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3:07 pm, Nov 16, 2011


What should Hank

do about the salary
When Salaries Aren’t
debacle? Secret
Four commentators offer
expert advice.
by John Case

Reprint R0105A
This document is authorized for use only in Kshavi Kunjal's SIMS-Case study-09-07-23 at Symbiosis International University (SIU) from Sep 2023 to Mar 2024.
Salaries at fashion retailer RightNow! were all over the map—and that
was okay when they were private. But now, thanks to a former
employee’s parting shot, they’re public—and everyone’s abuzz about
who’s worth what. Is that such a bad thing?


When Salaries Aren’t

by John Case

It had all happened so fast. Hunched forward, match). He invested in rapid growth: Right-
elbows on the desk, Hank let his chin sink Now! today had stores in 28 states, with more
deeper into his hands as he gazed out into the on the way. Last year, Hank had hired a dozen
night. Outside, the flowers in the office-park or so tech-savvy 20-somethings and charged
garden looked garish under the orange sodium- them with creating a killer Web site. Launched
vapor lights. Hank didn’t notice. He was think- just last month, the site was already winning
ing hard about tomorrow’s staff meeting, awards and generating substantial business.
which had so suddenly been transformed from He’d heard that even the folks in corporate
a celebration into a—well, he wasn’t quite sure were impressed.
what. He just knew it wouldn’t be pleasant. But oh, those 20-somethings. One in particu-
Hank Adamson, 48, was chief executive of- lar: Treece McDavitt. Hank had noticed her—
ficer of RightNow!, a retail chain specializing in you could hardly miss the elaborate tattoos and
off-price clothing for young, fashion-minded double eyebrow rings—but he hadn’t really
women. Frankly, he had been looking forward known her name. Until yesterday.
to a little celebration. Five years ago, his com- “We think it was Treece,” Charlie Herald had
pany had bought out a stodgy, 20-year-old re- told him. “It was her last day, and this was her
tailer of women’s apparel, and Hank had come parting shot. Not that we could pin anything on
in to run the place. her—she covered her tracks pretty well.”
He renamed it and repositioned it, giving it a Charlie, RightNow!’s VP of human re-
hip, edgy style. (Get Your Clothes Half Off was sources, recounted the story as best as he had
the latest slogan, with a racy ad campaign to been able to piece it together. Treece was hip

HBR’s cases, which are fictional, present common managerial dilemmas

and offer concrete solutions from experts.

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When Salaries Aren’t Secret•• •HBR C ASE S TUDY

