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3. The International Aeronautical and Maritime Search and Rescue (IAMSAR) manual is a
publication required on UK registered ships.
(a) State the means by which IAMSAR Vol III manual is made a statutory publication for UK
registered ships.
‗The Merchant Shipping (Safety of Navigation) Regulations 2020 (S.I. 2020/0673) implement
Chapter V of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea,1974 (SOLAS) in its most
recently amended form into UK law. This chapter specifies IAMSAr Vol 3 as a mandatory
(b) Outline the primary purpose of the IAMSAR Vol III manual.
‗The Primary purpose of IAMSAR Volume 3 is to assist vessels and aircraft in the performance of a
search, rescue or on-scene coordinator function and with aspects of search and rescue (SAR) that
pertain to their own emergencies. It is intended to be carried onboard rescue units, aircraft and
(d) State EIGHT factors when determining which of the four ships should take the role of the
On Scene Coordinator.
In order to answer this you need to consider what the role of OSC entails. IAMSAR defines the
OSC as a ‗person designated to coordinate SAR operations within a specified area.‘ The question
says ‗state,‘ but I have expanded on the factors for enrichment purposes.
Eight Factors:
Respective ETA‘s of vessels at the incident. Usually the Search and Rescue Mission Coordinator
(SMC) will initially designate the first vessel to arrive on scene as OSC, and they will carry out this
role until the SMC directs that person be relieved.
Vessel type. A dedicated Search and Rescue Unit, naval or auxiliary vessel will most likely have
both the manpower and expertise to carry out the OSC role more effectively.
Durability of the vessel. The OSC may have to remain on scene for an extended period of time if
the raft is not located at or in immediate vicinity of datum position.
Level of spoken English. The OSC will have to make consolidated reports the SMC and provide
information to all SAR facilities on scene.
Size of crew / number of officers. For example a vessel such as cruise ship will normally have a
greater number of deck officers than a cargo ship, so may be better equipped to handle the
additional communications workload associated with the OSC.
Previous experience of Master and crew in performing such a role.
Manoeuvrability of the vessel. A less manoeuvrable ship may not be able to partake in close
quarter searching. As stated by the International Maritime Rescue Federation ―… will usually be
much better to let SAR capable units do what they are best at and appoint as OSC someone who can
concentrate on that task alone – the master of a less manoeuvrable merchant ship in the vicinity,
Communication facilities available on vessel. Do any of vessels have additional equipment in
addition to that mandated by SOLAS. (for example internet, multiple VHF units, air band VHF).
Or any other valid point……………………………….
Q.3 B
5ai) TSS heavy traffic and RV
 Master
 Additional OOW
 Helmsman
 Lookout
Master – In overall charge. Monitoring the performance of the bridge team and advising where
necessary. Manages internal communications with the ER / other departments. Ensures that
company Bridge Resource Management procedures are followed.
OOW 1 – Has the con of the vessel. Fixes the vessel‘s position at suitable intervals and monitors all
traffic, adhering to the Rules. Uses closed loop communication and ‗thinks out loud,‘ to inform all
bridge team members of his intentions. Monitor the performance of the helmsman and lookout.
OOW 2 – support the OOW with the con in his decision making. Manage external communications
on VHF radio. Completes entries in deck log book. Keep scanning ahead on radar to advise on any
developing situations. Monitor performance of the helmsman and lookout.
Helmsman – Executing helm orders to OOW‘s orders. Informing OOW of any difficulties with
maintaining heading.
Lookout – Reporting objects as they become visible. Checking vessels quarters at regular intervals
and listening on bridge wing for fog signals.

5aii) Darkness, clear weather, ocean passage

OOW – Has the con of the vessel and charge of watch. Fixes the vessel‘s position at suitable
intervals and monitors all traffic, adhering to the Rules. Uses closed loop communication and
‗thinks out loud,‘ to inform all bridge team members of his intentions. Manage external
communications on VHF radio. Completes entries in deck log book. Keep scanning ahead on radar.
Monitor performance of the helmsman and lookout. Follow all Company and master‘s Standing
Orders. Call master if in doubt.
Lookout – Reporting objects as they become visible and checking bearing. Checking vessels
quarters at regular intervals.
(2nd lookout available at short notice should the situation require)

5b) Relevant information that should be contained in Master‘s Night Orders pertaining to
making a landfall
 The expected time of landfall.
 If the master expects to be called at a certain waypoint, or if he requires to be called once
landfall is made.
 An overview if any particular navigation hazard is expected on the approach to the landfall,
such as an area of expected dense fishing traffic
 Any information on planned reductions in speed, for example a passage though relative
confined waters.
 Any information regarding notice to the Engine Room.
 A statement verifying the requirement to cross check the GPS position once landfall is made.
 A statement that the Master should be called if landfall is not made at the expected time, or at
any other time if in doubt.

Q5a) Outline SIX main categories of information that may be found on these charts.

 General Advice on the principals of passage planning (APEM), with respect to the area
 General rules and recommendations on routeing, as well as any special rules and
recommendations for the area concerned.
 Radio Reporting and VTS – gives the contact details of relevant authorities and general
procedure for reporting
 Co Tidal Co Range Chartlet – used for deep draught vessels to work out tidal information
for offshore areas where UKC is critical.
 Maritime Radio Services – gives overview of the principles of GMDSS, information of
navigational warnings for Navarea concerned and weather information for Metarea.
 List of relevant publications and volumes for the area concerned – e.g tide table, ALRS,
tidal stream atlases, ALL.

5b) Explain how co-tidal and co-range charts can be used by deep draught vessels transiting
relatively shallow areas offshore.

Co-Tidal and Co-Range Charts can be used to predict the H.O.T at any particular time in an
area. These
may be used
by certain
deep drafted
areas where
UKC is
is presented
in the form
of the below
To obtain a tidal prediction for an offshore area the values MHWI and MSR for the area should be
taken from the chart.
A suitable Standard Port, usually the nearest to the area, should be chosen and the values of its
MHWI and MSR noted
The time correction to be applied to the predictions for the Standard Port should be obtained from
the difference between the MHWI‘s
The Standard Port heights should be multiplied by the ratio of the MSR‘s
The time differences and ratios can also be applied to observations at the Standard Port to obtain a
more accurate estimate of the tide in the offshore area. Intermediate heights / times can be
calculated using curve provided.

5c) State, with reason FOUR other publications which should be consulted when appraising
such a passage.
 ALRS Vol 6 – gives information of mandatory reporting requirements for VTS. Also contact
details and reporting procedures for pilotage and port services.
 ASD – gives advice on recommended routes, prominent navigational marks, general climatic
conditions, nature of the seabed and mandatory reporting requirements. Should be used in
conjunction with charts and other publications.
 Port Approach Guides – gives information on berths, anchorages, tidal information, general
port information, port services, reporting information, pilotage information and overview
chartlets of port.
 Admiralty Tidal Stream Atlases – gives hourly indications of rates and directions for area
covered with respect to HW at a given standard port.

Many other possibilities….. a nice question!!!

4a) List the contents of the IMO publication, Ships‘ Routeing.
 General provisions on ships‘ routeing, giving objectives, definitions, procedures and
responsibilities as well as advice on the use of routeing systems and how these are portrayed
on charts.
 Rule 10 of the COLREGs
 Overview of all IMO adopted TSSs
 Overview of other routeing measures
 Associated rules and recommendations on navigation
 Mandatory ship reporting systems
 Mandatory routeing systems and mandatory no anchoring areas
 General provisions for the adoption, designation and substitution of archipelagic sea lanes
(b) Explain the purpose of IMO‘s Ships‘ Routeing.
The purpose of ships' routeing is to ‗improve the safety of navigation in converging areas and in
areas where the density of traffic is great or where freedom of movement of shipping is inhibited by
restricted sea room, the existence of obstructions to navigation, limited depths or unfavourable
meteorological conditions. Ships‘ routeing may also be used for the purpose of preventing or
reducing the risk of pollution or other damage to the marine environment caused by ships colliding
or grounding or anchoring in or near environmentally sensitive areas.‘
(c) State the precise objectives of IMO‘s Ships‘ Routeing.
 The separation of opposing streams of traffic so as to reduce the incidence of head-on
 The reduction of dangers of collision between crossing traffic and shipping in established
traffic lanes.
 The simplification of the patterns of traffic flows in converging areas.
 The organization of safe traffic flow in areas of concentrated offshore exploration or
 The organization of traffic flow in or around areas where navigation by all ships or by certain
classes of ships is dangerous or undesirable.
 The organisation of safe traffic flow in or around or at a safe distance from environmentally
sensitive areas.
 The reduction of risk of grounding to providing special guidance to vessels in areas where
water depths are uncertain or critical.
 The guidance of traffic clear of fishing grounds or the organization of traffic through fishing

(d) Explain the difference between ‗ADOPTED‘ and ‗NON-ADOPTED‘ traffic separation

IMO is recognized as the only international body responsible for establishing and adopting
measures on an international level concerning ships‘ routeing.
When, for whatever reason, a Government decides not to submit a routeing system to IMO, it
should, in promulgating the system to Mariners, ensure that there are clear indications on charts and
in nautical publications as to what rules apply to the system.

(e) State the publications where the mariner can gain information regarding ‗ADOPTED‘
traffic separation schemes.
 IMO Publication ‗Ships Routeing.‘
 Admiralty Charts.
 Mariners Routeing Guides, such as 5500.
 Admiralty Sailing Directions.

Answer taken from content of MSC.1/Circ.1503/Rev.1 ECDIS – Guidance on Good practice.
(i) Approved ECDIS equipment operating with ENC‘s – ECDIS Mode
The mandatory carriage of ECDIS, as required by SOLAS regulation V/19.2.10, is subject to a
staged entry into force between 1 July 2012 and 1 July 2018. As per SOLAS regulations V/18 and
V/19, for a ship to use ECDIS to meet the chart carriage requirements of SOLAS, the ECDIS
equipment must conform to the relevant IMO performance standards. ECDIS units on board are
required to comply with one of two performance standards (either IMO resolution A.817(19), as
amended or resolution MSC.232(82)), depending on the date of their installation. Essentially, where
an ECDIS is being used to meet the chart carriage requirements of SOLAS, it must:
 be type-approved;
 use up-to-date electronic nautical charts (ENC);
 be maintained so as to be compatible with the latest applicable International Hydrographic
Organization (IHO) standards; and
 have adequate, independent back-up arrangements in place.

(i) Approved ECDIS equipment operating with RNC‘s – RCDS Mode

ECDIS may be operated in one of the two modes:

 the ECDIS mode when ENCs are used; and

 the RCDS mode when ENCs are not available and RNCs are used instead.

Although in recent years ENC coverage has increased rapidly there could be some areas for which
suitably detailed ENCs may not have been issued. The RCDS mode does not have the full
functionality of ECDIS and can only be used together with an appropriate portfolio of up-to-date
paper charts.

(i) Approved ECDIS operating with unapproved vector charts – ECS Mode

If you have a type approved ECDIS on your ship, using ENCs produced by a Private Data Provider
makes your machine revert to the status of an ECS – not approved so system does not meet the
functional requirements under SOLAS Chapter V.

5b) Outline the operational limitations of ECDIS equipment operating with RNCs when compared
to ECDIS, whilst also outlining the importance of understanding this different to a mariner for the
purpose of safe navigation.
Answer taken from content of MSC.1/Circ.1503/Rev.1 ECDIS – Guidance on Good practice.
 Unlike ENC, where there are no displayed boundaries, RNCs are based on paper charts and
as such have boundaries which are evident in ECDIS

 RNCs will not trigger automatic alarms (e.g. anti-grounding) A raster chart is just a passive
image. However, alarms and indications can be generated with the manual addition, during
passage planning, e.g. of clearing lines, ship safety contour lines, isolated danger markers and
danger areas to mitigate these limitations;

 Horizontal datums and chart projections may differ between RNCs. Mariners should
understand how a chart's horizontal datum relates to the datum of the position fixing system
in use. In some instances, this may appear as a shift in position. A number of RNCs cannot be
referenced to either WGS-84 or PE 90 geodetic datums. Where this is the case, ECDIS
should give a continuous indication.

 The display of RNCs features cannot be simplified by the removal of features to suit a
particular navigational circumstance or task at hand. This could affect the superimposition of

 Without selecting different scale charts the look-ahead capability may be limited. This may
lead to inconvenience when determining range and bearing or the identity of distant objects.

 Orientation of the RCDS display to other than chart-up, may affect the readability of chart
text and symbols (e.g. course-up, route-up).

 It is not possible to interrogate RNC features to gain additional information about charted

 With RNC, it is not possible to display a ship's safety contour or safety depth and highlight it
on the display unless these features are manually entered during route planning.

 Depending on the source of the RNC, different colours may be used to show similar chart
information. There may also be differences in colours used during day and night time.

 A RNC is intended to be used at the scale of the equivalent paper chart. Excessive zooming
in or zooming out can seriously degrade the displayed image. If the RNC is displayed at a
larger scale than the equivalent paper chart, the ECDIS will provide an indication.

 ECDIS provides an indication in the ENC which allows a determination of the quality of
hydrographic the data. When using RNCs, mariners are invited to consult the source diagram
or the zone of confidence diagram, if available.
5c) Explain the difference between safety depth setting and safety contour display setting of an
ECDIS, whilst also outlining the importance of understanding this difference to a mariner for the
purpose of safe navigation.
IMO Performance Specifications and S-52 provide flexibility in how the safety depth and safety
contour depth may be set by the mariner.
The effect on the portrayal of soundings and contours from the use of each of these three options
are described in my following explanation.

Scenario 1a: Same Value set for both Safety Depth and Safety Contour Depth
ECDIS finds a depth contour equal to the safety contour depth
Display: Soundings on either side of the safety contour will either be all gray or all black.
Impact: The shade used for the soundings provides information that is redundant with the safety
Scenario 1b:
Same Value set
for both Safety
Depth and Safety
Contour Depth

ECDIS selects a
safety contour
deeper than the
safety contour
depth and the
safety depth set by
the mariner.

Display: Some
soundings on the
shoaler side of the safety contour will be gray, because they are deeper than the safety depth set by
the mariner, but shoaler than the safety contour selected by ECDIS.
Impact: This provides the mariner with additional information about where the ship could most
safely pass if crossing the safety contour is required (an alarm will still sound). This could provide
additional manoeuvring room in narrow passages where the safety contour selected by ECDIS is

Scenario 2a: Safety Depth is set Shoaler than the value set for the Safety Contour Depth

ECDIS selects a depth contour equal to the safety contour depth set by the mariner.

Display: All soundings on the ―safe-water‖ side of the safety contour will be gray. These gray
soundings are deeper than both the safety depth and the safety contour). No real additional
information is provided by these.
Some additional soundings on the shoaler side of the safety contour (mostly adjacent to the
safety contour, but also in other areas) will be gray. These additional soundings are deeper than
the safety depth, but shoaler than the safety contour depth.

Impact: Unlike scenario 1.b, these gray soundings may not be safe to pass over. They are outside
the safety contour, not because the ECDIS has selected a shoaler contour than the safety contour
depth, but because the mariner set ECDIS to portray soundings shoaler than the safety contour as
safe when in fact they may not be.

Scenario 2b: Safety Depth is set Shoaler than the value set for the Safety Contour Depth:

ECDIS selects a depth contour deeper than the safety contour depth.

Display: All soundings on the ―safe-water‖ side of the safety contour will be gray. These gray
soundings are deeper than both the safety depth and the safety contour). No real additional
information is provided by these.
Some additional soundings on the shoaler side of the safety contour (mostly adjacent to the safety
contour, but also in other areas) will be gray. These additional soundings are deeper than the safety
depth, but may or may not be shoaler than the safety contour depth.

Impact: This case is similar to scenario 2.a. However, some of the gray soundings on the shoaler
side of the safety contour will be safe (because they are deeper than the safety contour depth
selected by the mariner), while others will not be safe to pass over (because they are shoaler than
the safety contour depth selected by the mariner). So…… The portrayal of both the safe and
unsafe depths on the shoaler side of the safety contour is the same!
Scenario 3a: Safety Depth is set Deeper than the value set for the Safety Contour Depth

ECDIS selects a depth contour equal to or shoaler than the safety contour depth, which is deeper
than the safety depth

Display: All soundings on the ―safe-water‖ side of the safety contour will be gray. Some additional
soundings on the shoaler side of the safety contour (mostly adjacent to the safety contour, but also
in other areas) will be gray. Some ―safe‖ soundings equal to or deeper than the safety contour depth
selected by the mariner, but shoaler than the safety depth will be shown in black on the shoaler side
of the safety contour.

Impact: Additional gray soundings on the shoaler side of the safety contour provide information
about additional manoeuvring room, similar to scenario 1.b. However, because the safety depth is
set deeper than the safety contour depth, some ―safe‖ soundings will be shown in black, so less
extra ―safe‖ space will be shown with gray soundings than in 1.b.
Scenario 3b: Safety Depth is set Deeper than the value set for the Safety Contour Depth:

ECDIS selects a depth contour equal to or shoaler than the safety contour depth, but shoaler than
the safety depth.

Display: Soundings on the safe-water side of the safety contour that are shoaler than the safety
depth (mostly adjacent to the safety contour, but also in other areas) will be black. Soundings on the
safe-water side of the safety contour that are deeper than the safety depth will be gray.

Impact: The gray soundings on the safe-water side of the safety contour will show the deepest
portion of the safe-water, possible highlighting the safest.
5a List TWELVE factors that should be taken into account when planning for a choice for a
landfall position
 Availability of prominent navigational marks.
 Expected time of making landfall, whether day or night, with regard to the availability of
navigation lights and beacons when making landfall in the dark. Consider rising ranges for
 The presence of any conspicuous soundings on the approach, for example a steep continental
shelf when using the echo sounder to assist with monitoring the vessels position.
 Topography of the coastline, for making a visual landfall (spot height may be visible many
miles away).
 Expected weather at the time of making landfall, with particular respect to visibility in
relation to coastal navigation.
 Presence of any radar conspicuous objects to assist with fixing and verifying the vessel‘s
position while making the landfall.
 The presence of any outlying reefs or other dangers to navigation close to the surface.
 The availability of navigable water with respect to the draft of the vessel.
 Expected traffic at the area, especially in relation to concentrations of fishing boats or
pleasure craft near coastlines.
 Any routeing requirements.
 CATZOC of ENC for area (or source data for a paper chart).
 Any recommendations given in the Sailing Directions in relation to any of the factors
mentioned above.

5b) Discuss SIX important factors to be taken into account when choosing a safe anchorage.

 Any recommendations given in the Sailing Directions, for example a particular area might
give good shelter from the prevailing winds, or the nature of the seabed gives good holding
 Nature of the seabed and holding characteristics, for example rock does not offer a good
holding ground but mud and clay do.
 Availability of prominent navigational aids, both visual and radar conspicuous, to monitor the
vessels‘ position while at anchor and also on the approach.
 The weather conditions expected, which may make one particular area preferable than
another, if shelter is afforded by a headland, for example.
 Tidal streams. An area where there are significant tidal streams may increase the chances of
dragging anchor.
 Sea room available with respect to expected swinging circle. If the vessel is to remain at
anchor for an extended period of time, it will be prudent to use more cable, which will in turn
increase the swinging circle of the vessel. There may be shallows or other vessels that may
make this difficult or dangerous to do.

1.B) Detail the reasons for the multiple routes listed between the two ports. (15)

There are different routes in the North Indian Ocean in different seasons due to the
seasonal effects of the Monsoon system.
During the North-east Monsoon, Oct-Apr:
Westerly current in the North Indian Ocean.
Easterly Equatorial Counter Current in the vicinity of the
Equator. North-east winds, relatively light.
During the South-west Monsoon, May-Sep:
Easterly current in the North Indian
Ocean. Strong Northerly current near the
African coast.
South-west winds, particularly strong near the African coast.
There are different routes in the Mocambique Channel because the Mocambique current
is stronger on the West side than the East side.

2. B) Determine the amount of systematic error in each observation. (10)

systematic Error, radius of escribed circle, = 9.3 NM towards the bodies.
C) Discuss the criteria for selection of stars, ideal period of observation for star
sights and correct order of
taking these observations to obtain vessel's observed position for a 4 star
observation. (10)
Brightest stars are easiest to observe and visible for longer periods of time.
A wide range of bearings gives good angles of intersection between position
lines. Ideally, for a 4 star fix, a pair bearing north and south and a pair bearing
east and west.
Moderate altitudes avoid unusual refraction at low altitudes and difficulties of
observation at high altitudes.
Period for observation:
Morning. From midway between Nautical Twilight and Civil Twilight to midway
between Civil Twilight and Sunrise.
Evening. From midway between Sunset and Civil Twilight to midway between Civil
Twilight and Nautical Twilight.
Both the horizon and stars will be visible during these
periods. Order of observation:
Dim stars first, as they will cease to be visible first, then brighter stars, which will remain
visible longer. Easterly stars before westerly stars because the eastern horizon will be visible
first, and the eastern sky brightens first, rendering stars invisible.
Bright stars first, as they will be visible first, then dim stars as they become visible.
Easterly stars before westerly stars because the eastern horizon will be cease to be visible
first, and the eastern sky darkens first, rendering stars visible.

5a (i) Outline the main principles and the purpose of WWNWS

The WWNWS is a co-ordinated global service for the promulgation of navigational warnings. In
GMDSS Sea Area A1 and A2 they are broadcast via the NAVTEX system and outside given areas,
via the SafetyNET system.
(ii) State the obligation of a Master with regards to WWNWS
Masters should arrangements to ensure that all navigational warnings or other matters relating to
safety of life at sea are brought to their notice, or that of the navigating officer on watch at the time,
immediately on receipt. Masters of vessels encountering dangers to navigation or severe weather
conditions should notify other vessels in the vicinity and the nearest MRCC.
5b (i) NAVAREA Warnings
NAVAREA warnings are concerned with certain information which ocean going mariners require
for their safe navigation, including in particular, new navigational hazards and failures of important
aids to navigation as well as information which may require changes to planned navigational routes.
Other information could include, but is not be limited to dangerous wrecks, large tows, new rocks
& shoals, cable or pipe laying activity, establishment of offshore structures and malfunctioning of
MSI radio or satellite services.
b (ii) Coastal Warnings
Same information as above, but for areas seaward of fairway buoy or pilot station and not restricted
to shipping lanes, within Navarea 1, they are prefixed by WZ
b (iii) Local Warnings
Cover inshore waters, often within harbour authority waters. Broadcast by means other than

5c Outline the principles of each of the following:

(i) International safetyNET service
SafetyNET is a system that transmits EGC MSI messages via the Inmarsat C system which will be
received by all vessels that are logged-in to the satellite that broadcasts MSI for those
international NAVAREA/METAREA's. The receiving terminals will only show the message if this
is relevant. Whether this is relevant depends on the present position information and programming
of the terminal. For example, sailing in a position within NAVAREA I, logged on to the AOR-
E satellite and the terminal will receive a message addressed to NAVAREA III. In this case the
terminal will not show this message.
(ii) Navtex Service
The NAVTEX system is used for broadcasting marine safety information in text form over radio,
and requires a dedicated receiver to be installed on the vessel. The main NAVTEX channel used by
MRCCs to broadcast sea area forecasts produced by the national weather service is 518kHz. There
are normally two forecasts each day and they are broadcast in English. 490 kHz can also be used
for broadcasts in local languages.
Each subject that is broadcast is assigned an indicating character in the NAVTEX system. The
shipboard user must select on their receiver which subjects they wish to receive. When looking at
weather, it is the following categories with which the mariner must be familiar:
B - Meteorological warnings
C - Ice reports
E - Meteorological forecasts
The broadcasts on NAVTEX are made as part of the maritime safety information system. Maritime
Safety Information (MSI) is defined in the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) Convention, Chapter IV
as comprising ―navigational and meteorological warnings, meteorological forecasts and other
urgent safety related messages broadcast to ships‖.

STATE THE THREE reasons other than meteorological factors due to which, the
predicted and observed UKC experienced by the vessel may be different. (6)
charted Depth incorrect due to scouring /
silting. Squat, as vessel is not stationary.
Dynamic change of Trim, as vessel is not stationary.

Errors of echo sounder.

Drafts different from those used in planning due to errors in weight amounts /
positions. Drafts different from those used in planning due to water density

Enroute, Master receives a request from MRCC to participate in a search and rescue

(a) State FIVE factors to be considered when choosing a vessel to act as on scene co-ordinator
(OSC) during search and rescue operations.

 Initially, the proximity of vessels to the distressed craft. The first facility arriving on scene
should assume the duties of an OSC. The SMC may delegate these duties to another more
suitable vessel once it has arrived.

 The communication capabilities of the vessel. Part of the OSC duties are to manage on
scene communications. A vessel such as a naval vessel, dedicated SRU or a cruise ship, for
example, will have the personnel and facilities to handle these more efficiently.

 The personnel capabilities the vessel. The duties of the OSC are numerous with regard to
managing communication, and the poorer the communications with shore authorities may
mean the OSC will have to take more authority in planning the search, for example. There
needs to be adequate personnel on board to manage these tasks, potentially over an extended
period of time.
 Expertise of vessels involved. This links to the above factor, that a dedicated SRU or naval
vessel will have the prior practical experience of SAR operations and can manage the role of
OSC more efficiently.

 The level of spoken English of the crew, which will have an impact on the ability of the
vessel to manage on scene communications and liaise with land based SAR authorities.

(b) Describe the preparations and decisions to be made by the Master, whilst the vessel is
proceeding to the search area. (see the key points highlighted, so have I described both the
preparations and decisions.)
The master must prepare for possible SAR action on scene, which may include recovery of persons
from the water or survival craft.
As part of their preparations the Master should assess the risks they may be encountered on scene,
including those risks such as those associated with leaking cargo. Other factors are risks arising
from the weather conditions on scene, which may affect how the vessel prepares to recover persons
from the water and / or distressed craft.
The Master must ensure that all personnel and departments are briefed (preparation) in good time,
taking into account the need for all crew to be adequately rested. For example, there is little point
waking the Bosun at 2 o‘clock in the morning to tell him we will need all LSA and rescue
equipment available in 6 hours time. The decision when to brief will be one the Master will have to
make, taking into account the ETA on scene and the time it will take to make the relevant
The Master should ensure that all LSA and relevant rescue equipment is ready for use (preparation),
for example any specialised recovery equipment, in addition to own ship‘s LSA.
The Master should ensure that all signalling equipment is ready and functioning (preparation), such
as signalling lamps, searchlights, torches, smoke floats and load hailers.
The Master should ensure that all preparations are made for medical assistance, so all medical
equipment on board should be made ready, such as stretchers, blankets and other medical supplies.
The Master needs to decide where on the vessel they will shelter survivors, especially in cases
where there are a significant potential number of people to be rescued, ensuring adequate sanitation
and comfort, within the constraints of the vessel in question.
The Master needs to decide on a suitable amended watch rota for the bridge to ensure that it is
adequately manned once the vessel approaches the area of the distress.

