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Journal of Molecular Liquids 307 (2020) 112957

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Corrosion inhibition of mild steel by 2-(2-methoxybenzylidene)

hydrazine-1-carbothioamide in hydrochloric acid solution: Experimental
measurements and quantum chemical calculations
Hana Ferkous a,b, Souad Djellali c, Rachid Sahraoui d, Yacine Benguerba e,⁎,
Hamza Behloul b, Alaaddin Çukurovali f
Département de Technologie, Faculté de Technologie, Université 20 août 1955, Skikda, Algeria
Laboratory LMSE University Mohamed El Bachir El Ibrahimi, Bordj BouArreridj, Algeria
Laboratory of Physical chemistry of High polymers (LPCHP), University Ferhat Abbas Setif 1, Setif, Algeria
Department of Biology and Plant Ecology, University Ferhat Abbas Setif 1, Setif, Algeria
Laboratoire des Matériaux Polymères Multiphasiques (LMPMP), University Ferhat Abbas Setif 1, Setif, Algeria
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Sciences, Firat University, Elaziğ, Turkey

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Corrosion inhibition effect of 2-(2-methoxybenzylidene) hydrazine-1-carbothioamide (MBHCA) for mild steel in
Received 15 January 2020 acidic medium (HCl/1 M) is evaluated using polarization tests (potentiodynamic), electrochemical impedance
Received in revised form 1 March 2020 spectroscopy (EIS) and gravimetric method. The parameters of adsorption of the inhibitor on the metal surface
Accepted 20 March 2020
are determined and the external morphology of the metal is examined by SEM. The results show that the rate
Available online 21 March 2020
of steel corrosion is significantly reduced with augmentation in the Schiff base concentration where the inhibi-
tion efficiency of MBHCA reaches a maximum value of 97.8% at 200 ppm. Polarization measurements reveal
Schiff base that the presence of MBHCA declines considerably the current and shifts the corrosion potential to higher values
Corrosion inhibitor indicating that this Schiff base acts as a mixed type inhibitor with a cathodic dominance. From the thermody-
Impedance spectroscopy namic results, the inhibitor adsorption on the steel surface via the chemisorption mechanism is confirmed and
Polarization Langmuir model is the most suitable to describe the MBHCA adsorption. Moreover, the metal surface examina-
Adsorption tion with SEM confirms the efficiency of MBHCA to keep mild steel protected against the used aggressive me-
DFT dium. Correlation of quantum chemical calculations with experimental results of the present work is discussed
according to the Density Functional Theory method (DFT) and molecular dynamics simulation (MD).
© 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction reduce the production and cause economic loss. As a solution to this
problem, many papers suggest the use of organic and inorganic inhibi-
Mild steel is widely used in various industries such as petroleum tors as an effective tool to prevent metal dissolution in acidic, basic or
production and refining, power plants, petrochemical processes and neutral medium, particularly in cases with elevated degradation rates
civil engineering structures. This extensive use is mainly related to its [6]. The originality of such approach is that the protective treatment is
availability, reduced price and high strength [1]. However, the main not carried out on the metal itself but through the corrosive medium
drawback of this metal is its tendency to corrode in acidic, alkaline and the inhibiting molecules may involve various mechanisms, depend-
and other harmful environments [2].To remove rust from metallic sur- ing on the aggressive medium, giving them high inhibition perfor-
faces, many industries employ acid solutions in several treatments, mances [7–10].Organic inhibitors are reported in several studies on
such as acid pickling, industrial cleaning and acid descaling [3–5]; the corrosion protection of metals [4,11,12]. The most popular ones con-
among the most commonly used acids are hydrochloric acid, sulphuric tain nitrogen, sulfur and oxygen atoms, though, all organic molecules
acid, nitric acid, formic acid, acetic acid, etc. Conversely, these acids holding electronegative groups and pi(π) electrons in multiple bonds
make the industrial pipelines and metal vessels to corrode and thereby (double, triple or conjugated) are good inhibitors [13]. Recently, Schiff's
base molecules, widely used in medicinal, agricultural and pharmaceu-
⁎ Corresponding author. tical applications [1,14–17], have received great interest due to their po-
E-mail address: (Y. Benguerba). tential applicability as metal corrosion inhibitors. The general formula of
0167-7322/© 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
2 H. Ferkous et al. / Journal of Molecular Liquids 307 (2020) 112957

