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TT) Chemisty 7 XV" ony _Snhoduch* oT, Ce Nomenclatuee \ : — \\ Mani i LT | Bonding | =, . wanes 4 \ Vista a oa vet cet = Elechonic sf eV Ng speak ft complexe Kinde Oa ieee Sk ® rwamsdinar igeat & “a By ~ m ee eo ee ube dicen EE we ae = aie A, wi" Sguoue planet uu (ee faehe dnbrydeuct™ ok oordinat” cheetah te _—_ ha 3b yy ait ul - ey BE SE vent aS a x Satt rae ? hr ee or gata “ria, in Dry l Be Natt ttl Ex> > Wale atl 5 Nay aot Cea, ow 0,9, oe uit a vy og ond . Double San to The molecular or add .compds hare their tdenti fy the solid py © pub Wose fair ident, faThe solu Phase on thithely malen stale, our catted double satt = Thac gio he fur salt the fas by which tug cut jpomed, for cxamplt | 6 © potash ~alam bk 80y + Al Nn GOy), » 2UHLO * © Ginatitle kee gel -6Ho © Mord satt 2! fesOy (Ny), Dy HD _Coordinat” HY Compounds _ oe The molelar ov add* da which have Meir tdent Th The solid phox a well os n The molten state anal th luis phat aw calleel esordinct™ comparnels , > you HEoL. oat ood dow not ge the fot of att Ihe lena = arms gee one tee teak OL nes he bE iors, called “eqn on tn. dusto ni eaptal autor or Ce fla A SES ute a” * Qep/ a NH (solvent) at egos, NEOs GAH Y ° bese sol == sx naoiy Es) th s ae solut? NH, > xX ~~ Luv tuy) = Tepresentation h (oorclinat” comnjads_"- “ a a (ecu), J = [ar canp,] oe 20” ia C3 af y toe Cre y a y Medel andy cmqucanin ond Sel, ota gets Quin . SAB _—+—_, ‘ C Ta A” ct - ma \ Sod aM sphu if, atin brstsqan atheet® 2 pphant i sphonst attract) grote” cocina? [squn Vraett] v i Sol? apes. cortnatipne, SS | 4 ae ~yY corte, Ty an toordinat! saty counter in | —— <= CPOT aoe Mh card ined compat, (“aun Yen 8 absent Gdn wich ak be Pedy onda compe, counter tom B ebsent we OS (ayl JC J @® ¢ yt Ae (yc sta é@Fo a7 (ey CCT (7) atone. wre > J Repel of octne ts Enti chatge on cml tem . AL i Pago 5 “i Spe lewis bax, S glo up lewis leals aut ( Coordinat™ wayne — : Sirk Is the propery of of cenlel atom ©) Mis the total Mo. o copretinecte. domed Cor bomal) formed co des & cenfral afm 4 donor atem g M+ Uganeh , =) A-vonds ar nob cum oucel jor fhe caleutat*® L cavrelivat\, Mey thera some : which Invalee th back benelcng thatmens nese Uns Me R-ee dently of fhe cenbeel cobym tnto Ihedr Rmuntf. Tounblingy MLO, or vateant Uy Sorbitel en veiceant or anttboncliny “20 SUH TUPLE Maus ent AV en ee = thot frucns uth fype of Uganol tno MLCT = Suh Hof metals ~Coktch theolke n micr) au alto called %- base metab . Exomply a Araud Ligornele (- wo, NO, ne pS, Ua , Benzene pyri, O- phunenthrolint a PhS) PRhg , PFs . Uk , *Ot), eke. Cheuge on Complex §M_ te D> tts algebric cum bk chaugeen cenkaulatom € cheuge en Wgonal . : Coorcinat® Polyhedtera ¢— =Ibrts 3d cutangement a donor atom of the Uygand ee ae Centret atom fn “the copretinat spheet Shape of he Sorinat* polyhedea =) depends upon De weardmeh num be Co. No. ewordinat® Polyhiden Trigenal plane Th ar 54 - planoy TBP or SY pyramidal On or (ebragona.l or j é a ei b\yamica! . t Chellating Ugand | chettate ang | chetlat™ Senter => ter th eS propedty of py dentate Ufond J] a4, eo Na tile)“ M | (ier) a : i (1, Le) MA tHe “ 2 r ¢ [Nhe ve ey dently 3 inka 23 dlantoutly= Y »(Turno 4 dullale 4 a dal a The often i : : aia We Uy toigee @ eyo eH 4s es COLCA Int Marvy Sraanng ene canna Mg Neda tT 8 © eytet colt EDTag3, ¥ fe wafwasntale _pettentl ont cle dye (8) Ly Classifica 6 ok Usgands oa iii Newt) eee HQ > aqua BoC NO FNC: Wg ONY CO + catbeny\ a PS AAT igs Pls CS tid coubeny| ng ns oe Ne NR > abfine bon Sb Te aaa wate bk, = The Bf Men VA tp RAH, > alk lame : A ate Neck PH > prasphiny Ae deror © tgenel Ty PRs tale