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Sarda Mohan and Shashi Mukherjee

Illustrations and Cover Art

Dilip Kadam

Assistant Artist
Ravindra Mokate

Amar Chitra Katha

Published by
Amar Chitra Katha Pvt. Ltd

Edition I

ISBN – 978-81-19242-52-8

Amar Chitra Katha Pvt. Ltd, May 2023

© Ministry of Culture, Govt of India, May 2023

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e have lived through the worst of the COVID-19 pandemic.
It was a time when all of us were forced to stay indoors
with our families for very long. For some of us, it was a
good time during which we grew closer to our parents, our siblings
and whoever lived with us. But for a lot of us, it was a difficult time.
How do you live so close together day after day?

Unfortunately, at this time, we realised that some of our

traditions, that had earlier bound us together as a family,
had been neglected through the years. Without
these traditions, some families found it difficult
to find joy in togetherness.

One very important tradition that

kept us together as a family, was
storytelling. Earlier, elders in a family would
spend time telling stories to children. This used
to infuse the family with joy, energy and a sense
of oneness.
Stories bring out creativity and sensitivity. Where there is a soul, there is a story. When I was
much younger, I travelled through India, visiting village after village. I always made it a point to
interact with village children. I would often ask them to tell me a story.

They would reply, “No Uncle, we will tell you a joke and then you tell us a joke.” I was taken
aback that these children were not even aware of the joy of listening to stories! The tradition
of storytelling in India goes back to ancient times. Be it stories from the Panchatantra, the
Hitopadesha or Kissa Goi*. There were stories with animals and birds that imparted wisdom, and
religious stories that taught values.

Today, there many people who have started their own storytelling platforms. Amar Vyas and his
friends started Vaishali Vyavhare Deshpande popularises stories that tell about
village folk and farmers. Vikram Sridhar of Bengaluru is a storyteller who has a special passion for
telling stories of Bapu^. Srividya Veeraraghavan of Chennai and Geeta Ramanujam of Kathalaya.
org, are all excellent storytellers you must find out more about.

Let us join Nair Sir in his school, as he tells us more stories about storytellers and many other
inspiring people, from my programme, Mann ki Baat.

*Ancient Urdu storytelling art form ^Mahatma Gandhi








8 C. V. RAJU 23



The summer holidays were over and all the children were back at school.
Hello Hi Good morning,
Iqbal! Wait Shreyas! Nair Sir!
for me. Good to
see you.

morning, Sharada. Ha Ha Ha!
Hello, boys! I’ll Yes, with lots
see you all in the of stories.
last period as With
usual. lots of

Nair Sir was a great favourite of all

the children because he told them very
interesting stories, all from the Prime
Minister’s radio programme, Mann ki Baat.
Sure enough, at the end of the day, he came striding in with a big smile, as usual.
Nair Sir, what
is today’s story
about? Today’s
story is about
stories. How
can that


Nair Sir waved them all to their seats. When they had settled down -
Once, during the pandemic lockdown, our prime minister spoke
to a group of storytellers from Bengaluru. They belonged to
a group called the Bangalore Storytelling Society.

There were Aparna In fact, Lavanya Yes, my grandfather

Athreya, Shailaja Sampath, Prasad sits with has told me stories about
Saumya Srinivasan, Aparna elderly people and the day India got independence.
Jaishankar and Lavanya writes down their He was a small boy but he still
Prasad. Each of them a stories for their remembers the tram rides he
professional, who had families! went on with his parents in
a passion for telling Mumbai. All the rides
stories. were free that day!

My grandfather That’s an excellent idea.

was in the army. Let’s collect stories from
He has told me the elders in our families
so many stories and share them here in
about the Indo- class. Now, I will tell you
China war in I am going to a story that one of the
which he had find out stories storytellers told that
fought. from my family day on the Mann ki Baat
too. programme.
Yes! Yes!
Let’s hear the


King Krishnadeva Raya was annoyed.

Same old
vegetables! Bottle
gourd, pumpkin, potato!
I’m sick and tired of
these. Tell the cook to
make something different
or I’ll have him

The poor cook went running The next day at

to the king’s adviser, Tenali lunchtime -
Raman and told him his woes.
This had
His better be
majesty good or….
is not happy
with anything I
make. He says
he will have
me hanged.
Stop wailing
and listen to
me. I have
a plan.