this class of organic compoundsis represented as R3R2C=NR1 (Fig. 1) H

with R1, R2 and R3 are alkyl, aryl, heteroaryl or hydrogen. At the N-
imino end (C=N), the substituent may also be a metallo atom (gener-
ally Si, Al, B, Sn) [18]. H3C O
Several authors have reported that Schiff's bases are good inhibitors
for the corrosion of copper, zinc and aluminum in aggressive solutions
[19–22]. It should be noted that the presence of the imine functional
group (-C = N-) in the Schiff bases generally leads to higher inhibitory
efficiencies than the amines and aldehydes [10]. In addition, Schiff Fig. 2. Chemical structure of2-(2-methoxy benzylidene)hydrazine carbothioamide
bases, eco-friendly compounds due to the presence of heterocyclic
thiadiazole, have been widely used in the manufacture of
chemosensors, intermediate of drugs, and antibacterial agents [23].
Compared to other metals, more interest has been given to the cor- Samples used in the gravimetric study and SEM analyses are rods with
rosion of carbon steel, mainly in acid medium, using Schiff's bases as in- 2 × 0.5 × 0.2 cm3 in dimension; however, for the electrochemical mea-
hibitors. For example, in hydrochloric acid solution, Shahabi et al. [24] surements, cylindrical samples embedded in an inert resin are used. The
have used two benzohydrazide Schiff bases and found that they exhibit exposed surface section of 0.27 cm2 is polished using different grades of
maximum inhibition efficiencies of 94.0% and 96.5%. In addition, Aouniti sand paper, cleaned with bi-distilled water then degreased with acetone
et al. [25] and Tezcan et al. [10] investigated the inhibition action of before each use.
some thiophene Shiff bases on carbon steel and their results showed a
corrosion inhibition efficiencies varying from 91% to 97%. The efficiency 2.2.2. Weight loss measurement
of corrosion inhibition of three Shiff bases obtained from the condensa- Measurements of the weight loss are realized in 1 M HCl solution
tion of hydroxybenzaldehyde and aniline is also stated by Elemike et al. having different concentrations of inhibitor. Steel rods are polished,
[26] who indicated that the corrosion inhibition on mild steel reached cleaned, degreased and dried then immersed vertically in the corro-
maximum values ranging from of 74% to 88%. Meanwhile, the com- sive medium. Rods are weighed before and after different times of
pound 2-aminofluorene bis-Schiff base, synthesized by Liang et al. immersion ranging from one day (24 h) to 28 days (672 h). The cor-
[27], has shown a high corrosion inhibition capacity of 98.2% on carbon rosion rates W corr (mg/cm 2 .h) are evaluated according to the
steel. Eq. (1):
In our work, we investigate the electrochemical features of carbon
steel in hydrochloric acid solution containing 2-(2-methoxybenzylidene) mi −m f
W corr ¼ ð1Þ
hydrazine-1-carbothioamide (Schiff base). Corrosion inhibitory efficiency St
of our compound is monitored using gravimetric measurement, electro-
chemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and potentiodynamic polariza- mi and mf are the weight of the sample (g), respectively, prior and
tion tests. To elucidate the behavior of the molecules and the electron after immersion.
interactions with the metal, adsorption parameters and DFT computa-
S: Surface of the sample (cm2).
tional calculations are determined in this study.
t: Immersion time in the corrosive medium (hours).
2.2.3. Electrochemical measurements
2. Material and methods Potentiodynamic polarization and impedance (EIS) measurements
are performed on a potentiostat-galvanostat (SP 300), monitored by
2.1. Materials an EC-Lab® software. A conventional three-electrode system composed
by the steel specimen (working electrode), platinum (counter elec-
The inhibitor tested in this study is the 2-(2-methoxybenzylidene) trode) and saturated Ag/AgCl (reference electrode) is used. The open-
hydrazine-1-carbothioamide (MBHCA), a Schiff base, having the follow- circuit potential (OCP) is obtained using a freshly polished metal ex-
ing structure (Fig. 2). posed to the corrosive solution (1 Molar HCl), in the absence or pres-
The metal used in this work is a carbon steel obtained from Arcelor ence of MBHCA at various concentrations, until the steady-state is
Mittal (Algeria) and presents the following composition: carbon established. The polarization curves are realizedat a scan rate of
(C:0.38%), silicon (Si:0.27%), manganese (Mn:0.66%), nickel 0.5 mV/s in the range of −200 mV to +200 mV, however, impedance
(Ni:0.02%), chromium (Cr:0.21%), molybdenum (Mo:0.02%) and iron (EIS) experimentsare performed at the open circuit potential, with
(Fe: balance). varying the frequency from 50 kHz to 10 mHz and signal amplitude of
10 mV.
2.2. Methods
2.2.4. Surface characterization
2.2.1. Solution and sample preparation Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) of metal surface exposed toone
The MBHCA solutions are prepared in various concentrations (25, molar HCl solution (blank) and the same solution containing 200 ppm
50, 100, 200 ppm and 300 ppm) by dissolving an appropriate amount of MBHCA is analyzed on a Tescan Vega 3 microscope with an accelerat-
of the inhibitor in one molar hydrochloric acid solution (1 M HCl). ing voltage of 20 kvolts.

