9th Semester Question Paper

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l(NROJ ,l ,MF:NT NO .......... .

• ~ - 'i'--.\a (,t(Jiliated to
~ o~md s;, I1 l d
Plot No. 48/,t Ktio,~ 11 1'CIJJrastlw U11lve1sily, New Delhi)
' ledge Park UJ, Greater Neida


XAMINATION (Odd Sem. January, 2023)
stream: Law
Semester - IXth
paper Code: LLB 503 Paper ID· Pro ram me: B.A./ BBA LL.B
Conveyancing · 38503/ 35503 Subject: Drafting, Pleading &
Time: 1:30 Hour
Maximum Marks ~ 30

NOTE: All the questions · p

g,uestions from Part-B. In art-A are compulsory & attempt any two

QI. Write Short Notes on the following: (4 X 2.5=10)
a. -Ingredients of Plaint (Pointers only)
b. -Memo of appearance (Pointers only)
c. -Name the five writs and their one liner meaning
d. -Caveat application

(2 X 10=20)

Q2. Draft an affidavit in support of a plaint for specific performance o{ contract.

Q3. Draft an application for grant of a temporary injunction during the pendency of a civil suit.

Q4. An accused is.in jail u/s 376,302,201 I.P.C. Draft a bail application on his behalf.

Q5. Draft a tripartite lease deed between Noida authority (Lessor), builder (Lessee) and
purchaser (Sub-lessee) of a flat.

' a Gob/nd S'. ' I
Plot No. 4814 K · 1118 i lndmprartfw Univer.tlty, Ne►v Delltl}
- ' nowledgc Patk Hr, Greater Noida
Stream: Law S . '
Paper Code: LLB 515 p em e er - IX Pro ram me: BA/BBA LLB
Time : 1:30 Hour· 3
aper ID:·o s13s515 Subject: Private In ternational Law
Maximum Marks : 30
NOTE: All the uestion8 . p
guestions from Part-B. In art-A are com
Ql. Write Short Notes on the following:
(4 X 2.5=10)
a. Ogd~n vs Ogden
t,. ~ • ~ ~

b. Distinction between Public and Private international law . '! ~ ~ . • .: -

c. Lex situs
d. Characterization

· .··. (2x10=20)

Q2. What do you mean by 'Choice of Law'? Discuss in detail the various sources of Private
International Law.

Q3. Define domicile. Discuss what is domicile by choice.

Q4: Discuss the various conventions related to rights of the child being adopted in reference
to Inter-Country Adoption.

Q5. What is the procedure for enforcement of foreign decree or awards in India?
l1:NttOLLMftNT NO ,, ................., .......


•' t-N:tt~d.~
• •
• I"'\
(,1.(riliated to G .
wu Gobin i Si J
· Plot No. 4814 ~ ng i Jndmprmtha University, New Delhlj
' iowlcdge Park Ill, Greater Noida J
Stream: Law
Semester_ IX
Paper Code : LLB 517
Time: 1:30 liour Paper ID: 38517/35517 Subject: Healthcare Law
Maximum Marks: jO
NOTE: All the questions . p '
_g_uestions from Part-B. in art-A are compulsory & attempt any two

QI. Write Short Notes on the following:
(4 X 2.5=10)
-a. - Right to Health
b. -Brain stemDeath
c. - Gross Negligence
d. - Negligence under Consumer Protection Act

(2 X 10=20)
. • i ~• '! I~ ~ , •

Q2. Explain the Constitutional provisions relating to Right to health with -case·laws. ·

Q3. What are the professional obligations of Doctors towards their Patients and how many
codes govern the same? ·

Q4. What is the Role of Consent in Medical practice? Explain the Concept of Informed

QS. What are the remedies available for Medical Negligence under different laws?
1,:NfHJfJ ,MtNT NO...........................

, - . - - - - -


,,!!.!ctll~~ · G
v• i
Plol No 481

.t ~·iowlcdg
to G1m1Gob' 'i ';'.

lngh lndmprmthn
e Patk Ill,
Unlvet..tily, New Delt1t)
Oreater Noida
- - - - - - -- - ~ - - -


so-c8 rn: Law Semester IX Programme: BA/ BBA LL B
p;p;r Code: LLB509
Paper 1D:35/38509 Subject: Socio-Economic Offen ces
finte : 1:30 Hour
Maximum Marks : 30

· p
NOTE: Allf the questions m
. art-A are compulsory & attempt any two
g!!.estions rom Part-B.

Ql. Write Short Notes on the following: (4 X 2.5=10)

a. - Santhanam committee report

b. - Define_ the term 'Standard Mark'
c. - Spurious drug
d. - CID Power

• (2 X 10=20)

Expl ~? Support your

Q2. 'Mens Rea·, is not mandatory ingredient in Socio economic offence.
answer with help of case laws.
, i i ~ .. ~ ·. . .
changes has been
Q3. " What are the salient feature of weight and Measure Act, 1976? What

brought through Legal Metrology Act, 2009?

Q4. Indian Laws are not sufficient to deal with corruption. Are
you agreed with statement?
in reference to '
Examine the efficacy of Prevention of Prevention of Corruption Act,. 1988
above statement? ·

the statement?
Q5. ~ "CBI is puppet in the hand of the government." How for you agree with
Support yout answer with help of case laws, if any?
(l' rease write your ~Q,n ~ orr
TitltM Jt
.. .. IJ f 18?£Sb3~~) 6
.tJtam lfo U No,. ::er.................
~ 1 tM1tsr 1t · XAMJN ATI ON
~ a~ ---: ._.! ~LB] J Al!_!JAtt!_-FtBRUUy ~023 .
•,ne: 3 Hou~ ---- Subj t , _ - -
,~ e: Atte .- ~ !£__:~ gat .tthfca dftd Court Craft]
! co "'Ptftt>e questtonaf _ Maxtntttm MarkA1 7&
~ mpulso~. Select on.ert au fncludfng. Q. No 1 which ta
queetfon fro m each untt.

Ql Writ e short notes 0

11 th
Why afficta,,;t . e following:-
v 1 lS note 'd
~ ~c an a petition be fillevi e?ce (Sx5=25)
jej"Role of Disciplina Cd Wit~out affidavit?
1/ vf' egal Pract1·ti·o ry ·. omm1ttee
✓,UJ L ners L1 b1T
~ /'Legal Aid a ity for Deficiency in Services

..{4fpiscuss Role and O · • :
¥Discuss the types ~fw:~~f smgle Ju~ge of the High Court. · (6.25)
P on Entertained by the supr~me
court. (6.25)
Q3 (a) Ro!e ?f Regis~~ of the Supreme court?
{b) Cnmmal Junsdiction of High Court. (6.25)

Q4'/ ~w:11~t are the impoi::ant feature~ of Limitation Act?
_,AVJ Discuss ~e exceptions of Limitation Act? ·
- , ; (6.25)
Q5 (a) Which_documents are compulsory registrable? (6.25)
(b) What 1s the effect of non registration of documents under section 17
of Registrati9n Act? r (6.25)
QV What are the duties that an advoc~te owes for maintaintaing harmonious
7 relationship between Bar and Beneh?
. (12.5)

Q7 , Discuss the Role and Responsibilities ay Ban Council of India?

\ '
QB (a) Why are professional ethics imJ ~rtant for lawyers? (6.25)
(b) What are the seven principles of,, professional
Ethics? (~.25)

~<Discu ss Professional miscond~ct of Lawyers in India with landmJ rk

judgements on professional misco~duct, (~2.5)

(Ple a se write you_,- Exam Roll No.)


fflNTH S£ME8TltR [l.LBJJANUARt'-f'&ilRU.Altf 2023 _ _
Paper Code: LLB503 - 8ubject: Df'tt/Ung, Pleading I
/ tincl Conwu_anclng_
Time: 3 H c u,-s · --- Mtvdmum Mdrlu: 15
Note: Atte mpt Jtve questfons Ot all including Q.Nd, 1 of
l'art A lllhfc h ,.
I._____ cornpulsory.~ elect otte q~estion fro m each unit of Part S, _ __
Q1 Write sh~rt notes on the following: (~!=25)

, ~ Expl~n th~ concept of amendment of pleadings.

n _hat 1s wntten statement? Discuss the essentials of-it.
't7! ? r aft a format of FIR.
pr1nherent powers of court under section 151 of Code of Civil Procedure,
1908 .
~ r a f t a notice under Section 8.0 of CPC



.J<t{ Draft an application for setting aside ex-parte decree under Section 9 of
Civil Procedure Code ' · 1908. ,
. .