phasphine con | vee t at : j -NHL Ae Pehs Wipheny pasphine Rh ost. iL Phy dey £4 Nalaphspin Rak | tse testy, Gx PAS , Ps PBrs , Pls RT eh | Cet L-Sbly, HOY, — TWalko: phsphing Ply Te Plotme); > Trimetheiy phosphine Re E Necebrey Moet), » Methouyphes phihy Usand = 2¢° denen Plorh); > behensiry phosphiy oN PMeth > Vnathy| ghen | prespke RP ‘Pegtnrh) 7 coud Phen pheophidg e Ms ee ty dine (By t,Sb ara] Re donor ' +t chap, Mondera oyna fe y NO > Nitroscnium or niboitrium — => Untox 3) NKy- NK, yatreagialcemn Fe chowye_monodensale _Upanol FX” | Halo ectatide ‘A > hydrono NH, > Amidon Af UT be re i 2 ‘ & SG aaa 7 Ky euro Nu Sind , Aus chitro Frama Jodo Oo” > oxo Neo Nihido ido Nido Eomue HO os Hori chido bamide “SS o3% > peoLe N3 — qzido | eit” otetaty Op 7 Supase 6 sulphide Os o = N on > Nifrelo sumtin SH OL ot ¢ COZ" = Catbanato 7 iglvo SHOR Og sou => sutphat | Seq eR ge S05” = sullphi ident TH eR Te” POy> phapha J Uyene oe o | ; - NH, \\ a ne PH pan Pea ae ~ ok - AsHa Ast Aes By As a Sbur sbH™ “she, sb (8) Diethytene maming Dien) 1) wenye renaming (nen, —\ ZN > bidentate "Kae wf Swi My UN, N,N) [on weit CANN SNewhaul) Ni etal) C-orperantintn (°F) & Dif. aca ya =) Bdenlak bby) OXo> few, ee vel) CLEY = Bala arenes © E0TA sthelan @) evra ethylene lame wee >) “aaah ee "Sag Watetaty CO hee “ye Caso ~ealdl a wet pentaacentctle Hes u 4 (N,N, 0,90) nq NN, 0, CHy te IN, 06 © Alysinab (gly!) @ oratate Cox) %0) Ai -W- dental AS ce (OD rem et hina © FBS line methans, © punt Je lee ff on / DPC wy Hidentee Np 3 Bidet Biclentet oP CPt) € tp Ce, p) “N € A» A ner ithe & aren “a ld = o, a . Wy a : (yl 2 a oO é Cc 2 oy C8 Cz =e 6 ky ku, bos Attyl teow) LG ott) , phenyl ows Determinat dk oxidation state % Ceniral atom 4 tNatge an Complex Sun | Ceraage on cealeat! atom) + (chagecn ligand) = aipimarlar] 0 fee O[osesnJ™ © fray" 4 C4) $63) 2-2 LY =] a+ 6(H) =+ 1 =6-¥ = 6-2 U=d-t EF] — +3 hey [3] © kaveent (Rinqy}] Oleh] + OXY +) =0 XG) FG) 4a -0 [Kea] [x=i] O[Uue) malay] t 4 fe Ceo, =) x) HC FXO wGHl4 7 @ (ROADS Cones © Ca, © Ceo), [%=-9 =I) FF ULO =O called tnesal couborylaty Or _ ty o Ol epcut “agen toy) e * Cyyxg +4x0 =Y pea BUF (1) £3x0 4-2) © = [x28] ae 2 )c=grye Ss ; Wy eOseget | |e ar] ‘ ne? Nau Sern, ® [erty mM -% 20 4 [ed a = 4-1 [x= a3] {ts ] VOFRUTULA INL UAT * x CARMEL! ALOM LR & & be? aT * stare Of m somonsrng com play ¢ ( © Cp, Fe* P >) : [Ge (eo), Datei Mo— (xg bey ONT} RTU+O =0 [2] weay No (X33) 4a 1) +) +e 2d Reg] (cy) ® ¢ ® “Ny Tet uF ba) eae © J\ 4) 49) ay Ah fy] od vater Ie eG) a é ‘S 9 aay {4} 271 cata @ [racerh)y } @ ta tone), ® (oy, =n | RAL OXY 20 + (A) xX 20 L+C7) = 0 [w= 429 [x=2 J wt--0 ploe), O Then} = fcemesy] — @ Lep recon) ths) CoRD]® 1+ (3) + aba) (-3) (rat (0) H+ Q) =H © Ceulatte),) — BD Cop sa (ey) cooyceeh) ] + aa) we fra +6) +o+(0) =0 ‘0 @ Q a Ltaxla) -O (18) CW Coad, Crime WY MEME J CU LB CePhyg Ute” (0) + C4) + ©) + (9) =0 148) + aco FCI) [x= 9) Nath ruta : ‘ =f ea 6 © (oxen) (r),Me) ON med) I egreg® @) 3) + Ga) + (4) 2-1 v2 6-l pes] : tel <= ® @ , x44) +4) (4) +6) = iw ~ P ee) +()) “Pept Mg (co), | ts (AY eto e+] x a K=O § ‘ sch one of the following central atom has highest aud’ a) Arta ak >) Ato 2 PLY © (Malek — x404ky 20 [xet] A Ae © Lon Ce0)s)} =) 40 2-f =[k==7) ©) Cortne-cord,} sy tO TL “wtiuia pan c stake =) MaMa 7 te 70 >a] «8 Find nd een the central atom im hey 2 a) REDCAR) HO) =H alee «8 [aati Saoaty de a le 3 Cee ees roy ah 2 34 [Xt Boom, UE] co ost, () Bq lorry, * aS, een | (504) ae Tein OR 1 A my — & gx = ¢ wee) HCH Pe Shy a Mw 2 U4y 6 fey Cen), J." AOS ® Ces Ce Le . * Say are oth, 14 a) 4 cen 1+ 6) *4 hors 2) é © Cet FJ, %y @ ( (0,87 oa $0y a he Bt 3 = (4) =41 ee 2 We a) +) = Ag Ru = Y t | Le he r4 Cut), } (rt Cee) (R=) WhO ea) key) a4 A) 2 1) + fA +l, 4) 5) a , 7) () +2 41 a Ww Ht ») 1 8 Wil 4 ating cats “© Nomenclamit oh _Wworcunay wm pounu ee —S SS Nath 5 sodium chlovic el et | Stent. Nomentlahire ob wordinat’ “hr e| oliumn cWivid nat Cathy 9 cateium chleid Entity cempuxes No, Oy 3 sodiam J Balt], =) donot uscd ae aerate e neuter! +e mad PMEDLMLn) o (Min) = techay CmtnJ wv | Name of ligand + Name of centre atom(a) tm j name of lige & oud" state of coat + Name of Ugands ot in Coman Lette Name ob erent alptty © LY / enka at J * arrange. ate (out d imi lar Usanets in Lim AM, Sg eke EU Achat a ey pS dk counter lor ‘ v Cetin ts present é bub Mac suffyiker ote not wx for Den certion come : alphabetfcet_combari ven. ill fest ‘ Hen ec amples oO veal Ry) aS ao wlhium trahydvidoaluminate (x) = @© kv locus a] us : natin pentachlavonibido osmale (52) : ® [Ne CNH)9 Gh} © lamin achlow niclde (IE) ©] Cre wy), ) CP Od ee () kehchloroplatinat CL) Naming of _geomemea) sooner J > He ob € bans wares at cuccl befere fhe name g Bet cum plLx ; 3 CPt Gy twit), } =) dlaming cichlow platinum LE ) SMA | 2 dy ~Viamine dichloro plafinem CTL) nZ My ) ji Ss leo (0x), ] % J=Cnt) dexty Leto notelog potassium — d- bs Coralato) cobartare Cy ) mans {9 Heal Ssomers —J- oe 9) L-[coCen), Jd, o- bis Cethy lenedticammine) Cobutt(T) chlor, orbre) wgn con be each Naming dsotopes_¢~ WEA Hy I Uithiam Kkahyetrido alluminale Ci ) (9 ut Dy) : yt (y warty J. — Ti celect the correet IUPAC Name of the [Lovin complex | bse eet nan eae d : [to (alt), J Sy x ey U 7 rena amine chlo tobabt(+g) Sulphate (RB) fenta uv uw (43) y Pn pix hr . (©) PENTA amine chlo cover] CFI} KUpnate (D) « “ teow (#4) ou — s,s (41, Hm) semen ater aa Gt te etc) Kd" state of cenber! Ox" stat Ste oH "haan a) ae of Ambidentale e_Ugond Ambidentatte Uyand f> which hare move than one 1 of donoy atoms but antler same time only one duneratum Yes 4 bp form tsprdinate bend wilh the ma lt atum. Examples $ ae 4 NIC » Isocyanake g niko (NO) & nikito CBno) 3) Tpocyanalo (R&co 4 aanato (Bn ) ) Twtrloypnate (Res) 2 thiowgan ale (Ben ) {> Cem (ty)s LONO) | Ug > penteaming nilvlo wbalt CIL) chloride ur " u —o-nibtlo cobalt 4 o- nit cobalt ,, ” wr k-0- nil dor atom. * Kafe 2 “penoke by SAlaming of brid: ing fount Cm 3 The ligands which att w bridge in bla a-cenhal afiem Hen grees lerter-“ur” is usect before the name op bag bridging Yjard, ch 4 \ = w-chloo M m fe aa = U-OW 0 only (fr &-metab. ‘ u Z 3 i INe = uw -copbenyl “TNT M4 ™ [IN dt gard 7 a “oy M mm 7 é Teme ‘ cnnekel © 3-mefal, uct a> noiH metal attackeel - ak different bid ging Uigands ax proent then His repeadeel De name ch “2a, berok bridges Ugand © bredgii tigonds a arangedl On alpharbetonlly order a ony mM = Me hy digas —AL-Ge0 No a MS el =) £0 -drom9 —u-chlod © df similiay kind of badging Ligands axe besent th teh prefixes thers ub, Weta att auc Lae De ra tr rf . => Thee numerica| pckixze ome not cenvideced lr alphabetical comboutsm « wo Br: Los . Me “y > ci-.u- bromo wees = he ¢ Ke Rg 2 tg ee Phu = loro . Mey = AE bumo ucch Ng all phecbericu|_orday Naming Of ONCE EG OMA © sh wuthad | ony at both he half on ef fher + (nt oo Scour) |g dt beidging!'s came Ba 4 Nts 7 Y i ano mamingisill ke Ue fs “4 “ 2 _L-Bmico —Ly-hy clroxa Ls ae eC) ay Chracmine cobalt CI) nietk L442 Tt meres . 