2.2.5. Adsorption isotherms

The inhibitor adsorption on the metal surface is investigated using
three isotherm models: Langmuir model, Temkin model and Frumkin
model. The following equations relate the degree of the surface cover-
age, θ, to the inhibitor concentration (Cinh) [28]:
Langmuir isotherm model:

bC inh
θ¼ ð2Þ
Fig. 1. Chemical structure of Schiff bases molecules [18].
1 þ bC inh
H. Ferkous et al. / Journal of Molecular Liquids 307 (2020) 112957 3

Temkin isotherm model: For a bulk iron, A theoretical value for the electronegativity is used as
χF e = 7 eV and a global hardness ηF e = 0, (assuming that metallic bulk is
expð−αθÞ ¼ KC inh ð3Þ softer than the neutral metallic atoms, I = A) [33].

Frumkin isotherm model: Monte Carlo simulations (MCS). In the present study, the inhibitor
θ (MBHCA)was simulated as adsorbate on the iron surface to find its
expð−2αθÞ ¼ KC inh ð4Þ
1−θ lowest adsorption energy on the clean iron surface in water at different
acid medium concentrations. The Monte Carlo simulations (MCS) [38]
where α denotes the adsorbed particles interaction constant, b the ad- using Adsorption Locator [39] in the Materials Studio 2017™ has been
sorption coefficient and K the equilibrium adsorption constant. The ad- used. The simulations are carried out in a simulation box
sorption parameters and nature are evaluated according to the (22,93 × 22,93 × 34,29 Å3) with periodic boundary conditions. To accu-
adequate model. rately calculate the interaction forces, the Condensed-phase Optimized
Molecular Potentials for Atomistic Simulation Studies (COMPASS)
2.2.6. Theoretical study force field [40–42] was used. Quantum calculations. The Dmol3 module [29] in Materials Stu-

dio 2017™ was used to perform all the quantum chemistry calculations 3. Results and discussion
with the DFT-B3LYP functional set [30] and the DNP base (base file 4.4)
[31].The objective is to study the inhibitory action of the molecule “2- 3.1. Gravimetric measurements
(2-methoxy benzylidene) hydrazine carbothioamide” (MBHCA) in the
gas and in the aqueous phases while calculating the following quantum Variation of the mass loss of the metal after different immersion
properties: Energy of the highest occupied molecular orbital (EHOMO); times in HCl solutions are shown in Fig. 3. An important weight loss of
Energy of the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (ELUMO); Energy the uninhibited steel is observed with the increase of the immersion
gap (ΔE); Hardness (η); Softness (σ = 1/η); Electrophilicity index time; however, these mass losses become less pronounced as the con-
(ω); the fraction of electrons transferred (ΔN) from the inhibitor mole- centration of MBHCA increases. This finding is supported by the calcu-
cule to the metal surface and Fukui indices. The Comso files produced in lated values of the corrosion rates of steel (Fig. 4), where the rate
liquid phase are used to build sigma profiles and sigma potentials. decreases with the augmentation in the inhibitor concentration and
The EHOMO and ELUMO energies are calculated and used to determine drops from 15.9 × 10−6(g·cm−2·h−1), for the blank, to 0.3 × 10−6
the electronic chemical potential μ, the electronegativity and the global (g·cm−2·h−1) for 200 ppm of MBHCA, after 28 days of immersion. At
hardness ƞ, as follows [32–34]. the same time, a concomitant increase in the inhibition efficiency with
the increase of the amount of the used Schiff base is observed and a
μ ¼ ðEHOMO þ ELUMO Þ=2 ð5Þ maximum inhibition value of 94.1% is attained for the concentration of
200 ppm.
χ ¼ −μ or χ ¼ ðI þ AÞ=2 ð6Þ The inhibition efficiency (EWcorr%) is determined as follows:

ƞ ¼ ðELUMO −EHOMO Þ=2 or ƞ ¼ ðI−AÞ=2 ð7Þ

Wcorr −W0corr
EWcorr % ¼ ð13Þ
where the ionization potential I = −EHOMO and electron affinity A = Wcorr
The electrophilicity index ω, characterize the capacity of a molecule
to generate an electron transfer, is given as follows [35,36]: where, W'corr and Wcorr are, respectively, the corrosion rates of the metal
in HCl solutions with and without the inhibitor.
ω¼ ð8Þ

