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The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
Environment, Forest and Climate Change

Environment, Forest & Climate Change Commission

Institutional Strengthening for Forest Sector
Development Program (IS-FSDP)

Training Manual on
Nursery Establishment and Management

By: Tilahun Tegene

March, 2019
Training Contents
1. Introduction
1.1 Background
1.2 Objective of the Training
1.3 Nursery Site Selection
1.3.1 Types of Nurseries
1.3.2 Factors to Consider
1.4 Preparation of Nursery Site & Growing Media
1.5 Compost Making
2. Design & Layout of Nursery
3. Producing Plants from Seeds
3.1 Seed Collection, Pre-treatment & Handling
3.2 The Germination Process
3.3 Growing Seedlings in Containers
3.4 Growing Seedlings in Seedbeds/Bare-rooted Seedlings
3.5 Pricking-out
3.6 Tending Operations
3.7 Preparation for Planting Out
4. Vegetative Propagation
5. Nursery Planning, Work Organization & Recording
6. Some Common Errors in Tree Nurseries
1.1 Background
Forest resources in Ethiopia have experienced so much pressure
due to increasing need for wood products and conversion to

To protect the remaining natural forests & to fulfill the

increasing wood demand, afforestation/reforestation is very

The success of tree planting depends to a larger extent on

production of high-quality seedlings which have a high chance
of survival.
1.2 Objective of the Training

To help train & capacitate project Woreda experts on how to

produce quality tree seedlings for afforestation/reforestation

1.3 Nursery Site Selection

Tree nursery is managed site, designed to produce tree

seedlings grown under favorable conditions until ready for
planting out.
 aims to produce sufficient quantities of quality seedlings
 conditions on planting site determine what to plant, when &
how to plant

1.3.1 Types of nurseries

Small-scale/Short-term/Temporary nurseries
Large-scale/Permanent nurseries
Advantages vs disadvantages of each type (when to use them?)
1.3 Choosing Nursery Site
1.3.1 Types of nurseries

Small-scale/Short-term/Temporary nurseries
 to meet small reforestation and tree planting targets, often
in remote forest reserves and rural communities.

Large-scale/Permanent nurseries
 for supplying nursery stock for a long time on permanent
1.3.2 Factors to consider

1. Access to water;
2. Access to planting sites & markets;
3. Good soil medium;
4. Topography (flat or slightly sloping);
5. Secure from animals & natural calamities like flooding,
landslides & strong winds;
6. Proximity to labor supply;
7. Secure land status;
8. Natural shelter, tree cover, to provide shade for nursery workers
Bench terracing in slopping nursery site
1.4 Preparation of Nursery Site & Growing Media
The first step in the preparation of a permanent nursery is to
eliminate all the unwanted vegetation including trees, shrubs
and small plants.

Following site clearing operations, all the top soil should be

removed from the site before leveling to avoid muddy
conditions during wet weather and after prolonged watering.

The nursery can be square or rectangular. Rectangular nurseries

are sometimes preferred as they allow for longer working lines
but often there is no choice and one has to comply with the area
available and the topography.
1.4 Preparation of …
The entire nursery area should be surrounded by a durable fence
adequate to keep out animals and provide a measure of security.

The selection and preparation of growth medium is extremely

important and will pay great roles in terms of plant growth and

The best soil to use will depend on the species and what is
available. In general a sandy loam texture and moderate to
slightly acidic reaction (pH 5.5 to 7.0) represents the most
favorable condition for forestry and agroforestry nursery stock
although slight variations may be necessary for certain species.
1.4 Preparation of …
The pH value of soils can be raised
by adding lime or a fertilizer that
reduces acidity such as sodium
nitrate or calcium nitrate.

An alkaline or neutral soil can be

changed by the application of acid
forming fertilizers such as
ammonium nitrate and urea. Care
must be taken with these fertilizers
not to use too much fertilizer for the
1.4 Preparation of …
As rule of thumb, use soil mixtures (topsoil: fine gravel/sand:
organic matter/manure or compost):
 for heavy (clayey) soils 1:2:2
 for medium (loamy) soils 1:1:1
 for light (sandy) soils 1:0:1
Source of potting soil mixtures
1.5 Compost making
Compost production is mandatory in all nurseries;

Composting is decomposition or breakdown of organic waste

materials by microorganisms in warm, moist & aerated

Compost is one of organic fertilizers (manures) to maintain or

improve physical, chemical & biological properties of soil.
1.5 Compost …
Importance of dry & green plant materials
 Dry materials provide space for air to circulate micro-organisms
& make heat, green materials provide moisture & nutrients to

Importance of good moisture & air balance

 Sufficient moisture = quicker decomposition
 Excess water = rotting of materials & bad smell
 Without enough moisture decomposition process slows down;
moisture & air must be balanced to make good compost
1.5 Compost …
Compost should have sufficient air
 If sufficient air: oxygen enters into compost heap providing enough
oxygen, special bacteria convert nitrogen into nitrate & good

 If not enough air & too much water: nitrogen converted into
ammonia & ammonia escapes into air

 If excess air and too little water: not decompose to become

1.5 Compost …
Importance of ash in compost making
 Ash has a good amount of potash and that is why it is recommended
for incorporation into the compost.