What is this Then it’s decided.

wonderful From today onwards, Eh?
vegetable? Sire, it is a all the people in my The
brinjal. It wears kingdom will eat only plan is
a royal crown and the royal brinjal. Let working!
purple robes it be announced.
like you!


Cartloads of brinjal were brought into the kingdom and all the other vegetables disappeared.

In the palace and in every house, brinjals But, very soon -

were being cooked in various ways.
Here is
I have made some brinjal
brinjal sambar today. Excellent! raita, Sire.
For tomorrow, I have
brinjal bharta. for the
day after, we will try
out brinjal laddoo.

Some Later -
delicious Enough!
No more My old Heh heh!
brinjal vegetables are What kind of a
birya…. brinjal. Banish
the brinjal back! You did it! minister would
from my That plan was I make if I did
kingdom! perfect. not know how
to please my

Nair sir and his students were visiting a farm in Delhi.
is there so
much smoke

They are
burning stubble*
that is left in the
fields after

that cause It does,
pollution? but there’s
no other way
to handle the
Actually, there
is. Come, let me tell
you, and my students,
a Mann ki Baat story of
a farmer who found the
solution. Not only that,
he even managed to
create wealth from
farm waste.

After spending over six years Look pitaji^, I

in Australia, Veerendra Yadav they are burning the wonder if
returned to his native village, stubble again. It causes the stubble Huh?
Farsh Majra, in Kaithal district so much pollution. I think could be put Stubble is as
of Haryana. this is one of the reasons to better useless as tea
for ma’s respiratory use. leaves after
I came back problems. Even my wife the tea is
because of ma’s and children are finding made.
lung problems but it difficult to
her condition is breathe.
not getting
I know, and Indeed.
it’s been two This practice
years. You must has poisoned
now think of our air.
doing some work
or starting a

*The stalks and other remains of plants that are left ^Father
in the ground after the grains have been harvested

Veerendra decided to visit the Agriculture Soon -

Department of Kaithal and get information
on various agricultural equipment. After
much thought - Hey I am
I wish to Sure. The Veerendra, going to
buy a Straw department What’s gotten collect the
Baler Machine* will provide into you? stubble and do
so that I can you with all something
collect stubble the help it with it.
and sell it. can.

What a
waste of time!
The stubble is
only meant to
Veerendra got financial assistance be burnt.
from the department.

A few weeks later - Two years later - Soon -

I am Veerendra
Yadav, a farmer Baba,
from Kaithal. I we have Veerendra,
wish to sell you sold stubble we were wrong
the straw that I worth 2.5 about you. We also
have collected crores. want to sell our
from my paddy We are stubble. Please
fields. always in help us.
That means Of
need of straw that even after course, my
to create spending on friends.
agro energy^. equipment and
We will pay labour, we have
you well. made a profit
of 50 lakh

Veerendra sold his bales

of straw to agro energy
plants** and paper mills.
*A Machine that compresses straw into compact bales **Factories that generate electric
^Energy obtained by burning plant or animal waste power through agricultural activities

Over the next few years, more farmers News of the initiative’s success
joined Veerendra in his initiative. spread throughout the state.
I am starting an agricultural Son, the
society that we can all be a Deputy Director
part of. Through this society, of Agriculture,
we will get agricultural tools Hello, this
is Sujan Singh, Mr Karam Chand,
at reduced costs from just called
the government. Deputy Commissioner
of Kaithal. appreciating
Congratulations on your work.
the excellent

He soon started a second society and got

80 percent subsidy on equipment from the
Agriculture and Farmers Welfare Department.
Less costs meant more profits.

During summer, when the stubble is ready

to be harvested, Veerendra Yadav employs
more than 200 people to help him. I’m more
glad that the
problem of
stubble burning
has been solved.
Finally, the air
feels clean.
It does,
indeed. your
mother’s health
is already

I am so
proud of you,
son. You have
turned waste
into wealth.

