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Assignment No # 6

Principles of Management
Dated: 22-Jan-23

Course Instructor: Sir Usama Najam

Task: Story Writing Task.
Submitted By: Ahmad Sadeed -223664
Hamza Rehan -223665
Dania Mubarik -223666

Story is as follows:

The story begins within a residential society of around 20 households. It was a fine sunny day and
everyone was busy in their routine tasks. A man was dancing while playing a guitar loudly. Due
to the loud noisy music that was coming out of the guitar, he did not realize that it was spreading
in the neighborhood and could disturb the residents.
There were a BBQ party going on in of the household and people were having fun. While in one
of the household a pet fish jumped out of the aquarium while playing and just died. The mother
was enjoying tea and biscuits when suddenly her kids came to her and started crying, told her that
the fish was dead and started forcing to bring them new fish. But the mother refused to do so. In
one of the household a person was peacefully doing exercise using dumbbells but his peace was
disturbed by the crying children. He threw his dumbbell in anger but unfortunately the dumbbell
went straight into the TV which was placed in the corner and broke it.
The man than came out of the house in frustration and smelled something was burning. He looked
towards his left, and saw smoke coming out of the neighbor’s window. He ran towards his room,
picked up the telephone and called his neighbor who was the nun at the church and told her that
her house was on fire and apparently there were some currency notes sitting on the table were
burning. So the nun came rushing towards her house and extinguished the fire.
Good neighbors are blessing.
Conclusions Regarding Team Work:
From generating ideas by dealing with conflicts about storylines to making a complete story, we
worked effectively as a team. We respected each other’s opinions, generated different scenarios
with the emoticons, did meetings to discuss story and distributed work so that we were able to
complete this task efficiently. We understand our responsibility as a team and that we share an
equal goal. So, we distributed work into three parts. One was writing the story and second-one
was editing him while third one was working on the this way, we were able to
make an effective story.
By working as a team, we got to learn that every person of the group needs to contribute equally
to generate best results. We also learnt that every person has different skills set which can be the
strength of a team as creativity is increased in a group having people with different skills and
abilities. This story writing was an interesting task that has helped us learn about how to work as
an effective team.

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