and edgy herself, a 26-year-old rebel without Charlie had looked straight at him. “It’s 8:30
much of a cause, valuable for her many skills, in the morning,” he said evenly. “I already
but not exactly a candidate for Team Player of have four voice mails asking for appointments.
the Month. Evidently, she had been listening I have to think people have something on their
to lunchroom conversations about salaries and minds.” Hank asked Charlie to take some
had heard all the usual speculation and innu- soundings around the company, and the two
endo about who made what. But where most agreed to touch base in the afternoon.
people just gossiped and let it go, Treece got But Hank was talking with store managers
hot under the collar. She suspected unfairness. all day, and it was five o’clock before Charlie
She was put out because she and her cowork- could finally catch him without a phone
ers knew so little. tucked under his ear. As Charlie walked in to
“Why shouldn’t we know what everyone Hank’s office, Harriet Duval followed. Harriet
makes?” she had blurted out one day to her was RightNow!’s chief financial officer. She
lunchtime companions. “I’ll bet there are all and Charlie were Hank’s top advisers. As they
kinds of disparities.” Everyone laughed and bustled in, a tune popped into Hank’s head
agreed, plunging into irreverent comparisons and he suppressed a chuckle. Harriet and
of what they imagined various managers were Charlie always made him think of the line
paid. One recounted an old IBM commercial in about Iowans from the old show The Music
which a malevolent computer hacker e-mails Man: they could stand touching noses for a
his company’s payroll information to all his week at a time and never see eye to eye. Har-
colleagues. riet and Charlie didn’t come from Iowa, so far
Treece had smiled. And then the conversa- as Hank knew, but the description did fit—
tion had gone on to other things. which, of course, was one reason he found
Today, two months later, life was imitating them both so valuable.
Madison Avenue all too closely. Treece—if it Charlie looked haggard. “It’s worse than we
was Treece—may have had help from a friend thought,” he said. Hank raised an eyebrow;
(another recent departure) who worked in HR. Charlie went on, glumly. “Seems like nobody’s
Or she may have relied solely on her own con- been talking about anything else. If you had
siderable computer skills. Whatever, as she her- walked the halls today, you’d have seen little
self might have said. No one seemed to think groups all over. People are furious! My assis-
that Treece was a malevolent employee. “Just tant Tammy says she’s never heard so much
mischievous,” one person said. But it hardly griping. And you know those voice mails I
mattered. Even as she made plans to leave the mentioned? I must have had a dozen people in
company, she somehow got access to HR’s my office today, every one of them upset over
files. salaries.”
Yesterday was her last day, marked by a Suddenly reflective, he added: “Funny
small farewell gathering and a few cupcakes. thing—some were teed off because they felt
This morning, every RightNow! headquarters they were earning too little. You’d expect that,
employee came in to work to find a camou- right? But others were mortified because now
flaged e-mail waiting on his or her computer. everybody could see they were making more
The e-mail bore an attachment, which listed than their buddies. They wanted to know how
the current salary and most recent bonus of to handle it.”
every one of the 165 people who worked in the Harriet nodded. “For once, I have to agree
building. with Charlie. People are really upset. Heaven
When Hank had arrived a little after 8:30, knows I’ve fielded my share of complaints to-
Charlie was waiting for him. The vice presi- day. At the same time, though, I have to be-
dent got the CEO a cup of black coffee and lieve it’ll blow over in a day or so.”
John Case is author of Open-Book briefed him. Hank listened but wasn’t unduly Charlie shook his head. “I don’t think so.
Management (HarperBusiness, 1995) concerned. “So what?” he had said with a People get crazy when it comes to money—
and The Open-Book Experience shrug. Everybody talks about money—they al- that’s why this company and nearly every other
(Perseus, 1998), as well as several other ways have, always will. Chances are, everybody company in the world keep salaries confiden-
business books. His article “Opening at the company already has a good idea of tial. We’re all scared of the reaction. Just today,
the Books” appeared in the March– what everybody else is making. “Is this really a four or five people actually threatened to walk.
April 1997 issue of HBR. problem?” he remembered himself asking. One guy even wanted another 30 grand!”

harvard business review • may 2001 page 2

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When Salaries Aren’t Secret•• •HBR C ASE S TUDY