 You can add ash after every layer of compost to ensure the
trace elements in the ash are incorporated into your soil.

 When added to compost, ash can also help neutralize acidity in

the compost as it is more alkaline in nature.
1.5 Compost …
Two main types of compost preparation methods

1. Heap Method-humid climates

pile may be 1–1.30 m high, 2 m wide and 2–4 m long.

2. Pit Method-drier climates,

1–1.5 m deep, 1.0 m wide and 2 m long

Site of the compost

 Both compost pits & heaps, shading mat/roof constructed

 Enough space available to turn compost over & over while

1.5 Compost …
After 3 weeks in Kolla & Weyna Dega or 5 weeks in Dega areas,
compost must be turned to increase the activity of aerobic micro-

Repeat the operation of turning for 1 to 3 times at regular

intervals and let the compost mature. Approximate duration of
composting process, from starting date up to maturity:
 2-3 months in Kolla
 3-4 months in Weyna Dega and
 3-5 months in Dega
1.5 Compost …
Estimation of compost yield
 Amount of organic wastes required for compost preparation
depends on volume of pit or heap. Pit having a volume of 1m3
requires about one-third of a ton of organic materials;

 3m3 compost heap requires about 1 ton organic wastes=1000kgs;

 To produce about one ton compost, it requires nearly 3 tons of

organic materials.
Compost mound/heap with its layers
Compost making in a pit

Process of pit composting

Constraints Vs. Good Practices in compost making
2. Design & Layout of Nursery

After site selection, plan layout of nursery;

Target design easy for management & optimal land use;

Ideal nursery shape square to slightly rectangular;

Roads/paths within nursery also be carefully planned;

One of challenges is creating corners of 90o angle

(Use 3-4-5 Method)
The 3-4-5 method for squaring corners
2. Design & …

Ideal permanent nursery layout

Land wastage due to inappropriate design
2. Design & …

Decision on nursery size is determined by:

 Amount of water (10-20 liters per m2);
 No. of annually required seedlings;
 Space available for nursery;
 No. of seedlings in pots or in beds/bare rooted, cuttings;
 Size of Pots;
 Space for working & materials;
 Market availability/demand;
 Available budget/labor.
2. Design & …
Permanent nursery should have production units like beds,
compartments & blocks
 first & basic management unit
 whenever designing blocks & beds, consider geometric shapes as it
avoids unnecessary space wastage

Beds can be prepared:

 for potted seedlings
 for bare-rooted seedlings
Standard length of bed = 1mx20m or 1mx10m
Longer beds cumbersome for watering, weeding, hoeing & other
tending operations
Internal nursery layout
Types of Beds
Types of frames for pot beds
Bed layout-orientation: East to West
2. Design & …
 second management unit
 seedling beds grouped in one compartment

Compartments should be located at least 1m away from roads,

hedges & windbreaks

No. of beds within a compartment = 20

Number of beds in a compartment vary according to slope

(fewer beds in a higher slopes)
2. Design & …
 third management unit
 4 to 6 compartments grouped into a block, framed by hedges &
roads or irrigation canals

Nursery size calculation

To calculate the most appropriate nursery size, the area needed

for the productive area _pot beds, seedbeds, reserve beds and
non productive area_ for roads, paths, buildings, fences, wind
breaks, etc., has to be taken into consideration.

Area for possible extension in the future may also be desirable.

This area may not be more than 20-25% of the total nursery
2. Design & …
Nursery size…

The size of the productive area depends on the size of

seedlings under production that in turn depends on annual
seedling production.

Because not all plants raised will survive to seedling stage and
not be of good quality to be delivered, and not all seedlings
planted will survive, more plants have to be produced. This
reserve should be 10-15% for the expected failure rate of
seedlings in the nursery, and 10% for replanting.

