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yO. UWUUU U 1 | 4 E * yv SUVUVULYUO U) oe Solas RAFAEL BERTOLIN = oye} = ©! CONTENTS Greetings, pag. 6 Saudagoes Verb to be Contracted form What are they?, 10 Verb to be Affirmative, negative and interrogative form Artigo indefinido: a (an) Colors, 14 Artigo definido: the Introducing a friend, 18 Demonstratives: this, that Introducing friends, 20 Demonstratives (plural) Plural em s Life in a little town, 22 ‘Verb to have REVIEW, 24 Lessons: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,6 Love, 28 Verbos regulares no presente Os na terceira pessoa A trip, 32 Past tense: to be ~ to have How many, 34 Numbers What time is it?, 38 Horas exatas Horas e minutos What can you see in the picture?, 40 Verb there to be (presente e passado) An interview, 44 How old ... How much .... How many 14 15. 16 17 18 19 REVIEW, 46 Lessons: 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 1 oY . What is Jack doing?, 52 Present continuous tense Simple present tense Imperative, 50 Imperative form Emprego de let going to catch some fish, 54 Immediate future Present continuous My office, 58 Prepositions: in, on, under, with, about, near, of, to. Can ... can not ..., 60 Verb can Can/may /could Why? Because ..., 62 Why /because REVIEW, 64 Lessons: 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 An interview, 68 Interrogative words: who, what, how, where, why 2O To save money, 70 21 22 23 24 Prepositions: to, from Present continuous tense Look at the pictures, 74 PreposigGes: between /among On the left/on the right Seasons, 78 Seasons/months Ordinal numbers Dates, 82 Days of the week REVIEW, 84 Lessons: 19, 20, 1, 22, 23 Where are they from?, 88 Prepositions in, on, at, for, from 3 25 Prepositions, 92 Emprego de on, near, along, with, from, of, off, through, into, to, out of, across, beyond, at 2.6 Running after the hats, 94 Possessive adjectives 27 Who's the owner?, 98 Possessive adjectives Possessive pronouns 28 Betty's house, 100 Possessive case, To belong to 29 Wiieis are niy ctothese, tor Lam so hungry!, Text comprehension REVIEW, 104 Lessons: 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 30 Young people, 108 Plural of nouns 31 Richara’s farm, 112 Plural of nouns (continuation) 32 Traveling, 114 Past tense of regular verbs 33 Yesterday and today, 120 Past tense of irregular verbs 34 Dialogue, 122 Emprego de do e does 35 Ima restaurant, 124 Forma negativa: emprego de don’t e doesn’t 36 A thief, 128 Forma interrogativa no passado: Emprego de did SE ertchioes x thick, 130 Forma negativa no tee 38 A marriage, 132 Future tense: affirmative, negative and interrogative form 39 What would you ..., 136 Conditional tense: affirmative, negative and interrogative form Emprego de if AO Reading, 138 Personal pronouns: objective case 41 Comparison, 140 Degree of adjectives REVIEW, 142 Lessons: 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41 42 Famous comics, 146 Degree of adjectives (continuation) 43 A populous country, 150 Degree of adjectives (continuation) 4A Gardens and gardeners, 152 Indefinites AS At the library, 158 Indefinites (continuation) A6 Ina shop, 160 Indefinites REVIEW, 162 Lessons: 42, 43, 44, 45, 46 A7 Coming back home, 166 Past tense of irregular verbs Emprego de do, does, did didn’t | 48 Friends, 168 Irregular verbs 49 stars, 170 50 tags, 172 1 52 53 54 95 36 a 58 29. Question tag (com verbos nao auxiliares) If you have ..., 174 Question tag: future and conditional Prepositions, 176 REVIEW, 178 Lessons: 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52 Prepositions, 182 Preposigdes e locucdes prepositivas (continuago) Vacation, 184 Past continuous tense Romeo and Juliet, 188 Auxiliary verbs: must, have to, (had to) True or false, 192 Auxiliary verbs: can, may, must, have to, should, ought to Technology, 194 Present perfect tense Technology, 196 Present perfect tense (continuation) REVIEW, 200 Lessons: 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58 Passive voice, 204 Voz passiva e agente da passiva 60 What I do every morning, 206 61 62 Pronomes reflexivos Relative pronouns, 208 Emprego dos principais relatives Where's Lucy?, 212 Emprego de since, for, also, too 63 Agricultural products, 214 Adverbs: place, doubt, affirmation, intensity 64 Agricultural products, 218 Adverbs: time, manner, frequency REVIEW, 220 Lessons: 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64 65 66 A party, 222 Verbs: say — tell Coming back from California, 224 Direct and indirect speech 67 68 Stop speaking, 226 Gerund Commercial correspon- dence, 228 Envelope, address, body of the letter Colloquial correspondence APENDICE, 238 -Textos suplementares (29 textos), 239 a 257 — Advertisements, 258 —Jokes, 259 —Chave de prontincia, 261 ~ List of irregular verbs, 265 ~Idiomatic expressions, 267 Vocabulario geral do livro, 270 — Good morning, Mr. Kanashiro. — Good morning, Miss Loren. How are you? — I’m fine, thanks GREETINGS ; John: Good evening, Mary! Mary: Good evening, John. How are you? John: Y’m well, and you? Mary: I’m fine, thanks. John: Oh, Mary! We are late today! Mary: Oh, yes! Let’s go to school then. Sob 9 orientagao do Professor, os alunos poderao, individuainente ou em grupo, ler em vor alta o texto, traduzt 10 ou encend:Jo GREETINGS - SAUDAGOES Good morning! Bom-dia. A palavra morning significa manha, Usa-se a saudacao Good morning até o meio-dia Good afternoon! Boactarde. A palavra after significa depois. A palavra noon significa meio-dia. Good evening! Boa-noite, Usa-se Good evening 20 encontrar uma pessoa 3 noite. Good night! Boa-noite. Usa-se Good night ao despedir- se de alguém a noite. So long! 