Hank started to ask a question, but Charlie people in the last couple of years. I’ve always
held up a hand. told Charlie, ‘Get ’em in here. Pay them what-
“Wait,” he continued. “You need to know ever it takes.’” He thought about mentioning
the whole story, and it gets worse. You both Allan but then decided against it. “And I guess
know how tight the job market has been re- there have been cases where we haven’t
cently, especially for marketers experienced in brought the lower end up fast enough.” Char-
this business. We’ve had to pay top dollar— lie nodded tiredly.
and now everybody in the company knows “But wait,” Harriet said. “Are we really so
that our four new hires in marketing make different from other companies? Everywhere
more than people who’ve been around for I’ve worked, there have been pretty big pay dis-
years.” He paused for effect. “And it really parities. The fact is, you can’t really avoid it
doesn’t help that three of the four new market- these days. You have to pay for hot skills—and
ers are men in a department that’s almost all you have to pay what the market dictates.”
female. Can you say ‘lawsuit’?” “But other companies haven’t had their sal-
His listeners winced. “But it isn’t just in aries released to the world,” Hank said. “And
marketing, it’s all over. In the dot-com group, now we’re facing this staff meeting tomorrow
some of those 23-year-olds make north of with 165 teed-off people. Any thoughts about
$50,000. That doesn’t look so great to an old- what I should say? Better yet, any thoughts
timer in HR who’s pulling down $42,000. As about what we should do?”
for IT, well, don’t even go there. We hired that “Tell them we’re going to keep making the
Russian programmer, Arkady, a few years ago salaries public. That we’re going to post them.”
at $38,000. He was ecstatic to get the job and is The speaker was Charlie.
anything but a squeaky wheel when it comes Hank and Harriet smiled, ready to laugh at
“People get crazy when it to pay, so he’s had only a couple of increases the joke. But Charlie wasn’t joking. He was
since then. Meanwhile, we bring that young staring at a spot on the floor, his brow fur-
comes to money—that’s guy Josh in to do the same work. He knows rowed. Suddenly he looked up. “I mean it. I’ve
he’s good, and he makes sure you know it. He heard of a couple companies that do this. I
why this company and negotiated a high salary when he came on, and think they’re on to something.”
nearly every other he’s been relentless in pushing for raises ever Now Harriet was incredulous. “Are you
since. Now he’s making $75,000.” nuts? This stuff going public is what’s causing
company in the world Hank and Harriet sat silent. Harriet re- all the trouble! A fire breaks out and we’re
keep salaries flected uneasily on how her controller—loyal, going to douse it with gasoline?”
quiet Edith, who had been at the company “Bear with me—the idea isn’t as crazy as it
confidential.” more than 20 years—now knew that her salary sounds.” Charlie began to tick off his points on
was less than one-third of Harriet’s. Hank his fingers.
thought of Allan, his brother’s pal, who was “For starters, consider how hard it is to keep
laid off from a much larger apparel chain. To salary information secret any-more. It’s all out
placate his brother, Hank had hired Allan to there in cyberspace, available to anyone smart
head up store relations and had matched his enough to get it. Think there won’t be another
big-company salary. It was far more than what Treece?
RightNow! would otherwise have paid. “Point two. It would keep us honest. We’ve
And oh, yes: there was Max, Hank’s golfing let our compensation system get out of con-
buddy, who was hired as director of interna- trol. You’re right, Harriet: it happens all over.
tional marketing. Max was a great guy. His But that’s no excuse. Put salaries up on the
wife and Hank’s wife were close friends. On board, and you can bet the employees will help
the job, he tried hard, but he never got the us make sure they’re fair.”
kind of results a savvier, more aggressive mar- Harriet started to argue, but Charlie plowed
keter might have achieved. His boss had never ahead. “But the real argument is that it
given him much in the way of raises, so he helps—heck, it forces—people to understand
earned significantly less than others at his our business. We’ve always said we wanted em-
level. Now he—and everyone else—knew it. ployees to understand our costs and learn to
Finally Hank spoke: “So we’ve got a real think like businesspeople. Well, here in head-
mess on our hands. And I guess I’m as much to quarters our biggest cost is payroll. You should
blame as anybody. We’ve had to add so many have heard one of the conversations I eaves-

harvard business review • may 2001 page 3

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When Salaries Aren’t Secret•• •HBR C ASE S TUDY