When we calculate the productive area, it is essential to

determine transplant/pot beds, as is the largest part of the
productive area.
2. Design & …
Nursery size…

This again depends on the size of polythene tube used to raise


Assume that 300,000 seedlings are required annually including
replacement of last year’s failures. 10 cm lay flat diameter tube
will be used to raise seedlings. The expected nursery failure is
10%. Calculate the total nursery area.
2. Design & …
Nursery size…

First step is to calculate the productive area:

Seedling production
Annual seedling production 300,000
Expected nursery failure( 10%) 300,000X 0.1 30,000
Replanting (included)
Total seedling production 330, 000 seedlings per year

The total area needed for transplant/pot beds depends on the

size of the polythene tube

The size is 10 cm lay flat diameter. To calculate the actual diameter of

the pot we have to apply formula
2. Design & …
Nursery size…

C = pi x D
D = C/pi
Where D = diameter of polythene tube when filled
C = circumference of polythene tube
Pi value = 3.14
For a 10 cm lay flat polythene tube, the circumference of the
polythene tube is twice the 10 cm. Therefore, the corresponding
diameter is 20/3.14 = 6.4 cm
To calculate the number of tubes (in square meter)
6.4 cm 1 pot
100 cm ?
2. Design & …
Nursery size…

= 15 pots can be stacked side by side in a stretch of one meter.

Therefore total number of seedlings (pot)/meter square become
15x15 = 225 seedlings (pots)/ meter square

1 meter square ------ 225 pots

? ----- 330,000 pots
= 330,000/225 = 1,467 m2 ----Pot bed area

Note: to calculate the transplant bed for bare rooted seedlings,

take spacing between rows and plants. For example if the
distance between rows is 20 cm and between plants is 5 cm,
the density would be 100 seedlings per square meter.
2. Design & …
Nursery size…

Calculate seedbed area, which are usually 20% of the

transplant bed 1,467x0.2 = 293 m2 … Seedbed area

Reserve bed area which is 20% of transplant and seedbed

1,467+293 = 1,760 m2
1760x0.2 = 352 m2 …. Reserve bed area
Total productive area become 1,467+ 293+352= 2,112 m2

The second step is to calculate the non-productive area:

 As it can be seen practically more non-productive area is needed.
i.e., area for access paths between beds, roads, tool sheds, seed
store, office, soil dump, compost, fences and wind breaks/hedges,
buildings and others
2. Design & …
Nursery size…
As a rule of thumb, the non-productive area will be twice the
productive (i.e. seed/pot bed) area

Therefore the non productive area of the above example is

1,760x2 = 3,520 m2….. Non-productive area

Total nursery area = Productive + Non-productive area

2,112 m2+ 3,520 m2= 5,632 m2 ….. Total Nursery area
If 20 % reserve for future expansion is needed the total nursery
area become
(5,632x0.2)+5,632 m2 = 6,758.4 m2
Therefore, total nursery area (Including future expansion) = 6,758.4 m2
2. Design & …

Annual need of seedlings required

Calculations based on about 20% additional seedlings to actual

plantable seedlings required

Calculate from area & planting density

eg. If spacing 2x2m, minimum of 2,500 seedlings per ha required

If planting area = 400ha, minimum of

1 million + 20% = 1,200,000 seedlings needed

2. Design & …

Annual need of seedlings required

Effect of pot size

 Area of nursery depends also on type of planting material (potted,

bare-root seedlings & cuttings)

 Diameter of pot or spacing b/n bare-root seedlings

eg. No. of filled pots (N) = (100/d)/m2

Total bed area = no. of pots divided by total seedlings to be

2. Design & …

Annual need of seedlings required

Pot diameter cm Pots Per m2 Net area needed for 1 mill.

pots (in ha)

4 625 0.16
5 400 0.25
6 278 0.36
7 204 0.49
8 156 0.64

N.B. Bare root seedlings calculations be based on spacing of 20-25

cm b/n rows & 5-10 cm b/n plants
2. Design & …

Annual need of seedlings required

Size of container
 Polyethylene tubes are convenient potting materials
 Minimum thickness=0.02mm.=20micron=80gauge
 Commonly used=0.04–0.06mm=40-60micron=160-240gauge
 Either transparent or black, both are useful
 Length & width of pots depends on climate
 Better to use wider & longer containers for difficult sites
 Pot sizes, d=8-10cm, h=12-25cm
 What if large seedlings grown in small tubes???
 What if longer tubes used???
2. Design & …

Annual need of seedlings required

Larger tubes incur greater cost

for tubing, potting mix, watering,
weeding, transporting to planting
sites, etc.

