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A ghost is someone who died, and normally can't be seen by someone

who's alive. But for some reason a teenager known as CeCe can see
these spectres. She meets one and they become friends, and they'll go
on plenty of adventures. What will they get up to?


[G enters stage, and looks around them and waves to someone else on
stage before sitting down.]

G: oh, hey, fancy meeting you here. What's your name?

[The other person ignores what G said and acts like G isn't there.]

G: good talk.
[G wanders across the stage,
G: as you see… [waves their hand in front of C]
C: [slowly speeds up to the speed of the scene and looks at G]
G and that means I can't be seen.
C: [rubbing eyes and looking around, mouth wide open]
G: Well, people who are alive can't see me.
C: [behind G] does that mean… I'm dead too?
G: [not looking at C] I mean, if you can see me, then you're… [turns
around to face C] alive?
C: Am I?
G: Are you? [Starts to observe C, lifting up their arm and turning their
C: I mean, I don't remember dying. I think that's sort of something you
can't forget, right?
G: Most people forget eventually. [Writing on a clipboard]
C: That sucks.
G: not really, would you like a constant reminder you can't drink and
drive anymore?
C: Well I don't drink or drive, I'm only 14!
G: so? [Stops observing C] have you taken any drugs recently?
C: dude, no! I'm only 14, remember?
G: that doesn't mean anything, Joshua Phillips was as well but that didn't
stop him!
C: Who's Joshua Phillips?
G: a killer your age, but that's not important right now. What does matter
I'd the fact you can see me!
C: yeah, but it's not like you're invisible!
G: Oh my god. I just said this. I am invisible. You're not supposed to see
me! At least, if you're still alive you're not supposed to.
C: why are you going on about me being alive? You said I was dead,
G: Well, about that.
C: I'm alive? [They look at themself] I'm alive!
G: Well, not quite. It just doesn't add up.
C: What doesn't add up?
G: you! your body is physical, but you can see the dead, something only
other dead people can do.
C: So I'm dead?
G: I'm not too sure. But there's a way to find out.
C: there is?
G: yes, but it's extremely difficult. I don't mean to brag- well, I do- but I'm
a poltergeist, an extremely strong ghost and even I can't do it on
C: What do I need to do?
G: I need you…
C: lay it on me! I can do it!
G: to move that apple. [Points to an apple]
C: oh, is that it? I thought it'd be… y'know… difficult?
G: hey, that's ghostist!
C: Is that a thing?
G: should be.
C: Whatever, I'll do it! [Readies their fists]
G: oh, the tension! I can't stand it! [Exits the stage]
C: [winds fist back] take this, doctors! [Hits the apple then recoils their
hand] I did it!
G: knew it! [Writes on clipboard]
C: knew what?
G: you are alive!
C: I'm alive! Yes! I'm alive! [Punches the air]
G: oh, we also need to talk about something.
C: What now?
G: your catchphrase. "Take this, doctors?"
C: y'know, an apple a day keeps the doctor away! Also, it's not a
G: whatever, you need to find something better to say though.
C: rude! I have feelings y'know!
G: yeah, also the feeling of being alive.
[Someone from backstage shouts to C]
M: yo Cece! You coming or what?
C: yeah, just give me a minute!
G: Cece, eh? [They smirk]
C: oh, shut up, like your name would be any better!
[G stops smiling]
C: Did I… did I say something wrong?
G: I don't have a name.
C: oh. Well, I could give you one!
G: [looks at C] you could?
C: yeah! How hard could it be?
G: [starts grinning again] deal!
C: Barry?
G: Ew, no! Bad name.
C: Rhys?
G: Nice, but it doesn't feel like me.
C: hmmm… Eli?
G: Again, nice but not me.
C: [gasps] I got it!
G: go on then!
C: ghost!
G: really. Are you kidding me.
C: hear me out though! It's a somewhat normal name, I can call you G
for short!
G: corny, but I like it. I'll let you call me that, on one condition.
C: which is?
G: I can call you C!
C: But why?
G: We could have secret spy nicknames! C and G, special ops!
C: You certainly are special.
G: What did you just say?
C: nothing!
G: whatever. But do we have a deal?
C: [smiles] it's a deal.
M: [from backstage] yo, Cece! We're leaving now, with or without you!
C: well, look, G, nice meeting you but I need to go!
G: oh, bye! [C runs off stage]

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