dropped on today. Somebody was grousing what about your own assistant Tammy? You
about what we pay the dot-com kids, and two know she gets a lot more than anybody else on
other people jumped all over him. ‘Do you the support staff, partly because she’s always
know how important those kids are to our fu- there when some young kid has a problem.
ture? Do you know what they could earn at She’s probably talked a dozen of them out of
one of those IT consulting companies?’ Those leaving. If we try to explain that, you can just
guys were thinking like CEOs. They shut the hear the other AAs.” She mimicked a petulant
complainer right up. young administrative assistant: “‘Well, that’s
“Besides.” Charlie allowed himself a small not in my job description.’”
smile. “You gotta admit that we’d be cutting The CFO leaned back in her chair, thought-
edge—a sure bet for a story in some big busi- ful. “All those differences in pay—they’re the
ness magazine. Our name in lights.” result of stuff you could never talk about out
Harriet rolled her eyes. “Charlie, you aren’t loud. They reflect a hundred judgment calls
thinking straight. You said it yourself—people that every manager makes about every em-
get crazy over money. Do you really want us to ployee every day. You couldn’t explain them,
spend all our time explaining to Arkady why so you wouldn’t try. Instead you’d run the busi-
he makes so much less than Josh?” ness like the postal service, paying everybody
“But that’s my point,” Charlie retorted. “He at a certain grade the same. Or you’d increase
shouldn’t make so much less. I know—we pay everybody’s pay with age, like in Japan. Maybe
for performance. But is Arkady’s performance that’s okay for the government or for the Japa-
really only half as valuable as Josh’s? If it is, by nese, but no business in this hypercompetitive
the way, we should fire him.” U.S. marketplace could afford it. Our best peo-
“Oh, come off it. You wouldn’t even be ple wouldn’t stand for it.”
“We’re dealing with real thinking about their pay if it weren’t for the “Straw man, Harriet.” Charlie’s tone was
mess we’re in right now,” Harriet charged. earnest. “We’re not the post office, and I’m not
people here, and where “Maybe not,” Charlie agreed. “But I’m against differences in pay. I just want reason-
working on the ‘you get a lemon, you make able differences.” He turned toward Hank.
there are people, there lemonade’ approach. Sure, we have to say we “Look,” he said. “This is a people business.
are egos. The problem messed up, we’ll be reviewing salaries, the We’re only as good as our buyers, our market-
usual blah blah blah. But what if we also say ers, our programmers, even our support staff.
isn’t the disparities that that we think of our employees as partners in And there’s this awkward thing about people—
aren’t justified; it’s the the business and that we’ll entrust them with they have feelings. People don’t care what the
the same information every senior manager al- market says about what they should be paid;
ones that are.” ready has access to—that is, what people they care what the company says—and they re-
make. It’d knock their socks off.” ally care how much they make compared with
“And make them very nervous,” Hank the guy in the next office. If they don’t feel
interjected. fairly treated, they get sullen. They do bad
“Nope. Yesterday it would have made them things, like leave at five o’clock when there’s
nervous,” Charlie replied. “Today they already still work to be done. Or just leave, period.”
know the numbers. Now our job is to turn that “You talk like there’s some kind of fairness
into something positive.” that everybody agrees on,” Harriet retorted.
Harriet shook her head. She had a quick “There isn’t. People feel it’s fair if they earn
tongue, everybody knew, but she was unusual more than the guy in the next cube. But do
in her ability to cool off, gather her arguments, you really know anybody who thinks it’s fair if
then disagree calmly and rationally, without they earn less? And now you want to rub their
putting people on the defensive. “Charlie, it’s a noses in the unfairness? Or have us spend all
great idea—in theory. But we’re dealing with our time trying to explain it?”
real people here, and where there are people, She, too, turned to the CEO. “Hank, Char-
there are egos. The problem isn’t the dispari- lie’s heart is in the right place, except that it
ties that aren’t justified; it’s the ones that are. seems to have taken over his brain. Do what he
We can fix the Arkady-Josh problem. But do we suggests and we’re just asking for trouble. At
really want to tell Max—sorry, Hank, I know the meeting tomorrow, you should listen sym-
you’re friends—that he isn’t making more pathetically. You should make all the right
money because he’s awkward with clients? Or noises about conducting a review, examining

harvard business review • may 2001 page 4

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When Salaries Aren’t Secret•• •HBR C ASE S TUDY