A 5cm diameter (or 8cm lay flat

diameter) tube & 15cm length
commonly used in highland Seedlings in very small height
nurseries polyethylene tube

In general terms, the ratio of tube

length to diameter should be
about 3:1
3. Producing Plants from Seeds
Practical Definitions of Common Tree Seed Terms:
Germplasm: Seed or vegetative material used for the purpose of plant
propagation; most commonly germplasm refers to seed.
Seed: Reproductive material of flowering plants.
Seedling: Plants propagated from any form of germplasm.
Seed source: Individual trees or stands, natural or planted, from which seed
is collected. There are four types of seed sources; seed trees, seed stands, seed
production areas and seed orchards.
Genotype: Genetic constituents of an individual tree which, in interaction
with the environment, largely controls tree performance and is inheritable by
its progeny. Generally, trees with good genotype produce good progeny.
Phenotype: The observed characteristics of a tree, which result from the
interaction of the genotype and environment.
Plus trees (Selected trees): Superior phenotypic trees from which seed is
3. Producing Seeds …
Definitions for Common Tree Seed…
Seed Orchards (SOs): are stands established for the specific
purpose of seed production. They usually consist of families of
superior genetic quality and are planted at a regular spacing and
specific design.

Seed Production Areas (SPAs): are stands of trees in either

natural forests or plantations that are improved for the specific
purpose of seed production. (Selective thinning to achieve
optimal spacing, remove poor quality trees, including those
attacked by pests and diseases)
3. Producing Seeds …
Definitions for Common Tree Seed…
Seed stands: are groups of trees, in either natural forests or
plantations, identified as having superior characteristics - such
as straight stem form or rapid growth.

Seed trees: are individual trees from which seed is collected.

They should have superior characteristics - such as straight stem
form or rapid growth. They may be in either natural forests or
3. Producing Seeds …
In most countries good quality tree seed is not readily
available for a number of reasons, including:
 A lack of awareness concerning the importance of seed quality;

 Limited quantities of good quality seed are available; and government

agencies, researchers and forest industry control access to this seed;

 Limited areas of forests and plantations exist that produce good quality

 The genetic quality of forests is often degraded because the best quality
trees have been harvested, leaving only poorer quality trees available for
seed collection;
3. Producing Seeds …
 Collectors, dealers and other workers in the tree seed sector have limited
training and inadequate facilities to produce, handle and store seed

 A lack of cooperation between governmental agencies and the

community-level to improve the availability and utilization of quality seed;

 No labelling or certification systems exist to provide adequate information

(to the farmer- and NGO-level) concerning the origin and quality of the
tree seed that is available;

 No premium is paid for better quality tree seed.

3. Producing Seeds …
Seed quality has a direct impact on tree growth and the success
of tree planting activities.

Seed quality is comprised of three components:

 Physical quality: Quality related to physical characteristics,

such as size, colour, age, seed coat condition, occurrence of
cracks, pest and disease attacks, or other damage.

 Physiological quality: Quality related to physiological

characteristics, such as maturity, moisture content, or
germination ability/viability.

 Genetic quality: Quality related to characteristics inherited

from the parent trees.
3. Producing Seeds …
Seed quality helps determine:

 The quantity of seed that should be sown to produce the

required number of seedlings;

 The number, health and vigour of the resulting seedlings; and

 The characteristics of the resulting seedlings and mature

3.1 Seed Collection, Pre-treatment & Handling

The following factors influence decisions on collection:

i. Seed size: large seeds, medium sized seeds, tiny and light seeds;

ii. Fruit characteristics: fleshy fruits, dehiscent pods,


iii. Characteristics of the tree: diameter, shape and length of

bole; shape of crown; size, angle, density and resistance to
breakage of branches; density of foliage and depth of crown
3.1 Seed Collection, Pre-treatment …

iv. Characteristics of the stand: distribution and stocking of trees; density

of understory and ground vegetation

v. Characteristics of the site: some seed sources may be located on sloppy

areas, and some other may be less accessible.
3.1 Seed Collection, Pre-treatment …
Things to Remember During Seed Collection
Purified tree seed
 Collect only mature seed! This will
maximize seed viability & seed

 If bulk seed is collected, mix the

seed from all trees thoroughly to
get representative of the bulk

 Once collected the seed should be

properly documented.
3.1 Seed Collection, Pre-treatment …

Key guidelines for tree seed collection:

 Seed trees should be selected from the best stand available on

a homogenous (uniform) site;

 Seed trees should be selected by comparing the trees with

their neighbours;

 Do not select isolated trees, those that are separated from

other trees of the same species by a distance of 100 m or
more (due to inbreeding/selfing or self-pollination).
3.1 Seed Collection, Pre-treatment …

 In order to maintain genetic diversity, seed should be

collected from a large number of trees - at least 30 trees;

 Spacing between trees is an important consideration when

selecting seed trees (at least 50 m).

