Grade 11 P.E. Module 2

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Senior High School

Physical Education and Health

Quarter 1 Module 2
Physical Activity and Exercise

Name:_________________________________Grade&Section:_____________ Score:_________


At the end of this module, you will be able to:

1. Engage in moderate vigorous physical activities (MVPAs) for at least 60 minutes most
days of the week in a variety of settings in and out of school.

2. Recognizes the value of optimizing one’s health through participation in physical activity
a. Types of Exercise
b. Principles of Exercise
c. Parts of exercise program

3. Self-assesses health related fitness (HRF) status, barriers to physical activity assessment
participation and one’s diet.
a. Health Related Fitness Test


Pre test

1. Which of the following characteristics refers to improving muscle strength and endurance?
a. Resistance exercise
b. Aerobic exercise
c. Stretching exercise
d. Plyometric exercise

2. What is the function of warm-up in exercise routine?

a. perform a short moderate warm-up
b. increase maximal lung capacity
c. prepared the muscles for the upcoming workout
d. decrease the muscles stress and tensions

3. What is the purpose of the principles of recovery?

a. Improves body recovery
b. Allows the body to adopt the workload
c. Helps the muscles to recover and adopt the workload
d. Prepare the body to the next workload

4. Which of the following statements is not true about principles of reversibility?

a. Optical benefits occur when programs meet the individual’s needs &
capacities of participants
b. The training stimulus must be specific to the clients desired outcomes
c. All beneficial effects of exercise are reversible if exercise ceases
d. Each person responds differently to the same training stimulus

5. When should we add another load to our workout?

a. After I finish my last workload program and rest.
b. When I get bored on my last workload program
c. After my muscles adopt the last work load
d. Once I finished my workload program

6. Which of the following characteristics refers to lower your heart rate and body
temperature after workout?
a. Warm-up
b. Warm-down
c. Cool-down
d. Cool-up

7. Which of the following is NOT a Physical benefits of exercise?

a. Develops motor control and coordination
b. Improves anxiety and depressions
c. Improves muscle and bones
d. Helps regulate blood pressure

8. What is the purpose of stretching in our exercise routine?

a. Improve muscle and bone flexibility
b. Decrease muscle stiffness
c. Prevent muscle and bone injuries
d. Preparation for workload exercise

9. When should you apply the principles of progression?

a. After I finish my last workload program and rest.
b. When I get bored on my last workload program
c. When I don’t feel any difficulties on my workload
d. Once I finished my workload program

10. Which of the following is the purpose of principles of recovery?

a. Improves body recovery
b. Allows the body to adopt the workload
c. Helps the muscles to recover and adopt the workload
d. Prepare the body to the next workload

11. How aerobic exercise improves the fitness level of the body?
a. Aerobic exercise increase the function of the heart and lungs.
b. Aerobic exercise provide oxygenated blood to the working muscles.
c. Aerobic exercise helps to increases the muscle strength and endurance
d. Aerobic exercise improves heart and lungs capacity and provides muscle
12. Why do we need to improve our fitness level?
a. To prevent non-communicable diseases
b. To develop good muscles and strength and endurance
c. To Maintain body weight
d. To Improve health protection

13. How resistance exercise improves the fitness level of the body?
a. Strengthening and developing high endurance in our working muscles
b. Improves the size of the working muscles
c. Decrease of having physical injuries
d. Maintain good looking and weight control

14. Why is it important to follow the exercise principles?

a. To improve workout program and fitness level
b. To decrease physical injuries
c. To guidance for physical fitness exercises
d. To develop self-awareness in physical fitness exercise

15. Why is it important to execute cool-down exercise after the workout/workload?

a. To lower the temperature, heart rate and lungs rate due to workload.
b. To prevent muscle injuries and blood pulling
c. To increase the fitness level of the body
d. To promotes physical fitness awareness


Can you recall the Health Related Fitness Components and its test?
Read the clues carefully and write the correct answers that corresponds with the
clue boxes.

5. Ability to
improve lungs and heart.
1. Ability of the muscle to generate force.
2. Refers to the ability of the muscle to resist fatigue.
3. Refers to the ability to move a joint without pain.
4. Refers to the total make of the body.