(c) State FIVE factors that need to be taken into account when selecting a search pattern for SAR
operations at sea. (any 5 of the below taken from IAMSAR Vol 3)
 Available number and types of assisting craft
 Size of area to be searched
 Type of distressed craft
 Size of distressed craft
 Meteorological visibility
 Cloud ceiling
 Type of sea conditions
 Time of day
 Arrival time at datum



US GPS and Russian GLONASS are the only current operational GNSS.
GPS system designed to provide a minimum of 4 satellites above 9.5 degree elevation anywhere in
the world, 24 hours a day. DGPS, relies on being within range of a reference station.
GPS accuracy +/- 20m, DGPS +/- 5m
 Best when one receiver is overhead and 3 are spread over arc of 120 degrees on horizon.
Sources of Error
GPS Errors. GPS positional accuracy can depend on the following factors
 TROPOSPHERIC Errors (troposphere contains the weather)
 Clock Error
 Multipath Error
 Deliberate jamming of signals
 Solar Storms
High HDOP value – Dilution of Precision – an indicator of the reliability of the position rather than
the accuracy. Depends upon the geometry of the satellites overhead.
When in radar range of land or suitable radar conspicuous aids to navigation.
IMO RESOLUTION MSC.192(79) (adopted on 6 December 2004) ADOPTION OF THE
 X-Band (9 GHz) for high discrimination, good sensitivity and tracking performance;
 S-Band (3 GHz) to ensure that target detection and tracking capabilities are maintained in
varying and adverse conditions of fog, rain and sea clutter.
The radar system range and bearing accuracy requirements should be: Range - within 30 m or
1% of the range scale in use, whichever is greater; Bearing - within 1°.
Sources of Error
Shadow Sectors
Correct Identification of object for both RADAR and visual
User to be aware of any drying heights which may affect returned information on RADAR display,
Both the object and the horizon have to be visible. Also, the body has to be within 90° of Dec of the
observer‘s latitude.
Multi-star / planet fix at AM and PM twilight.
Lat by Polaris in Northern Hemisphere at twilight.
A single position line obtained by the sun/moon/planet during daylight hours.
Latitude by Mer Pass Sun.
Potentially 1 – 2 miles
Sources of Error
Sextant errors
Unreliable horizon (for example haze)
Incorrect object used
For a running fix, the reliability of course and speed data and the length of the run will effect
Abnormal atmospheric conditions

Q.1 B) state the reasons for the different recommended routes listed; (8)

East bound.
Away from adverse SE Trade
Winds. Westerlies are
following winds.
Possible favourable
current. Shortest route.

West bound.
SE Trade Winds are favourable.
Light winds probable in vicinity of Sub Tropical
Anticyclone. Lower probability of adverse current.
Greater distance offset by favourable conditions.
3.D. justify your action in (c) above, as per rule 19 of IRPCS and good practice of
seamanship; (8) Own vessel decides to resume the speed back to 12.0 knots at the
point when target B is bearing 120° T;

D. Every vessel shall have due regard to the prevailing circumstances; An alteration of
course towards a vessel abeam or abaft the beam is to be avoided.
Target B is on the starboard quarter.
Alteration of course to port is
The presence of the reef to port and the set of the current precludes an alteration
to port. A reduction of speed is permitted.
Reduction to zero is required to achieve the stated CPA.

Q5a) Content and Context of Master‘s Standing Orders

Context (noun. the circumstances that form the setting for an event, statement, or idea, and in
terms of which it can be fully understood.)

The Master, is ultimately responsible for the safety of the vessel and ensuring ISM compliance.
Thus, it is obvious for him to promulgate his requirements with respect to the safety of navigation
and other operations carried out on the ship, in line with the company‘s SMS. The Master‘s
standing orders puts their requirements into writing to avoid any confusion in the matter. The
Master should explain particular requirements to the Bridge Team in Masters Standing Orders.
These orders should be drafted to support the SMS.
Basically, it is a written document establishing ground rules so as to establish a system of
engagement to develop mutual confidence. A set of night orders may compliment these, with more
specific guidelines given for the night.


 Times when the Master expects to be called, for example when the visibility drops to below 2
 Reference to relevant MGN‘s, for example guidance given in MGN 315, Keeping a safe
navigational watch at sea.
 Reference to relevant sections of the company SMS on procedural matters.
 Expected protocol for handover periods, for example ‗the relieving officer should be on the
Bridge at least 10 mins before the expected handover time…..‘
 CPA guidelines, for example 1.5 CPA for all vessels in open waters.
 Expected standards for watch keeping, with regards to entries in the logbook, fixing the
vessels position or use of closed loop communication.
 General standards for watchkeeping, and a definition of specific roles, so duties of the
Master, OOW, and lookout.
 Expectations when navigating with a pilot on board, with reference also to occasions where
the Master is not on the Bridge (for example deep sea pilots).
 Some companies may incorporate a standard set of Master‘s Standing orders in the SMS,
which the Master may add to if they wish.

Q5b) State the factors to be considered when compiling a set of Master‘s Standing Orders for
operating in heavy weather.

 Manoeuvring characteristics of the vessel

 Type of cargo the vessel is carrying, especially with relation to deck cargoes
 Guidelines for use of stabilisers if fitted
 Type of vessel, for example a large passenger vessel will have many departments that will
need informing
 Speed of the vessel
5b) State the factors to be considered when compiling a set of Master‘s Standing Orders for
operating in restricted visibility.

 Manoeuvring characteristics of the vessel with particular respect to stopping distances and
turning circles.
 Trading area of the vessel, in relation to expected traffic
 Normal service speed of the vessel
 Size of the vessel
 Size of crew, in relation to schedules for enhanced manning


Vessels engaged on passages through North Atlantic may encounter icebergs at

certain times of the year.
(a) State the generally accepted months that the icebergs may be encountered in
North Atlantic, whilst also stating the generally accepted extreme geographical
limits where icebergs may be encountered. (4)
(b) State the sources and outline the type of information that are available to the
Master regarding the icebergs. (8)
(c) Outline the factors that should be considered by a prudent Master, when
determining the risks involved in encountering icebergs. (14)
(d) Outline the reporting procedure that has to be followed by the Master on
encountering dangerous ice. (4)
(e) On which other similar instances is it mandatory for the Master to carry out
Mandatory reporting procedures. (5)

a)February 01 – July 31.

Icebergs unlikely south of 40 N or east of 040 W.

b) North Atlantic Ice Service. (International Ice Patrol + Environment Canada) Daily fax
charts and text messages, limits and concentrations..
Mariner‘s Handbook: General description of icebergs, areas and seasons.
Routeing charts. Iceberg limits.
Sailing Directions. Areas, seasons and limits.
Mariners‘ Handbook. General
information. Ocean Passages of the
World. General limits. GMDSS. Fax
charts. Vessel reports.
Weather Routeing service. Relayed
information. Internet. Charts, satellite
images, text messages…

c)Sizes and nature of icebergs expected.

Potential for altering the planned route to avoid ice.
Availability of information regarding current ice extent and conditions.
Probable visibility governing visual detection of ice, presence of fogs banks caused by
ice formations. Use of searchlights if available.
Use of sound detection equipment, if fitted.
Probable sea state, relates to detection of smaller formations in amongst foam
patches. Radar status, correctly tuned as adjusted.
Echoes from icebergs may not relate to the size of the formation.
Smaller formations may be difficult to distinguish from wind and swell
wave echoes. Personnel availability and experience with conditions
Briefing personnel, information in publications available.
Expected duration of passage through ice conditions with high personnel requirements,
fatigue may become an issue.
Adjustment of ETA due to reduced speed in conditions
expected. Availability of Ice Pilots.
Availability of assistance from other vessels in the event of severe damage to the vessel.

d) The master of every ship which meets with dangerous ice,

is bound to communicate the information by all means at his disposal to ships in the
vicinity and also to the competent authorities:
The kind of ice observed.
The position of the ice when last observed.
The time and date (UCT) when the ice was last observed.
e) A dangerous derelict,
Any other direct danger to
navigation, A tropical storm,
Sub-freezing air temperatures associated with gale force winds causing severe ice
accretion on superstructures,
Winds of Beaufort force 10 and for which no storm warning has been
received, Any other hazard to navigation.


(a) Explain why there are multiple routes listed between Durban and Hobart. (7)

a)Courses are East / West.

The Southern Ocean Drift Current runs Eastwards in higher latitudes.
The area is subject to intense Polar Frontal Depressions, particularly during the Southern
Winter, with strong, predominantly westerly winds, south of approximately 40° south,
therefore high wind waves, heavy swell and occasional Extreme Single Waves.
The east bound routes lie in higher latitudes, achieving shorter distances.
The west bound routes lie in lower latitudes to avoid the adverse weather and current.


Some fields which are developing are designated ―Development Areas‖ and their limits are shown
on charts. Within these areas, construction maintenance and supply vessels, including submersibles,
divers, obstructions possibly marked by buoys, and tankers manoeuvring may be encountered.

Mariners are strongly advised to keep outside Development Areas – but the question has put
us in one.


LATEST INFO: The dissemination of information should take the form of radio-warnings and
Notices to Mariners (temporary, preliminary and permanent) to cover all stages of activity, initial
search and investigation, trial drilling and subsequent exploitation.

 Navigation Warnings (rig list for North Sea)

 Radio Nav warnings

Notices to Mariners:
 T&P Notices
 Permeant Notices

2b) 500m.



The following advice should be given by the Master to officers planning a passage in or near an oil
and gas field development area.

 Great care needs to be exercised by vessels when on passage near, or in, areas where there
are offshore installations.
 Lay off courses to pass clear of any designated Development Area if possible.
 The latest information on the positions of mobile drilling rigs should be obtained from radio
navigational warnings (Navarea and coastal) and marked on the chart.
 Although offshore installations are protected by safety zones of 500m lay off course to pass
at least 2 miles off platforms and rigs etc.
 Avoid using platforms as alter course way points as this practice can concentrate passing
ships where their presence is not advisable.
 Make full use of any safety fairways.
 Ensure all courses provide adequate underkeel clearance taking into account that pipelines
can extend up to 2m above the seabed.
 Check all latest NTM, and plot / highlight as necessary.
 Check latest NAVAREA warnings in force, and plot / highlight as necessary.
 Check latest rig list, and plot / highlight as necessary.
 Use Sailing Directions to assist with selection of route.
 Use any recommended routing schemes through the area.
 Verify any ship reporting schemes using ALRS Vol 6.
 Highlight critical areas where sea room is limited by the presence of offshore installations.
Additional manning may be required for these areas and consider areas where it may be
prudent to have the engine room manned.
 Observe company policy in SMS on passage planning.


The following advice should be given by the Master to officers navigating in or near an oil and gas
field development area.

 Keep a sharp lookout for supply boats and other craft operating near platforms and rigs as
they can appear unexpectedly from blind sectors. At night they are sometimes difficult to
detect against the background lights and flares.
 Be prepared to encounter rigs and other large structure of which no information has been
promulgated. Their movement is dependent upon weather conditions and they may have to
move at short notice.
 Maintain a continuous listening watch on VHF. Rigs and platforms send out calls if they
consider a vessel is approaching too close.
 Verify the location of installations visually with those on the chart.
 Verify the identity of installations with Racon‘s by cross checking with the chart.
 Use P.I techniques to monitor the position of the vessel, as indicated on the chart.
 Increase the frequency of position fixing when navigating close to offshore installations and
development areas.
 Stay well outside the 500m safety zone as indicated on the chart.
 Proceed at a safe speed at all times. Be reminded that the presence of installations might limit
available navigable water, which may make a reduction in speed necessary to avoid a close
quarter‘s situation.
 Call me if in any doubt.


(see Mariners Handbook)

Pipelines may contain flammable oil or gas under high pressure. A vessel causing damage to a
pipeline could face an immediate hazard from loss of buoyancy due to gas-aeriated water or
fire/explosion, and result in an environmental hazard. Submarine cables may conduct high
voltages, and contact with, or damage to may result in an electric shock hazard. In extreme cases,
damaging power cables and interrupting electricity supplies could endanger life ashore. If the
anchor is fouled on a cable or a pipeline, it may not be possible to recover the anchor, and result in
it having to be slipped (loss of anchor).

Navigation in the vicinity of shipping routes is often restricted by offshore installations that are
used to explore and exploit offshore oil and gas fields. These installations are usually protected by
safety zones. A coastal state may establish safety zones around installations and other devices on
the continental shelf.

These zones normally extend to a distance of 500m around installations measured from their outer
edges. Within these zones measures can be taken to protect installations.

Navigate with care when passing near offshore structures giving due regard to safe speed and
passing distance.

Where appropriate, take early and substantial avoiding action when approaching such installations.

Use any designated routeing systems established in the area

Maintain a contnous listening watch on VHF 16.

Under UK law, entry into any safety zone is prohibited, except in the following cases;

To lay, work on, or remove a submarine cable or pipeline near the zone

To provide services for an installation within the zone

To save life or property

When in distress




Explain why there are different routes East and West bound. (6)
The prevailing winds are westerly and strong, with high waves and swell, particularly
in higher latitudes.
Eastbound routes with following weather can take shorter tracks in higher latitudes.
Westbound routes with adverse winds take longer tracks in lower latitudes to reduce
the effect of adverse weather.

1. B
(i) which stars will be available to be observed during Civil Twilight; (8)
(ii) with reasons, which stars would be best suited for a 4 star fix; (9)
(iii) which stars would be best suited for a 3 star fix; (3)
(iv) if the LHA (Aries) had been 033°, state the significance of the Azimuth of Hamal
and Sirius with respect to the position lines. (6)

Table 38 S 017
ii) Four star fix. F
Rigel. Bright, Good altitude, Approximately opposite
Fomalhaut. Canopus. Bright, Good altitude,
Approximately opposite Alpheratz. Fomalhaut. Bright,
Good altitude, Approximately opposite Rigel.
Alpheratz. Adequate altitude, Approximately opposite Canopus.
iii) Three star fix.
iv) iv)
Hamal. Almost due North, good for
Latitude. Sirius. Almost due East, good
for Longitude.
3.Vessels transiting across the Southern Ocean may encounter different environmental
(a) With reference to Southern Hemisphere icebergs: describe
(i) the sources and type of information that are available to the Master; (12)
(ii) state the approximate limits of icebergs in the South Indian Ocean. (4)
(b) SOLAS V requires the master of every ship to report dangers to navigation to ships
in the vicinity, and also to the competent authorities.
State the conditions likely to cause severe ice accretion on superstructures. (8)
(c) Radar waves can be affected by super-refraction "in high Latitudes whenever
the sea surface temperature is exceptionally low".
(i) Explain the phenomena of super-refraction and its effect on Radar waves. (6)
(ii) Explain why mariners should exercise caution when fixing the vessel's position
if the above conditions are suspected. (5)

Routeing charts. Iceberg limits.
Sailing Directions. Areas, seasons and limits.
Mariners‘ Handbook. General
information. Ocean Passages of the
World. General limits. GMDSS. Fax
charts. Vessel reports.
Weather Routeing service. Relayed
information. Internet. Charts, satellite
images, text messages… ii)
Extreme Limit of Icebergs, approximately 35°S off South Africa to 40°S
off Australia. b)
Air temperature less than -
2° C. Low sea temperature.
Conditions producing spray: Factors are wind speed, wave height, relative wind / wave
direction, vessel speed.
Low sea temperature leads to low air temperature at sea surface level and a temperature
inversion. The radar signal is refracted toward the surface within the inversion layer.
The signal travels close to the surface for a greater distance than normal and targets may be
detected at greater ranges and displayed as second trace echoes.
Second trace echoes may be displayed at ranges less than the actual range of the
objects. These may be confused with targets within the display range and lead to
erroneous positions.

4 B) With reference to search and rescue, discuss the advantages and disadvantages
of the different patterns available. (15)

Expanding square search (SS)

Most effective when the location of the search object is known within relatively
close limits. The commence search point is always the datum position.
Often appropriate for vessels or small boats to use when searching for persons in the
water or other search objects with little or no leeway.
Due to the small area involved, this procedure must not be used simultaneously by
multiple vessels. Accurate navigation is required; the first leg is usually oriented
directly into the wind to minimize navigational errors.

Sector search (VS)

Most effective when the position of the search object is accurately known and the search
area is small. Used to search a circular area centred on a datum point.
Due to the small area involved, this procedure must not be used simultaneously by multiple
An aircraft and a vessel may be used together to perform independent sector searches of the same

Track line search.

Normally used when an aircraft or vessel has disappeared without a trace along a
known route. Often used as initial search effort due to ease of planning and
Consists of a rapid and reasonably thorough search along intended route of the distressed craft.
Search may be along one side of the track line and return in the opposite direction on the
other side (T SR).
Search may be along the intended track and once on each side, then search facility
continues on its way and does not return (TSN).

Parallel track search (PS)

Used to search a large area when survivor location is
uncertain. Most effective over water or flat terrain.
Usually used when a large search area must be divided into sub-areas for assignment to
individual search facilities on-scene at the same time.
Appropriate for us by several vessels.
Track Spacing distance may be low, leading to vessels manoeuvring in close proximity.

5 (a) SOLAS Chapter V Regulation 34 - Safe navigation and avoidance of dangerous

situations requires that "an appraisal of all information available must be made before
detailed plans can be drawn up".
(i) State the purpose of the appraisal process. (6)
(ii) Outline what the appraisal process should provide to the Master and the Bridge team.
(iii) State EIGHT publications that would assist in the Appraisal of the voyage
from Durban to Freemantle. (8)
(b) A Master is required to issue clear and specific Night Orders.
Outline SEVEN factors that should be included with respect to making a landfall. (14)

i) Appraisal is the process of gathering all information relevant to the proposed voyage,
including ascertaining risks and assessing its critical areas. The Guidelines list the items
that should be taken into account.
ii) This appraisal will provide the Master and his bridge team with a clear and precise
indication of all areas of danger, and delineate the areas in which it will be possible to
navigate safely taking into account the calculated draught of the vessel and planned
under-keel clearance.
ii) Admiralty Charts.
Ocean Passages for the
World. Sailing Directions.
Routeing Charts.
Admiralty List of Lights and Fog
Signals. Admiralty List of Radio
Mariners‘ Handbook.
M Notices.
Weekly Notices to Mariners.
Annual Summary of Notices to
Mariners. Nautical Almanac.
a) The Master‘s Night Orders for the Landfall should include:
Instructions as to calling the Master at any time if in need of assistance and in the event of:
a) making the landfall unexpectedly.
b) not making the landfall as scheduled.
c) detecting unexpected features or failing to detect those
expected. Checking compass errors.
Use of the largest scale chart available for the approach period.
Employment of primary and secondary position fixing systems at
regular intervals. Checking performance of radar / ARPA.
Using the echo sounder to monitor the actual under keel
clearance. Employing prominent Radar Conspicuous
Being aware of the increased probability of traffic and
small craft. Monitoring weather forecasts.
Updating tidal information.


2 B) Outline any problems that may be encountered with the observation of this
meridian passage. (6)

Difficulty observing Jupiter in daylight due to brightness of sky.

Difficulty measuring altitude due to high altitude, path is a shallow curve when swinging
sextant. Difficulty judging the moment of Meridian Passage, which may not be the moment
of maximum altitude, due to vessel movement.

3 B) State the relationship between LAT and Chart Datum at Sandy Hook (New York
Bay). (4)
(a) Explain the problem with calculating the tide if the vessel had been diverted to Cape Cod
W. Entrance (ATT 2787), with a similar ETA. (10)
The curves may not be used for a Duration more than 07:00. Tidal Constants must be used.

Outline why this is the recommended route, with respect to hazards that maybe
encountered around the Grand Banks of Newfoundland. (14)

Hazards that may be encountered in the vicinity of the

Grand Banks: High traffic density.
Intense Polar Frontal Depressions, high wind speeds, wind waves
and swell. Advection Fog.
Many fishing vessels.
Many drilling and production
rigs. Pack ice in Winter.
Icebergs in Spring.

Q.2 D)

3) Fog may often be encountered in the many areas of the world.

(a) Describe conditions necessary for the formation of sea/advection fog. (4)
(b) State THREE ocean areas of the world where sea/advection fog may commonly be
encountered. (6)
(c) Using the data below and the graph paper provided:
(i) plot the sea surface temperature and the dew point temperature against time; (4)
(ii) estimate at what time fog may be encountered. (6)
Time Sea Surface Dew Point
Temperature Temperature
1940 8.2°C 4.7°C
1955 7.8°C 4.9°C
2010 7.7°C 5.2°C
2025 7.3°C 5.3°C
2040 7.0°C 5.5°C
(d) Write a section of Master's Standing orders outlining the procedure to
be adopted on encountering restricted visibility. (16)
Advection carries air over a sea surface with a temperature lower than the dew point
temperature of that air.
The surface layer of the air is cooled below its dewpoint temperature and condensation
occurs in the surface layer as fog.
Any area where humid air is adjacent to a sea surface with a lower temperature than the
dew point temperature of the air.
The Grand Banks off Newfoundland in the North West Atlantic Ocean over the
Labrador Current. The Eastern Atlantic over the Canaries current.
The North West Pacific Ocean over the Kamchatka
current. The Eastern Pacific Ocean over the
California current.
The Eastern South Atlantic over the Benguela
current. The Eastern South Pacific Ocean over
the Peru Current.




6.0 20:00 21:00 22:00


20:00 21:00 22:00
ii) 19:00
Fog is probable after 21:25.

Call the
Engage hand
steering. Inform
Engine Room.
Engines to standby.
Reduce to a safe speed.
Comply with appropriate
COLREGS. Commence sound
Check ARPA function / commence radar
plotting. Monitor visibility by sighting ranges of
vessels / objects. Monitor sea surface and dew
point temperatures.

4.As the vessel is approaching the Grand Banks of Newfoundland a DSC message is
received that a vessel, 22 miles away, is in distress and requires immediate assistance.
A number of vessels are proceeding to the area.
(a) Outline SIX factors to be considered when choosing which vessel's Master will
act as On Scene Coordinator; there has not yet been any communication from an
MRCC. (12)
(b) Outline the purpose of IAMSAR Vol. III. (8)
(c) IAMSAR Vol. Ill contains details of different search
patterns. Describe the circumstance when the following
patterns should be used:
(i) sector search; (4)
(ii) expanding square search; (4)
(iii) parallel search. (4)
(d) Describe the preparations that should be done on the bridge on route to the
distress position. (12)

OSC factors.
Qualification and experience of the Master.
Sufficient appropriate personnel to carry out the tasks required.
Adequate appropriate communications equipment to communicate with MRCC and
search facilities. Proximity to the scene of the operation.
Common language.
Adequate supplies to function for the expected duration of the
operation. b)
Carried on board to assist vessels and aircraft in the performance of a search and rescue
or on scene coordinator function and with aspects of search and rescue that pertain to
their own emergencies. c)
i) Sector search. Most effective when the position of the search object is accurately
known and the search area is small.
ii) Expanding square search. Most effective when the location of the search object is
known within relatively close limits.
iii) Used to search a large area when the search object location is uncertain and a number of
vessels are involved.
d) Acknowledge receipt of the distress message.
Acquire appropriate information about the vessel in
distress. Carry out risk assessment for the operation.
Maintain continuous watch on relevant frequencies.
Maintain communications with vessel in distress and vessels engaged in the operation,
exchanging relevant information.
Maintain awareness of the position of the
distressed craft. Receive and assess the search
action plan.
Prepare standard messages to be used.
Organise personnel for bridge and deck operation.
Organise preparation of equipment to be used in the operation.

5.SOLAS Chapter V requires that the vessels must carry up-to-date

charts and that electronic charts may be carried as an alternative to
paper charts.
(a) State in full the meaning of the following acronyms:
(i) ECDIS; (3)
(ii) ENC; (2)
(iii) RNC. (2)
(b) With regard to ECDIS and ENC:
(i) explain how the information is stored; (3)
(ii) explain how the information is displayed; (5)
(iii) state the precautions that should be observed when the OOW selects the type
of data to be displayed. (8)
(c) Summarise the key points of the MCA's guidance contained in MGN 285 Electronic
charts -the use of risk assessment methodology when operating ECDIS in the raster
chart display system (RCDS) mode. (7)
i) Electronic Chart Display and Information System.
ii) Electronic Navigation Chart.
iii) Raster Navigational
Chart. b)
i) The information is stored as ENC data in IHO S-57 format encrypted according to
IHO S-63 security scheme.
ii) The ECDIS system converts the ENC data to the System Electronic Navigation Chart for
display and
integrates the vessel‘s position information from the Global
Position System. The user can select the data to be displayed
according to the circumstances. The density of data is appropriate
to the scale of the chart.
iii) The data selected must be appropriate to the part of the
passage. Sufficient safety information to enable a safe
Avoiding information
overload. Items to
Safety settings and
Safety contours.
Look ahead and
alarms. Cross Track
Distances. Scale of
Density of information displayed such as
depths. Display palette.

1. Define the hazard.
2. Calculate the risk.
3. Decide if the risk is tolerable.
4. Control the risk and record procedures.
5. Review the risk and develop emergency procedures.


The reasons why the Outer Route should not normally be used. (5)
7.41.1 Outer Route is not normally used as numerous large reefs have to be given a
wide berth, especially at night, owing to the strong and variable sets which may often
be experienced.

2.(a) The vessel makes a series of voyages between Hong Kong and Northern
Australia. With reference to Datasheet Q2(1) and Q2(2), discuss the meteorological
and navigational hazards that may be encountered by the vessel. (30)
(b) Describe the precautions that should be considered when using Parallel Indexing
to monitor the vessel during the transit of the Eastern Archipelago. (10)

7.36 Particular and constant attention must be paid to the current when navigating among
the island groups, for these sometimes deflect and always accelerate it. Again, most of the
islands are so low that it is almost impossible to see them at night and ships may be driven
onto the barrier or fringing reef, with no warning from sounding, as the reefs generally have
very deep water close to.

7.37 In navigating the waters of the Eastern Archipelago during the rainy season a sharp
look-out must be kept for flotsam. Trees, some of immense size, will be frequently met
afloat. They have been found to be especially numerous on the S coast of Luzon; in one
instance, near Marinduque Island
(13 20'N, 122 00' E), a group of trees was adrift: still upright and resembling an island.

Java Sea. Considerable exploitation of natural resources takes place in the Java Sea,
particularly in the W part. Charts, Notices to Mariners and Indonesia Pilot, Volumes I and
Il should be consulted for latest information available on permanent and moveable
structures (not all of which will be charted) and the pipelines between them, together with
regulations affecting their localities. Mariners are advised to avoid these areas whenever
Bass Strait, An Area to be Avoided encloses oil and gas fields extending between 20 miles
SE and 45 miles S of Lakes Entrances (37 54 S, 147 59 E) on Ninety Mile Beach. Submarine
pipelines are laid between the fields and the shore. For details see Australia Pilot, Volume Il.