 To increase the possibility of collecting good quality seed,

seed trees should be selected in stands that consist of good
quality trees.
The seed (mother) tree is
Selection of superior surrounded by other good
phenotypic seed tree quality trees
3.1 Seed Collection, Pre-treatment …

The various collection methods may be classified into the


a) Collection of fallen fruits or seeds,

Collection of fallen fruits or seeds can be conducted from the

(1) natural seed fall, (2) manual shaking or (3) crowns of felled

b) Collection from standing trees with access from the ground,

Smaller fruits are generally harvested directly into a basket, bag, or
other container.
3.1 Seed Collection, Pre-treatment …

c) Collection from standing trees with access by climbing

For tall trees which cannot be felled, climbing is often the only
practical method of collecting seeds
Various seed collection methods
3.1 Seed Collection, Pre-treatment …

Under natural conditions, dormancy may prevent seeds from

germinating for days, weeks, months and even years. Pre-sowing
treatments are methods to overcome dormancy.

The three most common types of dormancy found in tree seed are
physical, mechanical and chemical dormancy.

 Physical dormancy is typified by a hard, thick or waxy

impermeable seed coat that prevents water from being
absorbed by the seed. Without absorbing water seeds can not
germinate (E.g. Acacia mangium (mangium), Sesbania
grandiflora (turi), Calliandra calothyrsus (red calliandra), and
many more)
3.1 Seed Collection, Pre-treatment …

 Mechanical dormancy is caused by the presence of a hard

encasing structure in the fruit that prevents the radicle from
expanding and exiting. Water may enter the fruit but embryo
development is physically restricted. (Tectona grandis (teak),
Gmelina arborea (gmelina), and Canarium ovatum (pilinut)

 Chemical dormancy is caused by chemical compounds in

the fruit, seed or embryo that prevent germination, even in the
presence of water. (Gmelina arborea (gmelina), Xanthoxyllum
rhetsa (nyalin), and Maesopsis eminii (musizi or African

Pre-sowing treatments are methods applied to overcome seed

dormancy to ensure rapid, uniform and timely seed germination
that facilitates seedling production.
3.1 Seed Collection, Pre-treatment …

Pre-sowing treatments are applied to seeds immediately before

sowing. Most methods require only a few minutes to 24 hours.
However some pre-sowing methods require a few to several days.

Appropriate pre-sowing treatment methods depend on the

dormancy characteristics of the seed being treated.

 Soaking in cool water is applied to overcome the physical,

mechanical or chemical seed dormancy of some species. Most
often seeds are soaked in water for 1 day, the seeds of a few
species may require soaking for 2 days. (Sesbania grandiflora
(turi), Tamarindus indica (tamarind), Gmelina arborea
(gmelina), Gliricidia sepium (gliricidia), and Dalbergia
3.1 Seed Collection, Pre-treatment …

 Soaking in hot water is applied to overcome the physical

dormancy of seeds with hard, thick and waxy seed coats
(Paraserianthes falcataria (falcata), Acacia mangium
(mangium), Calliandra calothyrsus (red calliandra), and
Leucaena species).

Procedures to be followed:
1. bring water to boil (about 20L for 5 kg of seed);
2. take water off the fire;
3. immerse seed & stir for 2-5 minutes;
4. cool overnight;
5. rinse with clean water.
Hot water treatment
3.1 Seed Collection, Pre-treatment …

 Mechanical, or scarification methods are used to overcome

the physical and mechanical dormancy of hard and thick seed
coats or fruit shells. Small holes are cut or scrapped in the
seed coat or fruit shell with a knife, metal file or abrasive
material to allow water absorption. Mechanical machines are
available for this purpose. After scarification, seeds are
usually soaked in cool water for 1 day (Paraserianthes
falcataria (falcata), Acacia mangium (mangium), Calliandra
calothyrsus (red calliandra), and Leucaena species).

 The fire and heating methods are used to overcome

mechanical dormancy of fruits with thick shells. Fruits are
spread on the ground and covered with a 2-cm layer of dry
grass or straw, which is then burned. (Tectona grandis (teak)
and Aleurites moluccana, etc.).
3.1 Seed Collection, Pre-treatment …

 Soaking seeds in sulfuric acid, hydrochloric acid, or

hydrogen peroxide for a 10-20 minutes overcomes physical
and mechanical dormancy. Seeds are removed from the
chemical soak, rinsed with water for 2-5 minutes and then
soaked in cool water for 24 hours. This method is not
recommended because chemicals are dangerous and

 Cold Stratification-require cool temperature & moist media

treatment germination to occur; need minimum of 6-12
weeks treatment.

 Treatment with fungicides or insect repellent .

3.2 The Germination Process

Germination begins with the absorption of water and ends

with the elongation of the radicle (root) and involves the
following steps:

 Step 1 - Seed coat imbibes/absorbs water;

 Step 2 - Water moves into the inner membrane;

 Step 3 - Stored food reserves (protein and starch) activated;

 Step 4 - Cells multiply and elongation begins;

 Step 5 - Seed coat cracks;

 Step 6 - Radicle emerges and seed germinates.

