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My Fondest Memory Everyone in their life must has been experienced the sweetest memory in their life whether

when they are growing up in their childhood,becoming teenagers or becoming the parents.The same goes to me when I was in Standard Six in my primary school sitting for my first important examination which is UPSR. I were a very naughty students at that time.Before I sat for the examination,my friends and I did not studied and prepared anything for the exam at all during our time in school.Not at all!Can you imagine it?What we just thought in our head is just playing with friends and games.Even the teachers were gave up and tired nagging to us anymore.We were just having fun in our lives and it is not a crime anyway.If it is a crime,I know we were the first people to get in the prison.The first period of Monday is Mathematics and I am totally forgot to bring the text book.Mathematics was taught by Mr. Devin.He was the most popular teacher in school because he was a fierce teacher and not even one students tried to get near of him. I admit my fault to him and he just said liars and asked me to stand behind the classroom.I was not upset at all and I cheer myself up by singing children song that I know in silence.As usual,he would nagged and give us some motivation and advice for us to prepare in our examination.In school,I have not studied at all but not in my home.My dad would killed me if he saw me playing in playground which is located near my house.He is my teacher,my dad and my idol.School is my playground and home is my place to study.That is the principe that I always told my teacher but he refused to hear it. Now,the time that I did not wait has come to chase me.As usual,I did my prayers before I answer the question paper and just do it as far as I know.After the last paper which is Science,my friends and I played as long as we want and the teachers can't nagged to us anymore.It was a wonderful time that I had during my childhood,After two month,the results would be announced and my parents were ready in school.I was shocked to know that I got 4 A and 1 B for the subject that I hated most which is Science. When I went home,my uncle and aunts came and visited me and gave me some angpau for my successful.Who does not happy to get angpau?After school holidays,my dad brought us to Makkah for the sign of our grateful to God and we spent two weeks there.My fondest memory will always in my mind and I can't get rid of it.

( 450 words )


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