While telling the story of Veerendra Yadav,

the Prime Minister said that the manner
in which problematic waste, like stubble,
was converted into useful energy and a
profitable business was exemplary.

It was a hot day in Delhi. Ugh…coming to
school on a day like I know!
this is terrible. Online classes
were so much

When we Online classes must have been fine for you, but
had online hundreds of children suffered! in the last period
classes, you today, I’ll tell you about ‘Kitabonwali didi’.
about that Hurray, a
too! Mann ki baat

When a lockdown was announced during Her concerns were echoed by her students as well.
the COVID-19 pandemic, Usha Dubey, a
school teacher from Singrauli, Madhya
Pradesh, was worried. How
are your
Online classes going,
classes? Our Mahima?
children do not
have the devices
or internet needed I am trying to
to attend these pay attention but
classes. How online classes are
will they difficult to follow,
study? miss. Everyone is
staying home, so I
get distracted
as well.


usha’s discussions with her student, Mahima Singh, led to a brilliant idea.
Mahima, if the What
children can’t go do you
to school, let’s mean,
take the school miss?
to them.

Using her scooter, Usha set up a this is

mobile library for her students. a great

Usha and Mahima travelled from village to village, setting up the library and teaching students.
Thank you
for bringing me
this textbook,

Have you
understood how Mahima
food gets digested Yes! It was didi, have I
in our digestive taught in our solved this
tract? online class correctly? Yes,
last week but I good
missed most of job!
it because the
internet was
not working


Usha’s efforts earned her the name ‘Kitabonwali Didi’* among the people.
kitabonwali didi
is coming. Go, get
your books and
meet her.

Once the lockdown was lifted and schools reopened, Usha

introduced a hygiene and safety campaign at her school.
Students, let’s
start a soap bank.
Every teacher and
student can donate
soaps and sanitisers
to the school on
their birthday.

Her campaign encouraged the school’s students

and staff to stay safe and promote healthy habits.

Usha’s story has inspired many When the prime minister praised usha for
across the country and made her selfless efforts on his radio show -
her a social media sensation. I am
grateful to the
Prime Minister
for mentioning my
work. I was just
doing my duty as
a teacher and
a citizen.

Actor Konkona Sensharma narrated

her story in Saahas ko Salam^, a video
thanking frontline workers for their
efforts during the pandemic.
*’The sister with books’ in Hindi ^A salute to courage
It was the computer period.

all the
rows, then
you can see
the total at yes,
the end. sir.

I don’t think T. Srinivasacharya was a Sanskrit scholar and

my brain is There’s no the chief priest of a Vishnu temple in Mylapore,
wired for such thing, Sujit. If Chennai. One day -
computers. you put your heart into
something, nothing is Swami*, I can
difficult to learn. During hardly remember
storytime today, I’ll tell the mantras^ and One of
you about Srinivasacharya, the rituals. How my books on
a priest, who learnt to will I become a pooja** rituals
use the computer at good priest? may help him.
the age of 80.


Srinivasacharya had written

some books on temple practices.

One day -
Swami, the
government has
Here. This announced that two
is my book, of your books on
Sri Padmatantra Thank temple rituals will I am
Prayogam^^. It you, Swami! be circulated to all humbled. I will
explains all I’m sure this aspiring priests write and publish
the rituals. will help and temples in more books on
me. Tamil Nadu. temple-related

it was indeed helpful. Before long,

Srinivasacharya’s books became very
popular with the temple students.
*A title of respect for a religious leader or teacher **worship
^sacred words or phrases ^^a book on day-to-day temple rituals

Soon, Srinivasacharya started his own printing But Srinivasacharya continued to

press called ‘Raghava Simham’, to publish his write his books by hand. One day -
books. But -
Appa*, we why don’t
are receiving you use a
bulk orders for I have been
reading about computer
your Sanskrit to write I wish
books from these new computer- I could. But
controlled printing books?
all around the I don’t know We
world! But we machines that are how to use can teach
need to upgrade excellent for one. you!
our printing printing. We must
machines for try one out.
better quality.