3.3 Growing Seedlings in Containers
The most common methods of
raising tree seedlings from
seeds are:

 In an open bed from which seedling

plants are lifted and planted with
roots bare of soil;

 In containers, either singly or in

multi-cavity trays which are taken to
the planting site and the seedlings
planted with a ball or plug of soil
around the roots;
Used when:
 Transplanting natural regeneration
- shortage of planting stock
seedlings (wildings) often found
under mature trees into containers - inadequate seed supply
(e.g. Podocarpus falcatus) - seed germination failure
Multi-cavity trays
3.3 Growing Seedlings …

Disadvantages of containerized seedlings production:

 High quality seed is required to obtain acceptable results

 Obtaining and preparing suitable growing media and filling

process is proving expensive

 High cost of handling and transport

3.3 Growing Seedlings …

 Estimating pot quantity

0.05-mm (200 gauge) 1kg polyethylene = about 800-1,000 tubes of

8-cm lay-flat diameter & 15 cm length
 One reel of tube= 4,500 pots
 One carton= contains two reels
 1 million seedlings= 1,000 kg of plastic tubes
3.3 Growing Seedlings …
Pot cutting roll
Polyethylene pots often sold in rolls

Cutting gauge permits rapid cutting length

Woods diameters (cm) Cutting length (cm)….C=𝝅𝒅

3.9 12
4.8 15
6.5 20
8.5 30

Pot size also depends on tree species; broad-leaved trees

or fruit trees require larger pots
3.3 Growing Seedlings …

Pot cutting roll

3.3 Growing Seedlings …
3.3 Growing Seedlings …

Growing seedlings in containers-standard method in most

projects requires 8 operations
3.3 Growing Seedlings …
Operation 1: Obtain potting soil Operation 2: Prepare suitable

Soil not fall out of pot during handling & transport or crumble too easily
during planting
Avoid soil with weed seed
Soils underneath leguminous species are rich in nutrients
Parameters required for calculating each components:
 Container size (dimension)

 Number of seedlings to be produced

3.3 Growing Seedlings …

 Operation 3: Fill Pots

Operation 4: Place Pots in Beds

3.3 Growing Seedlings …

Filling Pots

Potting procedure:

a) Bring required quantities of each soil component/mixtures;

b) Screen using sieves;

c) Mix thoroughly & store to each potting shed;

d) Cut the plastics tubes;

e) Soil mixture moist to become humid but not wet;

f) Fill container using hands or funnels

g) Pots stand upright leave for few days before sowing seeds
3.3 Growing Seedlings …

Filling Pots

Compaction level while filling Pots

3.3 Growing Seedlings …

Compaction level

Correct Wrong: too compact Wrong: air pockets

3.3 Growing Seedlings …

Incorrect filled pots management

3.3 Growing Seedlings …
Pots placed in beds upright position
Not be squeezed but maintain shape & space left in between helps
excess water to drain

Pots not deformed Pots deformed

Seedling in centre of pot Seedling not placed in centre

Pots placed in straight rows Pots placed too densely,

leaving space for draining insufficient drainage
3.3 Growing Seedlings …

Growing Seedlings in Containers…

Operation 5: Sowing Operation 6: Pricking Out

Operation 7: Care & Tending Operation 8:Preparation for Planting out

3.4 Growing Seedlings in Seedbeds/Bare-rooted Seedlings

Differences compared to containerized seedlings

1. Soil: seedlings grow directly in nursery soil be suitable &

cultivable (depth of 30–40 cm)

2. Density & area requirement: Plants in transplant beds b/n

rows 20–25 cm & b/n plants 5–10 cm

3. Transplanting: Plants to be transplanted be 6–8 cm tall (tap

root 4–6 cm)
3.4 Growing Seedlings in …

Major steps in sowing:

 put seeds in rills
 seed be placed right depth, one or two times their diameter
 small/fine seeds mixed with sand for even distribution
 watered with fine nozzles
 covered with shading material/grass
Direct sowing onto polythene tubes/pots
 place number of seeds in each pot depending on germination rate/for
bigger seeds /

 no transplanting, slowed growth & seedling mortality/economic/

 seeds placed middle of pot & covered with soil

3.4 Growing Seedlings in …

 Draw lines 10 cm apart or the width of your palm, sow at the

spacing of 10 cm. between seeds, cover the seedbed with dry
grass or maize stalk then water.
3.4 Growing Seedlings in …
Cupressus lusitanica 6-8 seeds per pot