disparities, and so on. And we should do that, position, but with no names attached? Hank
of course; we need to get our compensation knew Harriet wouldn’t buy any of this. And
system in order. But then we should beef up maybe she was right. Maybe it would all go
our computer security so that this never hap- away.
pens again and go about our business. People But maybe they were missing an opportu-
will continue to gossip for a while. But they’ll nity, as Charlie believed.
eventually forget about it.” And just how mad were all those employees
The two stood up, and Hank thanked them likely to be at the staff meeting tomorrow?
as they left the office. And then he began Hank didn’t want to make them madder.
thinking, and thinking some more, until the Now the night outside was lit only by a cres-
sky outside his window turned dark. Charlie’s cent moon and those relentless orange lights.
idea? Outlandish, no doubt. But some of his ar- The CEO continued to gaze out the window.
guments weren’t totally crazy, particularly the
notion that this would probably happen again
sometime. Even if the company didn’t post sal- What should Hank do about the salary
aries, maybe it could find some middle ground. debacle? • Four commentators offer expert
An employee committee to advise them on sal- advice.
aries? Posting payroll costs by department,
See Case Commentary
with no individual listings? Posting salaries by

harvard business review • may 2001 page 5

This document is authorized for use only in Kshavi Kunjal's SIMS-Case study-09-07-23 at Symbiosis International University (SIU) from Sep 2023 to Mar 2024.
When Salaries Aren’t Secret • HBR C AS E STU DY

Case Commentary
by Victor Sim

What should Hank do about the salary debacle?

I can understand what Hank Adamson’s going they need to offer. The same thing could hap-
through because, in a roundabout way, I’ve pen if, as Charlie proposes, RightNow! were to
been there. My advice to him would be to act post all names and salaries on a company bul-
but not overreact. Overreacting could create letin board.
problems that will be difficult to live with Still, Hank needs to acknowledge to his em-
later. For one thing, he shouldn’t follow Char- ployees that the company’s compensation
lie Herald’s advice and publish everyone’s sal- practices need improvement. He should then
ary. That would negatively affect employees’ establish a professionally designed compensa-
privacy and RightNow!’s ability to compete tion system—one with defined pay grades and
for talent. salary ranges for each grade. Employees should
Let me explain why I feel for Hank. As a mu- be involved in the development of the system,
tual insurance company, Prudential for years contributing ideas on the salary ranges of dif-
has been required to file with the New York su- ferent jobs and on how merit is actually mea-
perintendent of insurance the name, title, and sured. And the system should be open so that
compensation of all employees making more employees know their salary range and have a
than $60,000. The law was designed to dis- clear idea of where their job fits into the com-
close the salaries of top executives, as an anti- pany’s pay structure.
corruption measure to protect policyholders. This would allow employees to see how
But over the years, as salaries rose and the law they’re being treated relative to others in the
Having the wasn’t updated, it in fact applied to a large company. Without that openness, people end
portion of the workforce. up comparing themselves against the salaries,
compensation of all
For a long time, it didn’t matter much, even real or imagined, of other individuals. This
employees disclosed in though someone could get all the data from raises all kinds of emotional issues. And you’re
the insurance department. But with the advent never going to convince everyone that they’re
the marketplace makes of the personal computer and e-mail, it sud- being treated fairly in a one-to-one compari-
the company more denly became much easier to organize and cir- son unless you are willing to unearth the nitty-
culate salary information. Then last year, gritty details of each salary decision and air the
vulnerable to poaching. someone posted all the salaries on the Inter- dirty laundry of every employee.
net. In response, we, along with other insur- One frequently cited problem of such a for-
ance companies, asked the insurance mal pay structure is that it doesn’t allow for
department to change its practice by posting flexibility in a tight job market, where you typ-
the salary for each job but, except in the case ically need to pay a recruitment premium
of top executives, with no individuals’ names above a job’s market value to attract people.
attached. Because there are dozens if not hun- One way to avoid paying such a premium, and
dreds of people in most job categories, ano- to maintain the fairness of your salary struc-
nymity for most people was ensured when the ture, is to recruit individuals who you believe
insurance department agreed to our request. are ready for the job but have not yet been pro-
Why did we push for the change? First, moted to an equivalent job in their own com-
there’s a personal privacy issue. People who panies. For example, a vice president who has
join Prudential don’t want their salary infor- been groomed for a senior vice president posi-
mation made available to neighbors and tion at another company, but is waiting for a
friends. In the case of RightNow!, there’s no position to open, may jump at the chance to
need to add insult to injury for someone like fill your opening for a senior VP. “Value hir-
Max, Hank’s golfing buddy, who is making less ing,” like value investing, allows you to pick up
than his colleagues. Second, there’s a cor- bargains, if you will, and pay the market value
porate competition issue. Having the com- of the job you are filling.
pensation of all employees disclosed in the
marketplace makes the company more vul- Victor Sim is the vice president of total
nerable to poaching. Competitors can target compensation at Prudential Insurance Company
individuals, knowing what kinds of salaries of America in Newark, New Jersey.

