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Mobile and computer technology may also affect children’s sociability.

The use of this technology may take away hours from children’s social
and playing time. Yet from another perspective, it can help cultivate
their communicative and social skills through using different social
media platforms and sharing apps with friends. (Subia and Tatel, 2014).


Subia and Tatel (2014) view technology as something that may affect
the social lives of children in a negative and positive way.

According to Subia and Tatel (2014), though technology may have a

negative impact in children’s ability to socialize since it minimizes
chances of real life interaction with others, they believe that through
interactive features of technology such as sharing apps and varying
platforms for exchange, technology can enhance social skills among its
young users.

Subia and Tatel (2014) state that technology can “affect children’s sociability and
help cultivate their communicative and social skills through using different social
media platforms”( p.42).

What is plagiarism? In minor cases, it can be the quotation of a sentence or two,

without quotation marks and without a citation (e.g., footnote) to the true
author. In most serious cases, a significant fraction of the entire work was written
by someone else but the plagiarist removed the author(s), name(s), and
substituted his/her name, perhaps did some re- formatting of the text, then
submitted the work for credit in a class (e.g., a term paper or essay), as part of the
requirements for a degree (e.g., thesis or dissertation), or as part pf a published
article or book.

Standler, R.B. (2012). Plagiarism in colleges in USA: Legal aspects of plagiarism, academic policy.
Retrieved from,p.5


Plagiarism can be defined as using ideas, data, or any relevant information of

another without giving proper credit or acknowledgement to the author

According to Standler (2012), plagiarism can occur in small cases, which

happens when small parts of a passage are used without enclosing
them in quotation marks and citing the author. It can also occur in more
grave situations. In these instances, big chunks of the original texts are
used. There are changes in the format, but the original author is not
attributed to comply with academic requirements or as a part of a
material for publication.
Standler (2012) states that plagiarism can be “the quotation of a
sentence or two, without quotation marks and without a citation (e.g.,
footnote) to the true author” (p.5).


Climate change is a pressing global issue that requires immediate attention. The rise in global

temperatures is primarily due to human activities, such as the burning of fossil fuels and

deforestation. If people do not take decisive action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, the

consequences will be severe. There will be more frequent and intense heatwaves, rising sea levels,

and disruptions to ecosystems. The scientific community agrees that addressing climate change is of

utmost importance.

( Acebedo, 2022 p.63)


According to Acebedo (2022) the urgent and significant problem of climate change, caused by human
activities necessitates immediate action to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions. Failure to address this
issue will lead to serious ramifications.

The urgent and significant problem of climate change, caused by human activities necessitates
immediate action to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions. Failure to address this issue will lead to serious
ramifications (Acebedo,2022).

Sample Paraphrase:

As conjectured by Acebedo (2022), climate change is a critical global concern that demands immediate
attention. Human activities, particularly the combustion of fossil fuels and the clearing of forests, are the
primary drivers of the increase in global temperatures. Without prompt and resolute efforts to diminish
greenhouse gas emissions, the repercussions will be severe, resulting in more frequent and intensified
heatwaves, elevated sea levels, and disturbances to ecosystems.
Climate change is a critical global concern that demands immediate attention. Human activities,
particularly the combustion of fossil fuels and the clearing of forests, are the primary drivers of the
increase in global temperatures. Without prompt and resolute efforts to diminish greenhouse gas
emissions, the repercussions will be severe, resulting in more frequent and intensified heatwaves,
elevated sea levels, and disturbances to ecosystems (Acebedo,2022).

The indiscriminate actions done by human beings such as burning of fossil fuels and deforestation are
the main causes of the continuing increase of global temperatures and if not given resolute actions, it
will yield to a serious consequence such as recurring and worsened heatwaves, increase of sea levels
and damage to ecosystem (Acebedo,2022)

Direct quotation:

According to Acebedo (2022), “ Climate change is a pressing global issue that requires immediate
attention.” (p.63)

“Climate change is a pressing global issue that requires immediate attention,” according to Acebedo
(2022, p.63).


An effective communication takes place when basic skills are present. The first is called the encoding
skills which are concerned with speaking and writing. The other skills are listening and reading and are
called the decoding skills. Furthermore, the skill considered the highest form of mental process is
reasoning. The absence of the ability to read and write, listen and speak, as well as the ability to think,
prevents a person from communicating effectively.

Abdian (2021, p.20)

Abdian (2021) emphasized that communication happens when important encoding, decoding and
reasoning skills are present and their absence will impede a person’s ability to communicate


Encoding and decoding skills are very important in effective communication. Encoding skills involve the
ability to speak and write while decoding skills highlight the ability to listen and read, while reasoning
skills are considered to be the highest form of mental activity. Without these skills, one may not be able
to communicate effectively(Abdian,2021).

According to Abdian (2021), encoding and decoding skills are very important in effective communication.
Encoding skills involve the ability to speak and write while decoding skills highlight the ability to listen
and read, while reasoning skills are considered to be the highest form of mental activity. Without these
skills, one may not be able to communicate effectively.


As stated by Abdian (2021) that, “the skill considered the highest form of mental process is reasoning.”

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