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I’m living in a nuclear family.

Up to this moment, I've

been living with my family for over 20 years.

. My family includes: My parents,my grandparents, me

, my younger and little brothers. I’m often closed with
my grandmother in family,she always love and protect
me when i just was a little boy who always make
mistake .I feel so happy to live with my grandmother
and all of members in my family. i don’t really agree
with someone that in nuclear family will have many
rules and will be hard to live together . All of my family
members are very open-minded.
I think that the members in nuclear family can
espress their feelings and emotions easily more than
extended family.The advantages of nuclear family
are privacy, financial stability and freedom so I
think it's more comfortable to live in nuclear family
than extended
According to some experts People who grow up in
a nuclear family are said to be more child-centric
and more self-reliant
on the weekend, our family usually go for a
picnic we’d like to cook some foods or Work on a
puzzle together. In this momemt , we really want
to spend our free time for the activity that we
can work with each other , Doing things together
creates opportunities to bond and share deeper thoughts
about life

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