Eucalyptus camaldulensis 10 grams per 1000 pots

E.Citrodora 2-3 seeds per pot

E.grandis,E.saligna 10 grams per 1000 pots

E.globulus 2-4 seeds per pot

Pinus species 2-3 seeds per pot

Direct sowing into containers versus sowing into seedbeds
3.4 Growing Seedlings in …

Time of sowing
Depends on how long it take for optimum size seedling

 sowing be scheduled with aim of seedlings of optimum size

at planting season

 environmental conditions at nursery are determinant

3.4 Growing Seedlings in …

Seedbeds or seed trays are recommended when:

 low viability;

 germination prolonged & erratic;

 seed size very small, e.g. Eucalyptus & Casuarina;

 scarce or expensive seed;

 development of transplants sometimes slow compared to direct

3.4 Growing Seedlings in …

Depth of sowing

Cover seed to depth twice seed

diameter- small seeds not deeper
than 1 cm

Apply lightest cover for

Comparison between bare-root and containerized seedlings
3.5 Pricking-out

It is the transfer of young & tender seedlings into containers;

Carried out height = 4-6 cm. about two weeks after germinating
& depends on species;

Time for pricking out first true leaves after germination leaves;

Seedlings lifted with little shovel or flat piece of wood.

3.5 Pricking-out


1. Water seedbed & containers before commencing;

2. Ensure adequate shade available;

3. Take empty container & fill water ¾ levels;

4. Hold leaves of seedlings & insert dibble underneath root system;

5. Pull out gently & put them in container with water;

6. Make hole at center of pot using stick;

7. If the roots too long clip-off tip.

3.5 Pricking-out

8. Do not hold stem of seedling

9. Hold stick in tilting/inclined position

& insert it in soil about one
centimeter away

10. Push soil towards seedling to hold

it tightly

11. Using your fingers cover the hole

12. Water once more after planting

Major Steps in Pricking-out
3.6 Tending Operations

1. Watering
2. Weeding
3. Thinning/singling
4. Shading
5. Prevention & control of pests and diseases
6. Root & shoot pruning
3.6 Tending ...


First weeks after germination Later

Check some pots before watering Water in the evening

Correct: fine nozzles Wrong: without nozzle

3.6 Tending ...


Correct: early weeding Wrong: late weeding

Little stool for weeding

3.6 Tending ...

Once seedlings tall-single, healthy & centrally placed seedling
should be remained in pot
Lack of thinning is one of the common problems in nursery
management in Ethiopia
3.6 Tending ...

From-sowing to sometime after pricking-out, seedlings are sensitive to full

Shading should allow 50% sunlight pass

Late dense shade removal, edging/border effect on Casuarina & Croton seedlings
3.6 Tending ...


Correct: shading
Wrong: excessive shading
permitting good air
3.6 Tending ...

Prevention & control of pests & diseases

The main entry points for pathogens into the nursery
could be:
 propagation facilities: containers, knives, secateurs, working
surface, boxes… etc.

 propagation substrates, irrigation water , planting stock: seeds,

cuttings, scions and rootstocks, shoes and clothing of nursery
staff and visitors.

Plant hygiene should begin before propagation, by

paying attention to these entry points.
3.6 Tending ...

Prevention & control of pests & diseases

Common disease caused by fungi “damping-off”
•seed rot before germination;
•roots decay before shoot appears.
Damping-off often be prevented by:
 changing soil after some years;
 immediately removing plants infected by fungi;
 avoiding excessive watering;
 good drainage;
 ensuring air circulation;
 removing weeds & lowering seedling density;
 reducing nitrogen content (manure, fertilizer).
Damping off”
Correct: healthy plant
Protection from frost &
Table: Management of pests and diseases in the nursery
3.6 Tending ...
Root & shoot pruning
Roots have to be cut roughly every 2 months;

Economical method: pull thin piano wire, sharpened shovel or

machete to cut without lifting pots;

Shoot pruning not standard nursery operation; only possible for

broadleaved species.
Wrong: roots are too long
Correct: timing permits ‘shocking’

Root pruning with trowel

Root pruning with pruning shears

Root pruning of potted seedlings

3.7 Preparation for Planting-out

Before seedlings are delivered for planting, some steps

required to be done:
1. Hardening-off

2. Grading

3. Packing for transporting

3.7 Preparation for …

adapt to harsher conditions;

one to two months before planting-out;

change takes place step by step, not abruptly;

stems hard & woody;

crowns relatively short but vigorous;

root system compact & well developed;

3.7 Preparation for …
Hardening-off actions:
1. removal of shade
2. root-pruning
3. gradually reducing the frequency & totally stopping of
 encourage fibrous root system
 controls depth of root
 balanced root-shoot ratio
Reduction of watering
 develop morphological & physiological characteristics
accustomed to water stress
Lack of hardening-off just in nursery & after field plantation
3.7 Preparation for …