Fukui indices are defined in such a way as to quantify the local reac- 25ppm
tivity / selectivity in a molecule [37]. 50ppm
Nucleophilicity of atom k in the molecule: 0,08 100ppm
f k ¼ qk ðN þ 1Þ−qk ðNÞ ð9Þ 300ppm

Electrophilicityof atom k in the molecule:

Δm (g)

f k ¼ qk ðNÞ−qk ðN−1Þ ð10Þ 0,04

radical attack susceptibility:

f k ¼ ðqk ðN þ 1Þ−qk ðN−1ÞÞ=2 ð11Þ

where, qkis the natural populations for the atom k in the molecule.
ΔN is calculated according to Pearson theory [33] for a metallic sur-
face (Fe) and an inhibitor molecule: 0 5 10 15 20 25 30

χ −χ inh Immersion time(day)

ΔN ¼  F e  ð12Þ
2 η F e þ ηinh
Fig. 3. Evolution of mass loss of steel samples with immersion time.
4 H. Ferkous et al. / Journal of Molecular Liquids 307 (2020) 112957

which may suggest that our inhibitor is able to retard the reactions oc-
95 curring on the surface of the mild steel, namely, the iron oxidation and
the hydrogen ions reduction in hydrochloric acid solution [43,44].
Corrosion rate ( .h )

3.3. Polarization measurements

Inhibition efficiency (%)



Fig. 6 illustrates the polarization curves obtained after the immer-

9,0x10 80 sion of mild steel in acidic solutions (1 M HC1) in the presence and ab-
sence of 2-(2-methoxy benzylidene) hydrazine-1-carbothioamide. The
-6 75 first examination of these curves reveals that anodic and cathodic sec-
tions are both insignificantly affected by the addition of the inhibitor.
70 Electrochemical parameters determined from Tafel curves and the inhi-
3,0x10 bition efficiency of MBHCA against carbon steel corrosion in 1 M HCl so-
65 lutions are regrouped in Table 1.
0,0 The reported values of the current density “Icorr” show a significant
60 reduction even when a small amount of the inhibitor is introduced
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 where the Icorr of the blank solution (203.5 μA/cm2) falls to
MBHCA concentration (ppm) 27,5 μA/cm2 for 25 ppm of MBHCA. A concomitant augmentation of
the polarization resistance “Rp” is observed and the values rise from
Fig. 4. Variation of corrosion rates (Wcor) for steel samples and inhibition efficiency with 23.7 Ω·cm2 to 1082 Ω·cm2 for the blank and for 300 ppm solutions, re-
MBHCA concentrations after 28 days of immersion. spectively. In the same manner, the inhibitory efficiency of the Schiff
base used “IE” (Eq. (14)) is considerably enhancedwhen the inhibitor
3.2. Open circuit potential (OCP) measurements concentration augments and reaches a relatively steady value of 97%
after 100 ppm of MBHCA. In addition, a shift of the current density to-
The change of the free potential during a corrosion test is the first in- wards lower values is observed when the inhibitor is added which im-
dication of the degradation extent during the immersion in an aggres- plies a reduction in the corrosion rates of the metal [45].These results
sive environment. Fig. 5 shows the evolution of the open circuit suggest that molecules of the inhibitor are interacting with the metal
potential during the immersion of mild steel in the aggressive solution surface, causing the obstruction of the active sites and thus leading to
containing different amounts of inhibitor. The obtained curves are com- the improvement of the protection of the metal against corrosion
pared to a reference curve realized in the free inhibitor solution (HCl [46,47].
1 M). The inhibition efficiency is estimated using the following formula:
As stated from Fig. 5, the corrosion potential (Eocp) of the metal im-
mersed in the initial acid solution (without inhibitor) exhibits a de- Icorr −I0corr
EIcorr % ¼ ð14Þ
crease, attributed to the dissolution of the metal, followed by a Icorr
gradual augmentation, associated with iron oxide and hydroxide forma-
tion, to attain a quasi-steady state at around 30 min of immersion time. with Icorr and I'corr are, respectively, the corrosion current density of mild
However, when the studied inhibitor (MBHCA) is added to the aggres- steel in the blank (1 M HCl) and in the presence of inhibitor.
sive medium, the open circuit potentials (Eocp) tend to be stabilized Moreover, the presence of MBHCA, causes a shift of Ecorr to less neg-
faster and reach the steady-state, after 500 to 1000 s of immersion. ative values but this displacement is very limited (about 10–40 mV)
Moreover, with rising the concentration of MBHCA, a shift of the immer- which may lead to the conclusion that our product (MBHCA) is a
sion potential and the steady potential to more positive values is noted

