What If Yoriihi Is Still Alive!!

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Have you guys ever wondered WHAT IF the STRONGEST swordsman Yoriichi was still alive in

Demon Slayer?

Will he still be as strong as he was in the past?

And what will happen to the Demon Slayer corps in his absence all these years?

Fortunately, I have managed to compile some CRAZY theories that will most certainly answer
these questions. Without any further ado, let’s dive right into it.

First things first, if Yoriichi is born in the current era, there would be no Tanjiro or Nezuko since
their ancestors would be dead as Yoriichi was the one who saved them in the past.

This changes almost everything!!

Yoriichi’s upbringing would be quite similar to his original childhood as he would lead an un-
eventful childhood until the age of seven. At this age, Yoriichi discovers his potential as a
Swordsman after brutally defeating his Samurai Master in a battle. Yoriichi then trains to hone
his skills even further and MASTER the Sun Breathing.

It is finally time for him to join the Demon Slayer Corps and after joining it, he realizes that not
even the STRONGEST Hashira can learn the Sun Breathing and just like the original timeline,
Yoriichi decides to formulate more Breathing Techniques including Flame, Water, Wind, and
others. With this, the Demon Slayer Corps becomes significantly stronger.

Demons, on the other hand, were SHOCKED by this sudden change in Demon Slayers and
stood no chance against them. Yoriichi and the others even manage to kill some Lower Moons
as the news ultimately reaches Muzan who decides to take this matter into his own hands and
kill this unknown Demon Slayer.

After searching for months, he finally manages to find Yoriichi and confronts him. Now, in the
original storyline, Yoriichi manages to overpower Muzan like he is nothing, but in this one, Yori-
ichi is scared of Muzan. Taking this into account, Muzan manages to convert Yoriichi into a De-

Considering his potential, Muzan thought that Yoriichi would become a loyal servant and obey
him. But, this plan kind of backfired as Yoriichi’s overwhelming abilities allowed him to resist
Muzan’s control. He is even able to walk under the sun owing to his Sun Breathing just like Tan-
jiro when he became a Demon in the original story.

Yoriichi has become even more powerful after becoming a Demon and instantly overpowers
Muzan. He somehow manages to hold Muzan till Sunrise as the Sun Light turns him into dust.
With Muzan gone, Yoriichi is the new Demon King!! However, unlike Muzan, he wants peace
and even takes necessary measures for this.

This is just one of the THREE theories!! Let’s talk about the second one. Have you ever consid-
ered what would happen if Yoriichi became an EVIL Demon instead of a NICE one? That would
be catastrophic right?

In the previous theory, we considered the possibility that Yoriichi is just a kind guy and manages
to overcome Muzan’s control over him. But, WHAT IF Yoriichi was selfish and egotistical?

After Muzan encounters Yoriichi in the forest, Yoriichi immediately overpowers him and as
Muzan is about to give up, he starts MOCKING Yoriichi, questioning why he is protecting those
weak humans when they don’t even know who he is. He further tells him that even his compan-
ions HATE him for being too strong as he offers Yoriichi to become a Demon. After thoroughly
considering his offer, Yoriichi accepts it and becomes a Demon.

With his immense power, Yoriichi takes the spot of Upper Moon 1 from Kokushibo which angers
him. Kokushibo challenges Yoriichi as soon as he sets foot in the Infinity Castle. Their battle
doesn’t last long as Yoriichi immediately defeats Kokushibo and establishes his superiority. This
scares the other Upper Moons as well.

With Yoriichi on his side, Muzan has become overconfident, believing that there is no one else
who can defeat him. He also orders Yoriichi to look for the Blue Spider Lily who sets out on a
journey to find the flower. As he is wandering around, Yoriichi comes across a family in a forest
and being a Demon, he decides to devour them.

As soon as he enters the house, he notices something STRANGE!! A guy and his son are
standing in front of a statue as the guy enlightens his son regarding the heroics of a swordsman
who once saved him from Demons. It turns out Yoriichi accidentally saved this guy from
Demons when he was young. Seeing his appreciation for him, Yoriichi tears up.

