Cinta Rahma - SYNTAX

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Midterm Test Syntax

Name: Cinta Rahma Hasari

NIM: 205110100111013

1. Grammatical categories
a. Noun
b. Verb
c. Pronoun
d. Adjective
e. Verb

2. Syntactic category
a. Prepositional Phrase (PP) = preposition (under) + determiner (the) + noun (cloak)
b. Noun Phrase (NP) = determiner (the) + noun (cat) + preposition (behind) +
determiner (the) + noun (chair)Adjective phrase
c. Prepositional Phrase (PP) = preposition (with) + determiner (his) + noun (sword)
d. Verb Phrase (VP) = verb (greeted) + determiner (the) + Noun (boy)
e. Adjective Phrase (AP) = Adjective (that) + pronoun (Dumbledore) + verb (is) +
adjective (really wise)

3. Subjects
a. Hagrid can't believe it.
b. The girl with curly red hair surprised everybody.
c. That Dumbledore could be wrong is unthinkable.

4. Objects
a. Hagrid will feed his pet dragon in the morning
b. Mary eats some biscuits bought yesterday by her mother with money stolen from
police headquarter.

5. True or False in terms of c-command relations

a. False
b. True
c. False
d. True
e. True
6. The differences between competence and performance
Competence according to Chomsky means the knowledge in linguistics
(including grammar, pronunciation, vocabulary, etc) that we have in your mind.
Competence refers to the native speaker’s knowledge of his language, the system
of rules, his ability to produce and understand. On the other hand, performance is
the study of the system of rules. Performance is the application of that knowledge
in real communication. Performance is the study of actual sentences themselves,
of the actual use of the language in real life situations.

7. Universalism believes that language is innate.

Universal grammar is a theory in linguistics usually credited to Noam Chomsky that

suggests that the ability to learn grammar is built into the human brain from birth
regardless of language. He believed that humans are born with an innate ability to
learn languages. According to Chomsky’s theory, the basic structures of language are
already encoded in the human brain at birth. Chomsky based his theory that we are all
born with an innate understanding of how language works, that all languages contain
similar structures and rules (universal grammar), and the fact that children everywhere
acquire language in the same way, and without much. effort, seems to indicate that we
are born with the basics already in our brains.


a. The teacher has made significant progress.

b. She must be very happy to see you.

c. She is waiting to take to bus.

d. Mike might decide to go to the party

e. The cat bites the fish.
Note: Maaf Ma’am, diagramnya tidak rapi.

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