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 Read and listen to part 1 of the story The time travel fair.

It is the first day of the new school year.
I was a pupil here, over
Ms Brooks, where did 50 years ago!
you go to school?

Really? Do you have a picture?

2 3
Actually, I do! Look at this photo of
my desk in this same classroom! We can learn a lot about
our past by looking at
photos and objects.
Is that a
wooden desk?
I saw in a documentary
Yes, it is. Our desks were that people keep old
all made of wood! objects in time capsules!

4 5

Oh, that’s very

What can we put
in a time capsule for
A time capsule is a fun people in the future?
way to share knowledge
with people in the future.

6 7 8
That’s fantastic!
Hm, I wonder what
sorts of objects
we’ll see.

Wait. First, I have a surprise for

you all. Next week, we’re going on
a school trip to an Antiques Fair!


Start using you
Zoe and her friends want to get involved in the preservation al to
Project Journ
of their local area heritage. roject.
complete the p

What can we put

in a time capsule for
people in the future?


Find the answers to the Need-to-know questions throughout the units.

Why is it important to
What is a popular use different sources
tradition in your local when we study the past?

What do we learn from How can we preserve

studying our heritage? and protect our heritage?
8 UNIT 1


 Read and listen to part 2 of the story The time travel fair.

1 2
At the fair, the children are Phew! It looks very
Yes! There’s a cat!
visiting an antique bicycle stand. Wow! Look at that saddle! heavy. My bike is
It looks so uncomfortable. much lighter.
Look at all these And birds!
old-fashioned bicycles!

I came to school on a bike like

this when I was your age ...

3 4 Cycling is a wonderful way to make new

In those days, people used friends! Look at us and our new friends!
to ride bicycles everywhere!

It looks like they’re having ... and live great adventures!

Well, yes, it was the most
fun! But they’re not wearing
flexible way to get around.
helmets! That’s not safe!


Read and think.

1 Why does Zoe think cycling is so great?
2 What does Olivia think about riding a bicycle?
3 What activities do you love doing with your friends?
 1  Listen and sing the Community song. Liv ing in a com mu nity
has many responsibil ities.
We must take care of each other.
Com mu nity health serv ices
help people out and keep us wel l.
This is what we need to do.

We star t our day.

Public transport is the way!
We go to school.
Education is the rule!


We all par ticipate

in public serv ices, keeping others safe
In our villages and tow ns
cultural activities remove our frow ns!


2  Listen to the song again. Say which public services the photos show.

a b c d


Use the Think-Pair-Share thinking routine to answer these questions about the unit.

How can you participate What is safety?

Where do you live?
in your community?
10 UNIT 1

Where do you live?

What is a community?
1 Listen to Sue and
When a group of people live together, they form a community. Tom talking about
We are all part of a community and we are all responsible for where they live. Say
looking after it. two things they like.

Villages, towns and cities

Life in a small community, like a village, is very different to life
in a large community, like a town or city.
Villages are rural areas with few inhabitants.

1 short, narrow streets

2 small buildings
3 small local shops
4 limited job opportunities
5 shared public services
3 6 limited public transport
1 7 very little traffic

Towns and cities are urban areas with many inhabitants.

Millions of people can live in cities!

1 long, wide streets

7 5
2 large buildings

3 shopping centres and big
4 many job opportunities
5 public services
3 1
4 6 different types of public
7 a lot of traffic

Traditions and customs

Every village and town has its own traditions and customs. When
people move to a new place, they usually bring their traditions
with them. Some examples are music, festivals and food.

Food culture in Spain

Can you name the foods on the map?

Maghreb cuisine: Central American Chinese cuisine: Indian cuisine:

tajines cuisine: tamales spring rolls korma

2  Describe to your partner what On (birthdays), we usually have ... / My (father)

traditional dish your family eats on always prepares ... / My (grandmother) cooks ... .
special occasions.
12 UNIT 1

How can you participate

in your community?

What is a good citizen?

Good citizens obey the laws and rules. They accept and respect
other people. Citizens also take responsibility for their actions.
 1  In pairs, talk about
What are your responsibilities as a citizen? what you do to be
At home: respect all family members. Help with basic house a responsible citizen.
chores. Be responsible with the family pets and look after them. 2 Listen to an
At school: respect your teachers and follow the school rules. interview with the
Listen to your classmates and be supportive. mayor of a small
town. What does she
In the community: be helpful and kind to all people. Say want people to do?
‘thank you’. Follow the 5 Rs and protect the environment.

The 5 Rs of zero waste

Separate your rubbish. Use the

Only buy what you really need. correct public recycling container.



Carry your own Always carry a reusable Put your organic

bag when you water bottle. Repurpose waste in the
go shoppping. plastic and glass containers. compost bin.

How does local government work?

Every four years, there are local government elections.

participants over members of the

the mayor
18 years old local council
vote choose
The council and the mayor work in the town hall. They make
decisions about local laws and public services.

Villarriba del Monte at your service!

Your local council provides top public services.

Maintenance services keep our streets and parks clean.

Social services help and support people in need.

Sports and recreation services organise outdoor and indoor activities all year round.
14 UNIT 1

What is safety? 1 Describe a type of sustainable

transport to your partner. Ask them
to guess.
What is sustainable transport?
It is a ( private) transport; If you use it,
Sustainable, or eco-friendly, transport has a
you need (a helmet).
low impact on the environment. Some examples
include cycling, carsharing, walking, using 2 Listen and decide who uses the
electric or gas vehicles and public transport. internet more responsibly: Erica or
How do you stay safe on the road?
Road signs give us information to keep us safe on the road.
Some signs are for drivers and some are for pedestrians.