'Aé logo. Usa-se So long em despedidas comuns. Good bye! Até logo. Good bye significa até logo & também adeus. Pode-se também dizer apenas Bye, que € a forma abreviada. See you tomorrow! Até amanha. (See tomorrow = amanha). jo, you = voce, Saudago comum entre amigos. 14! Saudaco comum entre amigos. Forma por Forma abreviada, extenso comum na z | conversagao tam Vm (Eu sou ou estou) You are You're (Voce é ou est) He is He's (Ele € ou esta) She is She's (Ela € ou esté) Itis It's (Neutro: ele ou ela é ou esté) We are We're (Nés somos ou estamos) ‘You are You're (Vocés sao ou estao) They are They're (Eles au elas so ou estéo) 1 Complete com as formas verbais am, is ou are: a)How —_!"° _ you today? bt fine, ©) You d)We —_# are late. VERB TO BE (verbo ser ou estar) __ students. eee RRR RRRRRRRARRRRRRRRRRRRARRARR @ Fscreva os cumprimentos em inglés: a)Bom-dia, Maria. Goud morning, Mary. Goo! morning, Mary. 1b) Boa-tarde, Joao. Good afternoon, Jolin Good afternoon, John c) Até amanha. you tomorrod d)Boa-noite. Goad evening, 9 Gawd evening, «Good night 3 Reescreva as frases, colocando 03 verbos na forma abreviada: a) am well today. Tint eel day. b)Iam fine. Im fine ©) We are late. We're lat We'relate, d)We are students. We're students. ¢) She is a student. She's a student, £) He is a student. He'sa student. asteadent, g)lt is a school. It’s school 4 Traduza as frases: a)1'm well, and you? + ¢)Let’s go to school then. Vamos entio para a escola. 5 Complete a cruzada: , ost al atrasado T a) | escola} —[SfcTlol | 4 sou, estou|—| 4] M hole ———._—([r nonmetal N yom,boa pont boast ——LELO}OLLI ste ir, va, vamos D| obrigado THilal NLA! y ele-—Lil 4] 6 ‘Escreva as frases no plural: a)I am well. We are well. b)I am fine. Weare fine Wearefine. c) Lam late. Weare, d)She is well. They are well e) He is fine. They are fe. £) How is she? greetings: saudades school: escola Ewestou bent ¢ voce? How are they? b)We are late today. g)How is he? Nos estamos atrasades hoje. How are they? VOCABULARY ac um, uma he: cle she: ela am: sou, estou. How are you? Como vai student: estudante and: vvoee? thanks: obrigedo are: somos ou estamos, so, eeu then: entao estao Yen well: Estou bem they: eles ou elas evening: noite iss 6 ou esté to: para everything: tudo iealeouela pron. neutro usado today: hoje fine: bem, bom, timo pra coisas ou animais) we: nds gor i Tate: atrasado, atrasados well: bem Bead bom, boa, bons, boas __Ie’s gor vamos yes: sim you: voc’, voces, tu, vos roRUSSUUTESESCSESEeeeeseeeeeeseeeeeeseerrrerr ‘ag oV0ud 13409 ey? — No, they are not singers. They are dancers. — Ate they singers? 10 eee — Is he a player? — No, he is not a player. He is a painter. — Is it a lion? — No, it is not a lion. It is a tiger. COREL Photo CD VERB TO BE - PRESENT TENSE Affirmative form a ne ae nnd ee Tam| you are he is she is it is we are you are they are Negative form Tam not (Eu nao sou, eu nao estou) you are not he is not she is not it is not we are not you are not they are not 1. Para se ter a forma negativa em in- sles com os verbos auxiliares, basta colocat not (nao) depois do verbo. 2. Observe as duas formas negativas abreviadas do verbo to be no pre- sente do indicative: Contracted form (forma abreviada) I'm not. You're not You aren't He's not He isn't She's not She isn’t It’s not . It isn’t We're not We aren't You're not You aren't They're not They aren’t ARTIGO INDEFINIDO_A~ AN Ateacher —= A é usado no singular, diante de ¢ A doctor ‘An orange. —® AN é usado no singular, ‘An apple (eu sou, estou) (vocé 6, esta) (cle 6, esta) (ela 6 esta) (ele, ela 6, esta) (n6s somos, estamos) (vocés sao, estdo) (cles, elas s80, esto) Interrogative form ‘Am I? (Sou eu?, Estou eu?) Are you? Is he? Is she? Is it? ‘Are we? Are you? Are they? 3. Na forma interrogativa, o verbo vem antes do sujeito: You are good. (aifirmative form] Are you good (interrogative form) Observagao: Aren't [2 (Forma irregular para interrogétiva-negativa na 1° pessoa do singular.) ignifica um, uma. diante de vogal ou h mudo (h nao pronunciado: an hour). Significa um, uma. * ALAN) nao tem plural. + , GEREPRRRRRRERRERRERRRRRRRRRRRReeeecee / (WD Passe para a forma interrogativa:, a) You are a teacher. ‘Are you a teacher? b)She is a secretary. o) It is an orange. Isit an orange? d)They are doctors. Are they doctors? €) We are good students. Ae ie good students? f) You are well. ‘Ae you well? g)He is late. Is he late? 102 Passe para a forma negativa: a) He is a doctor. He is not a doctor. b)She is a painter. She is nol a painter. ©) You are a good singer. You are not a good singer. d)It is an apple. {tis not an apple e) John is well. John is not well. 3 Passe para a forma negativa abreviada: ~~ a)She is not