Data Warehouse Implementation

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Data Warehouse Introduction

Spring 2016
Zafar Heydari, Farid
Outlines About Lecturer


Why Data Warehouse

Designing Data Warehouse

Designing Dimensions

Designing Fact Tables





OLTP- Online Transactional Processing
 Designed to solve everyday work transactions (i.e. sales, customer care, manufacturing)
 Points where the data is captured and recorded in the company
 Very efficient in the management of specific information : ERP, CRM, HRM, SCM, Email, Others

Disadvantages Advantages

• Difficult to manage historical • Reduces paper trails

information • Simple & effective
• High cost of maintenance and • Highly accurate Advantages
gathering distributed data
• Need technical skills and
OLAP – Online Analytical Processing

 Designed specifically to obtain information, analyze and solve business problems

 Specific analytical information is added to the data
 They use a different database technology, optimized to extract information.
 Analytical systems unify all of the company’s data in one system: the Data Warehouse
What’s in Cube?
OLAP Cubes

 They let you analyze all of the information available in the Data
 Each cube stores a set of specific information, and contains different
“measures” and “dimensions”
 Measures
numbers (amounts, quantities, percentages)
 Dimensions
contain attributes to filter and order information
Samples of Dimension & MeasuresDimension

Sales Stock / Inventory Supply Orders

• Dimensions: • Dimensions: • Dimensions: • Dimensions:

• Date / Time • Date / Time • Date / Time • Date / Time
• Customer • Store / • Supplier • Product
• Branch / Branch • Product • Customer
Store • Product • Contract • Salesperson
• Product • Contract • Terms of sale
• Measures: • Measures: terms • Measures:
• Quantity • Quantity • Type of • Quantity
• Price • Price transactions • Amount
• Discount • Cost • Measures: • Discount
• Profit • Quantity
• Amount
• Cost
Why is it multidimensional?

A dimension is one of the “edges” of your business

It is called multidimensional because you can see the

information from different “edges” at the same time
 Customers
 Suppliers
 Employees
 Products
 Places (Factories, Branches,…)
 Time
 Transaction Types ( Invoices, Orders, Quotes,…)
OLTP DB of Sales

 Highly Normalized
 Lots of Joins
 Archived Data from 1/1/1
 Low Performance
 Multiple Data Bases
 Different Naming &
Why Data Warehouses?

 Simplified Reporting

 Archived Data

 Different Data Sources

 Consistent Central Hub for Data Analysis

 OLTP is highly Normalized design
 OLAP/DW are highly DE-Normalized design
Designing Data Warehouse (1)
FACT Tables
Production De-Normalized
Environment Dimension


DIM Sub-Category

Prototype Normalized DIM Region

DIM Category
Environment Dimension DIM Country
Designing Data Warehouse (2)

Star Schema : Focuses on an area of OLTP data

Central Fact table contains Metric data for Analysis

Dimensions contain attributes to describe fact data

Snowflake Schema extends De-normalized Star Schema

Designing Dimensions (1)
 Dimension tables contain:
 Attributes : to filter/slice Fact
 Labels: to get context of the
 Keys: Primary Keys(Surrogate
Keys) & Natural Keys (OLTP
 Lineage Key: Track where &
when the data comes (Master
lineage data)
Designing Dimensions (2)

 SCD: Slowly Changing Dimensions

 How do we deal with updates
 Determine historical aspects of dimension
 Type 1: Don’t maintain history
 Type 2: Save history by adding a new
 Type 3: Only Save Previous Value (Less
 Sample : Department name :
Marketing Sales  Marketing
Designing Dimensions (3)

 Natural, Durable, and Supernatural Keys

 employee number (natural key)
 durable key/ durable supernatural key: persist key, independent of the original business process

 Flags and Indicators as Textual Attributes

 Cryptic abbreviations, true/false flags, and operational indicators should be supplemented in
dimension tables with full text meaningful words

 Null Attributes in Dimensions

 a given dimension row has not been fully populated,
 or when there are attributes that are not applicable to all the dimension’s rows.
 In both cases, we recommend substituting a descriptive string, such as Unknown or Not Applicable
Designing Dimensions (4)