23 =) UA mido -u- hydro octaamine dt cobalt (7) © niberte. TL memod - wr — Te b git > arte De name. Tefraamine cobalt CHT) u-comido— uhgdaore lehecamine cobalt (1) ribet . z, ® [ (0) Fe ech a el y dl-4- hyfrndhckaaqc fen (Ik) sulphate Yo dea - hydoxo octa cea fren (LE) sulpheke 9) ble letra. aglea fren (TE )lte tial 0 tebeaguc ren CEE ) sulphate © : Po “Ne ? bit -coubony thst caubonyl hein() of NEF No —_ [ mH ; | mfiim) en Mery & aD Ae w You A "Ay Qt * pa | Oe =) Zeist sath “ a e 5 bn Determnat® a]. seumbee of <7 cenbibuted by the Ugant onthe ¢ basis of thelr hepiaulty ace. fo neuf atom Mead r Oo Aun oa Of 2~— ™ 54! ow or Calls [ve done} L em 2) eT R-Gts [3 e doner] A @ i, 4 re & Zim oa Ot t . f a -Gls . | 1 (sty — paGhy Jie , Lom. Lm = me o-Csty Lieder) v. yB-Catts 232 ee -—™ ~ ase R-Cstty Ls cadence] favorable © i l 3 x ) — fm tb.) Va a Coe ae naan coal jo Gn" phn nog @ Cp») Se ‘ Tem a x sedi ae ah wna yea fh poral . “ (ei. Gr) : y £ ae Gt 3 ~ ‘F tgp Boe Te o Gy “donor Ceduner) = = (ae demer) C4 Cdener) , © i t_m > wp cytty > Reo dene [Ghm ot catty 1 Mer . an enor @®/< 4 On On Ga Ga w-Coly ahcet, wn oath, (20) (uc) v thet) roe © eM in Ohm one (Gem. vt fale 6c) ® "ay ow é fre valenty aren ' Pap =) 1 Indeag] gat ou =) Tee ct ~M Bi “t Fi (se) 4) : loose (6 [eV teat f © a Faraicbly om onbin OM 2 DP indunyt Ye cS as [wt ae W& — Fem yt (ue) Naphthaleng 2 . ees CIBRm of (oe) © & 3 Ut calle ® Govt (3 (43) AW Cate wend GPM. ay ee no Kibution of ety the diferent Ugands fo el to eae PY: Calculate it “EAN arc. fo Newbed Aten Method % ‘ Bach ntedbal demon vile ambibuse ae dleuing hy Calewtath 8 os EAN : To Ui ~ ace. fotts chase J. LY Each tonic Ligand denate e act. Foils chawge Jo e_dongr ‘- Ue / FQ, Bry THs CR, ag engl, Aryl Nip j NOL NG" OH, O€ we ‘ep PHL, PO Noy SH Sh Gets Gets Aer bay Asfl AER SH SR Sally Snby Sbliy cb ky Tey “GR H, dB, T, cory Jeyer, , Aco 1A Se eel ge om & 2. Uy co sy by Wy, eres ho 4b f Hy 1 Oy 7 Me caus NH NE ee 18 i ; ty te ge PH PR Qe a Bi Ash ae Ww abo Gey Gets ch Sbk : ( SM Snbs NH, Nes © NC NB yuabel [ My te tow, Ca), x aie ly hexany et Shi, ebty OX 2 oualalo: 3 @ NCR 10 TINO = 3 J ae » bq b Linea 189" Be cy cuit Ba NO) Se denon ALLL = 3¢~ ae > Cnbiynt A. Ger 6 Yer donor ¢ t : (en), -Ophen — ba ¢ a (er) , - offen , PY nfm 2% f oo Loy _€ donor th_bildge fom ¢— ° fe oie same ne l m-tO > Qe" 2o— My Sy = hh Shae. he roe | fpmily ~ 20° " Oe Sh? 72 a i re — Mn Ue amily poe he my tery le Ab ee ooo : Wo mM fee ot mn dli 7 a ferminal m NG S-yomiy PR mon, a> ke ~~ MK >le = ” haent) PIE wm 9M So he ‘ MH Nie a7 fee m ~ ym ud ely or hs ol 64 sy 3" OL Janily ? ler “Ny > EAN /18e@ Cau Rey yo yng ( Ise (ee Be | der g0e ale” _Betule, 33 349 35 | 36 | 3% 38 39 EAN (ad) sf sg 88 |sy |G so St — EAN (4d) ‘ vatny 83, 84 88 [86 | OF ae 67 EAN (Sd) y 2 ae Yer | So} Ger] Fer] Ber] erp LOer) Mer] Rey, : ponte Sc] Te) V [oe pMal & | ALE | Cu fen | i © “SY [ar | Nb] mo] Te | tu {th | Pd | Ag C4 beg « la Hp Ta | ® le | Os a Hy ier =) banvst” metal amplexe piles Ine Cute, squsse plone ‘ ay ee planet compilers folloca [eer ru, ee =) aon pp “omplares [plow ouet rule . leenrute , acteF atle 9 The cpnpltees sshich follow [par rule, aia more Stable than Pe othe. =) lanthanide | Actaides Lexy clos nist fallore Ber ue. ey The wmplore which hare Ue el Vem ae paramagnetic dh nahue. . J Thcumplere > ed. behaves 00 ceclueerng agent € Iter sd behaves ashith hare WL teem ae dfamagnet th anchor 9e wa ont di sing ctgent = Wer ae 18 Gi teducein: agent > do udu citsel ee Catcwlat” 4h EAN 4 fb ps -pulal = bm ob val cenher] NOYe [2 io Me bead elon q 7 i] fet | a : atl Dr ET agile (bxA 4 oy ou (He “ M-M bones 1 LIMI-WL Bort =e RE = gemefal = BM-Mbad =» $M Peers ™ . 