a secretary. She isn’t a secretary. She's not a secretary. b)He is not a singer. He isn'ta singer He's not asinger 2 (an): um, uma apple: mach ook: livro doctor: médico cul) elephant: elefante late: atrasado friend: amigo no: no good: bom, boa, bons, boas not: no he: ele orange: laranja hour: hora painter: pintor c) You are not a good friend. You aren't a good friend, You're not a good friend. d)It is not an orange. It isn’t an orange. It's not an orange. c) They are not teachers. They aren't teachers They're not teachers. £) Jane is not well today. lane isn’t well toda. “Escreva a diante de consoante e an diante de vogal ou h mudo: teacher apple —t__ elephant__*__. book a__ hour &__ player Apds responder por escrito, pronuncio as frases em voz alta, sob a orientagao do professor. 5 secretariat — [5 [F[c eles, elas} —[r [H] ED I: eu (0 pronome I em inglés se escreve sempre com maitis- itt ele ou ela (neutro) Complete a cruzada: maga Jogador pressor “fappPeye Cfoem-—[in] um, uma amigo} — E[n[y] Pe player: jogador secretary: secretéria she: ela singer: cantor they: eles, elas, we: n6s, ‘well: bem, ‘what: 0 que you: vocé, voces, tu, vs 13 Colors pink orange LET’S LOOK AT THE PICTURE The house in the picture is red. The bus is blue and the car is green. The birds are blue, the dog is black and the cat is white. What color are the flowers? Are they yellow? No! They are red and white. DV Observe a figura e complete com as cores: a) The bus is blue. b)The dog is —___black. ©) The tree is _see. )The ball is, the boy - the boys _ the girl = - the girls. e) The cow is £) The cat is g) The flowers are h)The Brazilian flag is aul white, O artigo the significa o, a, as, as. £ in- variavel. Em inglés, os adjetivos tam- bém sao invaridveis, Tém a mesma for ma no singular e no plural, no mascu- lino € no feminino. ws Ge co Se Q Q ue = u Q Ge u Go = «= = we i Ge Go a Ge a o os oo - ~ ~ — + @ Observe o modelo e responda, usan- (B) Complete a cruzada com as cores do resposta curta (short answer): indicadas: a) Is the boat yellow? nn No, it isn’t. i a B K It’s red. be O. == D)Is the ship white? No, it n't i It's black. [GR | FPEEE Zee c)Is the bird green? -—- @)Escreva no plural, observando que 0 No, it isn’t, adjetivo nao varia: ts bw, a) The boy is intelligent. The boys are intelligent. A)ls the rabbit brown? b) The new car is green. No, it isn’t. The new cars are green. c) The cow is white, The cows are white. Ws white. e)Is the apple red? f) Is the cat white? Are the apples red? Noi, _______§) The bird is not yellow. Teg bake ‘The binds are not welloc. gis the house white? No, it isn’t. house: casa insem Iet’s look: vejamos h)Is the plane red? new: novo, nova a boat: barco sem verbo) HES yellow oy: menino, rapaz not: no (geralmente Se ——— _ Brazilian: brasileiro, com verbo) brasileira (os adjei- orange: laranja i) Are the pencils brown? os, por, =a aaa arses Tes green e) Is the flower blue? No it isnt d)The girl is beautiful. : rer t's red. ta A el = = No, they aren't. ‘vem com inicil mai- isola) They're red. brown: marrom —_ plane: aviao bus: dnibus rabbit: coelho j) Are the books pink? car carro red: vermelho eo No. they aren’ cat gato ship: navio cow vaca 10,2, 08,88 They're blue. dog: cachorro ‘tree: drvore flag: bandeira what coloris...: de que Kj Are the apples rea? RES No, they aren't green: verde yellow: amarelo grey: cinza They're green. Estes ¢ os demais testes foram extraidos de ques. toes de vestibulares. Caso 0s alunos nao estejam ainda em condigées de resolvé-los, flea a eritério do professor voltar a eles mais tarde, em momento oportuno. 0s itens que trazem a indicagao G1 V3.1 ou so: melhante foram extraidos de um banco de questoes preparadas como subsidio Para a elaboracao de tes tes de vestibular. Let's test your English! Consulte 0 Vocabulario Geral & pagina 270. TEST YOUR ENGLISH - LESSONS 1, 2, 3. Estes e os demais testes foram extraidos de questdes de vestibulares Caso voce nao se sinta ainda em condigées de resolvé-los, sugerimos vol- tara eles mais tarde, para testar seu aprendizado em Lingua Inglesa. VERB TO BE 1 Fill in with the Simple Present of verb “io be”: (Preencha com o “Simple Present” do verbo “to be” a) Yoko —__ from Brazil but her parents i’ __ from Japan. byIt___&__ four o'clock now. ©) My brother and 1___#"__ students. d)I 2 __ good at mathematics and my brother __is____ good at history. e)We a!” _at the library at this moment. 2 Let's complete the following text: (Vamos completar o texto seguinte) [ST William Dixon _12 years old. _!¢__ is a very good student. He always takes good grades at school. ft is 9 o’clock now and William is _*!