In 2000, Raghava Simham Press revamped its

printing process to adapt to the digital era.
At the age of 80, Srinivasacharya became the proud owner of a computer.
Here’s the
language option.
Once you change this, That’s
you can write books great. With a
in any language you little practice, I
want, including Tamil think I can write
and Sanskrit. my books with

Some years later -

Thanks to you, my
thatha, you are children, for teaching me
92 years old and to use a computer. I'm
going strong. you are glad I could learn.
a master of ancient
script and modern

As the prime minister said in ‘Mann ki baat’, age and circumstances

do not matter. If you are curious, the chain of learning continues.
*Father in Tamil ^Grandfather in Tamil
The classrooms don’t Both the We tried
look clean today. Even cleaning ladies cleaning our
the corridors are unwell, sir. They classroom But
looked dirty. haven’t been coming the school is so
for the last two big. how can we
days. clean the entire

In November 2020, in Byndoor, Karnataka, Anudeep

Hegde and Minusha Kanchan got married in the
Well, if you all presence of a few close family members.
come together Stay happy
and do a little forever!
every day, cleaning
the entire school This is
is possible. Let a beautiful
me tell you about ceremony
Anudeep and Minusha despite
who cleaned up an Covid-19.
entire beach. Even
our Prime minister
found their story

Soon after - With nowhere to go, the couple decided to spend

their evenings at the nearby Someshwar beach.
I was thinking I like it Yes.
we would go to here. With the sun
Lakshadweep for I wanted to and sand, the
our honeymoon. go to Himachal. lockdown isn’t
But with Covid so bad.
travelling is


But then - Do you

see all this Yes. Once I
garbage? stopped admiring
the sunset, I
realised that the
beach is full of

garbage This is the

from the On beach where I What
drains that flows top of that, have spent my has
into the river and the visitors childhood. become Sadly,
then into the sea, litter it even of it? no one has
gets flushed out more. bothered
on the beach. to keep it

That night - The next morning -

Minusha, do you I will
remember the ‘Clean start from …and
Kundapura Project’* the left… I will take
that I was part of? I the right.
was thinking of cleaning That’s a
up Someshwar beach, superb idea.
all by ourselves. I am with

*A citizen-led clean-up drive started by a group of friends in Kundapura,

Karnataka. Now, many volunteers dedicate their Sundays to this project.

A few days later -

Not bad.
Looks like we
have cleaned up We have
a large portion indeed. But
of the beach. I wish more
people would
join us.

Soon -
I know I am I am
a way! Manjunath. Hassan. We are
here to join you
on this clean-up
drive. That’s

Anudeep posted about their

initiative on social media. Soon, more and more people volunteered to join them.
Together, they cleaned up 80 percent of A few days later -
the beach and collected around 800 kgs
of trash. If a small
clean-up drive like
see how this could get such
beautiful the attention, we could do
It’s so much more! How about
beach looks. beginning organising movie nights? We Of
to breathe could screen documentaries course! Our
again. about marine life for our job doesn’t
local fishermen to raise stop here. In
more awareness about fact, it has
cleanliness. just begun.

Anudeep and Minusha continue their good work.

Their motto is, ‘Together we can make a difference’.

Sir, my uncle, who
lost his leg in an accident,
just got an artificial leg.
It looks amazing, just like Yes, Sujit.
a robot’s leg, But he is It can take a
finding it tough to while to get
walk with it. used to it.

I have heard Salman was born in a village called Hamirpur

of an athlete That’s true, Parul. in Uttar Pradesh. When he was very young -
who won People with physical
competitions challenges have
with an achieved great success
in different fields. our Salman has
artificial a very high
limb. story today is about
salman who, despite fever and he
being unable to walk, is constantly
became a successful crying.
Let’s take
him to the

Soon - Though Salman’s legs became weaker over

Salman has been the years, he grew up strong-willed. When
affected by polio. Oh, how will he completed his 12th standard exams -
His legs have become he survive in I want to support
weak. The muscles may this world? myself now, Ma. I will
get weaker over time, start applying for a
affecting his ability government job.
to walk.


