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Sl No.

Conference Title
1 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp)
2 ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA)
3 ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD)
4 ACS National Meeting & Exposition
5 ACS National Meeting & Exposition; Organizer: American Chemical Society (ACS); Country: USA
6 Adhesion: The Cellular Basis of Tissue Homeostasis and Dysfunction, USA
7 Advanced Battery Power for Automotive and Utility Applications and their Electric Power Grid Integration
8 Advances in Materials and Processing Technology Conference
9 AEBIOM Bioenergy Conference
10 AGU: American Geophysical Union meeting
11 AGU Fall Meeting
12 AIAA Aerospace Sciences meeting and exhibits
13 AIAA/ASME/ASCE/-AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference and Exhibits
14 AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibits
15 AIAA Fluid Dynamics conference and exhibits
16 AIAA Guidance, Navigation, Control and Atmospheric Flight Mechanics Conference
17 AIChE Annual Meeting
18 AMA Marketing & Public Policy Conference
19 AMA Summer and Winter Educators' Conference
20 American Academy of Pediatrics annual meeting
21 American Association for Cancer Research Meeting ( AACR)- International
22 American Ceramic Society Meeting (ACerS Meet)
23 American Chemical Society (ACS) Rubber division International rubber conference
24 American Control Conference (ACC)
25 American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) Conference
26 American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting
27 American Physical Society Annual Meeting Division of Fluid Dynamics (DFD)
28 American Society for Composites (ASC) Technical Conference
29 American Society of Business and Behavioral Sciences, Annual Conference
30 American Society of Civil Engineers: Environmental & Water Resources Institute (EWRI) -World Environmental & Water Resources Congress.
31 Annual ASME Congress
32 Annual Conference of Corporate Law Teachers Association
33 Annual Conference of International Society of Terrain Vehicle Systems
34 Annual Conference of Soil Science & Plant Nutrition Society
35 Annual Conference of the European Urban Research Association (EURA)
36 Annual Conference of the International Communication Association
37 Annual conference on Magnetism & Magnetic materials (MMM) in USA
38 Annual International Conference of American Society of Agronomy
39 Annual International conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society
40 Annual International Meeting of American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE)
41 Annual Joint Mathematics Meetings of American Mathematical Society
42 Annual Joint Statistical meetings by Institute of Mathematical Statistics (IMS)
43 Annual Meeting and Conference of International Union of Food Science and Technology (IUFOST)
44 Annual Meeting of Institute of Food Technologists (IFT)
45 Annual meetings of American Statistical Association (ASA)
46 ANZMAC (Australia New Zealand Marketing Academy's Conference)
47 AOGS: Asia Oceania Geosciences Society Annual Meeting
48 AOM (Academy of Management) Conference
49 APS March Meeting
50 ASCE Engineering Mechanics
51 ASCE GeoCongress
52 Asia Law Institute Conference
53 Asian Conference on Applied Superconductivity and Cryogenics (ACASC)
54 Asian Congress on Biotechnology
55 Asian International Workshop on Advanced Reliability Modeling Symposium
56 Asian SIL Conference
57 Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS)
58 Asia Pacific confederation of Chemical Engineering Congress
59 Asia-Pacific ESA Conference
60 Asia Steel International Conference, organized jointly be Japan Institute of Iron & Steel, Chinese Society of Metals, Korean Society of Metals & Materials, and Indian Institute of Metals, held in the four countries on rotation, all memb
61 Asilomer
62 ASLI Law Conference
63 ASME Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference
64 ASME POWER & ENERGY Conference
65 ASM General Meeting
66 Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL)
67 ASTM International Symposium on Flammability and Sensitivity of Materials in Oxygen-enriched Atmospheres
68 Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference
69 Biologics as Drugs: Novel Strategies for Better Treatments of Human Disease, USA
70 BioSensors, Elseviers
71 British Society of Aesthetics, Annual Conference
72 Cell Symposium
73 Centre Europ�en de CalculAtomique et Mol�culaire (CECAM)
74 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Meeting
75 Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)
76 Condition Monitoring and Diagnostic Engineering Management (COMADEM) International Conference
77 Conference by European Polymer Federation (EPF)
78 Conference of Australian and New Zealand Communication Association (ANZCA)
79 Conference of Biophysical Society
80 Conference of International Association of Applied Psychology (IIAP)
81 Conference of International Sociological Association Conference, Madrid, Spain
82 Conference of International Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH) organized by International Speech Communication Association (ISCA).