Q3 Draft a written statement on behalf of Mr. 'X' including set-off ·of

Rs. 7 lacs from the damages· claicled by plaintiff. (12_-5)

~ .Mr. '~' is a tenant of Mr. ''( who· is threatening Mr. 'A' to evict him by
/ force . Draft a suit for permanent injunction. (12.5)

Q5 A decree has been passed by trial court against Akshay for recovery of
Rs. 15 lq.cs. Aks~ay feels that decree has not been_passed appropriately
on the basis of evidence.
Draft an'I_appeal for him. (12.5)


Q6 Draft an application for: bail on behalf of Rajan, who has been arrested
for the offence of money laundering. ( 12.5)

✓.Draft an application for mainten~ce under Section 125 of Cr.P.C 1973

m favour of Mrs. 'M' and her children. ( 12.5)


LL~::-St?"3 ·
. B;-v-
(12-~) ~
hare }P-
. g hiS s . 0 f
Q8 Draft the followi ng: . }inqu1sh 1!1 derr11se
a) A relin q~ishm ent deed for Soh~l, who 15~~dit a, afte~ th e
proper ty 1n favour of his elder s1ser, Ms.
~ ·. "'.1,-•·r:.
. a joint
hjs fathe r. 'Y' for start~ng M

b) A partne rship deed betwee n Ms. 'X' and ~r.

busine ss ventur e of dropsh ipping in Mumb ai.
wife of :Mr-
sttant i, . g a
rnarry tn
Draft a . writ of Habea s Corpu s in respect of Ms. ~or
Muda ssrr Ahma d as she is confined by her parents l' (12.5 )
Muslim man witho ut their conseri:t. r

rrzease writ e your ~am Roll No ,}


_ _N _ lt SEMESTEh. LLLBJJAnUAR.t•F'll!BrtUAltY
_l_NT 202a
~ e: LLB&05 _ Subject : Lattd attd R~ l ltn.atl .tt,_p,i"j
~ .,urs __ Mcvdmum Ma_rk.11: 15
Ti!{Ote: Atttrriptft.t>@ queatfona ·fn all fncludbtg Q.No.1 a/ Ptirl A which 16 j
L---- compulsory. Select one question from each unit of!':_art B.

Short notes on: (Sx5=25)

If1:equalities in the land holdings

D1ffe:~nce between Section 14A-D and 14 (1) (e)
Abolition of the Zamindari system in Bihar
Urban development institutions in NCR
Functions of the real estate agents



Q2/ State· the Important Constitution Amendments related to Land reforms.

7 Highlight the Important case Laws related to the Amendments. (12.5)

:.23 What is the meaning of Land Reform? Why Land Reforms Have Failed to
Yield The desired result in India. · (12.5)


)4 Discuss in detail the provision related to the determination of the social

impact and public purpose under the Land Acquisition Act, 2013 (The
Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition,
Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act, 2013). (12.5)

~ Discuss in detail the Issues and Perspectives related to urbanization. •


Give tne overvi~w of the Real Estate (Regulation & Development) Act,
2016. How the RERA will benefit the buyer? (12.5)

r. Di~cuss the salient features of the Delhi Apartment Ownership Act,

1986. What are the shortcomings in the implementation of the Act?
.. . (12.S)



(1 <
a ·s h o rt no te o n i R e n t C o n tr o l A c t, 1 95 8 .
QB Wri te f Tenant u n d e r Delh
ef initio n o
a) D
t o f re n t a s a g ro und fo r e v ic ti o n .
b) Non Paymen
s a g ro u n d o f evictio .
ide req~irement a n gi i;
7 Discuss in d
un de r DRCA a n
etai l th e B on
d with the help
of releva
n t ca se la w s. . ll~.

. l ·, -


Q1 ~ah~ rt notes on the following: . (5xS•25)

lain. th e definition of Public Servant under the Prevention of
Com.1ption Act. .

~ n a l Inve stigation Department (CID) .
statement Under Essential Commodities Act ·
· .

~~ce. between socio economic offences and traditional offences

~ D 1hr~ collar Crimes ··



Crimin al Jurispr udence . recognized that there can be no

withou t guilty mind'. Discuss in the light of new princip les of
.liability in Socio-Eco~omic Crimes. . (12.5)

Q3 .,egaf Metrology . and discuss· . the role of Bureau of Indian

sin regulating standard~ of weights. (12.~)

Q4 ss in detail the ·definition of 'Food' under the Food , Safety and

· ~ds Act, 2005 in the context of decided cases. · (12.5)

y examipe the objects, nature, liability and efficacy of provisions

:Drugs arid Cosmetic Act, 1940. . ' . . (12.5)
' I 1,

.. UNIT-Ill

Q6 ~ der is working as a joint secretary in the Home Ministry. An "FIR

ed agains t . him by Sh. Sanjeev·-, for · taking btjbe when he was
in the Finance Ministry. The trial initiated on the basis of said ·
as -opposed by Sh. Rajender for not taking previous sanction from
petent authority. Decide. . (12.5)

corruption. What are the objects and reasons of the prevention of

ptipn Act? ls there any short-coming in the implem entatio n of the
Discuss. · (12.5)


/ •corr:-iption is conside:ed to_ be one of the worst socio economic crune:

and 1s the .. greatest 1mped1ments.·on the way· towards · progress
?ev~lop!ng country like India." In ·th~ light of above explain the ro~:
mstitutions to control corruption in India. . (12.S]
Q9 Write short notes on the fallowing:
a) Lokayukta · (12,5)
b) Central Bureau of Investigation


,,,- • _,, . ,ou r han t .Rort No.,

, ,Z ')h,,( di., ~/t
EN D TE RM ~ . £,rnn i Reff ~.Lf:J:: ..... 2........ .
·- ::-:- -::-: -=--::-:=-:-:
r::::::;;. Code: LLB-s 11 1't~1''11
~ S.!:._1tMM1t1t1t XAMINATIOlf
-- ·--~ l':1:11 ) ru11 0At1 1' 202:1
~ 3 Hours - -- -- ··-- .
· -R•~~J~ri:-Jie-~iiit ·c~~-•-1-_ :'f f!!-__-.J

M,i. t: Attempt Jfue qu~it,;,;,-
computsot-y, Sefe ct
. . __ . _ _ Ma
fncft1dfttg Q.Na.J whl~h I•
e qu~sUort from ench unit.
---- ---~ -.I-- ------- - -·-- ---- ----. -
lmu _

- .- - -

Ql ~\t ri eho rt note on the follow~ -
latio n betw een tigh t to g. '
e Oru gs and Cosniett' c Alct~th and tigh t (9'r9•25J
• a} C, 1940
lo con fide ntiality
nt:ernation Code of Medical Et1 .
renc e betw een Erro r ucs
renc e betw een wr gfoflJu_dgmc~t and Gro
ss Negligence
on u diagnosis and negligent diagnosis
~ ealt h as a hum an righ t · .
ss to time ly crea tes a legal obligation on Stat es· to ensu
ality. "In th . 'hacc ep~ ble and affordable re
1 _h ealt h care of appropriate
address ~ ig .t of this s~te men t give a
brief acco unt of efforts mad e
-.uw·~. e issu e of ngh t to hea lth by various
"-l . tion s. inte rnat iona l
. . (i2. 5)
e expressio_n 'life' in Article 21 mea ns a life
with h~m an dign ity 'and
me ~ SUI 'Vl~ or animal existence". Examin
tect ing the ngh t to qea lth in e the role of judi ciar y in
India. ·· (12.5)
~ru ·m,e th bli
... ~ o _ gati ons imposerl·, upo· n the medical prof
. C~n cep tion and Pre Na1:a1.1·agnostic essi ona ls und er
Techniques (Prohibition of Sex
ction) Act, 199 4. Scru timz · the role of
this Act in curb ing female
"tjd e? , · · · · (12.5)
. !
lain the sali ent feat ures of ,Tra nsp lant atio '
n of Hum an Org ans Act,
4. i (12.5)
surg eon with sha ky han ds utjd er fear of
legal actionic an~ ot perf orm a .
essful operation and a quivering physici
an can not adm ipis ter the
~os e of medicine to his patient." In the
light of this stat eme nt, briefly
lam esse ntia l ingr edie nts of; Medical Negligen
ce wit h the help of
'ded cas e laws. ·
; (12.5)
Every hum an being of . adu lt .years · and
sound mind · has a rig~ t · to
aetiernli'ne wha t sho uld .. be done with
his body; and a surg eon who
i,en orm s the operation without his patient'
s consent, commits an assa ult
or which he is liable in damage~." Explain
the role of con sen t in medical
negligence with the help of decided case law

