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Evolve Digital Level 3A

Functional language summaries

Unit 1, Lesson 3: Making introductions; getting to know people.................................3

Saying how you know someone..............................................................................3
How do you know Jodi?...........................................................................................3
I work with her......................................................................................................... 3
I'm her sister............................................................................................................ 3
Ending a conversation.............................................................................................3
Meeting someone you’ve heard about before.........................................................3
Unit 2, Lesson 3: Switching topics...............................................................................4
Introducing new topics.............................................................................................4
Changing the subject...............................................................................................4
Staying on track.......................................................................................................4
Showing interest in a conversation..........................................................................4
Unit 3, Lesson 3: Asking for and giving directions.......................................................5
Asking for directions................................................................................................5
Giving directions......................................................................................................5
Repeating details to show you understand..............................................................5
Unit 4, Lesson 3: Offering reassurance; responding to reassurance..........................6
Offering reassurance...............................................................................................6
Responding to reassurance.....................................................................................6
Using "at least" to point out the good side of a situation / Pointing out the good
side of a situation.....................................................................................................6
Unit 5, Lesson 3: Talking about surprising situations..................................................7
Giving surprising news............................................................................................ 7
Reacting to surprising news.................................................................................... 7
Repeating words to express surprise......................................................................7
Unit 6, Lesson 3: Expressing concern and relief.........................................................8
Expressing concern.................................................................................................8

Cambridge University Press and Assessment © 2022

Expressing relief......................................................................................................8
Using though to give a contrasting idea...................................................................8

Cambridge University Press and Assessment © 2022

Unit 1, Lesson 3: Making introductions; getting to know
Hello, I’m Nina.
I’m Mia, Jodi’s sister.
This is Nina, Jodi’s coworker.
Saying how you know someone
How do you know Jodi?
I work with her.
I'm her sister.
Ending a conversation
Sorry, I have to go now.
It was nice to meet you.
I should let you go.
It was nice talking to you.
Meeting someone you’ve heard about before
I've heard a lot about you.
I've heard good things about you.
Good things, I hope!
Oh, that's nice.

Insider English: We use the information expression “hold on a sec” when we want
someone to wait a moment. “Sec” is short for “second.”
Mia: It was really nice talking to you, Nina.
Nina: Thanks. It was nice talking to you.
Mia: Oh! Hold on a sec. There’s Rafe.

Cambridge University Press and Assessment © 2022

Unit 2, Lesson 3: Switching topics
Introducing new topics
You know…
Guess what!
Changing the subject
By the way,…
Before I forget...
Staying on track
Showing interest in a conversation
You do?
She is?

Cambridge University Press and Assessment © 2022

Unit 3, Lesson 3: Asking for and giving directions
Asking for directions
Can you tell me how to get to…?
How do I get to….?
Which way is…?
Do you know which floor the… is on?
Giving directions
It's upstairs (on the fifth floor).
It's downstairs (in the basement).
It's on your right/left.
Go down that hallway.
Go through the lobby.
Repeating details to show you understand
A: How do I get to the cafeteria?
B: The cafeteria? It's on the second floor.

Insider English: We often say “Sorry, one more question.” to be polite when we’re
asking a lot of questions.
A: Excuse me. Do you know which floor the restaurant is on?
B: The restaurant? It’s downstairs, in the basement.
A: Thank you. I can't use the stairs, so which way is the elevator?
B: No problem. The elevator is down that hallway.
A: Thanks. Sorry, one more question. Where's the restroom?

Cambridge University Press and Assessment © 2022

Unit 4, Lesson 3: Offering reassurance; responding to
Offering reassurance
There's no need to worry.
You'll be fine.
It'll be fine.
Don't worry about it.
It's no problem.
These things happen sometimes.
Responding to reassurance
I really appreciate it.
Thanks, but I feel so bad.
I hope so.
Using "at least" to point out the good side of a situation / Pointing out
the good side of a situation
At least you're not late.
At least you're close to your work.

Cambridge University Press and Assessment © 2022

Unit 5, Lesson 3: Talking about surprising situations
Giving surprising news
You'll never guess...
You're not going to believe this…
I had a real surprise…
I can't believe it.
Reacting to surprising news
Is that true?
Are you serious?
You're kidding!
Repeating words to express surprise
A: I found $50 in the street.
B: $50? Seriously?

Cambridge University Press and Assessment © 2022

Unit 6, Lesson 3: Expressing concern and relief
Expressing concern
Are you all right?
Is/Was everyone OK?
I was really worried.
Is/Was anything wrong?
Expressing relief
I'm so relieved.
I'm glad to hear that.
What a relief.
That's such a relief.
Using though to give a contrasting idea
No one was hurt. It was a scary time, though.

Cambridge University Press and Assessment © 2022

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