Binomial Distribution

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4.2 Binomial Distribution

Question Paper

Course Edexcel AS Maths

Section 4. Statistical Distributions
Topic 4.2 Binomial Distribution
Difficulty Easy

Time allowed: 60

Score: /43

Percentage: /100

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Question 1a
A random variable X ∼ B (20,0 . 15)
Write down the name of this distribution


Write down the number of trials,n


Write down the probability of success, p .

[3 marks]

Question 1b
P(X = 4)

P(X ≤ 1)

P(X ≥ 8)
[4 marks]

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Question 2a
A biased coin has probability 0.8 of landing on heads. Sunita and Mark model the probabilities of obtaining X heads when
the coin is tossed 10 times using the random variable X ∼ B (10,p 1) . .

(i) Explain why p 1 = 0 . 8 in this case.

Sunita decides to use her calculator to determine any probabilities.
She determines P(X = 4) using the calculation

10 C
× (0 . 8) 4 (1 − 0 . 8) 10 − 4
Use Sunita’s calculation to find P(X = 4) to four decimal places.
[3 marks]

Question 2b
Mark decides to use statistical tables to determine any probabilities.
Explain why Mark will not be able to use the random variable X ∼ B (10,0 . 8) with statistical tables.

Mark says that instead of considering the number of heads obtained he will consider the number of tails obtained, Y, instead.
He will use the random variable Y ∼ B (10,p 2) . Find the value of p 2 and explain how you found it.

[3 marks]

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Question 2c
Sunita and Mark use their methods to calculate the probability that the coin lands on heads at least 9 times.
Mark will use tables to find P(Y ≤ y ) . State the value of y and find P(Y ≤ y ) from statistical tables, writing down all four
decimal places given.

Sunita will use her calculator to find P(X ≥ 9) . Using either a calculation similar to the one given in part (a)(ii) or the statistical
features of your calculator, find P(X ≥ 9) , to four decimal places.
[3 marks]

Question 2d
Clearly stating the probabilities to be found, use both Sunita’s and Mark’s methods to find the probability that no more than 5
heads are obtained from the coin being tossed 10 times. Give both answers to four decimal places.

[2 marks]

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Question 3
A random variable X ∼ B (9,0 . 6)
⎛n ⎞⎟
Use either calculations of the form ⎜⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ p x (1 − p ) n −x , the statistical features on your calculator or statistical tables to find:
⎝x ⎠
P(X = 5)

P(X ≤ 1)

P(X ≥ 8)

Give your answers to four decimal places.

[4 marks]

Question 4a
A snowboarder is trying to perform the Poptart trick.
The snowboarder has a success rate of 25% of completing the trick.
The snowboarder will model the number of times they can expect to successfully complete the Poptart trick, out of their next
12 attempts, using the random variable X ∼ B (12,0 . 25) .
Give a reason why the model is suitable in this case.

Suggest a reason why the model may not be suitable in this case.
[2 marks]

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Question 4b
Using the model, find the probability that the snowboarder
successfully completes the Poptart trick more than 3 times in their next 12 attempts

fails to successfully complete the trick on any of their next 12 attempts.
[2 marks]

Question 5
A random variable X ∼ B (50,0 . 05) .
Use either the statistical features on your calculator or statistical tables to find:
P(X = 4)

P(X ≤ 8)

P(X ≥ 7)

Give your answers to four decimal places.

[4 marks]

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Question 6
A random variable Y ∼ B (25,0 . 55) . .
P(Y = 13)

P(Y ≤ 8)

P(Y ≥ 20)

Give your answers to four decimal places.

[4 marks]

Question 7a
A company manufacturing energy-saving light bulbs claims the mean lifetime of a bulb is 8000 hours. It is known from past
quality assurance procedures that the probability of any particular light bulb having a lifetime of less than 5000 hours is 0.1.
A random sample of 30 light bulbs is taken.
The random variable X ∼ B (n ,p ) is used to model the probability that light bulbs in the sample last less than 5000 hours.
Write down the values of n and p .

State how the situation meets the criterion “a fixed sample size” for a binomial distribution model.

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[2 marks]

Question 7b
Find the probability that
exactly one light bulb

no more than three light bulbs

last less than 5000 hours.

[2 marks]

Question 8a
Farmer Kate rears a herd of 50 alpacas. She takes a random sample of 8 alpacas and tests them for the disease Tuberculosis
(TB). From previous testing of the herd Farmer Kate knows that any individual alpaca has a 95% chance of testing negative
for Tuberculosis.
Let N represent the number of alpacas in Farmer Kate’s sample that test negative for Tuberculosis.
Write down the probability distribution that describes N.

Write down an alternative probability distribution that describes P, where P represents the number of alpacas in Farmer Kate’s
sample that test positive for Tuberculosis.
[2 marks]

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Question 8b
Find the probability that

more than 2

alpacas in Farmer Kate’s sample test positive for Tuberculosis.

[3 marks]

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