s. ·· (12.5)
• _1- •

lucidate the vari ou~ remedies! available in

case of med ical n5.g1Igence
der Law of Crim es ·and Law of Torts.
~al yze the ·role of Con sum er Protection , ,. ,. (12.5)
Law in dete rmi ning the liability ·
:of' _d qcto r for med ical negligence. Dis cus
s with the. help of decided case -
:ws. ., - I . ,12.s,
(Pl,,,,..,... IOIII- ._"' Jtotl Jfo.)
BND TltRM t,,.. ,~(J,tt Jt-,ft 11.,, ~?816~!) ~t) 6
11t111111Mnt11t ~ J .",MINATION
Olllt: Wt.so1 . . 8"!'_UA~,-h!R.UA~t IIOU
t. ~ --1 _ U.'1Jertt a .. - ---
~Nii(A - - - - -- __ --= -- J_ _c,a,tJ
----'!-.!'~~~~~~ !1.'!~ ~~-ti
L- _
f i -- 1-------- --"--~•~~~-'!~!_tu:
Jtve 1ueattone rt aii
~!"l>ttlaor», 8tleet O.!!.f. 'lbe rte Udlng, Q. No 1 which -. - - ]
~ f r o , n each Utttf. _

. . '. ,, tt
Ql ~ short not:~ on the rouowb{g;j
Why affidavit lS not evidence \ (SxS=-2S)
a petition be filled Witho~t
ole ot Disciplinary Comm•1t ~davit?
....,..1 Pr .. u e,
&-. actitioners liability t J...
gal Aid l ~f j eficiency in Services
.' '· f,1 \. .
. : . m~t-1
·scuss Role · d ,. . : ·· ·
•1scuss an power
the typ f ti ·~,sin 'e Judge . of the High Court· (6 "II!)
. ·. . . es o p:e -ti~n :.tnte,rtame~ ~y the supreme court. (6.25)
Ro~e ?f Regis~ai: o! ~e Sup~e ~~ ~o-q~? -···. . (6.25)
CnilllD:al J~~sdic~on ,3 ( / , ~,~•.f,.,,'
... ~ ~-•· -~•,;; . ·) -' ~1,,'·•.{',1,~• of ~1gM .~u~. ; '
••1•I t, i '. ,1 ..
, ,, .
1 ( •. )
.' , \
. (6.25)
l ,
· ,,,.,}
I', .,: rj·."·.
' ,' ,•, -._....
,I ,. ,_l-•
. /' 1 ... / \'•1' , ':'·.-•·
' ' I," ~1I ( ,, ~ 1,I ,1r, t •. r,\
, 1~· •1•_,.1· r .)i ,
-,: I f' i. .,.,/J1 1t '•I). .) I,
.·. · ,.• ,-·,..,_, . :, ,' .; .... . -:'.': UNI-II ' 1·,,-.._."'' . I .,

•, ,. >• •:;,.:' • , > •' " I .':-\:•<.:J/ •, 't:>;:,• /./;: ' ' 1
• '•:

at are the unportant feature · of Limitation Act? (6.25)

DiSCUSs the
OXceptiOns of Limir (),i Act? 1: • (6.25)

=t!i;~~!<{) .: ·:. :_': '·..:t~i;.. ,\,.f.-· :\

of Registr,a tion ,Act?.. : , · "1 .•' ,. ,:•.'-. •.:,
. '',/. ·.- .< ;::·
~enf ~~i~~ents under

\:·i ,· . '
· • ,.,

secti~: ~J (6.25)

. . .. .. .. .· : . . , .. ,. . . , . ... . UNI .rill . 1

. ,_. . .. , (

·\ ·. .. ' , :.. r.:i\,:, , ;·: ,

, •• , ·•• l ~,-':"; _1,, ·v:.::,\' . ... · ,
t are the duties ·t hat ari advoe tle 'owes ·for[maintaintaing harmonious
tionship between Bar
• l
Be~. ~? ,1.'.:', · ... , .
I ,\ :
·: I
and r • L..... ·1 \}·-' , \;~ ._,;,. I ,

ss the Role ~d Re.sponsibili. ~s a'.yBan Council of India? (12.5) ,

I •' ' • • .', ~ - • ''. I I ' \ ' •' _·. • . '\ ' - \, l' ii ' /' .·,' \ '
I:-' • ' I,
. '., ' ''· ' ' ' UNI, .
.k I , I

'1' · ,.. ' ~yl'

' .. ' ' ·~

' ·1,;. . /,. \.
' .·

1 ~


\ I

' 1. I ' ' ~: , '•1 · '. ' I, l ,' ,' f '

. · ,· 'I t:; .' ,, ·.· · ~• . (6~25)


. · · .
Whyare professional ethics ~ , ,~ t f~~ lawyer~? ,,, , ' ,,
What are the seven principle~ ~ rofess1onal Ethics? · .., . _ . _ (6 ·25" ) .
, • I .1 I ), \f 'I,. ' ~ I

~ · ''f , ~· · ' · · · · India with landmark

> ' ' (. ' : ' • ' '

. ··. ·.
. · ·
\scuss Professional ~iscon~uc . 0 ' 'r..wyers (12.f~)' m ;. .
dgements on profess~onal m1~o\ u~t.' . ,, . , •,. i,,,
',. •• ·> '' ',
~ea'' ..,rtte JOUt' .kant Rott No,I

END TERM £.a., Roll No. 'hlH:t/3.1.ii

r Q)dt: U.SS03 - - - - I _".!fy~~!_·F~'!_~UA_RT 2023
,. 3 ,,..,. SubJictllJ;/fiing, ,tead1n9 - l~ I
"' ;..: Atteffll)t .five questtons----- 1-~~--- - ;n_ -~onu.~~~-•~g__
1lO eoffll)tdaory. s I tn ail htcludf --- - -- "!tlmum_~~~~: 75
• ect one que tfo,t Ji ng Q.Na.1 of Part A which 1, ]
~ each unu of Part B.
- --
'I I

' J, l P~T-A ' ,

~l short . ~~.
notes on the 11r011owm
. th •
~ ~r ai_n ~ concept of amend . (5x5=25J
,~ a t 1s wntten statement? . ent of pleadings.
!'J~ a format of FIR ~cuss the essentials of it. 1

~ nherent powers of c~urt und~ .

1908 , .f section 151 of Code of Civil Procedure 'j l 1

~ raft a notice u~der Section ~pof CPC

~(ii '

. . ,: u~\T-1 · ·.

-r\8!1 :applica:~0 ~ f(?r s~t~}B~\ ~ide: ~x-p~~e d~cree under Section 9 o~

..rro€e.? ~re _e@de, ~_r9oa .. q _..,. .: ;· ~:_rr,···.·.:·_r ·.·. /,.'.··'·' ➔ (12.S) '• .·,- · ·/·
'. ' ' . ' "' ' ' ' ' ' ~- f1tt',•,1·:' ' ,·.- •: , i \' . \
l' ·,\

.- a written

stateme~t,' _on ~~h4f ~f

I I • ,,
1 ~\ ,•
Mr. ·x ; i~cluding
set-off of
7 lacs ~~~- u,e d~g~~ CJaitf t~plaintif[ . (12.5)
. . '' ' ' .' ' ! ' UNII' II ·,. '

I • •

;A' is a t~~,.;,tOf ~L ~' w~ ~;e~t~~ing Mr. 'A' to evict him by



a ,sui~ for pe~ent

J1;fc~t :,•·. ·. ....·

~ ( , •''

ree has been passed by trir co~rt'. against Akshay for recovery of
~.5 lacs.'· Akshay feels that de'f!,~e has not_ been passed appropriately
bas.i s of .evidence. Dr~ an~~~~. fo,r him. . ·, . . \ (~2.5)
'I , 1' UNIT-Ill , ' , \ . ~ ~ . ' . /1/ "'J• ~
i i I t_
. ~-. ' -4 .,.>,; >. . 1 •

T· . ' ,,,,a
' ' . '"
1~ 1
I :

. < , .

I •

(.· • • :.

