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Project Development

The development of a web-based online café ordering and management system for Coffee Cat was
developed using the Agile approach, chosen for its adaptability to changing client requirements. Agile
methodology involves iterative cycles of planning, design, coding, testing, and continuous client
feedback, allowing for quick adjustments. Through Agile, the development process is divided into smaller
sprints, enhancing interactions between developers and the client. This iterative process ensures timely
responses to evolving needs and facilitates quality improvements. The Agile approach, centered on
collaboration and client involvement, supports real-time feedback incorporation. This shift in
methodology promotes open communication, enhancing reliability, quality, and the durability of the
customized software solution.


The developers employed internet research to gather information regarding software requirements. In
addition, they conducted face-to-face client interviews and meetings to gain insights into managing
business transactions of the café , adhering to terms and conditions while receiving orders to direct and
chats. Following the comprehensive collection of these requirements, the developers proceeded to the
system design phase. Upon a thorough examination of the business's operations and processes, it was
identified that orders were being handled manually after receiving chats in Facebook. Consequently, the
developers' objective is to develop an web-based online café ordering and management system for
Coffee Cat. This system aims to streamline and enhance the customer experience by providing digital
support and a convenient method for customers to make online orders while improving transaction
management and organization for the business.


Following the requirements analysis, the developers progressed to the system design phase where tasks
were planned and allocated to each team member. During this stage, the focus was on translating and
interpreting the outcomes of the requirement analysis into conceptual system designs and UI system
models. In instances where gathered information proved to be insufficient, developers could return to
the requirement analysis phase to gather the necessary data needed to finalize the system design.

Upon the completion of the design phase, a validation process was carried out to ensure alignment with
requirements and constraints. This could involve activities such as running simulations, testing
prototypes, or engaging stakeholders in design reviews. Notably, the software's user interface (UI) was
meticulously crafted to be responsive and user-friendly, tailored to match the business's preferences and


During this phase, the developers utilized Microsoft Visual Studio to input the system design
and encode the structural code, giving shape to the actual system. To enhance the project's
quality, the programmer conducted meetings subsequent to each system design iteration,
actively seeking feedback and suggestions from fellow team members. This collaborative
approach aimed to refine the project further.
Concurrently, the code underwent testing to identify and rectify any bugs or errors at an early
stage. This testing encompassed various strategies, including unit testing, integration testing,
and functional testing, tailored to meet the specific requirements of the project. The goal was to
ensure a reliable foundation for the system's functionality


During this stage, the developers execute and rigorously test the system to identify any faults or
failures, ensuring that the code operates accurately in alignment with the system design. It is a
crucial step to verify the system's functionality and reliability.
As a standard practice, developers engage with an adviser or instructor to evaluate the system's
functionality and usability. This interaction provides valuable feedback and recommendations to
bolster the project's quality.
If any anomalies surface during testing, the developers undertake debugging procedures to
ascertain the root cause of the issue and subsequently rectify the problem. The testing process
is reiterated as needed until all identified issues are successfully addressed, ensuring a polished
and error-free system.


After the system has successfully undergone both functional and non-functional testing, it is
ready for deployment within the client's environment.


The deveolopers provide transparency by showcasing progress within iterations, ensuring the client
comprehends the project's status. Feedback loops enable clients to swiftly offer input on demonstrated
features, catching misconceptions or changes for timely adjustments. The reviews also validate that
system development aligns with Coffee Cat's expectations, fostering a culture of continuous
improvement. This empowers the development team to incorporate suggestions and enhance the
approach in subsequent iterations. Adaptation, guided by feedback, ensures ongoing alignment with
Coffee Cat's evolving needs. In essence, these Agile reviews serve as touchpoints, fostering
communication, validation, and adaptation, guaranteeing the project's trajectory and valuable outcomes
for Coffee Cat.

System Requirements

Table 11
Hardware Requirements
Equipment Minimum Requirements

Processor Intel Core i3-8130Uor higher (1.9GHz)

RAM At least 4GB of Ram or higher

Hard Disk Space 5GB or higher

Video Card 128mb or higher

The table above outlines the recommended hardware requirements for the development of the web-
based online café ordering and management system for Coffee Cat. The developers recommend that
workstations should be equipped with a processor meeting or exceeding the specifications of an Intel
Core i3-8130U clocked at a minimum of 1.9GHz. Furthermore, a minimum of 4GB of RAM or higher is
suggested, along with a video card boasting a minimum of 128MB or higher VRAM. These hardware
recommendations aim to ensure optimal performance and usability for the web-based online café
ordering and management system developed for Coffee Cat.

These hardware recommendations aim to ensure optimal performance and usability for the web-based
online café ordering and management system developed for Coffee Cat.
Equipment Minimum Requirements

Operating System Windows 8.1 Pro or higher

Database MySQL 7.4.10 or higher

Programming Language PHP, JavaScript, Jquery

IDE Visual Studio Code

Design Tools Photoshop, Bootstrap, HTML, CSS

The table above outlines the recommended software requirements for the development of the web-
based online café ordering and management system for Coffee Cat. The developers suggest the following
minimum software specifications to ensure the successful creation of the system. These software
requirements are chosen to facilitate the development of a robust, efficient, and user-friendly web-
based café ordering and management system for Coffee Cat.

knowledge Requirements

The system users are expected to possess fundamental computer skills, including the ability to
perform tasks such as editing, deleting, saving, accepting, refusing, and restoring files. They
should also be familiar with techniques to prevent viruses, handle basic system crashes, utilize
oshortcuts, back up data, and undertake routine maintenance to ensure the optimal functioning
of both computers and the system.
Statistical Scale
In this study, the mean will be used to interpret the survey results. The mean is
calculated by summing up the scores of individual responses and dividing by the total number of

The formula of mean is:

Where M = mean
x = each score or item
N = number of items

= sigma, which means “summation of”

Likert Scale:

Numerical Scale Interpretation

4.50 - 5.00 Highly Acceptable
3.50 – 4.49 Very Acceptable
2.50 – 3.49 Acceptable
1.50 – 2.49 Fairly Acceptable
1.00 – 1.49 Not Acceptable

The table presents numerical ratings assigned to each criterion on the assessment instrument,
utilizing a scale of 1 to 5. Here, a rating of 1 corresponds to the lowest level, while a rating of 5
signifies the highest level. This scale serves to indicate the extent to which the system fulfilled
the expectations of the evaluators.

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