Cyclones occur in the South China Sea during the Northern summer, approximately
from June to September.
Outline the factors to be considered when planning any EAST to WEST ocean passages. (15)
Great Circle track is least distance.
Great Circle track may have a Vertex in high
latitude. This may lead to encountering:
Polar Frontal Depressions with high adverse winds, high wind waves, high swell waves,
extreme single waves.
Extensive cloud cover and
precipitation. Adverse currents.
Pack ice and icebergs.
Load Line Limits and other limiting latitudes may apply.
B) Identify THREE courses of action that the Master could take to avoid
entering the area of influence, outline advantages and disadvantages of EACH
action. (15)

23 03

24 03 24 03

23 03

22 03

i) Plot.
ii) 24 x 12 = 288 NM = 4.8°
24 x 14 = 336 = 5.6°
iii) 40° either side of forecast
path. 240 NM radius.
b) On present course and speed vessel is likely to be within the storm field within approximately

Proceed on a south south easterly course at maximum speed, monitoring forecasts

and adjusting course to avoid storm if it deviates from forecast path.
Maintains adequate distance from storm.
Storm is least likely to move toward the Equator.
Swell from storm may affect vessel at approximately
600 NM. Commercial, increases distance to

Proceed on a south westerly course at maximum speed.

Maintains distance from
storm. Unlikely to be
affected by swell.
Storm is least likely to move toward the Equator.
Gives time to monitor storm movement and adjust action if
required. Commercial, increases distance from destination.

Proceed on a west north westerly course at maximum speed.

Gives time to assess storm movement.
Storm is likely to decrease in intensity over cooler water of California Current.
Storm is likely to increase speed of movement in higher latitude and eventually
overtake vessel. Commercial, increases distance from destination.

C) State, with reasons, the most appropriate course of action for the ones identified
in Q3(b) that a prudent Master would take. (6)

Proceed on a south westerly course at maximum speed.

Maintains distance from
storm. Unlikely to be
affected by swell.
Storm is least likely to move toward the Equator.
Gives time to monitor storm movement and adjust action if required.

D) Discuss the hazards that a vessel would encounter if it came within 80 miles of
the centre of a hurricane. (8)

Wind speed probably greater than

Force 12. Wind wave height
approximately 15 m.
Swell height approximately 14 m.
Swell direction across wind wave
direction. Reduced visibility due to
rain and spray.
Lightening strikes.

US GPS and Russian GLONASS are the only current operational GNSS.
GPS system designed to provide a minimum of 4 satellites above 9.5 degree elevation anywhere in
the world, 24 hours a day. DGPS, relies on being within range of a reference station.
GPS accuracy +/- 20m, DGPS +/- 5m
 Best when one receiver is overhead and 3 are spread over arc of 120 degrees on horizon.
Sources of Error
GPS Errors. GPS positional accuracy can depend on the following factors
 TROPOSPHERIC Errors (troposphere contains the weather)
 Clock Error
 Multipath Error
 Deliberate jamming of signals
 Solar Storms
High HDOP value – Dilution of Precision – an indicator of the reliability of the position rather than
the accuracy. Depends upon the geometry of the satellites overhead.
Both the object and the horizon have to be visible. Also, the body has to be within 90° of Dec of the
observer‘s latitude.
Multi-star / planet fix at AM and PM twilight.
Lat by Polaris in Northern Hemisphere at twilight.
A single position line obtained by the sun/moon/planet during daylight hours.
Latitude by Mer Pass Sun.
Potentially 1 – 2 miles
Sources of Error
Sextant errors
Unreliable horizon (for example haze)
Incorrect object used
For a running fix, the reliability of course and speed data and the length of the run will effect
Abnormal atmospheric conditions
When in radar range of land or suitable radar conspicuous aids to navigation.
IMO RESOLUTION MSC.192(79) (adopted on 6 December 2004) ADOPTION OF THE
 X-Band (9 GHz) for high discrimination, good sensitivity and tracking performance;
 S-Band (3 GHz) to ensure that target detection and tracking capabilities are maintained in
varying and adverse conditions of fog, rain and sea clutter.
The radar system range and bearing accuracy requirements should be: Range - within 30 m or
1% of the range scale in use, whichever is greater; Bearing - within 1°.
Sources of Error
Shadow Sectors
Correct Identification of object for both RADAR and visual
User to be aware of any drying heights which may affect returned information on RADAR display,

4b) Precautions Master should take when passing remote island chains
Run echo sounder to cross check soundings with expected depths approaching the chains.
 Consider approaching area during daylight hours, where low lying, poorly lit islands will be
hard to see.
 Consider additional lookout to be posted on the bridge on the approach to, and passage near
such island chains.
 Ensure that P.I‘s are used to monitor the vessel‘s progress while passing the islands.
 Ensure that position fixing intervals are reduced on account of the vessel‘s proximity to
navigational hazards.
 Utilise long range scanning on RADAR to give early indication of approach to islands, and
obtain ranges and bearings to cross check GPS position.
 Consider reviewing vessel‘s speed while passing such island chains.
 Consider increasing passing distance if navigationally viable, especially if islands are low
lying and poorly lit.
 Consider that CATZOC / Source survey data for the charts in use when determining safety
margins with the islands / associated shallows.

2.Datasheet Q2 shows the extract from IMO Ships' Routeing for the Gibraltar Strait traffic
separation scheme.
(a) With reference to the symbol centred at 36°00'N 005°22'W:
(i) identify the symbol; (3)
(ii) state, with reasons, the significance of the area indicated by the symbol. (7)
(b) With respect to Rule 10 of The International Regulations for Preventing
Collisions at Sea 1972 (Traffic Separation Schemes), discuss fully the following
proposed routes:
(i) 'A' departing Gibraltar heading West; (6)
(ii) 'B' departing Tanger heading East. (8)
(c) Outline the main objectives of IMO Ships' Routeing systems. (16)
(d) GIBREP is a mandatory reporting system for vessels transiting through the Strait of
(i) Explain the purpose of such a local reporting system. (6)
(ii) State TWO other similar reporting systems. (4)

i) Precautionary Area.
ii) These are areas of crossing traffic and traffic joining and leaving the TSS where
vessels will be following a wide variety of courses and altering course frequently.

i) Joins the TSS at its Termination at a shallow
angle. Proceeds in the west bound lane.
Keeps clear of the Separation
Zone. Leaves the TSS at the
ii) Does not join the TSS at the
Termination. Does not join the TSS at a
suitably shallow angle. Proceeds close to
the Separation Zone.

c) The purpose of Ship's Routeing is to improve the safety of navigation in converging

areas and in areas where the density of traffic is greatest and where freedom of movement
of shipping is inhibited by restricted sea room, existence of obstructions to navigation,
limited depths or unfavourable meteorological conditions.
The prime objective of Ship's Routeing system adopted by IMO may include some or all of
the following :- The separation of opposing streams of traffic so as to reduce the incidence of
head-on encounters
The reduction of dangers of collision between crossing traffic and shipping in established traffic
lane.The simplification of the patterns of traffic flow in converging areas.
The organisation of safe traffic flow in areas of concentrated offshore exploration or exploitation.
The organisation of traffic flow in or around areas where navigation by all ships or by
certain classes of ships is dangerous or undesirable.
The reduction of risk of grounding to provide special guidance to vessels in areas where
water depths are uncertain and critical.
The guidance of traffic clear of fishing grounds or the organization of traffic through fishing

i) Ship reporting systems contribute to safety of life at sea, safety and efficiency of
navigation and/or protection of the marine environment.
ii) In the Dover Strait / Pas de Calais
Or any others.

(a) The Maritime and Coastguard Agency issues information to the Maritime
Industry in the form of Marine Notices.
(i) State the purpose of Marine Guidance Notes. (5)
(ii) Summarise the key points relating to MGN 379: Navigation: Use of Electronic Navigation
Aids. (15)
(b) An Automatic Identification System (AIS) is required to be carried by vessels over 300
(i) Outline the main features of AIS. (12)
(ii) Outline the dangers of using AIS for collision avoidance. (8)

i) Marine Guidance Notices give significant advice and guidance relating to the improvement
of the safety of shipping and of life at sea, and to prevent or minimise pollution from
ii) Key Points:-
• Be aware that each item of equipment is an aid to navigation.
• Be aware of the factors which affect the accuracy of position fixing systems.
• Appreciate the need to cross check position fixing information using other methods.
• Recognise the importance of the correct use of navigational aids and knowledge of their
• Be aware of the dangers of over-reliance on the output from, and accuracy
of, a single navigational aid.

i) The regulation requires that AIS shall:
Provide information - including the ship's identity, type, position, course, speed,
navigational status and other safety-related information - automatically to appropriately
equipped shore stations, other ships and aircraft;
Receive automatically such information from similarly fitted ships; monitor and track ships;
Exchange data with shore-based facilities
ii) Not all ships will be fitted with AIS, particularly small craft and
fishing boats. Other floating objects which may give a radar echo will
not be detected by AIS.
AIS positions are derived from the target‘s GNSS position. This may not coincide with the
radar target. Faulty data input to AIS could lead to incorrect or misleading information
being displayed on other vessels.
Mariners should remember that information derived from radar plots relies solely upon the
data measured by the own-ship‘s radar and provides an accurate measurement of the target‘s
relative course and speed, which is the most important factor in deciding upon action to
avoid collision.
Existing ships of less than 500 gt. which are not required to fit a gyro compass are
unlikely to transmit heading information.
Discuss the reliability of the fix obtained in Q4(b).
The MPP is close to the AP, this may indicate a sound position.
The observer has not used the poor horizon which would lead to inaccurate observations.
The error in the observations is 6.6 NM, this implies an Index Error that has not been
applied, or applied in the incorrect direction.
The angle between bearings of Deneb and Vega is small, any error will have a large
effect on the Observed Position.Deneb is at a low altitude, abnormal refraction is
more likely to have a significant effect.
NOV- 2014
2. At 2140 UT on the evening of 9th March, in position 39°52‘N 017'40‘W vessel
steering 098° T at the service speed, the Master writes in his Night Orders for the
Officer of the Watch to take stars the following morning.
Using Datasheet Q2:
(i) identify the stars available to be observed at Civil Twilight; (10)
ii) state, with reasons, which FOUR stars would be most suitable for a high confidence fix.
GHA A 10 06 257 48.1
Inc 51 012 47.1
Lon 014 28.5
LHA A 256 06.7

Deneb 1.3 50 23 064 Bright. Near reciprocal bearing to Arcturus. Good

Altair 0.9 41 34 118 Bright. Good angle from Arcturus / Deneb. Good
Nunki 2.1 18 47 154 Less bright. Low altitude.
Antares 1.2 23 05 188 Low altitude.
Arcturus 0.2 48 29 252 Brightest. Good altitude.
Alkaid 1.9 54 35 302 Bright. Near reciprocal bearing from Altair. Good
angle from
Arcturus / Deneb. Good altitude.
Kochab 2.2 52 30 346 Less bright.
See Plot.
Deneb 1.3 50 23 064 Bright. Near reciprocal bearing to Arcturus. Good
Altair 0.9 41 34 118 Bright. Good angle from Arcturus / Deneb. Good
Arcturus 0.2 48 29 252 Brightest. Good altitude.
Alkaid 1.9 54 35 302 Bright. Near reciprocal bearing from Altair. Good
angle from
Arcturus / Deneb. Good altitude.




3. (a) The Maritime and Coastguard Agency issues information to the Maritime
Industry in the form of Marine Notices.
(i) State the purpose of Merchant Shipping Notices. (3)
(ii) Describe the contents of MSN 1781 The Merchant Shipping (Distress Signal
and Prevention of Collisions) Regulations 1997 - Amendments to Annex IV
(Distress Signals). (6)
(b) Maritime Safety Information is broadcast via the World Wide Navigational
Warning System (WWNWS) and may be received by NAVTEX.
(i) Outline the function of the WWNWS and the different radio navigational warnings. (10)
(ii) State FIVE of the categories of information concerning principal shipping routes. (10)
(iii) Explain the function and purpose of a NAVTEX receiver. (6)
(iv) NAVTEX messages are grouped into different subjects:
(1) State those that cannot be rejected by a NAVTEX receiver; (3)
(2) State those that should not be rejected by a NAVTEX receiver. (2)

i) Merchant Shipping Notices are used to convey mandatory information that must be
complied with under UK legislation.
These MSNs relate to Statutory Instruments and contain the technical detail of such regulations.

ii) The MSN sets out amendments to the Distress Signals.

(d) a signal made by any signalling method consisting of the group ... --- ... (SOS) in the
Morse Code; This replaces the specification of a Radiotelegraph signal.
(l) a distress alert by means of digital selective calling (DSC) transmitted on:
(i) VHF channel 70, or
(ii) MF/HF on the frequencies 2187.5 kHz, 8414.5 kHz, 4207.5 kHz, 6312 kHz, 12577 kHz or
16804.5 kHz;

(m) a ship-to-shore distress alert transmitted by the ship‘s Inmarsat or other mobile satellite
provider ship earth station;
The World-Wide Navigational Warning Service (WWNWS), is a co-ordinated global service
for the promulgation of navigational warnings.

NAVAREA I Warnings contain information concerning principal shipping routes which are
necessary for the mariner to know before entering coastal waters

COASTAL Warnings
1. Coastal warnings are issued for information which is of importance only in a particular
coastal region; they are not restricted to main shipping lanes.

LOCAL Warnings
1. Local warnings supplement the Coastal warning service by giving detailed information on
aspects which the ocean going vessel normally does not require.

a. Failure of and changes to major navigational aids.
b. Failure of and changes to long-range electronic position fixing systems (GPS/LORAN-C).
c. Newly discovered wrecks or natural hazards.
d. Areas where SAR or anti pollution operations are taking place (for avoidance of such areas).
e. Seismic surveys and other underwater activities in certain areas.
f. Positions of mobile drilling rigs (RIGLISTS) and other oil/gas related activities.

A Navtex receiver is an automated medium frequency direct-printing receiver for
navigational and meteorological warnings and forecasts, as well as urgent marine safety
information, transmitted to ships.

A Navigational warnings.
B Meteorological warnings.
D Search & rescue information, and pirate
warnings. 2)
L Navigational warnings — additional to letter A

4. On a subsequent eastbound voyage while in position 31°40‘N 076°30'W steering

075°, the vessel receives a warning that a category 2 hurricane is in position 28° 00‘N
065°30‘W moving NNW at 12 knots, with estimated wind speeds of 50 knots at 120'
and 75 knots at 80' from the centre.
(a) On Worksheet Q4 plot:
(i) the position of the storm and the vessel; (2)
(ii) the vessel's DR position and the area of influence of the storm in 24 hours. (7)
(b) Describe the expected weather the vessel would encounter over the above 24 hours,
if both the vessel and the storm continue on their current paths. (14)
(c) Discuss THREE possible courses of action the Master could take to avoid the
worst of the storm influence. (12)
(d) Explain which single action from 4(c) a prudent Master should take. (5)

16.2 x 24:00 = 388.8 NM
12 x 24:00 = 288 NM
Radius of gale force winds, 34 kn, probably approximately 240 NM.
Initially the vessel is outside the storm field west of the tropical
anticyclone. Changes due to entering the storm field and then
approaching the storm.

S becoming N, veering to NNE.
20 kn, increasing to 34 kn at the edge of the storm field and subsequently to
approximately 70 kn. Wind waves.
2m increasing to 15m

ExS, not changing
significantly. 10m
increasing to 15m.

Normal with diurnal variation, diurnal variation ceasing at the edge of the storm
field and pressure falling increasingly rapidly thereafter.

Moderate cumulus then bands of cirrus from storm direction and increasing to
total coverage of cumulonimbus.

Fair then increasing heavy rain possibly with hail; lightning and thunder.

The direction of movement of the storm indicates that it
is recurving. It is likely to continue recurving toward
north and north east.
The speed of movement is likely to increase in higher latitudes.
It is likely to travel over water with lower temperature, decreasing in intensity.
1. Stop.
2. Proceed on the intended course at a speed sufficiently reduced to remain out of the storm
3. Proceed in a SxE direction remaining out of the storm field.
In all cases monitor storm warnings and meteorological elements to determine the
movement of the storm and act accordingly if the storm movement brings it toward
the vessel.

Proceed in a SxE direction remaining out of the storm field.
This should maintain an adequate distance from the storm and its probable future
positions. Continue to monitor storm warnings and meteorological elements to
determine the movement of the storm and act accordingly if the storm movement
brings it toward the vessel.
5. Vessels engaged on coastal and ocean voyages need to rely on various
navigational aids and position fixing systems.
Discuss the availability, accuracy and sources of error (both Random and
Systematic) of EACH of the following:
(a) Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS); (10)
(b) Celestial observations; (15)
(c) Terrestrial observations. (15)

a) GNSS.
Latitudes within
system limits.
<10m if DGPS available.
Sources of Random Error.
Solar storms varying ionisation of upper
atmosphere. Malicious or accidental
signal interference.
Input errors from ground stations.
Low number of satellites above the
horizon. Damage to satellites due to
extreme solar radiation.
Sources of Systematic Error.
Input error from ground stations.

b) Cel
When cloud cover permits and the
horizon is visible. Twilight, planets and
Daytime, Sun, Moon, Venus.
Throughout when cloud cover permits and an artificial horizon is available, all objects.
Approximately 1 NM in good conditions.
Sources of Random Error.
Variations in refraction affecting the horizon or
objects observed. Observational errors by the
Sources of Systematic Error.
Errors in extraction of data.

c) Terre
When in sight or radar range of land with identifiable features which can be related to
0.1 NM in good
conditions. Sources of
Random Error.
Misidentification of
features. Observation
Inaccurate transfer of bearings due to unknown
current / leeway. Inaccurate charting of features.
Inaccurate measurement of radar ranges and bearings.
Sources of Systematic
Compass errors.
Incorrect course and / or speed applied when
transferring bearings. Unknown errors in radar ranges
and bearings.


3.(a) SOLAS Chapter V Regulation 19 - ―Carriage requirements for shipborne

navigational systems and equipment‖ details the navigational equipment to be
carried by ocean going vessels.
List 15 items of the navigational equipment that must he carried for the voyage in Q1.
(b) On the passage to Port Headland on 22nd January in position 019°48‘S 107°35‘E the
observes Venus in the western sky just after sunset
bearing 264°C. Chronometer 11h 37m 07s with an error
of 2m 27s slow.
Variation 1.5°E
(i) Calculate the deviation of the magnetic compass. (15)
(ii) Explain what the 00W and Master should do if a large Deviation is obtained. (10)

3 a)
All ships.
Standard Magnetic
Compass. Pelorus.
Means of correcting heading and bearings
to true. Nautical Charts or ECDIS.
Nautical Publications.
Back up arrangements for
Radar reflector if less than 500 GT.
Sound reception system if totally enclosed bridge.
Means of communication between bridge and emergency steering position.

Ships of 150 GT and upward (and passenger

ships.) Spare magnetic compass.
Daylight signalling lamp.

Ships of 300 GT and upward (and passenger

ships.) Echo sounder.
Heading transmitting device for input to other equipment.

Ships of 300 GT and upward on international voyages, cargo ships of 500 GT and upward
(and passenger ships.)

Ships of 500 GT and

upward Gyro compass or
Gyro repeater or other heading indicator at the steering
position. Gyro repeater or equivalent for taking bearings.
Indicators of rudder, propeller, thrust, pitch, lateral thrust as relevant at the conning
position. ARPA.

Ships of 3000 GT and

upward 3 GHz radar.
Second ARPA.

Ships of 10000 GT and

upward ARPA, 20 targets.

(Ships of 50000 GT and

upward Rate of turn
Ground speed and transverse speed

indicator.) (Sextant and chronometer??)

Compare the observation with the Deviation Card and recent observations and inform
the Master if significantly different from either.
Repeat the observation to confirm the
finding. Repeat the calculation to check
for errors.
Examine the area around the compass binnacle for extraneous magnetic material which
may be causing the error.
Check chart and Sailing Directions for a possible local magnetic
anomaly. (Unlikely in depths greater than 40 m.)

Check the horizontal and vertical magnets, soft iron spheres and Flinders bar, against
the positions recorded at the most recent compass adjustment.
Orientation of the magnets.
Positions of the horizontal
magnets. Height of the vertical
Distance of soft iron spheres from the compass
bowl. Amount of soft iron in the Flinders bar.
Restore to previous positions if found to be different.

Repeat observations to establish deviations on the full range of

headings. Consider correcting the compass.
Arrange for correction of the compass by a qualified Compass Adjuster as soon as practical.

4.The vessel is due to complete loading in Port Headland in 12 hours when a

Tropical Cyclone warning is received:
―Tropical Cyclone NARELLE in position 13°30‘S 116°00‘E is now moving in a
direction of SSW at 7 knots. Central pressure estimated as 970 hPa with maximum
winds of 70 knots.‖
(a) On Worksheet Q4 plot the position of the storm and the area it could be
influencing in 12 hours. (6)
(b) Outline the factors that the Master must consider for EACH of the following actions,
in light of the proximity of Tropical Cyclone NARELLE:
(i) remaining in the port; (12)
(ii) sailing to an anchorage; (10)
(iii) sailing to the open sea. (12)

Probable Movement 040 either side of
forecast path. Dis = 7 kn x 12:00 = 84 NM.

Radius of 34 kn winds approximately 180 NM

Availability of assistance from
ashore. Availability of additional
mooring lines. Changing water level
due to storm surge.
Damage to mooring lines, including parting, due to wind
pressure. Damage to mooring lines, including parting, due
to ranging.
Damage to the vessel due to high wind.
Damage to the vessel due to debris from ashore carried by the
wind. Damage to the vessel due to ranging or breaking free
from the moorings.
Damage to the vessel by other vessels ranging or breaking free from their
moorings. Tugs not available in the event of breaking out.

ii) Quality of the holding ground in the

anchorage. Space available in the
Degree of shelter from
land. Depths of water.
Probability of contact with the sea bed if rolling or
pitching. State of loading, draft / freeboard.
Potential for damage in the event of own or other vessels dragging anchor.
State of the vessel‘s windlass and anchor cables.
Navigational marks available for monitoring the vessel‘s position.
Limited availability of assistance.
Potential difficulty of navigating to open water if the anchorage becomes untenable.

Vessel may be in the Dangerous Quadrant of the storm if it comes within the
storm field. Ability to take appropriate action in changing circumstances.
Availability of assistance.
Probability of the vessel
Probability of survival in the event of foundering.
Draft / freeboard and effects in extreme sea conditions.
Depth of water, probability of contact with sea bed if rolling / pitching
heavily. Sea room available.
Power of vessel.
Sea keeping properties of the
vessel. Fuel reserves.
Known and potential defects of the vessel‘s equipment.

5.(a) In the International Management Code for the Safe Operation of Ships and for
Pollution Prevention (ISM Code) one of the Master‘s responsibilities is to ―issue
appropriate orders in a clear and simple manner‖, with regard to Navigation.
Explain how the Master complies with this responsibility. (10)
(b) Describe the contents of Master‘s Standing Orders and outline the factors that
should be taken into account when compiling them. (25)

a)The Master complies with the responsibility by compiling appropriate Standing Orders
and Night Orders which must be read and signed by watchkeeping officers.
Emergency Bridge Procedures must also be compiled.
A Bridge Team meeting held to discuss the proposed passage.

Standing Orders:
Set out the circumstances in which the Master requires to be called.
Lay down ground rules for the conduct of the officers in various
circumstances. Reinforce particular procedures which the Master
requires to be followed.
Establish the responsibilities of the officers.
Minimise the probability of error endangering the
vessel. Establish practices of monitoring

Establish procedures for the transfer of responsibility for the navigational watch.

Night Orders:
Set out the Master‘s requirements for a particular set of circumstances probably of relatively

b)The Master‘s Standing Orders are specific to the vessel and supplement official
publications such as STCW, Bridge Procedures Guide and Company ISM manuals and set
out for OOWs the actions to be taken in particular circumstances such as above, and:

Restricted visibility:
Inform the
Inform Engine
Adjust speed
appropriately. Engage
hand steering.
Post additional lookouts.
Commence sounding appropriate fog
signals. Switch on navigation lights.
Monitor radar and commence
plotting. Plot position at
appropriate intervals.

Engine failure.
Inform the
Exhibit NUC
Commence sounding appropriate fog
signals. Use headway to manoeuvre away
from hazards. Plot position at appropriate
Note probable current, tide, wind effects.

Steering gear
Inform the Master.
Exhibit NUC signals.
Engage emergency
steering. Take way off
the vessel.
Note probable current, tide, wind effects.

Malfunction of navigational
equipment. Inform the Master.
Inform the ETO.
Consider effect of malfunction.
Use alternative methods of position fixing and directional control.

Extreme weather
conditions. Inform the
Inform Engine Room.
Inform heads of departments to initiate appropriate
precautions. Adjust speed appropriately.

The following factors should be taken into account in

compiling these: Ship type.
Trading pattern.
Relevant experience of the personnel involved.

NAVIGATION 2014-03-27

state the season for icebergs near the Grand Banks of Newfoundland; (2)
state the general limits for icebergs near the Grand Banks of Newfoundland. (2)

2.26 From March to July, greatest frequency April, May and June.
2.26 Bergs are not normally found South of 40 N or East of 040 W.Ice can present a serious
hazard to any vessel.

1. Ice can present a serious hazard to any vessel.

(a) Outline the guidance provided in the Mariners Handbook NP 100 on
EACH of the following:
(i) the preparations before the vessel approaches ice; (8)
(ii) the considerations before entering ice; (14)
(iii) when making an entry. (10)
(b) Write a section of the Master‘s Standing Orders regarding navigating in or near ice.

a) The most relevant eight of:

i) Vessel
winterisation 6.39
The ship‘s staff should take early precautions to avoid damage to hull and machinery, and
to minimise risk of commercial loss whilst in port by carrying out items on the following
check-list, not necessarily fully comprehensive, with respect to operations in ice:
Ice-operations draught, trim and stability permitting, empty or slack off all wing and
double bottom water ballast and fresh tanks, and slack all fresh water tanks.
However, ensure that draughts, trim and stability are in accordance with ice classification,
allowing for icing.
Ensure all the heating and air bubble tank systems are in working order.
Check bunker status, especially with respect to quantities of Diesel/Marine Gas Oil, taking
into account the increased manoeuvring, and add cold temperature additives as required.
All radars are fully operational and scanner heating arrangements
functioning. All searchlights are operational and availability of spare
Bridge window heating and wiper/clear view screen/window wash heating systems
fully functional. Protect mooring equipment and ropes from icing.
Test satisfactory operation of any superstructure heating
arrangements. Ensure all heating systems to deck machinery
spaces are fully functional. Drain external fire-main and deck
line systems.
Ensure all deck machinery is protected by low temperature grease and anti-freeze.
Ensure all life saving equipment will be available in freezing conditions, lifeboats fitted
with working heaters, engines with anti-freeze, water tanks slack.
Ensure all ship‘s staff supplied with cold weather and survival equipment.
Consider additional requirements for abandoning ship in what may be
consolidated pack ice. Check stocks of salt, or proprietary products, for melting
ice and sand for anti—slip.
Ensure sufficiency and availability of wooden mallets/mawls, snow shovels etc for
ice removal. Consider employment of additional deck hands to permit relief
systems in freezing conditions. Ensure all rigging is set up correctly to withstand
the shock of ice collisions.
Ensure availability of lower sea suctions, check heating/compressed air clearance systems
and sea-water recirculation systems.
Ensure bunker tank heating systems fully functional.
Ensure all main/auxiliary/steering/thruster/cpp machinery space heating systems fully
functional. Ensure status of cathodic protection, impressed current, is set for ice
In port, never stop the hydraulic pumps for controllable pitch propellers.

