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1. Endogenous Opioid (p.554)
A. Morphine B. Meperidine C. Dynorphin D. Codeine E. Nalbuphine
2. Treatment of constipation in patients with opioid-induced constipation with chronic
non cancer pain (p.571)
A. Methylnaltrexone bromide B. Naltrexone C. Naloxegol D.
3. Strong agonist used in sedating large mammals (p.568)
A. Carfentanil B. Meperidine C. Codeine D. Loperamide
4. Cellular action of Opioids (p.556)
A. Open Potassium Channel and hyperpolarize
B. Close Potassium channel and hyperpolarize
C. Opens calcium on presynaptic nerve terminals
D. Close calcium on postsynaptic nerve terminals
5. Adverse effects with chronic use of opioids (p564)
A. Pruritus B. Urinary retention C. Sedation D. Hypogonadism
6. Nonaddictive drug of abuse (p.580)
A. LSD B. Cocaine C. Morphine D. Ecstasy
7. Synthetic THC analog (p.582)
A. Nabilone B. Dronabinol C. Nabiximols D. Naltrexone
8.. Opioids inhibit the release of (p.562)
A. ADH B. Prolactin C. Somatotropin D. Luteinizing
9. Drug that activates G protein-coupled receptors (p581)
A. Opioids B. Nicotine C. Cocaine D.

10. Opioid antagonist (p.581)

A. Naloxone B. Morphine C. Methadone D. Fentanyl
1.The therapeutic dosage of Tramadol every 4- 6 hours is
A. 5-49 mg B. 50–100mg C. 101-150mg D.
151 mg -200 mg
2. This opioid antagonist, is only partially effective in reversing tramadol toxicity and can
cause seizures
A. Naloxone B. Diazepam C. Morphine D.
3. Consumption of this alcohol can lead to toxic ingestion
A. Methanol B. Ethylene glycol, C. Diethylene glycol, D. All are
4. Metabolic acidosis without hyperosmolarity is often associated with
A. Isopropyl alcohol B. Ethylene glycol C. Diethylene
glycol D. Methanol
5. Toxicity causing substance in Methanol
A. Formic acid B. ketones C. Lactic acid D. All
are correct
6. Ecstasy is also known as
A. 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine
B. “the love drug”
C. ‘Adam’
D. All are correct.
7. Patients present with hyperpyrexia, muscle rigidity, hyperreflexia and are often
associated with
A. Rhabdomyolysis B. Hypertension C. Stroke D. All are correct

8. A Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor (SSRIs)

A. Sertraline B. Duloxetine C. Sumatriptan D.
9. Varenicline is often associated with this adverse effect
A. Vomiting B. Pruritus C. Abnormal dreaming D.
10. Nonpharmacologic management in nicotine addiction
A. Patient education B. Behavioral therapy C. Acupuncture D. All are

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