No matter how hard he tried, he could not get work. One day -

If no one wants
to employ me, I
will start my own

Over the next few years, Salman The company became well known. One day -
learnt to manufacture slippers and
detergents. with the help of a loan, I am not getting a job
he started a company called Target. anywhere because I lost
one arm in an accident. Can
Come, I will you employ me?
show you how to
make slippers. Let’s see what
you can do here.
people like you and me
deserve to get equal
opportunity to find
work and do

Over the next two years, Salman Salman’s story was related by the
employed many others with physical Prime Minister on Mann ki Baat.
challenges. Salman bhai, it was
wonderful hearing
We now have the Prime Minister You are an
30 people with talk about your inspiration for
disabilities working courage. us. We are all
with us. I hope to give very proud
work to many more of you.
such people some

Nair sir and his students were taking part in a clean-up drive.
This street
is so dirty. I we are
don’t think we will going to need
ever be able to a giant or a
clean it. genie to make
it clean.

With so many of 69-year-old Rajappan had been struck by polio

us, cleaning anything when he was five years old. Every morning, he
should be possible. would make his way to Vembanad lake*, where
Before we begin, let he would rent a boat.
me tell you the story
of a man who cleaned
up an entire lake by Hello
himself, despite being there, Rajappan.
paralysed in Another day of
both legs. plastic hunting,
eh? You are
early today.
tell us

Yes, the
plastic fish are
quite slippery,
you know. That’s
why I must
leave early.

*a famous lake in Kerala, and a popular destination for tourists


As Rajappan started rowing -

fish? Can I
see them too,

Hop in.

Soon - See, these

are my catch of
the day! Come on, Oh, so
plastic. Let’s get these are
you out of the plastic
here. fish?

A few hours later - at noon, they took a break to have lunch.

The lake How long
looks so clean have you been
now. You are so doing this?
brave to do this …my legs don’t Isn’t it hard
even though… support me? Rowing work? It has been
even though… a boat is easy for me, over five years,
so I decided to put it but I have no
to good use. While I complaints. The lake
can keep the plastic is my home, and
out of the waters, I the satisfaction
also get to earn of seeing it clean
from it. makes it all
worth it.

he is so


After many hours of cleaning, Rajappan moored his boat by the shore.
What I will sort the
will you do plastic and make
now? sure it doesn’t end up
back in the water.
Do you want to
join me?


Soon after - Rajappan sir,

can I join you in Absolutely,
collecting plastic son. We can make
tomorrow and the a real difference
day after? together.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi mentioned Sir, we want to gift

Rajappan in mann ki baat and praised his you this new motor
tireless efforts to protect the waters boat and a wheelchair
from plastic pollution. Soon after - to appreciate the work
you’re doing for our
We have a
for you.

With his new motorboat, Rajappan

continues his efforts to clean not
only Vembanad Lake but also the other
waterways in the surrounding areas.

Look at what
I’ve got. It’s a My plastic slingshot
slingshot that my was even bigger. But it didn’t
father had when even last a week. Maybe
wooden toys are better I don’t agree.
he was young! I think plastic
than plastic ones.
ones are

Nair sir chimed in - A house in Etikoppaka Village* echoed

with the sound of laughter and the
traditional wooden toys last whirring of a spinning top.
a lot longer and use natural dyes
instead of synthetic colours,
which can be harmful. Faster!
In our story Faster!
period, I’ll tell
you about C.V. Raju, who
revived the traditional
art of making Etikoppaka
toys. He was even praised
by our Prime Minister
on Mann ki Baat.

The boy was C.V. Raju and this was no ordinary

top. It held a 500-year-old legacy.

Etikoppaka Village was famous for its unique wooden toys -

Etikoppaka Bommalu. The toys had rounded corners that were safe
for children and painted in bright colours that gleamed in the sun.

In homes across South India, they were synonymous with childhood.

*located in the Visakhapatnam district of Andhra Pradesh

But when Raju went off to college and returned, things had changed -
Why are the
kids playing with They’re cheaper to
plastic toys? make. The artisans are
leaving for the city to
find other jobs.

That bright-eyed boy within Raju, who had grown up surrounded by

Etikoppaka toys, protested this. It spurred him to do something.

He set up a cooperative society for artisans called ‘Padmavati Associates’.