Ensure that the rudder and rudder angle indicators are in

alignment. Ensure functionability of main and spare Not-
Under Command lights.

ii)Considerations before
entering ice 6.59
Ice should not be entered if an alternative, although longer, route is available. Before
deciding to enter the ice the following factors need to be considered:
Latest ice report detailing the type and concentration of the ice in
the area. Time of year, weather and temperature.
Area of operation.
Availability of ice manoeuvring modes from all equipment and
machinery spaces. Availability of icebreakers.
Availability of any airborne support.
Availability of potential mutual support/advice from other vessels in the area.
Vessel‘s ice class in relation to the type of ice expected.
State of hull, machinery and equipment, and quantity of bunkers and stores available.
Draught, with respect to any ice strengthened belt, and depth of water over the propeller
tips and the rudder.
Ice experience of the person in charge on the bridge.

iii)Making an
entry 6.63
The following principles govern entry into the ice:
Where the existence of pressure is evident from hummocking and rafting, entry should not be
attempted. The ice should be entered from leeward, if possible, as the windward edge of an
icefield is more compact than the leeward edge, and wave action is less on the leeward edge.
The ice edge often has bights separated by projecting tongues.
By entering at one of the bights, the surge will be found to be least.
Ice should be entered at very low speed and at right angles to the ice edge to receive the
initial impact, and once into the ice speed should be increased to maintain headway and
control of the vessel.

b)Master‘s Standing Orders, Ice.

Call me at any time if in need of assistance.
Study Chapter 6 of the Mariner‘s Handbook and note the items of relevance to ice navigation
from a
perspective. As
Monitor communications for ice information.
Transmit danger messages in accordance with SOLAS
requirements. Inform Master, Engine Room and Crew of
ice conditions.
Close watertight doors.
Moderate speed in accordance with conditions.
Check that increased sounding frequency of tanks and bilges is being implemented.

3.Tidal Stream Atlases are required to be carried onboard vessels.

(a) Explain the purpose and the procedure to use a Tidal Stream Atlas. (12)

The purpose of a Tidal Stream Atlas is to determine the direction and rate of the tidal
stream at a position and time.
The appropriate atlas for the area is selected.
The times and heights of tide at the standard port are used to determine the range of tide
on the day. The appropriate chart for the interval from high water is consulted.
The direction and spring and neap rates are extracted for the
position. The Computation of Rates diagram is used to
Using the Spring and Neap ranges of the standard port and the range
on the day; With the spring and neap rates of the position;
to the rate at the time required at the position.
Interpolation may be carried out without reference to the diagram.

4.(a) Rule 6 of The International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea
1972 outlines the requirements for vessels to maintain a safe speed.
(i) State why vessels should proceed at a safe speed. (5)
(ii) State the factors that should be taken into account by all vessels. (12)

i) Rule 6
Every vessel shall at all times proceed at a safe speed so that she can take proper and
effective action to avoid collision and be stopped within a distance appropriate to the
prevailing circumstances and conditions.
ii) In determining a safe speed the following factors shall be among those taken into account:
(a) By all vessels:
(i) the state of visibility;
(ii) the traffic density including concentrations of fishing vessels or any other vessels;
(iii) the manoeuvrability of the vessel with special reference to stopping distance
and turning ability in the prevailing conditions;
(iv) at night the presence of background light such as from shore lights or from
back scatter of her own lights;
(v) the state of wind, sea and current, and the proximity of navigational hazards;
(vi) the draught in relation to the available depth of water.

Alteration of course toward a vessel abaft the beam is to be avoided.

The vessels are not in sight of one another, Rule 19

applies. Speed has been reduced to a safe speed.
An increase of speed would therefore not be a safe speed.

W O1


5(a) State the appropriate manning level on the bridge when navigating
in a Traffic Separation Scheme with dense traffic and restricted
visibility, outlining the duties of EACH member of the bridge team. (15)
(b) State, with reasons, the appropriate manning level for navigation on an
ocean passage during daylight in clear visibility. (7)
(c) IMO adopts certain Traffic Routeing Schemes; outline the stated
criteria used in deciding whether or not to adopt or amend a traffic
separation scheme. (8)

Master. In command.
Receives information from Bridge Team, Analyses and issues
commands. Communications.
Monitors bridge team performance.

OOW. Navigation.
Position, course and speed
monitoring. Informs Master
ns. Record
Monitors Ratings‘ performance.

OOW. Traffic.
Monitors traffic in
vicinity. Informs

Rating. Helmsman.
Steers vessel to Master‘s
orders. Monitors Master‘s

Rating. Lookout.
Keeps visual and aural
lookout. Reports to Master
and OOW.

Rating. Standby.
On Call as required.

b) OOW as sole lookout.

This is permitted provided that:

The OOW is adequately rested.
The workload is within the OOWs capacity to maintain a proper lookout and remain in
full control. Assistance is available if required.
The OOW knows what assistance is available and the means to summon such assistance.
The designated backup is aware of their responsibility and the means of communication
by which they will be summoned.
All Bridge equipment is fully operational.

c) Ships‘ Routeing.
3.2 In deciding whether or not to adopt or amend a traffic separation scheme, IMO will
consider whether:
.1 the aids to navigation proposed will enable mariners to determine their position with
sufficient accuracy to navigate in the scheme in accordance with rule 10 of the 1972
Collision Regulations, as amended;
.2 the state of hydrographic surveys in the area is adequate;
.3 the scheme takes account of the accepted planning considerations and complies with
the design criteria for traffic separation schemes and with established methods of

NAVIGATION 2013-11-28

Explain why there are different recommended routes. (8)

The Rhumb line westwards is a greater distance, but is less likely to encounter strong
westerly winds and easterly current.
Great Circle route eastward is a shorter distance, and is likely to encounter strong westerly
winds and easterly current, but these are astern and favourable.

Compare and contrast the use of great circle and rhumb line sailing. (10)

a) Great Circle
Sailing. Shortest
A limiting latitude may
apply. Routes lie in higher
latitudes. Weather may be
more severe. Currents
may be stronger.

Rhumb Line
Greater distance.
Limiting latitude unlikely to be a
factor. Routes lie in lower latitudes.
Weather may be less
severe. Currents may be
less strong.

Explain the presentation of current information as displayed on Admiralty Routeing

Charts. (8)
Current information on Routeing Charts is presented in the form of Predominant Current
Vectors. The predominant current is the most probable current.
The numbers of current observations falling within overlapping 90° sectors at 15°
intervals is determined.
The predominant direction is the mid direction of the sector with the highest number of
observations. The predominant speed is the arithmetic mean speed of all observations in
the predominant direction sector.
The constancy of the predominant current is the ratio of the number of observations in the
predominant direction sector to the total number of observations.

Discuss the availability, accuracy and limitations of celestial

observations in the Southern Oceans in June. (12)

c) Availability.
Sun approximately 07:00—17:00, less if adequate altitude is to be achieved.
Stars and Planets during twilight, approximately between 06:30 ± 00:15 and
17:30 ± 00:15. Venus from morning twilight to early afternoon.

Multiple object sights approximately
1 NM. Sun Run Sun, approximately 2

Altitudes of the Sun and Venus relatively low due to Northerly
Declination. Cloud cover is likely to limit ability to take
Relatively long period of darkness.
4.SOLAS requires that ocean going vessels are to carry certain nautical publications.
(a) List the 14 publications a vessel is required to carry as detailed in the Mariners
Handbook NP100. (14)
(b) Describe the contents of these publications which would be of benefit in
appraising the routes described in Q1. (16)

Admiralty Charts.

International Code of Signals

International Aeronautical and Maritime Search and rescue manual Volume III
The Mariners‘ Handbook
Merchant Shipping Notices, Marine Guidance Notes, Marine
Information Notes. Admiralty Notices to Mariners.
Admiralty Notices to Mariners – Annual Summary.
Parts 1 and 2. Admiralty List of Radio Signals.
Admiralty List of Lights.
Admiralty Sailing
Directions. Nautical
Admiralty Tide Tables.
Admiralty Tidal Stream
Operating and maintenance instructions for all navigation aids carried by the ship.

The Mariners‘ Handbook
The Maritime environment; ocean currents, non-tidal changes in sea level, waves,
characteristics of the sea, the seabed, ice and icebergs.
Meteorology; general maritime meteorology, weather routeing of ships, weather related
Admiralty Sailing Directions.
Details of areas relating to the voyage, general information, landmarks,
recommended routes, approaches, anchorages, pilotage, berths.

Admiralty List of Radio Signals.

Details of sources of information concerning navigation aids, meteorological
information and port facilities.

Admiralty List of Lights.

Details of lights and fog signals.

Admiralty Charts.
Positions of land and ports, navigation aids, depths of water, hazards.

Admiralty Notices to
Mariners. Corrections to

Admiralty Notices to Mariners – Annual Summary. Parts

1 and 2. Long term information published in Admiralty
Notices to Mariners.

Merchant Shipping Notices, Marine Guidance Notes, Marine

Information Notes. Information concerning requirements relevant to
the voyage.

Nautical Almanac.
Astronomical information, ephemera of the celestial bodies used for navigation, times of
sunrise, sunset, twilights.

Admiralty Tide Tables.

Details of tides at the
Admiralty Tidal Stream Atlases.
Details of tidal streams in coastal areas and at ports.

Operating and maintenance instructions for all navigation aids carried by

the ship. Details relating to the operational characteristics of the

International Aeronautical and Maritime Search and rescue manual

Volume III Availability of Search and Rescue facilities in the area.
Procedures to be followed.

International Code of
Signals Little relevance
to Appraisal.
5.(a) MSN 1767 provides guidance on Hours of Work, Safe Manning and Watchkeeping.
(i) Outline the factors to be taken into account in establishing Safe Manning
requirements with respect to navigational duties. (8)
(ii) State the Minimum Hours of Rest (Regulation 5). (8)
(b) (i) Outline the Bridge equipment that should be tested prior to departure from port.
(ii) State the current MCA guidance on the testing of Heading Control Systems. (8)

Frequency of port calls, length and nature of the voyage;
Trading area(s), waters and type of operations in which the ship or vessel is involved and
any special requirements of the trade or operation;
Navigational duties and responsibilities as required by STCW 95 including
the following: Plan and conduct safe navigation;
Maintain a safe navigational watch;
Manoeuvre and handle the ship in all conditions and during all
operations; Safely moor and unmoor the ship.

Minimum Hours of Rest
(Regulation 5) The hours of rest
shall be not less than:
10 hours in any 24-hour
period; and 77 hours in any 7-
day period.
Note: Hours of rest may be divided into no more than 2 periods, one of which should be at
least 6 hours long, and the interval in between should not exceed 14 hours.
MCA may authorise exceptions to the limits.

b) i)
Within 12 hours of departure:
Steering gear including manual, auto-pilot and emergency changeover arrangements
and rudder indicators.
Echo sounder
Electronic navigational position-fixing
systems Gyro and magnetic compass
and repeaters
Passage plan entered into integrated bridge
system Radar(s)
AIS data inputs made, speed/distance
recorder Voyage Data Recorder.
Bridge and engine room
telegraphs. RPM indicators
Emergency engine stops
Thruster controls and
Controllable pitch propeller controls and indicators.
Bridge to engine room / mooring station / steering flat
communications Portable radios
VHF radio communications with port
authority. Navigation and signal lights.
lamp Morse
Sound signalling
apparatus. Whistles
Fog bell and gong system
Window wiper/clearview screen
arrangements Cargo and passenger
details available
Bridge movement book/course and engine movement
recorder . Stability and draught information available.
(Bridge Procedures Guide) MANUAL STEERING POSIT1ONS .
The steering gear should be tested at all the manual steering positions on the bridge:
After prolonged use of the
autopilot; Once per watch:
Before entering coastal waters.


In coastal waters, use more than one steering gear power unit when such units are
capable of simultaneous operation.


Shortly before departure, check and test the steering gear including, as applicable, the
operation of the following:
The main steering gear;
The auxiliary steering
The remote steering control
systems; The main steering position
on the bridge; The emergency
power supply;
The rudder angle indicators in relation to actual rudder
position; The remote steering gear control system power
failure alarms; The steering gear power unit failure
alarms; and
Automatic isolating arrangements and other automatic equipment.


Checks and tests should include:
The full rudder movement according to the required capabilities of the
steering gear; (35 to 35 and 35 to 30 in 28 seconds)
The timing of rudder movement from hardover-to-hardover, using each steering gear
power unit singly and together, to ensure consistency with previous tests;
A visual inspection of the steering gear and its connecting linkage; and
The operation of the means of communication between the bridge and the steering gear


SOLAS Chapter V Regulation 34 — Safe Navigation and Avoidance of Dangerous

requires that ―An appraisal of all information available must be made before detailed
plans can be
drawn up ―.
(i) State the purpose of the appraisal process. (6)
(ii) Outline what the appraisal process should provide to the Master and the Bridge team.
(b) The Admiralty produce Routeing Charts to assist in appraising and planning
ocean voyages. With reference to the route in Q1:
(i) state FOUR types of information from Routeing Charts that may be used during the
appraisal; (4)
(ii) explain how the information from Q3(b)(i) would influence the selection of a
route in the Planning stage of Voyage Planning. (8)

i) The purpose of Appraisal is to gather all information relevant to the proposed
voyage, including ascertaining risks and assessing its critical areas.

This appraisal will provide the master and his bridge team with a clear and precise
indication of all areas of danger, and delineate the areas in which it will be possible to
navigate safely taking into account the calculated draught of the vessel and planned
underkeel clearance. Bearing in mind the condition of the vessel, her equipment and any
other circumstances, to achieve a balanced judgement of the margins of safety which must
be allowed in the various sections of the intended voyage.

Ice Limits,
Pack Ice: minimum limit, average limit,
maximum limit. Mean Maximum Iceberg limit.
Fog, percentage frequency of visibility less than
1000m Percentage frequency of winds of Beaufort
force 7 and higher. Tropical Storm Tracks.
ii) Ice Limits,
Pack Ice: minimum limit, average limit,
maximum limit. Mean Maximum Iceberg limit.
Areas might be avoided, or noted for particular attention to be paid to sources of
information concerning actual ice presence and the need to alter the plan to avoid them.
Fog, percentage frequency of visibility less than 1000m.
Areas might be avoided, or noted for appropriate precautions to be taken.
Percentage frequency of winds of Beaufort force 7 and higher.
High winds led to high wind waves and swell. Areas of high wind speeds,
particularly in adverse directions, might be avoided, or noted for appropriate precautions
to be taken.
Tropical Storm Tracks.
Areas of high frequency might be avoided, or noted for particular attention to be
paid to the sources of information relating to tropical storms and the indications of
their presence.

4(a) State the seasons and the most probable months when hurricanes may be
encountered in the Western South Pacific. (5)
(b) Draw a plan view through a Southern Hemisphere hurricane before it recurves. (8)
(c) The following weather conditions are observed:
Wind SE Force 8 and slowly backing, swell NNE and pressure falling steadily.
(i) Sketch the situation and identify the vessel‘s position within the storm field. (7)
(ii) State, with reasons, the actions the Master should take to manoeuvre the vessel to
minimise the effect of the storm on the vessel. (6)
(iii) Illustrate and describe the expected effect of the actions in Q4(c)(ii), if the storm
maintains its current movement. (12)
(d) Some hours later the wind direction steadies and then starts to veer, with
the pressure continuing to fall.
(i) Identify any change in the storm‘s movement. (5)
(ii) State, with reasons, any subsequent actions the Master should take in light of
the changed conditions and any safety considerations of such actions. (12)

The TRS Season is the southern summer.
TRSs are most probable from January to March.
Navigable Semicircle

Path s
Right Dangero u

Left Rear

Trough Line


i) TRS
Buys Ballot‘s Law Southern Hemisphere.
Face the wind, SE, TRS is to the left by 90° + Angle
of Indraft; wind f8, 2 points, NNE.
NNE x 100 NM
Pressure falling, in advance of
TRS. Wind backing, left of Dangerous
Path. Quadrant
Advance, Left, Southern Hemisphere, Dangerous Quadrant.
SE f8
One answer should be given.

The Master should steer with the wind on the

Port Bow; At maximum practicable speed;
Altering course to maintain the relative wind
direction. Monitor elements to confirm action or
detect changes. Be prepared to change action if
situation changes.

In order to take the vessel away from the Path and Eye of the storm.
The alteration of course should take the vessel toward the rear of the storm past the
trough line. Action may have to be changed if the situation changes.

Wind is backing SLOWLY.
Vessel is on the Path, change of wind direction due to changing Angle of Indraft.

The Master should steer with the wind on the Port

Quarter; At maximum practicable speed;
Altering course to maintain the relative wind direction.

In order to take the vessel off the Path, into the Navigable Semicircle then away from the
Path and Eye of the storm.
The alteration of course should take the vessel toward the rear of the storm past the trough

Alternative Vessel Movement
le NNE x 100 NM

Dangero Vessel
Path us
SE f8

Vessel Movement
This action will take the vessel away from the Path and from the TRS.
As the storm moves the alteration of course will take the vessel toward the Rear of
the storm. Eventually the vessel will cross the Trough Line when pressure will
begin to rise.
The wind will continue to back and decrease in intensity, the wind wave height decreasing
as it does so. The swell direction will change toward North then Northwest, and the swell
height eventually decrease. Action should be continued until wind decreases below Force 6
and pressure is within 5 hPa of seasonal average.

This action will take the vessel off the Path into the Navigable Semicircle then away from
the Path and from the TRS.
As the storm moves the alteration of course will take the vessel toward the Rear of
the storm. Eventually the vessel will cross the Trough Line when pressure will
begin to rise.
The wind will steady when off the Path then veer and decrease in intensity, the wind
wave height decreasing as it does so.
The swell direction will change toward Southeast then South, and the swell height eventually

i) When the wind steadied the vessel was on the path of the
storm. When the wind veered the vessel was in the
Navigable Semicircle. The storm has changed direction,
recurving southward.

When the wind steadied the vessel was in the Navigable Semicircle close to the path of
the storm. When the wind veered the vessel was further into the Navigable Semicircle.
The vessel has moved off the Path into the Navigable
Semicircle. The storm may also have changed direction,
recurving southward.

The Master should steer with the wind on the Port
Quarter; At maximum practicable speed;
Altering course to maintain the relative wind
direction. Monitor elements to confirm action or
detect changes. Be prepared to change action if
situation changes.

In order to take the vessel away from the Path and Eye of the storm.
The alteration of course should take the vessel toward the rear of the storm past the
trough line. Action may have to be changed if the situation changes.

The wind waves on the port quarter and heavy swell on the starboard beam will cause the
vessel to roll and pitch heavily.
There is a danger of shipping seas over the
stern. There is also a danger of broaching
The propellor may break surface and the engine
overspeed. Parametric Rolling is a possibility.
Visibility will be reduced by spray and rain, a good lookout must be maintained.

5(a) IMO requires that a look-out must be maintained at all times while the vessel is
on passage. State what the purpose is of keeping a look-out. (7)
(b) Outline the factors that should be included in the Master‘s Night Orders for making a
landfall at
Papeete. (14)
(c) Approaching Papeete, an unexpected shallow water sounding is observed on the Echo
(i) State to whom the report should be sent and which form should be used to make the
report. (4)
(ii) Describe the details that should be included on the form with respect to the
shallow water sounding. (10)

a) The purpose of keeping a lookout is:

to maintain a continuous state of vigilance by sight and hearing, as well as by all
other available means, with regard to any significant change in the operating environment;
to fully appraise the situation and the risk of collision, stranding and other dangers to
navigation; to detect ships or aircraft in distress, shipwrecked persons, wrecks, debris
and other hazards to
navigation, and to allow precautions for security reasons, especially in areas with a known
risk of piracy or armed attack.

b) The Master‘s Night Orders for the Landfall should remind

the OOW to: Call the Master at any time if in need of assistance
and in the event of:
a) making the landfall unexpectedly.
b) not making the landfall as scheduled.
c) detecting unexpected features or failing to detect those
expected. Use the largest scale chart available for the
approach period.
Inspect the chart for adequate under keel clearance on the intended
track. Employ primary and secondary position fixing systems at
regular intervals. Check performance of radar / ARPA.
Have the echo sounder operational and monitor the actual under keel
clearance. Avoid use of low lying islands and employ prominent Radar
Conspicuous targets. Employ a rising distance if and when approaching
a lighthouse feature.
Take account of set and drift using parallel indexing to monitor position with
regard to track. Be aware of the increased probability of traffic and small craft.
Monitor weather forecasts.
Beware of the effects of haze or low cloud.

i) Hydrographic Note.
To the United Kingdom Hydrographic Office
or hydrographic office relevant to the ship or area.
To Coast Radio Station if judged to be a hazard to navigation for any vessel which may transit
the area.

Reference Number
Name of ship or
sender Address
Tel/Fax/email address of
sender General locality
Position Lat
GPS accuracy
Admiralty charts
affected Editions
Latest Weekly Notices to Mariners held
Replacement copy of chart # is/is not
required ENCs affected
Latest update disk held. Week #
Publications affected and edition
Date of latest supplement, page (and Light List No. etc)
Sounding obtained.
Echo sounder trace marked with information to identify vessel, dates and times, positions,
maximum and minimum depths, range scale changes.
Whether depth below waterline or
keel. Draught if below keel.
Probable squat if relevant.
Echo sounder manufacturer, model and type.
Copy of chart covering the area showing positions

obtained. Signature of observer/reporter.


Explain why it would not be possible to do a direct great circle track, between the
departure and landfall positions, at any time of the year. (4)

The direct Great Circle route cannot be used because it passes over New Zealand,
South Island. A diversion might be made through Cook Strait.

3 .The vessel proceeds to Dampier to complete the final loading programme prior to
departing for South Africa. Pilotage in Dampier is compulsory.
(a) Outline the preparations to be made on the bridge prior to arrival in port, with
specific reference
to the vessel‘s propulsion and steering systems. (10)
Outline FIVE items of information the Master should pass to the Pilot
immediately the pilot arrives in the wheelhouse. (10)
Outline the duties and responsibilities of the OOW and under pilotage when
working as part of the bridge team in the absence of the Master on the bridge. (20)

One hour notice of
manoeuvring. Synchronise
Test emergency means of
communication. Bring engines to
manoeuvring condition.
Change from heavy fuel to diesel if
relevant. Test engines ahead and astern.
Proceed in manoeuvring condition.
Engage hand steering.
Engage both steering
Check steering gear response visually during
testing. Check time from hard over to hard over in
both directions. Test all modes of steering.
Use both connections between Bridge and Steering Flat if
relevant. Test operation of Emergency Steering.

Current status:
Position, heading, traffic,
speed, engine setting, steering
mode, draught,

Location of Pilot‘s lifesaving appliances.

The OOW is the Master‘s representative and is responsible for the safe navigation of
the ship and compliance with ColRegs.
The presence of the Pilot does not relieve the OOW of these responsibilities.
OOW is in charge of the Bridge and Bridge Team and ensures compliance with shipboard
procedures and Master‘s Standing Orders.
OOW is responsible for maintaining a lookout, surveillance of the ship, recording
Bridge activities, monitoring navigation equipment.
OOW is responsible for monitoring compliance with the Passage Plan; position,
course, speed. OOW is responsible for monitoring communications and acting
OOW informs Pilot of all information relevant to the conduct of the passage.
OOW monitors the Pilot‘s advice, ensuring that it is carried out appropriately.
OOW queries Pilot‘s advice if this seems inappropriate and must call the Master if a
satisfactory explanation is not received.

4 On the 23rd June, whilst on passage to Capetown, the Master instructs the OOW to
obtain a set of
AM start sights to check the accuracy of the vessel‘s GPS receiver. The vessel‘s DR
position is
26°12‘.0S 103°42‘.0E (Ship‘s clocks are set on UT + 7hrs).
(a) Determine the likely observation period in which star sights may be taken as
indicated by the
ship‘s clocks. (15)
(b) Outline the criteria for selecting stars for stellar observations. (12)
(c) Using Datasheet Q4, determine which stars are most appropriate for a
four star fix, stating reasons for EACH choice. (8)

From halfway between Nautical Twilight and Civil Twilight to halfway between Civil
Twilight and Sunrise.

23rd morning twilight ZT at ship.

23rd morning twilight UT for Nautical Almanac entry.

23rd is not a middle day, interpolate between 22nd

and 25th. (Close to Solstice rate of change is slow.)

30S 22 05:5925 06:00 22 06:29 25 06:30 22 06:5625 06:56
20S 22 05:4325 05:43 22 06:10 25 06:11 22 06:3425 06:35

23rd same as 22nd

30S 23 05:59 23 06:29 23 06:56
20S 23 05:43 23 06:10 23 06:34
T1 00:10 + 00:12 + 00:13 + 10; 06 12; 00:16, 00:19,
26 12 S 23 05:53 23 06:22 23 06:47
LIT 06:55 E - 06:55 E - 06:55 E - 103 42.0 ÷ 15
26 12 S 103 42 22 22:58 22 23:27 22 23:52 UT
TZ 07 + 07 07 +
ZT 23 05:58 23 06:27 23 06:52

From 05:58 + (06:27 – 05:58) ÷ 2 = 06:13

To 06:27 + (06:52 – 06:27) ÷ 2 = 06:39
Probable Observation Period 23 06:13—
06:39 ZT b)
Magnitude. Bright stars are easiest to see and are visible for the longest time.
Bearings. Stars with bearings over a wide range around the horizon give good
intersections between position lines and minimise errors. Four stars in pairs on
reciprocal bearings, and pairs nearly perpendicular to each other; three stars at bearings
approximately 120 degrees apart.
Altitude. Stars with a moderate altitude minimise the effect of abnormal refraction near the
horizon and minimise the difficulty of accurately observing stars at high altitudes. Ideally
close to 45 degrees, acceptable from 20 to 70 degrees.


CT at 22 23:27 UT
GHA Aries 22 23:00 256 00.4
Inc 00:27 006 46.1 +
Lon 103 42.0 E +
LHA Aries 366 28.5
360 ~
LHA Aries 006 28.5

Alt TB Mag
Alp Ham
Alpheratz 34 44 356 2.2
Hamal 34 30 029 2.2 Eni
Rigel 19 02 090 0.3
Canopus 20 23 140 -0.9
Achernar 56 08 162 0.6
Peacock 38 09 217 2.1
Enif 37 11 308 2.5 Can

Achernar. Bright, bearing nearly reciprocal to Alpheratz, moderate altitude.

Alpheratz. Adequately bright, bearing nearly reciprocal to Achernar, moderate
altitude. Rigel. Bright, bearing nearly perpendicular to Achernar and
Alpheratz, adequate altitude.
Peacock. Adequately bright,brighter than Enif, bearing approximately opposite to Rigel,
large angular difference from Achernar and Alpheratz, moderate altitude.


