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The Rules and Regulations for Leave of Absence from Teaching Experience (2020) TE114/TE214/TE314/TE414/ECDX114/TESF114

The Rules and Regulations for Leave of Absence from Teaching Experience

Students registered for teacher education qualifications with a specified school-based WIL component are
required to comply with all requirements stipulated by the relevant qualifications authority, industry body
or government ministry, as and where relevant. The Rules and Regulations for Leave of Absence from
Teaching Experience clarifies the requirements of students in terms of Absenteeism from school-based
WIL (i.e. Teaching Experience 1). This document is in line with the Assessment Strategy and Policy (IIE009).
It is structured in order to meet the minimum requirements of the Department of Higher Education and
Training (DHET) in terms of attendance of these work-based placements.

Absence from Teaching Experience (TE)

1. Absence from TE for three (3) or more days in the required consecutive week period: 2

 three consecutive weeks (B.Ed students only) 3

 four consecutive weeks (PGCE students only) 4

Absence from TE for three (3) or more days in the required three/four consecutive week period,
will in specific situations (see Section 1 under Application process for additional Teaching
Experience period) require a student to complete an additional three (3)/ four (4) consecutive
weeks of TE on dates to be determined by The IIE’s Brand School of Education. If the student is
unable to complete the full duration of TE at this time, he/she will be required to repeat the
module the following year.
[See Section 1 for further detail]

NOTE: This is in order to fulfil the requirements for the TE module in line with the Department of
Higher Education and Training (henceforth DHET) regulations. Students however over and above the

1 Teaching Experience is referred to as ECD Experience on The Higher Certificate in Early Childhood Care and
Education programme and takes places in ECD centres.
2 Note: there is no stipulated consecutive week period on the HCECCE by the DHET. For the Higher Certificate in

Early Childhood Care and Education (DHET, 2017: 25) the duration of: “A minimum of six weeks … of supervised
and assessed WIL is required”.
3 3 Bachelor of Education degrees (DHET, 2015: 23): “In a full-time contact programme, students should spend a

minimum of 20 weeks and a maximum of 32 weeks in formally supervised and assessed school-based practices
over the four-year duration of the degree. In any given year … at least three of these should be consecutive.”
4 Postgraduate Certificate in Education (DHET, 2015: 29): “Students should spend a minimum of eight weeks and

a maximum of 12 weeks in formally supervised and assessed school-based….At least four of these weeks should
be consecutive.”


The Rules and Regulations for Leave of Absence from Teaching Experience (2020) TE114/TE214/TE314/TE414/ECDX114/TESF114

required consecutive week period, also need to ensure they meet the overall number of weeks of TE as
is stipulated per year of the programme. By the time the student has reached the end of the final year
of the programme, they will be required to have met all graduation requirements pertaining to their
TE for each year of study. Failure to do so means that the student will not graduate.

2. Absence from TE for three (3) or more days outside of the required consecutive week period 5

Absence from TE for three (3) or more days outside of the required consecutive week period, will
require a student to complete the three (3) or more days missed at the end of the current Teaching
Experience period in agreement between the school and the institution. The completion of the
three (3) or more days missed will need to be completed prior to the hand-in date of the final
Portfolio of Evidence for the current academic year if the school is able to accommodate this.
[See Section 2 for further detail]

Application Process for Additional Teaching Experience Period

Section 1 (reference point 1): Absence from TE for three (3) or more days in the required consecutive
week period
 three consecutive weeks (B.Ed students only) 6
 four consecutive weeks (PGCE students only) 7

 Students may apply to complete the additional three (3)/ four (4) consecutive weeks of TE in the
identified period as determined by The IIE’s Brand School of Education. This concession will
depend on whether they qualify based upon the types of concessions or exceptions (excluding
the two opportunities per academic year, no documentary proof required) in the Assessment
Strategy and Policy (IIE: 009).

IIE: 009: Assessment Strategy and Policy

Types of Concessions or exceptions applicable include:

 Permitted General
The following six life events applicable here are:
i. Death of an immediate family member;
ii. Own serious illness or injury;
iii. Serious illness or injury of an immediate family member;
iv. Official representation in recognised provincial/ national/ international

5 Note that for The Higher Certificate in Early Childhood Care and Education programme, absence from ECD
Experience in the ECD context will be managed in line with Section 2. There is no stipulated consecutive week
period on the HCECCE by the DHET. For the Higher Certificate in Early Childhood Care and Education (DHET, 2017:
25) the duration of: “A minimum of six weeks … of supervised and assessed WIL is required”.
6 Bachelor of Education degrees (DHET, 2015: 23): “In a full-time contact programme, students should spend a

minimum of 20 weeks and a maximum of 32 weeks in formally supervised and assessed school-based practices
over the four-year duration of the degree. In any given year … at least three of these should be consecutive.”
7 Postgraduate Certificate in Education (DHET, 2015: 29): “Students should spend a minimum of eight weeks and

a maximum of 12 weeks in formally supervised and assessed school-based….At least four of these weeks should
be consecutive.”