6-mefaf = 19 -M_m b Ms preants Se ee > UM, MAM l 1 Vv oa e a Speckey fb TN 2 yey te Encerpsulcrke_afory afun Low 3 “Ue oe as ‘tet Ser pols; Ser Find cut whether Me gen cunplure yplow EAN or not 1. | ® (Uaestts) & (eo), a4 fe BEX) HSeh BE HAT => Lde HSE Jie Jomo © @ Ema liok]* Sy FHxy 2) 9 H- © J =) + 0 = be = dey © EAN © OLee bts) feC eo), J b+ Sta) A - bE @ [tol iy) 2 tet! = lem ® [cpretts) Cco)C rer) } = B+ SHIAATR = [oem 6 [ollo), Crim) & (weme)) = be tot 1 they = Ber © (Frayer) ery) oy {tatyatrl = Be & © © (on Coplrone) Cmmmgyy a be saeagg did aie i ® (CEG) Cy ests) RCO)) =) B434EFR leer @ Clea)gte = eau | 56H? 9 i8e @ 6 - i +545 4 [Ber ® Ent co) fol) WY ere gee ® Casq peo} & Ceh- ween) #1 S+4H8 Pe I [Be é w @l it St¢ OD cvs: caer ® CP ats Tt5t¥ gu @ ae & ise ia he ® @® lo 4543 ® Mn, (tO), U-mm ) a AKQ + UOKR TR = 14 FQO4R oH Ber 236 = Ass Y (A) «ey W9),9 (semm) ‘ 28X$8 + WXD+ 2 5 Ay 2U+G = ate _ ape ®« PN, © 7 , ae ‘ Co | Neo’ ate Pa“ TH+ Lexy © “eo 6 Ng ZO 36+ ay 6x0 BEA AKR = te = BBC qeytorr fro = 60 48 +. Re Leeroy © 2g a“ ©) [eon Lud th Uo} ) cen) @ (fy 10} hg C40), RX + AXA +A BLY + KR T AUG prone ‘ Er dts bey reresret? 7 ABE bbe" 2D 3¢ “(Ae 4 LUpiNey tl Jo CR IAAL dere 7 NO -Unsas . xg [S43 464], 4 axg : St346tl 4y " PS HlO te FirtU4+4 2 Boe” AbpUicat”™ of EAN © To identi MM boned & oar [te Uo, (np) Ja => fey Coody (a ), I+ axt tlOTB = lox 6 ax +18 -36 dL FB =36 No lM — bon ue] mua bing = | é Ss aay shay oe e Xe Of both. Ve a =) Bt UPSD tal ns Ae 4 ¢ 7h eS Neo =1e ay [X=b J divjde Pe & OF filo maxdiny a oe Ve hebaticthy veneers of fi & € @ o € BC To _tdentigy Me metal ad sevkey = Pl. [™ leo)y (x-ch) J LES TS = [0 LS usad?—y [V ] G) To_tdentify chauge on_compley (- Ex te Con), J** B+6 tH ale. [ued = xe4e/ o (Gaza) Mo leo), (th) ) & eee LFet CHS ale c= | © % find _sacprslated atom Cheer (0), L —~S Me bot XS FZ + KR + SKA = [8HSE YO +2 Fl #30 =40 2+ 66 = 0 l= - 6s G meket 7 gz (-Co),c@), ) FR Rs PR f \ 6XH + 2+ BX2 4 (BXQ HE aA = (8x6 WBF 2+ 6+ Qgtay 2 108% 2 +104 = 108 & Qs - © © Wo find Me ns. 4 Uyonot_! “@ Find hati (Pty) ~ big © Cron tog] © (coyeilee,), “A LF T+ 8x 28 AMM. an = LO XQ FSH AXxg $aceh [Res 16 HOF4 42% 1G XL both org te = 36-29 28 «Joie | buldghd 35 =a) Fas we dectts with squoue falonee complex thon *- NO oR waleney e~ Xx RO pears central atom “ eaWal es Tas) cheurze nd | (ed / - Uv LEX nen. a “ OC ee ty] * 2 a aD) [th UO), ny) lor 4t eu =16- AF Ata +] =46 KH = #2 2x =16-l2 jue-a] cea] © (arettyiny, th [4-A)j, =) squecue plano AXQ + WXQ FAKE LBXD Ib+B4Q4n = 39 QB FX 23a [R= HJ= 2 m-m beng & uthich onc of he ppllosin ws Me dabk complex i c : % Be @ belch), ® ve(nig) (1 a SSoplr = 20) eeu Pua Za % - 6 1 = pend =e = [te ; ° o v Ea | Stn 4] = Wbe-] | meee iF be OQ & 4 2 > 4+8tr-4 OM M s 2» 6 +orl elt: *@) 2 pe @ 23el mb “J ‘9 ® Gm sna | [r=] Sth 4x 2(8 Hes 10 BUF: a Ste tr AH6 uy YU = Ahan? an ca or wh = d = Mn G [my Lwo),] > ord® state a Ni = 2 =e Bef O = -d M- mM buncl = 7, peat) FAX F EXY FM HL = [axd 20 +12 FX a 286 2% = 36-34 Pee g] = GET) 2 bem bow Bonding in Co-ordinat > Combaunds ~— 6 eu oo SoS RNT Wernes Th Ni th eons ney falenee Borel wey copie ' vat bet | 0 bleners_Teoy Ce ‘ S given 1383 € discorud th [8% © Beppe he discovers, of & (1946 ) => eteet © Before he dicorety 4 elrefanic water ey. © Aces fp werner Tore hare g- me 9 valenoy bam vaten Seanad elegy vod ran ST ts lnisable Sit wnat ae =) Th ecpresent Te ontdart® take 2 represent - wwordin- ok tans at no. ih m3, DMs nem- directional, 3H tc directional. : =) Wis satsled enuualls, He > Tf ts genetally cattsfted ch Oe ‘ j ‘J b og chan 1 Teedhouge = T4 is nat assocfated wth The sherbe and routral rmoleeete | ¢ ok The coordinat® polyhadra , > ra resent Mh shah q 3 ae wlyhideg, ) # Is vepresentacl by the dotted aay poy : ad ' _ es al floral & ? 