An ore carrier (100,000 GT) is on a long term charter to carry iron ore from Lulea
(Northern Sweden) to Los Angeles (California USA).
The normal route taken by the vessel on leaving the Baltic Sea is to transit the English
Channel then take a great circle route from Bishop Rock to the Mona Passage thence
via the Panama Canal and onwards to Los Angeles.
The homeward voyage follows the same route in reverse.

The vessel is fitted with all navigational aids as per statute and has a service speed

of 17 knots. 1 Vessels operating in the Baltic Sea during the winter season often

encounter ice conditions

(a) Outline the navigational hazards to be taken into account in EACH of the following
(i) entering pack ice; (3)
(ii) manoeuvring the vessel in pack ice; (8)
(iii) approaching port in ice conditions. (10)

(b) With reference to the accuracy of navigational aids, outline the problems
that may be encountered in ice conditions and high latitudes, when using
EACH of the following;
(i) Echo Sounder; (5)
(ii) Gyro compass; (5)
(iii) Radar. (4)

Hull damage due to excessive speed.
Hull damage due to entering ice at an acute angle.
Damage to bulbous bow, propeller and rudder by ice due to inadequate
draught. Blockage of suctions by ice.
Fog due to presence of
ice. ii)
Damage due to excessive speed.
Damage to bulbous bow, propeller and rudder by ice due to inadequate
draught. Damage to hull when turning due to impacts aft.
Variable ice thickness.
Ice concentration increasing due to wind driven
movement of ice. Besetment due to inadequate power.
Blockage of suctions by
ice. Fog due to presence
of ice. iii)
Lights obscured and sectors inaccurate due to
icing. Floating marks absent, or displaced by
Navigation aids damaged or
obscured. Channels obstructed
by ice.
Berth obstructed by ice.

Thermal stratification giving incorrect
results. Damage to transducer causing
Water density different from
standard. ii)
Low directional force reducing stability of direction.
Speed errors if vessel speed does not match that fed
to gyro. Transient errors due to large course changes.
Incorrect measurement of range if fast ice is present around land.
Incorrect measurement of bearings if fast ice is present around

State, with reasons, the actions that should be taken by a prudent Master at 0928 hrs. (7)

The Prudent Master should stop the vessel until resuming Speed will maintain CPAs
of all Targets of 1.0 NM or more, not earlier than 09:56.

Resume Course:
A 09:28 + 2.6 ÷ 1.1 x 00:12 = 09:56
B 09:28 + 0.8 ÷ 1.8 x 00:12 = 09:33
C 09:28 + 1.7 ÷ 1.5 x 00:12 = 09:42
Targets may be in close quarters situations and may
manoeuvre. Rule 19. Alterations of Course to be
To Port, Target A, Forward of the Beam.
To Port or Starboard, toward Targets B and C, Abaft the Beam.

4 (a) The British Admiralty produces Ocean Routeing charts for each month of the year for
the main oceans of the world.
Outline the type of information found on such charts for EACH of the following specific
(i) Ocean wind patterns; (5)
(ii) Ocean currents; (5)
(iii) Tropical Revolving storms. (3)

(i) Outline the warning signs of an approaching TRS. (I0)
(ii) Explain how onboard observations can be used to determine the vessel‘s position
relative to the
centre of the TRS. (6)
(iii) A vessel is in the storm field of an approaching N Atlantic TRS.
The TRS has already recurved and the vessel lies in the advance quadrant of the
northern half of the TRS.
State the action that a prudent Master would take in this situation. (6)

(a) Outline how the OOW can use on board observations to predict the time when
a vessel will encounter fog at sea. (10)

(b) Compile a set of Masters Standing Orders for a vessel operating in restricted
visibility. (10)

Wind Roses for five degree squares.
Wind arrows in the direction of the wind.
Widths of sections of the shafts showing wind
force. Lengths of sections showing percentages
of wind force. Number of observations.
Number of variable
observations. Number of
calm observations.

Predominant Current arrows.
Breadth of arrow indicates
constancy. Annotations indicate
A statement that Tropical Revolving Storms lose their tropical characteristics in higher
latitudes. Arrows indicating past tracks of a selection of Tropical Revolving Storms
during the month concerned.

A heavy swell from the high wind waves being generated in the vicinity
of the eye. The loss of diurnal variation of atmospheric pressure.
A reduction of atmospheric pressure below the seasonal average for the area of 3 hPa or more.
A significant increase in wind speed.
Probably a significant change in wind direction.
A change of cloud types from trade wind cumulus to cirrus and cirrocumulus then
cumulonimbus. Increasing cloud coverage.
Possibly exceptionally good
visibility. Rain pattern of TRS
visible on radar.

Bearing, Buys Ballot‘s Law.
Face the wind.
TRS is to the right in the Northern Hemisphere and left in the Southern
Hemisphere. By ninety degrees plus the Angle of Indraft.
Angle of Indraft approximatelty:
Pressure starts to fall 4 points
Pressure has fallen 10 hPa 2
points Pressure has fallen 20
hPa 0 points

Pressure has fallen 5 hPa wind approximately Force 6 200
NM Pressure has fallen 10 hPa wind approximately Force 8
NM Pressure has fallen 20 hPa wind approximately Force 12




Navigable Semicircle



Trough Line


The vessel is in the Navigable

Semicircle. Steam with the wind on the
Starboard Quarter.
At maximum practicable speed in the circumstance.
Alter course to maintain the relative wind direction on the Starboard
Quarter. Report in accordance with SOLAS.
Monitor changes in Meteorological elements, reassessing position of the vessel with
respect to the Eye and the Path.
Be prepared to change the action taken if the circumstances change.

Observe and record Sea Temperature and Dew Point
Temperature. Plot these against Time.
Convergence will indicate higher probability of fog.
The point when the Sea Temperature will be below the Dew Point Temperature

Sea Temperature

Fog probable

Dew Point

indicates when Fog formation is likely.
In addition to general Standing Orders:

In restricted visibility:
Inform the Master.
Comply with International Regulations for the Prevention of Collision at Sea.
Sound the appropriate fog signal for the vessel‘s condition.
Switch on Navigation Lights.
Place Engines on Standby, informing the Engineers of the reason
for doing so. Reduce speed as appropriate in the circumstances.
Engage Hand Steering.
Post Lookout/s as appropriate for the
circumstances. Set the Radar to an appropriate
Set ARPA to appropriate
settings. Set ECDIS to
appropriate settings.

As relevant:
Close Watertight
Stop work on deck.
Any other actions appropriate to the circumstances.


Attempt ALL questions

Marks for each part question are shown in
brackets All questions refer to the vessel
described below.
A 325 metre container vessel is on a long term charter to carry cargo between North
West Europe, Southern Africa, New Zealand and the East Coast of the United States.
The vessel carries navigation equipment as per statute and has a service speed of 22.0
knots. The vessel is due to depart Zeebrugge (Belgium) on the 8th January with an
expected departure draft of 12.8m, bound for Wellington (New Zealand), via Durban
(South Africa)

A deep low pressure area, located in the Southern North Sea, is causing Southerly
offshore gales across the whole of the area.
Outline TWO factors that may affect the accuracy of the tidal height predictions
found in Admiralty Tide Tables, given the current weather conditions. (6)
(a) Explain why interpolation between the neap and spring curves requires to be more
accurate for the flood tide than the ebb tide, for the port of Zeebrugge. (4)

Lower atmospheric pressure than Standard raises sea level by 0.01m per hPa difference
in pressure. Offshore winds reduce sea level, the amount depending on the wind
strength, duration and depth of water.

The Flood curves are further apart than the Neap curves.
An error in interpolation between them will have greater effect on the resulting Interval
when using the Flood Curves than when using the Neap curves.

2.The vessel clears Zeebrugge and enters the SW bound lane of the Dover Straits
Traffic Separation Scheme. Weather conditions remain the same as on departure
Zeebrugge, with heavy rain and driving spray seriously affecting visibility. Dense
traffic expected off the port of Dover.
(a) State the ideal manning levels on the bridge to ensure the vessel is navigated
safely during the passage through the Straits. (5)
(b) Outline the duties and responsibilities of EACH of the team members. (20)
(c) Outline FIVE objectives of IMO approved Traffic routeing
schemes which are applicable to the Dover Straits. (10)

a) Master, two Officers of the Watch, two Ratings, third Rating on standby.

b)Master. In command.
Receives information from Bridge Team, Analyses and issues
commands. Communications.
Monitors bridge team performance.

OOW. Navigation.
Monitors Position, Course and Speed in relation to the
Passage Plan. Informs Master accordingly.
ns. Record
Monitors Ratings‘ performance.

OOW. Traffic.
Monitors traffic in
vicinity. Informs
Monitors Master.
Monitors Ratings‘ performance.

Rating. Helmsman.
Steers vessel to Master‘s
orders. Monitors Master‘s

Rating. Lookout.
Keeps visual and aural lookout.
Reports to Master and OOW Navigation.

Rating. Standby.
On Call as required.

1.The separation of opposing streams of traffic to reduce ‗head on‘ incidence.
2.Reduce the dangers of Collision between crossing traffic in established shipping lanes.
3.Simplify the patterns of flow in converging areas.
4.Reduce the risk of grounding where depths are critical.
5.Organisation of traffic flow around areas where navigation by all ships or classes of
certain ships is dangerous and undesirable.

6. Organisation of safe traffic flow in or clear of environmentally sensitive areas.

7. Guidance of traffic clear of fishing grounds or through fishing grounds.
8. Organise safe traffic flow in areas of offshore exploration‘.

5.(a) Outline TEN factors to be taken into account when planning a landfall
after a long ocean passage. (20)
(b) Outline SIX navigational factors which should be considered by the Master
when selecting a suitable anchorage. (12)

Availability of Navigation Aids during
approach. Availability of celestial observations
during approach. Probable visibility.
Ranges of available lights.
Probability of other lights which may obscure
navigational lights. Availability of radar targets for
position fixing.
Height and profile of coastal
features. Strength and direction of
tidal streams. Strength and
direction of currents.
Strength and direction of prevailing
winds. Availability of large scale
Water depths in the area.
Available methods for ascertaining and monitoring
position. Ease of identifying features of shoreline.
Probable traffic density.
Probable time of day of
landfall. Probability of ice in
the area.
Nature of coastline, ease of identifying
landfall. Currency of relevant

Availability of recommended anchorage from relevant publications.
Recommended anchorage will have been carefully surveyed and should be most suitable.

Depth of water.
Must be adequate for the vessel's draught at all states of the tide, and over the whole
area of the swinging circle.
Must not be too deep for recovery of the anchor.

Extent of area available which is clear of obstructions.

Must be sufficient for the swinging circle of radius equal to the full scope of cable and
ship's length plus a margin of safety.

Nature of sea bed.

This will govern holding ability of anchor.

Probable weight on the anchor.

Governed by the windage and underwater form of the vessel, and the anticipated
wind, tidal streams and currents.

Shelter by land from prevailing winds.
Governs anticipated forces experienced.

Availability of marks for position fixing during approach and while at anchor.
Readily identifiable marks in appropriate directions will improve precision of
approach and of position monitoring.

Length of anticipated time at anchor,

governs: Number of tidal cycles.
Variability of wind, tidal stream and current experienced.

Position with regard to traffic movement.

Anchored vessel should not obstruct traffic.


2.(a) Outline SIX of the precise objectives of the IMO Ships Routeing schemes
that would be appropriate to an area such as the Gulf of Aden and Red Sea.
(b) State THREE different sources where information on traffic separation schemes
in the Red Sea may be found. (3)
(c) Certain classes of vessels are permitted to use the inshore traffic zones
of traffic separation schemes. Detail the circumstances under which they
may do so. (9)

1. The separation of opposing streams of traffic to reduce ‗head on‘ incidence.
2. Reduce the dangers of Collision between crossing traffic in established shipping lanes.
3. Simplify the patterns of flow in converging areas.
4. Organise safe traffic flow in areas of offshore exploration‘.
5. Organisation of traffic flow around areas where navigation by all ships or classes of
certain ships is dangerous and undesirable.
6. Organisation of safe traffic flow in or clear of environmentally sensitive areas.

7. Reduce the risk of grounding where depths are critical.

8. Guidance of traffic clear of fishing grounds or through fishing grounds.
1. IMO Routeing Manual.
2. Admiralty Charts
3. Mariners Routeing Guide, Gulf of Suez.

4. Admiralty Sailing Directions.

5. Annual Summary of Notices to Mariners.
6. M Notices

Vessels of less than 20 metres in length, sailing vessels and vessels engaged in fishing may
use the inshore traffic zone.
A vessel may use an inshore traffic zone when en route to or from a port, offshore
installation or structure, pilot station or any other place situated within the inshore
traffic zone,
or to avoid immediate danger.

3(a) With reference to Datasheet Q3(1), explain why there are multiple
routes in the vicinity of the island of Suqutra for both outbound and
inbound passages in the Gulf of Aden. (15)
(b) With reference to Datasheet Q3(2). describe the main navigational
factors to be considered when approaching and rounding Raas Caseyr.
(c) Explain why restricted visibility is often encountered in the vicinity of Suqutra. (5)

Conditions in the area vary seasonally with the Monsoon Winds.

During May to September the Southwest Monsoon produces:

Strong winds, high wind waves, high swell
waves. A strong northeast bound current.

Routes during this period, particularly for low powered vessels, avoid the area where
conditions are most severe as much as practicable, and traverse it with following wind, waves
and current.

During October to April the northeast monsoon produces:

Less strong winds, lower wind waves and swell
waves. A weaker southwest bound current.
Routes during this period are more
direct. b)
Strong currents.
SW from December to February, 2 -
4 kn. NE from April to September, 4
– 7 kn.
Variability of currents may lead to unexpected onshore sets.
Rapid shoaling of the sea bed, soundings give little warning of approaching
the coast. Old and imperfect surveys.
During the SW Monsoon, wind, wind waves, swell waves, strong northerly current
and thick haze. Similarity of appearance of Raas Shannaquiff and Raas Caseyr.

Dust blown from Africa during the southwest monsoon and from the Arabian
Peninsula during the northeast monsoon causes reduced visibility due to haze in the
During the northeast monsoon heavy rain squalls occur in the evenings, reducing visibility.

4.(a) State the appropriate manning levels on the bridge, outlining the duties of EACH member
of the bridge team, for EACH of the following situations:
(i) navigation in a Traffic Separation Scheme with dense traffic; (15)
(ii) navigation in clear weather, during darkness, on an ocean passage. (8)
(b) In general terms outline the factors that should be considered when writing a set of
Master‘s Standing Orders. (22)

Master. In command.
Receives information from Bridge Team, Analyses and issues
commands. Communications.
Monitors bridge team performance.

OOW. Navigation.
Position, course and speed
monitoring. Informs Master
s. Record
Monitors Ratings performance.

OOW. Traffic.
Monitors traffic in
vicinity. Informs

Rating. Helmsman.
Steers vessel to Master‘s orders.
Monitors Master‘s orders.

Rating. Lookout.
Keeps visual and aural
lookout. Reports to Master
and OOW.

Rating. Standby.
On Call as required.

OOW. Has the Con.
Monitors traffic in
Navigation. Position, course and speed
monitoring. Communications.
Record keeping.
Monitors Ratings
performance. Informs
Master as required.
Rating. Lookout.
Keeps visual and aural
lookout. Reports to OOW.
Monitors OOW.
May report to Master if necessary.

Masters Standing Orders (SO) should be used as a supplement to other available
publications, such as Bridge Procedures Guide and Company and ISM Manuals, to make it
clear to the OOW exactly what his duties and responsibilities are when on watch.

SO should be written with the particular vessel in mind as check lists in the Bridge Procedures
Guide tend to be generic.
SO should start with a general section which covers factors which are common to all
watchkeeping situations.

Amongst these that should be covered are:

Keeping a lookout
Manning on the
bridge Distress
Protection of the Marine
environment Use of navigation
Calling the
Procedure for Master taking the con
This should be followed by more detailed advice covering the following
watchkeeping situations: Ocean Passages
Coastal Passages
Traffic separation schemes and confined
waters Navigation under pilotage
Restricted visibility
Heavy weather ice
TRS At Anchor
In Port
Preparation for Arrival and Departure
2.Weather routeing is often effectively used by vessels making trans oceanic passages.
a) Outline FIVE factors that should be considered when deciding to weather route a
vessel. (20)
b) Describe THREE types of weather routeing currently available to vessels. (12)
c) Outline the benefits of carrying out shipboard weather routeing. (8)

1. The weather along the route.
Wind speed and direction, therefore wave heights and
direction. Probable swell height and direction.
The probability of reduced visibility and fog.
The probability of ice along and close to the route.
2. Ocean currents, adverse and favourable, along the route and close to it.
3. The vessel.
Vessel type, hull form and susceptibility to wave
action. Service speed, relative effect of ocean
Draft, likelihood of pounding in
adverse seas. Freeboard, likelihood of
shipping seas.
Stability, susceptibility to heavy
rolling. Availability of
Performance Data.
4. The cargo.
Sensitivity to temperature and humidity.
Deck cargo, susceptibility to heavy weather damage.
5. The voyage.
Destination and range of alternative routes available.
Distance, long voyages are more likely to offer
alternatives. Navigational hazards on the route.
Scheduling requirements.
Legal requirements and restrictions.

1. Onboard, by ship's staff, using available information from climatological data and
broadcast forecasts. The first approximation of the route is the shortest distance with
adequate margins of safety. Climatological and forecast information is used to decide
whether a deviation from this is justified in order to achieve the optimum route.
2. On board, using computer programs with data supplied from ashore.
The program holds information about the ship's performance in a variety of weather
conditions. The program holds climatological information.
Forecast information is received from ashore.
The program calculates an optimum route for the vessel.
3. Shore based Routeing Officers.
An organisation ashore has details of the ship's performance, climatological data
and forecast information.
A Routeing Officer, using a computer program, calculates an optimum route for the vessel
and advises the Master accordingly.
Weather forecasts and further routeing advice are provided throughout the voyage.

Local meteorological conditions and changes can be observed directly.
Appropriate action can then be taken in response to changes as soon as they occur.
The performance characteristics of the vessel in different circumstances are known by
the Master in detail.
The performance of the vessel in response to the prevailing conditions can be directly
assessed and appropriate adjustments made.
The original plan can be modified quickly in response to changing conditions to maximise
the efficiency of the voyage.
Information obtained through the internet or otherwise can be used to improve
forecasting. Low cost.

4 ) On departure from Wellington, the vessel sails a great circle track to Balboa
(Panama). Whilst on passage across the South Pacific Ocean, the Master wishes to
verify the accuracy of the GPS using celestial observations.
a) Discuss the accuracy of EACH of the following, with regard to verifying the vessels:
i) star sights; (3)
ii) consecutive sun sights with an intervening run. (5)
b) Discuss the factors that should be considered when selecting stars for determining the
position. (10)
c) The vessel intends to take star sights during morning twilight on the 31st
December, whilst in DR position 22 42.0 S 124 36.0 W.
Ship‘s time (UT -8hrs)
Using Datasheet Q4, determine each of the following:
i) the likely period of observation at the ship; (8)
ii) which stars are available for observation; (7)
iii) which are best suited for a four star fix, stating the reasons. (7)

i) Star sights are taken over short time intervals.
Transfers are short and therefore uncertainties of transfer are minimised.
A number of bodies can be observed, minimising errors due to random and
systematic errors. Positions obtained from star sights should be accurate to one
nautical mile in good conditions.

Consecutive sun sights with an intervening run are less accurate.
There are unknown effects of set and leeway affecting the accuracy of the run and
therefore the accuracy of the position.
Normally one body is observed twice or thrice, the range of bearings and therefore
the angle of intersection of the position lines is limited.
The limited range of bearings does not lead to elimination of random and
systematic errors. The precision of the position is rarely less than two nautical

Magnitude, brightest stars preferred.
Bright stars are visible for a longer period, later at dawn and earlier at dusk.

Bearings; a wide range of bearings is preferred.

A wide range of bearings minimises the effects of random and systematic errors in the

Altitudes; moderate altitudes preferred.

Observations of low stars are liable to errors due to abnormal
refraction. Stars with low altitudes are more likely to be
obscured by cloud or haze. Observations of high stars are
difficult to take accurately.


i) The period of observation of stars is governed by the visibility of the horizon and that
of the stars. The horizon is unlikely to be visible at Nautical Twilight.
Stars are unlikely to be visible at Sunrise.
Dawn, from the time when the horizon is first visible to the time at which the brightest
stars become invisible.
Dusk, from the time when the brightest stars become visible to the time when the
horizon becomes invisible.

The period of observations is likely to be from between Nautical and Civil Twilight to
between Civil Twilight and Sun Rise in the morning, and conversely in the evening.

Times may be calculated.

12-31 NT CT SR
30 S 04:01 04:34 05:02
20 S 04:30 04:59 05:23
T1 00:07- 00:06- 00:05- 10, 02 42, 00:29, 00:25,
22 42 S 04:23 04:53 05:18 UTG
LiT 08:18 08:18 08:18 124 36 W ÷ 15 Later
124 36 12:41 13:11 13:36 UT
TZ 08 08 08 Lon West, UT Best.
CT 04:41 05:11 05:36 ZT

(04:41 + 05:11) ÷ 2 = 04:56

(05:11 +05:36) ÷ 2 = 05:23

From approximately 04:56 to 05:23 ZT

GHA Aries 31 13 294 50.4
I 00:11 002 45.5
Lon 124 36.0
LHA Aries 05:11 172 59.5
The data sheet provided is inappropriate to the DR Latitude, Lat 23 may be
different. Available stars for reduction using the data sheet.
(Many others are available, but would be more complex to calculate.)
Magnitudes: Arcturus 0.2, Antares 1.2, Acrux 1.1, Canopus -0.9, Sirius -1.6, Procyon
0.5, Regulus 1.3. iii) Reg Arc
Arcturus, Acrux, Sirius,
Regulus. Bright stars.
Wide range of Sir
Bearings. Moderate

5 )On the 16th January, whilst approaching Balboa (ATT 9487), the vessel loses engine
power and has to take immediate action to avoid colliding with another vessel. In
taking action the vessel grounds on a mudbank with a charted depth of 9.3 metres at
1300 hrs.
The vessel‘s draft is 13.2 metres.
a) Compile an emergency checklist to be followed in case of the vessel grounding. (15)
b) The vessel is found to be seaworthy but in order to float free of the mudbank,
0.8 metres of additional buoyancy will be required to break the vessel free of the
Determine the earliest time the vessel could be refloated, using ATT Pacific and
Atlantic Ocean and Worksheet Q5. (20)

Stop engines.
Sound general emergency
alarm. Close watertight
Switch to high sea suctions.
Maintain VHF watch on Channels 16 and, if
appropriate 13. Exhibit appropriate lights and
Make appropriate sound
signals. Switch on deck
Check hull for
damage. Sound all
relevant spaces.
Visually inspect relevant
spaces. Sound around the
ship externally.
Determine the direction of the slope of the sea
bed. Determine the nature of the sea bed.
Obtain tidal and current information.
Obtain weather forecast and consider additional ballast if severe wind
forecast. Reduce draught of the vessel.
Fix the ship‘s position and program automatic
systems. Broadcast warning and distress
messages as relevant. Inform owners and
Prepare LSA if abandonment considered


State the possible actions that are available to the Master to ensure the vessel
clears the area as fast as possible and avoids the worst effects of the storm. (10)

d) Actions.

1.Steer with wind on Starboard Bow to move away from Path and TRS and eventually
reach rear of Trough Line.
Speed will be less than Service Speed, and less than option 2 due to head weather.

2.Steer with wind on Starboard Quarter to cross path into Navigable Semicircle and then
move away from Path and TRS and eventually reach rear of Trough Line.
Speed will be less than Service Speed due to weather.

In both cases:
Proceed at maximum practicable speed.
Alter Course to maintain relative wind
direction. Report in accordance with
Monitor changes in meteorological elements, and be prepared to alter action if
circumstances change due to altered TRS movement.

5 a) Several publications contain guidance to Masters on determining the composition of

the Bridge team under varying operational conditions.

Outline TEN factors that should be considered by the Master when determining
appropriate manning levels necessary on the bridge. (20)

b) Describe FIVE items of information that the Pilot should tell the Master, when
proceeding up river to the berth. (10)

Visibility, state of weather and sea.
Traffic density and other activities occurring in the area in which the vessel is navigating.
The attention necessary when navigating in or near traffic separation schemes or
other routeing measures.
The additional workload caused by the nature of the ship‘s functions, immediate operating
and anticipated manoeuvres.
The fitness for duty of any crew members on call who are assigned as members of the watch.
Knowledge of, and confidence in, the professional competence of the ship‘s officers and crew.
The experience of each officer of the navigational watch, and the familiarity of that officer
with the
ship‘s equipment, procedures, and manoeuvring capability.
Activities taking place on board the ship at any particular time, including radio
communication activities, and the availability of assistance to be summoned immediately to
the bridge when necessary.
The operational status of bridge instrumentation and controls, including
alarm systems. Rudder and propeller control and ship manoeuvring
The size of the ship and the field of vision available from the conning position.
The configuration of the bridge, to the extent that such configuration might inhibit a
member of the watch from detecting by sight or hearing any external development.

Pilot boarding instructions. Time of boarding. Position of boarding. Side of embarkation.
Approach course and speed. Boarding arrangement required.
Berth and tug details. Intended berth. Berthing prospects. Side alongside. Transit time to
berth. Tug rendezvous position. Number of tugs. Tug arrangement. Bollard pull of tugs.
Local weather and sea conditions. Tidal heights and times. Currents. Forecast
weather. Passage Plan. Detail to include abort points and contingency plans.
Regulations. VTS reporting. Anchor and lookout attendance. Maximum allowable draught.


2) B.At 0620 hrs the OOW obtains a radar range and bearing of what is thought to
be one of the low lying islands south of Bermuda at a range of 26 miles.

The vessel's GPS receiver puts the vessel 0.5 miles to the south of the vessel's
charted track, the radar observation puts the vessel 4 miles to the south of the track
and the celestial observation above puts the vessel approximately 10 miles to the
north of the vessel's track.
Discuss the reliability of EACH of the above observations. (I5)

GPS is normally
It is vulnerable to:
Loss of signal due to aerial
damage. Solar Flare
Malicious interference,
skewing. Malicious
Unintentional jamming.

Radar Observations probably unreliable in this case.

The target is not clearly identified, low lying and at long range.

Celestial observations are reliable.

Clear skies, good visibility and calm
seas. Good horizon.
Bright stars, a good range of bearings and at moderate
altitudes. No apparent discrepancy between the four

C) State, with reasons, what action should be taken

by the OOW to ensure that the Master's orders,
regarding the passing distance off Bermuda, are
complied with. (5)

The OOW should inform the Master of the discrepancies between the positions.
The Celestial Position should be taken as accurate, it is also the worst case from a safety
perspective. Course should be set from the Celestial Position to pass 30 NM clear to the
south of Bermuda.

