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First Year Essay Reading Course Content

Academic Year (2023- 2024)

Weeks Content

Week 1 Orientation Lecture: Introduction about the course and students’ expectations

by the end of the course.

Theoretical Background: Important Techniques for Academic Reading

Week 2 Health
Reading 1 (in class) : READING 1: Health: Diets of the World

READING 2 (Assignment ) : Drink, Blink and Rest

Objectives: focus on the reading skills to grasp the main idea, find topic
sentence, and supporting ideas in a reading passage.
Use titles to predict content
Scanning and guessing meaning from context

Week 3 Talent
READING 1 (in class): A prodigy in Mother’s Eyes

READING 2 (Assignment ):Born to Paint

Objectives: focus on the reading to grasp the main idea, find topic sentence,
and supporting ideas in descriptive paragraphs.
Learning phrasal verbs and talent-related expressions

Week 4 Beauty
READING 1 (in class) : Executives Go under the Knife

READING 2 (assignment): What Makes a Man Handsome?

Objectives: focusing of reading skills to get main ideas and find details.
Understanding reference words
Learning descriptive adjectives along with description of facial

READING 1 (in class) : Spanking on Trial

READING 2 (assignment): The Letter

Week 5 Objectives: Guessing meaning from context using skimming and scanning
Identifying the tone and the purpose of the writer
Identifying parts of speech
Week 6 Year’s exam quiz in class to be opened from the portal

Week 7 READING 1 (in class): What do Our Possessions Say About us?
READING 2 (assignment): The Role of Temperament in Shaping
Objectives: Focus on oral reading skills and difficult vocab, how to make a
Learning some adjectives about personality
Week 8 A take home year’s marks quiz to be opened from the portal

READING 1 (in class): I am Just another Kid from Brooklyn
READING 2 (assignment ): California Law has Paparazzi Shuddering
Objectives: Make predictions about text
Learning Celebrity related terms
Recognizing prefixes (-out)
Week 9 Media
READING 1: Something Strange is Happening to Tabloids

READING 2 (assignment) : Media Violence Harms Children

Objectives: Identify the author's purpose, audience, and tone
Use prior knowledge to predict content
Skim text for main idea
Understanding complex sentences and compound adjectives

Week 10 Sleeping Patterns (revision passage 1)

Week 11 Video Gaming dangers (revision passage 2)

Week 12 General feedback on the course

Week 13 (last year’s exam) ex.

Week 14 Final Revision

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