AG GERM Global Issues and Future Plans H O

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GCSE German (Higher and Overlap): Global issues and future plans


(Higher and Overlap)
Global issues and future plans
Complete the questions by typing in the answer boxes, which will expand as necessary.

Then fill in the self-assessment form as fully as you can to help you reflect on your work.

Press CTRL+ click on the headphones icon to play the audio to answer the listening questions.

Q1. Places to live

Some of Joschka’s friends are talking about where people live.
Complete the table in English.

1 Past Present Future

Oliver flat


2 Past Present Future

Katarina bungalow

(Total 4 marks)

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GCSE German (Higher and Overlap): Global issues and future plans

Q2. Travel…
Three people are talking about journeys.

1 Gregor…

A ... is ready to go.

B ... has no hotel room yet.

C ... has no flight yet.

Write the correct letter in the box.


2 Aylin…

A ... is going to Italy by train.

B ... has no money to go first class.

C ... is flying to Italy.

Write the correct letter in the box.


3 Alex…

A ... is taking the boat to England.

B ... is flying to England.

C ... has not decided how to travel.

Write the correct letter in the box.

(Total 3 marks)

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GCSE German (Higher and Overlap): Global issues and future plans

Q3 Gabi und Ralf sprechen über das Essen.

Was findet Gabi nicht gut?

Schreib den richtigen Buchstaben ins Kästchen.

(Total 1 mark)

Q4. University…
Murat is talking to a friend about his plans for the future.
Write the correct letter in each box.

1 Who thinks that Murat should go to university?

A his mother

B his father

C his sister


2 What does Murat say he will do?

A He will apply to university.

B He will not apply to university.

C He is still unsure what to do.

(Total 2 marks)

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GCSE German (Higher and Overlap): Global issues and future plans

Q5. Paul spricht über das Wetter, wo er wohnt.

1 Wie ist das Wetter?

Schreib den richtigen Buchstaben ins Kästchen.


2 Was ist richtig?

A Es ist besser in der Stadt.

B Es ist besser auf dem Land.

C Es ist besser an der See.

Schreib den richtigen Buchstaben ins Kästchen.

(Total 2 marks)

Q6. Choosing a profession

Anke is talking to Jan about her future.

1 What is Anke’s view?

A Her dream job does not pay well.

B She has to decide on a job soon.

C She has to decide on a job soon.

Write the correct letter in the box.


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GCSE German (Higher and Overlap): Global issues and future plans

2 What is Jan’s view?

A Forget the dream job.

B University is a bad idea.

C Study and then get a job.

Write the correct letter in the box.

(Total 2 marks)

Q7. School
Thomas is talking about his time at school and afterwards.
What does he think about his life now?

(Total 1 mark)

Q8. Work
Five people have been surveyed about their experience of work.
What are their opinions?
Write P for a positive opinion.
Write N for a negative opinion
Write P + N for a positive and negative opinion.




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GCSE German (Higher and Overlap): Global issues and future plans



(Total 4 marks)

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GCSE German (Higher and Overlap): Global issues and future plans

Q9. An Austrian friend has been to Tunisia in North Africa. He got this leaflet from his travel

Write the correct letter in each box.

1 How has the travel company tried to help the environment?

A produced online brochures

B printed brochures on cheaper paper

C stopped printing brochures altogether


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GCSE German (Higher and Overlap): Global issues and future plans

2 How does the first paragraph suggest you can also help?

A recycle the brochure when you have read it

B pass the brochure to another family when finished with it

C take only one brochure per family


3 What are you advised to do to save water?

A shower by the pool

B only turn the tap on when you really need it

C drink bottled water


4 How can you help the environment with plastic bags?

A use material bags instead of plastic

B Try to fit as much shopping as you can into your bag

C use them more than once


5 What does the text advise you to do with batteries?

A take them back to your own country to recycle

B use rechargeable batteries

C turn electronics off when not in use to save batteries

(Total 5 marks)

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GCSE German (Higher and Overlap): Global issues and future plans

Q10. Karl
Lies die Geschichte über einen Jungen namens Karl.
Beantworte die Fragen.
Schreib R, wenn die Aussage richtig ist,
F, wenn die Aussage falsch ist,
NT, wenn die Aussage nicht im Text steht.

1 Karl ist am Anfang seiner Reise sehr glücklich.


2 Karl wohnt in einer Großstadt.


3 Sein Vater ist tot.


4 Der Wagen ist noch unterwegs, als Karl aufwacht.

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GCSE German (Higher and Overlap): Global issues and future plans


5 Es gibt nur Karl in dem Wagen, als er aufwacht.


6 Das Schloss hat viele Fenster.


7 Karl geht in das Schloss hinein.


8 Ein Mann spricht im Schloss mit Karl.

(Total 8 marks)

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GCSE German (Higher and Overlap): Global issues and future plans

Feedback Form Instructions

When you have answered as many questions as you can, complete the form on the last page
to help you reflect on your work.

How to fill in the form

1 Put your confidence score in Column C. This is not about the number of marks you achieved
but how sure you felt while you were answering the question.

Confidence Definition

0 I didn’t answer this one

1 I guessed the answer

2 I needed help with the answer

3 I understood the question but wasn’t sure about my answer

4 I was fairly confident I would get most of the marks

5 I was sure my answer was correct and I would get full marks

2 Use the mark scheme to check your answers.

Put the mark you think you achieved in Column Mark.

3 Write an overall comment about how you felt each question went.

● If you got help, make a note in the comment box specifying the source: internet,
friend, book, parent or tutor.

4 Complete ‘I can…’ and ‘I need to…’ sentences.

● ‘I can…’ sentences might include the questions you found easiest to answer, got the
most marks for or felt the most confident about.

● ‘I need to…’ sentences might include areas you need to revise, questions you want to
ask your teacher or the next topic or skill you want to work on.

5 Return the form to your teacher.

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GCSE German (Higher and Overlap): Global issues and future plans

Global issues and future plans

Feedback form Name

C Mark Comment

1 4

2 3

3 1

4 2

5 2

6 2

7 1

8 4

9 5

10 8

I can ……

I need to …….

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GCSE German (Higher and Overlap): Global issues and future plans

Teacher review
Mark Comment

1 4

2 3

3 1

4 2

5 2

6 2

7 1

8 4

9 5

10 8

You can ……

You need to …….

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