Gec206 Takeaways

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Contextualizing Art

Who are you? When are asked this question?

- Meeting new people
- Job interview
- Knocking someone else’s door

What is the implication of this question?

Things that come up to mind

- name (why does is always starts with this thought?)
why are names such a big deal?
why is naming a baby always pinag iisipan?
are we our names?
why do we have names to begin with?
What’s in a name?
names are arbitrary
we think that our identity is anchored to our names
There’s more to our names na sometimes pinaninindigan na natin (it becomes who we are actually)

What comes after a name

- depends on the context but basically what we give out after our names are our demographic
profile. Infos that can’t be contested, e.g., age
- basic information will do


- harder to answer because this time “purpose” na ang gina ask

- when do we ask ourselves this question?
- solitude
- when you are bored or in a crises)
- at times we fail
- opportunity to reflect (anong nangyari sa past and now and how will I weave them

- Evaluation of a possible future

- This is not a usual occurrence cuz we are busy living life

Identity is not just a list of characteristics about yourself, it’s the story you tell yourself about

why do we always think of uniqueness all the time?

what makes us unique is how do we come up with a story about ourselves, how to weave all the
things that happened to ourselves into a story.
- does not define who you are
- raw ingredient
- Identity is how you make sense of your experiences and turn it into a story
- we can’t change what happened in the past
- emotions facilitates how we process experiences

- not fixed
- new experiences makes us retell our stories
- what makes us unique is how we make sense of our experiences

Breakout Room 9/14/2023

Megan Ladlad

Regular Class 9/18/2023

Sir Ian

- The act of telling unburdens the person

- Don’t find yourself, build yourself

What makes us human?

- Imagination allows us to survive

- Stories = Myths

- Stories facilitates our survival

- Stories sets standards in our community

- Imagination allows us to empathize

- Our imagination is responsible for our survival

- No such thing us overuse of imagination; misuse

SEPTEMBER 25, 2023
Sir Ian’s Class

- Being a human does not have a checklist

- How do we know what we know?
Gi unsa nato pagka balo unsa atong na balan?
pano natin alam ang mga alam natin?
- ‘’How’’ questions the process or a system
- education
- books
- language

2 Realities

- Objective Reality
- Material and Physical world
- anything that can be perceived by our senses

- Subjective Reality
- Imagination
- The realm of the imagination, memories and inner voice

Things have to happen in objective reality for it to exist as language

Because of senses, we are able to process the sound waves as information

- a system of representation
- it is a system because it is context-dependent
- it is a system because there is a consensus
- language is arbitrary (arbitrary)
- the first step in learning a language is to produce sound
- language creates reality
- words creates worlds
- words reveals so much about our culture
- language is the blood line of culture
- What is being expressed is as important as how it being expressed
- language frames our reality
- words are not just labels, it has history and weight

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