83 Conference of the Transportation & Development Institute of ASCE
84 Conference on Financial Markets and Corporate Governance
85 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO/QELS)
86 Conference on Space Cryogenics
87 Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat (CTBUH) International Conference
88 Cryogenic Engineering Conference and International Cryogenic Material Conference (CEC-ICMC)
89 CUPUM (Computers in Urban Planning and Urban Management
90 Division of Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics (DAMOP) � Annual Meeting
91 Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies
92 EGU: Annual European Geosciences Union General Assembly
93 Electrochemical Society Fall Meeting
94 EMAC (European Marketing Academy's Conference)
95 EMBO conference � Chemical Biology, Germany
96 E-MRS Spring Meeting organized by European Materials Research Society (E-MRS); Venue: Europe
97 Environmental Management and Engineering
98 EurOMA (European Operations Management Association) conference
99 Euromembrane
100 European Biophysical Societies' Association (EBSA)
101 European Company Law and Corporate Governance Conference
102 European Conference on Composite Materials ECCM-17
103 European Conference on Operational Research
104 European Congress and Exhibition on Advanced Materials and Processes (EUROMAT) organized by Federation of European Materials Research Societies (FEMS); Venue: Europe
105 European Congress of Chemical Engineering
106 European Congress on Biotechnology
107 European Polymer Congress - European Polymer Federation
108 European Safety and Reliability Conference
109 European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO)
110 European Symposium of Computer Aided Process Engineering
111 European Transport Conference
112 European Union Photo Voltaic Solar Energy Conference (EUPVSEC)
113 Fall-American Chemical Society National Meeting & Exposition (ACS)
114 FEBS Congress of Federation of European Biochemical society
115 Federation of European Biochemical Societies (FEBS)
116 FEMS General Meeting
117 Fluoropolymer, ACS Division of Polymer Chemistry
118 Frontiers In Optics (FiO/LS) Conference
119 Geological Society of America Annual meeting
120 Global Finance Conference
121 Global IP Conference
122 Global Rubber, Latex and Tyre Conference, Expo by TechnoBiz, LTD
123 Goldschmidt conference
124 Gordon conference on Soft Condensed Matter Physics
125 Gordon Research Conference � Proteins, USA
126 GSA: Annual Meeting Geological Society of America
127 HAS: Healthcare Analytics Summit
128 HKT: Himalaya-Karakoram-Tibet workshop
129 IAF International Astronautical Congress
130 IAHR World Congress
131 IAHS World Congress on Housing
132 IASTED Conference on Modeling and Simulation (MS); Organizer: International Association of Science and Technology for Development (IASTED); Country: Canada
133 (ICCAS) International Conference on Computer Applications in Shipbuilding.
134 ICEESD: International Conference on Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development
135 ICHD (International Conference on Hydrodynamics)
136 (ICMS) International Conference on Marine Structures
137 ICPSE: International Conference on Power Science and Engineering
138 IDETC/CIE:International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (ASME)
139 IEEE Annual Conference of the Industrial Electronics Society (IECON)
140 IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conferences and Exposition (APEC)
141 IEEE Decision and Control Conference (CDC)
142 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE)
143 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE)
145 IEEE Globecom (global communication conference)
146 IEEE/GRSS International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS) - Conference
147 IEEE IEEM: International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management
148 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP)
149 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP)
150 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT) organized by IEEE Computer Society and IEEE Technical Committee on Learning Technology.
151 IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing (CLOUD 2014), Big Data 2014 (BIG DATA 2014)
152 IEEE International conference on communications
153 IEEE International Conference on Condition Monitoring and Diagnosis
154 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP)
155 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME)
156 IEEE International Conference on Prognostics and Health Management
157 IEEE International conference on Reliability and Maintainability Symposium
158 IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting
159 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS)
160 IEEE International Instrumentation & Measurement Technology Conference (I2MTC).
161 IEEE International Microwave Symposium (IMS)
162 IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering
163 IEEE ISCAS (International Symposium on Circuits and Systems)
164 IEEE Personal, Indoor and Mobile radio communication (PIMRC)
165 IEEE Photovoltaic Specialist Conference (PVSC)
166 IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM)
167 IEEE Sensors
168 IEEE SENSORS Conference
169 IEEE Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (APS)
170 IEEE Vehicular Technology conference
171 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference
172 IE: International conference on Innovations and Entrepreneurship
173 IFAC conference (Int. federations of Automatic Control) on Manufacturing, Modeling and Control
174 IFToMM Conference
175 IGC: International Geological Congress
176 IIE (Institute of Industrial Engineering, USA) ANNUAL Conference
177 IIR Conference on Cryogenics
178 INFORMS (The Institute for operations Research and Management Science) Annual meeting
179 Innovation in Polymer Science and Technology(IPST-2016)
180 Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS) Conference
181 Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI) organized by ACM.
