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Gas-Injection Pilot in the

Hochleiten Field

The Hochleiten field, a marginal field recompletions and infill-drilling locations

north of Vienna, Austria, is highly com- were identified. This article, written by Technology
partmentalized and contains very viscous It became evident that lateral-facies Editor Dennis Denney, contains high-
oil. Waterflooding worked only in a part changes, as well as reservoir compartmen- lights of paper SPE 89356, “Gas-
of the reservoir. Poor communication and talization, led to early pressure decline or Injection Pilot in the Hochleiten Field,”
large pressure differences were observed early water breakthrough. Combining a by K. Potsch, SPE, R. Ramberger,

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across the field. A CO2 injection was material-balance model with neural-net- SPE, J. Glantschnig, SPE,
attempted in an area in which no water- work models in one sector of the reservoir S. Baumgarthuber, SPE, and
flood had been tried. Use of CO2 showed that the connectivity between wells F. Gößnitzer, SPE, OMV A.G., pre-
improved the inflow capacity of the injec- and layers generally is poor, and, in particu- pared for the 2004 SPE/DOE
tor, but oil production from affected wells lar, water injection at downdip locations Symposium on Improved Oil Recovery,
increased only slightly. To match the actu- could not support the pressure sufficiently Tulsa, 17–21 April.
al response of the reservoir, reservoir- in the updip areas of the structure. It also
model adjustments became necessary. To was found that the dissolution of gas
support the existing reservoir description, increased oil recovery more efficiently than as a strategic reserve. The three sectors
an N2-tracer test was initiated to deter- waterdrive alone. Therefore, gas injection is showed a different production behavior
mine the preferred communication paths. expected to be more efficient than water- because gas caps developed to various
flooding to access bypassed oil. extents. A production test, several years
Introduction after the field was first produced, exhibited
The Hochleiten field was discovered in 1973. Production History very high gas/oil ratios (GORs) and a high
Production began in 1974. The main reser- Production began in 1977, but was inter- water cut of up to 0.5. When the field was
voir is the Tertiary Lower Sarmatian at a rupted from 1985 to 1989 to keep the field finally put on stream without interruption,
depth between approximately the gross rates in Sector B
710 and 800 m subsea. The were significantly lower than
structure map in Fig. 1 shows in the other two sectors.
that the reservoir is highly com- The water cut was the same
partmentalized with two major, in all sectors; however, the
probably sealing, faults. The GOR in Sector B was higher,
reservoir is oil bearing, with even at lower production
small gas caps in Sectors A and C. rates, then dropped after a
Approximately 30 wells have sharp increase.
been drilled. A waterflood, com-
Sector C
prising two wells each in Sectors Reservoir Simulation
A and C, was initiated in 1991 E1 The simulation study was
with mixed success because of undertaken to assess the
Sector B
the high level of structural and remaining oil reserves.
stratigraphical heterogeneity. Relative permeability data
Sector B was not included in the were estimated from
waterflood program because the Honarpour correlations.
production history did not Residual-saturation data
define fault locations of imper- were taken from sandpack
meable layers. experiments in which reser-
In 1997, a detailed and inte- voir material was used.
grated reservoir study was initi-
ated to understand reservoir Sector A Enhanced-Recovery
behavior. On the basis of new Options. The challenges
3D-seismic data, a team of geo- included the small size, com-
scientists and engineers revised partmentalization, hetero-
the structural and stratigraphic geneity, and the high-viscos-
framework of the field, leading ity oil. The Hochleiten reser-
to a new reservoir model for voir would qualify for CO2
Fig. 1—Hochleiten field structure map.
dynamic simulation. Several flooding, polymer flooding,

JANUARY 2005 47
or thermal methods. Several methods have Pilot Installation continuous injection would have been
been attempted in the Vienna basin, but a The first pilot was a huff ’n’ puff scheme. The more favorable remains unanswered.
fieldwide application was never tried. After Hochleiten field is in a densely forested area,
soliciting and reviewing three outside rec- and wells are clustered to minimize damage Nitrogen-Injection Test. The unexpected
ommendations, which are detailed in the to the environment. Surface equipment for breakthrough of CO2 in Well HL3 led to a
full-length paper, the CO2 flood using the the CO2-injection unit was installed at the tracer test to determine flow paths and the
“huff ’n’ puff” approach was selected. cluster of Wells HL3, HL4, and HL45. It sealing quality of faults. Nitrogen was used
included an insulated storage tank, four because the oil contains only small quanti-
Laboratory Investigation high-pressure pumps, a heat exchanger ties of this gas. The only conclusion that
Only CO2 and N2 gas-injection projects (vaporizer), and a metering point. The liquid could be drawn was that Well HL19
were investigated. The CO2-related investi- CO2 was supplied by truck, and all process responded very quickly to the N2 injection,
gations consisted of black-oil pressure/vol- data were recorded in real time. followed by Wells HL3, HL4, and HL7.
ume/temperature (PVT), swelling, and dis- Injection began on 20 June 2002 and last-
placement tests. The latter were performed ed until September 2002. In total, Reservoir/Pilot Simulation. A simulation
on long and short sandpacks. No field pilot 0.537×106 m3 were injected in Well HL45. study was carried out in 1995. The black-oil
was started. In huff ’n’ puff mode, the injected CO2 model had difficulties in matching the reser-