I. \ ..
J '

I, · a. ppl1'cation for bail 0il


r_or_· Raj~n, whQ , h~s been arrested

(12 5)

• ' 'I . • ' , ' ' '.

the offence of money launden g.;_: .· 1

•• • ,,. , • • -· •
t, .:.,. ' ' ; \ ' I ,-ii ' I

125 ~f Crt-~11:1~ ' \

' ' . I '

.t an a~plication for mainte_n~p.:e·_ un~~r Secti~~

favour of Mrs. 'M' and her chil~'p n, ' ,., .
• J' ' l • ,1' , '

'· '
~t....., . ------1. ~:~uor.B u:Nr No..1J.. ~~1.1,~.Z.rl

~ ENGINEERING MA~;- --- - -- - -------------~-

(-im11a,ed lo Guih Go/ /E1~ENT TECHNICAL CAMPUS- JE'""EC
. - - - -- - l'lotN0 4 Jn, S111,;l,l I Ml
· 81~, l<.nowlc,!;~ ~:,p;wha U1ht r.fity, Mv1 Dtlf,i)
SPR I ar Ill, (lreattt r-foid:r
ClAL Mill TERM E. _ _ __ _ _ _ ___j
Stream: Law , .XAMtNATt ON (Odd Sem. January, 2023)
paper Code: LLB Setnester - txu
conveyancing. 503 Paper ID: 3850~ Pro ram me: B.A.I BBA LL.B
Time: 1:30 Hour i 1 355
03 Subject: Dralting, Pleading &

1 Maximu Marks: 30
NOTE: All the uesti' .L
. f
!luestions rom Part-Ji:ons In Pa t A .

Ql. Write Short Notes on the ~0·11 \.
• /.. . 1
oynng: (4 x2.5=10)
,,,,X ~Ingred
.. - ~M ients of Plaint (P1·0. t,· m ers only)
v· - emo of appearance (Pointers only) , :
. v-_ -Name the five writs and th .
/2(\cayeal application •.~, , /-e~ ~~;u~e'. ~~7: , .\,,' ,
. ' .
{ '
i .
' .I
; ' PART B ' ' .' '
t I
i, · , · -' ' ,
' • . " (2 X 10=20)
"'" ~ an affidavit
~ 1.a .u ' , .
in support of a!~~.· lai~t f~~ sp~cifi.c t erfo.rmance of con~act.
\ .', I
.' ' [' ·,,
Q3. Drafton appliGatlon for ~t o~~.tempor~ injun;tion duriiig the pendency of a civil suit
. '

JI"':accused is in jail ufs 376, 30i)rol IP-~- D

,'.~a '.ailap.plication on bis behalf.
· Draft a trip'!flite \ease ~eed betwt Noida,~~~ori~ (Lessor), builder (Lessee) and
purch~er (Sub-lessee) of a fla\\. . , . ·. ;;__ • , ,· · \ ·
,,, ' '' '

.. ''• f

' . ,,' I

·, I
-1'1 11111 .I ,MtN t No J.2..~t,,?.J.:~J lt..
(). (!if lot r,t lo 0
\' \ 111 C3111,EM
,, t ~ol, 1 \·1 EN TTECHNICAL Cf\MPU
t,t Nh. ~R ll 1<i, '~'' '"""'P S - JEMTEC
1·n1fl111 r~,rw-,ttt v. N,,11 r-. 11,1;
l'\V 1t<l jtt f':11!1: Ill, ( ITt l\f~ m,1<1:1

S\lEClAL Ml\) -1'\~\lM

\~XA~1tN .
~ ~\ L
stRE~ : aw
\'t{ltr Codt ~ LL\l 50\ StM tSlt t AIIO N(Otlll Stmutcr•.fanttary. 10:H)
'\l1"e: l.S llrs l'll\)e\· ld ' l - lX
.. 3SS0\/35SnOt".; -- -:S::-ut~~J-tc-t: tour~e: HA u ,.D /JIBAU,.8.
:: :.::
al:. :.-:E..:.:th-.:.:.lt:..:.:!:..:::
- c=-t-:-:·,-a-rf;:i
Maximum Mark~ : 30
NOTE: Part-A is coin lU\s0
1 . Attein lt an 2
uestion from Part-B ,

Q\. Write Short Notes on PART A

the fol lowing:
/E le ct io n petition. {l.Sx4=10)
j{ Condonation of delay .
/.'Function of Bar co
✓Duty of an advocate tow
uncil of Delhi. .
ards opponent.
I •


~ is a~ver~e p~
of adv q J)ossess1on . s~ession? Can a_p~rty claim _o~ ership of the suit
' ,· , .. propert~
. . . ,. . , . . ~n the ground
':, '
. .
~piof~ssional miscondu
ct? What is . ~e punishm
and.where is it mentione ent' for prof~ssional or
• d? other
. • I
• .an advocate' s duty towards the court
,, . • 1

. \
,• ,•

' J
l'.NlU JI ,t.M
tN 't NtJ ..'!l'-}¼
- ENGINEERIN °o.:!fZ.\2,
G Ml>.Nf\GE~
(,\(Yillntcd to ~~ ; E~~NIC
Gum Goblm ~N-APUS-J
P \ol N() . 48/~ f Sil'rgh 111d1y
, 'Know\e t~ge
qn a,1tll(t U1h
t'atk m,Gte;i tity, Ntw !Jtlhl)
tef no id:1
M \ l) 1'ERM
s~m~ Law '\ 0N (ODtJ
pal_)tr Code Scmestct - semester: \X , lO'll)
: LLB 505 P Pro ramme:
t iftl.t i 1~3 a p e r lD: 35 BA LLBfBBA
0 Rour 505/38505 LLB
S ubject: Land
and Real Estate
Maximum M Law
~O'[Ei A\\ arks: 10
t h e uestio
gtestions fr ns in Part-A are
on, Part-R. com u\so & atte

_ Q \.. Writ~
Short Not~s -
on the foll~w
ing: (4 :s. 2.5==10)
' minent D
· elhi Re~ . ·
t Co~trol Ac ·
Liability un t 2020 ·
der RERA
' C~nstitutf -'. .. ; \, -; .. .·.
·. ' · 1
o n~ l Agr~an;l~ - .J. . .,, : ,-' ..J
.l i
1•-i •, 't>-. - f ff
' ✓ l ,k ~ 1

i ,- 1, ,1 l' -,. . .-., · . -: ;·

• ''\. ' ,
.,-;'t.;·.'-;.; -' \ , .. £ ••• '.> . i ' :
, · ·_· I
, .. . .
.. . \ \ ' ,
·. _ . , I' ' ' ·J . •
' ' ,
' ' '· _. ' )
· .... '

.' ' .. pAR'f B -'

· . · ' •
,. " ' '
, . . . ,' ~· ·.~. ' ' (2X 10=20
' •, ..
. \, '. . I ' )
. .· . . , , ~· ·.:,:· · ., , ., · •
•• I
Explain th • f Agrarian Re1 w it
. ,· . e. cqn~ept o , .. orms h reference ofpronu·ne~t_case laws.
•. \.
. . , . . - °' 1· :,:-- -•. ----
. . ..
, . , ., ,' . : .
, . .' . •.. . .
,, . , ' • • ,
· •. d Acquisition . • i, . • with th-e help o l .. ro-visions -•• , •
Elucidate the rocess o . f 1 '
a n
'_ . . .

,P . •, p rocess f aw p from
l,Ue n en"T act
,1,\,, ,'
. · '
• .. -. . · ·

. ·. : . · · . · ,
: ·, · · .,.. . .
~,ri.;..t 'are th
e powers an d duties of Allottees an d Developer under r-lY.uC R A 2016.
<t 'VY lJ.'1
,, .· . · ·
· , .
- \ · ' ·· -
•What are .th l 1 ground f eviction men:t'1 ned under the act WI'th case laws.
e ega s o 0 , ·,
-- -- -- -- -- --,
-- -- -- -- ,-- - .
' \., . .

-- •

1'- ENGINEERING MA F,NflOLLMF.N't NO ...................... .....