The Rules and Regulations for Leave of Absence from Teaching Experience (2020) TE114/TE214/TE314/TE414/ECDX114/TESF114

v. Court appearances and visa renewal appointments; and

vi. Serious crime and motor vehicle accidents.
 Special Exceptions for Work Related Reasons for Students Registered Part-time in
the Contact or Distance Mode or Short Learning Programmes
 National or Regional Unrests, Protests, Strikes or Vandalism
 Religious: There are religious occasions that would allow concessions
 An application with supporting documentation needs to be lodged on The Student Hub within five
days from the end of the Teaching Experience period.

 The student is required to follow the procedure as laid out in the Section Procedure for
Assessment Exceptions in the Assessment Strategy and Policy (IIE: 009). Students will submit
their applications on The Student Hub.

 The student will submit their incomplete PoE for Teaching Experience as per requirements on
the specified due date, as part of the requirements for consideration and gain access to the
additional three (3)/ four (4) consecutive weeks of TE. No final mark will be awarded for the
incomplete TE PoE.

 Students, regardless of the days missed, should remain committed to completing the
remaining days of TE in the original TE period for the current academic year, as they are
required to honour the signed Mentor/Mentee agreement
(TE102/TE202/TE302/TE402/TESF102/ECDX102) with schools. They will submit their TE
Portfolio of Evidence (PoE) as incomplete on the original hand-in date.

 Students will lodge an application on the Student Hub for consideration for access to
complete the additional Teaching Experience. This application will be assessed by the IIE’s
Brand School of Education in consultation with The IIE Central Academic Team (where

 Should the student’s application be successful, then the student is expected to complete the
required number of consecutive weeks along with the stipulated sections of the Teaching
Experience Portfolio of Evidence as determined by The IIE.

 The host school for the Additional TE will be determined by the campus under the management of
The IIE’s Brand School of Education.

 Should the student wish to appeal the outcome, the appeal will be adjudicated by The IIE’s
Registrar’s Office and The IIE’s Brand School of Education. The student will be informed of
the outcome as per the appeal procedure laid out in the Section Procedure for Assessment
Exceptions in the Assessment Strategy and Policy (IIE: 009).


The Rules and Regulations for Leave of Absence from Teaching Experience (2020) TE114/TE214/TE314/TE414/ECDX114/TESF114

Section 2 (reference point 2): Absence from TE for three (3) or more days outside of the required
consecutive week period 8

 Absence from TE for three (3) or more days outside of the required three/four consecutive week
period, will require a student to complete the three (3) or more days missed at the end of the
current Teaching Experience period in agreement between the school and the institution.

 The completion of the three (3) or more days missed will need to be completed prior to the hand in
date of the final Portfolio of Evidence (PoE) for the current academic year.

 Students are required to complete the required number of weeks of Teaching Experience (as
indicated for the relevant Teaching Experience module). Failure to do so, means the student will
not have fulfilled the requirements of the module in terms of duration in schools, therefore
rendering the Teaching Experience module incomplete.

 In specific situations where the student is not able to complete the missed days (in the given
academic year) prior to the final PoE submission, an application may be lodged by the student for
access to an additional TE period. The application process as laid out in Section 1 (above) will need
to be followed.

Absence in general for any number of days from Teaching Experience:

 Any absence requires proof thereof [see relevant section in the Assessment Strategy and
Policy (IIE: 009)], in terms of reason for absence. This must be included in the PoE along with
the Attendance Register (TE103/TE203/TE303/TE403/TESF103/ECDX103) for the TE module.

 Students are also required to inform The IIE’s Brand School of Education campus Programme
Manager/Teaching Experience Coordinator immediately on the first day of their absence
from TE. This communication must be done in writing.

 Students must contact the host School Principal on the morning of absence, state the reason
for absence and inform him/her of the expected date of return to the host school. This
communication must be done in writing and a copy of this communication to be sent to The
IIE’s Brand School of Education campus Programme Manager/Teaching Experience

8 Notethat for The Higher Certificate in Early Childhood Care and Education programme, absence from ECD
Experience in the ECD context will be managed in line with Section 2. There is no stipulated consecutive week
period on the HCECCE by the DHET. For the Higher Certificate in Early Childhood Care and Education (DHET, 2017:
25) the duration of: “A minimum of six weeks … of supervised and assessed WIL is required”.


The Rules and Regulations for Leave of Absence from Teaching Experience (2020) TE114/TE214/TE314/TE414/ECDX114/TESF114

COPY 1: Complete & sign. Include in your Teaching Experience PoE.

The Rules and Regulations for Leave of Absence from Teaching Experience

Acknowledgement Form

Name: (in full) ___________________________________________ (please print)

Programme: ___________________________________________

Module Code: ___________________________________________

Year of study: ___________________________________________

I acknowledge that I have read and understood The Rules and Regulations for Leave
of Absence from Teaching Experience

Student’s signature: ____________________________

Date: ____________________________


The Rules and Regulations for Leave of Absence from Teaching Experience (2020) TE114/TE214/TE314/TE414/ECDX114/TESF114

COPY 2: Complete & sign. Submit to TE Lecturer (to keep on file)

The Rules and Regulations for Leave of Absence from Teaching Experience

Acknowledgement Form

Name: (in full) ___________________________________________ (please print)

Programme: ___________________________________________

Module Code: ___________________________________________

Year of study: ___________________________________________

I acknowledge that I have read and understood The Rules and Regulations for Leave
of Absence from Teaching Experience

Student’s signature: ____________________________

Date: ____________________________


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