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The N2-injection experiments focused on should swell the oil, reduce the viscosity, and voir pressure and production GOR. The
recovering attic oil. The experiments were replenish part of the sector energy for later study recommended additional water injec-
conducted at ambient and reservoir condi- increased production. All other wells in tion. Gas injection also was mentioned as
tions. The latter were not completed at the Sector B were producing. Unfortunately, the an option.
time this paper was written. The criteria fault between Wells HL3 and HL45 was not In the Fall of 2002, with the CO2-injec-
used for selecting EOR methods resulted in sealing, and production of Well HL3 had to tion pilot in operation, a new composition-
CO2 injection as the most likely process be interrupted because of early CO2 break- al-simulation study was undertaken, which
to succeed. through. The injected CO2 in the sector was focused on Sector B. The match of pressure
allowed to soak for approximately 2 weeks. and GOR were good. The simulation
Miscibility. The first test with a major influ- Then, Well-HL45 production was resumed. results of the CO2 injection in Well HL45
ence on the amount of oil recovered was the The production data led to the assump- were satisfactory. The prediction runs
minimum miscibility pressure. Miscibility tion that uncertainty still existed about the showed a minor gain of the CO2 slug in
was investigated with PVT programs. The flow paths. Therefore, a tracer test in the relation to the base case. The unexpected
limiting saturation pressure for a slightly- form of N2 injection in Well HL13 was ini- breakthrough of CO2 in Well HL3 rendered
oil-diluted CO2 was calculated at 81 to tiated. Two layers show some effect. The the pilot uneconomical.
77 bar. Slimtube tests added experimental gases were injected in Layers 1c and 1d. Of all processes considered (CO2 injec-
insight. The calculations predicted immisci- The more distant Well HL8 and Well HL27 tion, water-alternating-gas injection with
bility for the Hochleiten-field reservoir con- did not show any response to the gas injec- CO2, and N2 injection), the first option was
ditions, mainly because of the low tempera- tion, probably because of some imperme- still the best. Surprisingly, the inert gas (N2)
ture. The slimtube tests were carried out able blocking streaks. The next pair of wells yielded similar production figures.
only at reservoir temperature, and miscibil- closer to the injectors was Well HL6 and Continuous CO2 injection also was simulat-
ity was not observed at any pressure. Well HL7. The only observed response was ed for Wells HL19 and HL8. Preliminary
Other laboratory investigations focused in Well HL7, with an increase in GOR results showed that this option would not
on providing data for a numerical simula- because of the CO2 injection. The oil pro- be economical.
tion and to estimate the effect of injection of duction of that well responded with a spike
various gases. Because miscibility could not after the tracer test. Well HL19, close to N2- Conclusions
be reached, gas injection targeted viscosity injector HL13, saw an increase in GOR • The geologic composition of the reser-
reduction. The investigations used standard after the CO2 injection, which means that voir is very complicated.
black-oil PVT tests followed by swelling some of the CO2-enriched oil must have • In general, surveillance of the pilot suf-
tests; both CO2 and N2 were used. A certain reached that well. The oil production fered from the economic constraints.
amount of gas was added to stock-tank oil, remained at the previous level. • Production-monitoring measurement
and at each step, the bubblepoint pressure, The wells closest to the CO2 injector, points should have been denser.
formation volume factor, and viscosity were Wells HL3 and HL4, showed different • Permanent downhole gauges would
determined. The viscosity reduction was behavior. Well HL3 experienced early have improved pressure surveillance.
remarkable. Solubility tests showed how breakthrough with an instant rise in GOR, • The results showed no significant posi-
fast and to what extent the three gases went resulting in a halt of production; no posi- tive effect.
into solution in water and oil. tive effect was seen. Well HL4 improved its • Overall, the pilot contributed signifi-
The most-permeable layers in the field are performance by 30%. In the beginning of cantly to the experience of the people
unconsolidated sand; so no core plugs were the puff phase, the injector produced more involved. JPT
available, and samples for flooding had to be gas than before the test. The gross produc-
prepared as sandpacks from reservoir mate- tion increased, while the oil production,
rial. Because gas injection was the preferred being slightly higher, reflected two peaks of For a limited time, the full-length paper
EOR method and the reservoir exhibited a the gas-injection periods. Therefore, the is available free to SPE members at
small dip, experiments were conducted in gas-injection process yielded some positive The paper has not
horizontal and slanted positions with vary- results, but not enough to cover the costs of been peer reviewed.
ing inclination. the pilot project. The question whether

48 JANUARY 2005

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