This ancient craft

is the heart of our
village. Are we going
to let it die out?

They had to compete As production swelled, But celebrations were short-lived.

with mass-produced Raju took the toys to The shipment was soon sent back.
flimsy copies but Raju trade fairs and expos
and his artisans rose across the country.
to the challenge.
I export It says they
Ankudu wood found traces
is soft enough to be unique goods for of lead in the
chiselled into shapes the international paint.
without breaking market. I’d like
easily. to place a large
order. That’s the It’s time to
Then we’ll problem with go back to the
work with the Our big these modern traditional
Forest Department break is synthetic dyes. ways.
to source more here!
Ankudu wood.


In 1988, Raju approached the Crafts Council of India. These are

Together, they worked on creating organic dyes. made from
flowers, fruits, leaves
and other natural
sources. They’re

After more experimentation, the

dyes were mixed with a glossy
lacquer to preserve the paint.

This time, when the toys were sent abroad, He also realised that
they passed all quality checks and received this was an opportunity
praise. to diversify their goal.
The world can Our toys
finally see the We did shouldn’t just be
beauty of Etikoppaka it! decorative. The kids
Bommalu. should get to learn
Hooray! something from

Raju’s resurrection of this Now, there are different kinds of Etikoppaka

craft was also a resurrection of toys that teach children about numbers,
livelihood for its talented artisans. colours, the natural world and much more.

In 2002, Raju was presented with a When Raju was selected for a Padma
National Grassroots Innovation Award by Shri^ in 2023, he was humble -
the then President, dr A.P.J. Abdul Kalam.
This is a great
honour for our
craft. We have
plans to set up
an interpretation
centre that talks
about the history
and process of

Thanks to his efforts, Etikoppaka

toys also received a GI tag* in 2017.
*A geographical indication (gi) tag denotes products that possess ^the fourth highest
qualities or a reputation that come from their place of making. civilian award in India
I have some good news. Are you
I will soon be completing still studying,
my exams in plant biology. sir? How’s that
So, when we go on our possible?
nature walks, I will be
able to teach you
about the plants
and trees.

I didn’t
know grown-up
teachers could
study too!

Of course, Bhageerathi was a little girl in the Prakkulam

grown-ups can That’s right, village of Kerala, who loved to read and write.
study. Recently, on Sharada. Her name But when she turned eight -
Mann ki baat, I heard is Bhageerathi Aren’t you No. Now
about a 105-year-old Amma. Settle down coming to school, that her mother
who studied and and I’ll tell you Bhageerathi? has passed away,
wrote exams. her story. she will have to
take care of the
i do want house and her
to study. siblings.

bhageerathi could never resume school. later, As her children grew up -

she was married and had six children of her
own. and then, her husband passed away. Can I read
I won’t let anything affect this book? Will you Of
your education. I want you help me if I don’t course,
all to study well. understand it? Amma.
read this
book first.
Amma, It is very
we will study interesting.
hard and make
you proud!


Bhageerathi Amma’s desire to study remained unfulfilled. in 2019, when she was 105 years old -
Ammamma*, can i
the Kerala State still study?
Literacy Mission is This could be
offering a fourth my chance!
standard equivalency
program for adults
who couldn’t
complete their

Despite her age, Bhageerathi Amma decided to After months of hard work, Bhageerathi Amma
do the course. gave the exams in Mathematics, Malayalam and
Environmental Science.
I have a I’m sure you
lot to study. will, Ammamma.
I have to do Besides, we are
well. all here for

Soon - Ammamma, See, I told

you did it! You you. I may be old,
scored 205 out but my passion for
of 275! learning is still

In 2019, for her remarkable achievement,

Bhageerathi Amma was awarded the Nari
Shakti Puraskar, the highest civilian
honour for women in India.

If we wish to
progress in life,
we should develop
ourselves. If we wish
to achieve something
in life, the first
pre-condition is that
the student within
us must never

*’grandmother’ in Malayalam
Aren’t you
glad there is no big
threat from covid Oh yes, sir!
anymore? Thanks to all the
people who worked
to keep us safe.