Traffic lights control the Pedestrian traffic lights At a pedestrian crossing,

traffic. Red means stop, yellow allow pedestrians to cross the pedestrians must look left first
means caution and green road safely. and then right, before they
means go. cross the road.

Red triangle road signs serve Blue circle road signs indicate Red circle road signs indicate
as a warning. something mandatory. prohibition.

Road safety

How can you stay safe online?

• Ask your parents for permission to use • Don’t download or install anything on your
a device. computer without an adult’s permission.
• Talk to an adult if anyone or any content • Don’t chat or share personal information and
makes you uncomfortable. photos with people you do not know.
• Be respectful and polite online. • Don’t believe everything you read online.
• Tell an adult if you are cyberbullied. • Don’t be a cyberbully!
16 UNIT 1


Time to listen
1 Listen to Melissa talking about the food her family likes to make.
In your notebook, match the people to one or more photos.

a her father b her sister

c her brother d Melissa and her mother

1 2 3

4 5 6

7 8 9

science workshop
In this workshop, you are going to develop and participate Materials:
in a class election to choose a class representative. • coloured card

Observe • paper
Look at the questions on your own. Then, discuss them • felt-tip pens, coloured
with your group and make notes. pencils and crayons
a What rights and responsibilities are important • glue stick
in your class?
• scissors
b How can you make your school and class a better
• printed photos
c What do you think the role of a class
representative is?
d Why is a class representative important? School needs

1 Find out what your school and class need.
2 Think about how you can make these
things happen and make notes. Candidates Plans Speech
3 Share your ideas with your group.
Then, select the best ideas to present.
4 Choose one candidate to represent your
group’s ideas. Help them write their speech.

With your group, make a poster to describe
and promote your ideas.
Remember to include photos and a short
description of your plans.
Have a class meeting to listen to all the candidates’ It is important to understand
what your audience knows about
speeches and ask them questions.
the topic and what they like.
Vote for your favourite candidate.
18 UNIT 1

unit activities
Where do you live?

1 Look at the photos. In your

a b
notebook, write four differences
between a village and a city. Use
the ideas in the box to help you.

number of inhabitants
size of buildings
green spaces
job opportunities

2 Listen to three friends describing the first day of school

in different countries. Then, in your notebook, write
if the sentences are true or false.
a In Germany, children receive a small lunch box filled with pencils
and sweets.
b In Japan, children eat a special lunch for good luck.
c In India, it often rains a lot on the first day of school.

How can you participate in your community?

3 Use the Colour-Symbol-Image thinking routine to represent

the following ideas.
What colour best What symbol best What image best
represents ‘recycle’? represents ‘town hall’? represents ‘respect’?

..... ..... .....

4 Complete the sentences in your notebook. Use the words

in the box.
helpful responsibility mayor reduce

a A responsible citizen is kind and ..... .

b It is everyone’s ..... to protect the environment.
c To ..... waste, only buy what you need.
d My mum works in the town hall. She is the ..... .

5 In your notebook, classify the waste products in the box

into the correct recycling bins.

milk carton a b c
aluminium can
glass bottle
jam jar
cardboard box

6 In your notebook, match the words to the definitions.

a mayor 1 the place where the mayor works
b social services 2 they help keep the town clean
c town hall 3 the head of the local council
d local council 4 they support people in need
e maintenance services 5 they work with the mayor

What is safety?

7 In your notebook, write sustainable or unsustainable

to classify the means of transport in the box.

aeroplane skateboard electric car bicycle

walking lorry electric scooter motorbike car

8 Listen to a police officer talking about road safety.

In your notebook, put her tips in order.
a Drivers must stop at red lights. d Do not ride bicycles side by side.
b Always wear a helmet when you ride your bicycle. e Never run into the road.
c Stop, look and listen before you cross the road.

9 Match the sentence halves in your notebook.

a Sending hurtful text messages ... 1 ... is important.
b Not everything you read ... 2 ... tell an adult you trust.
c Ask an adult ... 3 ... without an adult’s permission.
d If someone is cyberbullying you, ... 4 ... before you use a device.
e Staying safe online ... 5 ... is cyberbullying.
f Do not download things ... 6 ... online is true.
20 UNIT 1

visual summary

 raw buildings using
geometric shapes.
• Separate each part of the
building like they were
pieces of a puzzle.
• Try to draw simple outlines.

unit review
1 Are road signs the same in all countries? 4 Look at the photos. In your notebook,
Think of a country you want to visit and write two sentences about the importance
search online for the road signs used there. of these public services.

2 Complete the sentences in your notebook. a

Use the words in the box. There are some
some extra words.

chores respect glass

permission laws
recycle photos reusable

a When you travel, carry a ..... water bottle.

b ..... people and be kind to them.
c You should ..... and put your rubbish into
the correct container.
d Help your family with basic house ..... .
e Ask for ..... before you use any electronic
5 Imagine you are the mayor of a city or
Only share personal ..... with people you know.
a village. Tell your partner about how you
3 Read the sentences and write rural or are going to improve your locality. Think
urban in your notebook. about the following:

a There is a lot of traffic and it is noisy. • traditions and customs • public services

• the 5 Rs of zero waste • safety
Public transport is limited.
c There are few inhabitants. Make sure you say:
d There are lots of shops and supermarkets. • what needs improving
e The streets are narrow. • why it needs improving
f There are many tall buildings. • how you are going to improve it


Do you remember the difference between a village

and a city? Look at this example of a small town.
In your notebook, draw them using simple geometric
shapes. Remember to follow the tips in the Tips + Tricks

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