He decides to change his ways and overcomes Muzan’s control over him. He then devises a
plan to take out Muzan and the other Upper Moons. Using his authority as the Upper Moon 1,
Yoriichi calls the other Kizuki and Muzan to the infinity castle. As soon as they arrive, Yoriichi
takes down all the Upper Moons with a single strike and with this, the Infinity Castle also disap-

Now, Muzan is left alone with Yoriichi who is filled with RAGE and SELF HATRED!! Realizing
that he is in danger, Muzan tries to run away, but Yoriichi manages to hold him back with some
help from his comrade Demon Slayer whom he had contacted before this battle. All of them
manage to hold back Muza from fleeing as the Sun Rays ultimately turn him into dust.
With this, the DEMON KING and the Upper Moons are dead. Yoriichi apologizes to his com-
rades for what he had done and asks them to decapitate him, but they refuse, stating that it was
their fault for not looking out for him.

With no way to convert Yoriichi back into human, he decides to leave the town and settle in
some abandoned land where no one can find him.

Alright! Things got a bit emotional with this one. I think it’s about time we talk about the THIRD
and the last theory.

In this storyline, Yoriichi’s childhood would be the same as the previous two until the age of

In the original storyline, that’s the age when Yoriichi touched a sword for the first time and man-
aged to defeat his Samurai Master in a battle. However, things are somewhat different in this

With the absence of Breathing Techniques, the Demons have gotten insanely strong over the
course of 500 years and keeping this in mind, families are forced to teach their kids swordsman-
ship so that they can ultimately join the Demon Slayer corps.

At the age of seven, Yoriichi’s trainer realizes that he is immensely talented in Swordsmanship
as he manages to defeat him in a battle. He immediately decides to take him to the Demon
Slayer corps. Now, the thing is that the Demon Slayers have developed their own techniques
over the course of time and they force Yoriichi to learn these instead of focusing on his Sun

With his talent, Yoriichi becomes the STRONGEST Human Being on Earth even without his
Breathing Technique. He keeps slaughtering Demons for fun and the word even spreads to
Muzan who gets frustrated over this.

After some time, Muzan sets out on a journey to find Yoriichi and ultimately locates him in a for-
est. Their insane battle begins!! Even without his Breathing Technique, Yoriichi is still insanely
strong and manages to keep up with Muzan, however, Muzan still has the upper hand as he
manages to land a DEADLY blow on Yoriichi.

As Yoriichi is lying on the ground, Muzan MOCKS him for being too weak, stating that there is
no one who can kill him. With this, he decides to toy with him by giving him another chance to
get even stronger and battle him once again since Muzan also enjoyed it. Saying this, he leaves
Yoriichi all alone.

Yoriichi, on the other hand, is devastated that he couldn’t defeat the Demon King and decides to
leave the Demon Slayer Corps, setting out on a journey to become strong. On this journey, he
discovers his hidden potential in the form of Sun Breathing and masters it. He realizes that he
has become INSANELY strong compared to his old self. He keeps on killing Demons and even
manages to decapitate an Upper Moon as the news spreads to Muzan.

Muzan recognizes Yoriichi and is SHOCKED at how such a weak guy can kill an Upper Moon.
He then decides to investigate this matter personally and finish Yoriichi off himself. He confronts
Yoriichi as he is taking down some Demons in the forest and starts MOCKING him.

Yoriichi, however, immediately recognizes Muzan and attacks him without wasting any time.
And before could finish talking, he realizes that Yoriichi is no longer in front of him as his head
falls off his body. He couldn’t comprehend what just happened and regenerates himself as Yori-
ichi decapitates him once again.

This SHOCKS Muzan as he was not expecting Yoriichi to become this strong. He then decides
to fight back, but stands no chance against the ALMIGHTY Yoriichi. The battle goes on for quite
some time as Muzan desperately tries to find a way to defeat Yoriichi. As soon as he realizes
that the sun is setting, he attempts to flee, but Yoriichi holds him back as sunlight turns him into

With this, the Demon King is DEAD and Yoriichi, who has now invented the Breathing Tech-
nique decides to rid this world from the curse of Demons.

But what would happen if yorichii become a demon ? This is a story for a other video !

If you want to see it click here,

Click on it !

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