If the statement refers about the Physical benefits write “PB” if Mental and
Emotional benefit “MEB” and “SB” if social benefits. Write your answers in the space

1. _____ Develops motor control and coordination

2. _____ Improves the psychological functioning of an individual
3. _____ Increase muscle strength and endurance
4. _____ Helps regulate blood pressure
5. _____ Improves control of anxiety and depressions
6. _____ Build self-esteem and social interaction
7. _____ Increase the efficiency of the lungs and the heart
8. _____ Protects from musculoskeletal problems
9. _____ Reduce the risk of breast cancer
10. _____ Decrease risk of type 2 diabetes
11. _____ Possibly delays the aging process
12. _____ Reduce the risk of cardio vascular diseases
13. _____ Aids on releasing emotional and physical tension
14. _____ Give sense of togetherness within a group
15. _____ Decrease depressive symptoms

The health benefits of regular exercise have been confirmed by hundreds of

researches in the past 20 years. Notable health institutions such as the DOH
and WHO have strong advocacies towards the promotion of an active

WHAT is it

Types of Exercise


It is an exercise that involves

large muscle group that
performs rhythmic and
continuous movement for a
prolonged period of time in
order to improve aerobic
capacity. (Examples
includes: Swimming, Zumba
dance, dancing running,
cycling etc.)
2. Resistance exercise

Resistance exercise requires the muscle to

contract against an external load (barbell)
in order to improve muscular strength,
muscular endurance and bone strength.
(Examples free weights, medicine ball,
thera band resistance machine)

3. Stretching Exercise

Stretching exercises increase the elasticity

of muscles and tendons surrounding the
joint in order to improve flexibility.
(Examples: dynamic stretching, ballistic
stretching, active and passive stretching,
and static stretching).

All these exercises are incorporated in the exercise program, which is a

detailed plan of the work that the individual has to perform to achieve
his/her fitness goals. Aside from the exercise. If also includes the intensity
or difficulty of the workload and the duration of volume of the exercise.

Principles Technical Terms Layman’s Term

Optical benefits occur when programs meet People are different and their
the individual’s needs & capacities of exercises needs vary – a
Individuality participants prescription must take this into

The adaptation to occur the volume of

exercise must overload the body in some You get improvements by doing
overload way in line with the capacity of the a bit more
individual to cope with the overload

Specificity The training stimulus must be specific to Training must be specific to

the clients desired outcomes individuals goal

The body should experience a gradual

increase in workload.
The body should be given an ample time to Get improvements by doing a
Progression recover on the last work load before bit more each time.
moving on the new workload.

Don’t expect that the same

prescription will get you the
Trainability Each person responds differently to the same result with each person –
same training stimulus you have to monitor and adopt
training as you go to suit
different clients.

The optimal adaptation and to avoid Change is good as a holiday.

stagnation , overuse, and injury the Variety allows recovery and can
Variation exercise stimulus must be varied (this does reduce injury risk.
not simply mean changing exercises all the

Optimal adaptation requires rest periods to Rest to get the best out of your
Rest intersperse with training sessions sufficient exercise. Not too long and not
that the adaptations caused by exercise too little.
dose can take place.

Reversibility All beneficial effects of exercise are Use it or lose it

reversible if exercise ceases
Parts of Exercise

Exercise is a form of stress that needs to be taken in controlled

closes to developed fitness level. The individual should take time to
list his/her fitness goals and plan the exercises that will
incorporated in the training program.


Activity 1
Instructions: Perform the following Health Related Fitness (HRF) test, then write your score
at the result row.


1 min Push-up
Sit & Reach
15 mins jog in place
BMI (Height, Weight)

Activity 2
Aerobic Exercise:
Instructions: Choreographed a five (5) minutes dance exercise together with one (1) of
your family member. Then post it to our Facebook group the link below or send it via email.
The file name of your video should be your (LASTNAME_Track).
Excellent 5 Good 4 Fair 3 Poor 2

The dance routine dance routine contains The beginning the The dance contains no
contains a visible 2 and 3 separate parts ending of dance are the visible beginning and
Steps of dance beginning and ending same ending

Movements are always Movement are in time Movements are The movements are
in time with the beat of with the beat of the sometimes in the time seldom in time with the
Steady beat the music music of the beat of the music beat of the music

The performer The performer The performer have The performer seldom
maintains concentration maintains concentration difficulty maintains maintain concentration
Concentration and focus throughout and focus during the concentration and focus and focus during the
and focus the performance performance during the performance performance.