(,10t1,1ttea to <7tl NAGEMENT TEC

Plot ~~~~ Ind ,,r'tl'1 lrld . HNICAL OAMP\J8 - JEMT£C
, l<nowltdgc ~~trha ll lMt~ r.ttty, Nt .,,; IJttflil)
, Orcttter Noidtl
ll'I D l'ER.M -
Strea m: Law ATION (ODO StM 2022)
Pa~r Code : LLB 509 Sen1ester - IX
Time : 1:30 Hour ~ :nn- ~ Pr~o~.r~a~m~m~e.::. .:B
Paper ID•' 38509 /35509 ~A~/.!B~B~A~L~t~~
Subject: Heahhcare Law
Maximum Marks : 30
NOTE: Allf the ue st·tons in p
. com two
goes tions rom Part--B unit
. . art-A- are
wise. . .......~~!! .2~~ ~!!:. !!!!l! !...!! !LY. J~
QI. Write Short Notes on the 1.ollow.
mg: (4 X 2.5=10)
a. Globa
lization and Heat1h care
b. Pnvate v. Public healthcare system , 1

c. of
Role .
conse nt in med· 1 J .
ica unsprudence. 6
d. O ~ectives of Trans 1 t . of Human Organs Act, 1994.
Pan ation

(2 X 10=20)

Unit I
Q2. Examine Right to Health as Fundamental Right vis a vis Human Right under Constitution
of India through relevant cases.
Q3. Analyse the case of Mr. X v/s Hospital Z with principles of law laid down.

Unit II
(Prohibition of
Critically examine Pre Conception and Pre Natal Diagnostic Techniques
sex selection) Act, 1994.
. . f The International Code of Medical Ethics in India. ·
QS. Explam importance O

-----------------· -,•
<-10t1101t,j/ to a~N~Gl:MENT TEO
ENRULLMEN'f NO ......................... ..


L-- --- ---- -- --1, 'IMN6,
«m \;7Qbtnd St-J,
491~ l<t " I ln<ffl'f>mnlta U,1t,u.t1ty, Ntw Dtlht)

· ,ow ~ fiatk tu, OreatcrNoid1t

MID l'ERM E --
Stl'ea nt: Law XAMINATION (Ol>D SEM 2022)
.Paper Code: t LB- 509
-~ -..::::S.:ei.nes
Pap :._ IDter - IX Pro ram me: BA/ BBA LLB
Time : 1:30 Rour er : 38509/35509 Subject: Private International Law
Maximum Mark s : 30
NOTE: All the uestion . p
Part-B unit wise.
- sin art-A are com ulsor & attem uestions from

Q1. Wr~t: Short Notes on the followin .
a. Dom1c1le of Dependents. g. (4 X 2.5=10)
b. Forum Shopping
c. Define Lex Situs and Lex Fori
d. Define Characterisation?

PARTB (2 X 10=20)

Unit I
Q2. (a) Briefly describe the sources of Private International Law. Do you think
unification of
Private international law is essential .in this globalised world?

(b) Write short note on Ogden v. Ogden

Q3. What do you mean by the term Renvoi? Mention the different types of Renvo
Unit II

Q4 .. Discuss the rule of Private International Law in determining the essent

ial validity of
marriage under the English and Indian Law?

OR ·

QS. . a no teon the1·ssue of J·urisdiction in matrimonial causes in the light

Wnte · of Private
International Laws.

__ ____

JI. ENGINEERING MA - _1:NROLLMF.rff N(L .......................

, <-10t,,"'"';• a.!~~ENT TECHNICAL CAMPUS- JEMTEC

' - - - - -- - lot 1'-tl\ 48/4 kn0 nglaJnd!rfJ,-art/,a u,,.,mtty, Ntw btlhl)
"' se Park 111, Oreater Noida

l\tID 1'EllM EXA

Stream: Law MINATION (ODD SEM 2022)
Paper Code: BALLB Seniester - IX
Time: 1:30 Houl' S09 Paper ID• 385 Pro ram me: BA/BBA LLB
• 09/ 35509 Subject: Socio-Economic Offenc"
Maximum Marks : 30
NOTE: All the · uesti' .
• .
Part-B unit ons 1n Pa t A
W1slh ~r_-~a~re~c~o!!mfil!!ul~soQ.!r~LlllW!UU.!!!l'..m:.2.9.!!lltifillll!:2!!!

QI. Write Short Notes on th c .
e 101lowmg:
(4 X 2.5=10)
a. Hoarding and Profiteering .
b. Powers of Food Ins ect .
c. Adulterant d A p or under Prevention ofFood Adulteration Act
an dulterated
d. Spurious drug

' I •
(2 X 10=20)

Unit I
Q2. · What do you understand by Socio Economic Offences? Highlight its characteristics in
detail. Also mention the differences between traditional and socio-economic crimes.
Q3. · To maintain the supply of essential commodities Governme_nt is empowered to control the
retail price of essential commodities as well. How for you 'are satisfied with the statement?
Support your answer with help of case laws.

Unit II ,
Q4. "Food adulteration has emerged as the menace which could shake the basic health
ecosystem of the Society." Comment whether we have sufficiently addressed the issue in
India with the help of decided c_ase l&ws.
QR .
Discuss object and salient features of standards and weight Act. S1,1pport your answer with
the help of case laws.
.---- - -
1 llt S ENGIN ~
!I .. . ........... ... ... ...... .
tl "-!\ts
---=----- --

---- -- r¾il,,.,.i
·- ~
~,fl''".,!.,~~!~ TECHNICAL CAMPUS - JEM\"EC,
-4~4. Rtiowttd.,f
~k,atrtfthll lA1t-vum~, Ntw IJtilfl) •
__ !It Jfreat~ No1d!I
Mlb TERM_ EX -
stream: L:1w AMtNA'fION (ODO SEM 2022)
"raper Code: LLB sos Semester _ IX
Time: 1:30 Hour Paper ID: 3 Pro ramme: BA/BBALLB
I.- 850513
· 5505 Subject: Land and Real £state Law
Maximu m Marks : 30
~OTE: All the uestio .
,9.!1 estions from p art-B ns. in ~_
Unit WIS£: .

Ql. W1ite Short Notes on the£ .
z. Abolition of Zamindari (4 X 2.5=10)
b. Right to Property and Ind' C . .
, 1an onstitution ·
c. Problems of Urbanization
d. Power and composition ofl d . .. , .
. an acqws1tion, rehabilitation and resettlement authonty
(Zx 10=20)

Unit I
Q2. Explain the role of agrarian reforms during pre-independence era.
Q3. Elucidate the concept of' Agrarian reforms surviving basic structure Doctrine.

Unit IT ,
Q~. \¼'hat is Public Purpose under LARR Act 2013? Whether the same was recognized under
tile old Land Acquisition Act, 1894?

Q5. Discuss in detail dispute settlement mechani~m under LARR Act, 2013
NO,,, ,,,,,,,,,,............
t~1Qilirul!d to GJ1/U Gob1n,1
o. 4 1 1<.t
1tJJmrthfl Ud1tr.tlly, lf ',f /Jll/tl)
, CJreatetNpid,

' - - Plot N 81 ' iowfedge Park IU

I - - --


Semester - IX Pro ramme: BAIB .
qream: Law 503 035503 Subject: DPC,
rp,iptr Code: LLB Paper ID:038305/
Maximum Mark
, : 30
/finte : 1:30 Hour . , .

& attem ' two

uestions in p
;-iOTE: All the Part-Bu 't . art-A are· com
·uestions from llI WIS£:

Ql, ws Sho~ Not~s on th

e fo

a W ri
llowing: .

tte n Statem ent (P om

. ly)
. ters on
Esse.ntia ls o f . .
a ls o f a plam t (Pointers only)
~ n .
re ~i~w ap plicatio n (Pointers only)
Es_sef!.~als of a r r~vision (Point:ers only
a pe tit io n fo
en~als of
. ·.i ,.
PARTB (2x10=20)

· Unit I ed by her
wife o f M r. N eeraj. She i~ ~onfin ·
. pus for Ms. Reena . · ..
o f Habeas C or . ·
a.~ t a ..
man o f same gotr
ts for marrying a · OR . .
t for sale
. ce o f an- ag reem e~
perfor m an
for specific
a W. S. in a suit

Unit II
idhi to evict her
by force. ·
at ening M rs. N
is thre ner from
f MI:· Akshay_ who an unlawful man
Nidhi is a tenant o sessing he ! forcefully in
idhi for not dispos
a suit for Mrs. N
nted premises.
· OR rore) on the ~asi
s of
cror e (thre~ _c
, 1908_of}
r recovery un der orde~ 37 CPC
a suit fo

. ,... ,............
EN RO LL M tN T NO,..,. ....