4 nee cues. plone. ‘ —_f? +. ? Le Ey fpesnide) ; 6 — Oh. & atts represent by he thitle lines « Céewrdinate bond) Ne ] net tots ENN wT coca.) ) Os %y- he a gh | ait NHs Ny te prim Kg val lo th SNKg => [colaryh a] Uy ayn [eo (Mtg)y a) >) * , LN I Ns arc 7 . cea hi San, a sali bath brimaxy feo os well os bey Mt piney : venleneey = The Tun which say nl Sogn sphuue . Lain he pp udp ee, reagent, =) Tha fon, ushtch say doth Finny as well ws sctonel valency gat wsvitton th’ aigodinat A ptoee C J and of n be pl? nt by THe ng An a Tota}no | Total mena | tation] Retin | Toms | ppt ange Crus -Gnltls| (Geta) Jee |! 3 4 3 Crs. SNH |Lercwngdéd | 1 8 3 ru ee Or Uy allt, Cercaat J | 4 \ 2 \ Gr Us SN Tor Cath) ws) | 0-4 0 0 0 m vy — Pt Uy ON TE Cy SNA Pe Ug HN PCy SAH, thy. 2NHg Mota uncucidy (Am) y v =I} no: moles of ens [Arm eno. mali 6} tins fund ty Pg Cp ty Yar no equal. a \e same we more ST Rin & De i) ae a @ [rinn) Jy, Coe Cnty Je 7) CRN AIA. ents @ a [Am = > 139 ] @ cla , “ t 04 wy 0 JM no inal @ @ . 6 . mee at jl #78 +83 ee 7 [Be 2 2787) J & ~ rr ON “© [nitty] 8 Curting)] -@ Ceneooyn,y Valence Bond iene LVBI ven _by paclin =O > Hybriddat* gen by panting 7 ae gow + unpeurrect o- on goo om 2) J poramagustic | diamagneh . AB [Uy] > OLNEY] ~ ® barca 4 [ae I* @O Cea” QB [eeleJ © lerleo,J «® (rece? @ Ceol OCmraeJ™ x [se Cy0)J Ne © © Errctnod,)** Myon)” © maoy y @ § ér.05* @ [oor ™ (voi cae soy Y 05 ) tO), ‘o| Cenucerhs) | ‘CS LagCrny)J* Demy @ taco? Cea oryI™ "CD Lre agcnty),] ~ © LNO yr : N= © wourdert “state. ane ae yom the highest principal quankim no, © ON asa wae n) LI Wo LI 3a wo Up Yd . Xd €s gs gq Sd 6s 6 éd. € honk” . Me TR ot ah yaealy UL ah , none _ ME cay CE OETA Adenfificat whetna ine _e _ Un aT At Meare Lenn HT “Gangs or nob ——_ Ouidat'state > 43 HH" 4 ae Sag Cmtnj central central cho a a Badal etae of Metal a So Fou, on 7 gO, SCNT, “es oxalate , ‘a po [ & enfiyoxet™ nok Seep.) el |Z onfiyucat Zanfyaat® will change | ond er £18 8 diner iyead | ee Eo Lauat” | Redishfbutton of Elec fans ; l : Co fA iar. fa-) a 71S np C le 4 ey 44 ae 44 4 We v4 4 oe ay 4 4 6 4y 44 te ay av A) = when Clos 4S Ad aud yshen Cinld> & 23@ Beth a MY Yay Cert 48) Vth 44s Lene 6] der ay ay ab AY 4 LesNo- 6) Wt ab a =[ente- 4,8) —__, (oem wv WU Ww a 4 ' . e wee Fo Dn) om Sp Ure uuu dy net fa] = é cp : nybuicesa FY chepe = TA nz = paramagarkt : = dnt) - f% eee ») pasameyacke otwead) Nf = 42 , 50 . wi = ee ya Ta] CO Od od Ye nonge [ay \av bw tad 4 AA cu. CA A, = daspt 2 Hyld >) Sogn *d 7 7 oo : tne a Co CP os Sp € 6 € ; cl change f Lt wae) Ca ir) ] a. ud: ASP” 2 gram. () [NTL y) Ni =0 Nr = Vaya) fav eee ete ae eee dren we = fax. [5 Qo) OTT) : a 60 tp to 2 Sp p> TL 9 uso 2 Hamay © [te ole J (20 ussg® = Mela|ala a] [av] Lt change ger oy [A OT] , orem dsp3 => TBP Hamas, 4 >0 @ (xo) ' Ur 0 3diust = ' [ala c & [tr ad > gee 4 are Tela Teja Te] tm «at) Oi) db chan q | disp =) Oh . dimes oe L") J} Change se i ai H fo io Tr J J) 3 hp = Wed EE fe = +3 S ® [Se uo), Se B ~ y pdt I Hire CNo 2G fee (rt drsp3.s Oh They -orkgteel sil line excl, © [te cu, J* Tre 43 To l 1) OO) yy : sede diag > prscmneg, © ® my » fehrtrocomungernne (W)vm. . Ma = matt > ihn L LL abel Ta fr Lnssee emnegys wal) be used sil Se we we te 8 leo im with wale, oxalate, 04, 0] Hur such Ugandd behares o3 the I ugand and hexe vedishibut” “6k electons will be tales place > eee both 8 as wellos neck ligand a feta is domihant buf dent V strone, jit a be present, sage “ae ; Cefngorg NOT 2 LfeCHO)sAo} $y => Buon sing bok ci nikovohenmus Sulphale. ¢ + fe" => adé 4s! a+ (oxs) += +> 124 Weary] b&) Oo 1 i? J thong. aoe sa-shunaiiede” =8 hijo Poo Lo). passin . - r dh => _spid® c ue Dagap 2 dis 22:8ebns av foron a ohel % Unita Leths), | => wed fr alk valkene_(eoments womeccat” aur weak bud & dominant. = no redomibur® of © Nie im > ad? Us ‘ in wa (exe) a ee ] = Lonclugions for GorounaT No ~6 s— d°d'd'di§ xy shong [weak field dsp? e dB dtd! a> dong [weak field > sptd® — a d'd5,d8,d4 y [? reece Md ~ spd 4 € J shrong feted => dsp? : {plloe prctsrtal Conary) . Magnetic Moment: [ magnstic moment yo= UnCng2 BM, (spin only) mo. unpasred ¢ wequfabte) ainsi Je 1-732 BM 4 9.00 3 Ue 2:82 BMa 3-00 : vis 3-8} Bm,a 4.00 s vay 4-84 Bem.9 5-00 Jas [ara SB BMD 6-00 leony a 2100 7 Re ty t beens erkital 2:00 —% 3-0 comblex enh Hepoctly © Ye00 > Yt MLp, Ce eee ‘ rr y KE uw = 612 ar ‘ AY LOF 6-00 —a bay dé GL Me Se : a [eng ay. rpm mn & © ed | ra magnetic, momen’ * mo Upped «> Utr 7 3 6-00 — §& 6élrue xa 81 3+ Ff 33D 3 3 wth 4 y ubt > y S30 ay sp —_—_ Lintay . spe ——— Teigonat plano eps ——_—Otd a — dsp ——— squose blonox pr w spas) > TBP pre Pep > ee ee asp w epsd ae On Exatnblea cf, Suen yranidal Lomplexes t (Berens coud)” _ = Itts derivatiie ‘= com plex ‘wu CH com,), cor + NOBFy bent niles Vou | a+ ot Gi (1) = *! 3) EAN = qe rursrrit+yA Ur 4b =) ou" Sak & dr'~ = Sd? 6s" Wabhe! CJ tr ry 1 J chong Lucy Sd series nttat ma On con u U , : A Feep\oder? = ramag. => £4. pyramidal we GQ > ga 7 nt wibosyl 4 ot _opical_port, + ( [tu Ctra), (v9) 1) a out of 8-NO Cat =) bexs east aeasenese aa No” WEAN 642X243 +Ltho = Ure NO, aati W BAY+T3S+MH| =) L6e7 sped “Uhwer, ND = -I a a se OF ty = 2 PLO + (Mat) =I ond’stak 4 oat tu => [ala wala DC mw od 4 www) Cd i] Ne 5 anidlocl a =) Hur also Co nihosy! Ueg cot abical f out’ ® CurCeN)e] Ne =P] Nt ey Tapped CT) \_\ ] {chong © configu Wat Co OF) 9 Boe 3 ds =) SY. pyicimide ® Spits ; Crameg Sphangs squ pani = patawordingked anki anh oy tol 1 acy pt hued PPhs | PUs , PBs =) @ Sp3dlzr > ee 20: Ss BUY OG GvFOSGWVVUGOSBSE DL Ce CNO)y J Sune No > (TI tumpousicl follow EAN bent No = I B+ MAK = 1B L+ att) el) = © AX 2 \b-8 149F1 =0 [Wa = lod eg) =] (3) + " x} bent ibe ti bunt lay |ay lavia fa] Oy) Cir) | {} chang, raemiafel FTO) ay Hovs_‘te idehity NO whethey wp sp we = Uneot of seen t——______ » Evin ; oA Abe tut tur (plos —— —_ ; nor NO esate (eRe? \ ne > Ve SND we | no (xe) J J ects Doig ont B ro Gib (BE Tale fe exist o NOT watt Not = 1Be7 Nov= leer [> (aw a ~ ees J ‘eo : @ 5 + el : cot-B Fr Not = Der Nom > 18e7 1] 2 Jean. js) not TT un V2) Not =\4e7 ~ NO wie J exist “ O LF (NO) 1) | & LiMo LO) NO); J fret caulciclake EAA) £ fd he ho ge" GNO. dy StAX +X =( Ber 6 +243 +1 = (Ber e BHd tre Lb au = [8-9 Rego U2 23e 1 = Ger = 3x2" a eo = 3k Ce Ql he SLO ae NOT C Not donde = Not lin 6 exist daw o{is") aa © (toleo),(n0) J ® Ce (nto), (Pes) } : © LerCato) Cone] ™ ® (min 0) (CN) ™ Ty Tay” ‘ © [eeCNa)Cen)s J @ Ceol ON)s (NO) J (8) Leoni) no] Q, Lec). 1) (wo) ] Becerm,cagead]" (Lecno), yy \ 6e7 B bind OS ) EWA L find hehe NO present @ Uncaror bak Bw o oe or WACTEL anise fee a nor No 4 Not ay NO Vinca metal nitasy| Bent ribo) commer ae ee 4 Att. bo real atom ace: by newta bectom € method = 3¢ donor methad = le~ dor. ! LSS 4 ould" tate - ae methed Yee () Unecr Meteul Nihal t- tN =O <> Nite ovide ye? aH. He 4 = we a | Odd &° spettes = oe behaves os vocal | 9 Tesdnean ct Oe ee fleet [ Rgn=dy e— ined + C= (meta) Re | ttl” Nbopen = (149) 2347 | ee ‘4 ” : v. called Se7 deney \neg] > he hybuidavat* = € ldnecy = NO* is Isoelectric sith bo _? It also possess Vacant 7 —anttboneling MO, 8, it can inal . In back -bonclin Cmecr] =p $0, Not i also eatledl Acree Ligand. & ib n-aclily és greater than CD becaux it possess te cheitge. ® Bent - Mefer(_mi Is mM — > mt + le iN=6: +le7 — > IWN=s) © Mt + ti=o te =o = aoe —> me-N=0 => M—NY 4 oO Ne S Beat metal” alory| bens” HQ): ler denen. t = NO™ also possess yaccant % -antrbomamy mo, So, it can ingle in bale boncling Emuct], but tb n- acidity