The GPS should be checked for performance, signal strength and possible switch to DR

Further celestial observations should be taken, Sun, Moon and Venus if available, to confirm
the vessel‘s

3) The UK Maritime and Coastguard Agency publish guidance to mariners in the form
of Marine Guidance Notes (MGN's).
Outline the current MCA guidance regarding EACH of the following topics:

Unlikely to be confused with others.

Situated so as to provide continuous monitoring of the
passage. Unlikely to be obscured by ship shadow
At moderate ranges.

Radar should be checked for:

Accuracy of
Accuracy of range measurement and display.

a)Dangers of Misaligned Heading Marker.

Misalignment of the heading marker, even if only slightly, can lead to dangerously
misleading interpretation of potential collision situations, particularly in restricted
visibility when targets are approaching from ahead or fine on own ship‘s bow.
May cause errors in positions.

b) Rectifying
Misaligned Heading Marker.
Confirm Heading Marker aligned with fore and aft line of vessel, and Compass Heading.
Steer the vessel so that a small, distinct target is visually right ahead, near the edge of
the display. Note the discrepancy between the relative bearing of the target and the
heading marker.
Follow the manufacturer‘s procedure for correcting the alignment of the heading marker.
This may involve mechanical adjustment or an electronic
process. The alignment of the berth when alongside
should not be used.
Targets close to the vessel should not be used.
c) ECDIS alarms:
Crossing safety contour
Deviation from route
Positioning system
failure Approach to
critical point Malfunction
of ECDIS Different
geodetic datum Area
with special conditions.

(Default safety contour

Information over scale
Large scale ENC
available Different
reference system No
ENC available
Customised display
Route planning across safety
contour Route planning across
specified area
Crossing a danger in route monitoring
mode System test failure)

4) The vessel arrives in Istanbul and anchors to await a pilot, prior to transiting the
Bosporus on the northbound passage to Odessa. The Bosporus is covered by a Traffic
Separation Scheme for its entire length and in places the passage is extremely narrow
(only 8 cables wide from shore to shore). The passage is also very shallow in places with
numerous banks, shoals and wrecks.
It is also dangerous due to the fact that there are strong currents, sharp bends and
frequent close quarters situations during the transit.

(a) Describe the preparations to be made on the bridge prior to undertaking such a
passage. (20)
(b) Discuss THREE factors that the master must take into consideration
regarding the manoeuvrability of the vessel during the transit. (9)
(c) Outline the precautions that should be taken in the event of an engine or steering gear

a) Appraisal
Sources of information to be consulted.
Charts, Sailing Directions, Light Lists, Current Atlas, Tidal Atlas, Tide Tables, Notices
to Mariners, publications detailing traffic separation and other routeing schemes, radio
aids to navigation, vessel reporting schemes and VTS requirements.
Appropriate meteorological information.

Prepare a detailed plan of the passage.
This should cover the whole passage, from berth to berth, and include all waters where a
pilot will be on board.
Depending on circumstances, the main details of the plan should be marked in
appropriate and prominent places on the charts to be used during the passage.
They should also be programmed and stored electronically on an ECDIS or RCDS where
The main details of the passage plan should also be recorded in a bridge notebook used
specially for this purpose to allow reference to details of the plan at the conning position
without the need to consult the chart.
Supporting information relative to the passage, such as times of high and low water, or
of sunrise or sunset, should also be recorded in this notebook.

Bridge Team Briefing.

Brief Bridge Team about details of the plan and their roles.
Bridge Equipment Testing.
All Bridge equipment to be tested and accuracy
ascertained. Gyro and Magnetic Compasses.
Repeater alignment.
Radar, Heading Marker, EBLs and Range measurement.
Electronic Position Fixing systems display, degree of detail displayed, alarms set
appropriately. Log Speed and Distance indication.
Echo Sounder indication and
recording. Clocks synchronised.
Recording equipment and Bridge
Movement Book. Engine controls and
Communications, internal and
external. Navigations and signal
Sound signalling apparatus.
Steering gear in all modes and indicators.
Prepare Master / Pilot Information
Exchange. b)
Speed, turning circle, draught, beam, trim.

Depth and width.
Underkeel clearance, effects of squat, bank effect on course keeping.

Effects of tidal stream and or currents altering speed over the ground.
Interaction with passing and overtaking / overtaken vessels.
c) Inform Master.

Engine failure
Steer toward safest water.
Prepare to anchor if

Steering gear failure

Engage emergency
Bring engines to manoeuvring
condition. Reduce speed.

Exhibit NUC lights and
shapes. Sound appropriate
Broadcast Urgency messages if appropriate.

2(a) With reference to Worksheet Q2:
(i) identify Ocean Currents A. B, C, D, E and F: (12)
(ii) state TWO reasons why the route is ice free throughout the year. (4)
(b) Indicate on Worksheet Q2, EACH of the following, for the time of the
year stated in Question 1:
(i) the normal pressure distribution: (6)
(ii) the general wind circulation: (l0)
(iii) the maximum limit of sea ice. (3)

A Japan Current
B Kamchatka
Current C
California Current
D North Pacific Current
E North Equatorial Current
F Equatorial Counter Current.
The North Pacific Current is relatively warm and prevents ice formation in the area
concerned, therefore the Maximum Limit of Sea Ice is North of the Aleutian Islands.
The flow of currents is such that no ice bergs are carried into the area concerned.

b) i) Low approximately 50 N
High centred approximately 35 N
150 W Low ITCZ approximately
10 N

Circulation clockwise around
High. NE Trades and Westerlies.
SE Trades south of Equator.

iii) Not on this chart, North of the Bering Strait. Northern Hemisphere, September, Summer.

4)(a) State the specific responsibilities of EACH of the following when operating
together as a bridge team:
the Master: (8)
the Pilot: (6)
the Officer of the Watch. (6)
(b) State the additional responsibilities of the OOW when the master is not present
on the bridge when a pilot is on board. (5)
(c) With reference to Master Pilot exchange, outline FIVE items of information that:
(i ) the Master should give to the Pilot immediately on reaching the bridge; (10)
(ii) the Pilot should give to the Master immediately on reaching the bridge. (10)

a) i) Master.
In Command, makes executive decisions about the conduct of the
passage. Monitors performance of the Pilot, assessing the validity of the
Pilot‘s advice. Monitors performance of the OOW, assessing the
validity of information provided. Monitors performance of Ratings.
May delegate conduct of the passage to the Pilot, but retains overall responsibility.
ii) Pilot.
Informs the Master of details of the port.
Informs the Master of the proposed conduct of the
passage. Advises the Master as to the conduct of the

iii) OOW.
Monitors the vessel‘s position, course and speed; and relates to the Passage
Plan. Informs the Master of progress related to the Passage Plan.
Informs the Master of any deviation from the
Passage Plan. Monitors the performance of Ratings.

b) OOW becomes the Master‘s representative and assumes the responsibilities

stated above. Informs the Master of progress as required.
Informs the Master if there is any concern as to the conduct of the passage.
c) i) Ship‘s head, speed, engine setting.
Pilot Card, vessel‘s dimensions, bulbous bow, thrusters, draught, displacement, air draft,
manoeuvring characteristics, anchor details, type and cable length.
Defects of Bridge equipment and
machinery. Intended Passage Plan to Berth.
Pilot‘s LSA.
ii) Identity.
Passage Plan to berth; speed variations, areas of shallow water or other features
requiring particular care, tide and / or current conditions, weather conditions, use of tugs
and mooring boats, berth and side alongside, mooring pattern.
New hazards to navigation; shoals, wrecks, special operations.
Traffic expected, particularly dredgers, restricted craft, deep draught
vessels. New local regulations affecting the passage, reporting

b) Annotations to Cleveland Passage in Tide
Tables. d Differences approximate.
x M.L. inferred.

The predictions should be treated with

caution. It may be preferable to cross at

(The Master should also consider the factors which may affect the Predicted Height and Time
of Tide, and actual UKC.

Atmospheric Pressure. High Pressure reduces, Low Pressure increases,

water level. Wind. onshore or offshore, may affect height and timing of
Accuracy of surveys.)


State, with reasons, which of these are best suited for determining the vessel's position. (12)

Canopus, Arcturus, and Alphard are the most suitable for determining the vessel‘s position.
They have been observed close to Civil
Twilight. They are of reasonable
They have a good range of
bearings. Their altitudes are

Antares has been observed late, the horizon may be indistinct; and has a low altitude, more
susceptible to abnormal refraction.

3) Vessels approaching the coast of New Zealand often have problems in making a
landfall due to heavy cloud cover and poor visibility in winter.
(a) List the factors that should be taken into account when planning a landfall after
a long ocean passage. (12)
(b) Discuss SIX of the most important factors to be taken into account when
choosing a safe anchorage. (18)

Availability of celestial observations during
approach. Probable visibility.
Ranges of available lights.
Probability of other lights which may obscure
navigational lights. Availability of radar targets for
position fixing.
Height and profile of coastal
features. Strength and direction of
tidal streams. Strength and
direction of currents.
Strength and direction of prevailing
winds. Availability of large scale
Water depths in the area.
Available methods for ascertaining and monitoring
position. Ease of identifying features of shoreline.
Probable traffic density.
Probable time of day of
landfall. Probability of ice in
the area.
Nature of coastline, ease of
identifying landfall.
Currency of relevant

Availability of recommended anchorage from relevant publications.
Recommended anchorage will have been carefully surveyed and should be most suitable.
Depth of water.
Must be adequate for the vessel's draught at all states of the tide, and over the whole
area of the swinging circle.
Must not be too deep for recovery of the anchor.

Extent of area available which is clear of obstructions.

Must be sufficient for the swinging circle of radius equal to the full scope of cable and
ship's length plus a margin of safety.

Nature of sea bed.

This will govern holding ability of anchor.

Probable weight on the anchor.

Governed by the windage and underwater form of the vessel, and the anticipated
wind, tidal streams and currents.

Shelter by land from prevailing winds.

Governs anticipated forces experienced.

Availability of marks for position fixing during approach and while at anchor.
Readily identifiable marks in appropriate directions will improve precision of
approach and of position monitoring.

Length of anticipated time at anchor,

governs: Number of tidal cycles.
Variability of wind, tidal stream and current experienced.

Position with regard to traffic movement.

Anchored vessel should not obstruct traffic.

5) Tropical Revolving Storms are common at certain times of the year in the
South Pacific Ocean, especially to the North of New Zealand and off the East
Coast of Australia.

(a) Sketch a plan view of a TRS in the Western South Pacific Ocean,
indicating the likely track prior to and after recurving. (12)
(b) Outline the actions that should be taken by the Master in EACH of the
following scenarios, assuming that the storm has recurved:
(i) the vessel is to the north of the storms track but within the storm field; (5)
(ii) the vessel is to the south of the storms track but within the storm field; (5)
(iii) the vessel is in the path of the storm. (3)
(c) Compile a set of Masters standing orders for use when the vessel encounters heavy
weather for EACH of the following:
(i) the OOW; (7)
(ii) general standing orders which are relevant to the safety of the vessel. (8)

Tropical Revolving
Storm Southern Navigable Semicircle

Path Eye

Trough Line

Trough Line



Navigable Semicircle Path

b) After recurving.

In all cases the action should be such as will take the vessel away from the Eye and the Path.
i) North of Path / Track.
Vessel is in Dangerous Quadrant / Semicircle.
Steam with wind on the Port Bow, at maximum speed, altering course to maintain
relative wind direction.
This will take the vessel away from the Eye and Path.

ii)South of the Path / Track.

Vessel is in the Navigable Semicircle.
Steam with the wind on the Port Quarter, at maximum speed, altering course to maintain
relative wind direction.
This will take the vessel away from the Eye and Path.

On the Path.
Steam with the wind on the Port Quarter, at maximum speed, altering course to maintain
relative wind direction.
This will take the vessel off the Path, into the Navigable Semicircle, and then away from
the Eye and Path.

Standing Orders. Heavy Weather. OOW.
(Alerting personnel and initiating precautionary measures.)
Call me at any time that weather deteriorates to the extent of causing concern.
Decrease in Atmospheric
Pressure. Wind greater than
Beaufort Force 6.
Waves of sufficient height to cause water to be shipped on deck.
Check for fresh forecasts indicating probable severity of
conditions. Inform Heads of Department of anticipated
Stop work being carried out in exposed areas
on deck. Organise closure of watertight and
weather doors.
Start second steering
motor. Engage hand
Post lookout.
Record meteorological data hourly, monitor trends.
Monitor vessel motion and decrease speed and / or alter course if required, then
call Master. Be alert for synchronous rolling and alter course if experienced.
Standing Orders. Heavy Weather. General.
(Safety of personnel, watertight integrity of the hull, security of items on deck and
inside the hull, stability.)
Access to the deck and exterior accommodation decks to be appropriately controlled by
Permit to Work system.
All personnel to be informed of anticipated severity of
conditions. All external watertight and weather doors to
be closed.
Air pipes to underdeck spaces, fuel and water tanks to be covered, or self sealing
arrangements proved functional.
Lifelines to be rigged along essential routes on deck.
Anchor lashings to be checked for security and additional lashings considered.
Securing arrangements of cranes, derricks, gangways, accommodation ladders, and similar
equipment to be checked; additional lashings to be considered.
Deck to be checked for loose items; these to be adequately secured or moved to protected
locations. FFA and LSA in exposed locations to be adequately secured or moved to
protected locations.
Equipment in public spaces to be secured or moved to secure
locations. Personal items in cabins to be secured.
Improve stability as
practicable: fill or
empty tanks
empty swimming pools
check that scuppers and freeing ports are clear.


Explain how a Gnomonic chart can be used in conjunction with a Mercator chart
when planning a great circle passage. (15)

Gnomonic Charts have the property that Great Circle Tracks are straight lines.
In practice tracks followed are normally Rhumb Lines, which are straight lines on Mercator

Planning a Great Circle track may be done by:

Plotting the Great Circle on a Gnomonic chart.
Picking off the Latitudes of Waypoints at regularly space Longitudes, typically 5°
apart, from the Gnomonic chart.
Plotting the Waypoints on a Mercator Chart.
Following the Rhumb Line tracks by Mercator sailing between the
Waypoints so plotted. The route is plotted on navigational charts and
checked for navigational hazards.

Routeing charts may also be used to check for meteorological hazards.

(a) Describe the preparations that should be made when a vessel is due to
encounter heavy weather. (15)

Consider deviation to minimise effects of adverse

weather. Brief all personnel of anticipated
conditions as relevant. Monitor communications
for forecasts of weather conditions. Increase
frequency of meteorological observations.
Inform all departments of anticipated severity of
conditions. Anticipate reducing speed.
Secure all loose items against anticipated vessel motion.
Consider additional securing of vulnerable items, anchors in particular.
Check the security and status of all items related to the watertight integrity of
the hull. Minimise free surface in tanks.
Rig lifelines on deck.
Move vulnerable LSA and FFE to safe locations.
Advise personnel to secure personal possessions against anticipated
vessel motion. Consider issuing motion sickness medication as required.
Plan work routines to allow for anticipated conditions, hand steering may be
required. Operate Permit to Work system for anticipated conditions.
ER change to low suctions.
Check navigation and communications aerials for
security. Plan catering provision for anticipated

2) At 0630hrs the master receives a request from the South African Maritime Rescue
Coordination Centre (MRCC) to assist in a search for an overdue fishing vessel.
Currently there are four vessels on scene engaged in a parallel track search pattern,
some 60 miles SE of the vessel‘s present position.
a) Describe the preparations that should be made on the bridge whilst en route to the
search area. (15)
b) Outline the factors that must be taken into account when selecting a search
pattern for SAR operations at sea. (10)
a) On the Bridge.
Maintain communications with MRCC, OSC and other assisting
vessels / aircraft. Set GMDSS equipment appropriately for the
required communications.
Prepare publications required for assessing situation, charts plotting charts and instruments…
Obtain weather analysis and forecasts for the
area. Prepare visual signalling equipment.
Brief all personnel appropriately.
Modify work routines to allow for SAR operations considering increased workload and
hours of work factors.
Organise preparations on deck to render assistance in the anticipated situation, with due
allowance for contingencies.
Preparation of searchlights, LSA, lifeboats and rescue craft, means of recovery of
personnel from the water, boat ropes, messengers, ladders, scrambling nets, heaving lines.
Organise preparation of medical facilities for reception of casualties.
Available number and types of assisting craft.
Single vessel, expanding square or sector
search Size of area to be searched.
Type of distressed
craft. Size of
distressed craft.
Probability of personnel in the
water. Meteorological visibility.
Cloud ceiling if aircraft
involved. Type of sea
Time of day.
Arrival time at
datum. Accuracy of

3) Vessels engaged on passages across the Southern Indian Ocean may encounter
icebergs at any time of year.
a) Describe the sources and type of information that are available to the Master
regarding icebergs. (10)
b) Outline the factors that should be considered by a prudent Master when
determining the risks involved in encountering dangerous ice. (20)
c) Outline the reporting procedure that is to be followed by the Master on
encountering dangerous ice. (8)

Admiralty List of Radio Signals.
Details of transmission of text messages and facsimile charts of areas where icebergs
have been detected.

The Mariner‘s Handbook.

General information.
Arctic icebergs. Origins and movement. Characteristics of icebergs. Ice island.
Antarctic icebergs. Origin and form. Tabular icebergs. Glacier icebergs. Weathered
Icebergs. Capsized icebergs.
Pictures of various ice forms and icebergs.

Ocean Passages for the

World. Ice limits and drift.
Ice in specific
Ice information

Admiralty Sailing Directions

Climatological data of areas where icebergs are
likely. Sources of information about current
iceberg conditions.

Admiralty Routeing Charts.

Show ice limits for the area covered.

General information and details of areas where icebergs have been

detected. b)

Types of ice likely to be encountered, icebergs and pack ice.

Concentration of ice, whether leads will be available through
pack ice. Sizes and nature of icebergs expected.
Potential for altering the planned route to avoid ice.
Availability of information regarding current ice extent and conditions.
Probable visibility governing visual detection of ice, presence of fogs banks caused by
ice formations. Use of searchlights if available.
Use of sound detection equipment, if fitted.
Probable sea state, relates to detection of smaller formation in amongst foam
patches. Radar status, correctly tuned as adjusted.
Echoes from ice may not relate to the size of the formation.
Smaller formations may be difficult to distinguish from wind and swell wave echoes.
Efficiency of navigational equipment; GPS in high latitudes, availability of celestial
observations, effects on Loran positions.
Vessel‘s power and manoeuvrability.
Vessel‘s draughts, with regard to rudder and propeller
immersion. Personnel availability and experience with
conditions expected Briefing personnel, information in
publications available.
Expected duration of passage through ice conditions with high personnel requirements,
fatigue may become an issue.
Adjustment of ETA due to reduced speed in conditions expected.
Availability of Ice
Pilots. Availability of
Availability of assistance from other vessels in the event of severe damage to the vessel.
Report by all available means to vessels in the vicinity and the nearest
coast station: Type s of ice,
Position s of ice,
UT date time of observation s.

Time Star Brg(T) True ZD Calc ZD
1821 Vega 010 40 18.2` 40 22.1
1825 Arcturus 082 56 29.6` 56 25.0
1831 Fomalhaut 175 60 51.7 60 58.0
1835 Nunki 240 60 08.7 60 12.3
1839 Altair 290 40 16.4 40 20.1
1844 Alphecca 045 48 29.0 48 26.3

a) Identify, giving reasons, which of the above are best suited to obtain a FIVE star fix of
the vessel‘s
position. (10)
Comment on the reliability of EACH of the following:
i) the MPP, (5)
ii) the GPS position. (5)

a) Magnitudes. Vega 0.1, Arcturus 0.2, Fomalhaut 1.3, Altair 0.9, Nunki 2.1.

Brightest stars, easier to take in cloudy

conditions. Best range of bearings to give
accurate plot.
Adequate altitudes, to minimise effects of refraction near horizon.
Vega and Fomalhaut good N S pair for latitude, Arcturus and Altair good E W pair
for longitude. Alphecca taken late, and bearing eastwards, horizon deteriorating.

i) the MPP,
The plot indicates a systematic error of 6.8 minutes, which could be due to an Index Error
that has not been applied, an Index Error applied in the incorrect direction, or a bias on the
part of the observer. This reduces the confidence in the position, although the errors are
known to be systematic, not random. The Celestial position is 2.0 NM from the GPS
position, which is within the accuracy expected of celestial observations.

the GPS position.
The vessel is close to the Equator, a high proportion of the satellite constellation is likely to
be above the horizon, the GPS position should be highly accurate.

Both the object and the horizon have to be visible. Also, the body has to be within 90° of Dec of
the observer‘s latitude.
Multi-star / planet fix at AM and PM twilight.
Lat by Polaris in Northern Hemisphere at twilight.
A single position line obtained by the sun/moon/planet during daylight hours.
Latitude by Mer Pass Sun.
Potentially 1 – 2 miles
Sources of Error
Sextant errors
Unreliable horizon (for example haze)
Incorrect object used
For a running fix, the reliability of course and speed data and the length of the run will effect
Abnormal atmospheric conditions

US GPS and Russian GLONASS are the only current operational GNSS.
GPS system designed to provide a minimum of 4 satellites above 9.5 degree elevation anywhere
in the world, 24 hours a day. DGPS, relies on being within range of a reference station.
GPS accuracy +/- 20m, DGPS +/- 5m
 Best when one receiver is overhead and 3 are spread over arc of 120 degrees on horizon.
Sources of Error
GPS Errors. GPS positional accuracy can depend on the following factors
 TROPOSPHERIC Errors (troposphere contains the weather)
 Clock Error
 Multipath Error
 Deliberate jamming of signals
 Solar Storms
High HDOP value – Dilution of Precision – an indicator of the reliability of the position rather
than the accuracy. Depends upon the geometry of the satellites overhead.

When in radar range of land or suitable radar conspicuous aids to navigation.
IMO RESOLUTION MSC.192(79) (adopted on 6 December 2004) ADOPTION OF THE
 X-Band (9 GHz) for high discrimination, good sensitivity and tracking performance;
 S-Band (3 GHz) to ensure that target detection and tracking capabilities are maintained in
varying and adverse conditions of fog, rain and sea clutter.
The radar system range and bearing accuracy requirements should be: Range - within 30 m
or 1% of the range scale in use, whichever is greater; Bearing - within 1°.
Sources of Error
Shadow Sectors
Correct Identification of object for both RADAR and visual

User to be aware of any drying heights which may affect returned information on RADAR


Q.1 (C) Describe two meteorological factors which can affect tidal heights, stating what
affect they have on the height of tide experienced compared to that predicted.

2)With reference to Admiralty Routeing Charts:

a) outline the information that can be obtained from a wind rose; (10)
b) state the other information that can be found on a routeing chart; (14)
c) describe how the information found on a routeing chart can be used when
appraising a passage. (16)

a)The arrows fly in the direction of the

wind. Frequency of winds from
different directions.
Percentage of winds of different Beaufort forces for each direction.
The number of observations that have been used in the compilation of each
wind rose. The percentage of variable wind observations in the area, a 5° x
5° block.
The percentage of calm observations for the area

b)Chart Number, Title, UKHO references.

Title, Edition Number, Edition Date, relevant month, scale, projection.
Explanation of Wind Roses, Ocean Currents, Ice Limits, Load Lines, Weather Ships,
Shipping Routes. Tropical Storm Tracks.
Percentage frequency of winds of Beaufort force 7 and
higher. Dew point temperature
Mean sea
temperature Mean
air pressure Mean
air temperature
Fog, percentage frequency of visibility less than 1000m
Low visibility, percentage frequency of visibility less
than 8050m Wind roses as above.
Current directions, rates and
constancy. Ice Limits,
Pack Ice: minimum limit, average limit,
maximum limit. Mean Maximum Iceberg limit.
Load Line limits and related information.
Shipping routes with indication of direction and distances
between ports. The identity and approximate borders of
The positions of selected ports.

c)The proposed route, shortest legal distance with adequate margins of safety is plotted on
the relevant Routeing Chart s.

The route is inspected for adverse conditions on the

route. Adverse winds with associated wind waves will
reduce speed. Adverse currents will reduce speed.
Hazards such as fog, reduced visibility, pack ice, icebergs and or a high probability of TRSs
may exist.

The area adjacent to the route is inspected for favourable

conditions. Favourable ocean currents will increase speed.
Favourable wind may increase the speed of certain vessels.

The adverse and favourable factors are quantified in order to assess whether a
deviation from the original route is justified to reduce the adverse effects, or take
advantage of favourable effects.

The route is modified to achieve an optimum route avoiding adverse factors and / or taking
advantage of favourable factors.

4)Vessels on passage between Central America and NW Europe may encounter
tropical revolving storms. (TRS)
a) Describe the warning signs of an approaching tropical revolving storm. (12)
b) Sketch a plan view of a TRS, in the northern hemisphere, indicating ALL the relevant
features. (8)
c) Explain how shipboard observations can be used to determine the vessel‘s position
relative to the
centre of a tropical revolving storm. (10)
d) If the Master suspects that his vessel is within 200 miles of the centre of a
TRS, state the recommended actions open to the master to avoid the worst
effects of the storm (12)

a) Swell, generated by strong winds in the vicinity of the Eye, radiates outward from the
storm centre. Therefore a swell, probably long and high, and not related to the current
wind, is an indicator of the presence of a TRS.
Atmospheric pressure. The normal pattern of pressure in the tropics is diurnal variation, a
small cyclic change around the normal pressure. The damping of the diurnal variation may
be the first indication of the presence of a TRS. Subsequent decreases in pressure indicate
increasing probability of the presence of a TRS, a fall of more than 3 hPa indicates that a
TRS is probably in the vicinity, and a fall of more than 5 hPa must be taken as confirmation
of a TRS‘s presence.
Wind speed increasing above the seasonal normal level indicates the presence of
lower pressure associated with a TRS.
Wind direction differing from the normal direction for the area and season similarly
indicates a disturbance in the pressure pattern.
Cloud cover increasing and cloud types changing to Cirrus bands and then
Cumulonimbus are further indicators of the strong convection associated with TRSs.


Trough Line



Left Path

Tropical Revolving Storm

Northern Hemisphere

Navigable Semicircle

c)The direction of the storm can be determined using Buy‘s Ballot‘s Law.
Face the wind.
The storm centre is then to the right of the observer in the Northern Hemisphere (left in
the southern hemisphere) by an angle of 90° plus the Angle of Indraft from the wind
The Angle of Indraft varies from four points at the outer edge of the storm field to zero at the
Eye Wall.

The distance from the Eye can be determined approximately by the pressure drop and wind
This will be approximately 200 NM if the pressure has decreased by 5 hPa and the wind is
approximately Force 6, and 100 NM if the pressure has decreased by 10 hPa and wind is
Force 8.

The vessel should be stopped in order to determine the change of pressure and
wind direction accurately.

Additionally, whether the vessel is in advance or rear of the trough line can be determined by
the change of pressure.
Falling pressure indicates that the vessel is in advance of the trough line, and rising
pressure that the vessel is to the rear.

