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Briefly describe about the planning commission of Pakistan, what are the various proforma issued by planning commission of Pakistan?

The Planning Commission of Pakistan, commonly known as Planning Commission, is a Pakistan Government's executive and federal departmental institution in charge of managing the economy of the country in tandem with the Ministry of Finance. Its main function is to prepare five-year plans of economic and social development. The Public Sector Development Programmes (PSDPs) also fall under domain of the commission. The Prime Minister is the chairman of the Planning Commission which apart from the Deputy Chairman, comprises nine Members including Secretary, Planning and Development Division/ Member Coordination; Chief Economist; Director, Pakistan Institute of Development Economics, Executive Director, Implementation and Monitoring; and Members for Social Sectors, Science and Technology, Energy, Infrastructure, and Food and Agriculture. The current chairman is Yousaf Raza Gillani who is also the Prime Minister of Pakistan, deputy chairman is Dr. Nadeem ul Haque and adviser is Dr Ishfaq Ahmed.

History of Planning Commission

Development Board

In-spite of the grave economic and financial problems which beset the Government of Pakistan soon after independence, a Development Board was established early in 1948 in Economic Affairs Division to deal with questions of rapid economic development of the country. In 1950 a Six-Year Development Plan was formulated and embodied in the Colombo Plan for Cooperative Economic Development in South and South East Asia. This was essentially an outline plan and delineated only a broad pattern of development.

Planning Board

To prepare a more comprehensive national plan of development, the Government of Pakistan decided to set up a Planning Board on 18th July, 1953, with Mr. Zahid Hussain, ex-Governor of State Bank of Pakistan as its first Chairman and two other members. The purpose and terms of reference of the Board were set forth as below:-

Planning Commission

Subsequently, vide the Government of Pakistan Notification No. Cord(I)-8/84/58-I, dated the 22nd October 1958, the President was pleased to re-designate the National Planning Board as the Planning Commission. Cabinet Division's Resolution No. Cord(I)-8/29/59-III dated 3rd June, 1959 defined its objectives in the following terms. The economic and social objectives of the Government are to promote the welfare of the people and raise the standard of living of common man by developing to the utmost the resources of the country as rapidly as possible by making provision for the basic necessities of life, educational and health facilities, and work under just and human conditions; by ensuring equitable adjustment of rights relating to the ownership and use of land and between employers and employees; and by preventing the concentration of wealth and means of production and distribution in a few hands to the detriment of the people as a whole; and by securing social justice and equal opportunity to all.

Functions of Planning Commission

The Prime Minister is the Chairman of Planning Commission which apart from the Deputy Chairman, comprises of nine Members including Secretary, Planning & Development Division/ Member Coordination, Chief Economist, Director, Pakistan Institute of Development Economics, Executive Director, Implementation and Monitoring, and Members for Social Sectors, Science and Technology, Energy, Infrastructure, and Food and Agriculture. 1. The Planning Commission works under the overall direction of a Policy Board chaired by the Prime Minister and including the Deputy Chairman, 10 Federal Ministers and Members of the Planning Commission. 2. The Planning Commission is responsible to perform the functions as indicated in Schedule II of the Rules of Business 1973 under the heading of Planning and Development Division, which inter-alia include:

1. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi.

Preparing the National Plan and review and evaluating its implementation; Formulating annual plan and ADP; Monitoring and evaluating implementation of major development projects and programmes; Stimulating preparation of sound projects in regions and sectors lacking adequate portfolio; Continuously evaluating the economic situation and coordinate economic policies; and Organizing research and analytical studies for economic decision making.

The Planning Commission also discharges the following functions:

1. 1.

1. 2.

Assisting in defining the national vision, and undertaking strategic planning; Assessing the material, capital and human resources of the country and formulating proposals for augmenting such resources; iii. Facilitating capacity building of agencies involved in development; and iv. Any other functions assigned by the Prime Minister



PC Forms
PC-I Form
Production Sectors Infrastructure Sectors Social Sectors

PC-II Form
Survey and Feasibility Studies

PC-III (A) form for Physical Targets based on PSDP Allocations

Activity Chart PC-III(B) Monthly Progress Reporting

PC-IV Form
Project Completion Report

PC-V Form
Annual Performance Report After Completion of Project

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