Blank 25ppm 50ppm 1

100ppm 200ppm 300ppm
E vs Ag/AgCl/KCl (mv)

Log I (µA/cm²)



2 2 2 2 2 2
-500 -7x10 -6x10 -5x10 -4x10 -3x10 -2x10
400 800 1200 1600 2000
E(mv)vs Ag/AgCl/KCl
time (s)
Fig. 6. Polarization curves of mild steel in HCl (1 M) solutions with various amounts of
Fig. 5. Open-circuit potential for mild steel with and without MBHCA. MBHCA.
H. Ferkous et al. / Journal of Molecular Liquids 307 (2020) 112957 5

Table 1 plots represent the plot of the imaginary part of impedance (Zi) versus
Polarization parameters and the corrosion inhibitor efficiency of carbon steel in 1 M HCl the real part of impedance (Zr) for each applied frequency. The electrode
with and without MBHCA.
impedance, Zr, is related to the frequency of the AC signal in Hz (f), the
C Ecorr Icorr Rp βc βa Eicorr% ERP% resistance of polarization (Rp), the double layer capacity of double-layer
(ppm) (mV) (μA/cm2) (ohm.cm2) (mV) (mV) (Cdl), and the solution resistance (RS). It is represented by the mathe-
0 −412.6 203.52 23.7 11.3 72 / matical formula:
25 −408.5 27.52 126 155.6 240.5 86.44 81,19
50 −407.4 20.911 296 222.9 83.2 90.17 91,99
100 −450 12.048 1016 399 146.8 94.08 97,66 Z r ¼ Rs þ ð15Þ
200 −423 6.032 1071 266.2 78.5 97.03 97,78 ½1 þ ð2π f Rct CdlÞ α 
300 −445,4 5,8 1082 373,9 155 97,1 97,81
The Nyquist diagrams display semicircular shapes which indicate
that the charge transfer process governed the corrosion mechanism in
the systems under investigation [50,51]. In addition, the sizes of these
mixed-type inhibitor for carbon steel in this acidic medium. As a rule, an semicircles raise as the inhibitor concentration increases reflecting an
inhibitor classification is related to the shift of the corrosion potential of enhancement of the metal corrosion resistance and therefore a decrease
the metal, considered when the inhibitor is present or not, which must in the corrosion rate [52,53].
be greater than 85 mV [48,49]. The metal-electrolyte interface is characterized by an electrical dou-
Furthermore, the unsteady displacement of the corrosion potential ble layer which is susceptible to changes in its composition and struc-
values and the alteration of the Tafel slopes of the anodic and cathodic ture if any new compound, in our case the corrosion inhibitor, is
sections (βa, βc), observed after the addition of the inhibitor, means introduced within it. Hence, measurement of the double layer capaci-
that cathodic and anodic reactions occurred on the metal surface are tance before and following the incorporation of the corrosion inhibitor
both delayed by the presence of the inhibitor but the hydrogen evolu- could be used to monitor the inhibitor adsorption [54].
tion and the metal dissolution mechanisms (Reactions 1–2) remain un- The equivalent electrical circuit corresponding to the obtained EIS
changed. data is displayed in Fig. 8. Owing to the depressed capacitive loops in
Nyquist plots, the constant phase element (CPE) replaces the double
Metal dissolution : M→Mnþ þ ne− ðR1Þ layer capacitance The use of the CPE in the equivalent circuit is now
well accepted in the corrosion field because the macroscopic measured
impedance is deeply related to several microscopic material properties
(surface defects, local charge inhomogeneities) and to various complex
Hydrogen evolution : 2Hþ þ 2e− →H2 ðR2Þ electrochemical reactions [55,56].
The elements composing the equivalent circuit describe the solution
resistance (Rs), the constant phase element of the double layer (CPE)
and the charge transfer resistance (Rct).CPE impedance is described by
the equation below:
3.4. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS)

Results of EIS obtained for steel/HCl (1 M) solutions interfaces, con- ZCPE ¼ ð16Þ
taining diverse amounts of MBHCA, are illustrated in Fig. 7. Nyquist Q ðjwÞa

120 Blank

25 ppm
50 ppm
-ZIm( )


1200 40
100 ppm
20 200 ppm
300 ppm
-ZIm( )

0 20 40 60 80 100 120
ZRe( )





0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600
ZRe( )

Fig. 7. Nyquist plots for carbon steel in the acid solutions (1 M HCl) with and without MBHCA.
6 H. Ferkous et al. / Journal of Molecular Liquids 307 (2020) 112957

Fig. 8. Electrical equivalent circuit a) Solution without inhibitor (Blank) and b) Solution containing diverse quantities of MBHCA.