182 International Arsenic Congress
183 International Biotechnology Symposium (IBS)
184 International Building Simulation Conference
185 International Colloid Conference
186 International Conference and Expo on Advanced Ceramics and Composites (ICACC) organized by the American Ceramic Society; Venue: USA
187 International Conference (Bi-annual) on Hydro Informatics Organised by IAHR, IAHS and IWA.
188 International conference for production research (ICPR)
189 International conference of Advanced Materials (IUMRS-ICAM) organized by International Union of Materials Research Societies (IUMRS); Venue: All member countries
190 International Conference of Applied Human factor and Ergonomic
191 International Conference of Ground Control in Mining
192 International Conference of Multiphase Flow
193 International Conference of the Metabolomics society
194 International Conference of the System Dynamics Society
195 International Conference on Acid Rock Drainage
196 International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics and the Affiliated Conferences
197 International Conference on Applied Psychology (ICAP).
198 International Conference on Applied Superconductivity and Electromagnetics
199 International Conference on Architecture and Civil Engineering (ACE)
200 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED) organized by International Artificial Intelligence in Education Society.
201 International Conference on Atomic Collisions in Solids (ICACS)
202 International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security
203 International Conference on Clean and Green Energy � ICCGE
204 International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING) organized by International Committee on Computational Linguistics.
205 International Conference on Computer Aided Verification (CAV)
206 International Conference on Computers & Industrial Engineering (CIE)
207 International Conference on Construction and Real Estate Management (ICCREM)
208 International Conference on Coordination Chemistry (ICCC)
209 International Conference on EcoBalance
210 International Conference on Economics and Finance Research
211 International Conference on Educational Data Mining (EDM) organized by International Educational Data Mining Society.
212 International Conference on Environmental, Cultural, Economic & Social Sustainability
213 International conference on Environmental Science and Technology
214 International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics(HEFAT)
215 International Conference on Heat Transfer (IHTC)
216 International Conference on High Energy Physics (ICHEP)
217 International Conference on Information and Communication technologies and Development (ICTD) organized by ACM.
218 International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM) organized by ACM.
219 International Conference on IP Management
220 International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML)
221 International Conference on Magnetic Resonance in Biological Systems, Japan.
222 International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies(ICMAT)
223 International Conference on Oceanography
224 International Conference on Organometallic Chemistry(ICOMC)
225 International Conference on Public Policy
226 International Conference on Quality, Reliability, Risk, Maintenance, and Safety Engineering
227 International Conference on Scour and Erosion
228 International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE)
229 International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering
230 International Conference on Speech Prosody organized by International Speech Communication Association (ISCA)
231 International conference on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems
232 International Conference on Superconductivity and Magnetism (ICSM)
233 International Congress and Expo on Bio-fuel & Bioenergy, Brazil
234 International Congress of Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM)
235 International Congress of Mathematics (ICM)
236 International Congress of Psychology
237 International Congress on Environmental Modeling and Software (iEMSs); Organizer: Environmental Modeling& Software Society, Elsevier; Country: Open
238 International Congress on Sound and Vibration
239 International Cryocooler Conference (ICC)
240 International Cryogenic Engineering Conference and International Cryogenic Material Conference (ICEC-ICMC)
241 International Cryptology Conference (CRYPTO)
242 International Disaster & Risk Conference (IDRC):IDRC Davos (biennial) and IDRC Regional
243 International Federation of Operational Research Societies (IFORS)
244 International Human Rights Law Conference
245 International Marine Simulator Forum
246 International MATADOR Conference
247 International Mineral Processing Congress
248 International Mine Ventilation Congress
249 International Mine Water Association IMWA Conference
250 International Planning History Conference
251 International Polymer Processing Society Conference PPS-32 and Asia/Australia Conference PPS-2016
252 International Project Management Association (IPMA) World Congress
253 International Rubber Conference (IRC)/ RUBBERCON Conference by IRCO
254 International Sustainable Thermal Energy Management Conference
255 International SWAT Conference; Organizer: Texas A & M University, USA; Country: Open
256 International Symposium of Chemical Reaction Engineering
257 International Symposium of Wireless Communications (ISWCS)
258 International Symposium on Bioremediation and Sustainable Environmental Technologies; Organizer: BATTELLE; Country: USA
259 International Symposium on Combustion (by The Combustion Institute)
260 International Symposium On Environmental Issues and Waste Management in Energy and Mineral Production
261 International Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc and Wireless Networks (WiOpt)
262 International Symposium on Pneumococci and Pneumococcal Disease
263 International Symposium on Practical Design of Ships and Other Floating Structures
264 International Symposium on Shock Waves (ISSW)
265 International Symposium on The Application Of Computers And Operations Research In The Mineral Industry (APCOM)
266 International Union of Crystallography congress(IUCR)
267 International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (IUTAM)
268 International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies
269 Int�l Society for Offshore and Polar Engineers
270 ISOCARP Annual World Congress (International Society of City and Regional Planners)
271 IUGG: International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics assembly
272 IWA Leading Edge Water and Wastewater Technology (LET)
273 IWA Leading Edge Water and Wastewater Technology (LET); Organizer: The International Water Association (IWA); Country: Open
