Software Requirements Specification For Apparel Industry Automation

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Software Requirements Specification For Apparel Industry Automation

SRS 1.0 25/01/2009

International Institute of Professional Studies

Authors Kushagra Verma Mayank Raghuvanshi

Supervisor Mr. Shaligram Prajapat Revision Page



Software requirement specifications (SRS) document is the requirement

which deals with proposed system, deals with capabilities of system which is yet to be developed.SRS is very helpful to proceed requirement phase. It is a document which completely describes what the proposed software should do without describing how to do it. The major limitation of SRS is that user needs r changing continuously therefore it leads to request for change in SRS.There are mainly three parties interested in it which are the USER,CLIENT and the DEVELOPER. Major requirements which software requirement document should satisfy Specify External System Behaviour Specify Constraint on Implementation Should be Easy to change Serve as reference tool for maintenance Record forethought about lifecycle of system

Target Audience: Whole Sale Garment Manufacturers Team Member: Kushagra Verma, Mayank Raghuvanshi. Version Control History: Version : Introductory

Primary Author(s): Kushagra Verma, Mayank Raghuvanshi

Description of Version: SRS 1.0 Date Completed: 25/01/2009 Signatures of Approval

Table of Contents

Chapters INTRODUCTION 1.1 Purpose 1.2 Scope 1.3 Definitions, Acronyms, Abbreviations 1.4 References 1.5 Overview GENERAL DESCRIPTION 2.1 Product Perspective 2.2 Product Functions 2.3 User Characteristics 2.4 General Constraints 2.5 Assumptions and Dependencies 3. EXTERNAL INTERFACE REQUIREMENTS

Page No.

3.1 User Interface 3.1.1 Graphical 3.1.2 Command Lines 3.1.3 Application Programmer 3.2 Communication Interfaces

3.3 Hardware Interfaces 3.4 Software Interfaces


4. 5. 5.1


5.2 Hardware Limitations 5.3 Platform Limitations ATTRIBUTES 6.1 Security 6.2 Binary Compatibility 6.3 Reliability 6.4 Maintainability 6.5 Portability 6.6 Extensibility 6.7 Reusability 6.8 Application Affinity/Compatibility 6.9 Resource Utilization 6.10 Serviceability


The three basic needs of human being are food, shelter and clothes, but in modern age the clothes are not just basic need but it is also a status symbol. To serve that basic need Apparel Industries were established. Our project is the Apparel Industry Automation. In this project, our aim is organize the ledger book and other books which are used in garment industry. The Garment Manufacturers used to organize their all data into books such as the sales occurred, supplier record, employee record and their management and more thoughts and action and year by year the data becomes cumbersome and difficult to handle. So the major purpose of our software to act as interface for the industry and provide them with all their data and respective entries in electronic form i.e. make it a computer or system based process. So as to make it more reliable, secure and less error prone. In the first step of the project, our purpose is more clearly defined; we aim at studying present manual system to work upon it. The purpose illustrated above is a brief introduction to what we are working for, the fulfillment of client desire and beneficial for all users and its surrounding environment. The major purpose is to reduce the time spent by employee of a company in registering manually all the sales, manufacture, profit, loss, expenses details. Time is one of the major factor which leads to development of this software. Secondly, our software is a utility application for garment manufacturers which include the creation of hard copies of the entire document required. Customers must use windows based operating system for accessing our application .the book system is antiquated system and it is not at all efficient. 1.1 Purpose Our main goal is to make all the books used in the Apparel Industry electronic. Our system will use the modern database and all the data will be centralized. It will enhance its security features and it will also increase the reliability of the data. The new system will be easy to handle and the record of last many years is available on a single click. The new system will be designed for speed and accuracy the updating and retrieving of data will be faster. The new system will have few features which will be used for validation of data so amiss data cannot be fed to the system. 1.2 Scope

Our software has wide scope in the field of manufacturing industries. It provides you with a one click service i.e. It gives you access to information you are interested in .It lets you handle the inventories and stock with ease and indicate the status of inventories and materials required. First part comprises of the inventories and the stock management. Second part contains the ledger books and all the mercenary transactions performed by the company. Third part of the system comprises of all the details and information related to employees such as employee id number, employee name, their salary: whether paid daily or monthly and many more details that are necessary. The employee of the firm can retrieve the data available to it and it can edit and modify the data up to its levels. Also, we have a database of our clients and their information by using optimizations algorithms we can retrieve the earlier transactions performed with a particular Client. It is quite a handy and useful task to be used in future it is a type of software that will be adopted by most of the garment industries for increase in efficiency and effectiveness of their work.