(;.wibr.11M J OiJm Gobind Sin
gh J,1dl'c1prattha. Umw.ttty, Ne
ledge Patk 111, Greater Nojda
w IJtJ/tl)
lat Nb. 48/4, Know

(EVEN SEM 2022)

, tr~
L w
·a~~ r. rw ill i- o:
pe r ID: 35501/3
~- L
X __ __ _!'.
P~ rQogr~a~m
:: -~S~e~m~e~s~ 8501 Subject: Legal Ethics & co ur t
~m~e~.~ ~~ ~: ta ~f tM c~;O
L p:1pcr Co de : LLBS OI . Maximum M ar ks •
:30 H ou r
' 'fiJ11C : 1_

Pa rt- A ar e co m pu ls or y & attempt an y .t~o

;-{OTE : Al l th e questions
s fr om Pa rt -B un it wise
(4 xt .5 =1 0)
-2 l. Wri Le Short Notes on the fol
co ur t rul es
ior advocate under supreme
a. Advo ca te on Re co rd and sen
b. Legal Ai d t
g ·under Indian Limitation Ac
c. Ac kn ow led ge me nt in writin
ge in supreme court. · ·
d. Discuss the ro le of single jud

PA RT B (2 X 10=20)

.Unit I .
ca n be en ter tai ne d if su ffi cie nt ca us e is the re. Di sc us
of delay
Q2 . Applicatio n for co nd on ati on isf ac tio n of co urt un de r In dia n Li mi tat ion Ac
nt to the sat
·which cause ma y be sufficie
me court.
ss the va rio us typ es of pe titions entertained by Su pre
Q3. Discu
Un it II n Ac t. W ha t
uls ori ly reg ist era ble un de r Se cti on 17 ofRe gis tra tio
C!~ . ' Whm docu me nts are comp
is ihe d foct if the do cw ne
nt is not registered?
OR en t
ck in' ad jac
pe rty 'X ' sit ua ted in Gr ea ter No ida res idi ng at 'L ' blo ' \
Q5 . 'A ' , an ow ner of the pro ..
rse po sse ssi on ov er 'X ' in F'
blo ck in the
st 'B ', ha vin g an ad ve
society, file s a su it again po s~ ~ssion sin ce 20 00 and no
w 'A ' is
tha t he wa s in ad ve rse
year 201 3. 'B' contended tha t he ha d no kn ow led ge ab ou t
ad ve rse .
him . 'A ' co nte nd ed
barred to file a sui t against e.
allow ~d . De cid
possession so, he should be
r I •

f ;
~ , I

1 ···••"'
..oll Jlo . •1 • · • · ·· · • · · • · • ' I
,:,cant r- I•

,- ,o• r ,lka nt Ro ll No.} .

H ·-------= :. , ., . .
,,,,,,-fllrl E N D T E R M E X A M IN A TJ1O
lllt R~ nd coUrl cr al J ·: '. -': ../ ...
Nlw nt 81tMB8TltR LL )!t pE Cl tM
.l,£ 85 0J s u b J ect:ugafBth~6
:. · · .
A wh l~h ~~"- J , . r :.
.. .

~ gour s t

3 qu es tfo n• f nc lud fng Q no, 1 a/ P~

,';,art B, ~
t .
~~•: . At ffn tPt an y ft Wt
qu est ion fro m ea ch un it OJ_ - - I •
~ • ~ r. or y. Se lec t on e f
' :
(5, cS ,25 )
Write sho rt no tes on the following i
! .
> '
1 (a) Advocate on Re cor d 1
_ 1
~ ea us e lis t . . Hi gh Co ur t Ru es
ho lid ay s un de r De lhi
(c) fak ing up ca ses on pu bli c
19 67 ?
(d) Re gis tra tio n officer
(e) officer of the co urt
,· · :. ur t Ru les
.· UNIT-I h? (l 2 S)
ion Be nc he s is co nst itu ted un de r Su pr~ me Co ·
How do es a Di vis vis the po we rs of a sin gle Ju dg e be nc ·
Q2 1966? Ex pla in its po we rs vis a . . . . d

. . .. · . . .
. ~r) •
on tra nsf er an d .wi thd raw al of su ite s an d ap pe als un
Write an ·es say . . ' · {1 2.
Q3 I)e1 hi Hi gh Co urt Ru les 19 67 .

UNIT-II , . .
. '·
t 19 63 ba rs the rem ed y an d do es rio t an nih ila te th e rig ht
"Limitation Ac ca se s on th e
tica lly ex am ine the a
· bo ve sta tem en t by cit ing de cid ed, {1 2.5 )
Q4 Cri . . , '
. point. I • •
, •·

ts wi th
d ela bo rat e the co nc ep t ·. ~f· reg ist rab le :· 'd oc um en
QS Ex pla in an · •· · (1 2.5 )
tra tio n Ac t ,19 08 .'
·rd ere nc e to Re gis t, ' i
. · · ,. ·
• . ....
. UN IT -Il l · . I •

tio n
ty as pa rtn ers in ad mi nis tra

u un de rst an d by the rec ipr oci

Q6 What.do yo ·, , : {1 2.5 )
J!.181ice in Ba r-B en ch Re lat ion s. Ex pla in.
~ . . .
-. ' .
pli na cy
Hi gh lig ht _the po we rs ·or D_isci
. 1t
-?- al ~s ':o ~d utt ?_
Q7 What ~s pro fes sio
ch eck ing pro fes sio na l mi sc on du ct. (1 2.5 )
Committee of Ba r 1n Ind ia m
.. . .
an yth ing
r. of the co urt , bef o~ e be in.g
QS !:!e
advoca~e is pri ma rily an office
ela bo r~t e th~ du tie s o( ~
. adv oc8 :te tow ard s co ur ts in
JndhLExplain an d \ (1 2. 5}
· : ,
. t. h
go~ ern me nta l sy ste~s , _' ra
~ Aidrtsis an no
t on
cat e
po nsi
e ua
ity of
•' . .
Ju sti ce
e cou in ~~ er s m dis pe ns ing
chi ng ou t to the po or an' a ~e nt as on e of the ir pr im ary
tie s. Cr itic all y exa mi n~
sti tut ior ial du (12 .5)
ts/rite sh or t no te s on ti ie following :.
(a) • Leg~l di sa bi lit
y : ;
Op tio na l re gi str at 'ion
(c) Legal ai d I

' I

(d) 'lypes of Pe tit io n rta i ned by Supreme Court

l J Ad va ca te s an d then te • Delhi High Court
,e eir co ur se of co nd uc t un de r ) ;'
Rules. I•


I 'ITn .." •
1s an ad vo ca te u d
I Q2 r de si gn at in g an ad n er Supraems e Co
wu O
urt Ru les ?
Explain th e pa• ra m et er
: I
' .

. r a d vocate with spec1 _reie ren ce to
fo vacate as enio
T. d.
r • zn g v. Su (1 2. 5}
. 1viS. ,n zra
• ,. va zs
pr em e Court of India,
Air 20 18 SC 10 1.
· .
oc ed ur e fi 11 e of High Co ur t rn
Q3 Explain th e pror ig in al . ? .0 "".ed by th e Single Ju dg· (12.SJ
ex er ci se of its . . civil JUnsdiction.
• . m en ts ar e
Th e do ct rin e of co nd on ati on of delay 1s applicable if two re qu ire eping in
Q4 fulfill d . " . e court". Ke
ca us e" an d "satisfaction of th
. ~ 1.e . su ffi ci en t
di sc us s th e ~o nc ep t of co nd on at io n of de la
m en t,
-vJ.ew e ab ov e sta ~e (1 2. 5}
e )
gi str at io n of · a co m pu lso ry re gi ste ra bl
no n- re (1 2. 5)
Q5 W ha t is th e effect of
· qocument?
pu re an d
st ic e', is a st re am which ·ha s· to be ke pt
ju rn s
Q6 . ~d m in is ta rt io n
lll ite d. It is no t so m et hi ng w hi ch co nc.e
· .clean. It ha s to
be ke pt un po (12.5)
er ns th e B ar as we ll'. D isc ~s s:
. ·the .B en ch only. It co
t with reference to .

ct ? Ex pl ai n th e co nc ep
l miscon du (1 2. 5)
Q7 W ha t is profe'ssiona '
d~ ?
ca se s of moral tu rp itu ,,

of recent
ad vocate to w ards th e co ur t with ·th e he lp
QB . Explain th e du ty
of an
. . · (12.5)
. · · ·
. -judgments. 2.5) (1
e following:~
Write sh or t no te s on th
(a) D ut y to client
(b) Right to pr ac tic e · . ************
• l
' I
I 'I '

- -1
I •

notes on the foll ~A~T-A

~~7 t.ePl disability owmg:-
J~ -tional registration (5x5==25)
.., : ,· ~ aid I I

~ s of petition entertained b I

(el Advocates and their cour y Supreme Court I


Rules. se of conduct under Delhi High Court


flh05 an advocate under Su · I I

2 f(jttisignating an advocate a;reme ~ourt Rules? Explain the parameters i ;

r.t 3
~ Jaising v. Suprem Ca semor advocate with special reference to
- :Zlfr
the procedure followeq b
_e o_u rt of India, Air 2018 SC 101.