 Calendar Date Dimensions

 Dim Date has different attributes such as week
number, month name, fiscal period, and national
holiday indicator, …
 To facilitate partitioning, the primary key of a date
dimension can be more meaningful, such as an
integer representing YYYYMMDD
 the date dimension table needs a special row to
represent unknown or to-be-determined dates
 a separate date/time stamp can be added to the
fact table. The date/time stamp is not a foreign key
to a dimension table
Designing Dimensions (5)

 Role-Playing Dimensions
 A single physical dimension can be referenced multiple times in a fact table
 For instance: A fact table can have several dates, each of which is represented by a foreign
key to the date dimension. It is essential that each foreign key refers to a separate view of
the date dimension so that the references are independent.
 These separate dimension views (with unique attribute column names) are called roles.
Designing Dimensions (6)

 Hierarchies:
 De-normalized Flattened Dimensions (Star)
 Multiple Hierarchies in Dimensions (Snow flake)

 Which Data levels (Star/ Snowflake?) : Depends on usability in all fact tables
Star Sample
Snowflake Sample
Hybrid Sample
Designing Fact Tables (1)

 Fact tables contain:

 Key: Primary Keys , Dimension
 Measure: Calculated Numbers
 Lineage: Track where & when
the data comes (Master
lineage data)
 Supportive labels
Designing Fact Tables (2)

 Measures Additivity:
 Additive: All-dimensions
 Non-Additive: No dimensions
(Unit Cost)
 Semi-Additive: Some
dimensions (All except time)
(Units Balance)
Designing Fact Tables (3)

 Fact-less Table:
represent Many-to-Many
relationships in Data
Designing Fact Tables (4)

 Nulls in Fact Tables:

 The aggregate functions (SUM, COUNT, MIN, MAX, and AVG) all do
the “right thing” with null facts.

 Nulls must be avoided in the fact table’s foreign keys

 The associated dimension table must have a default row (and

surrogate key) representing the unknown or not applicable
Designing Fact Tables (5)

 Conformed Facts
 If the same measurement appears in separate fact
 If the separate fact definitions are consistent, the
conformed facts should be identically named

 but if they are incompatible, they should be differently

named to alert the business users and BI applications
Designing Fact Tables (6)

 Periodic Snapshot Fact Tables

 A row in a periodic snapshot fact table summarizes many
measurement events occurring over a standard period, such as
a day, a week, or a month.
 The grain is the period, not the individual transaction.
 if no activity takes place during the period, a row is typically
inserted in the fact table containing a zero or null for each fact.
Designing Fact Tables (7)

 Accumulating Snapshot Fact Tables

 A row in an accumulating snapshot
fact table summarizes the
measurement events occurring at
predictable steps between the
beginning and the end of a
 Samples: Pipeline or workflow
processes, such as order
fulfillment or claim processing
 There is a date foreign key in the
fact table for each critical
milestone in the process.
 As pipeline progress occurs, the
accumulating fact table row is
revisited and updated.
Designing Fact Tables (8)

 Consolidated Fact Tables

 to combine facts from multiple processes together into
a single consolidated fact table.
(Sales actuals can be consolidated with sales forecasts)
Designing Fact Tables (9)

 Header/Line Fact Tables

 parent/child schemas), all the header-level dimension foreign keys and degenerate
dimensions should be included on the line-level fact table.
Managing Fact Data

 Indexing Fact Tables:

 Clustered on 1 small numeric PK
 Non-clustered on FK
 Column Store on Large Tables

Lineage Key
 Partitioning on Large table
 Simplified maintenance
 Improve performance P-Function

 Lineage
 Directly in Fact tables
 Centralized Lineage Dimension
 Meta data about columns
Kimball Dimensional Modeling Techniques

 Gather Business Requirements and Data Realities

 Collaborative Dimensional Modeling Workshops
 Four-Step Dimensional Design Process:
 1. Select the business process.
 2. Declare the grain. (atomic grain)
 3. Identify the dimensions.
 who, what, where, when, why, and how OF CONTECT OF BUSINESS
 4. Identify the facts.
Exercise 1
Answer 1
Any Question?
Spring 2016
Zafar Heydari, Farid

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