Also, the change of wind direction can be used to determine the relationship of the vessel to
the Path of the storm.
If the wind is veering, the vessel is to the right of the path; if steady, on the path; if backing, to
the left.

d) In the northern hemisphere the Advance Right quadrant is the Dangerous Quadrant, the
left semicircle is the Navigable Semicircle.
In the Dangerous Quadrant, the vessel should steam with the wind on the starboard bow;
On the Path, and in the Navigable Semicircle, the vessel should steam with the wind on
the starboard quarter.
In all cases the vessel should make maximum practicable speed, and alter course to maintain
the relative wind direction.

In the Dangerous Quadrant, close to the Path and at some distance from the Eye, it may be
practicable to cross the Path into the Navigable Semicircle by steaming with the wind on
the starboard quarter.

If to the rear of the Trough Line the vessel should heave to, or steam away from the
storm, with the wind on the starboard bow in the northern hemisphere, and port bow in
the southern hemisphere.

In the southern hemisphere the Advance Left quadrant is the Dangerous Quadrant and the
Right semicircle the Navigable Semicircle. The relative wind directions are port bow and
quarter respectively.

2)Vessels approaching Newfoundland and the Grand Banks from seaward are likely
to encounter several navigational hazards.
a) With reference to Datasheets Q2(a)(1) and Q2(a)(2), outline six hazards which
a vessel may encounter during passage at any time in the year.(18)
b) Vessels encountering certain types of navigational hazards are required by
law to pass on information to other vessels and coast radio stations in the
i) Detail the circumstances to which these regulations apply (10)
ii) Describe the information that is required to be transmitted for each type of hazard.

a) Currents, pack ice, icebergs, fog and reduced visibility, gales, fishing vessels, platforms.
2.17 Currents off the coasts of Labrador and Newfoundland are
complex; Set and drift may be unpredictable.
2.36 Currents between the Grand Banks and Newfoundland may be affected by gales .
2.27 Icebergs may be encountered in any month N of 52 N.
2.27.2 Strait of Belle Isle is generally not navigable from late December until June, due to
pack ice.
2.27.4 Icebergs may be encountered between March and July.
2.36 Fog is exceedingly prevalent off the S coast of
Newfoundland. It may also be encountered in the
approaches to Belle Isle Strait.
Many depressions pass close to the area so that gales are frequent
and severe. Many fishing vessels are found throughout the year on
the Grand Banks.
There are vessels and platforms used to exploit oil, gas and mineral deposits.

i) The master of every ship which
meets with dangerous ice,
a dangerous derelict,
or any other direct danger to
navigation, or a tropical storm,
or encounters sub-freezing air temperatures associated with gale force winds causing
severe ice accretion on superstructures,
or winds of Beaufort force 10 and for which no storm warning has been received,
is bound to communicate the information by all means at his disposal to ships in the
vicinity and also to the competent authorities.
Ice, derelicts and other direct dangers to
navigation. The kind of ice, derelict or danger
The position of the ice, derelict or danger when last
observed. The time and date (UCT) when the danger
was last observed.

Tropical cyclones, hourly, if practicable, but not more than three hourly, while under the
influence of the storm.
A statement that a tropical cyclone has been
encountered. Date and time UT.
Position of the vessel.
Barometric pressure corrected to sea level.
True wind
Wind force
Sea state.
Swell height, true direction, period and length.
Vessel‘s true course and speed.

Storm force winds.

A statement that storm force wind has been
encountered. Date and time UT.
Position of the vessel.
Barometric pressure corrected to sea
level. Barometric tendency.
True wind
Wind force
Vessel‘s course and speed.

Ice accretion.
Time and date
Air temperature.
Sea temperature if
practicable. Wind force and


4.At 0600hrs UT on the 25th September the vessel receives a request from MRCC
Halifax to take part in a search and rescue operation for a 38ft lobster boat. The crew
have reported that the lobster boat collided with a submerged object and sank within
minutes. They have abandoned the vessel and were last reported to be adrift in a 12
man liferaft.

a) i) State the publications that should be consulted during a search and rescue
operation. (5)
ii) Outline the information that is available to determine a search datum
position, from the publications stated in Q4(b)(i).(6)
b) Explain, with the aid of a sketch, the method used to determine a datum
search position, assuming the distress position is known. (12)

Volume III Routeing
Current and Tidal Stream
atlases. Sailing Directions.
Weather analysis and forecast
charts. Admiralty List of Radio
Company Emergency Plan for assisting a vessel in
distress. Annual Summary of Notices to Mariners.

IAMSAR V III describes the procedure to be used to determine the search datum
position from a knowledge of the distress position, expected movement related to the
nature of the object, due to current, tidal stream and wind.
Drift rates are given for different objects, ship, liferaft, person in water, in various wind
conditions. Routeing Charts give climatological information relating to wind and
Current and Tidal Stream Atlases give information relating to currents and tidal streams.
Weather analysis and forecast charts may be used to determine current and forecast weather
conditions, particularly wind and sea state.
ALRS, none.
Company Emergency Plan may contain information similar to

a) The Distress Position is established.

The time from the distress to the ETA at the Datum is calculated.
The effect of wind is estimated from the nature of the object, the expected wind
conditions and the expected time interval.
The effect of current / tide is estimated from the expected current and tidal stream as
relevant and the expected time interval.
These effects are used as vectors to estimate the most likely position of the search object at

Current Tide Rate. Knots

Leeway. Knots

Drift. Knots.
the time of ETA.

Distress Position

Search Datum
Drift distance

5a) For a vessel operating in pack ice conditions, outline 5 factors that should be taken into
account when maintaining a navigational plot on the vessel‘s position.

 The possibility that radar conspicuous points on the coastline are obscured by fast
ice, which will mean the navigator will not be able to rely on any radar range and bearing
obtained from the radar return.

 Frequent course and / or speed changes required while following leads in the ice will
make dead reckoning difficult.

 There will frequently be a thick band of fog over the edge of the sea ice, which will
hinder visual navigation by potentially obscuring prominent navigational marks on the

 The possibility that navigational aids have been removed for the winter.

 The possibility that sector lights may be unreliable due to ice refracting and distorting
the light sectors.

5b) Outline 6 factors that the Master must take into account when manoeuvring the vessel in
 Manoeuvring Procedure for first entering the ice with regard to speed and angle of
approach. (low speed at right angles to ice edge).

 Use of leads and associated dangers with a shore lead. (without icebreaker assistance it
is unwise to follow a shore lead with an onshore wind blowing or expected.)

 Immersion of the rudder and propeller – the vessel should be ballasted and trimmed so
that the propeller is completely submerged and as deep as possible, but without excessive
trim, which reduces manoeuvrability.

 Dangers and procedures when operating the engine astern – the rudder should be
placed amidships while the vessel moves astern.

 Pressure ridges should be avoided and the passage through pack ice under pressure
should not be attempted.

 The swing of the stern if the vessel is passing through leads can risk damage to the
propeller and rudder.
JULY- 2008
a)Outline THREE reasons why there are multiple routes recommended for the passage
from Colombo to Aden; (9)

a) This an area of monsoon winds which blow in different direction in summer and winter.

In summer winds are predominantly SW and strong, particularly in the area SE

of Suqatra. Wave heights are therefore high, and there is a cross swell in the
area SE of Suqatra.
Currents are strong NE wards near the African coast.

In winter winds are predominantly NE and less strong.

Wave heights are lower, the cross swell is absent, and currents are less strong and
predominantly westwards.

Therefore different routes are recommended for differently powered vessels in different
times of year to avoid the adverse weather during the SW Monsoon in particular.

4)The UKHO produces a number of charts that are specifically designed to assist
mariners in planning passages in areas of heavy traffic and confined waters, such as
Dover Straits, Red Sea and Malacca Strait.
a) Outline the main categories of information that can be found on these charts. (18)
b) Explain how Co Tidal / Co Range Charts can be used by deep draught vessels
transiting the Dover Straits (10)
c) State, with reasons, FOUR other publications which should be consulted when
appraising a passage. (12)

a) Admiralty Routeing Guides contain the following

information. Admiralty Charts and Publications
relevant to the Area.
1. Passage Planning Using This Guide.
2. Routeing: General Rules and Recommendations.
3. Routeing: Special Rules and Recommendations.
4. Passage Planning: Special Classes of Vessel.
5. Oil and Dangerous Cargoes: Marine Pollution.
6. Radio Reporting Systems Applying to Through Traffic.
7. Reporting to a Port of Destination in the Area.
8. Maritime Radio Services.
9. Tidal Information and Services.
10. Pilot Services.
Passage Planning

b) Co-Range Co-Tidal charts

show: Amphidromic points
in the area.
Isopleths of Mean High Water Interval, Mean Low Water Interval, Mean Spring Range
and Mean Neap Range.
Positions of ports in the area.
Standard Ports in the area with Time Intervals and Tidal Ranges.

The time at which a required height of tide occurs, or the height of tide at a particular
time can be found for a point off shore.
The tidal data for a port, ideally a standard port, centred on the same amphidromic point as
that being considered, is used.

This information allows planning and speed adjustment to maintain adequate UKC and pass
critical points at high water or with a rising tide.

(Extract the High and Low Water times and heights for the
Standard Port. Determine whether the tides are Springs or Neaps
from the mean range.
Extract the Mean High Water and Mean Low Water Intervals for the Standard Port
and the positon. Apply the differences between the two sets of times to those extracted
from the tide tables.

Extract the co-range data for the standard port and the position from the appropriate
Mean Spring or Neap Range chart.
Calculate the Factor by dividing the mean range at the position by the mean range at the
standard port.
Multiply the ranges obtained from the tide tables by the factor.
When the tide lies between springs and neaps obtain factors from both charts and interpolate.
For heights at intermediate times, or times of intermediate heights, find the duration and
range of tide at the position, then use the Pacific tidal procedure.)

c)The Mariner‘s Handbook. General information about Navigational Publications and

their use, Regulations and Operational information, Oceanography, Meteorology, Ice and
Ice Navigation, buoyage systems.
Ocean Passages for the World. Climatology, recommended routes taking into account
vessel power and climatological conditions.
Sailing Directions for the area. Detailed information about the area, Navigation and
Regulations, Countries and Ports, Natural Conditions and routes within the area.
Routeing Charts. Climatological conditions for the month concerned; to identify adverse
factors to be avoided, or favourable factors which may be used, to optimise the passage.

5)a) State the appropriate manning levels on the Bridge, outlining the duties of EACH
member of the bridge team, for EACH of the following situations:
i) navigation in a Traffic Separation Scheme with dense traffic with restricted visibility.
ii) navigation in clear weather, during darkness, on an ocean passage. (6)
b) Outline the information that should be contained in the Master‘s Night Orders
for making the landfall of Aden. (12)

a) i) Master. In Command. Overall responsibility for safe navigation. Receives data from
bridge team, analyses and makes decisions, issues commands to give effect to those
OOW. Radar. Monitors position and progress. Informs Master as relevant. Monitors Master‘s
and performance of ratings.
OOW. Radar. Monitors traffic. Informs Master as relevant. Monitors Master‘s commands and
of ratings.
Rating, Helmsman. Steering to Master‘s orders.
Rating, Lookout. Keeps a visual and aural lookout. Informs Master and OOWs of
observations. Rating. Standby, called if required.
ii) OOW. Monitors position, traffic and performance of rating. Acts in accordance with
IRPCaS and
Master‘s Standing and Night Orders.
Rating, Lookout. Keeps a visual and aural lookout. Informs OOW of observations.
Monitors OOW performance.
Rating. Standby, called if required.

b)Details of circumstances when the Master should be

called. Details of the expected landfall.
Details of communications required with port.
Details of communications required within vessel, Engine
Room, crew. Details of known navigational hazards expected.
Details of other possible hazards.


For the route chosen in Q1a, describe sequentially, the navigational hazards
the vessel will encounter until the vessel clears the Caribbean. (15)

Mid September, Northern Hemisphere, TRS season.

TRSs may be encountered at any point of the passage in the
Caribbean. Periods of heavy rain and thunderstorms are
Chartlet. Course close to banks near Grand Cayman.
4.1 Squalls may occur at any
time. Reduced visibility in
4.5 High swells on western side.
4.11 WNW current.
4.15 Old and imperfect surveys of areas, care near cays and
banks. Depths less than charted due to coral growth.
Banks are steep-to, little warning from echo-sounder.
4.15.1 Strong currents in entrance channels, Windward Passage through to Turks Island
4.16 Turks Island Passage not lighted in its southern approach, not recommended for N-
bound vessels at night.
WNW current in Atlantic affecting transit of Turks Island Passage.

a)Briefly describe the changing weather conditions that the vessel would expect to
encounter if it were to maintain its present course and speed for the next 24 hours.
The course goes overland Jamaica and Haiti.
Hurricane Intensity is 65 knots, little more than present maximum.

Initially the vessel is outside the storm field.

Vessel will experience trade wind conditions, with a swell from the direction of
the storm. Pressure: Seasonal normal, with diurnal variation.
Wind: ENE f4,
Wind waves: ENE 1
metre Swell: ESE 5
Cloud amount: 3/8
Cloud types: Cumulus /
Cumulonimbus. Precipitation:

At approximately 21 23:30 UT vessel will reach the coast of Jamaica and cannot proceed
further on the course.

At approximately 22 10:00 UT TRS will reach the coast of

Hispaniola. Thereafter it is likely to be decreasing in
intensity over land.

The vessel will not enter the storm field, and conditions will not change significantly.

Assuming that the latitude scale is incorrectly placed one degree low.

22 03:00 Approximately.
The storm will move overland Hispaniola.
It will then interact with the land and significantly decrease in intensity and the storm field
will diminish. The path is also likely to change as a result of interaction with land.
Assuming that the path and intensity remain
unchanged. Trade wind conditions will persist.
The swell will diminish as the vessel passes north of Jamaica, and then increase steadily in

22 09:00 Storm will be approximately 100° x 240 NM from the vessel.

22 15:30 Storm will be approximately 120° x 30 NM from the vessel.

From 22 09:00 approximately until 22 15:30.

The vessel will begin to enter the storm field, and be sheltered from the swell by
Hispaniola. Pressure: Diurnal Variation will cease, then pressure will decrease sharply
toward the minimum as the vessel and storm converge.
Wind direction: Backing to NWly, then veering to NNEly through the rest
of the period. Wind force: Increasing through 35 kn to >65 kn.
Wind Wave height: Lower than expected for the wind force, as there is little fetch from
the coast of Cuba to the vessel. Increasing to approximately 3m.
Swell direction: Changing to Sly as vessel moves north of Hispaniola, swell
is refracted. Then coming from ENEly as storm field moves over Atlantic
Swell height: Less than expected from proximity of storm due to shelter of Hispaniola and
loss of energy due to refraction. Then due to short duration of wind over Atlantic.
Approximately 3m.
Cloud cover: Increasing to 8/8.
Cloud types: Cirrus of the Canopy, becoming obscured by Cumulonimbus increasing
in depth and coverage.
Precipitation: Increasing in frequency and intensity.
Visibility: Initially good, deteriorating in precipitation, and further with spray in intense winds
near eye.

The vessel may enter the Eye of the

storm. Pressure: Steadies at the
Wind direction: Becomes
variable. Wind force: Decreases to
light airs. Wind Wave height:
Decreases to slight.
Swell direction: Becomes confused, probably predominantly from NEly.
Swell height: Less than expected from proximity of storm due to short duration of
wind north of Hispaniola. Approximately 3m.
Cloud cover: Decreasing to approximately 2 8.
Cloud types: Towering cumulus of Eye Wall
around vessel. Precipitation: Ceases.

C) Outline the possible courses of action open to the Master to avoid the worst
of the storm, indicating which one would be most suitable if action was taken
at 1830 hrs UT. (16)

1. Proceed in a WSW direction.

This will maximise the distance from the current storm path, and probably keep the vessel
clear of the storm field if the path varies by up to 40° and the speed of movement increases
to an extent.

2.Proceed in a SSW direction.

This will maintain the distance from the current storm path, and probably keep the vessel
clear of the storm field if the path varies by up to 40° and the speed of movement
increases to an extent.

3.Stop the vessel and allow the storm to pass before proceeding.
The vessel is in open water, and can take evasive action in good time if the storm
path changes westward.

4.Proceed at reduced speed south of Jamaica in the lee of the island.

This allows the vessel to make some progress while maintaining an escape route.
5) Proceed at reduced speed north of Jamaica until the storm has passed ahead.
Vessel is proceeding into restricted waters, and may not be able to take effective evasive

1. Is the most suitable of these for the reasons given.

Monitor communications and current conditions to detect any change in the storm's path.

3)The vessel has successfully cleared the storm and exited the Caribbean, the vessel
receives new orders to proceed to Antwerp via the Dover Straits.

The British Admiralty produces Admiralty Routeing Charts and also a number of
charts that give passage planning guidance for certain areas of the world.
a) Compare and contrast the different types of information contained in each of
the above and comment on how they may be used by the navigator. (30)
b) Explain how the Master of a deep draught vessel can make use of Co-Tidal Co
Range Charts when planning a passage through shallow, confined waters. (15)

512X (Y) Routeing Charts.

Show climatological data for each ocean and month of the year.
Wind roses.
Predominant ocean
currents. Shipping routes
and distances. Sea ice and
iceberg limits.
Loadline Zone
Inset chartlets of:
Air pressure and
temperature. Dewpoint and
sea temperature. Percentage
fog and low visibility.
Tropical storm tracks and percentage wind greater than force 7.

5500 Mariner's Routeing

Guide North Sea and
English Channel Shows
the following:
Admiralty Charts and Publications relevant to the Area.
1. Passage Planning Using This Guide.
2. Routeing: General Rules and Recommendations.
3. Routeing: Special Rules and Recommendations.
4. Passage Planning: Special Classes of Vessel.
5. Oil and Dangerous Cargoes: Marine Pollution.
6. Radio Reporting Systems Applying to Through Traffic.
7. Reporting to a Port of Destination in the Area.
8. Maritime Radio Services.
9. Tidal Information and Services.
10. Pilot Services.
Passage Planning

Routeing Charts contain climatological data for the relevant month and area, and a small
amount of routeing data.
They are used to predict the weather on a proposed passage on a climatological basis,
and to make routeing decisions to achieve an optimum route with regard to
meteorological and oceanographic factors.
Mariners' Routeing Guides contain information about services available and legal
requirements relevant to passage planning through the area covered.
They contain a relatively small amount of oceanographic data.
They are used to assist in planning passages through the area and ensure that legal
requirements are observed.

Admiralty Sailing Directions should be used in conjunction with these charts when
planning coastal passages.
Co-Range Co-Tidal charts show:
Amphidromic points in the
Isopleths of Mean High Water Interval, Mean Low Water Interval, Mean Spring Range
and Mean Neap Range.
Positions of ports in the area.
Standard Ports in the area with Time Intervals and Tidal Ranges.

The time at which a required height of tide occurs, or the height of tide at a particular
time can be found for a point off shore.
The tidal data for a port, ideally a standard port, centred on the same amphidromic point as
that being considered, is used.

This information allows planning and speed adjustment to maintain adequate UKC and pass
critical points at high water or with a rising tide.
(Extract the High and Low Water times and heights for the
Standard Port. Determine whether the tides are Springs or Neaps
from the mean range.
Extract the Mean High Water and Mean Low Water Intervals for the Standard Port
and the positon. Apply the differences between the two sets of times to those extracted
from the tide tables.

Extract the co-range data for the standard port and the position from the appropriate
Mean Spring or Neap Range chart.
Calculate the Factor by dividing the mean range at the position by the mean range at the
standard port. Multiply the ranges obtained from the tide tables by the factor.
When the tide lies between springs and neaps obtain factors from both charts and interpolate.
For heights at intermediate times, or times of intermediate heights, find the duration and
range of tide at the position, then use the Pacific tidal procedure.)

2)Weather routing is often effectively used by vessels making trans oceanic passages.
a) Outline five factors that should be considered when deciding to weather route the
ship. (20)
b) Describe three types of weather routeing currently available to vessels. (12)
c) Outline the benefits of carrying out shipboard routeing. (8)

1. The weather along the route.
Wind speed and direction, therefore wave heights and
direction. The probability of reduced visibility and fog.
The probability of ice along and close to the route.
2. Ocean currents, adverse and favourable, along the route and close to it.
3. The vessel.
Vessel type, hull form and susceptibility to wave
action. Service speed, relative effect of ocean
Draft, likelihood of pounding in
adverse seas. Freeboard, likelihood of
shipping seas.
Stability, susceptibility to heavy rolling.
Availability of Performance Data.
4. The cargo.
Sensitivity to temperature and humidity.
Deck cargo, susceptibility to heavy weather damage.
5. The voyage.
Destination and range of alternative routes available.
Distance, long voyages are more likely to offer
alternatives. Navigational hazards on the route.
Scheduling requirements.
Legal requirements and restrictions.

1. Onboard, by ship's staff, using available information from climatological data and
broadcast forecasts. The first approximation of the route is the shortest distance with
adequate margins of safety. Climatological and forecast information is used to decide
whether a deviation from this is justified in order to achieve the optimum route.
2. On board, using computer programs with data supplied from ashore.
The program holds information about the ship's performance in a variety of weather
conditions. The program holds climatological information.
Forecast information is received from ashore.
The program calculates an optimum route for the vessel.
3. Shore based Routeing Officers.
An organisation ashore has details of the ship's performance, climatological data
and forecast information.
A Routeing Officer, using a computer program, calculates an optimum route for the vessel
and advises the Master accordingly.
Weather forecasts and further routeing advice are provided throughout the voyage.

Local meteorological conditions and changes can be observed directly.
Appropriate action can then be taken in response to changes as soon as they occur.
The performance characteristics of the vessel in different circumstances are known by
the Master in detail.
The performance of the vessel in response to the prevailing conditions can be directly
assessed and appropriate adjustments made.
The original plan can be modified quickly in response to changing conditions to maximise
the efficiency of the voyage.



5) a) Outline the information that should be discussed as part of the Master-Pilot
exchange. (20)
b) Describe the procedures that should be adopted on the bridge prior to arrival at the
pilot station. (15)

Current situation. Position, course, speed, engine setting.
Pilot Card. Ship‘s particulars, displacement, draught, trim, manoeuvring characteristics,
characteristics, thrusters, anchor details, hull
form. Navigation equipment status.
Emergency procedures; anchor status, crash stop astern
power. Defects.
Passage Plan to berth, speeds, tide and currents, weather, tug details,
mooring plan. Hazards on passage, changed navigational information,
operations in progress.
Reporting requirements and local
regulations. Expected traffic.
Pilot‘s emergency procedures and life saving equipment.

Exchange of information with port, routine and special
requirements. Amendment of Passage Plan if required.
Clock synchronisation.
Preparation of recording
equipment. External
communications tested.
Internal communications tested, Bridge, Engine Room,
Mooring Stations. Signals and signalling equipment prepared.
Deck lighting functional.
Steering gear tested in accordance with
requirements. Engines tested astern.
Hand steering engaged to allow
familiarisation. Master / Pilot Information
Exchange prepared.
Check that preparations other than on Bridge have been carried out.

Outline five factors to be considered when planning East – West ocean passages. (15)

1. Use of great circle tracks to minimise distance.

2. Limiting latitude due to navigational hazards in high latitudes.
3. Adverse wind and waves due to polar frontal depressions.
4. Adverse currents due to prevailing wind and general current circulation.
5. Winter S.H. Ice is a possibility.
6. Extreme single waves due to extensive wind and wave fields.

3) On arrival at the rendezvous position the Captain of the Warship decides conditions
are still too severe to transfer the casualty by boat and asks the master to prepare for a
helicopter evacuation of the casualty.
a) Outline the bridge procedures that should be adopted when planning and
conducting helicopter operations. (20)
b) Produce a bridge checklist that could be used to ensure that the vessel is ready for
the transfer of the casualty. (15)

a) Bridge team:
Master. In Command. Communications.
OOW conducts navigation, Position, Course, Speed, Traffic,
record keeping. Rating. Helmsman.
Rating. Lookout.

Communications with Warship.
RV time
Ship movement
Probability of spray or seas on deck
Type and location of operating area, winching or
landing. Status of casualty and luggage amount.
Medical information concerning casualty.
Communication channels, Bridge, Deck, Helicopter, Warship.
Engage hand steering for instant
manoeuvrability. Engines on standby.

Signals displayed.
Homing signal transmitted if
required. Securite message
Signalling lamp rigged.
Casualty signed off and
paid. Documentation

b) Confirm the following:

Bridge Team in
Engines on Standby.
Hand Steering engaged.
Securite message
transmitted. IRPCaS
signals displayed.
Communication established with
Helicopter. Information exchanged
with Helicopter.
Communications established with Deck Party.

Deck Team in position.

Deck Team wearing appropriate PPE.
Landing Winching area clear of obstructions and
loose items. Landing Winching area clean.
Fire Fighting Equipment prepared.
Emergency Equipment for Helicopter operation in
position. Helicopter signalling equipment available.
Casualty in position.
Items to be landed in position including documentation.

5) Whilst approaching Buenos Aries the vessel will transit an IMO approved
traffic Separations Scheme.
a) Outline the stated objectives of Traffic Separation and Routeing Schemes. (17)
b) State, with reasons, the manning levels to be observed on the bridge when a
vessel transits a Traffic Separation Scheme with heavy traffic. (15)

a) The purpose of Ship's Routeing is to improve the safety of navigation in converging

areas and in areas where the density of traffic is greatest and where freedom of movement
of shipping is inhibited by restricted sea room, existence of obstructions to navigation,
limited depths or unfavourable meteorological conditions.
The prime objective of Ship's Routeing system adopted by IMO may include some or all of
the following :- The separation of opposing streams of traffic so as to reduce the incidence of
head-on encounters
The reduction of dangers of collision between crossing traffic and shipping in established
traffic lane. The simplification of the patterns of traffic flow in converging areas.
The organisation of safe traffic flow in areas of concentrated offshore exploration or
The organisation of traffic flow in or around areas where navigation by all ships or by
certain classes of ships is dangerous or undesirable.
The reduction of risk of grounding to provide special guidance to vessels in areas where
water depths are uncertain and critical.
The guidance of traffic clear of fishing grounds or the organization of traffic through fishing
b) Master. In command.
Receives information from Bridge Team, Analyses and issues
commands. Communications.
Monitors bridge team performance.

OOW. Navigation.
Position, course and speed
monitoring. Informs Master
ns. Record
Monitors Ratings performance.

OOW. Traffic.
Monitors traffic in
vicinity. Informs

Rating. Helmsman.
Steers vessel to Master‘s orders.
Monitors Master‘s orders..

Rating. Lookout.
Keeps visual and aural
lookout. Reports to Master
and OOW.

Rating. Standby.
On Call as required.

2) When carrying out the appraisal of the Caribbean leg of the passage, it is noted
that several hazards will be encountered.
a) Describe EACH of the following:
i) the navigational hazards that are likely to be encountered; (12)
ii) the meteorological hazards that are likely to be encountered. (8)
b) datasheet Q1.3 shows an alternate route from the Mississippi delta to the exit
channel from the Caribbean, passing through the Old Bahama Channel and the Mona
Passage. Comment on why this is not listed as an alternate route for the proposed
passage. (8)
c) Outline the watchkeeping procedures that should be implemented to deal with
the hazards described in Q2a). (12)

i)4.11 Strong northerly currents may be experienced in the Yucatan Channel.