274 IWA World Water Congress and Exhibition
275 IWA World Water Congress and Exhibition; Organizer: The International Water Association (IWA);
276 JCAE Symposium: Annual Journal of Contemporary Accounting and Economics Symposium
277 Keynote Symposia � Antibodies as Drugs, Canada.
278 Keynote Symposia - Frontiers of NMR in Life Sciences, USA
279 KFLC: The Languages, Literatures and Cultures Conference, University of Kentucky, UK
280 KOMPLASTECH, International Conference on Computer Methods in Materials Technology, Poland
281 MACRO IUPAC World Polymer Congress
282 Marcel Grossmann (MG) Meeting
283 Materials Research Society (MRS) Electronic Materials Conference (EMC)
284 Materials Research Society (MRS) Fall Meeting
285 Materials Research Society (MRS) International Conference on Metal Organic Vapor Phase Epitaxy (ICMOVPE)
286 Materials Research Society (MRS) Spring Meeting
287 Materials Research Society (MRS) spring meeting, USA
288 Materials Science and Technology (MS&T) organized by American Society of Materials (ASM), The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society (TMS), American Ceramic Society (ACerS) and American Iron and Steel Technology (AIST
289 Micro-TAS
290 Mine Planning And Equipment Selection�(MPES)
291 MRS Fall Meeting organized by the Materials Research Society (MRS); Venue: USA
292 National Ground Water Association
293 Ocean Science Meeting
294 Offshore Technology Conference (OTC)
295 OMAE (International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering)
296 Pacifichem�� � �
297 Pacific Rim International Congress on Advanced Materials and Processing organized by The Chinese Society for Metals (CSM), The Japan Institute of Metals (JIM); The Korean Institute of Metals and Materials (KIM); Materials Aus
298 Pan Ocean Remote Sensing Conference (PORSEC)
299 PLEA Conference (Passive and Low Energy Architecture)
300 POLYCHAR 2016
301 Power System Computation Conference (PSCC)
302 Production and operations Management (POMS) Annual Conference
303 Rock Fragmentation By Blasting
304 SEG: Society of Exploration Geophysicists conference
305 SIAM Annual Meeting
306 SIOP (Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychology) organized by American Psychological Association
307 SMS: Strategic Management Conference
308 Society for Neuroscience Meeting
309 South Asian Society of Criminology and Victimology
310 SSA: Seismological Society of America Annual Meeting
311 Symposium of the Protein Society, USA
312 Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics
313 TERMIS World Congress and local chapters-Organized by Tissue Engineering International and Regenerative Medicine Society-TERMIS
314 Tetrahedron
315 The EMBO Meeting
316 The International Federation of Philosophical Societies (FISP) organized by World Congress of Philosophy
317 The Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exhibition (OFC)
318 The Polymer Processing Society Conference (PPS)
319 The World Association of Theoretical and Computational Chemists(WATOC)
320 TMS Annual Meeting organized by The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society (TMS); Venue: USA
321 TPE and Silicone Rubber Conference (Smithers Rapra LTD)
322 Transportation Research Board Conference
324 Turbulence and shear flow phenomena Conference
325 Urban Affairs Association (UAA) Conference
326 Urban Environmental Pollution (UEP)
327 Urban Environmental Pollution (UEP); Organizer: Elsevier; Country: Open
328 Water Research Conference; Organizer: Elsevier; Country: Open
329 WCNC (IEEE Wireless Communication and Networking Conference)
330 WCSMO: World Congress on Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimisation
331 World Bio-materials Congress organized by International Union of Societies for Biomaterials Science and Engineering
332 World Climate conference
333 World Conference of Computational Mechanics
334 World Conference on Transportation Research
335 World Conference on Transport Research Society
336 World Congress of Chemical Engineering
337 World Congress of the International Economic Association (IEA)
338 World Congress on Biomechanics
339 World congress on safety and health at work
340 World Energy Congress
341 World Environmental and Water Resources Congress
342 World Environmental and Water Resources Congress; Organizer: World Environmental & Water Resources Institute (EWRI), American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE); Country: USA
343 World Hydrogen Energy Congress (WHEC)
344 World Mining Congress
345 World Polymer Congress International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) MACRO series of (2016)
346 World Water Congress & Exhibition (by International Water Association)
347 World Wide Web Conference (WWW)

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