harvard business review • may 2001 page 6

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When Salaries Aren’t Secret • HBR C AS E STU DY

Case Commentary
by Dennis Bakke

What should Hank do about the salary debacle?

With all due respect to Charlie, Hank should skills without being squelched.
start by eliminating the entire HR department: Conversely, we don’t have a long vesting pe-
compensation should be in the hands of the riod for options because we don’t want to set
employees themselves and their leaders, not up fences to keep people here one minute
some staff group. He should eliminate all longer than they want to be. It’s the work
salary guidelines and publish everyone’s pay. environment—not the salary structure—that
And he should require managers to collect people ought to be thinking about. Make your
input from others before setting an employee’s company a rewarding and engaging and excit-
compensation. ing place to work, and pay issues become far
To put this in perspective, you must realize less consequential.
that AES has a fairly unconventional approach But, you might ask, aren’t job categories
to managing people. Our electricity plants and and guidelines necessary in order to ensure
distribution companies around the world— fairness? My feeling is that the entire area of
and our 53,000 employees—have a lot of compensation is over-managed. At AES, we
autonomy. We don’t have any public relations, have no salary grades. We don’t try to pigeon-
human resources, or planning departments in hole a person’s unique abilities and accom-
the home office or in individual business units. plishments into a job category.
About the only rule we have is that whenever Instead, before AES managers set the com-
people make important decisions, they have to pensation of direct reports, they solicit feed-
Money shouldn’t be used seek—though not necessarily follow—at least back from other managers within their group
one other employee’s advice. We do what we and across the company—and often get the
as a weapon in the fight advice of the person whose compensation they
can to encourage an open and honest
for talent. People should environment. are determining. Responses range from “Boy,
At the same time, I have to be honest: 14 that seems a little too high” to “Why is this
join the company years ago, Roger Sant and I suggested to our bonus so low?” That shared information gives
people a chance to ensure there’s some consis-
because they value an business managers that they publish people’s
tency and fairness across and within groups.
salaries. I don’t think any of them took our ad-
environment where they vice. The managers basically said that that I should add that, while most of our busi-
they didn’t want to have to explain salary dif- nesses still do not publish salaries, we have a
can use all their gifts and plant in Pennsylvania where employees just
ferences to every single employee. Over the
skills without being years, some of the younger managers have started setting their own individual salaries.
started sharing more salary information. Al- We had tried this in the past and it was a disas-
squelched. though such openness is more difficult for ter: the good workers set them far too low, and
managers, I believe it leads to a healthier work the bad ones set them far too high. But in the
environment. You should indeed have a reason most recent case, the group followed our rule
for the salary you set for each individual em- of getting advice before making any decision.
ployee—and be willing and able to justify the dif- So the individual employee, before setting his
ferences. own salary, had to circulate his proposed com-
Critics will say that an open-salary system pensation and get comments from his boss and
constrains you from paying what is necessary colleagues. And the plant came in with salaries
to attract and retain the best people. But per- that were within budget. It’s fascinating what
haps you shouldn’t be using money as a you can do without an HR department.
weapon in the fight for talent. In AES’s early
days, I asked people I was recruiting to take a Dennis Bakke is the CEO of AES Corporation, a
pay cut—not because they didn’t deserve the $6.7 billion global electricity company based in
money but because I didn’t want money to be Arlington, Virginia. He and AES chairman Roger
the reason people were coming on board. I Sant were the subject of the HBR interview
want them to join because they value an envi- “Organizing for Empowerment” (January–
ronment where they can use all their gifts and February 1999).

