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Course Number: MIS 231

Course Title: Marketing Information Systems

Credit: 3 (Lecture – 3 Hours / Lab – 2 Hours)

Prerequisites: None

Course Description:

In the turbulent conditions that characterize this century, it is more important than ever to establish and maintain

high standards of marketing education and marketing practice. In focusing on this desire end, the course is sought to

address a number of key questions that logically follow each other in the context of marketing information system.

Where are we now? Where do we want to be? How might we get there? Which way is the best? How can we ensure

arrival? The themes of marketing information systems are reflected in the answers to these questions as offered in

different chapters of this course.

This course will not turn the students into marketing wizard, but it will give them a very broad understanding of what

marketing information system is all about and the vital role it plays in organization.
The course, therefore, focus on the major components of marketing information systems that help marketing

managers and top management in making decision that face in their efforts to harmonize the objectives, care

competencies, and resources of the organization with needs and opportunities in the market place. It covers important

topics such as strategic role of marketing information system, marketing research process, Marketing intelligence and

creative problem solving, etc

Thus, it is designed to introduce the students to the basic elements of marketing information system.

Course Objectives:

Up on completion of this course, the students will be able to:

 Define Marke-ting Information System

 Explain the role of marketing information system in strategic decision making.

 Analyze the different types of Marketing information system

 Explain the benefits of Marketing Information System

 Analyze the different forces that has an impact on the design of marketing information system

 Describe the benefits of marketing research

 Identify the key source of information for marketing decision makers

 Explain the phases, benefits trends in customer relation management

 Analyze the different marketing models


Chapter One: Marketing Information system; An overview

1.1 Marketing and marketing information system Defined

1.2 Marketing in multilayered Environment

1.3 Evolution of the marketing concept

1.4 Strategic role of marketing information system

1.5 Types of marketing information system

1.6 Marketing Information system resources

1.7 Benefits of marketing information system

Chapter Two: Strategic Role of marketing Information system;

Competitive strategy

2.1 Competitive forces

2.2 Identifying competitors

2.3 Analyzing competitors

2.4 Analyzing competitors

2.5 Designing the competitive Intelligence systems

2.6 Designing competitive strategies.

Chapter Three: Marketing Research

3.1 Marketing research Defined

3.2 Benefits of marketing research

3.3 Divisions of marketing research

3.4 In-house Vs external research

3.5 Marketing research process

3.6 Marketing research Vs Marketing information system

Chapter Four: Marketing Intelligence and creative problem solving

4.1 Marketing management decisions and creative problem solving

4.2 Key information for marketing decisions

4.3 Sources of information

4.3 Issues in marketing information Acquision and use.

Chapter Five: Customer Relationship Management

5.1 Customer Relationship management defined

5.2 Phases of CRM

5.3 Benefits & Challenges of CRM

5.4 Trends in CRM

Chapter Six: Marketing Models

6.1 Marketing Model; Description

6.2 Elasticity Models

6.3 Regression and correlation

6.4 Forecasting models

6.5 Analysis of variance models

Chapter Seven: Marketing planning process

7.1 Performance of preplanning process.

7.2 Situation Analysis

7.3 Establishment of segment priority

7.4 Establishment of strategies and action programs or tactics

7.5 Budgeting

7.6 Control and Measurement.

Delivery Mode

 Lecture
 Discussions
 Presentations

Assessment Method:
Assignment & attendance 20%

Mid Examination 30%

Final Examination 50%

Resource Requirement:

 Computer laboratory
 White Board
 White Board Marker
 Laptop

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