__ school. He and Dave are friends. Dave —_ ___ studying mathematics. They __u"” __ at the school library. "3 Change to the negative form. a) We are having lunch. We are not having hunch, b)She is playing with the doll. She is not playing with the doll. fi ©) The student is repeating the words. The student is not repeating the words. )Miss Taylor is writing on the blackboard. ‘Mis Taylor is not writing on the blackboard, 4 Write these sentences in the interrogative form. (Escreva estas frases na forma interrogativa.) a) The dog is barking. Is the dog barking? )She is cleaning her house. Is she cleaning her house? ©) Peter is eating a piece of cake. Js Peter eating a piece of cake? d)Those men are drinking beer. Are those men drinking heer? ¢) The teacher is correcting my composition. Js the teacher correcting my composition? § Write the sentences in the negative contracted form. a) Bob is here. Bob isn’t here. b)He is Paul. He isn't Paul. ©) She is Mary. She isn’t Mary. )You are students. You aren't students e)It is a dog. Itisn’t a dog. Margareth: Fred, this is Mr. Sampson. a wi pale ae irales He is my father. icpcetar acon reas That is Mrs. Sampson. tam var afte o taxto, ra She is my mother. ou eesti Father, this is Fred, my boyfriend. Mr. Sampson: Hello Fred! Welcome to my house. Fred: Thank you very much. Iam glad to meet you. cote 1 Veja Uebeielo e continue: rose: This is a rose. DEMONSTRATIVES THIS 6 usado para pessoa, animal ou objeto que esta perto. This significa: este, esta, isto. THAT 6 usado para pessoa, animal ou coisa que estd longe. That significa: aquele, aquela, aquilo. 3 PPP RRKRRRERRARARRARARAARRAREHRHRKLOEA @® observe o modelo, facaa perguntae (4) Leia e traduza: responda: Bob: Good afternoon. How are you? = a)What is this? Jim: I’m fine, thanks. be a = book This is a book. Bob: This is my family. yy What is ise This is John, my brother. ones, 4a TR This is my sister Carol. Ronald, my father. cy What iis? And that is Telma, my mother. apple This isan apple @PDescreva os nomes: cay What this? This isa dg ae fe al [2] OLR] 7 eynitarsmise gl, SSPE rare th table This isa table TFIETET a Do Lt Whats ths? [ol aya wale mS 7 elephant “This is an-clephant. en ele ent What is this? 2} fe g)Wiatisthis? me FTOT OLS LE —PTaisicapen as $ Cl mnagazine 1 What this This is a magazine. ‘Apée responder por escrito, lola em vor alta as tra Ses, sob a orlentordo do profeser. ae 5) Whats th ' This is apree. ‘VocaBULARY o apple: maga ‘Mr. (Mister): Sr. (Se- jy What eis? book: livro hor) ) onnge DE tone nieaiagiaoad Sle ie stares BP This isan orange boy fend: namorado (Senhora) a * brother: irmao ‘my: meu, minha, Deja o modelo e continue: bag = Sierra a)book /magazine: car carro orange: laranja P |. dog cichoro per cata This is a book and that is a magazine. peaetl legis Mopataienoraee shor Plane: avito This an apple and that isan orange Sih ae eg eae flac: contente table: mesa food aftemoon: box: thanks: cbrigado ©) dog /cat: tarde thank yo: obrigado This isa dog ana that is a cat. house: casa to: para Y’m fine: estou bem to meet you: conhecer ice cream: sorvete —-voc® troducing: apre- tree: drvore Hn d)car/bus: sentando very much: muitissimo This isa car and that is a bus. ‘magazine: revista welcome: bem-vindo mother: mie » Introducing friends Ted: Good afternoon, Bob! Bob: Good afternoon, Ted! Ted: These are my friends Jane and Meg. Bob: Oh, I’m glad to meet you! And those people over there? Ted: Those people are my parents. Sob a orienta do Professor, 08 alunos poderdo, individualmente ou em grupo, ler em vor alte 0 tex to, tradu2t-lo ou encend. DEMONSTRATIVES Singular Plural This (este, esta, isto) v These (estes, estas) That (aquele, aquela, aquilo) _, Those (aqueles, aquelas) TTS iced Em geral, forma-se 0 plural dos substantivos, em inglés, acrescen- tando-se s ao singular: car, cars; book, books; bird, birds. (@Escreva no plural: c) The house is yellow. The houses are yellow. d)The magazine is new. The magazines are new. e)She is beautiful. They are beautiful f) Lam Brazilian. We are Brazilian. (DVEscreva as frases no plural. (Observe que 0 artigo the e o adjetivo ficam invaridveis). (@Pescreva as frases no plural. (Obser- a) The boy is good. ve que o artigo indefinido a, an de- The boys are good. saparece no plural). b)The apple is red. a) This is a book. EE ee eee These are books. 2 we b)This is a beautiful flower. Those are beautiful flowers. d)That is a yellow bird. Those are yellow bire ©) This is a new car. e) That is my friend. These are new cars Those are my __friends. (@ kscreva as frases no singular e no plural. Siga o modelo: » & a) @ an egg. eggs. This is an egg. ‘These are eggs. ke &e a house This isa hou > fa a book - That is a book. 2) TR a plane That is a plane, a, an: um, uma afternoon: tarce am: sou, estou ‘American: americano and:e apple: maga are: 50, esto beautiful: bonito Dird: passaro ‘book: livro boy: menino Brazilian: brasileiro car carro cat: gato dog: cio egg: ovo English: inglés houses, These are hous a books a Those are books. Sa, planes flower: flor French: francés friend: amigo girl: menina glad: contente good: bom. handsome: elegante, bonito ‘house: casa introducing: apresentando Lew magazine: revista my: meu, minha, meus, mi- has new: novo, nova, novos. over there: Id parents: pais pen: caneta Those are planes. people: pessoas plane: avido xed: vermelho she: ela fable: mesa that: aquele, aquela, aquilo ther 0, a, 05, a5 these: estes, estas they: eles; clas this: este, esta, isto those: aqueles, aquelas to meet: conhecer free: drvore: we: nds yellow: amarelo you: voce, voces Iam Mr. Johnson. 