“Q” represents the CPE magnitude; “w” the angular frequency; “j” elucidated by the adsorption isotherm [28,57]. This later describes the
the imaginary unit and “a” corresponds to the CPE exponent. The CPE variation of the surface coverage (θ) of an adsorbing species with its
is considered as an ideal capacitor. concentration in the solution.
These results may reflect the adsorption of the inhibitor on the metal The values of “θ” for the different solutions of MBHCA in 1 M HCl are
surface and the formation of a protecting film. Such film gives rise to the determined, at the equilibrium conditions, using the gravimetric test re-
augmentation of the electric double layer thickness and the reduction of sults as follows.
the dielectric constant of the solution (ε) which improves the corrosion
protection [28,45,46,53]. EWcorr %
θ¼ ð17Þ
3.5. Adsorption isotherm
where EWcorr% is the inhibition efficiency obtained from Eq. (13).
The metal corrosion inhibition effect of organic compounds is usu- Variations of θ as a function of MBHCA concentrations are
ally associated to their adsorption onto the metal surface and the established using three isotherm models: Langmuir model, Temkin
blocking of part of the metal surface susceptible to corrosion. The ratio model and Frumkin model. Rearranged equations of these models are
of the number of sites occupied by the adsorbed inhibitor molecules preferred to find out the most suitable model which corroborates with
to the total number of sites per unit of surface is known as the surface results found in this study.
coverage “θ”. Moreover, the extent of inhibition is related to the interac- Plots of selected isotherm models are illustrated in Fig. 9. Straight
tions level of the inhibitor molecules with steel surface and this can be lines having correlation coefficients near to the unit are observed for

(a) 1,00
R² = 0,9133
0,95 R² = 0,9133
R² = 0,9997




-5,0 -4,5 -4,0 -3,5 -3,0 -2,5 -2,0

ln C

R² = 0,9437

Fig. 9. Isotherm model plots for mild steel in 1 M HCl at various concentrations of MBHCA. a) Langmuir isotherm b) Temkin isotherm c) Frumkin isotherm.
H. Ferkous et al. / Journal of Molecular Liquids 307 (2020) 112957 7

Fig. 10. (a) Optimized structure of MBHCA and COSMO-RS results, (b) Sigma surface, (c) Sigma profile, (d) Sigma-potential.

the various isotherm models, however, the best fitting is obtained with onto the metal surface [58]. Furthermore, based on the significant
Langmuir model (R2 = 0.9997) which is given by the Eq. (18): value of ΔG°ads (N−40 kJ/mol), this adsorption may be considered as
chemisorption where strong forces are involved to bind the inhibitor
C 1 molecules and the charged ions at the surface of the metal [59,60].
¼ þ C inh ð18Þ
θ K ads

Thus, according to the Langmuir model, it may be assumed that the 3.6. Theoretical study
used Schiff base is adsorbed on steel surface as a monolayer and each
molecule of the inhibitor is capable of blocking a single site on the 3.6.1. Quantum calculations
metal surface with no attraction or repulsion between the adsorbed The quantum chemical calculations are carried out to further explore
molecules [28]. the inhibition mechanism of mild steel by 2-(2-methoxybenzylidene)
The standard free energy (ΔG°ads) of MBHCA adsorption on carbon hydrazine-1-carbothioamide (MBHCA) in hydrochloric acid solution.
steel surface is related to the adsorption equilibrium constant (Kads) ac- The optimized structure of MBHCA is shown in Fig. 10-1, however,
cording to the following equation: sigma surface, sigma-profile and sigma-potential of MBHCA are repre-
sented in Fig. 10b, c and d, respectively.
ΔGads ¼ −RT ln ð55:5  K ads Þ ð19Þ The molecule studied is supposed to be surrounded (cavity) by a sol-
vent. The σ-profile is therefore the surface distribution of the charges of
with R: the gas constant and T: the absolute temperature. polarity σ of this cavity. When the σ profiles are negative this corre-
Using Langmuir model, the value of Kads is found to be equal sponds to positive polarities, and positive for negative polarities. The
to3.334 × 105 M−1 and the deduced ΔG°ads is equivalent to-41.79 KJ. low polarities are represented by narrow peaks while wide peaks indi-
mol−1. The negative value of ΔG°ads is a good indication of the sponta- cate high polarities [61,62].
neity and the strength of the adsorption of the inhibitor molecules The entire σ-profile of MBHCA (Fig. 10c) covers the range of ±0.02
e/Ǻ−2, generally taken for stable organic and inorganic molecules [63].
The σ-profile of MBHCA contains four peaks arising from the strongly
negative polar regions of the electron lone-pairs of the oxygen atom
Table 2
and sulfur atom (peak located at +0.014 e/Ǻ−2), from the strongly
Quantum chemical descriptors of the studied inhibitor.