JUns,r ction.

~se of its original civil • •. ~. Y.. the ~mgle Judge of High Court in
' !
• r

. U~IT-II . · . '
4 oc~e" of ~ °1;-donation of ·q el~y -is· applicable if two requirements are
i.e. su 6icient caus~" ai;id "satisfaction of the court". Keeping in
~e above statement, d1scufs the _concept of con~~nation of delay.
·· · (12.5)

5 is the effect of non-registration · of a compulsory registerable

ent? , . · (12.5)
\JO/ 4 tream which has to be kept pure and
• · • startion bf'j~stice is a k_

~ dean. :1t has to be kept UQpolh,lted. It is not something which concerns

~:e''Bench only. It concerns the J~ar as well'. Disc:iss.
(12.5) ~
• I
'. •
l ' ,

Q7 What is professional misconduct?

Explain the ~oncept with reference to
~es of moral
_turpitude? · :, . . . (12.5)

Explain the duty of an advocate t~wards the court with the help of, rece;nt
judgments. · · .
I ,' I
Write short notes on the following:-
{a) Duty to client · · I 1
{b) Right to practice I
V !

• :.--t >
F' -.: rtm R ~H J(I';,
,,., ti''" ' J,; xn m R nH N o J
f!R 2 d J g
,.. ,,q n r !r1q
1•' ,, .,
BE R- V F. CJl!t'.ffJ & < ·11 nt .,.,
TE R lLLBJ N O V1 :M g, P ltt od tn {/ ,
n so 3 Su bj ec t: D ra ft in Jl fa rk -1 ·'"1
n w a rd } eac h
(B a tc h•2 0 1 4 O
• (1<' l1 h
0 r,,tax t m um
e q u es tl o rt fr o m
,., l
f{o ur s A . A tt e m p t o n
, P a rt
q u es ti o n s fr o m
,"'' ·.:;j \t tc rt tP t a ll u n it of P a rt n .
__ __
"'i'tC •


s -d ra ft s
w ri te s ho rt no te ea di ng s
A 1n cn dmlen t of Pl
(a) 1 .n ~ 1e st ru ct ur e of Pl ai nt
(b ) E xp ~ n 14 8A C PC
A pp li ca ti on fo r ca ve at , Se ct io ~ tr ac t
( )
fo r sp ec if ic pe rf or m an ce of co
(~) N ot ic e
ed .
(e ) , D ra ft a le as e de
( 4 x1 2 .S == 5 0 )
PA R T -B ac s fr or n
. . 12 L
U N IT -I of f of R s.
. :
be ha lf of M r. X in cl ud in g se t --...
at em en t on
or af t a w nt t~ n st if f ag ai ns t hi m .
by th e pl ai nt R 'j/ . S h e i s
Q'.2 da m ag es cl cu m ed of ~
an i, w if e
fo r M s. R
H ab ea s C or pu s of sa m e go tr a. _
_ _ _ _ ./
D ra ft a w ri t of rn ar ry m g a m an
pa re nt s fo r
Q3 co nf in ed by h er
- o:1. tb e
r re co ve ry of R s 10 ,0 0 ,0 0 0 /
of C PC fo
r O rd er X X X V II
D af t a su it un de
so ry no te ?
_Q4 ba si s of a pr om is si on of D is tr ic t C o u rt fo r a
ns t th e de ci · · p k
M s. Y. ag ai o n ar _ ,
D ra ft on ap pe al on be ha lf . of · pr op ,er ty si tu at ed at 4 3 , R aJ
• ab le
Q5 · to ti tl e of im m ov
m at te r re la ti ng
D el hi . U N IT -I ll
al f o i
7 of C r. P .C ., 19 73 o n b eh
S ec ti on 43
an ap pl ic at io n fo r ba il un de r nc e of m on ey la u n
d er in g .
D ra ft fo r th e of fe
Q6 w as ar re st ed
R am K um ar , w ho ra ft an a p p li ca ti on u n
d er
sb an d A m it . D
D ee pa w as de se rt ed by he r hu g m ai nt en an ce fr
om A n1 it.
Q7 M s. ee pa cl ai m in
PC . fo r M s. D
Se ct io n 12 5 C r.

D ra ft th e fo ll ow
in g (a ny tw o)
(a) S al e- de ed C PC
N ot ic e u n d er Se ct io n 80 of
(c) P ar tn er sh ip . de ed
g; -
Q9 D ra ft_th e fo llo w in
(a ) W ill
• (b) M or tg ag e de ed

** ** ** ** ** **
1 .+~ JtMt q,;,

r.'fnrrr Rf'II Nfl,}

~,,f'1 ... ,w''''''' END T oVP..MrHt11t f1t..<•fl'M
Jt1tR :ao,,.,,
Rtu tf ~ ◄ftttf!
BJ M JAw s 5-
,. 1'tT1' tu st M tta rit R (tL Pl 't1 L d "d nr td d ar tr , •·1'
~ llu bJ ·
5 - tm um m
, ~c · r,LB o ! MttX
eo ~ · - - -::- - -
cl u d tn g Q. N o. 1' w h l<! h ~
.~r 1101,r "$ 9t fo ns fn aU fn
r<:;,is : 0 tc : A tt e m
p t ftt Je qu e
t on e qu es ti on fr om 11ach u n tt.
co mpu lso ry. S et
1'i "1
Pa rt-A
.,.,, sh or t no te s onr I d
w n• " ns oh at rn n o an ho ld in gs .
co ~ ·d ·
tio n.
1.11 .
Non pa ym en t as
c) pUbl~~ P ur po se ~
th e gr ou nd of ev ic
nd er _L an d A cq ui si tio n
in B ih ar .
, 20 13 .

d) Abo li ti on of
Z am m da n sy st em n in .In di a.
is cu ss th e pr ob le m s of ur ba ni za tio
e) D

1 95 d
U ni t~ t) A c~ ,
A m en dm en
gr ou nd of C on st it ut io n (F ir st e C on st it ut io n ; ;
e th e ba ck he du le to th
st at B an d N in th Sc (1
Q2• in se rt in g A rt ic le s 31 A , 31 in th is re ga rd .
nt am en dm en ts law s. (1 2 .5 )
also th e su bs eq ue . t ca se
;i im po rt an
th e te na nc y R ef or m s in In di a w itl
Critically an al ys e l ,,
Q3- u e }-
U ni t- II
n ha s to be fi xe d th e m ar k et v a1 2 5
tio ( ·
r th e la nd A cq ui si
"C om pe ns at io n fo w s'.
Q4. he lp of ca se la
E xp la in w it h th e ty fo r
by D el hi D ev el op m en t A ut ho ri 1 2-5 )
th e in it ia ti ve s ta ke · (
D is cu ss in de ta il lo pm en t of Delhi. ·
de ve
QS. th e st ru ct ur ed
U ni t- II I
st at es R eg ul at or y
~ sh or t no te on : er R ea l E (6 )
Q6. Writ ot er s U nd
un ct io ns an d du ti es of pr om
a) F el te
ut ho ri ty A ct . y au th or it y an d A pp
A R eg ul at or (6 .5 }
d fu nc ti on s of
''b) Po w er s an RERA.
A ut ho ri ty un de r A ct , 19 86 .
D el hi A pa rt m en t O w ne rs hi p (1 2 .5 )
D is cu ss th e sa li en t fe at ur es pl em en ta ti on of th e A ct ?
Q7 tc om in g in th e im
W ha t ar e th e sh or
U ni t- IV (1 2. 5)
te on :
Q8. ,. Write sh or t no nt di sp ut es
Pr oc ed ur e fo r se tt le m en t of re on
a gr ou nd of ev ic ti
b) Su bl et ti ng as ta b le
th e st at ut or y te n an cy is he ri
th er le va nt
or y te na nt s? W he it h th e he lp of re
0 9 . W ho ar e st at u~m th e pr ov is io n un de r DRCA an d w (1 2. 5)
or no t? s.E xp la _
ca se la w ,