1 live in a little town. | like a quiet life. Here I have a large house and we have many friends. I work in a bank, my wife is a teacher of English and my son has a shop downtown. dim aL NAS Affirmative form (as) Negative form aes Interrogative form Thave (eu tenho) “PP Escreva no plural. Observe que o ar- tigo a (an) desaparece no plural e que 0 adjetivo permanece invariavel: a) [have a large house. ‘We have large houses. b)I have a new car. We have new cars. ©) He has a good friend. They have good friends. d)She has a black purse. They have black purs e)T have a white horse. We hae white horses. Thave not (Bu nao tenho) ‘You have (vocé tem) You have not Have you? He has (ele tem) He has not Has he? She has (ela tem) She has not ‘Has she? thas (ele ou ela tem) Ithas not Has it? We have (nds temos) We have not Have we? You have (vocés tém) You have not Have you? They have (eles ou elas tm) They have not, Have they? Have I? (Tenho eu?) d)We —lut__a son and a daughter. e) My wife __!@s__ blue eyes. 4) They are very rich. They hace __ a lot of money. (Byjunte as duas frases em um tinico periodo. Observe 0 modelo e faca: a) John has a ball. Fred has a ball too. John and Fred have balls. b)Jane has a black shirt. Meg has a black shirt too. Jane and Meg have black shits. ) She has black hair, They have black hair 2) Preencha os espacos com have ou has: a)T liar __a large house. b)She many friends. ¢) You —_lut’_a modern car. has 22 ©) Lucy has a new skirt Silvia has a new skirt too. Lucy and Silvia have new skirts. d)L have blue trousers. You have blue trousers too. You and Ihave blue trousers, La a @ Mude as frases para a forma d)She has an old husband. interrogativa: ne as nota oll usu a) He has a beautiful wife. Has he a beautiful wife? b)Jane has a beautiful garden. e) They have much money. They hare not much mony. Observe a forma negativa contraida do as Jane a beutifil garden? ‘Has Jane a beautiful gard Teens ©) You have a modern house. Tse fink Hae you ner house? You have not You haven't He (she) has not He (she) hasn’t d)You have a black pencil. re ee hoe Have you a black pencil? We have not We haven't ‘You have not You haven't e) He has many friends. They have not ‘They haven't Has ie many friends? ) The teacher has a red car. ‘Has the teacher a red car? 6 Escreva o verbo “to have” na forma contraida ou abreviada: : a) have not much money. g) The child has many toys. Thacen't much maneu. Has the child many tous? b)We have not many friends. 5 Mude para a forma negativa: We haven't many friends a)I have many friends. c) She has not a red bicycle. Ihave not many friends. ‘She hasn't a ed bowel )She has a large house d)They have not an old teacher. She has not a large house. ‘They haven't an old teacher. ©) He has a young wife. e) He has not a young wife. He has not a young wife He ast a young wife. a, an: um, uma here: aqui old: velho am: sou, estou horse: cavalo pencil lipis and: © house: casa olsa a lot of: muito husband: marido quieto, calmo bail: bola Kew rich: rico bank: banco im: em shirt: camisa ‘beautiful: bonito iss 6, ests shop: loja bicycle: bicicleta large: grande, espacoso skint saia blacks proto lite: vida son: filo blue: azul like: gosto (to like: gostar) teacher: professor, professora car: carro ‘they: eles, elas childs crianca liver moro (to live: morar) também daughter Giha many: muitos downtown: centro da cidade -—-modern: moderno English: inglés money: dinheiro eyes: ohos Mr. = Mister: sonhor friend: amigo smch: muito ie ‘my: meu, minha, meus, mi- has poss new: novo : trabalho (10 work: trax has: tem not: nao balhar) hrave: tenho (to have: ter) of de young: jovem REVIEW LESSONS 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Leia com atencao e traduza: hn: Mary, these are my friends _Jate:_Maria, estes sto meus amigos jane e Rose Jane and Rose. ‘Mariaz Old, meninas. Estow contente por con Mary: Hello, girls. I'm glad to meet i eee you! ‘And those people over there? John: Those people are my parents. Mary: And that boy and that girl Mari: E aquce rpa=e agula moga i? over there? Joao: Ore John: The boy is my brother and Mint irmt& professora de inglés © mew the girl is my sister. My sister, —————" ae is a teacher of English and my Eaquelas pessots li? Jodo: Aguetas pessoas sto meus pais. irmio tem uma loja no centro. brother has a shop downtown. (@Descreva em inglés: a)Mary is abel gic, Bom-dia: 20d mornit b)I have a beautiful Boa-tarde: Goodafternoon, ¢) The boys are handsome. Boa-noite d)Mary has a_!andsome_boy friend. (a0 chegar): Goodeventing, BPescreva no ploral: (ao despedir-se); Goud night. Adeus: Sood hve ‘Até amanha: Se you tomorrow. ® escrova as formas verbais abreviadas: Lam =1m (Bescreva a ou an: You are = youre a)He is American singer. He is = b)She is English painter. She is tam teacher. Wearen mere This is orange. They are = Ley're e) We have _“__ shop downtown. Dcomplete com a forma verbal cometa: _f) Paul is intelligent boy. am ~ is ~ are ~ has ~ have: (DM rscreva no plural: a) We —/#___a large house. a) How is she? b)He a good boy. How are they? c) She _/ifS__ many friends. b)How is he? awe one a lot of money. How are they’ e) You late. ©)Lam well. ) They _Me_ a new car. We are well es com beautiful ow d)You’re a singer. handsome: See gers 24 ) 3 8 “Escreva na forma interrogativa: + a) You are my friend Are you ney fiend? b)We are late today. Are we late today? b)Meu filho tem uma loja. My som has a shop, Escreva em inglés: a) Minha esposa tem olhos azuis. My wifes blue eves c) She has a boy friend. Has she a boy friend? b)Bem-vindo a minha casa. Welcome to my house. d)They have a lot of money. 