1.3 Abbreviations, Acronyms and Definitions SRS:- Software Requirements Specification:-A document that completely describes all of the functions of a proposed system and the constraints under which it must operate. For example, this document. User:-The person who use the system. Administrator:-The person who monitor all the activities of the system Database:- Collection of all the information monitored by this system. Ledger Book:-The log book used to write all the details about the transaction made by the firm. SQL:- A query language used for requesting information from a database (SQL). Prototype:- A model created to show preliminary design and partial functionality to the client during the development lifecycle DBMS:- Database Management System, a software operating environment that manages and stores relational databases (DBMS). POS:-Project Overview Specification

SDS:-Software Development Specification SRS:-Software Requirements Specification STR:-Software Test Report SQL:-Structured Query Language STS:-Software Testing Specification UM:-User Manual RTS:-Ready To Stitch IEEE:-Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers SDK:-Software Development Kit

1.4 References Systems Analysis And Design By Avad Different websites:

1.5 Overview Finally, we explain our product characteristics. Our software product is a database based application. It is really user friendly software which has its emphasis on managing the apparel industry i.e. a manufacturing industry through a system. The software lets a user feed details and also retrieve information from the database.

The software is developed prior to every type of user involved in the industry. It provides you with features like printing hard copy of the document required and storing the replica of that document into that database for future requirements. It also lets you to edit the document and also undo the changes that you have made. 2. GENERAL DESCRIPTION 2.1 Product Perspective

The major idea behind the system is to reduce the use of books which are used in to the apparel industry. The books management applications which manage the accounts are available in the market. The management of employees Clients and Suppliers are possible using different applications. Our system keeps track of Employees, Clients and Suppliers along with the Stock, Inventory and Accounts. Our system will replace the book system which does not have any validation check or security constraints. Our system is not absolutely new concept but it is the modified version of account management applications. 2.2 Product Features

Our system can be used as an overall supervision unit; it gives alert messages when the stock is below the set limit so that the procedure of reorder can be performed .Our system also has the safety features like backup and few security features which were absent in the traditional system.The system automatically update the stock and inventory informations and display the summary of the goods consumed along with the details if requested by the user. The main goal of the system is to manage the firms raw material requirement and funds so that the working of the firm would not cease due to the inadequacy of raw materials or any kind of resources. 2.3 User Characteristics

The system possess only one type of user i.e. Employee. The Employee will have the access to only that section of database for which it will be authorized. The administrator or the owner of the firm is also one of the Employee. The administrator has access to all the data of the firm and administrator will have all the rights. Our system is a window based system and menu driven so that the user

with less knowledge of computer can use it. The system will be easy to use and appealing and programmed for efficient use of resources. 2.4 General Constraints

The development of system is a challenging task ,we need to fulfill all the needs of the all the users. For better performance of the system it should be deployed at a computer with certain requirements.The major issue is to maintain the reliablity of the database and make the data secure. Another issue is to retrieve the proper data along with keeping the view restrictions into consideration. The system is windows based system therefore it requires the Microsoft Windows NT or higher version for better execution of the application. 2.5 Assumptions and Dependencies

It is assumed that the users of the system are literate and have the basic knowledge of the computers along with english language.The SQL server is prerequisite to the system developed by microsoft coporations .The system is a windows based system and it absolutely depend upon the the windows operating systems developed by the microsoft corporations.The development of the system is done on the microsoft visual studio 2008 developed by microsoft corporations limited.The user must be familiar with the computer functionality like using the keyboard performing mouse handling operation and many more i.e. a basic know. 3. EXTERNAL INTERFACE REQUIREMENT 3.1 User Interface Requirements

User interface is used to provide communication between users and system. Our product should have communication between them. Because, Apparel Industry Automation database based system and it should get input from users for processing the system gets these inputs by using user interface. User interface elements should be easy to understand. Part of user interface should be well-organized on screen and the parts should be concatenated right. When users look at the interface, they understand which pane is used for which purpose. Each task of an interface should be specified clearly and users should use them

correctly. For example, when users press to any button on interface, they should know which operations are done by pressing this button. The user interface should be easy to learn. When users use the user interface, they should know which element is used to which operations. We should teach using of the user interface to users simply. If it is hard to learn, then teaching will take long time and there will be an extra cost for teaching of product. The interface actions and elements should be consistent. When users press any button, required actions should be done by the system. 3.1.1 Graphical The screen layout and color of the user interface should be appealing. When users look at the screen, it will have a nice vision. Colors should be selected carefully, thus eyes of users wont be tired. The tools and text of the application should be visible. The User Interface should be enticing and alluring. Our system will have an appealing window, some icons on that window and a pointing device to select those icons. Graphical user interface are easier to use and learn, fast and full screen interaction can be achieved with immediate access to anywhere on the screen. 3.1.2 Command Lines The system should have certain command line interface, command line interface are some text based interface for Specific user operation. Since Apparel Industry Automation is a Windows based system so DOS 5.0 or higher version is recommended to start the application through Command Line interface. The text based interface is used in programming language such as C, C++ and many more where you get a menu driven program from which the user selects one of the options by writing its choice 3.1.3 Application Programmer The application should have a special interface for the application programmer so that it can perform the maintenance and routine check up of the system without disturbing the privacy of the User. The application programmer can have a user account through that it can log in and test the functions of the program without accessing the data of the database.

