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MAS110 Clinical Procedures and Techniques

Infection Control Worksheet (LRC Project)

Name: Geonika Williams

Directions: Using your textbook, internet resources, and the LRC resources, answer the following

1. Define medical asepsis and surgical asepsis as practiced within an ambulatory care setting.

Medical asepsis includes all practices intended to confine a specific microorganism to a specific
area. When Surgical asepsis is a sterile technique. It practices keeping an area or object free of all
microorganisms. It destroys all microorganisms and spores. Used for all procedures involving sterile
areas of the body.

2. List major types of infectious agents and identify methods of controlling the growth of
microorganisms. (Hint: Think about the conditions required for microbial growth.)

viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoa, and helminths (worms).

Viruses: eliminating nonhuman reservoirs, eliminating the vector, and improving sanitation like antiviral

Bactria: Sterilization and decontamination through heat, with antibiotics.

Fungi: treatment with antibiotics includes the application of topical preparations, clotrimazole, for tinea
infections, vaginal suppositories, for candidiasis, and oral medications.

Protozoa: Improving personal hygiene and sanitation practices can significantly reduce the spread of
protozoal infections.

Helminths: Periodic deworming, health education, and improved sanitation can prevent worm
infections by eliminating worms, preventing re-infection, and reducing soil contamination with infective

3. Define the purpose and principles of standard precautions.

Standard precautions are the work practices required to achieve a basic level of infection prevention and
control. The use of standard precautions aims to minimize, and where possible, eliminate the risk of
transmission of infection, particularly those caused by blood-borne viruses.

4. Identify Center for Disease Control (CDC) regulations that impact healthcare practices. (Hint:
Discuss how the CDC regulations will impact you and others in the healthcare environment.)

(CDC) serves as the national focus for developing and applying disease prevention and control,
environmental health, and health promotion, and health education activities designed to improve the
MAS110 Clinical Procedures and Techniques
Infection Control Worksheet (LRC Project)
health of the people of the United States. Describe the infection cycle including the infectious agent,
reservoir, susceptible host, means of transmission, portals of entry, and portals of exit. This is important
to people who are in the healthcare environment because you do need to be educated and aware of
certain things and protocols. And if we didn’t have those things in place, we would spread diseases and
people would get sick way easier and it would be way worse than what we have with regulations in

5. Describe the PPE that may be required when working with: all body fluids, secretions and
excretions; blood; non-intact skin; and mucous membranes.

It is important to wear a mask and eye protection or a face shield when performing
procedures that may result in the spray or splash of blood, body fluids, secretions, or
excretions. These protective measures also safeguard clothing and skin during such

6. Based on federal and state regulations, employers must gather and report information including
work related injuries and breaches of unsecured protected health information. Typically, for
work-related injuries, employers need to complete OSHA’s Form 300 “Log of Work-Related
Injuries and Illnesses”. Using this OSHA website (,
research the recordkeeping process. Keeping in mind that incident reports forms are filled in by
the employee, discuss the purpose of incident reports in the process of compliance reporting.
(Hint: Why are incident reports important in the compliance reporting process?)

OSHA, employees, and employers use it to protect workers, identify hazards, and assess
workplace safety.

7. Research your state’s public health statutes that relate to communicable disease reporting.
Discuss what actions need to occur by the healthcare team to remain in compliance with the
The conditions for requesting mandatory testing are as follows: the emergency response
employee or volunteer must have been exposed during their employment or volunteer work
and the exposure must put them at risk of a notifiable condition. They must also provide a
sworn affidavit explaining why they are making the request to the department's representative.

8. Identify safety techniques that can be used in responding to accidental exposure to each of the
following: blood, other body fluids, needle sticks, and chemicals.
MAS110 Clinical Procedures and Techniques
Infection Control Worksheet (LRC Project)
Blood: If you experience a needlestick or cut, it's essential to wash the affected area thoroughly with
soap and water. If you get splashed in the nose, mouth, or skin, flush the area with clean water. In case
of eye exposure, irrigate with sterile irrigates, saline, or clean water. It's important to report the incident
to your supervisor or the person responsible for managing exposures in your practice.

Body fluids: It is important to wash your hands as soon as possible after coming into contact with blood
or other body fluids, even if you are wearing gloves. If you accidentally get splashed in the eyes, nose, or
mouth, it is recommended to flush the area with water. In the event of a needle stick, it is important to
contact your doctor immediately for further guidance.

Needle sticks: The site should be washed with soap and water immediately after the incident.
An exposure report sheet should be completed, and the exposure should be assessed, including
the type of fluid, type of needle, and amount of blood on the needle.

Chemicals: Remove the person from exposure to chemical spills, airborne particles, or fumes.
Take them to the fresh air. Flush the affected eyes with water for 15 minutes. Clean the skin.

9. Discuss the protocols for disposal of biological chemical materials.

The methods for disposing of biological and chemical materials vary depending on the type of
material. Common methods include autoclaving, chemical disinfection, incineration, hazardous
waste disposal, and recycling.
MAS110 Clinical Procedures and Techniques
Infection Control Worksheet (LRC Project)
11. Perform compliance reporting based on public health statutes. Using the form or the website
provided by the instructor, complete the form using the information from the following
scenario. You can make up additional information as needed to complete the form.
• NOTE: If you are using a website, DO NOT SUBMIT THE FORM. You are to print off
the completed form and submit it with this document to your instructor.

Patient’s information: John T. Smith (DOB 04/02/1976) of 1234 Timber Street, Anywhere, VA
12345 (phone) 001-555-1212
From the health record: Patient was seen yesterday by Dr. Joseph Green and his chief
complaints included a fever, nausea and vomiting for 4 days. He arrived back from Uganda 6
days ago. He was Patient was diagnosed yesterday with Malaria. He had symptoms for one
week and was seen today by Dr. Joseph Green at Anywhere Medical Clinic. The Anywhere
Medical Clinic Laboratory reported that the blood smear came back positive for malaria (P.
falciparum). The patient is being treated with atovaquone 250 mg/ proguanil 100 mg, 4 tablets
po daily for 3 days.
Reporter’s information: Your name, you are a medical assistant at Anywhere Medical Clinic, 123
Cedar Drive, Anywhere, VA 12345 (main clinic phone number) 001-235-6598

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