12 Veja a figura e responda: Have they a lot of money? €)John is a good singer. Js Jolin a good singer? f) The teacher has a red car. Has the teacher a red ear? What color is the plane? The plane is yelloce What color are the pencils? The pencils are red. 9 Escreva na forma negativa: a) He has many friends. He has not many friends. b)They have much money. They have not much money What color are the books? ‘She is irlfriend. ©) She is my girlfrien The books are ue, ‘She's wot my girlfriend, d)You're a young wife. You're not a young wife. 10. Escreva em inglé: a) Eu trabalho num banco. Lawork in a bank, What color are the apples? The apples are green. TESTE SEU VOCABULARIO RESOLVENDO AS CRUZADAS Spe aee HY Al E Betrevindo, aquele, aquela L_ WI bemt— [TET A a atrasadol—[TTA[T [P| e—iprofessor -—— [TTAJO]s] 7] [a T aqueles, [Hi] -—tima Hi = heh aquelas [a] [s pais hoje ~[T]o[D] apy] Tat 2 pretol 5 al azul-— [ m Ri T pessoast— [P| [OPT [EI A EDD] R N vacas|-— |C 7 K mesas-——— elilels Consulte 0 Vocabulario Geral a pagina 270. TEST YOUR ENGLISH - LESSONS 4, 5, 6. OBSERVACAO Estes e os demais testes foram extrafdos de questoes de vestibulares. Caso vocé nao se sinta ainda em condigdes de resolvé-los, sugerimos vol- tar a eles mais tarde, para testar seu aprendizado em Lingua Inglesa. 1 Complete the sentences with words from the list below: ® Complete os espagos em branco tradu- zindo 05 pronomes demonstrativos: a) Aquele ¢ meu melhor amigo. ‘end. That _ is my best b)Esta éa casa onde moro. (iis is the house where I live in. ©) Aqueles alunos so to estudiosos. ‘Tho students are so studious. Let's test your English! This is a hot dog. b)What color is the chair? ©) That isn’t # window. aI ___a___ a dentist. ) The apple is —__@/___ g)You ny Who is Estes © os demais testes foram extraidos de ques toes de vestibulares. Caso os alunos nao estejam ainda em condicoes de resolve-los, fica a critério do professor voltar a eles mais tarde, em momento oportuno. Os itens que trazem 2 indicagao G1 V3.1 ou se- meihante foram extraidos de um banco de questoes preparadas como subsidio para a elaboracao de tes tes de vestibular. Js, this a cheeseburger? red _—__—t___ the secretary. ‘Tim Foster? d) Este é um exercicio facil. (NON is an easy exercise. e) Estas pessoas so especiais. ‘These __ people are special. f) Aquela é uma mulher muito fascinante. ‘Thut__ is a very fascinating woman. g) Aquele homem € muito chato. ‘That__ man is very boring. « = « i ran i is i eal ro ew = eS = a « = A é « a ‘ i il s »* B Write the sentences in the singular. (Escreva as frases no singular) [UT a) These bracelets are expensive. This bracelet is expensive. b)Are these your friends? Is this your friend? ) Those churches are old. That church is old. d)Are those good stores? Is that a good store? €) These books are not interesting, This book is not interesting. 4 Complete com o “simple present” do verbo to have. ie a)Suzan ____Iuts_ English classes twice a week. b)The students ____Juwr_ English tests once a month. c) This city ____/#s_ wonderful parks. d)My parents fu a house on the beach. 2 e) My brother —___lts___a car. 5 Complete com o “simple present” do verbo to have. hae a)We ____fave__a swimming-pool at home. 'b)Mr. Hopkins ____!#s__ an office downtown. ©) Julie and John it’ __ good teachers. d)Mrs. Hopkins ____/uts______ classes three days a week. ¢) The university ___/u’s___ many students. B Write the sentences in the singular. (Escreva as frases no singular) (P58 a) Those men are my neighbors That man is my neighbor. b)Are those children happy? Is that cil happy? ©) These are not John’s books. This is not John’s book, )Those are my car keys That is my car key. e) These cities are very nice. This city is very nice. mf Charles and Beth are students of Medicine. They seem very happy. 28 David and Caroline are married. They are on vacation in a beach on Hawaii. LOVE This picture shows two girls and:a boy. ‘They seem very happy. Simone loves Bob very much. Bob loves Simone, too. Bob has a good job. He is a young engineer and works for a big company. Simone is a secretary and works in an office, They plan to get married soon. Ann wishes Simone and Bob a happy marriage. VERBS - SIMPLE PRESENT (Verbos no presente do indicativo) No presente do indicativo, os verbos em inglés geralmente seguem os modelos abaixo: Tlove (eu amo) T wish (eu desejo) 1 go (eu vou) You love You wish You go He loves He wishes He goes She loves She wishes She goes We love We wish We go You love You wish You go They love They wish They go I play (eu jogo) Tstudy (eu estudo) You play You study He plays He studies She plays She studies We play We study You play You study They play They study “OBSERVACAO Geralmente os verbos no presente do indicative recebem um s na terceira pessoa do singular (he loves, she works). Mas note-se 0 seguin — Os verbos que terminam em s, sh, ch, 0, x — — Os que terminam em y precedido de vogal, recebem apenas s. — Os que terminam em y precedido de consoante mudam o y por ies. 30 3 3 1 Escreva no singular: a) They play football. He plays football. b) They study History. Hestdies History. ©) They dance well. He dances ell d)They go to school. He goes to school ¢) They wash the car. He washes the cr. 1) They like music. 