Python Interview Questions Compressed

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100 Python Interview questions

1. What is Python? Describe its key features.

2. Explain the differences between Python 2 and Python 3.

3. How do you install third-party libraries in Python?

4. What are the built-in data types in Python?

5. How do you create a virtual environment in Python?

6. Explain the difference between a list and a tuple in Python.

7. What is a dictionary in Python, and how do you create one?

8. Describe Python's main data structures and their use cases.

9. How do you handle exceptions in Python?

10. What is the purpose of the __init__ method in Python classes?

11. Explain the concept of inheritance and how it is implemented in Python.

12. Describe the differences between class and instance variables in Python.

13. What is the purpose of the super() function in Python?

100 Python Interview questions 1

14. How do you read and write files in Python?

15. Explain the difference between deepcopy() and copy() functions in Python.

16. Describe the Global Interpreter Lock (GIL) in Python.

17. How do you handle multi-threading in Python?

18. What is a generator in Python, and how does it differ from a regular function?

19. How do you use decorators in Python?

20. Explain the concept of closures in Python.

21. What are lambda functions, and when are they used?

22. How do you work with regular expressions in Python?

23. Describe the use of the map() and filter() functions in Python.

24. Explain the purpose of the itertools module in Python.

25. How do you handle JSON data in Python?

26. What is a Python decorator, and how is it used?

27. Explain the purpose of the yield keyword in Python.

28. How do you work with databases in Python? Mention some popular libraries.

29. What is the purpose of the asyncio module in Python?

30. How do you handle memory management in Python?

31. Explain the purpose of the try-except-else-finally block in Python.

32. How can you measure the execution time of a Python program?

33. Describe the use of list comprehensions in Python.

34. What is the purpose of the __name__ variable in Python?

35. How do you work with date and time in Python?

36. Explain the difference between shallow and deep copy in Python.

37. How do you implement multithreading in Python using the threading module?

38. Describe the logging module in Python and its uses.

39. How do you perform unit testing in Python using the unittest module?

100 Python Interview questions 2

40. What is monkey patching in Python?

41. Explain the purpose of the collections module in Python.

42. How do you sort a list of objects in Python based on a specific attribute?

43. Describe the use of args and kwargs in Python functions.

44. How do you work with XML data in Python?

45. Explain the concept of metaclasses in Python.

46. How can you handle circular references in Python?

47. What is the difference between os and sys modules in Python?

48. How do you work with multi-dimensional arrays in Python using NumPy?

49. Explain the concept of pickling and unpickling in Python.

50. What is the difference between a shallow copy and a deep copy of an object?

51. How do you profile Python code for performance optimization?

52. Describe the use of the bisect module in Python.

53. How can you handle memory leaks in Python?

54. What are the different methods of string formatting in Python?

55. Explain the use of the collections.defaultdict class in Python.

56. How do you work with binary data in Python?

57. Describe the purpose of the async and await keywords in Python.

58. How can you create a GUI application in Python using Tkinter?

59. Explain the purpose of the pickle module in Python.

60. How do you handle cyclic imports in Python?

61. What is the purpose of the sys.argv list in Python?

62. Describe the use of the collections.Counter class in Python.

63. How do you implement a context manager in Python using the with statement?

64. Explain the concept of concurrency and parallelism in Python.

65. How do you work with JSON data in Python using the json module?

100 Python Interview questions 3

66. Describe the use of the enum module in Python.

67. How can you handle different types of exceptions in Python?

68. What are metaclasses, and how do they work in Python?

69. How do you create and use a virtual environment in Python?

70. Explain the concept of garbage collection in Python.

71. How do you implement operator overloading in Python classes?

72. Describe the use of the logging module in Python.

73. What is the purpose of the zip() function in Python?

74. How do you work with CSV files in Python?

75. Explain the use of the heapq module in Python.

76. How do you work with asynchronous programming in Python using the asyncio


77. Describe the purpose of the os.path module in Python.

78. How do you implement memoization in Python for optimizing function calls?

79. Explain the use of the functools module in Python.

80. How can you work with iterators and generators in Python?

81. Describe the use of the re module for regular expressions in Python.

82. How do you handle multi-processing in Python using the multiprocessing module?

83. What is the purpose of the collections.namedtuple class in Python?

84. How can you work with binary files in Python?

85. Explain the concept of context managers and the contextlib module in Python.

86. How do you work with data serialization in Python using the pickle and json


87. Describe the use of the tempfile module in Python.

88. How can you work with date and time in Python using the datetime module?

89. Explain the use of the math and random modules in Python.

100 Python Interview questions 4

90. How do you implement a binary search algorithm in Python?

91. Describe the use of the argparse module in Python for command-line argument

92. How can you work with network programming in Python using the socket module?

93. Explain the concept of decorators and their implementation in Python.

94. How do you handle file I/O in Python using the io module?

95. Describe the use of the subprocess module in Python for executing external

96. How can you work with databases in Python using libraries like sqlite3 or MySQLdb ?

97. Explain the use of the collections.ChainMap class in Python.

98. How do you implement memoization in Python for optimizing recursive functions?

99. Describe the use of the ctypes module for working with C libraries in Python.

00. How can you work with web scraping in Python using libraries like requests and
BeautifulSoup ?

Curated with ❤ + 🧠 by @techie_programmer

100 Python Interview questions 5

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