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Future Time


The future is uncertain. We know the past. We know the present. We do
not know the future. We can be 100% sure or certain about the past and the
present. But we can never be 100% certain about the future. In English
there are several structures and tenses to talk about the future. It is usually
the degree of certainty about the future that decides our choice of structure
or tense.

In this lesson we look at four of the most common ways to talk about the
future, followed by a summary and then a quiz to check your

Although we often talk about "future tense", technically there are no future
tense in English - only different ways of talking about the future, using
special constructions, other tenses or modal verbs.

1.- Will
One of the most common ways to talk about the future is with will, for
example: I will call you tonight. We often call this the "future simple
tense", but technically there are no future tenses in English. In this
construction, the word will is a modal auxiliary verb.

Here are the three main ways that we use will to talk about the future.

No plan
This describes actions or situations in the future that are decided while

 It is raining outside. I'll get an umbrella.

 He has a problem with the car. He'll phone my brother tonight.
We use will when there is no prior plan or decision to do something before
we speak. We make the decision at the time of speaking. Look at these

 Hold on. I'll get a pen.

 We will see what we can do to help you.
 Maybe we'll stay in and watch television tonight.

In these examples, we had no firm plan before speaking. The decision

was made at the time of speaking.

We often use will with the verb think:

 I think I'll go to the gym tomorrow.

 I think I'll have a holiday next year.
 I don't think I'll buy that car.

It can be used to make a prediction about the future, to describe something
that will happen. This is based on information that we know or something
that we expect to happen.

 They'll have children in the next two years.

 My friend will arrive late as usual.

We often use will to make a prediction about the future. Again, there is no
firm plan. We are saying what we think will happen. Here are some

 It will rain tomorrow.

 People won't go to Jupiter before the 22nd century.
 Who do you think will get the job?
Giving orders
It can be used as a way to give orders and to tell somebody to do

 You will do you homework before dinner.

Making requests
It can be used as a way to make requests and to ask for something in a
polite way.

 Will you open the window please?

The verb be is an exception with will Even when we have a very firm plan,
and we are not speaking spontaneously, we can use will with be. Look at
these examples:

 I will be in London tomorrow.

 There will be 50 people at the party.

 The meeting will be at 9.30 am.

The verb be is always exceptional!

Form: Key points

 Use will + main verb (base form).

Here are examples of the affirmative (positive) form, negative

form and question form using the verb 'live'.
It is less common to contract subject pronouns with auxiliary verb + 'not'

 I'll not
 He'll/She'll/It'll not

Short answers
 Yes, I will. / No, I won't.
 Yes, you will. / No, you won't.
Future Continuous Tense Examples: Negative

These are some negative sentences using the Future Continuous

 I won’t be competing
 I won’t be watching a movie tonight
 She won’t be coming tonight
 She won’t be traveling tomorrow
 He won’t be buying dinner for us
 He won’t be waiting for me at the airport
 We won’t be studying
 We won’t be listening to music
 They won’t be watching us perform
 They won’t be doing the laundry

Future Continuous Tense Examples: Questions

These are some questions and answers using the future continuous

 Will you be waiting for me?

 Sure, I will be here when you come back
 Will you be playing games tonight?
 Not sure, my phone isn’t working
 Will you be flying to Hawaii?
 I don’t think so, the tickets are very expensive
 Will we be practicing Yoga every morning?
 Yes, except on Tuesday.

 Will you be meditating tonight?

 I don’t think so, I’ll probably read a book
 Will you be coming home for the holidays?
 Sorry but I have to work on Christmas
 Will she be studying?
 Yes, she has to take a Math test tomorrow
 Will we be getting a raise this year?
 If we meet out goals, we will

We use the special going to construction when we have the intention to do
something before we speak. We have already made a decision before
speaking. Look at these examples:

 I have won $1,000. I am going to buy a new TV.

 We're not going to see my mother tomorrow.
 When are you going to go on holiday?

In these examples, we had an intention or plan before speaking. The

decision was made before we spoke.

We often use going to to make a prediction about the future. Our prediction
is based on evidence. We are saying what seems sure to happen. Here are
some examples:

 The sky is very black. It is going to snow.

 It's 8.30! You're going to miss the train!
 I crashed the company car. My boss isn't going to be very happy!

In these examples, the present situation (black sky/the time/damaged car)

gives us a good idea of what is going to happen.

 We use will for prediction when we have no real evidence: "It will
rain tomorrow." (It's my feeling but I can't be sure.)
 We use going to for prediction when there is some real evidence:
"It's going to rain." (There's a big, black cloud in the sky and if it
doesn't rain I'll be very surprised.)