8 Escreva em inglés: a) Simone ama Bob. Simone loews Bob. b)Eles planejam casar logo. They plan to get marred soon ©) Bob tem um bom emprego. Bob as a good job. 4)A figura mostra duas garotas. The picture shows tao girls e) Ela vai para a escola. She goes to school. 4 Complete a frase de acordo com 0 verbal correta: a)We —_!"__ sports. (like — likes) b)She 25 flowers in the garden. (plant — plants) c) The planes ___!!_in the sky. (fly — flies) d)The bus! _ the station. (reach — reaches) ) Mary __8*\____ to the park. (go — goes) f) The child —_"™!S_ sweets, (want — wants) g)She very happy. (seem — seems) He likes music: - pronome: g)They watch television.) Tread a book. Fieautches telecision. You ttl a book hh) The students read books. He Fads book The stent ren bok. She fsa book i) The boys like apples We Feud a book ‘The boy likes apples. You Mala book j) The birds fly in the sky. “They fd abook The bird flies i the sy k)The girls play the piano. wr Any The girl plays the pian, “MOCABUIARY:, after: depois de to dance: dangar 1) The students relax after class. apple: mac to fly: voar The stulent relaxes after class. bird: passarinho to get married: ca- boy: menino, rapaz sarse 2 Preencha os espagos com a forma child eae = class: classe, aula to like: gosiar to love: amar girl: garota, moca ‘good: bom, boa happy: feliz ‘to seem: parecer hhass tem to show: mostrar her ele to study: estudar in:em to want: querer, de- is: 6 sejar to wash: lavar to watch: assistir, marriage: casamento office: escrit6rio picture: figura plane: avido secretary: secretétia soon: cedo, logo station: estacdo sweet: doce very much: muitis the: 0, a, 08, a8 simo they: eles, elas ‘wer nds this este, esta ‘well: bem on, IT Was. FANTASTIC! To be Affirmative form Jack: Hi, John! John: Hi, Jack! Jack: Welcome back! How was your trip? John: Oh, it was fantastic! Thad a wonderful time. Jack: Where were you? John: I was in Las Vegas, Miami Beach, Washington and New York. To have Affirmative form Twas (era, estava) You were He was She was Tt was We were You were They were Interrogative form Thad (tinha, teve) You had vd He had You'd She had He'd Ithad She'd We had We'd You had You'd They had They'd Interrogative form Was I? Had 7? Were you? Had you? Was he? Had he? Was she? Had she? Was it? Had it? Were we? ‘Had we? ‘Were you? Had you? Were they? Had they? Negative form Negative form Twas not T wasn't Thad not Thadn’t You were not You weren't You had not You hadn't He was not He wasn't He had not He hadn't She was not She wasn't She had not She hadn't It was not It wasn't It had not Tt hadn't We were not We weren't We had not We hadn't You were not You weren't You had not You hadn't They were not They weren't They, had not They hadn't 32 a PPO RORARARRRERERERKRRARRRAERKRRRERREE E 1 Maude os verbos em negrito para o tempo passado: a)John has an old house. John had an old house. b)I am very tired. Lwas very tired, ©)She has many friends ‘She hat many friends d)They are in Italy. They avere in tay, e) You are sick. You swere sick. ) She is very beautiful. Sihe was very beuutifl g)We have to study hard. We had to study hard, h)It is there. 1 was ther i) Ihave many things to do. Chad nuny things to do. }) She has a lot of money. She had a lot of money. 2 Escreva as frases no plural a)I was late. We were late. b)She was beautiful. They were beautiful. c)I am here. We are here a, an: um, uma alot of: muito, muitos are: 0, esto at: no, na, nos, nas back: de volta beautiful: bonito friend: amigo Italy: Itdia late: atrasado many: muitos good: bom such: muito nad: tive, teve, tivemos old: vetho hard: arduamente, duro she: ela haat chapeu sick: doente he: ele they: eles, elas here: agi there: Li, ai hhow: como thing: coisa Thad a wonderful time: passei uma temporada maravilhosa interesting: interessante it ele, ela (neutro) d)He had a car, They had cars. €)She was well. They were well £) [have an interesting book. We have interesting books 8)He had an old hat. They had old hats Passe para a forma negativa: a) We have an interesting book, We have not an interesting book. b)They were in the house. They were not int the howse ©) We have many friends. We have not many friends. )She was at school, She was not at schoo Passe para a forma interrogativa: a) She was in Rio. Was she in Rio? b) They were good boys. Were they good boys? ©) You were sick. Were you sick? d)They had a red ball. Had they a red ball? ¢)She had many friends. Haat she many friends? to do: fazer to study: estudar ‘rip: viagem very: muito very much: muitissimo ‘was: fo}, estava welcome: bem-vindo were: esteve, estiveram, esta vva, estavam where: onde wonderful: maravilhoso you: voc® ,vocés your: seu, sua, sous, suas Teacher: This picture shows many things and animals. John, how many trees can you see in the picture? Tcan see... six trees. Correct. Mary, how many cars can you see in the picture? Tean see... three cars. Correct. And you Jane... how many John: Teacher: Mary: Teacher: Jane: How many... cows can you see in the field? Well... cows. one two three four five six seven eight nine ten . eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen . twenty Tcan see. A 22. 