The group performs the The group performs the The group performs the The group seldom
same movement all of same movements most same movements most performs the same
Ensemble the time it is very of the time. It is of the time. It appears movement at the same
(Synchronization) apparent that they have apparent that they the group did spend time. It appears the
rehearsed. rehearsed. time rehearsing. group did not spend
much time rehearsing.

Activity 3

Physical Activity Questionnaire:

The following questions will help you analyze your physical activity preference
and habits. It will help you make decisions concerning your health and fitness level. This
is not a test. Answer the questions as honestly as possible and use the scoring guide to
help you asses your physical activity level.

1. In the past week, how active were you during your physical activity time?
a. I did not perform
b. I just stood and walked
c. I ran and workout a bit
d. I ran and worked most of time
2. In the past week, how many days were you active for at least 60 minutes?
a. 0
b. 1 to 2 days
c. 3 to 4 days
d. 5 or more days

3. In the past week how many days did you spend watching TV or playing mobile
games for more than 2 hours?
a. 5 or more days
b. 3 to 4 days
c. 1 to 2 days
d. 0

4. In the past week, I spent most of my leisure time ___________________________.

a. Reading books, watching TV, playing mobile games surfing the net and
b. Walking the dog, helping with household chores, cleaning my room, running
c. Performing moderate intensity, sports, games and dance
d. Performing high intensity sports, games and dance
5. In the past week how many hours in a day did you spend playing mobile games or
surfing net?
a. More than 4 hours
b. 3 to 4 hours
c. 1 to 2 hours
d. Less than an hour

6. In the past week, how many hours of your weekend did you spend in moderate to
high intensity activities?
a. More than 4 hours
b. 3 to 4 hours
c. 1 to 2 hours
d. Less than an hour

7. In the past week, how many minutes of your physical activity time did you actually
spend playing sports, games, workout, dancing or moving.
a. Less than 15 minutes
b. 15 to 20 minutes
c. 31 to 45 minutes
d. More than 45 minutes

8. In the past week, how would you classify your participation in various physical
a. Inactive
b. Light active
c. Moderately active
d. Very active

Scoring guideline:

1. Equate the following points for each response to the questions above:
a. = 1 point
b. = 2 points
c. = 3 points
d. = 4 points

2. Sum up all the points from each questions.

3. Rate your score:

“Excellent” if your score is 24 and above.

“Good” if your score is 15-23.
“Needs improvement” if your score is 14 or lower

4. Based on your score and your rating. Write three (3) things that you can
improve on and why you chose these three (3).

Activity 4
Instructions: Answer each questions and write your answer on the space provided.

1. Among the various adaptation to aerobic exercise, resistance exercise, and stretching
exercise, which one is the most important adaptation for you and why?

2. Why is the stage of change depicted as a spiral staircase?


3. Explain why fitness is achieved not, received?



Activity 5
Match the following characteristics in column A to column B, write your answer on the
space provided.

1._______ AEROBIC EXERCISE a. increase lung capacity

2._______ PROGRESSION b. improvements by doing a bit more
3._______ COOL-DOWN c. increase core muscle endurance
4._______ CIRCUIT TRAINING d. improvements by doing a bit more each time
improve biceps and chest muscle strength and
5._______ PUSH-UPS e endurance
6._______ OVERLOAD f. moving beyond the normal range of motion
7._______ PLANKING g increase the temperature of the body
h an active movements where joints ane muscle go
8._______ BALLISTIC STRETCHING through full range of motion
style of workout where you cycle through several
9._______ DYNAMIC STRETCHING i. exercise
_ WARM-UP j. reduce of having muscle cramps

Instructions: Read the following questions carefully and encircle the best answer.