In 2022, in satana, maharashtra, a 62-year-old

Very true! We owe man was watching the news with dismay.
a great debt to doctors
and health workers who …with the
worked so hard to prevent latest surge in
the disease from spreading. COVID-19 cases,
Let me tell you the story of Nashik has become
Rajendra Jadhav who did his a Red Zone.
bit at that time. My town is
in danger.
Is the
story from
Mann ki Baat?

HE was Rajendra Jadhav, a self-taught

engineer with years of experience in
Nair sir smiled and nodded his head. manufacturing agricultural equipment.

Remember to
wash your hands Small-scale
and mask up! sanitisation is
not enough. We need
something large-scale
to curb the spread
of this virus.


Rajendra took the problem to his workshop, where he spoke to his sons, Mangesh and Dhananjay.

What if we That
built a machine to would save so
mass-clean public much time.
And money!

In 2017, Rajendra had developed a sprinkler to spray pesticides in

the field. The same technology was adapted for the new machine.

After 25 days, their labour of love was ‘Yashwant’ lived up to its name…
a sanitiser that stored up to 600 litres
of water mixed with disinfectant.
Let’s name it
‘Yashwant’ - the
successful one.

When mounted on a tractor, it

could sanitise huge areas like …earning recognition from the
roads and compounds easily. government and public alike.

of my age, I will
do more such work
for the farmers
and the nation!

Rajendra has applied for a patent and has sent his

design to the National Innovation Foundation*.
*NIF is an organisation that scouts and supports grassroots innovations in technology.
Look Yes. it looks
at that dog. like the fourth
It’s walking leg has been
on just amputated.

Must you know, this reminds

have been in an me of a Mann ki Baat story
accident. will it about Gayathri, who along
ever be able to with her father, made a cart
run again? on wheels for a dog who had
lost both his hind legs.

That sounds

Gayathri was an IT* professional

living in Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu.
Great! Let’s
go to the nearby
Appa, I was dog shelter
thinking, now that tomorrow and
I’m working from adopt one.
home due to the
pandemic, I’ll have
time to look after I think it
a dog. Can we will be a happy
get one? I know addition to our
you have always home.
wanted one. This
may be the
right time.

*Information Technology

The next day -

So many
dogs that need
a home!

happened to
that dog?

That’s Veera.
His legs had to No one
be amputated as wants to adopt
they were badly him because of
broken. We think his disability.
it was a case of
animal abuse.

A few days later - Soon -

We will Appa, Veera

adopt him! has to pull
What do you himself forward
think, Appa? with his forelegs. These old
Do you think we tricycle wheels
can do something will help Veera
Absolutely! to help? run again.
We’ll give him a the
loving home. I’ve been wheels will
thinking about it be his hind
too. It’s time to legs.
put my degree*
to good use.

*Gayathri’s father, Kasilingam, was a mechanical engineer.


We can I’m making

attach the artificial plastic
wheels to Veera’s cup legs out of
harness with the pipes to make
these straps. But it easier for
what’s the PVC Veera to walk
pipe for? and run.

Soon -
It’s time
to test the
That’s dog cart. Stay
great. I’ll give still, Veera!
a padding where
the pipe meets his
body to make it
for Veera.

With just a few days of practice -

That’s an
fellow you Thank
Look you! He’s come
at Veera have there.
a long way!
He is

Gayathri hopes their effort inspires more

people to adopt pets with disabilities and find
ways to improve the quality of their lives.


The second volume of Mann ki Baat continues to celebrate the

power of one.
In his radio programme, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has
highlighted the contribution of a number of men and women who
have worked miracles with their lives.
These are stories of real-life heroes.
Bhageerathi Amma, who was pulled out of school as a child to look
after her siblings, studied when she was a great-grandmother and
passed her fourth standard exam when she was 105 years old.
N.S. Rajappan, though struck by polio at the age of five, took it
upon himself, at the age of 63, to clean the Vembanad lake of
plastic bottles and packets littered by careless tourists.
Usha Dubey, during the Covid lockdown, realised that online
classes were not possible for children from poorer homes. So, she
took the classroom to them on her scooter.
It does not take great money or position to make a difference. And
these heroes prove it.

ISBN 978-81-19242-52-8

9 788119 242528

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