Cool Kids 5 Unit 4

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1. Vocabulary.

a. Music b. Maths c. Religion d. History e. P.E. f. English g. Science h. Art

a. ice cream b. fish c. rice d. pork e. pasta f. breakfast g. tomato h. butter i. milk k. pizza l. sandwich
m. toast n. burger o. jam p. juice q. banana r. lunch s. yoghurt t. apple u. bacon v. eggs w. vegetables
x. dinner y. cheese z. honey 1.fruit 2. lemonade 3. chicken 4. chips 5. salad 6. potato 7. cola
8. chocolate 9. tea 10. sausages 11. cereal

2. Take a look at Steve’s time table and answer the questions.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

8.30-9.30 Maths (c6) Religion (c1) English (c4) History (c3) Maths (c2)

9.30-10.30 Break (1) Break (c1) Break Break Break

10.30-11.00 English (c5) PE (Gym) Music (c4) Maths (c2) PE (Gym)

11.00-12.00 History (c3) Maths (c2) Science (Lab) Religion (c5) Art (c3)

a. What does Steve have on Monday at half past nine? He has _____________________________________________.
b. What does Steve have on Wednesday at eleven o’clock? ________________________________________________.
c. What does Steve have on Friday at twelve o’clock? ____________________________________________________.
d. What does Steve have on Thursday at half past eight? __________________________________________________.
e. What does Steve have on Tuesday at eleven o’clock? __________________________________________________.
3. Where does Steve have…?

a. Where does Steve have Maths on Monday? He has Maths in class__________________________________________.

b. Where does Steve have Religion on Thursday? _________________________________________________________.
c. Where does Steve have PE on Tuesday? ______________________________________________________________.
d. Where does Steve have Science on Wednesday? _______________________________________________________.
e. Where does Steve have Art on Friday? _______________________________________________________________.

4. Now it’s your turn. Draw your time table and answer the questions.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

a. When do you have Maths? I have Maths on ___________________ (day) at ________________________ (time).
b. When do you have English? _____________________________________________________________________.
c. When do you have Language? ___________________________________________________________________.
d. When do you have PE? _________________________________________________________________________.
e. When do you have Science? _____________________________________________________________________.

5. Take a look at Mike’s diet and answer the questions.

Breakfast Lunch Dinner

a. What does Mike have for breakfast? He has ____________________________________________________

b. What does Mike have for lunch? _____________________________________________________________
c. What does Mike have for dinner? ____________________________________________________________

6. What about you? What do you have for…?

a. Breakfast: ___________________________________________________________________________________
b. Lunch: ______________________________________________________________________________________
c. Dinner: _____________________________________________________________________________________
7. Complete the text with the words from the box.

Ann is ________ years old. She goes to St. Martin __________________. She has breakfast at ________. She
toast and a glass of ______________. At one o’clock, she has _______________ with her family at _____________.
She has _______________ and a _________________. At ________________ she has dinner. She only has a yoghurt
and some _________________________.

school 21:30 milk juice 7:00 eleven home pizza banana lunch

8. Read the text about Mary and answer the questions.

I don’t like school. Music is my favourite subject. I like playing the guitar. We have Music in classroom 3. My friend’s
name is Alice. Her favourite subject is Spanish. We have Spanish in classroom 6. We have PE in the gym and I love
sports! Alice doesn’t like sports. She prefers Maths. We have lunch at school at half past two. We have sandwiches
and lemonade.

a. Does Mary like school? _________________________________________________________________________.

b. What’s Mary’s favourite subject? _________________________________________________________________.
c. Where do they have Music? _____________________________________________________________________.
d. What’s Mary’s best friend’s name? _______________________________________________________________.
e. What’s Alice favourite subject? __________________________________________________________________.
f. Where do they have Spanish? ____________________________________________________________________.
g. Does Mary like sports? _________________________________________________________________________.
h. Where do they have PE? _______________________________________________________________________.
i. Does Alice like sports? __________________________________________________________________________.
j. Does Alice like Maths? __________________________________________________________________________.
k. Where do they have lunch? ______________________________________________________________________.
l. What time do they have lunch at? _________________________________________________________________.
m. What do they have for lunch? ___________________________________________________________________.

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