Post test

1. Which of the following characteristics refers to moving a limb in an attempt to force

beyond its normal range of motion?
a. Ballistic stretching
b. Active and passive stretching
c. Dynamic stretching
d. Static stretching

2. Which of the following statement refers to principles of reversibility?

a. Change is good as a holiday. Variety allows recovery and can reduce injury risk.
b. Get improvements by doing a bit more each time.
c. Use it or lose it
d. Training must be specific to individuals goal

3. What is the purpose of warm-up in exercise routine?

a. perform a short moderate warm-up
b. increase maximal lung capacity
c. prepared the muscles for the upcoming workout
d. decrease the muscles stress and tensions

4. When will you use the principles of progression?

a. After I finish my last workload program and rest.
b. When I get bored on my last workload program
c. When I don’t feel any difficulties on my workload
d. Once I finished my workload program

5. Which of the following statement refers to the principles of overload?

a. The body should have a gradual increase in a workload.
b. The body will adopt specifically to the workload
c. The body must work harder than what it is used to in order for it to adopt.
d. The body takes place as a result of training are all reversible

6. Which of the following characteristics refers to return the normal state of the heart rate
and lungs?
a. Warm-up
b. Cool-down
c. Stretching
d. Exercise

7. What is the purpose of principles of recovery?

a. Improves body recovery
b. Allows the body to adopt the workload
c. Helps the muscles to recover and adopt the workload
d. Prepare the body to the next workload

8. Which of the following is NOT a parts of exercise?

a. Cool-down
b. Stretching
c. Warm-up
d. Warm-down

9. Which of the following characteristic is NOT a type of stretching?

a. Ballistic
b. Static
c. Dynamic
d. Stretching exercise

10. Which of the following characteristics is not a part of principles of exercise?

a. Principles of specificity
b. Principles of overload
c. Principles of reversibility
d. Principles of stretching

11. Why do we need to execute warm-up before stretching?

a. To increase our body temperature and blood circulation
b. To prevent muscle stiffness and cramps
c. To decrease muscle injuries
d. To prepare our body to upcoming workload
12. How do we perform static stretching
a. Moving the muscle to its end range of motion then hold for 20 to 30 sec.
b. Forcing the muscle or limb to move beyond its end range of motion then hold for
20 to 30 seconds
c. Moving the muscle back and forth to its range of motion
d. Moving the muscle to its end range of motion with pain then hold for 20 to 30

13. Why is it necessary to perform dynamic stretching instead of static stretching before a
game or workout?
a. Increase the temperature and full potential of the muscle.
b. Prevent muscle stiffness and cramps during workout/game
c. Improve muscle and tendons flexibility
d. Release the muscle tension and stress

14. Why is it necessary to execute cool-down exercise after the workout/workload?

a. To lower the temperature, heart rate and lungs rate due to workload.
b. To prevent muscle injuries and blood pulling
c. To increase the fitness level of the body
d. To promotes physical fitness awareness

15. How do we perform the ballistic stretching?

a. Moving the muscle to its end range of motion then hold for 20 to 30 sec.
b. Forcing the muscle or limb to move beyond its end range of motion then hold for
20 to 30 seconds
c. Moving the muscle back and forth to its range of motion
d. Moving the muscle to its end range of motion with pain then hold for 20 to 30


1. Search and read the following:

a. What are the FITT principle

2. Execute a 60 minutes workout/exercise with one of your family members and

(upload it on our Facebook group. or
send it to your subject teacher email account).

Excellent Good Fair

5 3 1
Proper execution of Warm-up was quick and hit Warm-up activity was Absolutely no warm-up
warm-up stretching on all major muscle groups done, but did not activity was done before
and body parts incorporate all major workout/exercise started.
Warm up was successful muscle groups and body
in elevating body temp. parts.
heart rate and breathing Warm-up did not get the
rate body tem, heart rate and
breathing rates elevated.

Workout proper and Exercise were properly Exercise were completed Exercise were not properly
time out and began and too quickly time out
time management ended at the same time Some exercise/workout There were no totally
Exercise are properly are not executed properly workout/exercise executed

Cool down activity was Cool-down activity was Absolutely no cool-down

done and properly returned done but did not return and stretching activity was
Cool-down the body to its resting rate. body to resting rate done.
Post stretching are Post stretching are
properly executed specially properly executed but did
to the used muscle. not stretch on the used

 Physical education and Health Volume II by Conrado R. Aparato, Zyra Ruth Talaroc-
Brebante, Lualhati Fernando-Callo and Perer Fermin Dajime, Published & Disributed by Rex
Book Store 856 Nicanor Reyes Sr. St.

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