) p
Jt< your
[ ,,ir•
n. \'orn " N
~<>ti 0,/
~. r • r
i.J,~ -4;.L

N• •m lltMtaT t lU.t t '<.t\-u ;,,.,,. ~,111,,
.cotfe: LLB-509 -._;:_ ltl\ lt.t.111 1't>vaM ,,it~l\1' toN ..
0 urs
,1 r 'd ft ltfl.l)tc
ij . 3 » tMnt~ 1018 Subj
ff,<· Q 1 of part A is cont ect: Socf o t
~((: · l>uf3ot-y · conotnfc Offen ces
- - - - - - - - '!tternpt an Ma.xtmum Marks: 15
· y four questton from part

write short notes on th
(a) c onfiscation of Esse:~~OWing: .
(b) Standard Units Conllnodity (5x5=25)
(c) Spurious Drugs
(dl Honor killing
(e) Directorate of Enforc
, ement

What do you mean by s .
Q2 haracteristics in d t · ocio economic ff
. 0 ences? Highlight its various
c . . e ail and diff
run tr ·
. es m the light Of mens rea. erent1ate ad'itional and socio-economic
Q3 Define essential commodity
t and enum .
spelled ou under the Essential erate . ~anous mea-sure that are
Whether the powers conferred Commodities Act, 1955 in detail.
on th e authorities under the Act ensures
supply? Discuss.

Q4 Write an essay on the salie~t £

Measures Act, 1976 and disc e~tures of th~ Standards of Weight and
uss its relevance m the resent context.

QS How_ ,far the issues ?ertain to food adulteration and food safety are
efficiently addressed m India? Substantiate your views with the help of
decided cases. (12.5)

Q6 Write short notes: (12 .5)

(a) Corruption as a menace
(b) Offences and penalties under the Prevention of Corruption Act

Q7 Criti~ally examine the provisions of the anti-corruption :laws in India.

Whether a person who is not a Government servant can be punished
under the anti-corruption law? Justify. (12.5)

Q8 "Autonomo us investigation and prosecution entity with Constitutional

Status is the need of the hour" - Do you agree with the statement?
Corroborate your view. (12.5)
. ~ '

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ixarrt Ron No.) I

,, ,,,,r'I' &ND BRM EJ(Au ~l'.trn ~M, ~ -
~ NtNTll B&Mt att~ lLLl3) Nov " 1 INAT1()N .....
.B-515 - - !MOift •btctMttg
tfc: ir., (""01
....,. ONW
SttbJeot: P-'
, ll20ta
,t1ttte lttt
l' _ - - - - _ _ARtJSJ ~rnatf onct( l<:Ju 1

rJ(ltir·s - -i. -:-- --:- -

,; P ,n,pt five quest ona ftt ctU i . - Maxt - --
•~it · .. i4ttemPtt lsory. Select one quea« ttcludf ng Q,No 1 ,, thu"!.M.atks : 75'
,,,,tr co_ - - - -- - ~~ on fro m, each OJ Part A Whtch Is
Unft 1 Patt B
- ~~~ .
t note on:-
5110 l ·
\ ·1itC pt of Renv01
:~i coflce pt of domicile l5Jt5=25 l
~l coflcree of marriag e
l NitU .
1cl country
(dl Jnt~~e public policy of state.
(el oe I


. cuss the import ance of charact erizatio n in Pr'

01; theories applica ble with regards to it. ivate International Law. What are
th OR {12.5}
ifferentiate betwee n jurisdi ction 'in rem' and , 1.
~ •sdiction rule for the Indian courts in a p . t ; personaLaw m'. What is tbe
~~ the help of case laws. nva e nternal case? Explain


l validity 0f th . ..
Discuss the concep t of formal validity and materia e marnage. WhaL
1 ·· nm· In· di an and compare .the same with UK. , 12 - )
is the legal positio ,- .;:,
)S Anal~se ~e Indian jurisdi ction and choice of law rules issues with
regards to the
matnmomal causes . · '12.5'

Q6 Critically analys e the Laxi.kant Pandey v. Union of India AIR 1992 SC 118
for inter countr y adoptio n.
n .{12.5)
Q7 Enumerate the jurisdi ction rule of Indian and English law in case of adoptio

in India. \ 12.5)
QS , What are the rules of Recogn ition and Enforc ement of foreign judgments
Q9 -~~tically examin e the case of Satya v. Teja Singh, AIR 1975
SC l 05 arrtl
Nctrasimha Rao v. Venkata Lakshmi, (1991) 3 sec 451. 112 ·5)

D 'RM " ' ~

our ~a nt .Rott No.J lto t, No
....... . .... ... ... ... . ttn ,
,.§, "'~" EN.D T.IV a:,,XAMINA T J
r'y ft1)!<:&Me ON J Mov~!B&
__ ___-YntTH Bi tM ta t& tt LLLD Subject: Le---..::.; ~ 0 11.
-----~ e : LLB-SOl re d .!thfc• and~tt c I
-:,.ner - - - - - - - - ----_- ._-- (IJatch : 20-- 14 _ot _ _ ~ OUft Cra.Jr.
tw a,
/,rvr~ ~"rs ~ _ _ _ _ __
l fn cl ud fn Q - ~ ~ ln tu!!I M~Jca: 1J
>e qutt•tfona bt al hlch I• -
~ r,16· ~ ttemPt ftt
on e qu es tfo n fr g .no1 of pa ,t Arttb S.
1· flt'te· c0mpu
l$ory. Se
___... _ _ .
le ct
- - - om ea ch. un it of pa
- -
write s~ or t no te s on ~e tio n Ac t,
m 1~ 63
(a) se ct io n 27 of th e L1 at io n un
de r h . .
e an d Pl ac e of Re gi str 9t r at io n Act, 1908.
(b) Tiill s of an Advocate to wa rd s th e collteaegu Regi
es ·
(c) .
ou tie f d ca te to Practice.
(d) Right o an a va
ra m et er s for de si gn at io n of Seru·or Ad vocates.
(e) pa .
. ·
UNIT-I · · .
Write· sh or t no te s on : ed b th of
Q2 f P ti . th at ca n be en te rta in Y e 8 up re m e Co ur t
(a) Ty pe s o e tio ns. ,
:. , . 1 .. 1 ,'

· l•, , .I ,/ I 1,.
In di a' .
e Su pr em e Co ur t Rule~
(b) A dv oc at es un de r th
gh Co ur t
d po w~ r of Sµ ig le Ju dg e. un de r th e Delhi Hi
Q3 D is cu ss th e ro le an · (.1 2. 5)
. . •
Rules. · ' UNIT-II ". · · en t
st ra tio n an d no n- re gi str at io n' of a do cu m
re gi
Q4 Disccls s ,th e ef fe ct s of ,
re qu ire d _to be r~?iste~~
5 of
pl es fo r co nd on at io n of delay un de r section
in ci (12.5)
QS Explain th e gu id in g pr ith th e he lp of decided ca se s.
19 63 w
the Li m ita tio n Act,
is t in be tra yi ng th e confidence of a client,
uc t co ns im po se on or deceive
Q6 "P ro fe ss io na l m is co nd to pr ac pc e a fr au d or
m ea ns in fact in an y co nd uc
in at te m pt in g by an y or hi s co un se l, an d
rs e pa rty ext,
th e co ur t or th e ad ve ch on th e leg al pr ofession". In th is cont
re pr oa th th e help
which te nd s to br in g e te rm 'pr of es sional m is co nd uc t' wi
of th (12.5)
explain th e m ea ni ng . ·
of de ci de d ca se s.
e B ar Co un ci l of In di a an d th e St at e Ba
of th (12.5)
Q7 D is cu ss th e fu nc tio ns
UNIT-IV he lph of
· th e Co ur t W1'th th e
an Advocate to w ar ds at te r in which ~ ; 2.: ;
QB D is cu ss th e du tie s of vocate pl ea d in an y m
an Ad
·decided ca se s. C an
pe cu ni ar y in te re st ? (1 2. 5)
e du tie s of an Ad vo cate to w ar ds th e client
Q9 En um er at e th

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