 Structure, Contraction, Affirmative, Negative, informal, and

Question Forms

Structure subject + am/is/are + going to + base form of verb

affirmative He is going to start a choir class.
negative He is not going to start a choir class.
contraction He's not going to start a choir class./ He isn't going to start a
choir class.
yes/no question Is he going to start a choir class?
-wh question What is he going to do ?
3.- Present Continuous for
We often use the present continuous tense to talk about the future. Of
course, we normally use the present continuous to talk about action
happening in the present, but if we add a future word, we can use it to talk
about the future. (By "future word" we mean words or expressions
like tomorrow, next week, in June. The future word may be clearly
expressed or understood from the context.)

Sometimes there is no real difference between an intention (going to) and a

plan (present continuous). In this case, it doesn't matter which we use.
 We're going to paint the bedroom tomorrow.

 We're painting the bedroom tomorrow.

We use the present continuous only when a plan exists before we speak.
Look at these examples:

 Mary is taking her music exam next year.

 They can't play tennis with you tomorrow. They're working.
 We're going to the theatre on Friday.

Present continuous – future arrangements

We can use the present continuous to talk about future arrangements.

I'm visiting my friend tomorrow.

We aren't going to school today.
What are you doing tonight?

How to use it
Use am, is or are and ing.

I'm having a party for my birthday.

My brother is staying home tonight.
They're going on holiday next week.

For negatives, use not.

I'm not doing anything this evening.

She isn't meeting her friends tomorrow.
We aren't going to school next week.

For questions, change the order of am, is or are and the person.

Are you playing badminton tomorrow?

What's he doing next Monday?
Where are they going this weekend?

I’m staying at home tonight.

She isn’t working on Thursday.

We’re meeting at two o’clock.

John and Samantha are getting married tomorrow.

We’re not having a meeting this afternoon.

We aren’t having a meeting this afternoon.

We are not having a meeting this afternoon.

I’m not coming to the party tonight.

I am not coming to the party tonight.

I’m working over the New Year. (this arrangement is between the speaker and his/her

We are staying with friends when we get to Boston.

We’re meeting Helen at 3 o’clock tomorrow afternoon.

4.- Present Simple for

When an event is on a schedule or timetable (for example, the take-off time
for a plane), we often use the present simple to express the future. We
usually also use a future phrase (expressed or understood)
like tomorrow, at 6.30pm, next week.

Only a few verbs are used in this way, for example:

 be, open, close, begin, start, end, finish, arrive, come, leave, return

Look at these sentences:

 The train leaves Detroit at 9pm tonight.

 John starts work next week.

 Tomorrow is Thursday.

Present Simple for Future games

Future Time: Summary

When we speak, we choose the tense that we use. This is important in

English, because the tense we choose expresses more than just a simple
fact. When we speak about the future, the tense we choose can express how
we "see" the future, even our personal feelings about the future. It certainly
expresses what we believe to be the probability (the chance, the reality) of
something happening or whether we have already decided to do it.

This table gives a simple scale of probability for each structure. It is not
exact because language is not a science, and there are many variables. This
table should help you to think about the "concept" of the future in English.
This concept does not exist in all languages, but it is rather important in

% probability (before structure used for example

speaking) of event

0% will no plan Don't get up. I'll

answer the phone.

70% going to intention We're going to

watch TV tonight.

90% present plan I'm taking my

continuous exam in June.

99.999% present schedule My plane takes off

simple at 6.00am

Time expressions used with future simple

Here are time markers that can be used with the future simple.

1) next week / month / year

This gives a time in the future.
I'll start at the new company next month.

2) later / this afternoon / tomorrow / soon

This gives a time in the near future.

We will meet your parents this afternoon.

3) in / on / at
It is also possible to use these prepositions of time for the future.

We'll leave in ten minutes / in a couple of hours.
I'll phone you on Saturday.
They'll visit us at the weekend.


1. I will close the window. It’s starting to rain.

2. Don’t worry! I will help you solve this problem.
3. This hen will lay an egg daily.
4. She will bite her lip if she is thinking or nervous about something.
5. He will always make a noise when we are watching television.
6. When you arrive tonight, we will go out for dinner.
7. It will get more difficult next year.
9. II will
will study for mymost
try to cover exam.
of the topics for the exams.