23. 30. i 40. 50. 60. 70. 80. 90. 100. twenty Paul: NUMBERS twenty-one twenty-two twenty-three thirty thirty-one forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety a hundred Note: : 100. a hundred or ‘one hundred, After hundred use and. 105. 107. ‘one hundred and five a hundred and seven or one hundred and seven Teacher: Correct. Paul, how many birds can you see? I can see.. 120. 200. 201. 300. 310. 400. 425. 500. 540, 600. 700. 800. 900. 1000. .. fifteen birds. a hundred and twenty two hundred two hundred and one three hundred three hundred and ten four hundred four hundred and twenty-five five hundred five hundred and forty six hundred seven hundred eight hundred nine hundred one thousand rf 13 ®)a)siga o modelo: ¢) 12/trees: 4/boys: The picture shows twelve trees T can see four boys. )20/books: | b)6/ girls: The picture shows twenty books. / Len see six gis eat Ta Siga o modelo: j ¢) 10/houses: iajroses i is sete PAE a rose, ten roses, a hundred roses, )16/ cars: many roses. Lean see sixteen cars, b) flower: y a 4 flower, ten flowers, a hundred flowers, { (B Escreva em inglé many flowers 1 | a) Quanias coisas vooé pode ver na figura? i vel any Sings aR, Seek ANE ¢) book: picture? a book, tent books, a hundred books, many books. byQuantos animais voc® pode ver og Siga o modelo: 2 ow many ile yon seen athing low marty animals cam you see in the niin Canainathtigs, feist b)book «a book ~ many books )’Siga o modelo: a)7/dogs: c) house: The picture shows seven dogs. a house ~ many houses b)8/cats: d)animal: The picture shows eight cats. an animal ~ many animals animal: animal field: campo numbers: niimeros to see: ver boy: rapaz, menino flower: flor picture: figura, foto to show: mostrar can: poder, pode, girl moca, menina teacher: professor ——_—treer drvare consegue how many: guantos, things: coisas you can see: voce cow: vaca quantas this: este, esta pode ver Estes @ os demais testes foram extraidos de ques- 100s de vestibulares. Caso os alunos néo estejam ainda em condigses de resolvé-los, fica @ critério do professor voltar a eles mais tarde, em momento oportuno. Os itens que trazem @ Indicagéo G1 V3.1 ou se- melhante foram extraidos de um banco de questées preparadas como subsidio para a elaboracéo de tes tos de vestibular. Let's test your English! Consulte 0 Vocabuldrio Geral 4 pégina 270. TEST YOUR ENGLISH - LESSONS 7, 8, 9. “OBSERVACAO Estes e os demais testes foram extraidos de questies de vestibulares. Caso vocé nao se sinta ainda em condicdes de resolvé-los, sugerimos vol- tar a eles mais tarde, para testar seu aprendizado em Lingua Inglesa. “1 Let's complete the following sentences with the “simple present” or “simple past” of the verb “to be". (Vamos completar com o “simple present” ou o “simple past” do verbo “to be”). a)John —S__ at home now. He —3__ at school two hours ago. b)Suzan Sin Europe last year. She —_S___ in Brazil now. ©) My parents —"" _ at work an hour ago. They — _ at home now. We are__ having dinner. dyit 8 _ nine o’clock now. John __®__ at school. He —_S__. studying Biology. Yesterday John Sat the library. e)Chaplin 5 __ a famous comic actor. His first films _W’*_ in the age of silent films. 2 Preencha os espagos com many ou much: much a)_mny__ women a). water b) much money e) much _ time —_™Y__ people ) my teeth @aeaea aa @ af © Follow the pattern: ‘ a) Was Bill at school yesterday? (No, home) No, he wasn’t. He was at home. b)Were your parents in London last year? (No, Boston) No, they weren't. They were in Boston. ©) Are you a teacher? (No, student) ‘No, Lam not. Lam a student. )Is it ten o'clock now? (No, nine) No, it ig mot. It is reine o'clock, e)Is your house big? (No, small) No, it is noi. It is small Use os equivalentes a muito, muita, muitos, muitas: a)He had __™cit__ hair from the time he was a baby. b)The girl read —_™"¥__ books and knew —##<__ about the subject, but she didn’t have —<__ practice. 5) Ascinale a alternativa correta: How —_M#Ht¥__ shoes are there in the shop windows? a)much ——_-b)many ©) few d)a few e)a lot of 6 The defenders of Normandy ee ‘The defenders of Normandy were not the best of Hitler’s army. Those were in Russia and Italy, as well as in France, but on the other side of the Seine, the Pas de-Calais, which the Germans thought the more likely invasion target, Most of the soldiers of the Seventh Army in Normandy belonged to static divisions (Extracted from Times ~ June 6, 1994) © pronome demonstrative “those” faz referéncia aos: [J a) Soldados escalados para a defesa da Normandia. b) Soldados soviéticos da Asia Central. [X] ¢) Soldados mais adestrados do exército de Hitler. d)Soldados das divisées estaciondrias. [_] 6) Soldados russos, italianos e franceses.

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