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This document is authorized for use only in Kshavi Kunjal's SIMS-Case study-09-07-23 at Symbiosis International University (SIU) from Sep 2023 to Mar 2024.
When Salaries Aren’t Secret • HBR C AS E STU DY

Case Commentary
by Ira Kay

What should Hank do about the salary debacle?

The delicate and challenging situation Hank But now that the cat’s out of the bag at
faces could prove to be a big opportunity if he RightNow!, Hank has to act. A good manage-
looks at it the right way and understands that rial compromise, and a step toward the open
his choice is not strictly about compensation culture that can enhance financial perfor-
policy but about corporate culture. Hank has a mance, would be to publish the salary
chance to embrace a more open culture at ranges—or “bands”—for all of the jobs within
RightNow!—one that can have the positive the company. Each band will have enough
effect of boosting the company’s financial variation to absorb most labor-market or
performance. individual-performance differences. High per-
Maintaining a relatively transparent salary formers who are recruited from the outside
structure falls into that category of corporate might initially be paid above their salary band.
behaviors—eliminating executive parking spaces, But the goal would be to bring everyone
involving lots of people in hiring, limiting the use within the band, typically by letting the band,
of titles—that can contribute to a collegial and and those within it, catch up with the higher
open work environment. Research we have done paid employees over time.
at Watson Wyatt indicates that companies with Publishing salary bands lets people know
such an environment have higher returns to how their pay compares with others’ in the
shareholders because they are typically more same job and what their jobs are worth rela-
innovative and entrepreneurial. tive to others in the company. It lets them
Now that doesn’t mean you should reveal know the upside potential of their current job
Employees should have everyone’s salary, which would undermine the and their career opportunities within the
access to as much efforts of a fast-growing company like Right- company—all job openings should be disclosed
Now! to attract talent in a tight job market. If to employees on the corporate intranet—
company information as you’re going to publish everyone’s salary, you without telling them what everyone else
need to have internal equity—that is, similar
possible. But some pay for people with similar experience doing
makes. Employees should be treated like
adults, with access to as much company infor-
information is just too similar jobs. And internal equity usually
mation as possible. But some information is
clashes with paying people their external mar-
personal to disclose. just too personal to disclose.
ket value. After all, if you hire people from out-
The publication of salary bands is only one
side the company, you’ll typically have to offer
of the moves that Hank should make to estab-
them 20% to 25% more than what they cur-
lish a more open culture. Taken as a whole,
rently make—and, in all likelihood, more than
what their counterparts in your own company these measures would create an environment
make. of trust and collegiality that, interestingly,
You could change your hiring strategy and might ultimately allow RightNow! to adopt
promote people solely from within, recruiting Charlie’s open-book proposal.
them out of college, training them, and mov- People can build a career at a collegial com-
ing them up the ranks. But when you’re grow- pany in a way that often isn’t possible at a
ing rapidly, that isn’t possible. Consequently, in place that hires mercenaries from the open
the booming economy of the past five years or market and spits out those who are having
so, internal equity has given way in most com- short-term performance difficulties. The psy-
panies to the need to recruit and retain suffi- chological compensation that comes from
cient numbers of the right people. In such a working in a supportive environment of long-
situation, you simply can’t have an open-book term commitment might make up for the
salary policy. slightly lower pay that would result from an
Harriet Duval is absolutely right: if you have open-book salary policy.
to pay new hires 25% more than people who
are already in the same jobs, you can’t rub peo- Ira Kay directs the compensation consulting
ple’s faces in that. Nor can you immediately practice at Watson Wyatt Worldwide, which
raise everybody’s salary to match the new advises companies on employee benefits, human
recruits’ salaries. You’ll simply destroy your resources technologies, and human capital
margins. management. He is based in New York City.

harvard business review • may 2001 page 8

This document is authorized for use only in Kshavi Kunjal's SIMS-Case study-09-07-23 at Symbiosis International University (SIU) from Sep 2023 to Mar 2024.
When Salaries Aren’t Secret • HBR C AS E STU DY

Case Commentary
by Bruce Tulgan

What should Hank do about the salary debacle?