Parameter Phase

Gas Aqueous Table 3

Total Energy TE (kcal/mol) −650,250 −650,267 Fukui functions of the studied inhibitor.
EHOMO (eV) −5.033 −5.792
Atom k Phase f+
k f−
k f0k
ELUMO (eV) −1.037 −1580
Gap ΔE (eV) 3.996 4.212 S (14) G 0.148 0.540 0.344
Dipole moment (Debye) 4.531 5.122 A 0.106 0.655 0.381
Electronegativity χ 3.035 3.686 N (10) G 0.092 −0.060 0.016
Hardness η 1.998 2.106 A 0.102 −0.018 0.042
Electrophilicity index ω 2.305 3.225 C (9) G 0.088 0.039 0.064
Fractions of electron transferred ΔN 0.992 0.513 A 0.126 0.032 0.079
8 H. Ferkous et al. / Journal of Molecular Liquids 307 (2020) 112957

Fig. 11. Fukui indices (f+

k ) for the inhibitor molecule.

positively polar hydrogen atoms (peak located at −0.016 e/Ǻ−2) and Fig. 11) showed that atoms S(14), C(9) and N(10), have the higher
from the regions with low polarity (peaks located at around +0.005 values indicating that these atoms will probably be the favourite site
and − 0.005 e/Ǻ−2) arose from methyl group and aromatic cycle. The for nucleophilic attacks.
two former peaks reflect the excellent ability of our compound to act From Table 4, it is noted that the HOMO orbitals are localized at the
as an electron-donor as well as an electron-acceptor [61,64]. In addition, hydrazine and the carbothioamide groups. These are the regions donat-
the corresponding σ-potential of MBHCA (Fig. 10d), which is a measure ing electrons to unoccupied d-orbital of metal. Conversely, LUMO or-
for the affinity of the solvent towards a molecular surface of polarity σ, bitals are localized at the aromatic ring. Thus, these findings indicate
exhibits a relatively symmetric shape which indicates a favorable elec- that the imine group plays an important role as active sites for the inter-
trostatic interaction of our investigated Schiff base with the solvent action of MBHCA with a steel surface.
(water) [64].
The obtained results such as EHOMO, ELUMO, electronegativity, hard- 3.6.2. Monte Carlo simulations
ness, etc. are reported in Table 2. These electronic characteristics of The MCS calculated descriptors of the lowest energy MBHC con-
MBHCA are important parameters for the prediction of its reactivity formations on iron (001) surface in water and hydrochloric acid so-
on the steel surface. In general, the HOMO and LUMO orbitals character- lution, are summarized in Table 5 and Fig. 12. The effect of HCl
ize the molecular regions that can donate or accept electrons, respec- concentration is considered. Adsorption energy is always negative
tively. Molecules with a high EHOMO are more likely to donate indicating that the inhibitor molecule (MBHC) is quickly and firmly
electrons to the unoccupied orbital of a metal atom, however, molecules adsorbed onto the iron surface (001) in acid solution. The higher
with a lower ELUMO are willing to accept electrons from the metal atom the absolute value of adsorption energy the stronger the adsorption
[61]. behaviour [66]. It could be also concluded that the higher the HCl
The hardness of a molecule marked “η” corresponds to its resistance concentration the higher is the strength of the adsorption of MBHC
to charge transfer. Thus, molecules with a large HOMO-LUMO gap are inhibitor on the iron surface.
hard molecules, which means very stable and not very susceptible to The descriptor dEad/dNi reports the energy of substrate–adsorbate
charge transfer [65]. configuration where one of the adsorbate components has been re-
The inhibitor has a tendency to donate electrons to the metal surface. moved. It is obvious that it is easier to remove water and HCl molecules
The calculated values of the f+ k for the inhibitor atoms (Table 3 and (2.566, 2.206 kcal/mol; 0.53, 0.415 kcal/mol respectively) from the iron

Table 4
The HOMO and the LUMO electrons density distributions of the studied inhibitor.