Grading, packing & transportation

Grading/ culling
Some poor-quality seedlings low chance
of survival, if planted

Expect 10-20% fall short of minimum

quality standards

Seedling height, root collar diameter &

general appearance are useful criteria to
base culling
3.7 Preparation for …

Good/target seedlings have:

 Seedling height: about twice height of the tube

 Avoid excessively tall (over 50cm) & short (less than 15cm)
seedlings ???
 Collar diameter: collar diameter 2-3mm required, thin,
etiolated plants discarded
 General appearance: Seedlings have balanced &
symmetrical growth of normal healthy green leaves
 Single seedling per tube: for whatever reason, one seedling
per pot required
3.7 Preparation for …

Good Quality Seedling a. Root: shoot from 1:1 to 1:2

b. Woody stem with strong

root collar

c. Symmetrical dense crown

d. Dense root system

3.7 Preparation for …

Seedlings to be rejected

Undersize seedlings Excessively tall seedlings

Good quality seedlings Poor quality seedlings
Grading Problems
Table: Recommended Seedling standards for field establishment
3.7 Preparation for …

Preparing for planting requires packing & transportation, if not
done carefully results in reduction of survival

To achieve acceptable results following be done:

 Only send seedlings passed grading standards to field

(preferably 1st & 2nd grades/class)

 Water the day before lifting tubes

Pour water over the

Platform or spread straw or twigs

Correct: load densely & upright

Wrong: plant lying on platform
Traditional seedling transport

Relatively Correct Wrong

Model for
Transport of
Temporary storage before planting transported seedlings
4. Vegetative propagation
Different categories of methods used in vegetative reproduction:
1. Cuttings: new roots and shoots developed on sections of shoot, root
or leaves taken from mother plant. Eg. Ficus thonningii, Erythrina

2. Grafting & budding: root system of one plant joined with shoot of
another forming single plant;

3. Division & separation: naturally formed special vegetative

structures such as rhizomes, runners, suckers, tubers, bulbs, corms,
or bulbils, used to produce new plants.
Raised bed with sieved soil, sand and FYM Beds filled with sand for vegetative
for vegetative propagation propagation

Bamboo Culm cutting after hormone Sprouts from nodal cuttings of bamboo in
treatment placed in nursery bed for rooting nursery bed
5. Nursery Planning, Work Organization &

Planning-Nursery management simplified if detailed plan prepared

before starting nursery activities as it requires careful planning.

Annual nursery plan based on following factors:

 number & type of seedlings to be raised;

 timing of activities.

Nursery calendar is record of all activities to be done & when to

be done.
5. Nursery planning…
Since planting season is deadline, planning nursery activities be
calculated backwards from this date:

Example for calculation of sowing date፡

E.g. Species A

Assumed planting dates 15 June–15 July

Best date 30 June

- from pricking out to planting size 90

- from germination to pricking out 16
- from sowing to germination 14
Total 120 days

Therefore, sowing date = 30 June - 120 days = 1 March

Table: Example of nursery calendar activities on monthly basis
5. Nursery planning…
Schedules for Supplies

Species missed sowing date by a month or more should not

be sown at all because seedlings too small at planting time.

Records to be kept on the development of species in nursery

(sowing dates, germination date, date of pricking-out, size
at planting time) .

Calendar for local conditions can be developed.

Make sure all supplies arrive on time.

5. Nursery planning…
Plant development records:

 how long takes for a species to grow to right planting size?

 how much seed needed to produce required number of plants?

 how long the seed of a species takes to germinate?

 The main purpose of recording nursery data, activities &

experiences is to make planning & management for coming
years easier.
6. Some Common Errors in Tree Nurseries

Some of the nurseries are managed without manual & action

plan or lack of early planning for seedling production;

Poor nursery design or layout (irregular in shape);

Unable to estimate plantation area or unable to map the area

before deciding no. of seedlings required;

Poor species selection/species-site matching or provenance/;

6. Some Common Errors …
Lack of releasing sufficient budget on time;

Containers not filled properly or not in upright position;

Poor pricking-out;

Lack of root pruning and thinning of seedlings;

Hardening-off process starting too late or neglected;

6. Some Common Errors …

All living seedlings dispatched for planting (no grading)- major

reason for frequent poor survival in plantations;

Improper transportation & handling of seedlings.

Exemplary Changes Managements, consider KAIZEN
Poorly managed nurseries
በኢትዮጵያ ፌዴራላዊ ዲሞክራሲያዊ ሪፑብሊክ
የአካባቢ: የደንና የayR NBrT lˆE ኮሚሽን
The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
Environment, Forest and Climate Change Commission

Thank You!!!

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