms Backend 2ms

TTFB 23ms First Paint 346ms DOM Int. 360ms

DOM Loaded 636ms Onload 1.3s Fully Loaded 2.9s

Analyze your site at https://gtmetrix.com Page 6 of 7

Structure Audits


Med-Low Serve static assets with an efficient cache policy Potential savings of 296KB

Med-Low Use a Content Delivery Network (CDN) 11 resources found

Low Reduce JavaScript execution time TBT 1.1s spent executing JavaScript

Low Avoid an excessive DOM size TBT 769 elements

Low Avoid long main-thread tasks TBT 10 long tasks found

Low Avoid enormous network payloads LCP Total size was 1.97MB

Low Reduce unused JavaScript LCP Potential savings of 532KB

Low Enable text compression FCP LCP Potential savings of 17.8KB

Low Properly size images Potential savings of 61.4KB

Low Reduce unused CSS FCP LCP Potential savings of 60.1KB

Low Serve images in next-gen formats Potential savings of 10.7KB

Low Avoid non-composited animations CLS 1 animated element found

Low Minify JavaScript FCP LCP Potential savings of 8.72KB

Low Avoid chaining critical requests FCP LCP 7 chains found

N/A Largest Contentful Paint element LCP 770 ms

N/A Eliminate render-blocking resources FCP LCP Potential savings of 0 ms

N/A Reduce initial server response time FCP LCP Root document took 1ms

N/A Avoid serving legacy JavaScript to modern browsers TBT Potential savings of 49.9KB

N/A Minimize main-thread work TBT Main-thread busy for 2.1s

N/A User Timing marks and measures 3 user timings

N/A Reduce the impact of third-party code TBT Third-party code blocked the main thread for 231ms

N/A Avoid large layout shifts CLS

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