is: less than Not ¢ CO. ; Shretehi frequen = Pay pill ee dercens 1a Organ Petals e SE MN beng 4 NAO bond in_M-nibriy ‘ ‘ Mimitarions of V6 1 _ => VBT cannot explain the format” 4 spin felted © spin free cemples i (inner ortital £ outer orkital complexes fprmat’) e Nee ee erferia used by pacling te joer outer orkital « Paner orkih cumplexes ic magnette inement => VBT cannot explain the colour properties tk the complexes, © > VBT cannot explain the quantitate magnetic mament. => VBT cannot explain the distorted shuchere the compleae . = VBT cannot explain toby the magnetic propetio vy with the temp. a sn complexes of tot £ Cut ® does not hare the same ; redtuedh power . The cimpleky of (ot have more | power thon the camplexes of Copper +2 -Cly**) Cotenyf, te = 3at 3 vay [4 \ M ] CJ [e212 a l J U change tr Ccembiqeset” & ivf [ar Lo } als € — YY € dcp? € (Cruny.] - 7 © y Gite = adt = Iaylaylawia | ml Pees! ‘ |) change e Ieee CE bd x RZ Squout Leuncex aa planet, Colwyn) | | oy Ren pe ae eat saat gs hy bddaat nat gp TR coy, x mpl ie wets w © g Age oc “sot ot eso’ byte ne fied ey Cer a Tt ts qhen Gy Bethe & Van Vleck S Acco ho cRT then fs a elec fostatic ree ok Athact* thdbleo « central atom £ donor atom af the Yond (ionic ‘tonic bondling ) é = Acc. fo CRT thee fs no tnfermixing of orkétals 4 cenkal atom and donor atom of the Ugand . (no covalent bendin F = CFT ceals only wtth the * deorbita 6g the cenkal atom. id- suubshell vw y ¢ _S-degenerak ortita] f tay ser ty set y “Weply -Aegeneta, doubly Aegencrale y ngs i dag : dav dst u (in a ea Fla the axes. / [hes Tying along the x] stal_Freld ty ting of dcorkéfals_ ceatral alom th n kbahedeal, , CThdeal calidad squat Blan empl ; c “HB

| , hh % a fy a ,uU Ge SWo PU BOSSY SBS Pilling 9) £ ® Sq Tebrahedral_complere le de 3c ue Se be te be de Loe [Ps Belo % toy _ bt, ety eh ey 4 et —_ ap le Ro L ayo aah ant eee: plat. i = ye ok templar (oh) MI a, Spine Spin pared € oy y Dutereridtal complexes, Snner_Orbdfal Complex Hecrk fret Shron . Hs biel 6 High spor ‘ 2 kous shin » Id complexes alescays form high spin emplexes . buceg Ad 2 Pes > On wmpkxy may ke high spin or lous spin i cru a) The octahedral complex fn which cenkal atom hos d® electonic . combiquaat”™ ales form _ outer orbital / High Spin_Complexer_ wthefher the Ut ts or weak. ¥ Tefrahed ral complexa & high spin aactahedral complexes fallow | und tafe hile Tow pty Oh complexe veilake Manel rule] Factors Abfecing Crystal fete! splitting 9 Crystal fred splitting ts ances beegg of the: repulsion th bls ¢ cenial afom ancl donor atom of Ihe Ugand. $0, os the repulia eM enystal Held splitting abo Te. S c, O Nahe of Central Atom 5~ & x . steal ete ty Rineipal quantum No. ¢y_gharge. on cenlal cn CH moesh ad 4d Sq L (ud state) ES a aS 5 (OQ Can bok VC DB PED Shin ie te CLOW r 5 Ny See @ m4” Oxid® state ok M bse © yepulvim in bli nee io i AM. fr repubsion NW, Mm - BH cog cenul® CorJe\ ontere As %& - wih ts xepulviin ‘t 6n Ving tt Ain the “n-valuy ge Of, Lentraal afsin 1% Aha @ denvly (43¢ uh the orbital) expand 40, the regain bles e7 densi central -atom Qn Tho! ligand an =) and oustal Retdl p\i iting ne 40 to Fe™ | nt we +L nen if RE 2) Naku oh U Igonds oe uk cULan Zw w.qde attract bla MEL Ye pug distance Tse eee pula dsc: and Hunee A Js. [Nok 0, @,& oe some Suid stele con! @ Sate) Oo order 6 hetr fteld ta fs called spec dunia t beta sheng TLL St LENZ YLNG 4 CoHs),0 CPE LEM urge on ¢ gOHL oX* Lot CHO LACS LEPTAL by 3: Nigd en bipy 2 O-phen L NO CCH L Cele Cen Leo zo Wngpawal io © ws ak yh te be ample \ a cAo At obo © Bietageal ZAsp Ot ‘ [Bee] © Ay = 0" ae] = 13Do

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