Gyro Practice Paper

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A) Two principles of a free Gyro are

a. Gyroscopic Inertia
b. Precession

B) Precession

Precession is the change of direction and rate of change of the spinning axis of a free gyro when the
spinning axis is subjected by a torque (force) trying to change the direction of which the spinning
axis is pointing.

C) Gyroscopic Inertia

A free spinning gyroscope will continue to point a same direction IN SPACE forever unless it is
subjected by a force. If the free gyroscope spinning axis is pointing a star, it will continue to point it as
it is rise and set since the star is constant and the earth is rotating.






The West End precess towards North.


a) How Gravity controlled gyro is made from free gyro


The free spinning gyro’s spinning axis move in circular direction pointing a singular point in the space.
To create a gyro compass, the gyro need to point the horizon not going up or down. To achieve that,
the weight is put on the spinning axis, to produce torque.
If the free spinning gyro is spinning clockwise looking from north, when north axis move above
horizon, the torque will be created at the south axis and the north axis will precess toward west.

When south axis try to move above horizon, the torque will created at North axis and the South axis
will precess toward East.

This will make the gyro axis make a flat eclipse on around the horizon.

This is how gravity controlled gyro is made.

b) How a gravity control gyro is made into gyro compass

To turn gravity controlled gyro to gyro compass, it is require damping the spinning axis from moving
in flat eclipse and make it settle on a meridian.

Damping is acquire in typical gyro compass by mounting a weight on the west of the suspension
wire. The weight produce no effect when the axis is horizontal. When the axis tilt up from the
horizontal, the weight will create vertical torque to the spinning axis and it will precess in horizontal.

This is how a gyro compass is made from gravity controlled gyro.


a) Latitude error= 1.5 x tan latitude =1.5 x tan 48=1.67W

b) Latitude, course and speed error = tan-1 ((speed x cos course) /900 x cos latitude))

= -2.45W

c) Gyro Course to steer=203-1.67-2.45 =198.88G

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