Hank is being forced to face the difficult issue tic. Employees must be sophisticated enough
of whether to make employee compensation to understand their manager’s reasoning, to
transparent. But what he—and every CEO— negotiate on their own behalf, and to make de-
should also be considering is something much cisions about the relative fairness of salaries.
more radical: whether employees’ pay, like con- True, some employees won’t succeed with that
tractors’ pay, should be negotiated based on the degree of pressure. But smart companies are
project and the value of the work being done. looking for employees who respond to that
Hank must realize the futility of trying to pressure by becoming more valuable. And
maintain salary secrecy in today’s information most employees won’t resent compensation
environment. Countless Web sites let employ- differentials based on ongoing transparent
ees examine salary surveys throughout entire pay-for-performance negotiations.
industries. Individuals can also test their own Every step of the way, managers must
true market value through the now common clearly define each employee’s objectives and
practice of continuous job shopping. What’s tie rewards directly to meeting those objec-
more, this job shopping can be done in a low- tives. The most important transparency factor
risk manner at job-search and talent-auction is not whether employees know what others
Web sites. earn, but rather that all of them know exactly
Charlie is right to consider that another em- why they earn what they do and what they
ployee down the road might access compensa- need to do to earn more.
tion data and repeat Treece’s e-mail mischief. Harriet and Hank make an important point
But there’s a more important point: top execu- when they say that intangible factors require
With so much tives, supervisors, HR professionals, and ac- managers to be subjective when evaluating
information swirling counting people have always been in the know employee performance. That’s why the ongo-
about individuals’ salaries. And people ing negotiation process is so important. The
around today’s business today—especially those in the workforce born worth of one employee’s work today is what-
after 1963, Generation X and Generation Y— ever the day’s negotiation yields. That kind of
landscape, more are much more open about sharing and com- real market pressure on both employers and
paring pay information with their peers. With employees will drive worker productivity
speculation about so much information swirling around today’s through the roof.
compensation will occur business landscape, more speculation about Managers at RightNow! will have to roll up
compensation will occur up and down the cor- their sleeves, negotiate short-term pay-for-
up and down the porate ladder. Surely, accurate information is performance deals with every employee on
more constructive than speculation. every project, measure every individual’s
corporate ladder. Surely, Indeed, the growing availability of accurate performance every day, and keep good
accurate information is information about the real value of workers’ contemporaneous records. Harriet is dead
skills, abilities, and output is critical to making right: it’s going to be an extremely high
more constructive than the overall labor market more fluid and more maintenance system for managers. But if you
efficient. That larger economic trend is too want high productivity, you have to accept
speculation. powerful for any one employer to overlook. high maintenance.
Employers should not buck the trend.
Without wage transparency, market pres- Bruce Tulgan is the author of Winning the Talent
sures cannot work their true magic and ensure Wars (W.W. Norton, 2001) and Managing
that compensation reflects real value. We see Generation X (W.W. Norton, 2000). He is also the
this in the case study. One of the main reasons founder of Rainmaker Thinking, a management
that Hank and Harriet are worried about the consulting firm based in New Haven,
public disclosure of salaries is that they know
their company’s compensation system is not
entirely performance based. One solution is to
make the system more rigorous so that it re- Reprint R0105A
flects real value. Case only R0105X
Harriet says that even a fair system will Commentary only R0105Z
seem unfair by employees whose feelings may To order, call 800-988-0886
be hurt. This concern is archaic and paternalis- or 617-783-7500 or go to

page 9 harvard business review • may 2001

This document is authorized for use only in Kshavi Kunjal's SIMS-Case study-09-07-23 at Symbiosis International University (SIU) from Sep 2023 to Mar 2024.

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