Narrative Design 2

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Reflection 3​

Narrative, Intellectual Property, Money​

It is not that difficult to make a game that can make money, but the really difficult thing is to
make a game that can make money continuously for many years. Obviously, Genshin Impact is
one of those kinds of games.​
Several days ago, miHoYo, the company that made Genshin Impact, released an anime concept
trailer. They are going to make an anime series based on the game world of Genshin Impact.
Players are so excited and cannot wait to watch it. ​
Genshin Impact is an open world game published two years ago. Why are millions of players still
crazy about it? Because they love the fantasy world, they love the characters and their stories,
they even love the dumb and evil monsters living in the game world. Genshin Impact is not only
a video game, but a global IP(intellectual property) like Angry Birds and Clash Royale. Every
game has its life cycle, maybe one year, two years...but an IP can live for hundreds of years or
What makes Genshin Impact such a successful IP? I have to say it's not the game mechanics, but
the "narrative" part. Actually, in the development team of Genshin Impact, there is a job called
"IP designer" . They define the concept of the game world, from the name and personality of a
monster to the backstory of a mountain. It's very important to make everything in the game
world consistent, so the game world is credible and players will be totally immersive and finally
pay for it.​
I still remember a design story from when I worked in the Genshin Impact team. At that time, I
was making a new treasure hunting mini game for Genshin Impact, which is the "seelie"(a
following pet) helps the player find and dig chests. But the IP designer told me "A seelie cannot
dig, it can only help you find the chest and stop at the exact position of the chest. You have to
dig by yourself." That sounds professional, if in this way can make the game world consistent.​
Genshin Impact Anime Concept Trailer​

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