1. He will buy a new shirt tomorrow.

2. I am going to cook dinner tonight.
3. It will snow in the next month.
4. Jimmy will visit his mother tomorrow.
5. I have made a firm decision. I will ask you some questions.
6. Please don’t be anxious; she will come again.
7. It will rain in a moment.
8. She will read the novel after dinner.
9. They will leave for London tomorrow.
10.The court will give its verdict next Tuesday.
11.I shall see him next Monday.
12.They will travel all night.
13.The book will be available for sale soon.
14.Sheila will sing at the concert tomorrow.
15.He will put the vegetables in cold storage.
16.The farmer will grow cotton on a larger area of land.
17.I will buy toys for my children tomorrow.
18.She will get girl-guide training next month.
19.I’ll not forget my friend.
20.You will not understand it.
21.He will not tell a lie.
22.Promise you will never leave me again!
23.I will not stay here long.
24.He will not save money for a bad time.
25.Will I receive a book tomorrow?
26.Where will the people gather?
27.Where will the driver park the car?
28.When will you vacate this house?
29.Will you have some time for me tomorrow?
30.Who will oppose you?
31.Will you offer fruits to the guests?
32.When will the snow on the mountains melt?
33.What will you do at night?
34.When will you come to meet me?
35.Where will you buy a house?
36.How much will it cost me to buy an apartment?
37.When will you learn to do it?
38.Will he complete the task on time?
39.Where will you spend your holidays?
40.How will you prepare for the exam?

1.. We are going to eat.
2. I’m going to say no.
3. We’re going to crash.
4. Are we going to lose?
5. I’m going to see you.
6. I’m going to turn in.
7. I’m going to go check.
8. I’m going to help you.
9. I’m going to lie down.
10. I’m going to go check.
11. I’m going to hurt you.
12. I’m going to go shave.
13. We’re going to be fine.
14. I am going to go check.
15. It’s going to be great.
16. I’m going to take a nap.
17. I am going to Spain too.
18. I’m going to hit the hay.
19. I’m going to the library.
20. Who’s going to wear them?
21. We were not going to swim.
22. Where are you going to be?
23. I’m going to hit the sack.
24. Nothing’s going to happen.
25. I am going to have to run.
26. We’re going to be rescued.
27. You are going to be great!
28. We are going to school now.
29. I am going to cook tonight.
30. I’m going to go inside now.
31. Aren’t you going to protest?
32. I’m going to get your pills.
33. You are going to be amazing!
34. I’m not going to wear a tie.
35. Nobody’s going to blame you.
36. They’re going to destroy it.
37. They’re going to destroy it.
38. I’m going to brush my teeth.
39. I am not going to betray you.
40. qYou are going to be amazing!
41. He is going to run for mayor.
42. He was going to buy trousers.
43. Are you going to invite them?
44. We’re going to do a new poll.
45. I’m going to the post office.
46. I’m going to fly to the moon.
47. Jessica isn’t going to argue.
48. Hey! Are you going to school?
49. It is not going to eat banana.
50. She is going to Chiba Stadium.
51. I’m not going to say it again.
52. I’m going to Spain in October.
53. Who said we were going to die?
54. You’re going to make me blush.
55. She’s going to bleed to death!
56. We’re going to set off at five.
57. I am going to check out at five
58. I’m never going to get married.
59. Are you going to study until 7?
60. We‘re going to the supermarket.
61. I’m going to Spain in November.
62. Are you going to eat your roll?
63. That’s not going to work for me.
64. I’m going to take a short break.
65. Oh, I was going to be there now!
66. I’m going to take a short break.
67. Do you like going to the cinema?
68. Aren’t you going to say goodbye?
69. I’m going to Spain in September.
70. I’m going to carry out this plan.
71. I’m going to do you a huge favor.
72. Are you going to buy a new house?
73. I’m going to carry out this plan.
74. I’m going to pay my rent tomorrow.
75. I’m going to the doctor right now.
76. Are you going to work until 11:00?
77. It looks as if it’s going to rain.
78. My friends are going to cook soup.
79. I’m going to the pool in February.
80. Were you going to buy a new phone?
81. I’m going to have to pass on that.
82. I am going to start eating at 2 PM.
83. My son was going to buy a new book.
84. Are you going to mow the lawn today?
85. I’m going to take your measurements.
86. Samuel will be going to the library.
87. I’m going to a conference next week.
88. Steve dreads going to work tomorrow.
89. I am really going to miss this place!
90. She used to pray before going to bed.
91. Do you like going to school each day?
92. I’m going to Boston for a conference.
93. There’s going to be an investigation.
94. My father is not going to his office.
95. How about going to the circus tonight?
96. I’m going to be studying all next week.
97. We are going to the cemetery right now.
98. I’m sleepy. Therefore, I’m going to bed.
99. Alex is going to a new school next term.
100. I’m going to buy a new computer tonight.

41.She will learn her lesson in French in the morning.

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