4.15 Charts may be based on old and imperfect
surveys. Depths may be less than those charted due
to coral growth. Depths may be less than charted
due to imprecise surveys.
Many banks and cays are generally steep giving little or no warning of their presence.
4.26 Strong onshore sets are possible along the south coast of Cuba.

ii) Hurricanes in the summer.

Heavy rain and thunderstorms from May to
December. Squalls at any time.
Low visibility in rain.
( in the Gulf, Gale force Northerly winds near the coast.)

Hurricanes track north of Cuba, limited
manoeuvring room. Poor surveys.

Master to be readily available when in the vicinity of
hazards. Master to be on bridge at critical points.
Echo sounder run whenever in the vicinity of banks and shoals.
Position fixing by appropriate means and cross checks between methods.
Increased frequency of position fixing along the south coast of Cuba due to
onshore sets. Radar performance monitored and clutter controls used
appropriately in rain.

Frequent meteorological observations, hourly, particularly during hurricane season.

Atmospheric pressure, swell, wind direction and force, and cloud cover are particularly
important. Monitor communications for weather warnings.

3) A) The general pressure distribution over the ocean; (5)

b) the general wind
circulation; (10)
C) the main ocean currents;
D) any environmental hazards

Low over
High in tropics
Low in mid-latitudes
Anticlockwise circulation.
From tropical high to equatorial low, SE
trades. From tropical high to mid-latitude
low, Westerlies. On east side of tropical
high, southerly.
On west side of tropical high, northerly.

Anticlockwise circulation.
South Equatorial Current, westwards, divides on east end of South America, one branch
crossing equator. Brazil current, southwards.
Southern Ocean Drift,
eastwards. Benguela Current,

Falklands Current, northwards from Cape Horn.

d) There has been one Hurricane, in 2004

March. Polar Frontal Depressions in mid-
Extreme single waves in extensive strong wind and
wave fields. Fog off west coast of S Africa.
Ice and icebergs in high latitudes.

4. Whilst on passage across the South Atlantic Ocean, the Master wishes to verify the accuracy of t GPS using h
celestial observations.

a) Discuss the availability and use of celestial observations to verify the vessel's position. (8)
b) The vessel intends to take star sights during morning twilight on the 26th September, whilst in D position 22°
17' S 042° 36' W. Ships time (GMT –3 hrs)

With reference to Datasheet Q4: R

i) determine which stars are available for observation, stating their altitudes and azimuths; (14)
ii) state, with reasons, which stars are best suited for a four star fix. (8)
c) Discuss the factors that should be considered when selecting stars for determining the vessel's position.

Star sights are available twice a day, at morning and evening twilight, provided the sky is sufficiently
clear of cloud.
Sun, Moon and Venus are available during the day during certain periods.
The above enable sights to be taken over short time intervals, and give positions accurate to
approximately one Nautical Mile.
During the day, when the Moon and Venus are not available,
380 a running fix using sun sights may be used
but is of limited accuracy due to uncertainties in the transfer of position lines.
LHA A 085 40.3
Lat 22S LHA 086
Alt TB Pro
Capella 21 42 354 Ham
Pollux 31 12 031
Procyon 51 00 049
Suhail 43 10 129 Suh
Canopus 58 24 169
Achernar 33 27 215 Ach
Hamal 20 09 307

Capella and Canopus.
Procyon (or Pollux) and
Achernar. Bright stars,
at reasonable
altitudes, in
in pairs at a wide angle from each other.

Bright stars are easiest to observe.
Stars at low altitudes are likely to be obscured by
cloud, haze etc. Stars at high altitudes are difficult to
observe accurately.
Pairs of stars on approximately opposite bearings help to reduce the effects of
systemic errors. A wide spread of position lines helps reduce the effects of
The extent and position of cloud cover on the occasion may reduce the range of
options available. The presence of land may restrict the range of horizon available.
The quality of the horizon may vary in different directions and affect the choices made.

5. Masters standing orders form an important part in ensuring the safety of the
navigational watch.
a) Describe the contents of Masters Standing Orders, outlining the factors that
should be taken into account when compiling them. (20)
b) Compile masters Standing Orders for EACH of the following situations:
i) making a landfall; (10)
ii) maintaining an anchor watch. (10)

a) Masters Standing Orders (SO) should be used as a supplement to other available

publications, such as Bridge Procedures Guide and Company and ISM Manuals, to
make it clear to the OOW exactly what his duties and responsibilities are when on

SO should be written with the particular vessel in mind as check lists in the Bridge
Procedures Guide tend to be generic.

SO should start with a general section which covers factors which are common to
all watchkeeping situations.

Amongst these that should be covered are:

Keeping a
Manning on the
bridge Distress
Protection of the Marine 382
environment Use of
navigation equipment
Calling the
Procedure for Master taking the con
This should be followed by more detailed advice covering the following
watchkeeping situations: Ocean Passages
Coastal Passages
Traffic separation schemes and
confined waters Navigation under
visibility Heavy
weather ice TRS
At Anchor
In Port
Preparation of Arrival Departure

i.Making a Landfall
If possible check electronic position fixing aids using celestial
observations. Obtain latest weather forecast for area.
Obtain latest navigational warnings and if necessary amend
passage plan. Update charts for latest navigational warnings.
Engine room to be kept informed of expected time
of standby Check stability, ballast and trim
Update tidal information with particular regard to
tidal streams Ensure extra lookouts posted in ample
Obtain compass and gyro errors and ensure echo sounder is operational to monitor
expected time of obtaining soundings
Endure radar is working at maximum efficiency so that targets may be detected at
maximum range.

ii.Maintaining an Anchor Watch

Vessels position to be monitored by all available means, preferably using
visual observations. Where possible transits should be used to check for vessel
dragging anchor.
Keep a careful watch on other vessels approaching or moving with the anchorage
Ensure that the vessel has sufficient swinging room to allow for possible change of tidal
Ensure regular patrols of deck and accommodation spaces are carried out and that the
ships security plan is implemented, especially where there is a risk of piracy
Monitor appropriate VHF channels for information
383 regarding pilots or shipping
movement within the area
Monitor weather carefully and ensure that all lights and shapes, sound signals etc are

a) identify FOUR potential hazards to navigation which should be taken into
account during the appraisal of the passage. (12)

Tropical Revolving Storms north of Australia

and in Coral Sea. Out of date and innacurate
Growth of reefs in Coral Sea.
Depth changes due to seismic activity in
western part. Polar Frontal Depressions
south of 40 S.
Extreme single waves in southernmost areas
of passage. Poor visibility off S American

b) With reference to Datasheet Q1 (b), describe the general weather and

winds that may be expected on passage from the Torres Strait to
Iqueque. (20)

March is late Summer.

From Darwin through Torres Strait to

approximately 30 S. SE Trade winds f4 rising
to f5 to f6 at times.
Partly cloudy,
Moderate seas and swell
from East. Dust haze north
of Australia.
Tropical Revolving Storms are possible.

30 S to 40 S
Sub tropical
anticyclone. Light
variable winds. 384
Clear to partly
cloudy. Little
Swell from high wind waves in the higher latitudes

South of 40 S
Polar Frontal Depressions.
Predominantly westerly winds, but very variable around
depressions. Cloudy to overcast in vicinity of fronts.
Moderate to heavy precipitation in vicinity of fronts.
Heavy swell from high wind waves in the vicinity, and from the extreme wind waves in
higher latitudes. Intermittent spells of good weather in anticyclones and ridges between

Approaching South America.

Southerly winds on the east side of the
anticyclone. Low temperatures due to the
Peru current.
Reduced visibility due to the cold current,
advection fog. Little precipitation.
Swell from the wind waves in higher latitudes.

3)C) Explain how meteorological conditions can influence the accuracy of tidal
predictions. (15)
Height of Tide can be reduced by:
High atmospheric pressure reducing the sea level, approximately 1 cm per hPa difference
from standard. Winds blowing away from the area, moving water out of the area.
Wind blowing parallel to a coast setting up long waves.
Drought conditions reducing river flow in estuarial and river ports

Height of Tide can be increased by:

Low atmospheric pressure increasing sea level, approximately 1 cm per hPa difference
from standard. Wind blowing into area, moving water in to the area.
Wind blowing onshore generating a storm surge due to
onshore waves. Wind blowing parallel to a coast setting
up long waves.
Heavy rain increasing river heights in estuarial and

river ports. The time of high and low water may

similarly be influenced.

a) Outline the main components of the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System
(GMDSS) (15)
b) Describe the criteria used to determine the GMDSS equipment required for an
ocean going vessel. (8)
c) Outline the GMDSS equipment which must be carried for the proposed
voyage from Darwin to Iqueque. (7) 385
a) There are three main components of the GMDSS system:

Space component: Consists of a number of satellites, some in geostationary orbit around

the earth, some in polar orbits, arranged such that at any point on the earth‘s surface there
is one or more satellite above the horizon at any one time.
Three satellites maintain a continuous watch on certain distress frequencies (eg 406 MHz
EPIRB Satellite) and when a transmission is detected the information is then passed
down to dedicated receiving stations on earth. Information from two or more satellites
allow the position of the transmitter to be determined.

Ground Based Component: This consists of the satellite receiving stations, Coast
Radio Stations and certain Rescue Co-ordination Centres (RCC).
These are interlinked and the RCC can usually take control of any distress situation
originated from either satellite or Coastal Radio Station.
Receipt of distress signals sent on certain specified radio frequencies (DSC channels
either VHF, MF or HF) at a coastal radio station can then put SAR assets into action
when received by the RCC. Certain Coast Radio Stations may be able to receive all
(VHF, MF, HF) frequencies or may only be able to deal with VHF MF.
Coast Radio Stations are designated to transmit on 518 kHz which is the frequency used
to carry NAVTEX information which is available on a world-wide basis.

Mobile Based Component: These include ships and aircraft and the communications
equipment that they require to have onboard depends on the area of operation of the unit.
All vessels must now carry satellite EPIRB plus NAVTEX receivers. Other equipment
may be VHF, MF, HF or Satellite communications or telex.

The concept of sea areas are used to determine the type of equipment required:

Sea Area A1 An area where any vessel will always be in range (20-
30 miles) of a VHF DSC Coast Station
Sea Area A2 An Area where any vessel will always be in range
(100 – 150 miles) of an MF DSC Coast Station
(Excluding Area 1)
Sea Area A3 An area where any vessel will be within coverage
of an INMARSAT Communications satellite
(Excluding A1 and A2)
Sea Area A4 Any area not covered by A1, A2, A3. (Polar regions)
Vessel will be transiting areas A1, A2 and A3 therefore equipment required will be as

VHF Radio (DSC Ch 70, 16, 13, 6)

Navtex Receiver
406 MHz or 1.6 GHz EPIRB
Plus 386
INMARSAT C ship station
MF Radio Installation + MF DSC
watch receiver Or
MF HF Radio
Installation MF HF
DSC Watch

3)The vessel in Q1 is fitted with all modern aids to navigation and
communications systems, including GPS, ECDIS, ARPA and Loran C.
a) Outline the availability and likely accuracy of EACH of the following position
fixing methods when used on an ocean passage in high northern latitudes in
i) Loran C; (5)
ii) Celestial observations. (5)
b) Outline the MAIN features of an Electronic Navigation Chart (ENC). (10)
c) Outline the current MCA guidance regarding the use of Raster Navigation
Charts in ECDIS systems. (10)


Range is approx 1200' for groundwave reception but can double to 2400' for skywave
coverage, however accuracy tails off with increasing distance. Currently there are two
chains on E.Coast USA Canada which could give coverage for part of the voyage and
US coastal waters. Availability:- 24 hrs a day.

Celestial observations:
Multiple bodies observed at short time intervals, stars or sun / moon / Venus,

Running fixes using sun are subject to more errors due to run between observations.
Star fixes available twice a day during twilight, sun / Moon / Venus and sun-run-
sun during daylight hours.
All dependent on clear skies and visible horizon.

An electronic chart is basically a database of all the charted features to be found on
charts covering a specified area.
Each charted feature has its own set of entries in the database, e.g. a lighthouse will
have its charted position stored on the database. Attached to this entry will be all the
information concerning the light that could be
387found on the chart:
e.g. Type of
Nominal range, etc.
Items stored on the database would include depths (individual + contours), rocks,
buoys, lights, TSS wrecks etc.
The fact that each feature can be stored individually means that the user can choose
(with some restrictions) what is displayed, e.g. all depths shallower than a stated depth
could be shown but depths greater than the stated depth would not be shown.
This is known as layering and could be used to show only the salient features necessary
for the safe navigation of the vessel. As the vessel moves through an area, the computer
system will look for features within the radius of the ECDIS display. It will display
features which come within range and discard features as they move out of range. This
allows for a seamless display as the vessel transits an area.
There are set standards specifications laid down by IHO regarding EUC but few
systems meet all the requirements.

The Raster Navigational Chart (RNC) is a digitised scan of an actual Admiralty chart
and thus has the same accuracy as a paper chart.
The system lacks the sophistication of the ENC as when the vessel reaches the edge of an
RNC the display will go blank unless adjoining chart is available in RNC format.
Current guidelines regarding RNC are such that paper charts must still be
carried and used for navigation.
MGN 63 gives general guidance of the use of electronic chart systems and use of each
type of chart. MGN 193 gives detailed guidance on how the requirements for paper
charts may be reduced by carrying out risk assessments on the major problems that may
be encountered when using RNC's.
Points to be considered, include:
Are there RNC charts with sufficient detail of coverage for
intended passage Failure of vital components of the ECDIS

4)Whilst navigating in the approaches to Trondheim the vessel will be

required to use a traffic separation scheme.
a) Outline the bridge procedures to be adopted when approaching or
navigating in a traffic separation scheme. (15)
b) state, giving reasons, the manning requirements of BOTH the bridge and
engine room for the situation described in Q4(a). (15)
c) Explain the precautions that should be taken when using parallel indexing to
monitor the vessels progress along its track. (10)

a.)The Master should be called in ample time to allow him:

i. To observe the navigational and traffic situation in the approaches to the T.S.S.
ii. The engines should be on standby and E R manned.
iii. Both steering motors should be engaged prior
388 to the entering of T.S.S.. The
Helmsman should switch to hand steering in ample time to allow him to gauge
responsiveness to helm orders.
iv. Extra lookouts to be posted prior to entering T.S.S.
v. Watertight doors to be closed
vi. Major navigational equipment to be tested, with particular reference to performance
of radar ARPA and the errors of the compass.
vii. Systematic plotting of all targets commenced well before entering the scheme.
viii. Speed adjusted to that commensurate with observed traffic density and available
ix. Frequency of position fixing to be increased and all major navigational marks to be
identified visually and by radar.
x. Check visibility using radar range to nearby targets and navigational lights

Bridge Team to consist of:
Master: to be in overall control and responsible for collision avoidance.
OOW: responsible for navigation and advising master of early warning of radar targets
causing concern Helmsman: as vessel may need to manoeuvre quickly
Lookout: due to increased traffic density and possibility of small craft in area.

If the navigation is critical then it may be prudent to call a second OOW to Bridge.
This will ensure: OOW 1 - To concentrate purely on navigation and
OOW 2 - To look after collision avoidance.
Master can then take an overview of situation with information being fed by both OOWs

Engine Room Team consists of:

Chief Engineer: to take care of E R and monitor overall condition of machinery and
liaise with Bridge from E R control room.
EOOW: to assist Chief Engineer and if necessary
attend to alarms GP Rating: to assist EOOW

In confined waters, reduced visibility or heavy traffic where failure of propulsion or

steering gear could rapidly put ship in danger, consideration should be give to having
electrician or second EOOW available.

When using PI techniques OOW must still fix vessel position on chart. The
following checks must be carried out prior to using PI:
i. Targets to be used for tracking must be positively identified and should not be chosen
if they are likely to be confused with other targets in vicinity.
ii. The overall performance of the radar to be checked prior to and more frequently
during the passage when using PI.
iii. Timebase must be accurately centred on own ship.
iv. The heading marker should be checked for alignment with ships F+A line.
v. The Gyro error should be determined prior to using PI and should be allowed for.
vi. If possible check accuracy of VRM and range rings against a fix from secondary
navigation system (e.g. GPs)
vii. OOW should be aware that changing range scales may necessitate re-positioning the PI
lines. 389
5) c)
Vessel is no longer proceeding with the general flow of traffic.
This is permitted (Rule 10) if necessary to manoeuvre to avoid immediate danger.
Vessel will have to monitor position in relation to Separation Scheme, and take
appropriate further action if approaching Separation Line or Zone.


4)STCW and several other relevant publications contain guidance to Masters
on determining the composition of the Bridge team under varying operational
Outline the various factors that should be considered by the Master when
deciding appropriate manning levels on the bridge. (30)
The following are amongst the factors to be considered:
The state of visibility, weather and sea conditions and the impact these have on the
ability to keep an effective lookout
The proximity of navigational hazards and the frequency of position fixing required
for safe navigation The density of traffic and the need for systematic observation of
approaching targets
The configuration of the bridge with particular regards to the layout of key items
of equipment The complexity of the bridge equipment and the experience of the
officers in using it
The operational status of all bridge equipment, with particular regards to the operation of
alarm systems The need to operate communications equipment
The need to manœuvre the vessel and the characteristics of the vessels propulsion and
steering systems The experience of the officers and crew and their familiarity with the
area the vessel is navigating in The fitness for duty of the officers and crew with
particular regard to fatigue
The additional workload that may be put on the OOW due to routine operational
procedures which may be going on.

5)With reference to the proposed passage by the tug and tow, the One and a Half
degree channel is flanked to the North and the South by the Maldive Islands. These
consist of numerous low lying islands, banks, reefs and shoals.
a) Outline the difficulties in maintaining navigational accuracy, likely to be
encountered, when approaching and transiting the Maldives between may and
September. (24)
b) Explain why a fully operational GPS receiver would be an advantage when
transiting the islands. (6)
c) Outline the precautions that should be observed by the Officer of the Watch
when using parallel indexing to monitor the vessels progress in the passage. (12)

a) Many of the islands are only a few feet above water and therefore may be difficult to
detect visually or by radar at adequate range.
Islands may be surrounded by banks and reefs which may extend a considerable
distance from the shore Identification of individual islands may be difficult if a vessel is
unsure of its exact position
Shoals and banks may be steep too and there may be little or no warning of depth
changes until a vessel is close to danger
Seasonal changes in current direction and strength may change position of
banks quite quickly Currents may not be as expected with regards to direction
and strength
Charts may be based on old surveys and source data should always
be considered Some islands may be uninhabited and unlit
There may be an increase in inter-island traffic, particularly crossing situations and
the possibility of numerous small craft
During the SW monsoon visibility may be poor due to heavy rain and small craft may
not be detected at adequate range
At the start of the SW monsoon currents may tend to cause onshore sets
Poor visibility may limit the opportunities for checking electronic navigational
aids using celestial navigation

b) A vessel fitted with GPS, which is frequently cross checked by appropriate

navigational methods, would allow the vessel to pass closer to navigational marks,
in order to allow them to be positively identified by sight or radar.
A vessel without GPS would obviously increase passing distances of navigational
marks due to the uncertainty in its ability to accurately fix its position by other
c) The following precautions should be observed:
The target chosen for PI must be clearly identifiable on radar and preferably
visually as a check The heading marker alignment should be checked with the
shops fore and aft line
The radar should be on the smallest range scale which is appropriate
A performance monitor test should be carried out prior to using radar in PI mode and
more frequently during parallel indexing
Radar time base to be checked
The VRM should be checked using the Range Rings
Gyro error to be determined and allowed for when setting index line

2. When carrying out an appraisal of any passage, various environmental and
climatic factors must be considered. Admiralty routeing charts will invariably be
used when carrying out the above appraisal. For the passage from Durban to
a) Outline the relevant information that a Routeing chart can provide; (15)
b) describe how this information should be used to assist planning the passage; (14)
c) describe THREE navigational considerations that should also be considered
when appraising the above passage. (6)

a) An explanation of the features of

the chart. Dew Point
Mean Sea
Tropical Storms
Winds of Beaufort Force 7 and higher, percentage
frequency. Mean Air Pressure.
Mean Air
Temperature. Fog,
Low Visibility, percentage frequency.
Ocean Currents by predominant
current arrows. Wind Roses
Recommended routes with
distances. Load Line Zones.

Dew Point Temperature.
Indicates humidity of atmosphere. Relevant to precipitation and visibility.
Mean Sea Temperature.
Relevant to visibility, fog, and probability of ship sweat, and efficiency of engine
room machinery.
Tropical Storms tracks.
An indication of frequency and movement of Tropical Revolving Storms.
Winds of Beaufort Force 7 and higher, percentage
frequency. Indicates probability of high winds,
and therefore waves.
Mean Air Pressure.
Indicates probability of depressions.
Mean Air Temperature.
Relevant to probability of freezing conditions, air conditioning requirements,
personnel comfort.
Fog, percentage frequency. 396
Probability of reduced speed in order to comply
with IRPCAS. Low Visibility, percentage frequency.
As with fog.
Ocean Currents by predominant current arrows.
Adverse currents on the route can be avoided, and favourable currents near the
route used, to optimise performance.
Wind Roses.
Probability of adverse winds and therefore waves, reducing speed and causing
Recommended routes with distances.
These give a first approximation of the route, which can be modified as
required to optimise performance.
Load Line Zones.
Indicates limits of freedom if loaded to marks.
Marpol areas.
Relevant to disposal of tank washings and general compliance
with MARPOL. Major ports.
Easy identification of destination, port of refuge.
c) Availability of celestial observations for position and compass error due to cloud
cover in Polar Frontal Depressions.
Accuracy of celestial observations for position due to abnormal refraction, poor
horizon and vessel movement in high waves.
Accuracy of celestial observations for compass error due to
vessel movement. Accuracy of gyrocompass in high latitudes.
Accuracy of magnetic compass in high latitudes with significant vessel movement.

3. a) Describe the circumstances when weather routeing is most effective. (5)

b) Compare the advantages and disadvantages of shore based routeing and shipboard
routeing. (20)
c) Describe FIVE objectives of weather routeing. (10)

a) Weather Routeing, distinct from Climatological Routeing, is most effective on

passages in the middle latitudes where weather is very variable from day to day, and in
areas where analyses and forecasts can be obtained.
The forecasts can be used to identify adverse factors, which will reduce speed and
cause damage to vessel and cargo, such as high winds and waves, swell,
precipitation, reduced visibility, freezing temperatures, ice and icebergs.
Ideally the potential speed reduction can be quantified, and the optimum deviation, to
avoid or minimise the effect of adverse factors, determined.
The Passage Plan can then be modified to avoid these areas, while optimising
the passage. Favourable factors may be identified, which will justify a deviation
to take advantage of them.

b)Shore based
High skill and experience of
Routeing Officers. Powerful
computers and software are used. 397
Routeing Officers have access to Meteorologists and considerable meteorological
Low time factor for ships‘ staff.
High cost.
Routeing Officers rely on data available ashore, and may not identify rapid
changes of weather patterns.
Routeing Officers may not be aware of local small scale effects on weather
elements, such as headlands.
Routeing Officers dependent on position information from ships.

Involvement of staff in the process.
Local circumstances and effects can be
considered. Low cost.

Time consuming.
Dependent on amount of information available on board.
Dependent on knowledge and skill of ships‘ staff.
Secondary factors such as wind force and direction, sea wave and swell
characteristics, may have to be derived from primary information such as
atmospheric pressure.

Involvement of ships‘ staff in process.
Computer programs can be modified to ship‘s characteristics.
Meteorological data readily available from supplier.
All important factors, atmospheric pressure, wind direction and force, wave and
swell height and direction, position and movement of storms, are contained in data
Cost of program
and data. Time
Modification of ship data dependent on ships‘ staff skills.
Local small scale effects are not taken into consideration by the program.

c)Objectives of Weather Routeing.

Objectives may be mutually incompatible, priorities must be established for the
particular voyage. To complete the passage in the least time.
To complete the passage with the least overall cost.
To complete the passage with the least damage to the vessel
and cargo. To comply with requirements of legislation,
Charter Party and schedules. To carry out important
maintenance tasks.
To maximise personnel safety.

Q5 A) Preparations that the OOW should undertake prior to ER being given 1 hours
notice to SBB.
Some of the following points would depend on the approach to the port, and the Master‘s
own preferences, so may or may not take place ‗1 hour before standby.‘
 Update the passage plan.
 Power on deck.
 Confirm ETA with the pilot.
 Adjust speed to arrive at given time.
 Cross check echo sounder with charted depth.
 Clocks synchronised with Engine Room.
 Check master compass with repeaters.
 Test internal communications with the Engine Room.
 Calls made as appropriate to ensure deck crew and officers required for stations are
prepared in time.
 Latest weather forecast obtained – if possible obtain current conditions for the harbour
from Pilot / VTS / Port website.
 Additional lookout to bridge.
 Prepare shapes / curtesy flags to be hoisted, as necessary.
 Stability and draught information verified and available.
 WTD‘s closed.
 Pilot card prepared.
 AIS updated with ETA at pilot station.

Or any other suitable point………..

B) Outline the information that should be exchanged between the Master and Pilot,
as soon as the pilot arrives on the bridge.
What the examiner said - ‗Few candidates mentioned about vessel‘s position, speed, course
and traffic situation when the pilot arrived on the bridge‘
Pilot Arrives on bridge:
As soon as the pilot arrive on the bridge, it is imperative that any immediate concerns to
navigation are addressed and discussed with the Master. This will be with regard to the
immediate traffic situation, vessels position, course and speed.

The Master must inform the Pilot who has the con and what his intentions are, and confirm
that the pilot is happy. A discussion at this stage needs to address the factors above to ensure
the vessel is safely navigated during the period of the Master / Pilot exchange.
The Pilot must inform the Master about any immediate traffic concerns. Often at busy pilot
stations, there can be numerous vessels either boarding or dropping off a pilot, altering
course and speed in close proximity to one another, while some vessels (e.g ferries), may not
be slowing down to board a pilot at all.
Once these immediate concerns are dealt with, the Master and Pilot can start with the
formalities of the full Master Pilot exchange (reviewing pilot card, confirming berth,
completing exchange checklist ect).


OOW responsible for:

 Maintain Navigational watch, monitoring the position and movement of the

vessel at all times.

 Assists and supports the Pilot and Master in their decision making.

 Monitor actions of Pilot, Master (if on the bridge) Helmsmen, Lookout and
Bridge team. Questions actions of both the Pilot and Master.

 Monitors traffic, plotting targets and appraising traffic situation.

 Maintain record of events in logbook.

 Fixes vessels position at suitable intervals.

 Monitors Communications, both internal and external.

 If Master not on the bridge, and the OOW is not happy with the intentions of the
pilot, he should call the Master and take steps to secure the safety of the vessel –
if necessary taking the con from the pilot.


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