3.2 Communication Interface Apparel Industry Automation is a database based system it should use a data recording system which store the data called backend. Front End is an application program which connects the database and the user interface. Its original purpose was to provide a way to publish and retrieve information stored in the database. The communication between the front end and backend should be as per protocols set by IEEE standards. The communication channel should not have any loop holes so that there is no problem of data theft or loss.

3.3 Hardware Interface Requirements Apparel Manufacture Automation is a database based project. So any personal computer either part of a network or any individual system, which has a window based operating system, is enough to use this system. For better performance of the application a good system configuration is appreciated. Proper input and output devices with the proper driver configuration are required for better performance of the hardware. The system should have following minimum hardware specifications Processor: Pentium IV or above. Minimum 20 GB Hard Disk. Memory: 256 MB RAM or more. Display: color monitor with 1024X768 resolutions 3.4 Software Interface Requirements In Apparel Manufacture Automation, users will use application program via the user interface program. The system is a windows based system therefore it requires the windows operating system. Windows 2000 or higher version of the windows operating system is recommended for the best performance of the software. The additional requirement is the system driver software which helps in the proper

functionality of the hardware. The system development require the Visual Studio 9 developing kit and SQL server 2008 as the database repository 4. PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS The system should be database based system. Each user should have a user account. The system should ask the username and password to users. It doesnt permit to unregistered access for database. The registered user can have information up to its view level. For better performance of the system a genuine Microsoft Windows XP and an updated antivirus program is recommended. The system will perform without these but the reliability and stability of the system is affected.

5. DESIGN CONSTRAINTS 5.1 Standard Compliances

The system designed should be as per the standard that is its layout should follow a specific set of rules and it should be visible to all the users from a limited distance from the screen. The font size should neither be too small or too large to read, the color of the text and other components of the application should be such that it should be visible and clear. The tools used into the system should be easy and efficient, it should able to perform desired task. 5.2 Hardware Limitations

The system should be compatible with the present age computers and it should use all the resources efficiently. The system should require less memory and provide better result of the output. The Apparel Industry Automation system is a database dependent system so the machine or computer/server on which the system is to be run should able to accommodate the installation files along with operating system file. It should have sufficient hard disk space and sufficient memory so that the system performs better. 5.3 Platform Limitations

The Apparel Industry Automation is database dependent application and the platform on which it is to be deployed should have Windows NT operating system. Along with the operating system the proper protection from viruses is required for that purpose a good anti-virus program should be installed and updated frequently. Another issue is of system crash due to some physical or natural hazards to prevent the complete loss of data daily or monthly backups are recommended.

6. ATTRIBUTES 6.1 Security: The system should resist accidental or deliberate intrusions, when users operate on the system. If the system should not resist accidental or deliberate intrusions, then important data such as credit card number, id number, username, etc. which belongs to user, shall be stolen by hacker. Thus, security of the system shall be low and trust of users shall be ruined. So, security of the system is very important for users. 6.2 Binary Compatibility: The technology which is to be used by the product should exist at the present, it should not be hypothetical and it should be compatible with the target system. The application developed should not have any bugs and invalid breakpoints neither it should have invalid process which cannot be performed by the computer such as divide by zero or log 0. 6.3 Reliability: When user wants to call the system over a given period of time, the system should correctly deliver services as expected by the user. The reliability of the system shall be good if it delivers services as specified. Otherwise, reliability is bad and it shall produce unexpected output. So, program should be changed according to right situation.


6.4 Maintainability: When the system is used, new requirements may emerge. When these requirements are emerged, the system should be changeable to accommodate these requirements for maintaining the usefulness of the system. If the system is not maintainable, then the system can not be modified for new requirements. In this situation, a new system should be developed for provide new requirements. The maintainability is important for avoiding from cost. 6.5 Portability: The system should be such that it can be executed on all kinds of platforms the retrieval and updating of data can be performed from any node or from any computer. Any user can login from any computer or node and able to perform its task with the same efficiency 6.6 Extensibility: The system should be such that the new nodes can be attached easily and removed easily. The system should have scope for betterment and future expansions without disturbing the present stage of the system. The system should be able to adapt according to the rapidly changing technologies of computer science. 6.7 Reusability: The system should have capability of reusability that is it can be reused by any other firm with less modification. The system can be used even after the advent of new technologies. The system should be such that it can be changed a bit and then it should be ready for the new technology. 6.8 Application Compatibility: The system should use the minimum part of memory. The processes of the system should use the processor most efficiently. User should finish operation in the least time interval. 6.9 Resource Utilization: When the system has any request at any given time, system should be available, it should be up and running and able to deliver useful service at this time. The availability of the system shall be good if it delivers services when it is requested. Otherwise, if requests are not responded at any given time then it implies bad availability. 6.10 Serviceability: When the system is used, system failures are inevitable. The disruption caused by failure can be minimized if the system can be repaired quickly. So, the system should be possible to find the problem, access the

component that has failed and make changes to fix that component. When the system has a repair, the source code should be modified.


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