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The consequence of social media

Many, many years ago, people were surfing on a surfplank on waves in the sea. But now,
when most people have a mobile phone, we surf all day long over the Internet. Many
people, especially children, spend so much time on social media. Social media is bad for
children, because it makes their social interaction gets worse and they can feel unhappy
about them.

First of all, social media can be bad for children because it gets worse with their social
interaction. They spend so much of their free time on social media, that they see their
friends few in real time. And if they see their friends less and less, it will be a lot more
difficult in the future to make new friends and to talk to people.

Secondly, social media can not have an good influence on children because it makes
them feel unhappy about theirself. Children follow many celebrities and other famous
people. Those people always post 'the perfect' pictures of themselves. It looks like they are
always so pretty as on the pic, but that is not true. They use filters to make it look like they
are very pretty. Children can feel unhappy about themselves because they are not so pretty
as all the people are on social media.
However, social media can be good for the social interaction of kids because they can
make new friends online. Like in games, they play with other children they do not know. But
maybe during the game, the children become online friends with each other. But,
sometimes the person who they are chatting or playing with is an old man who pretends to
be a child. These people can have bad intensions. So it is better that children play with real
friends in real life.
In summary, social media has a bad influence on children because it gets their social
interaction worse and it makes children feel unhappy about theirself. On the other hand,
children can make online new friends, and that is good for their social interaction. But that is
sometimes not true because there are people on social media who pretends like someone
else. So if it is up to me, we go back to surfing in waves in the sea.

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