Gas-phase Aqueous-phase


H. Ferkous et al. / Journal of Molecular Liquids 307 (2020) 112957 9

Table 5
MCS Outputs and descriptors for the lowest adsorption configuration for the system Fe/inhibitor(1)/water(50)/HCl(x) (All values in Kcal/mol).

x HCl Total Energy Adsorption energy Rigid adsorption energy Deformation energy Inhibitor: dEad/dNi Water: dEad/dNi HCl: dEad/dNi

10 498.364 −286.630 −286.630 −2.12e-09 −89.187 2.566 0.530

20 437.570 −368.766 −368.766 −2.70e-09 −88.420 2.206 0.415

On the other side, molecules of our studied organic inhibitor, act-

ing in an acidic medium like HCl, may occur in their neutral form or
in the form of protonated cations. Furthermore, it is now well
known that the inhibitors which contain vacant orbitals have a pro-
pensity to accept electrons from d-orbital of metal to form stable
chelates [22]. Therefore, according to the results discussed above,
the adsorption of MBHCA on the metal surface may involve at least
one of the following interactions [11,70]: (a) interaction between
unshared electron pairs of heteroatoms and free d-orbital of surface
iron atoms, (b) interaction between π-electrons of the aromatic ring
and vacant d-orbital of surface iron atoms, (c) electrostatic type in-
teraction of protonated MBHCA with Cl− ions previously adsorbed
and (d) donor-acceptor type interactions involvingthe remaining
π* orbital of the aromatic ring of the inhibitor and d-electrons. Tak-
ing into account all these possibilities, we have constructed a sche-
matic representation of the adsorption process of the MBHCA
molecules on the mild steel surface (Fig. 13).

3.8. Scanning electron microscopy

Figs. 14-a, b and c represent the surface morphology of carbon

steel before immersion, after immersing in the blank solution
(without inhibitor) and after immersing in 1 M HCl with 200 ppm
of inhibitor. Respectively. Fig. 14b shows clearly that the metal sur-
Fig. 12. Adsorption of the inhibitor molecule on ferrous surface in a water-HCl solution. face is vigorously corroded in the free inhibitor solution. The tex-
ture of the steel surface immersed in HCl solution containing
200 ppm of our Schiff base is shown in Fig. 14c. The image exhibits
a less corroded surface indicating that layers of inhibitor molecules
surface than removing MBHC inhibitor. This could indicate that MBHC are formed on the metal surface to protect it from the aggressive
will probably replace water and HCl molecules on the iron surface medium.
which could lead to the formation of a stable layer that can protect the
plate against aqueous corrosion.
4. Conclusion

3.7. Mechanism of inhibition The efficiency of 2-(2-methoxy benzylidene) hydrazine-1-

carbothioamide as corrosion inhibitor of carbon steel in one molar hy-
The electron transfer occurring during the partial processes of the drochloric acid medium was monitored experimentally with gravimet-
electrolytic corrosion is a result of the anodic reaction (oxidation) in ric and electrochemical methods and theoretically with quantum
which the metal loses electrons and enters into an ionic state and the ca- computations. The results revealed that the Schiff base investigated is
thodic reaction (reduction) as given in Table 6. The two reactions occur excellent inhibitor for corrosion of carbon steel in 1 M HCl medium. Its
at the same time and simultaneously upon the metal's surface [67]. Fur- efficiency to inhibit the corrosion was found to be concentration-
ther reactions may also occur involving other ions present in the aggres- dependent and attained a maximum value of 97% for 100 ppm. It is
sive solution. also noticed that the compound MBHCA behaved as a mixed-type inhib-
The adsorbed (FeCl)ads (reaction (10)) may be dissolved in the more itor in 1 M HCl affecting both cathodic and anodic reactions. Moreover,
positive potential. the adsorption of the studied Schiff base was conformed to the

Table 6
Reactions involved in the corrosion process of mild steel [68,69].

Cathodic reactions Anodic reactions Side reactions in HCl solution

10 H. Ferkous et al. / Journal of Molecular Liquids 307 (2020) 112957

Fig. 13. Mechanism of interactions between MBHCA and mild steel surface.

Langmuir isotherm with strong interactions of the inhibitor on carbon surface which could lead to the development of a stable organic film
steel surface (chemisorption). which could prevent the plate corrosion in the acidic solution. Further-
Similarly, quantum chemical calculations confirmed that the inhibi- more, the results of experimental tests (mass loss and electrochemical
tive efficacy of MBHCA was directly related to its HOMO and LUMO en- measurements) and the theoretical calculation were found to be in
ergies and that it had a penchant to act as electron-donor to the metal good agreement with that of SEM observations.

A) B)



Fig. 14. SEM images of carbon steel surface after exposure to: a) Before immersion, b) After immersion in HCl without inhibitor, c) After immersion in HCl with 200 ppm of inhibitor.
H. Ferkous et al. / Journal of Molecular Liquids 307 (2020) 112957 11

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