AUMC - Fall 22 - MBA Non-Business - A-4

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Course Name: Principles of Management Dated :30-Nov-22

Course Instructor: Mr. Usama Najam

Task: Assignment No # 4

Q # Watch the Movie insider (1999) based on the reality-based novel "the man who knew too much".
It's about tobacco industry whistleblower Jeffrey Wigand.

1) what is the Ethical Dilemma?

2)what is whistle blowing?

3)which characters you find ethical and unethical? and your opinion?

4) keeping in mind the Stages of Moral Development, what do you think Jeffrey Wigand was at what
level and why?

1: -

Ethical Dilemma in the movie Insider is that Dr. Jeffery Wigand finds himself standing between the
choice of ethical duty of whether he keeps his organization safe or the public to which the cigarettes are
being sold. At the end of the interview with Mike Wallace, he is also asked if he is doing the right thing
by exposing his organization, to which he says he is not sure if he is doing the right thing or not.
Sometimes a person finds himself in a situation where everything is right to do and apparently, he
cannot decide which right is the more right because either right will have a deep effect on his personal
and professional life.

2: -

Whistle Blowing is basically a terminology used whenever a person reveals information regarding an on-
going process in an organization (normally employees do this) which deemed illegal, immoral and unsafe
and they have direct impact on the users and community. In this movie Insider, Dr. Jeffery Wigand who
was the Head of Research & Development at Brown & Williamson, exposes the company of
manipulating the nicotine related addiction in smokers.

3: -

There are many characters in the movie who can be described into ethical or unethical by their acts
portrayed in the movie. Some of them are listed below:

Dr. Jeffery Wigand: Ethical because he chose to do good for majority compromising his personal life.

Lowell Bergman: Ethical because he chose to keep his sources confidential and showing people truth.

Mike Wallace: Unethical because he chose to hide the things knowing the fact that he has done an
interview which can benefit the public.

Richard Scruggs: Ethical because he gives the platform to whistle blower knowing the facts that he can
actually get a lot of pressure from big tobacco giants.
Thomas Sandefur: Unethical because he chose to ignore the facts that his business is poisoning the
public and he threatened and fired his employees.

4: -

Dr. Jeffery Wigand was at the top most level of Moral Development because knowing the fact that his
family has to suffer from his actions and he chose to expose big giants regardless of the life threat to
him and his family. He did it for the greater good even he needed medical insurance for his sick daughter
and family without looking for financial benefits.

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